President putin announces the approval of a 2nd russian vaccine. Our correspondent is among those taking part in the testing for the 1st. Go to get. What could be. A good morning to you thanks for joining us here this is the weekly on r. T. And. Ok lets begin with the atrocity that has shocked france 10 people have now been arrested after the brutal murder of a history teacher who showed caricature of the prophet mohammed to his pupils flowers candles and messages have been left at the place where he was decapitated on friday the prosecutors now say the beheading in a paris suburb was carried out by an 18 year old of chechen origin who was born in moscow his family moved to france 12 years ago seeking political asylum russia says that in such cases citizenship is usually withdrawn in the country has no link to the incident witness filmed the Moment Police confronted the killer. I. The national antiterrorism prosecuting fronts has been putting new details about what exactly happened in the days leading up to that brutal cavitation almost 47 year old history teacher whos been named is miss samuel patty now the assailant was shot dead after decapitating teacher. This is the concern person of russian nationality and of chechen origin benefited from a Refugee Status and lived in year ever in the year he was unknown to the Intelligence Services on a judicial level hes never been convicted but was known for cases of damaging public property and Gang Violence while still a minor ellis leading up to that atrocity he went to the school and asked people to point out who sound or patti was saying it does appear that he did not know the victim himself beforehand that he also outlined the details of the individuals whove been arrested in connection with this terror attack they need to parents and grandparents of the younger brother old the 18 year old assailant and also a parent older student 2 had apparently posted that year on facebook in the last few weeks calling for teach it to be dismissed as a result of showing those care pictures of the prophet mohammed and to do that because for him and we end this stand that in the days leading up to this decapitation there will many threats that were being made against at the 47 year old teacher weve been speaking to some of the parents all children who are also in senegal pattis cost to them of you. He asked Muslim Children to raise their hand and leave the classroom he did it my son told me he didnt do it to discriminate or to hurt he did it to preserve the children enough to not chilled them he explained i prefer if you have to because im. And to show it return of the prophet of islam because i dont want to shock you caricatural do have to be serious and of attack here normally nothing ever happens here and now a teacher has been decapitated our children on safe we dont know what to do now the rector of the great great mosque here in paris has said that he was horrified by whats happened and he said that condemnation just isnt enough anymore that action needed to be taken and also there was combination from your model of the great mosque in today whatever the thought the believe even the insult the caricature of the other nothing justifies the fact of killing the so it is a mortal capital sin to kill a person like that to cut his throat like that all because it showed caricaturists of the prophet there have been there been 2 terror attacks hay in france in the last 3 weeks and both of those attacks related to the images of the slim prophet right there present makkal an apple i force wants to do the draft through d. T. Percentage before the end of 2020 he said that any deviation away from frances secular values wouldnt be tolerated he talked about liberating from foreign influences we know that that draft always going to close a scrutiny or schools and associations serves religious communities and that arabic will now be true in mainstream schools rather than in mosques that laws say by the end of the year but it comes as polls have been giving us and in planning all walked many muslims feel one poll recently showed that almost 3 quarters of those who responded who are under the age of 25. 00 said that they would put their religion above that all of the republic this attack has. A huge fear now particularly amongst teaches you may have to give similar classes to that of senator patty and this is even raised more questions about whats being done on them and whether that is actually enough to prevent this sort of radicalization that leads to such extreme brutality. Well terry spoke to the former mayor of the town where the atrocity happened shoot. First im shocked and angered because this is complete madness a teacher doing their job giving food for thoughts about freedoms and Republican Values he was beheaded its horrendous hes a victim of madness im even more shocked that this college is one i opened when i was the town mayor and it had a good reputation working there was nice and it was located in a neighborhood without any problems or violence its time for us to take a tough stance on the issue on how people intrude into france while being deemed as refugees and surprisingly given resident cards to 2030 i dont think that this act of terror is a crazy mans deed but a premeditated act at this point we must prosecute for any violation of the republics laws in particular for the pressure being put on teachers and journalists to keep them silent. Para space political analyst Nicol America which believes that the deadly incident highlights the refugee crisis unfolding in france. Its too early to see now what type of check was done when these refugees come out come into france what kind of check does france do how would they do it to see their background or these people coming from what are their beliefs or what are their motivations why are they coming here d and they are do they belong to any specific organizations i think this definition shows that france does not do that in any case it doesnt do it correctly and its getting people in which shouldnt be here if you are going to let 20300000 people into your country illegally each year and im not even you can talking about people coming illegally what is your plan are you going to help them integrate are you going to do you have jobs for them are you going to help them turn french are you going to help them to integrate in the culture to appreciate the culture to earn the culture so there definitely is a major 1st number one problem which is the integration 20 people are coming in and theres not enough means to help them integrate but also the muslim case the Muslim Community has a responsibility it has to come these people down it has to show them that theres another way to use them or else we know small minorities take over may you majoritys and then this is where the future of this town could be if people if people within the Muslim Community dont do anything. A new cease fire has been agreed between our media and azerbaijan one week after the previous truce was adopted in moscow this latest ceasefire was the go sheet after powerful explosions rocked the capital of the disputed nagornokarabakh region on saturday overnight though there was calm in the city. The 3 decade old tensions between barcoo and your advantage over the disputed territory boiled over at the end of september the 2 sides have been trading accusations of attacks blaming each other for civilian casualties and damage inflicted the conflicts spill beyond the confines of the disputed territory as a by john claims 13 people were killed during shelling in the early hours of saturday more than 50 people were reportedly injured in these areas city of ganja with residential buildings among those hit the countrys president says it was a war crime invalid to respond militarily local journalist from the show city sent this report ganja the 2nd biggest city officer vision 60 kilometers far from the fault line again came under attack for a 1000000 year as a result of war to certain civilians were killed including 3 children and more than 40 others injured more than 20 houses were destroyed according to Azerbaijan National engines to form my next gen missiles fired at ganja initially it into fight as scott operative tactical Ballistic Missile it is worst of mentioned that there are kits launched from armenian side here there is a dental areas around 1 am after the midnight obviously residents were sleeping here we can see their fragments of the shell. This has been the search consecutive for so attack only ganja the previous 2 planes lives of 11 residents many dozens were injured as a vision of government officials together with members of the diplomatic corps today was it at the scene as well they held their praise briefing according to their vision a officials armenia continues to covert war crimes even under their own going declared moscow cease fire. This isnt the 1st time the city of ganja has been shelled in the last few weeks the armenian president denied any involvement saying it was azerbaijan that initially broke the ceasefire. Spoke exclusively with r. T. Clear information from my government from ministry of defense for foreign minister and former minister of spoken about that already its definitely not i mean you know that has told it we should not. Forget. In this account the real fact who started this stage of war that was the other is side clearly the. People of nagornokarabakh republic of art. So violations are there there are fortunate and i think all parties have to put a lot of firsts in order to stop it. Meanwhile the number of regions in the going to fighting has flared up has been steadily growing reports from a shelter cathedral. The war in the going to care about has not just about trivial territorial gains its a long lasting with lots of bad blood between both sides and recently it has spilled into a new turf religious this 19th century only savior cathedral was a place where soldiers and volunteers alike used to come and pray before heading into battle that made it a target but it wasnt just soldiers who would come to this church the as Area Military was battering the town of shushi at that time so our lawn and her family decided to hide from the bombs in the cathedral script one place they thought that was safe from the shelling but they were wrong. Does not it there were 7 of us including 2 children when the shell hit the cathedral it was deafening there was destruction everywhere masonry fell from the searing thats all they can remember 2 strikes have literally sing everything in their path the altar the benches and one of the domes have been completely destroyed no place is sacred no place is safe in this war not only was this church hit twice but the 2nd strike injured 3 russian journalists one of them is still in intensive care after spending several days in a coma he believes the hit on them was intentional the streets of shushi bear a striking resemblance to those in other towns of Nagorno Karabakh its a place of desolation and despair those who can fight are already on the front lines those who had somewhere to run already have done but alone or doesnt have any choice but to stay other story. We have to fit in this small shelter with a kitchen and bathroom in the same place we are too scared to go doors when we hear the sound of the sirens we are rushing here to hide every even in there isnt long we can hear the shelling people seem to be unfazed by the story state of the cathedral theres plenty of candles still burning. The half destroyed walls of the Church People for peace to return to this land sooner rather than later because dan of reporting from the. Following the attack on the cathedral a belgian cellist performed amid the rubble from musician has armenian roots and played a piece by an armenian composer. The disputed regions populated mainly by Ethnic Armenians yet the spokesperson for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry insists it belongs to but. That doesnt exclude selfdetermination and i would look at that as the wrong thing go to raise our children theres a possibility of this is part of the internationally recognized terrorism as the 2nd about armenians living in the. White nation so the domination does not mean that recession since the nation does not mean independence so what we say of course we can wrap this up that in the nation where we are being that it wasnt just if every group of people would declare it claimed that they have the right nation can you imagine what kind of. New restrictions being rolled out in russia and the cross europe is recalled coby draitser registered more on that after this break. Backstabbers financial survival guide. Housing bubble. Oh you mean theres a downside to artificially low Mortgage Rates dont get carried away thats cause report. A grim milestone for russia as a battles the pandemic the countrys registered a wreck or daily kovar death count new antivirus restrictions are being rolled out now in the capital and other cities people over the age of 65 have been told to stay at home employers are required to move 30 percent of their staff to remote work i schools are going back to Remote Learning in moscow as of monday also bars and clubs have to send their customers details to a central registry to enable Contact Tracing in case an outbreak is reported since the start of the pandemic more than 24000 people have died in russia it has the worlds 4th heaviest caseload after the us india and brazil while the russian president Vladimir Putin announced the approval of a 2nd and covert vaccine on wednesday developed by a siberian Biotech Company the vaccine has successfully completed early trials on 100 volunteers at the same time the 1st job sputnik v. Is into its final trial stage of russia r. T. Correspondent for national was among the volunteers taking part in testing. Moscow clinic number 68 in the city Center Nothing special except this is where i received the rushes vaccine against call that 19 hopefully able to resist public enemy number one as the World Health Organization calls it. This navigation science has called with 19 vaccine Clinical Trial is this way. Maybe i received a placebo because this is a socalled double blind trial meaning neither the doctors know their participants know whos getting it was only 75 percent of the volunteers are getting jobs with a real shot and i hope im among them and i have reasons to believe i really am ill explain why i got the 1st shot exactly 21 days ago i felt really miserable the next day headache muscle pain for the back then Developers Say every 6 volunteer basis similar side effect by the way they faded away 48 hours or so later today im going to get the 2nd dose of what could be the most awaited drug in the world why to bolster the immune response to but if the form is off to the 1st shot before being approved for the trial i was checked and scanned and checked to get the blood test your entire school with 19 task of Blood Pressure also age and level and today we do some testing again. Vivax same by the way divided the world of those criticizing the research too little evidence too fast and those praising rush is going to get vaccine right here. Ok i hear. I need to relax my whove. Who. After the 1st short i was. I have been monitored by doctors. The calling me and give me a video calls you know and after 2 days im going to continue staying in touch with medics you know and as well as all volunteers because its a trial after all. Thats it im done well the head of the world war 2 where the vaccine is made has pine in favor of russia is expected to be able to produce up to 6000000 doses monthly bring in russia close to her eve unity finally written otieno party from moscow now is there of year. The coronaviruses once again tightening its grip on europe from the u. K. They are setting new infection on a daily basis for exceeding those seen during the initial wave but when it comes to tackling the Health Crisis well it seems political unity is in short supply pita all over explodes. Cases of coronavirus skyrocket across europe e. U. Leaders are bringing back hard core restrictions and we have made a decision to impose a curfew it will be in force in the paris region and 8 other french officers out in the study the situation over the bend them is serious because we record rising infection numbers almost everywhere the reason is that fear is a 2nd Autumn Winter wave of the virus would be worse than the 1st appear to be coming true back in march france was in lockdown with around 7 and a half 1000 daily cases the latest figures show that is far higher now the same picture is repeated in spain and in the u. K. While all those countries were in lockdown in the spring now politicians are trying to strike a balance between safety and personal freedom for many the potential economic damage of another lockdown outweighs concerns of a public health. Since the virus was 1st detected in europe Different Countries of opted for different tactics the swedish government went for a hands off approach relying on people following precautions without them having to be made rules that worked at least for a while but now restrictions are in place in sweden as well the disjointed approach among Member States has caused public frustration a poll of e. U. Citizens found that just over half of french people consultant thought there was unity in the block when it came to tackling coronavirus however 60 percent of italians and almost 3 quarters of those here in june. Any thought the approach lacked solidarity as our anchor lariam security then measures that confusing that i have no idea where i can and cant go there should simplify the rules im worried about a 2nd law down especially the impact it will have on Restaurant Owners and the selfemployed its not clear if there is a right strategy but there must be a better way to explain the strategy where supposed to be one we knows the hot spots knowledge family gatherings politicians maybe care homes and Retirement Homes thats where they should focus this is just chaos those were the one thing that was agreed upon this week was a unified set of travel rules for the European Union we welcome the agreement reached day by the Member States on uighur coordination of measures restricting Free Movement related to the corona virus pandemic it will have a single set of colors to categorize the different regions based on risk with a single set of rules to follow so citizens can see more clearly what the situation is the german chancellor says that means to be more cooperation across europe to help calm attain a virus that doesnt care whether its in brussels bremen things we have also experienced that European Corporation is not limitlessly resilient i tell you the south critically especially in the beginning of the pandemic in retrospect we focused too much on the problems of our own country but this experience once again makes it clear that we need each other we need close european cooperation in order to must agree challenges which can only be achieved together with the citizens and not working above their heads so far that unified new approach to tackling cove it has been lacking from european leaders these are all of our r. T. We spoke to a swedish epidemiologist he believes that its almost impossible to have 0 covert deaths it seems many nations are striving for the same time saving economies if your inability to endure were facing the outbreak of a pandemic and the 1st thing you have to see is whether there are groups aware of those little bit interest so it does not help that they say well that wasnt ordered from iraq before it should have been taking into account in deploying of this strategy to face the pandemic and that was not the done so this is this year i do know. Over incapacity you unless you do. I dont see a purpose but your prayer these are others you know where your prayers are not to save their lives it will be with your prayer to start to save the economy or even think that ok we have the most economy doing this pandemic and the country will look down that will then we suffered much more so were going to have a better position than they have been if you have those ideas you have this months edition of course youre going to sacrifice. But that is. The human rights. Funny something a bit different facebook is given onions the chopper after an algorithm deemed them to be a bit too explicit. A. A. A a a a a im not in on the time but to by only as grown cancer with the slogan only and sexy for Facebook Facebook removed the not for onions being overtly sexual then they were stored beyond confide in and since it would be a. Propaganda for trump is ok on facebook but onions are probably a. Result of mated took knology to keep nudity off our apps but sometimes it doesnt know an onion from a well you know we stored the ad and are sorry for the business trouble the a. Purpose or little. Or little. Predicament this morning this is all t. International updates for you in half an hour. Americans love and. This was a fundamental part of how our Political Leadership and our country at large understood the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right as the things you dont revolt if you have a stake in the system. To be really interesting back and think about the longer deeper history housings men in the United States not just. Question of the American Dream but the bigger question of who the dream is for. Like most of the United States prostitution is illegal in california. Merely 5 kilometers from hollywoods tourist back boulevards a dark industry comes to life each night and as dozens of young women are selling their bodies on the street. In the hollywood vice squad sergeant who knows and his men are gearing up for a major operation if western. On the way back raven to. Their mission tonight take down the prostitutes customers in a rush their pimps. Will confirm a prostitution violation with the suspect and when violation has been obtained you see outrage will give a pretty charming signal. The Police Officers are going to do something that would be unthinkable in france go undercover posing as prostitutes. These agents known as undercovers will encourage customers to pay them and catch them in the act they will also try to be recruited by pimps. To pay approximately

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