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A lot more than their supporters may think and also to the russian evolutionary biologist establishes there are some 20000 mutations coronavirus we talked to him about this i think its a blessing the crown of our says evolve more slowly than other r. N. A. Viruses but still its a very quick process. With a good afternoon just gone 2 oclock in moscow youre watching international the turkish president is again publicly questioned the Mental Health of his french counterpart that is anger intensifies in the muslim world over a crackdown on suspected islamic extremists in france it was launched after a recent backpedaling near paris although critics do say it is driven by blatant islamophobia schalit been ski reports now from the french capital. President mack one has said he wont to announce the publication of those cartoons and that has spiked furious reaction from many muslim majority countries including from the president of turkey president one who said twice over the weekend that he thought matt kuan needed his Mental Health checked. Needs Mental Health treatment what else can be said to a head of state who does not understand freedom of belief and who behaves in this way to millions of People Living in this country who are members of a different faith france has been incensed by that and described it as an insult in reaction its also recalled it from ankara its also been condemnation of those comments from the e. U. In the absence of any official to organise condemnation or solidarity from the turkish authorities after the terrorist attack in gaza flan sent on the remain low incomes hateful and slanderous propaganda against france in recent days expressing their will to stir hatred against the us president words the regard to president mcgraw on the ball we call on turkey to stop this dangerous spiral of confrontation all muslim countries are also angered by some of the other crackdowns that are happening here in france that includes the closure of a mosque and the closure of muslim associations all that are said to have links to extremists now there have been protests in many countries including in libya and jordan against whats happening here in france and being garza photos of president matt. Burnt theres also been a boycott of french products in some countries and a call for a boycott in others now the organization for islamic cooperation has hit out of the comments that president makaa made saying that they are likely to harm franco muslim relations now weve been chatting to people here in. Its about what they make of the Current Situation with many people feeling that this provokes islamophobia and concern that muslims in general are being punished for the actions of a few but because individuals the government is bending everyone with the same brush and they punish the entire Muslim Community for it in this elite a person did it it is sad to say that from fear to close mosques is useless and especially crazy if the government still goes on to divide us it will create separate groups in society and it is not the solution so the muslim mosques and associations and im guilty maybe some people who come in but not everybody people have the right to breath is their religion is the want so we can close a place where shit like that to pass expect our government to calm the tensions down today we have to be careful of not developing and then to Muslim Hatred it makes no sense and it is dangerous i dont think that there is an optimal solution it would be utopian to think the opposite but dialogue is a better solution for me muslims are not guilty for the terror attacks the government is not responsible either so precisely both have to discuss the problem find solutions and respect each other. President mark go on has being steadfast about this tweeting on sunday night that nothing will make us retreat in regards the publication of those cartoons of the muslim prophet mohammed it seems that both sides are hardening their stance and the divide is likely to only white in charlotte n. C. There will be discuss the reaction of muslim countries but middle east expert. He says the boy caught and demonstrations are a sign of misunderstanding. First album when you. Country are a certain region it doesnt change anything at all on change this country and these people dont. Understand this french way of life french people are not against islam but the they are against radical islam president is almost criticised because of the french politicians feel that the president actually. Is not doing is not doing anything and yet. So 2 weeks ago he announced that he wants to try to stop this at least in france and he wants to they must face. Value of french culture. Of violence things have unfolded in new yorks iconic times square after donald Trump Supporters there got into a vicious fight with opponent. At least 4 people were arrested after a driver in a cavalcade of Trump Supporters brought on the street with a female anti trump demonstrator police were also saying putting handcuffs on injured man and hes lying on a stretcher now in the face of it donald trump and joe biden are adopted ends of the political spectrum but whoever gets voted into Office Americas Foreign Policy could end up staying pretty much unchanged what is kind of more pain looks now why the democratic nominee may not be the alternative that anti trampas are looking for. The past 4 years have proved to us that donald trump is a businessman he is not a diplomat is diplomatic failures have created a lot of tension around the world and it seems the whole world is holding its breath until november hopes for biden calling the waters might be high however you turning out all of trumps decisions might not be as easy as it looks and it might be well rather odd lets take Donald Trumps most recent moves the peace deals between arab countries and israel now theyre hailed by some but met with fury by others biden has claimed he will move in the same direction and of course he would not reverse the decision by trying to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem. Biden has said ministration will build on the steps challenge of the nations to keep pace and work to capitalize on these growing tonis to move forwards when a 2 state solution and a more stable and peace who region now lets move on to americas most bitter enemy iran now biden says he is an enthusiastic supporter of the Iran Nuclear Deal he has denounced trumps move to withdraw the us a from the deal and says hes enthusiastic about the possibility of rejoining the best way to do that of course would be for president truman to rejoin the iran deal and build on but seeing as how donald trump has ripped up that deal and then murdered a top iranian general it doesnt look like iran will be back to the table anytime soon. The j c. P. O. A table still exists the us left it if they want to return to it it wont be that easy they cost billions tens of billions or maybe hundreds of billions of dollars worth of damage to our people they caused the deaths of our people they attacked our people and caused our great generals martyrdom and as for staying in the middle east do you remember all those promises from trump about bringing the troops so we are working to finally end. Ericas longest war and bring our troops back home now when asked if he agree or as it sounds yes i do as long as theres a plan to figure out how hes going to deal with isis on to north korea where there seems to be no Silver Bullet to resolve the tensions donald trump tried to play the diplomat and met with the north Korean Leader 3 times however he was unable to break through the stalemate and it looks like bidens chances with north korea are also pretty slim as relations between the former Vice President and kim jong un have also hit rock bottom shes talked about his good buddy whos of. I would be putting pressure on china to put pressure on korea i would not meet with the Supreme Leader who said joe biden is a rabid dog rabid dogs like biden can heard lots of people of theyre allowed to run about they must be beaten to death with a stick before its too late yes on paper both candidates seem to have very different foreign d policies however u. S. Media emits that there will be very little chance of significant change if biden takes the Oval Office Donald trump which himself as an outsider remember well it appears that he really did have no experience when it came to dealing with friends and foes trump has left us Foreign Policy in tatters he has pulled out of many Key International agreements however what would change with the reins of power handed over to a potential biden as commander in chief someone who supported the u. S. Invasion of afghanistan iraq and yugoslavia probably not much able to mop and artsy new york as benedict from the Us Libertarian National Committee told us that while guns bidens approach to Foreign Policy may look more sophisticated in size he not any different from the trump. President biden would be more diplomatic hed be more polite but when you look at his actual policies i dont think they would be what im looking for i think what you have is a change in personalities but not a change in policies bidens Foreign Policy is almost going to be the same as trumps although there may be a risk that he would start a new war trump trump is talk tough hes talked tough with iran china and even russia but it was president obama and Vice President biden who started a new war in libya they continued bombing in germany and other places so i dont think that Foreign Policy will be better with biden it might actually get worse. With the coronavirus situation worsening globally weve spoken to a leading evolutionary biologist whos conducted an extensive analysis of the coronavirus chain and he explained to us how its mutated and how breaks should be dealt with in the future and you can watch the interview in full on r. T. Dot com but has a taste of what percent. I think its a blessing that coronaviruses evolve more slowly than other r. N. A. Viruses but still its a very quick process the virus mutates every 2 weeks but in one specific lineage what is a specific lineage well thus infects mush mush infects pets or pets infects tanya in such a lineage the virus mutates once but at the same time a similar process is taking place across the globe since different viruses acquire different mutations in total we see tens of thousands of mutations we can already see approximately 20000 mutations. That is 20000. 00 versions of the same corona virus that is believed to have courage unaided and one where. We now see that the common ancestor was around in december or january the genomes of all the coronaviruses we are sequencing and studying right now show that they are all descended from one common ancestor which existed back then so it seems to me very unlikely that the virus infected a person before that time. So. There is a widespread belief that the virus does not exist in order to kill the owner but in order to somehow perfectly adapt to it and live quietly inside them. Actually this is not what the virus cares about most we know a huge number of examples one of our success didnt put play sions for many many is many centuries and did not weaken smallpox for example measles which is fatal in a large proportion of cases if there is no treatment but generally it often happens that the mortality rate does not change at all. So there is no guarantee that covert 19 will somehow become less dangerous. In the near. Future there are no guarantees of that. And you can watch that interview with r. T. Dot com now meanwhile at the rest of the world the water one region from corn a cattle back is dealing with rising with infections a new ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan has given some hope but the local Health System is overwhelmed as r. T. As you put it on off now reports its the 2nd coming of a familiar villain europes new wave of covert 19 is forcing people to social distance and avoid Mass Gatherings but here in the mountainous region of nagornokarabakh in the south caucasus locals have a starkly different reason to avoid crowds and shelter in basements. Theres a heavy influx of Wounded Soldiers from the front lines and civilians from shelled towns many hospitals have been bombed too but the situation is so dire some of them had no choice but to stay off aeration oh our Health System is a work lot is. Because of the deceased cant treat cases properly and in the shower apart from those wounded the number of coronavirus patients has multiplied over the past week among soldiers and civilians alike including doctors in our hospital almost all doctors have had coronavirus or are currently sick but we keep working we have no time to rest and recover when i ask people here if they are a tool concerned about the band demick many think its a joke in very poor taste 1st they have to get through this war or unaware as doesnt bore their anyone here that much. Although without going to my World Health Organization cares about. Gruner virus people are dying of the problem is real but here people are dying for Different Reasons fighting bombings grown viruses thinking a back theres no other worry here but to see sons husbands grandchildren and fathers return from the front line of. Donna reporting from the going to care about. Well tensions in the going to cut back to stretch back more than 3 decades but the fighting escalated in late september but yet a van have agreed to poor hostilities for a 3rd time now but they do accuse each other of violating the truce fighting is also being spilling over beyond the borders of the disputed region local journalist. Reports now from the city of tire which has become a target. Almost a mall was her 1st since the beginning because of it conflict and this so. Have nots here in the city to often cause the region is show think in basement the danger of coronavirus isnt a surreal being killed by a look at their local oh its true that the current virus has been a bit forgotten because of the war were concerned about all about the war this where all our attention is focused we want to free our lands from enemy occupation and return their. Covert 19 is nothing compared to the war the armenians are worse than the coronavirus 1st we have to take care of them we have to get rid of them and with gods help the time has come and once weve done with that we will worry about the coronavirus no faultline village use our siege is so again coming. Here right now as a result of all 4 records smear me so a 16 year old teenager have died. Of his home this spoilt behavior ethics local residents are still remain. Do farming priests livestock and cities that david walton tend to leave their homes now a new study has found that millennia worth around the world to have less trust in democracy than previous generations i will have about story some live reaction to just off the break. Shifting alliances washingtons unrelenting policy assault against russia and china is already answered the world order what remains to be see is how most going to be she will get together to confront us also will america ever be minimal again. Seemed wrong but all roads just dont all. Mean you wont get to shape out just to become educated and engaged equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Hello again im 11 year olds around the world have less faith in Democratic Institutions than previous generations thats according to a survey conducted by the university of cambridge researches surveyed nearly 5000000 people in 160 countries the study ran for nearly 5 decades 2 and threw out canvas people around the age of 30 about their views on democracy each subsequent generation of 30 somethings reported less satisfaction and trust in the political system we asked people in paris london and San Francisco if they think democracy is fit for purpose where they live. I dont necessarily believe that it works the way. They will i still believe in democracy but i dont have confidence in the current government for democracy is there. I door think its being implemented properly i think the state of democracy is more at risk than it has been before this simple hard look this is dem is looking increasingly like a dictatorship to me personally i think its true that its all broke. Stepparent stone educate me enough that i can say kind of because were not really in any more our generation is in there you see people that are. 506070 that are running the government the way that they see fit and now were taking the Younger Generation into consideration young people being. A recently read. A. Student. Not guilty for a mortgage that kind of thing and i think thats fair to. Them believing that democracy is here and i think a lot of it is just a lack of confidence that the politician has. Got any integrity so actual so i think people of my generation do not trust the system we get the impression the voting in chief is nothing. Like a when i try to make sense of all of this and bring in the philosopher hes the International Director of the burbank institute for the humanities to you and youre very welcome in your view why do you think were seeing this pretty dramatic change in attitude to democracy. I think through their interactive you know we can say that this is a long process going on for a decade let me begin i think though that i remember in 2005. And. One week before a live. Report. On quis the most hated person. Im going to be to see it was tony blair the Prime Minister one week later general election as. Well im sure to keep. The faith based sound level of both its not just. A feeling fundamentally dissatisfaction that cannot be sure but i did this in a presentation. The same thing happened in france more than a year ago yellow wests death was a kind of discontent it was not possible to translate into a presentational. They can leave from their daily lives disdain doesnt work and so on it was so fascinating the moment grown. It all got. That the message was lost exactly the same in france you know so what we have to dealing here. And those fundamental. In billy of. Democracy. There is land there are again probably been young and so on simply escaping the direction. We dont yet clear. Brink. Ive seen. The mental vision to change in the. Past if you just. Let me just to quickly jump in parts of it theres a lack of representation among politicians many people have different views as we know but when you look at the people youve got to choose between theres not much difference between morally to sort of him i would add or him over there with this posse of that party theres not a great broad range of people to change from. This group but i think the dispensed is because its no longer. Republicans in the United States but. Usually being close to. Or. In the. Right and this is not just a struggle. Between. The right in the way really is really very similar to. My distrust the coalition i distrust the very presentational. In some sense. They are right we should always remember that liberal. Democracy is not a neutral screen in the only struggle east is there. No. Its. Just. He misses some days and i dont think what we were going to make it more really the most of the and so on and i think. We. Can still find. A state status which can even be formally laced the most. Moral. Why not but somehow they actually. Could be in there as we have this same phenomenal also all around the world. Again yesterday but. Again. We shouldnt underestimate this distrust its not just all the old guys are running out of time i just want to washy one other element of this is a lot of it down to economics over the years people have become worse and worse off generally speaking and theres a bigger gap between the haves and have nots if that were so would people be more happy with that democracy. No i dont think its a game. But i dont see it simply date economic questions something morrison stated i was in contact with. Your remember years ago. And its interesting that even with the. Dissenters signifier the slogan. Is very interesting to be no Different Countries dignity its a question of dignity people dont feel. They think the way the government thinks they can climb no he needed money. Its dignity its not just. The new thing is that we also have now. Been. In gun trieste a Major Economic problems but when you go there look who are countries like just remember general. Price of gasoline. Here. To be. With a woman so i think some marks. Really anybody and deep pulls. The old. Right in. Here is the best possible she stated its just due. To make it so all of the. European continent. Dissolution. And hes an Eastern Europe will endeavor to get it will you hold us we should respond to something doesnt it go to the east must try to get it on no idea. What is at stake is the really universal value of peace more than. The set lists and both of these is. Still selfish. By johnson and so on not Strong Enough us who really knows this new well i didnt try using the future is not democracy or. It is. All sounding. Ok. Its of the newly invented social functioning again were going to be some girl or. Boy and you have got to wrap it up im so sorry we could talk a lot longer im sure but we packed our time those level he checked philosophy im sure i mean isnt this thats a very good race youre coming on to say. Thank you for your time and thank you saying its half past 8 here in moscow were back again at the top

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