Transcripts For RT News 20240712

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In taiwan here and moscow this tuesday the 26th of october glad you could join us this hour the whats happening around the world. While our top story this hour the need of a power risk moscow has apologized for publishing a video which called for a campaign against a french history teacher the same teacher who was later brutally beheaded by a terrorist the video was filmed by a parent of one of the peoples who was offended by the car which was of the prophet mohammed shown in class the parent has since been arrested. In hindsight given what happened we regret having published it we are now exploring how in the future we can take a step back before getting carried away with things like that meanwhile dozens of raids have been carried out against suspected islamists thoughts according to the French Interior minister but theyre all concerns that the governments reaction to the gruesome attack could lead to a spike in islamophobia and fronts. You know reports. In the wake of samuel pattis gruesome murder the french state wants to show that its being quick to act police have raided the homes of islam is activists engaged on social networks more than 80 investigations for online hatred have been arrests have already taken place since yesterday around 50 associative structures will see a certain number of visits from state services all week long and several of them at my suggestion will be dissolved in the council of ministers a monk still going to his ations in the cross for n. G. O. S including the collective against islamophobia in france also known as c c i f it describes itself as being a Human Rights Organization Whose Mission is to combat islamophobia but frances interior minister says the group is linked to a parent to launched a fatwa against teacher samuel party which it thought led to his assassination it received state age we have evidence to say that it is an enemy of the republic c c o f says it is the victim here since yesterday we have been the target of Death Threats and to complain of hatred that demands the disillusion of. Face through so many smears of incredible indecency given the context our team is now receiving growing support thank you from the heart another muslim n. G. O. S under suspicion is city judge domino to be dissolved saying that it didnt hear state islamophobia now raids following terror attacks are commonplace but for some of these purges dont target the root of the problem this problem be so widespread were talking. Literally thousands of people who would be deemed to be in some way. To terrorist groups in the u. K. In paris in france. Other countries so theres just an enormous number of people. Speaking out to. Me from the extreme end that will do some good but this is a problem thats going to go on for a long time to least a generation islam islam in france was already in the spotlight in recent weeks president emanuel might call it outlined details of a new nor aimed at protecting frances secular republic from foreign influences not cohen said a minority of the countrys estimated 6000000 muslims were in danger of forming counter society and accusations followed that he was trying to a price is low in france. Associations to defend the rights of muslims who are bought off by microns police in short the message is muslims were going to screw you up. Well the french unanimously condemned the attack which led to the beheading for professor yesterday some take the opportunity to settle their scores by slipping into the most abject islamophobia this latest terror attack is only likely to harden the state starts until its already led to more accusations that muslims in the to take cover people are calling me asking me whether i was raided or not so we have reached the poor into that the everybody is scared that they would be rooted out 5 or 6 oclock in the morning i fear that you know i would have to be be careful of what i post of and my freedom of speech as a human rights activist is literally on the balance the interior minister says its now possible to see how political islam has joined forces with radical islam and ultimately is leading to terrorism many muslims may now feel that they are under attack with suggestions that some real pattis death opens the floodgates to a political trial of those organizations say they struggle against islamophobia charlotte even ski r. T. Paris. Click something not theme france is not the only country in europe grappling with the issue of integrating migrants a recent case in germany appears to highlight a major difference between western and muslim cultures when it comes to the issue of gender equality involves a lebanese doctor who has been denied citizenship after refusing to shake hands with a female official on his naturalization ceremony. If the african refuses to shake hands for gender specific reasons which are incompatible with the constitution there is no integration into german Living Conditions the. Move to germany in 2002 as a language student to completed his medical studies that and now works as a senior physician when applying for jobs and citizenship to achieve maximum schools in the test on german history and 5 years bought at Administrative Court described his refusal to shake up female fishes hand as indicative of fundamentalist beans in his defense the lebanese argued he had taken a vow to never physically touch anything other than his wife now this is not the fos time that the traditional greeting has courted controversy and 2018 a muslim couple was denied swiss citizenship after refusing to shake hands of people of the opposite sex during that interview officials said it showed a lack of respect for gender equality but not all cases go the same way for example a swedish muslim woman was awarded compensation when a hard Job Interview was terminated for refusing the handshake of a male interviewer we got reaction from both sides. The. Procedure just showed that there was a problem with the integration process of this person and you cannot look into peoples hearts and minds but that was a clear signal that he still is here to a totally different belief and value system than the one which is established in germany since centuries and therefore i find it correct that they took this as a signal syrians and rejected the naturalisation of live in his person rainer this is a cultural and bashes and we have freedom of belief and conscience and youre right there are limits to that i agree and i help governments in this country and elsewhere tackle radicalization extremism terrorism case just trust me. If somebody doesnt shake your hand and he is carrying out his functions as a doctor treating patients on a regular basis its not the end of the world hes a contributing taxpaying that society and we should have tolerance if this is a sign of dad in chanterelle he regards the women as a seductive as a danger for his own behavior and then this shows that he has brought up with himself really an outdated view of women and this will create further clashes in the future of this is a part of our culture of like that she didnt need it changed in no way so who cannot accept this culture you should simply not work here or long for this it doesnt ship of such a country you dont get to tell muslims what this messed up version of a stalinist at least the. Policies in place to protect the ice not what is going on is about the truth what is lost in smaller liberties about things. Principles general principle democrats if you want to pretend that you need to add here to some basic value systems. Otherwise the society will fall apart and in the end also nation states will fall apart and maybe this is in the interest of many people but in my race is national normal situation in terms of europe to conserve society in that complexity that we already have in their colorful ness and keep them as open and really tolerance basis without radical views. But a preliminary count in bolivias president ial election shows socialist Party Candidate us all say winning with almost 53 percent of the votes all say is known as a supporter of ousted president even rod is on in fact so does economy minister joining the latins administration and 2019 even though the final results are yet to be announced are ses opponent has acknowledged his defeat while former president rather was has praised the peoples decision. The bolivian people have given a lesson in democracy and perseverance people have managed to resist the coup a defacto government to massacres and administration of the pandemic marked by inefficiency corruption several election postponements and the worst economic crisis in our history. A great victory the bolivian people are united and consciously defeated with votes the coup detat that our brother abel was served not just remind of bolivia has enjoyed over a year of political turmoil fallout all of the previous president ial vote being mobbed by u. S. Backed allegations of gross fortification and it seems many believe instance of people wary of this and this protest and shakeups we heard reactions from some of them. We want to leave peacefully without roadblocks and protests a new leader for a new believe year we want a president who helps the countryside the poor people we dont want any right wingers. I feel happy happy because we want economic stability we want peace in bolivia we want bolivia to be reflected that. Again as a growing country. If an option i discussed all the details of my colleague. This whole election is one big and unfortunately very big to irony that to believe in people paid a very high price for their winning candidate mr r. C. A. Used to be finance minister on the morale is that hes from his party from his team hes one of his closest people i mean supporters and that comes after almost a year of violent turbulence political repression and complete nightmare to be honest the country has been living in after the previous president ial vote the one moral this one was very aggressively in loudly announced as it was in november and some studies show that november became the 2nd deadliest month in terms of civilian deaths caused by state forces since believe it became a democratic country 40 years ago. So the organization of american states and known as as was basically leading this whole campaign to blacken last years elections after 84 percent of the votes were counted there was an official tally saying that mr morale is. Around 46 percent of the votes and he got an 8 point lead but after. The all the votes were counted it was all over there was an official report finally and that lead increase to 10. 5 points the opposition was saying that weve seen a sudden spike in favor of this right at the end of this election therefore reso bristly rigged but there were there was an explanation why. Very simple explanation the air is reporting later were more from this in this is why when the last 16 percent of the votes were counted that lead increased so dramatically and by due way that may happen and weve seen that happen in other countries with similar systems like United States of america for example in america by the way was very quick to supports their position and to welcome what they describe as peoples fight for justice and democracy lets take a listen we salute the courage and strength of oblivion people who have protested against the government trying to steal an election we reject this ridiculous claim that the legal modification of a fraudulent election is somehow all countries deserve free fair transparent and grab elections the organization of american states report on believe year makes it clear that believe ins were not given this chance to stop the violence hold elections and the work with jenny the new years and the Transitional Government to bring democracy back. Bring democracy well ok bolivia seems to have democracy now but thats not how many people have described the last 12 months Human Rights Watch they issued a report just this september and the lies in state in the time when the interim government in believe there was in charge of the country and there is a huge you list of violations like many examples of how not good and proper and democratic it was and this is why now mr r. C. Says that after 11 months of this nightmare people often the i mean they know better what the true democracy is to the new press during last years elections some people took to the streets calling for democracy and now 11 months have passed and we dont have democracy and even worse we have a totally destroyed economy so bolivian people can now compare the work of our government during 14 years in the socalled work of this interim government believe it is now coming back to where it was back in october last year but with so many losses with destroyed economy with dad you know and the question now i think is whether those responsible for pushing the country there will ever ever respond Daniel Schorr Senior Research fellow at the council on hemispherical gave his opinion on who might not welcome these election results. B m e s the Movement Towards socialism never ceased to be popular but the cool mongers the neo liberal forces with the support of. Trump the pentagon the state department here in washington and in the right wing forces across the continent had the upper hit this is an amazing victory for the overwhelmingly indigenous the vast majority of bolivians who are indigenous but we should not expect that this political victory translates overnight into an economic victory. She right wing forces supported by the us are going to do everything to push back against the m. E. s against during in the peoples victory so this is going to continue to play out in the course of the next hour is the months and years while still to come a heartbreaking story from the u. K. Where for im dr who has been faithful not does now favor himself that i much more often should bring. To. The world is driven by a dream shaped by. The dares thinks. We dared to ask. When i was sure seemed wrong. I dont know just dont call. Me your world yet to stamp out this day become active. And engaged because the trail. Went on to find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Welcome back and thats had straight and we can tell the story of a foreign doctor whos fighting for life on 2 fronts off to walking during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic cardiologist boss monotony is now paralyzed and in a Critical Condition with covert 19 his family fears his current inability to walk could lead to them being denied father stay in the u. K. His friend dr sanjay gupta told r. T. About a nanis current condition. So the work was very hard he was obviously very stressed because you know he was on an immigrant visa he had to keep working he knew his contract was finishing he needed to secure his future he had another job lined up from the 1st of december but of course even that was a lucrative job so he was trying very hard to get all of the paperwork done so that he could continue to stay and continue to work and actually take on a substance job rather than remain a locum he is brain is still functional he is still able to pull his eyes hes still able to communicate with his eyes he can even sometimes speak a little bit but he cannot breathe independently and because of that what they have had to do is make a hole in his windpipe and put a ventilator through there and that is his situation at the moment so he is awake he is able to speak when he has some power but not for very long but otherwise hes paralyzed dont know since at the moment is very similar which is a condition which affects the nerves it can be happen with viruses. And dr not a 32nd case in the world of this happening with that doctor and any came from egypt to the english city of york to help as a Consultant Cardiologist he is the only breadwinner for his wife and 4 daughters those who worked with him during that fast growing wave of the virus describe him as a frontline fighter however current visa legislation doesnt include any expiration delays based on health and that puts him at risk of being kicked out of the country dr gupta has set up a crowdfunding page for his friend to assess for the needle and medical bills and to support top 10 on his family as of now the campaign has raised over 125000 pounds. Meanwhile the u. K. Home office has indicated its watching a viable solution for the family and the unfortunate situation however dr gupta again says that been no long term assurances doctor in nannies here entirely legally and has every right to remain in the u. K. After or so with his family and we will be urgently contacting them and his employer so we can help at this difficult time after that statements rescission the home office made contact with his wife mrs a nanny and they gave her a temporary consolation they said look you know at this point in time dont worry about this which is very nice but they dont have long term security they dont still know because the Home Office Said for the time being forget about it dont worry we will look into it and the family are still feeling very insecure because what they want us to know that look you know what will happen lets Say Something bad happens to him what will happen to them we hope to go out there he will make a full recovery and he will be able to go back to work and he will be able to do the profession he joins during that hes passionate about doing which is the people of england which is looking after their medical needs getting them better this is what he was passionate about. As election day in the u. S. Inches of a close to the tension between biden and Trump Supporters of palpable with emotions running high and so much on the line things could easily spend out of control as caleb maupin now reports. November 3rd election day in america is edging ever closer some are not just nervous about the results but nervous about the real potential for violence in the streets over the course of the past few months amid the pandemic tensions have been at boiling point and at some point even boiling over violence has taken place at political rallies. For. Arab last weekend it was boston that was the site of scuffles between Trump Supporters and left wing activists videos like this are becoming more and more common across america but. The country is becoming more and more polarized you have this witches brew that really hasnt happened in americas history and defeat hands its been decades if not centuries right wing militias and are both heavily armed and both walking the streets freely in american cities. Our prayers are. Gun sales a record high now the year isnt even over yet but already the f. B. I. Has announced that 2020 is the record year for the number of f. B. I. Background checks for gun purchases tensions are being ratcheted up by both candidates were both suggesting that the other guy is rigging the vote my single greatest concern this president trying to steal this election its democrats theyre going to theyre trying to rig this election. Will the elections have a quick result that is accepted by everyone or will it be contested with both candidates having supporters that are armed and ready for battle things could explode very quickly they will mop and artsy new york. Well just a couple of days. After being signed the 2nd truce between armenia and azerbaijan seems out risk of collapse fighting continues across the disputed nagornokarabakh region spending beyond its borders as well local journalist reports from outside and as of a johnny factory hit by the recent shelling. Lets listen to what you did notice how it was almost you are mean you get over notification because you know you know absolutely with me there goes those couples you know your desired world for Peter Roebuck you go through. The most nights you dont produce but there are stars there is this new admins that pass a. Little smooth. Fighting. Along the entire front flying. Has been walked into the direction of. Us whove been so exposed so often and so loudly that we could heard it from the neighboring city which is so cool that is far from from flying as it only morning when does a thought from the roof of the war this has became an episode of artillery from armenian side why it still continues now and so there are 2 text the 3 decade old tensions surrounding the disputed territory flattop at the end of september both sides are trading accusations of attacks blame each other up for civilian casualties and damage on me and soldiers for Example Holding frontline positions in the war torn region claim. Is sabotaging the ceasefire. And that down the road in reality the truce has not been upheld as for defensive positions there has been no shooting but we hear from the positions on our right and left explosions i assure you that is from the adverse reason not from us this is one of the. By these areas. Ive been fighting against the as a response the 990. 00 s. And again i fight against them so their perverted feet will not step in our clean armenian land dont pollute our homeland we wont allow it. It doesnt matter from how many countries they bring mercenaries snuffy. Can beat an armenian soldier when an armenian soldier stand strongly on his feet he will repel anyone no one can enter our armenian lands. Thats all for this ill be back at the top with a tiger a frontal that its been buffed. Israel media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. The isolation pool community. Are you going the right way or are you being. Direct. What is true what is. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Of the shallows. The single greatest most important aspect of any functioning society is price discovery price discovery more so than any moral or aesthetic or ethical. Kind of set of rules because without sound money without some price discovery you dont have a society full stop. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. Spearing Dramatic Development only personally im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. This is the one business show you cant afford to miss on their monticello grand washington coming up a 2nd wave of coronavirus faces is heading Countries Worldwide and it may be harder than the 1st as a total face of 40000000 on the clock is ticking for democrats and republicans to reach a stimulus deal by today but a lot remains undecided we have our panel standing by we have a lot to get through to lets get started. We begin with the latest on the spread of coronavirus where the dreaded 2nd wave of coven 1000 is taking its toll this week the number of covert 1000 cases worldwide hit 40000000 and many countries are struggling with the surge in numbers are teens alex my hell of a story the for addiction of an unforgiving 2nd wave is coming true when some parts of the world are feeling it more than others with covert 19 cases surpassing 40000000 this week for the 1st time europe is showing higher numbers in the United States according to Johns Hopkins university when adjusting for Population Based on a 7 day average europe is reporting 187 new covered 1000 cases per 1000000 people while the us has 162 cases per 1000000 although its numbers are lower than europe right now this does not mean that its good news for the United States daily new cases continue to be on the rise in more than half of u. S. States were certainly attune any time we see a. Spike in cases in respective states and our goal is to put that out as quickly as possible and compare to total global cases where the world number of infections has gone up about 40000000 with over 1100000

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