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Unfavorable views of china have reached new highs in the u. S. More than doubling from 35 to 73 percent between 252020 our Corporate Media often pretends like theyre resisting trump but then they do his bidding by taking vibrant diverse cultures and peoples and distilling them all down to china evolution or iran evil or russia evil and this serves to manufacture consent for a cold war with these countries so is all this anti china reporting true is it false are they not trying to kill americans every night while we sleep soundly in our beds with our foot he put john was on because c. N. N. Told me they were. The great majority of this anti china fake news originates from just a few think tanks and quote unquote experts for example in 20 days see in c. N. N. Reporting a growing number of Chinese Military scientists are using their Research Collaborations with western universities to take their host countries expertise back home to improve chinas own technology a new australian report claims tuesday their own port is by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute a. S. P. I. China still like our technology. It has to be true because it was reported by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and that sounds super legit it has all the official words Strategic Policy institute and australian. Not the last one heres another large expose by the New York Times the police in china are collecting blood samples for men and boys from across the country to build a genetic map of its roughly 700000000 males giving the authorities a powerful new new tool for their own merging high tech surveillance state they have swept across the country since late 2017 to collect enough samples to build a vast d. N. A. Database its according to a new study published on wednesday by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute was. So who are the are these us policy a strategic strategic institutions. Well its a think tank out of australia you might have guessed that much in the last fiscal year and a. S. P. I. Received 69 percent of its funding over 7000000. 00 australian dollars from the Australian Department of defense and federal government another 1890000. 00 came from overseas Government Agencies including the embassies of israel and japan the Us Department of defense and state department and the nato strategic comm center another 1100000 dollars came from Defense Industries and the private sector including Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman setting the groundwork for a new cold war with china will ultimately make billions of dollars for these weapons contractors think about that return on investment its incredible they spend a few measly 1000000. 00 to fund a think tank in australia it pumps out propaganda garbage c. N. N. And the New York Times breathlessly tell their child like readers about what the super official report said the u. S. Government successfully manufactured consent for cold war with a Nuclear Power and then not only does the us military turn to Lockheed Martin Northrop Grumman for all the weapons that they need to be ready to fight china but so do australia and japan and israel and european allies and cetera et cetera the weapons contractors suddenly more popular than the only girl at the 8th grade dance shown after cleavage so that was not appropriate that theyre more popular than the only boy at the 8th grade dance showing of cleavage weight. More popular than the gender neutral child showing of. What what what whatever whatever bread he or she or he or they would like to show off im not im not bothered by their bets whatever word whichever bit sir showing whatever they should judge their god front so lets review the steps got to me the steps used for successful anti china scene a phobia propaganda detailed in Popular Resistance step one socalled independent security analyst and think tankers that look just like this come out with a very official report saying china did something awful like poop in everybodys salads before shipping them overseas to be placed in your mcdonalds happy meal and you would not know the difference these experts dont make a big deal about the fact that they are funded almost completely by a combination of weapons contractors western militaries and other anti china countries like israel i mean you look evil why dont they think lovely they might even live in your neighborhood step 2 reports just happened to be picked up by fan and the New York Times and and p. R. And fox news and the Country Music channel and im sure those networks dont have any bias that makes them lean towards choosing reports by weapons contractors and u. S. Backed military its just a coincidence that they all do it come on its just a coincidence that we basically never see any of these Corporate Media channels pick up a story like Chinese People are friendly or chinese baby has cute little chappy face. I mean. That should lead every broadcast every news broadcast be a better world but no those stories slip through the cracks oh and by the way the Corporate Media will cover the reports from places like the Australian Strategic Policy Institute while not mentioning theyre funded by weapons contractors a military base thats our little secret said 3 western nations will then point to the reports by the New York Times Washington Post c. N. N. It sadder to make the point that china is super duper scary and we have to be ready to kill all the Chinese People because theyre up to something even the chubby cheeked babies in fact specially the chubby cheeked babies of course those were already the geopolitical goals of these western nations and it just so happened these reports help them make the case why block thank goodness finally something is going americas way step for the western nations give a 1000000000 dollar contracts to weapon contractors like Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman to prepare for the ever growing china threat the weapons contractors then take a teeny tiny portion of that money and use it to fund the think ever drug court of our vice do you see. Our works very. Very fond of reports to justify the wars they cant the money and the edge and and then one little tag i forgot to mention also earlier can you guess who are some of the biggest funders of c. N. N. N. P. R. New york times fox news cetera et cetera the goddamn holy how you look your stock a good dog farting morally bankrupt fast car break why parents car tractors. Heres a better diagram of how this whole thing works i hope that clears it up way oh look this is not to say there arent any flaws with Chinese Society of government just like theres a lot of problems with us society and government but when you see anti china propaganda and you wonder why weve been told to hate them over the past 10 years when we used to be told that they were fine they were nice people keep in mind you are being manipulated ok thats what you need to know you are being lied to in order to create war and economic destruction we are not our nations we are not the sociopaths who rule our nations we are not the psychopaths billionaires who own our nations the vast majority of us are regular humans who are kept in line with propaganda and fear tactics and we should be working together rather than trying to destroy each other and saying such a thing makes me a radical coming to you from washington d. C. The belly debases redacted tonight. Welcome im really camels take the news from behind so were coming up on election day and we get to choose between 2 super awesome racist war criminals and thank god liberal panacea m. S. M. B. C. Is here working hard every single day to try to make sure donald trump kills more people. Here is Andrea Mitchell talking to general h. R. Mcmaster the former National Security advisor to donald trump shes concerned like we all are that trump is not a no let me let me ask you about the about what you write about the president s plan to withdraw our troops from afghanistan and his plan for a peace deal with the taliban he writes sadly the president s statement cheap in not only the sacrifices made by more than 50000. 00 Afghan Soldiers and police who died defending their country and their families from the taliban but also the sacrifices of more than 2300 american servicemen and women who lost their lives in the war there are indications now from our reporting that the present is rushing to an agreement with the taliban to try to get a deal with drawn deal before the election. Doesnt that concern you. It goes contrary a large fish to the president is rushing to create peace in afghanistan so our policy of you cant force peace now after a mere 18 years of war can start you just get revved up we need at least double that time to achieve peace i always say a war under 35 years its not really any war at all i mean maybe a skirmish maybe its a tit for tat sort of war the military under draw only drops roughly 40000. 00 bombs a year i am sick of all this peacefulness thats roughly a bomb dropped every 13 minutes of every single day that means there are 12 minutes out of every 13 when a bomb is not being dropped. Think of all that wasted potential justice custody general mcmaster are you going to allow this urge of peace to continue doesnt that concern you. It does concern me they are right about this in battlegrounds and with this is the tendency across multiple administrations to create the enemy we want an enemy thats more convenient for us and thats more conducive to our desire to withdraw. Every recent administration has just been so ridiculously egal eager to to withdraw our troops we just refuse to get involved in fighting foreign enemies name one name one example of the us not running headlong into a peaceful coexistence with other countries in recent decades they want the other than afghanistan other other than iraq other than libya other than iran other other than yemen and syria other than oh the african stuff other than palestine ok other than cuba other than russia other than china other than north korea name a single other country there we have it and lessly been peaceful which i bet you cant other than nicaragua peace is a slippery slope you afford to want other than venezuela you forge one Peace Agreement and that before you know other people want to get in on your common measured approach and i think what is really paradoxical about this recent trip ministration approach to the to our enemies in south asia that spanned the afghanistan pakistan border is this new policy replicates almost precisely the fundamental flaws in the Obama Administration approach and those flaws include this this mess that there is this bold line between the taleban and other terrorist organizations including. And there step just doesnt exist damn straight. Alqaeda overlaps with other terrorist organizations like the taliban and al nusra and the cia and pentagon its a well known fact that the us has funded and armed al qaeda offshoots in syria so how can america make peace with these terrorists without 1st making peace with the terrorists sugardaddy the United States and we are the worst and also let me just take a moment to thank Andrea Mitchell and m s n b c 4 for fighting for donald trump to kill more people i mean without without these ball liberals we might stop dropping bombs altogether everyone knows trump is some sort of hippie peacenik its Common Knowledge but then the lord good and moral people like Andrea Mitchell interview bloodthirsty generals to pressure trump into not accepting yet another peace deal. And a look at all of the peace deals trampas forced down our throat there was. There was the the great Peace Alliance with the. Didnt need for there was a did before. There was there was the one in the one between Ronald Mcdonald and the hamburger right you remember that got them to come together think you did that what about that peace deal between the u. A. E. Bahrain and israel 3 countries i just have recently 3 countries that were not at war with each other but still but still trump got them to come together and buy more weapons from us so i certainly feel safer on about you. If you get a short break but if youre watching this on you tube go get our full episodes of portable dot t. V. Its completely free also join our free email list by texting the word redacted 233777 ill be right back a lot more all the way americans love buying homes. This was a fundamental part of how our Political Leadership and our country a large understood the bargain you get a hoe and then you know rebel right thats the things you dont revolt if you have a stake in the system. And be really interesting to dial it back and think about the longer deeper history play housings men in the United States not just that old question of the American Dream but the bigger question of who the dream is and for. Joining me everything on the alex island sure and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business im show business. Secrets prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived weve been dizzy was on there were too few houses where i would lead to preserve the worst located and the only safe people had access to the story from investigators covered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. The great of north in. Some sort of box he see maybe a sword is a. Thing for justice. Welcome back im still leave camp usually a police leave a suspect for a search warrant but not anymore now google is giving thousands of suspects to police based on the search keywords for more on the story we go to our search bar fly naomi here vani there are many what can you tell us about these backward searches for suspects well leave now maybe criminals will get off the web and benefit from a little green time theyre called reverse warrants reverse warrants a request from authorities to google based on search keywords instead of searching a crime scene or asking witnesses which is very time intensive there are no suspects no names no knox no way to know if youre a suspect authorities as google for every one who searched for a keyword like specific locations specific names like say an exs new partners name or recipes for human placenta or for the best homemade bomb google and provides the police data on everyone who searched for that particular term that police picked their suspect out of all of those people who did those searches i dont recommend the d. I. Y. Bomb making videos anyways the presenters have no possessions even i think once honestly the bomb making books are better. Youve researched that are you worried that now youll be a suspect were going to all measuredly google knows me were homey im crime curious its like by curious but im interested in the hacking to death of all genders in the latest case come to light after sending a search warrant to google that requested information on users who had searched for the address of a residence close in time to an arson the Police Arrested an associate of r. Kelly for allegedly setting fire to a witnesss car they found in his Search History where can i buy a custom machine gun witness intimidation and countries that dont have extradition with the United States he was asking google the wrong way you gotta type into google where can i buy a machine gun for a friend and not the friend whos a famous sex offender. Ok sounds like that would work great so this seems like a clear cut case of the r kelly guy but what worries me is that 9 times out of 10 these tools will be used on activists journalists not on r. Kelly just about their be used on just about any citizen whos curious about extradition which you know i am right now china indonesia bengal just bangladesh you can just google it or you could use duct at go or start page i prefer google because its nice to know someone is always watching me all the time i love the attention explain more about google working with Law Enforcement will get it for years google has been providing authorities with all the location data of users in close proximity to a crime geo fence warrants theyre called but be rest assured that our big tech brother google wont only give the data for 1500 users for one specific location only 50 not thats a ton of people dont innocent people get swept up in this lazy dragnet in some cases they get the wrong guy sure but so long as youre not near any crime here fine just make sure to not go for a bike ride past a burglarized home like this guy did and became a suspect he had to hire a lawyer because he bites by the crime scene several times that day right there punishing people for biking i know 7 he should have taken a scooter he would have downgraded from criminal suspect to last man child. Oh many of these backdoor request is google getting while we dont know until Court Documents are unsealed so we dont know the number but an exponential increase of requests over the last few years have troubled google staffers as one Google Software engineer said its like entering the wrongful arrest lottery but honestly Something Like a raffle might make the criminal just. This is the more fair we could have a show who wants to be a convict lead its technological progress. Very much disagree thank you naomi all right now its time to get to some of the stories that slip through the cracks here with me is our truth bob now that im a good oh sabs i leave all right truth balmy all right so the department of Homeland Security wants to clean up its image and not by actually stopping all the terrible things that they go you know like i think my return is in the van and then separating families now they want to clean it up by asking the National Archives to classify complaints about the agency as temporary which means they can be scrubbed after 4 years from the Public Record so this means we criminal investigations would disappear sworn witness dave statements would disappear transcribe interviews with disappear etc etc etc i think we should temporarily get rid of d. H. Us forever that they do that. I would much prefer that but of course as you know d. F. S. Includes ice and it includes customs and Border Protection and these are agencies which are the obviously the definition for the phrase all publicity is good publicity thats never applied to them so youve already had these agencies that have been steadily stonewalling Public Records request for years and you know now youre just adding this layer of razor on top of it which is obviously well im sure well have a positive view of the h. S. Any day now im sure shell do their image perfectly well next or so so during the 1st half of this year 8000000 people saw the climate misinformation ads on facebook last month they launched this Climate Science Information Center that was supposed to combat this misinformation but according to the guardian some of these ads are still alive and kicking in october and theyre not funded by fossil fuel companies theyre funded by right wing organizations like turning point usa and prager you so clearly like another oh and also facebook and been labeling these ads as opinion. For so long and thats why you know this label allowed a lot of lies about Climate Change to basically flood the social media landscape all or to do is put a little thing above us as opinion its like we should round up all the jews and its like heres an opinion yeah ill take it well lets run wonderful and i want to run go on more yet so you may remember fox come on Major Electronics manufacturer it was supposed to build a new factory and was there when there were the good guys with the suicide nets and yeah exactly it was for in case youre thinking of ending your life as a worker well put a nice little hammock in here. So theyre supposed to bring all these jobs to the state while gobbling up 3000000000. 00 in subsidies and in a move that surprised no one the foxconn factory deal is off because the company isnt holding up their end of the bargain on the deal so foxconn would have been eligible theyre not going to have enough quality safety now as. Theyre. Supposed to be like silk and actually. High but no soap box time was supposed to be eligible for these billions in subsidies or at least the 1st bit of it on the condition that they hired at least 520. 00 full time employees that work there they claim that they hired 550. 00 employees the state was like actually only 281. 00 employees qualify for this and like the thing thats funny about it is even if they had held up their end of the bargain 3000000000. 00 for like not even 600. 00 jobs theyre not job at all right and also when they 1st announced this i was like basically this is just saying that the u. S. Has succeeded in cutting workers rights to the point that the worst employers in the world now want to come here and yet that ive been ringing in december that i had to pay variable you know. Thats incredible but i bet theyre also backing out because im from straightforward china thats probably not that might have something to do with it well thank you so much joe thank you. Very your headlines from the for. Your next week youll read this in the New York Times new zealand policy Strategy Foundation reveals most Chinese People molest american tourists for sport i heard that i heard they do and in 3 weeks youll learn surviving civil rights leaders cant believe theyre to do it again now its not going to be easy on the knees and this coming sunday with trump trailing in the polls Stephen Miller dust off his murder for hire resume for craigslist good to hear thats the show but you can watch my free standup comedy special at leat camp american dot com also grab my new book bullet points and punch lines at least camp a book dot com until next time goodnight and keep fighting. A lot of people talking about this to begin. As the worlds superpower or but theyre not thinking about another end of an era in the central bank. Americans love. This was a fundamental part of how our Political Leadership and our country at large understood the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right thats the things you dont revolt if you have a stake in the system. Back and think about the longer deeper history housings men in the United States not just that question of the American Dream but the bigger question of who the dream is for. Forward to talking to you all. Should work for peace

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