Transcripts For RT News 20240712

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A shaky ground its not the end of the world and always the year off to us backed on grass brought down by libyas president evo morales as the people take baghdad for its choosing one of the Foreign Ministers as the next leader. Live from the russian capital this is our international glad you could join us to talk your company. Well up the stories about start with the swathe of a power risk wasc has apologized for publishing a video which called for a campaign against a french history teacher the same teacher who was made to brew to be beheaded by a terrorist for showing caricature of the prophet mohammad to his class. In hindsight given what happened we regret having published it we are now exploring how in the future we can take a step back before getting carried away with things like that meanwhile some french t. V. Channels have started airing those controlled tunes he showed in defiance of free speech and dozens of raids have already been carried out against suspected islamist bot ordinary french muslims now fear they will bear the brunt of the governments response assault it deepens explores. In the wake of samuel pattis gruesome murder the french state wants to show that its being quick to act police have raided the homes of islam is activists engaged on social networks more than 80 investigations for online hatred have been arrests have already taken place since yesterday around 50 associative structures will see a certain number of visits from state services all week long and several of them at my suggestion will be dissolved in the council of ministers this latest terror attack is only likely to harden the state starts already led to more accusations that muslims need to take cover or are calling me asking me whether i was raided or not so we have wished the poor into that everybody is scared that they would be 5 or 6 oclock in the morning i fear that you know i will have to maybe be careful of what i post and my freedom of speech as a human rights activist is literally on the balance among still going on as asians in the crossfire n. G. O. S including the collective against islamophobia in france also known as c c i f it describes itself as being a Human Rights Organization Whose Mission is to combat islamophobia but frances interior minister says the group is linked to a parent to launched a fatwa against teacher samuel party which it thought led to his assassination it received state age we have evidence to say that it is an enemy of the republic c c o f says it is the victim here since yesterday we have been the target of Death Threats and a companion of hatred that demands the dissolution of. Face through so many smears of incredible indecency given the context our team is now receiving growing support thank you from the heart another muslim n. G. O. S under suspicion is but rocket city just how dominant whats it to be. Old saying that it didnt state islamophobia now raids following terror attacks are common place but for some of these purges dont target the root of the problem this program be so widespread were talking. Literally thousands of people who are would be deemed to be in some way. To terrorist groups in the u. K. In paris in france belgium and other come so theres just an enormous number of people on the free speaking out want to. Be from the extreme and that will do some good but this is a problem an assault is going to go on for a long time to come and least a generation islam islam in france was already in the spotlight in recent weeks president emanuel might call that outlying details of the new law aimed at protecting frances secular republic from foreign influence is not going said a minority of the countrys estimated 6000000 muslims were in danger of forming around to society and accusations followed that he was trying to a price in france. Associations to defend the rights of muslims who are bought off by microns police in short the message is muslims were going to screw you up. Well the french unanimously condemned the attack which led to the beheading for professor yesterday some take the opportunity to settle their scores by slipping into the most abject islam a phobia the interior minister says its now possible to see how political islam has joined forces with radical islam and ultimately is leading to terrorism many muslims may now feel that they are under attack with suggestions that some real parties death opens the floodgates to a political trial of those organizations say they struggle against islamophobia so lets even ski r. T. Paris france and germany have the largest muslim populations in europe and they are both grappling with similar integration issues as evidence by a recent case in germany in fact it involves a lebanese doctor who has been denied citizenship because he wouldnt shake hands with a few mother fishel if the african refuses to shake hands with gender specific reasons which are incompatible with the constitution there is no integration into german Living Conditions the man moved to germany 18 years ago he completed his medical studies that are now works as a senior physician and his citizenship test he got top marks in german history and values bought a court described his refusal to shake womans hand as indicative of fundamentalist views the lebanese tonight are saying he simply taken a vow never to touch any woman other than his wife well this is a fast time that the traditional greeting has courted controversy a muslim couple was simply denied swiss citizenship again for refusing handshakes from members of the opposite sex officials then said it showed a lack of respect for gender equality but not in cases go in that way for example in sweden a muslim woman was actually compensated when her Job Interview was cut short because she wouldnt extend her hand to a man we got reaction from both sides of the issue. The. Procedure just showed that there was a problem with the integration process of this person and you cannot look into peoples hearts and minds but that was a clear signal that he still is here to a totally different belief and value system than the one which is established in germany since centuries and therefore i find it correct that they took this as a signal syrians and rejected the naturalisation of the live in his person rainer this is a cultural and passions and we have freedom of belief and conscience and youre right there are limits to that i agree and i help governments in this country and elsewhere tackle radicalization extremism terrorism do this for decades just trust me. If somebody doesnt shake hands and he is carrying out his actions as a doctor treating patients on a regular basis its not the end of the world hes a contributing taxpaying that society and we should have tolerance if this is a sign of bad in chanterelle he regards the women as a seductive as a danger for his own behavior and then this shows that he has brought it with himself really an outdated view of women and this will create further clashes in the future of this is a part of our culture of life that she didnt need it changed in no way so who cannot accept this culture should simply not work here or long for this it doesnt ship of such a country you dont get to tell muslims what this messed up version of a stalinist at least the 8 who have put policies in place to protect not what is going on is about the truth what is lost in smaller liberties and that means. Principles gentle approach. Democratic if you want to pretend that you need to add here to some basic shared value systems. Otherwise the society will fall apart and in the end all the nation states will fall apart and maybe this is in the interest of many people but in the trees and its normal is that we should ensure that i dont europe to conserve society in their complexity that we already have in their colorful ness and keep them as open and really tolerant spaces without radical fuz. The bolivian people have made at that voice have had preliminary results show that we saw say a former minister of ousted president evo morales is going to triumph in sundays president ial election or rather has triumphed and Antigovernment Movement supported by the us toppled as last year following a disputed vote. After nearly 14 years and his recent attempt to override the bolivian constitution and the will of the people malarious his departure preserves democracy and paves the way for the bolivian people to have their voices heard. The bolivian people have given a lesson in democracy and perseverance people have managed to resist the coup de facto government to massacres and administration of the pandemic marked by inefficiency corruption several election postponements and the worst economic crisis in our history and libya has of course enjoyed over a year of political tell more about or i fall out of the previous contest for the top top being mobbed by us backed allegations of for what many believe ians had simply very wary of and this protest and shakeups. You know we want to leave peacefully without roadblocks and protests a new leader for a new believe. We want a president who helps the countryside the poor people we dont want any right wingers. I feel happy happy because we want economic stability we want peace in bolivia we want bolivia to be reflected abroad again as a growing country with all the details his audience with russia not giving the low down to my colleague. This whole election is one big and unfortunately very bitter irony that to believe in people paid a very high price for their winning candidate mr r. C. A. Used to be finance minister on the morale is a hes from his party from his team hes one of his closest people i mean supporters and that comes after almost a year of violent turbulence political repression and complete nightmare to be honest the country has been living in after the previous president ial vote the one morale this one was very aggressively in loudly announced as it was in november and some studies show that november became the 2nd deadliest month in terms of civilian deaths caused by state forces since believe it became a democratic country 40 years ago. That. The organization of american states and known as as was basically leading this whole campaign to blacken last years elections after 84 percent of the votes were counted there was an official tally saying that mr morale is. Around 46 percent of the votes and he got an 8 point lead but after. The all the votes were counted it was all over there was an official report finally and that lead increase to 10. 5 points the opposition was saying that weve seen a sudden spike in favor of this right at the end of this election therefore result bristly rigged but there were there was an explanation it was a very simple explanation the air is reporting later were more prawle morale this and this is why when the last 16 percent of the vote. Counted that lead increased so dramatically and by the way that may happen and weve seen that happen in other countries with similar systems like United States of america for example in america by the way was very quick to supports their position and to welcome what they describe as peoples fight for justice and democracy we salute the courage and strength to believe in people who have protested against a government trying to steal an election we reject this ridiculous claim that the legal modification of a fraudulent election is somehow a coup all countries deserve free fair transparent and grab elections the organization of american states report on believe year makes it clear that believe ins were not given this chance to stop the violence hold elections and the work with the geneva nears and the Transitional Government to bring democracy back well ok bolivia seems to have democracy now but thats not how many people have described the last 12 months Human Rights Watch the issued a report just this september and the lies in state in the time when the interim government in believe there was in charge of the country and there is a huge you list of violations like many examples of how not good and proper and democratic it was and this is why now mr r. C. Says that after 11 months of this nightmare people off believe i mean they know better what the true democracy is to the new press during last years elections some people took to the streets calling for democracy and now 11 months have passed and we dont have democracy and even worse we have a totally destroyed economy so bolivian people can now compare the work of our government during 14 years in the socalled work of this interim government believe it is now coming back to where it was back in october last year but with so many losses with destroyed economy with dad you know and the question now i think is whether those responsible for pushing the country there will ever respond well suspect to Daniel Schorr his Senior Research fellow at the council on Hemispheric Affairs and his opinion he thinks that u. S. Backed forces could still try to overturn the wish of the bolivian people. B m e s the Movement Towards socialism never ceased to be popular but the cool monger the neo liberal forces with the support of pale trone the pentagon the state department here in washington and in the right wing forces across the continent had the upper head this is an amazing victory for the overwhelmingly indigenous the vast majority of bolivians who are indigenous but we should not expect that this political victory translates overnight into an economic victory. The right wing forces supported by the us are going to do everything to push back against the m. E. s against the citys victory in the peoples victory so this is going to continue to play out in the course of the next hour as the months and years well still to come a heartbreaking story. For a doctor who has been favoring a life now known for himself. Just. The single greatest most important aspect of any functioning society is price discovery prices sky very more so than any moral or aesthetic or ethical. Kind of set of rules because without sound money without some price discovery you dont have a society full stop. Seemed wrong. Just dont hold. Me if you get to shape out these days become active. And engaged because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Join me every thursday on the alex im unsure and ill be speaking to get us to the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Just a couple of days off to being signed to the 2nd truce between armenia and azerbaijan seems at risk of collapse fighting continues across the disputed no want to care about region spilling beyond its borders as while no local john the stele mera misses all day in fact was caught up in shelling while reporting from outside and azerbaijani factory. This is a good way to build us voters almost a lot of minya good on notification progression yeah yeah absolutely with me there goes those capacity of the several for peter double cuchillo pka. Most nights ago could do it but there are stars such as this near our lives that possible. From the smooth. Intense fighting today was going along the entire front line. Has been walking through the day. So exploded so often and so loudly that we could heard it from the neighboring city which is so if you will that is far from from flying as it only morning clear went is a thought from the roof of the war this indian has became an ab so of artillery from army inside still continues now and so there are 2 text while the 3 decade old tension surrounding the disputed territory flagged up at the end of september both sides are trading accusations of attacks blaming each other for the civilian casualties and damage soldiers holding frontline positions in war torn. Claim the azeris side is sabotaging. Their ground in reality the truth has not been upheld as for defensive positions there has been no shooting but we hear from the positions on our right and left explosions i assure you that is from the adverse reason not from us this is one of the. By the is very essential you know and ive been fighting against the as a response the 990. 00 s. And again i fight against them so their perverted feet will not step in our clean armenian land dont pollute our homeland we wont allow it. It doesnt matter from how many countries they bring mercenaries nothing can beat an armenian soldier when an armenian soldier stand strongly on his feet he will repel anyone no one can enter our armenian lands. All state thought would be a lakshman de inches a book close on the tension between biden and Trump Supporters this pope will now with emotions running so high and raise so much on the line things could easily spiral out of control as caleb maupin reports. November 3rd election day in america is edging ever closer some are not just nervous about the results but nervous about the real potential for violence in the streets over the course of the past few months amid the pandemic tensions have been at boiling point and at some point even boiling over violence has taken place at political rallies. Carried last weekend it was boston that was the site of scuffles between Trump Supporters and left wing activists videos like this are becoming more and more common across america. And. The country is becoming more and more polarized you have this witches brew that really hasnt happened in americas history and defeat hands its been decades if not centuries right wing militias and are both heavily armed and both walking the streets freely in american cities. Our current. Gun sales are record high now the year isnt even over yet but already the f. B. I. Has announced that 2020 is the record year for the number of f. B. I. Background checks for gun purchases tensions are being ratcheted up by both candidates were both suggesting that the other guy is rigging the vote a single greatest concern this president trying to steal this election its democrats theyre going to theyre trying to rig this election. Will the elections have a quick result that is accepted by everyone or will it be contested with both candidates having supporters that are armed and ready for battle things could explode very quickly. Artsy new york. Tunnel all story in 2000. Ok and the story of a foreign doctor whos fighting for life on 2 fronts cardiologist passed the men on what during the peak of the current vice pandemic is now in a Critical Condition with 1000 himself his Family Affairs his current inability to walk and for them being denied the stay in the u. K. His friend dr sanjay gupta told r. T. About doctrine and current condition so the work was very hard he was obviously very stressed because you know he was on an immigrant visa he had to keep working he knew his contract was finishing he needed to secure his future he had another job lined up from the 1st of december but of course even that was a lucrative job so he was trying very hard to get all of the paperwork done so that he could continue to stay and continue to work and actually take on a substance job rather than remain a locum he is brain is still functional he is still able to pull his eyes he still able to communicate with his eyes he can even sometimes speak a little bit but he cannot breathe independently and because of that what they have had to do is make a hole in his windpipe and put a ventilator through there and that is his situation at the moment so he is awake he is able to speak when he has some power but not for very long but otherwise he is paralyzed they dont know since at the moment is garrison which is a condition which affects the nerves it can be happen with viruses. And dr not needs but 32nd case in the world of this happening with it. Dr nani flew from egypt to the in their city of york to help as a Consultant Cardiologist his colleagues describe him as a frontline fighter jaring the spring wave of the virus hes the only brought one of his wife and 4 daughters the issue is u. K. Visa legislation doesnt allow any to me even based on health and that puts him at risk of being kicked out of the country dr gupta has set up a crowdfunding page for his friend to assist with any legal and medical bells and to support dr anon his family as of now the campaign has raised over 125000 pounds the u. K. Home office claims thats watching on a viable solution for the family and their own fortunate situation however dr gupta again says there really havent been any long term assurances doctor in nannies here entirely legally and has every right to remain in the u. K. Afterthoughts are with his family and we will be urgently contacting them and his employer so we can help at this difficult time after that statements rescission the home office made contact with his wife mrs a nanny and they gave her a temporary consolation they said look you know at this point in time dont worry about this which is very nice but they dont have long term security they dont still know because the Home Office Said for the time being forget about it dont worry we will look into it and the family are still feeling very insecure because what they want is to know that look you know what will happen lets Say Something bad happens to him what will happen to them we hope to go out there he will make a full recovery and he will be able to go back to work and he will be able to do the profession he joins doing that hes passionate about doing which is the people of england which is looking after their medical needs Getting Better this is what he was passionate about. Well thats all from me for the moment youve got more stories than i. Thought any of all social media accounts glad you picked up today have a good one. The world is driven by shaped by those. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. Americans love buying homes. This was a fundamental part of how our Political Leadership and our country at large understood the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right thats the things you dont revolt if you have a stake in the system. And be really interesting to dial it back and think about the longer deeper history what housings meant in the United States not just that old question of the American Dream but the bigger question of who the dream has been for. Its sort of amazing country with her so many friends in russia and im very excited to be here. I love that idea i think i can do that. Different nice to make a lot of money with them but they make millions and hundreds of me. Heres a nice well theres a nice a great wall and nobody feels a lot better than me believe me and ill build a very inexpensive like a great great wall. d and just in case youre worried about whos going to pay for it mexico will pay for. It well see what happens who knows i always say who knows what will seattle philly will be success. Max keiser this is the kaiser report i remember back in the days when we used to hear reports about soviet union and you know they were making too many tanks but they had keep making the tanks because with them making all those tanks so theyve got a business lets see how this plays into the big picture stacey well we have a similar situation in america where we have you know so much debt that we have to keep on creating more debt in order to keep the debt market alive and thats all we have is that so we see the treasury market is now so large that the u. S. Central bank may have to continue to be involved to keep it functioning properly of course this is what happens with a commanding control situation and weve warned about it and its here right so the market for Treasury Bonds the thing that keeps the america afloat is been cut dramatically because nobody wants american Treasury Bonds and then the u. S. Federal reserve bank out of the business of buying its own u. S. Treasury bonds a monetizing

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