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Me its a mistake halloween has become a good holiday here in italy these are useless holidays honestly im not sorry for it. Even just gone 6 here in moscow you watching r. T. International the raids on suspected islamist militants have been carried out across france in the wake of fridays brutal beheading of a teacher they come as part of a crackdown promised by mean tyria minister. Investigations have been opened into online hatred arrests have already been made since this morning 3 separate have taken place and more will take place 50 associative structures will be assessed some will be shut down. Meanwhile thousands gathered in paris on sunday in tribute to the teacher and tonight ends the incident as an attack on the country secular values the jews have been taking place across france hundreds gathered in to loosen the decrying violence and also supporting freedom of speech and ashleigh tribute to the teachers also planned for wednesday well heres how events unfolded. At one of our competitors was murdered because he taught our compassion it was the victim of an islamist terror attack. And this is the concern person of russian nationality and of chechen origin benefited from a Refugee Status and lived in year every year he was not known to the Intelligence Services on a judicial level hes never been convicted but was known for cases of damaging public property and Gang Violence while still a minor. He asked Muslim Children to raise their hands and leave the classroom he did it my son told me he didnt do it to discriminate or to hurt he did it to preserve the children to not shield them he explained id prefer if you left because im going to show weaker tune of the prophet of islam i dont want to shock you. Im even more shocked that this college. One i opened when i was the town mayor working there was nice and it was located in a neighborhood without any problems or violence i dont think that this act of terror is a crazy man but a premeditated act. Ok lets talk further now with Chris Phillips hes a counterterrorism specialist and a very welcome as always thanks for coming on chris firstly i just wanted to start with the raids were seeing in france at the moment because were seeing a considerable number of them all against suspected radical islamists are you surprised to see so many considering as it seems that they arent directly linked to this brutal murder that we saw last week no i think the issue here is its a measurement spread of information and of course the police are to follow all leads and those people that are inside. Behavior such as this will all come to the notice of police at some stage the sad thing is of course that this didnt happen prior to this bomb and been attacked that would be the question wouldnt it why wouldnt they carry out these raids early and why wait for this attack particularly if they are not directly linked. Well that the issue is when does it become an offense and when does incite incitement actually become incitement and not just spreading a view of the world and of course this is the basic rub that. Secular country searchers search across europe we dont believe you should be stopped from laughing if you like religions whereas the islamic religion and many people many moderates even believe that to show you need these cartoons are really highly offensive and theyre very extreme will go to the extent that we saw last week. It should more be done here because the french government is making a big thing of these raids has taken place saying you know its it appears to me anyway theyre telling the public we are doing something in it is effective but just how effective are these raids when we see that later date we probably could expect lets be honest about it further attacks in the future you know while i you just hit the nail on the head there really the trouble is is this problem is so widespread were talking thousands of people literally thousands of people who are would be deemed to be in some way. To terrorist groups given u. K. In paris in france in belgium and other countries so theres just an enormous number of people by that priest picking out one or 2 hopefully from the extreme and that will do some good but this is a problem an assault thats going to go on the road long time to come and probably at least a generation i was just talking earlier chris to a guest represents the Muslim Community in france and he said that much of the Muslim Community feels they say in spain or chose the right word but picked upon its been unfairly targeted because there is a sort of very general. Definition of radical islam that the French Police are using how difficult is it for the police to sort of counter what they have to do with all say preserving good relations in the community. Its a real difficulty because there the vast majority of any religion wouldnt even think of of committing an offense like this but of course what weve got here and again its the pictures or the prophet mohammed that does really tickle and a lot of people a lot of what you david consider themselves to be moderates to think that this is completely outrageous and i need to do something about it so so theres a massive rub gave that we know that the vast majority of muslims and all the people are not extreme and violent but theres a percentage that are and that percentage is a big percentage and and of course whats seen here is one person one person committing this act and of course theres an awful lot of other people that are equally as concerning in fact more concerning because this man wasnt even on their radar in friends. Notice that regions in france saying are saying that they will publish a book of religious and political caricature or to distribute at schools across the country. Should the Police Advise against that do you think what is going to go one way or the other you go to either except that you dont do this at all that some religions are sacrosanct you cant talk about them cant you cant deal in them or you just say look this is the this is the values that we live in a neck country either accept it or dont live here and to some extent i think the french you know i think theyre quite strong on this and and whilst it may inflame tensions to some extent i think some people have got to make a choice do they believe in freedom of speech really freedom to religions of all kinds or do they want to live somewhere else and i think thats a situation that france could be coming to very quickly ok chris thanks for your time tonight we always welcome you here on r. T. That was Chris Phillips a Counter Terrorism specialist thank you. Just a day after a new cease fire came into force with an honor and as a fish an air raid sirens have been heard in the capital of the disputed region of the corner catarrh back cadbury tried on a new truce agreement when both sides accuse each other of violations it does follow a similar pattern seen after the 1st cease fire reached just over a week ago and fighting isnt limited to Nickel Academy back as you go down off now. Its hard to come across an unfamiliar face on the streets of step on a curse to go in a cab x. Largest city having spent weeks here it seems like everyone knows everyone but half of the population has been displaced many have chosen to flee far less are taking their chances in choosing to stay its been more than a week since the 1st ceasefire was signed in moscow and throughout this whole time the exodus continued the truce held only on paper this is one of the worst scenes of destruction weve witnessed instapundit during the whole time that weve been here basically a whole half of the house has been demolished by a huge bomb it didnt come from the drone thats for sure because the drone strikes dont leave craters as big as the one over there here it seems used to be a small storage unit or some Storage Facility judging by a huge pile of firewood over here instapundit hurt alone this is only one of dozens of houses raised by the bombs of troops the destruction skills up across the region every major town and many villages have also been shelled so when the 2nd cease fire was announced locals here took it almost like a mockery he meaning you was there is no way the conflict can be solved peacefully or many years did live here so youre in this very 2 years they had to somehow resolve the conflict. What can i say about people who have no idea of humanity it is a pity that we are dealing with barbarians and terrorists i think that the ordinary zebra johnny people the civilians do not want war just like we dont want it but if their leader wants their people to die let them die our boys will defend our homeland. The fighting has long spilled beyond the borders of Nagorno Karabakh the ceasefire didnt save bizzare cities from the shelling to notably bombs rained down on the civilian areas over there by jan 2nd city of ganja just like armenians azerbaijanis share a religious belief that nagornokarabakh belongs to them. Regardless of the ceasefire the armenians continue to attack us the shot civilians in marketeer. Countries around the world turn a blind diety these violations powerful nations should not tolerate this but they openly support them both armies are ready to exterminate each other if need be and the diplomatic effort however large it might be can only do so much and weve done of reporting from the going to care about are to see well control over nagornokarabakh is being contested for decades with the conflict bursting back into life at the end of september although the region is legally part of his vision it is populated mainly by armenians cities have also come under shelling too despite all the recent agreements a local journalist brings us the latest now from the assyrian region of death. At tweed knives when its true do you need to introduce came into force how will people in the wall song and. The not relax while stime cease fire was broken after call for an hour or so forced by reading inside the transitional houses. To d. C. s for was broken again starting on the cells feasibly and jabber allusions in the Late Afternoon ive done under fire. I am a soldiers mother when i heard the news about the ceasefire i called my relatives and complained about this decision we must go to the very end and liberate all our lands we fear nothing living near the product line and market them. Because we believe in our soldiers and president if they say this should be peaceful resolution then we do not want this war we want our lands back no matter whether its at the negotiating table or through war. I was fighting against armenia in the early ninetys at that time armenians also proclaimed cease fires but never observed them and occupied New Territories where we werent expecting it is the same thing now they talk about a ceasefire but shoot civilians we live in. The ceasefire didnt even start there is no ceasefire i havent seen it. Violence erupted at a protest in chile marking one year of antigovernment rallies. It was a massive pictures there showing how a church that was more than a century old was tossed as firefighters were battling the flames the staple collapsed when crowds strengthened police moved in with Water Cannons to break up the protests meanwhile similar scenes in the czech republic. This time there were anti 1000 football and hockey fans protested in prague at the governments decision to suspend sporting events for 2 weeks in response to rising coded infections cliches force this person demonstrations and at least 20 people were said to have been wounded. Now it is the holiday when go singles come out to play but not in one part of italy because that is because halloween celebrations have been cancelled over night. Are lowing nyquist minutes halloweens is this immense idiocy this immense stupid american extravagance that we have imported into our country thats its halloween is a monument to imbecility as well since we have to face the reality and since i feel that people are already getting ready to have parties everything will be closed on halloween from 10 oclock and there will be a curfew but we took to the streets to see how italians they feel about these new restrictions taken down. But in my opinion its stupid to think that closing all the nightclubs will stop people from gathering because we can regroup in another place. I agreed was deluca even before corbett in my view its a pretty silly holiday where catholics you know this is americas liberation is not appropriate to me yes but i think its a mistake halloween has become a good holiday here in italy and it helps the economy its a good thing for the city for young people that want to have fun and for everyone. I think that we can avoid these holidays because of the grown the virus these are useless holidays a group that honestly im not sorry for it we can stay home during this phase maybe next year we can go out and enjoy this holiday if there is a vaccine. I mean mark over distractions in france are getting tougher it comes in response to daily infections now its being more than 30000. 00 that is several times higher than it was at the previous peak back in march and april curfew so now in place in major cities although that hasnt stopped people from protesting against the new measures. The restrictions include getting special permission to go out at night a move that has upset restaurant and bar owners in particular the government doesnt mean its the only way to avoid another Strict Lockdown well to ensure the nighttime curfew is respected the french president has outlined a range of punishments fines and be hiked up to more than 100. 00 euros for 1st time offenders to more than 3000. 00 for repeat offenders and even jail time charlotte minsky has been finding out how the hospitality sector hopes to survive. Between 9 pm and 6 am every night for possibly up to 6 weeks no one is allowed outside without an authorization or medical emergency for restaurants already struggling to cope there is concern that these new measures will make times even. If Everybody Needs to be at home at 9 we have clothes or serve the last this is. The time to clean the time to go home. To service between 7 and 8 switches not a reason at all im. Not sure if we would have enough plates and hes worried this could mean many restaurants are hung out to dry becomes a cynical we get so we were getting used to it and so we try to do our best but its. An enormous number of restaurants in the nothingness about it. As we speak so. Big big. Bar and restaurant unions have also warned that the impact could be dire now they previously outlined how 15 percent of cafes bars or restaurants face potential bankruptcy with a quarter of a 1000000 star facing unemployment in france it is clear that this decision is equivalent to a reclusive era stablish ments and has serious consequences for the hotel cafe and catering sector already hard hit by the crisis we qualify these measures as punitive against the hotel and catering sector their aim is to dissuade a minority of people who do not respect basic Health Precautions and will have dramatic consequences on the profession while the government has announced more help for the sector many owners of eating establishments have said this aid is for their workforce not them and that theyve essentially been left without a wage the curfew has been brought in though in the latest attempt by the french government to bring down. A number of covert 900 positive tests even president mccall has expressed concern about the rising numbers of cases that need hospital attention including those who need to go into intensive care. Our Emergency Rooms and our hospitals are in a more worrying situation than in march because we dont have a reserve of birds which is why we have to take measures that are more strict while polls suggest the majority of people do support the curfew there are those who are vocally opposing it including the mayor of must say who is a doctor 2 by profession how can you not be angry when this measure targets the wrong things and fails to address the root cause whatever else we do we need to support our hospitals because abandonment for years is deplorable with their own 20000000 people now obliged to stay inside that night many are still left wondering if this measure is enough to fight the virus as the battle against limps on charlotte even ski. Paris. Controversy over whether Transgender Athletes should be allowed to compete against female competitors has been reignited after british t. V. Personality piers morgan applauded the decision to ban trans women from taking part in International Womens rugby. How can there even be a debate about transgender women playing womens rugby its so obviously wrong unfair and equal and dangerous to women want to smaller less powerful female biological bodice we all know this women will get seriously hurt to this insanity that prevails the approach taken by world rugby shows a fundamental lack of understanding of what it means to be a trans athlete inclusion matters moral do rugby has an acted there discriminatory policy preventing transgender in their events this will be battled and the eliza ship shown by the womens Rugby Community is a mans and heart warming for that im going to leave their voices this all comes after world rugby the sports global governing body rule that there were safety and fairness concerns about letting Transgender Athletes participate it is say that women would be putting their health at risk competing against somebody it was born male since Transgender Athletes were allowed in the 2004 Olympic Games there have been a number of cases where transactions competing against women have been disqualified or stripped of their medals we put the issue of a debate. Lots of different athletes will have advantages because of various physical attributes why should we single out the potential advantages of trans more and how while ignoring the other advantages that other women have that its not fair their men their daughter biologically men born as men theyre men theyve got a huge advantage over women the people at the radical mens movement in the trans are the militant arm theyre trying to demean women and theyre trying to devalue the female sport its unfair its wrong and it shouldnt be allowed trans women. Theres no real Scientific Evidence that they have an advantage what science there is is disputed and they do agree advantage is very minimal if you know put a man show biologically born man into female piers morgan is absolutely right this time will get mass injuries its a ludicrous suggestion of course there is a risk of injury but there are rules and also among trans women rugby players some are small some are larger already women are at risk of injury this is quite an aggressive sport the world order to be union is against this england its the English Rugby Union who are being really politically correct in saying its ok but not at International Level International Level theyre saying that this nonsense can carry on. Finally this hour more than a dozen suspected mobsters have been arrested in sicily it comes after a businessman secretly recorded an alleged math extortionists trying to force him to Pay Protection money. Probably recovery from. The businessman who filmed the video refused to pay and confronted the alleged extortion is there with 5. 00 states have to prominence a sitting judge is murdered by the math the businessman is among 13 alleged racket victims who have spoken at. Another soul itll stop the in 2018 i dont see being threatened by the math here as it comes arse for racket money no in the same neighborhood where i work now but in another one called kappos one of the matthews debt collectors had been around more than once threatening the workers and myself as well back then i filmed everything with a hidden camera the maffia asking me for money i turned it over to the police and so the investigation began this time around it gave me some satisfaction to do it for those who are victims of the math here and have never been able to fight back for lack of courage because they were simply afraid when there are an estimated 900. 00 for matthew clans in sicily alone they mostly operate in italy say the stork in the poorest part of the country and main areas that activity even played extortion Drug Trafficking and illegal gambling. Am i afraid of course there is fear obviously what i did this 2nd time im exposed to my family at risk and thats no trivial matter i always thank the polo my police they are fantastic i feel protected by them because even if i dont see them i know they are there i feel protected but i have to say its not the Police Escort that makes the difference protection must come from the Citizens Protection comes if we all become the majority if we are not the minority even the police cannot provide protection and unfortunately thats what history teaches us given all the victims of the mafia. Its just approaching half past 6 in the evening here in moscow thanks for your company today well have more news here at the top of. The medium got used to leak if you disagree with the official narrative youre told a conspiracy theorist never mind many official narrative actually markings here is the and is big war with. Seemed wrong. To me. To shape out these days to come out ahead and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart a. Chance to look for common ground. I machinery tanzim going underground as the u. S. Senate reconvenes amid the worst coronavirus death toll in the world and a president ial election that arguably will do little to change things going on in the show yesterdays man with just over 2 weeks until the u. S. President ial election we investigate the legacy of joe biden from prisons in the war on drugs to the Supreme Court battle scars be playing out across the Mainstream Media and ask if his potential victory in 2 weeks will do anything to fix the United States and how aware are we have one specific quote of joe bidens legacy his support for the patriot act which authorized the mass of valence of the u. S. Population we speak to Award Winning photographer jeff minimal stein about the death of our privacy all of them all coming up in todays going on the ground the 1st way just over 2 weeks away from a u. S. President ial election that will take place amid a Global Pandemic a looming economic catastrophe and an impending Climate Crisis the man leading in the polls i had it all trump like his predecessor Hillary Clinton is joe biden a seasoned senator who some in the United States see as a potential return to normal after 4 years of trump but is he really the solution the United States needs or has his nearly 50 years in politics been emblematic of the problems that have led the country to this stage for mass incarceration in the war on drugs to imperialism a new book yesterdays man the case against joe biden looks at the veterans head of his career all the way back to his days as a public defender and its author branco markets edge joins me now via skype from cancun bronco thanks so much for coming on biden favored to become president in november he supported by Bernie Sanders no one chum skin angela davis have been on this show telling people to support biden tell me about the terrifying record of biden in your new book all. And there are many interim ones pardon is that he has been very conservative throughout his entire career and really kind of. Created the conditions in many ways that led to trumps rise which i think is kind of the the main worry with him is is is he going to be able to step up to the plate and meet the mormon now not just with the pen demick and be an epidemic attrition is happening but also as you say the Climate Crisis which is easily the the greatest threat facing human civilization the question is is by going to be radical enough going to be bold enough to take the kind of steps and stances i have to be done to mean those crises you know at the moment trump certainly is not not that he has vinyl of the and demick and of course is really just putting a few along

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