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To put all the blame on social media and its up to a person to decide what is problematic or not he should block such costs and there should be more people moderating all the content. Free your news every hour of the day this is all a warm welcome from. Lets jump in covert 19. Bullies and north korea just some of the topics donald trump and joe biden clashed over in the final president ial debate. If i thought you did a good job i would have never run anyone whose response to that should not remain as president of the United States of america they left us a mess which hes saying is a bunch of garbage this is a terrible thing it is then a phobic i think he called me a racist even a response if he isnt a phobic come on joe you could do better you said i hate i did show the tape put it on your website put it on it on the website the fact of the matter is youre lying youre all talk and no action give me a break while to dive into the play im joined by our teens dont quote dont take us through the final showdown while saw skill like you said the final debate its the final opportunity for both of these candidates to show the voters what theyre made of and they talked about. A lot of topics we didnt see that as many insults as the previous debate but they did speak quite a bit about Pandemic Response Immigration Health care but seriously the scandalous elephant in the room was really it was Hunter Bidens shady overseas business dealings i mean last weeks bombshell report from the New York Post claims that emails were found on hunters laptop that that proves that joe biden was actually in the know about those business dealings something that the Vice President has always denied up until this point and then right before the debates hunters x. Business partner Joe Bubba Linsky came forward and said that joe biden was lying through his teeth actually. Horse ive heard joe biden say that hes never discussed business with hunter that is false d. I have 1st hand knowledge about this because i directly dealt with the biden family including joe biden. So what about this haunted by its an email scandal its not being called that a lot in the press can you break down the details for us well basically hunter is being accused of corruption here hes say hes received a lot of cash from a Ukrainian Company called bras mo but the most important part of the scandal really is the now bankrupt Chinese Energy company that Hunter Bidens Company Business venture was doing business with getting collecting millions of dollars annually from and bubblin stephen claims that joe is specifically mentioned in these emails as the big guy who was who was promised 10 percent of hunters Business Venture now it is also interesting that right after the article was published along with these emails social media giants like facebook and twitter moved immediately to try and block this information and a lot of conservatives came forward to say that this was so this was a representation of political bias so of course we saw that trump was really trying to bring this point home during the debates. The emails so horrible even ills of the kind of money that you were raking in you and your family and show you a Vice President when some of this was happening and i think you owe an explanation to the American People if i did my job if complete i carried out u. S. Policy not one single solitary thing was not a line not a single thing there are 50 former National Intelligence folks who said that what this shes accusing me of is a russian plane you mean the laptop is now i know theyre russia russia russia hoaxer you got exactly what does this tell you exactly why this is where hes going right up is russia yes i mean i should i want to stay on the issue of radio has to be kidding here we go again with the russia now as we just saw bidens been beating the same dead horse of russian tropes in the debates and even though we heard from the director of u. S. National intelligence who said that Hunter Bidens laptop has nothing to do with the russian descent from ation Campaign Still again and again were see were hearing this topic of russian interference. The selection that russia has been involved in i dont think the president said anything to putin about it i dont think he struck into a lot i dont think he said a word there is been nobody tougher. On russia than donald trump joe got 3 and a half 1000000. 00 from russia and it came through putin because he was very friendly with the former mayor of moscow what are you hiding why are you unwilling to Foreign Countries are paying you a lot russia is paying you a lot china is paying a lot i never got any money from i dont get money from russia last week we also even heard from the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov who said moscow doesnt care about who wins these elections relations at any rate are bad right now and thats the problem that needs to be fixed now as for where we are right now in the u. S. Elections up until the beginning of these debates 40 more than 46000000 americans have already cast their votes in the ballots actually and both campaigns have agreed that biden has already an advantage in terms of the popular vote but again that didnt win the democrats the elections last time so were going to have to see how this pans out this election is going to be a nail biter. Many thanks well in fact give john a strict starting shot his thoughts on the debate saying that was a lot of substance. You know if we look at the debates overall i mean there were only 2 debates and there was almost nothing on Foreign Policy there was nothing on issues of substance the u. S. Occupations of brought the out of control military budget and the deficit this year is projected to be through 3 trillion dollars thats 9000000000. 00 a day none of these issues are being are being addressed the infrastructure that promised he was going to build but by reducing the wars abroad those things havent happened on the other side weve got joe biden who is a proven member of the establishment so so were in a were in a bad place there are no good choices from my perspective. The proof in government has rejected a potus agreement for the oscars that a cry to fire a spike scene and leave us at the fall the company has not provided sufficient data from its studies this comes off to the death of a young one tepper to supporting a not very trial in purcell get this week ever manes unclear whether the one in terre received the actual vaccine or a placebo a Senior Correspondent mark cows to have legs deep into whats been dubbed the wild wide race for a vaccine. There is always the risk with any vaccine any Clinical Trial that statistical improbability that would point to nor one percent risk that someone dies at someone reportedly was a brazilian doctor he was part of an Oxford University Vaccine Trial Group and is believed to have suffered fatal complications but theyre sure its safe to keep going following careful assessment of this case in brazil there have been no concerns about safety of the Clinical Trial and the independent review in addition to the brazilian regulator have recommended that the trial should continue there is a race on a race for v. Vaccine that works that saves millions of lives and brings in billions of dollars and visits in Clinical Trial all things go wrong they have astra zeneca who is vaccine it is has already suspended trials last month after another patient developed a strange illness but the trials must go on clients are waiting brazil for example whose president has said he wants the british vaccine in contrast to his own Health Ministry which wanted 46000000 doses of the chinese vaccine for my government any vaccine before being made available to the population must be scientifically proven by the Health Ministry and certified by the National Health Surveillance Agency the brazilian people will not be guinea pigs for anyone there is no justification for a billionaire financial contribution to a drug that is not even parses testing phase given the above my decision is not to purchase the vaccine. But it is remarkable to people look at the same vaccine and see 2 Different Things one sees a lot of votes Political Capital the other person sees a panacea medicine for millions it isnt only orgy it isnt politics and it isnt the electoral process that saves it is the vaccine we dont want new governments will go to congress and to cool to ensure that the population has access to all vaccines that are efficient and safe health is a big rancid an ideological relate traill disputes brazil is in an awful situation 150000 coronavirus dead 2nd only to the United States things on pretty that careers and lives the economy and the election all hinge on that vaccine no wonder trump has been flooding pharmaceutical giants with billions urging them to go faster and faster we have a vaccine thats coming its ready its going to be announced within weeks and its going to be delivered we have operation work speed which is the military is going to distribute the vaccine and just as it brazil theres a divide a chasm in opinion people want need a vaccine but they want one that works not one that makes the most money not 1. 00 that stumbled and struggled through trials and especially not one made to save the president s career he sed this is the same fellow told you this is going to end by easter last time the same fellow who told you that dont worry were going to end this by the summer were about to go into a dark winter. I think its going to be a very skeptical American Public about taking a vaccine and it should be if the doctors tell us that we should take it ill be the 1st in line to take it absolutely but if Donald Trump Tells us i said to him that weve taken im not taking it it was clear from the get go that there would be a race for a vaccine what we didnt consider was how dirty it would be alledge simple thing a jab to save millions of lives would turn into a bit of free for all over origin and money name and profits the advantage and reelection lets just hope that efficiency and Public Health also get a little consideration we discussed if you have more common director of the Crisis Research institute and outfit he said that when it comes to vaccines you cant not talk both and politics the bigger problem all round is that unlike all creepiest attempts to develop vaccines for such dangerous diseases these are emergency measures being taken so theres obviously going to an element to greater risk anything that can reassure people that everything has been done in a transparent which is probably the best policy the problem obviously is some extent that there are extra christian commercial iterations from competing produces of accidents now that they dont necessarily want real information that could be hopeful to rival the amazon or erap scene into your production is over will be pretty true this is where we do sit legitimization this issue its a bit about space race its 6 years ago to get the 1st 2 facts to have a huge boost d their standing as country terms of what we are will also be arsenal. Following the brutal murder of a history teacher in france social media is in the hot seat for failing to tackle hate speech on tuesday the government summoned representatives from some of the Largest Tech Companies urging them to confront cyber islamism his art is shoddy do burns gone how sushil media giants are in the spotlight yet again. Its a problem to take stock in the wake of. Beheading social media giants have become. Those who participated in the public lynching of this teacher there are videos that were posted on social networks are in a way responsible for what happened in the days leading up to the murder of the 47 year old teacher videos inciting hatred against him was shared on social media platforms so patty was also targeted by activists online in a hate campaign that went viral whipping up a storm that frances anti terror Prosecutor Says it was based on lies. It is clear that the teacher was targeted in various ways by social media by these 2 men using a false interpretation of the facts some new party had filed a complaint to the police about the hate campaign but it was not enough to prevent his brutal murder the terrorists who killed him also used twitter to claim responsibility. Patty it will mange online for 2 hours now have taken on not fight taking twitter to court accusing the social media giant of not doing enough to tackle hate speech online so what do people here think social media giants doing their bit the things that are being posted citing hatred are not normal. Should be done to tackle that much more. It is very easy to put all the blame on social media it is an instrument for people to use and its up to a person to decide what is problematic or not. They should block such courses and there should be more people moderating all the bad content social media giants serve also being hauled in in front of the government with ministers calling for stricter rules the companies such as Facebook Google twitter and ticktock have been asked to come up with concrete proposals about cyber islam isnt said to delusions islamist ideology spread widely on social networks whole generation of young people have been ready can i sit home alone in their rooms in front of their phones or Computers France has already tried to combat hate speech online with the hour feel all its no thought specks of tackling hate speech could also be included in khans new trough bill to fight separatism some argue its not morag elation thats needed the problem lies with how its being enforced social media giants have long been criticized for helping extremist groups recruit and radicalize people with high catching content for some they can no longer be treated as a neutral hosts and dangerous content that can as francis seen recently lead to unspeakable crimes and its now be treated as a priority. R. T. Paris the top cop on the program our job is going to be replaced by machines the new report suggests so a peek out of here in just a few. Join me every thursday on the alex im unsure and ill be speaking to guest of the world the politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Anyone else seems wrong why dont we all just dont call. Me. Yet to see how it just did come after. And in detroit because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Let me. Break. My seizures or get. Us losing rolaids were part of the brain right here in the middle its on the right side with a simulated game even Healthy People one through 4 sold out of body experience. As the decline of mana on the horizon according to a new report by the World Economic forum machines will carry out hoff of all human jobs within 5 years its research has added that the product because only accelerating this trend the revolution is tipped need millions and estimated and 85 out of work by 2025 but on the other hand 97000000 new roles also predicted to a much the forms of managing directors us will have to adopt will die. If this continues for too much longer theres going to be a big structural change there some of those companies will not be able to last through to the end of this recession and therefore were looking at more permanent job losses my colleague you know neil discussed with our gas whether the 4. 00 cost is all doom and gloom. The prediction is 85000000 job losses its a number is staggering just to get your head around 1st of all if thats true how devastating is it going to be for peoples livelihoods its going to be very devastating you know i was a union lawyer for 26 years and ive seen job losses before mass job losses but nothing on the scale that is going to have to be part of the future if companies decide to dispense with human labor which is something i dont want to see of course people are going to fall into 3 real groups theres going to be a i just the same with any massive job those that get it we just need to keep out of that why and let them go forward and create a lot of the wealth and create a lot of the new jobs that are going to be out those that could get it other people that could be retrained and we need to focus the skills and the retraining on how best we can require these people for the new reality and for the final group will never get it we need to provide some sort of support and we are not that good in creating out on a much reasoning machine that are able to replace you all month who are human and if you can imagine some of the decision that robots can take are very very basic yes they can work in one of our can change that yes they can working nodder sector where there is a repeat of the task they were not for in fact so aware of we need their quick supplied human cognition it said in the article that 97000000 jobs will be created by this robot revolution theyre talking about the likes of care a big data Green Economy to name a few its not overly optimistic there was a huge number and im optimistic that there would be still jobs for your money so robots will not replace the human anytime soon indeed there would be jobs more jobs created for horrible woods but there would be also draw more jobs created for the human scene now monitoring in supervising these reports of the really high skilled people the top of the pyramid can to be salt whatever. They do that will be a layer of also who do repairs and they could be replaced but those are not the enormous group who arent necessarily highly valued but do very hands on work were talking about nurses were talking about care workers were talking about but also. Those people wont be replaced if they knew florida and used this robotic revolution. Those who lost their work stay out of windows and thrown into poverty will stay in poverty i fear we need to prepare bike and making sure. That those who are going to be employed do have a basic income new jobs are open up by this new technological jobs we need to begin training people for those shops. The u. S. Has infuriated china by approving a made to arms deal with taiwan the state department has green let the 1800000000. 00 worth of weaponry for the territory including missiles and off china considers the self ruled island a part of itself and territory as such beijing naples any dealings between washington and taiwan is into ferrets and its. Only a few nations maintain official ties of the break were reaching but recently the trumpet ministrations really ramped up its support on the Chinese Foreign ministry has warned of retaliation is you who you know we are the United States to recognize the serious damage caused by arms sales to taiwan and to abide by the one trying a principle we were dumb to endorse sales to taiwan and military ties with the territory to avoid further harm to china u. S. Relations and to promote peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait china will give a legitimate and necessary response depending on how the situation develops the pentagon insists however the boosting taiwans defense capability is simply a way to deter aggression by all the powers. The recipient will use this capability is a deterrent to regional threats and to strengthen Homeland Defense the proposed sell of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region trying to specialist on too long think thats unlikely that a spirit will escalate into any major standoff. A lot seeing a lot of cuban crisis as it were in the Taiwan Strait but of course this is absolute absolute as far as. The child is. It clear that it is on hope of the things develop but i think that if push comes to show. The likely candidate with geisha will be sensually who was of the ships predecessor the state department. I dont think that is going to war because all this is. Being sold to taiwan. And there is protected under the u. S. Taiwan relations act. But i think that theres been pushing against but really the breaking point. I dont think that the United States wants to do cross the group would think that this would be. On both sides. And finally lets finish in the u. K. A story over a volt against the lakers the latest lockdown the governments had to backtrack on not your decision to close gyms in liverpool as part of its 1000 cubs its off to local gym and has been lost at the measure as on just pushed back grew off to one of the office has also one man to shut down his facility or else pay a fine while the story broke last week jimoh network continued to stay open despite the nearly imposed lockdown measures he said the physical that the physical and Mental Health of his clients led him to defy the rules in the end wico was fined 1000 pounds he believes the closure of gems never made any sense. It was intimidating. We had no choice it was it was a case of but no health of our members or you know given ensue this civil fine that weve been hounded by the large number of police to be seen and sentenced to to stickley they pick the west possible sector that they could have closed down instead of the effects of the infection rate were only responsible for 1. 7 percent of the infection rate somewhere the sector they chose to close in order to tackle the recent cases the u. K. Has imposed 3 knock down on some parts of the country under this high enough level initially all gems that have a pull out of the nearby region were required to shut down gitmo network come again says he wants an apology from those empowered Police Restrictions are likely to be imposed everywhere that was to fall under the 3 restrictions livable made a whole lot of noise we you know we get the press. Again a whole lot of traction and we gain you know accessible as we have nearly half a 1000000 signatures on our google position we raised nearly 55000 pounds to contest this legally weve had hundreds of thousands of comments in support so you know we make enough noise and then thankfully languish it was a hit with the same restrictions of about what we were doing now that was great so much esther and then it was only a matter of time before we receive justice and the hopeful i would like an apology from Central Government to try to draw a wedge between ourselves and our local police and our local community which they failed to do so i think thats important you know we stuck together on this we stood strong we stood up we and our politicians that we would like an apology from the Central Government for being ignored. Goodbye for me for the moment will be back at the top to tide you up on told on its side. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. High salacious community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Away. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. With little more than a week before the election many are asking the question do you believe the polls we have good reason to do so should voters trust the polls and if you dont trust the polks will you trust the outcome of the election. An entire village in alaska has had to move if another country threaten the wife of an american. We do everything in our power to protect the. Want of a escaping Climate Change is the same threat right now alaska has seen some of the fastest coastal erosion in the world we lost about 35 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. Is fast and that means the river is 35. 00. Closer to home than was easier or. Harder. For. You know when im going to be out there so i dont think about it at all many. New dorp or. I kind of were on the. Course if they dont want it its hard enough. Members of the african mafias them safe and quick to europe but once they. Leave they are in sleeves and they count speech util. Some of them leave your mom on and off until you know. This you need to get it out of me. Dont. They sold the. Lead. Core of the. Phone all. Hello welcome to you so because vision or is me Sophie Shevardnadze till recently the consummate consciousness lay at a confluence of philosophy really but my guest today offers a clinical view on it dr steven la s. Is one of the worlds leading researchers in the new consciousness and his will

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