Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240712

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You know to go home by default is if you dont focus the muslim people it badly i doubt the media will see those i suppose oh no i made the i think not just one of the whole heap of money i want. To. Believe because it gives me my 1st big big call couple to get push here but im we said. Someplace he most people and most of them here most came in nobody goes from believe me National Security was he just put oh you do i called. Him those dont but i pull. Out of the compass he didnt. Deny someone to speak honestly and i was one source whos he lived in the field by the title i got him on the field because. Generals i know saw the discipline little models little but if you see how they love i thank all those because i have reason to not a political not someone else a little bit more little bit i dont im not what you think of as a buddhist but on the loss of life but a compass you know if you dont know much about us or you. No did he this. Group over your place and. I got to know most all that i really got here in the. Day and when the sheep go they light fires at the name one when he died. And this momentous time of the motoric again when they hear some of this and so on the. There are my netting but im hot i love. Them and they come by mental. Help at night so they went to the bottom but up boy i figured i once had a key in. The country and you got to know. Your idea of them include the one by the. I mean they could keep. Some of them in the process was almost since you are little. By your toes. I mean most particular youll come to meet that. Oh yeah. What is the mark of. That opus. On that momentous. Moment that for Many Companies he will thank you mr heathfield. Include. Through allowed the limo must comply with. Keep the red bulls. The book will never be the latter met the Lynne Malcolm knox came in like camille most came in a lab rope will look a look at them the most but upwards to the state are coming into his stomach and if they have a seizure. Going if they are nimoy going to suspect that the u. S. Gives simply to give simply learn to go on as you had the will is only going to become president of the year logout a key in colombia were going to see me into a company no use in a loop. Where players join a sea and. Then go out there and they see it then youll. See. A little me of are merely. 10 years with us the way coca equal like the nasdaq you know they are like up with a 1000000 on me let me look in the Article Community towie our family familia where is the. Second all aspect all kind of eagerly papa you know here we are a spot on the scene of one tragic day they. This is going to get a lot but im with every going to get us bundle yes these what it is already almost flawless well maybe if it does this go when theyre not then the being made up by the committee i mean for media that office will not get a call but i love how i call katies yard joy. Because they chatter. But its that made them feel yes i carly. Do it on problem because we have a look and a 3rd of it when they just got iacocca. When and then condemn no one made a thing when i suppose that. They must it is you dont they all know that its a sign. You. The event he concedes. Is there in my joint educators there. By that even a its a window a disabled boy lethally with a machete with board one heel and then youre left again i dont get is there the thought i. Thought it was one of what has just been. You know. This is only a. Small. Oh. Oh. This is upset because i meant to get it out in this case this is really i think well see here we will see. It was that is the thing is that it is its really still practically not true that you can actually see the back side of course it is. No not. But i can. Get home we can put on. You may yes theyve got mine young. But i love seeing cool a lot that would be in the. Channel. Just it would just. Musselman last. Week and we get on. I. Must begin your time in. There but only. A. Lot unless you own the will see our compass he knows. Not of course. It is he the k. Youll see an article that i always stay in. So do you. Know man because he never got that he got the bill in on. This. That in england i know i think on that out of. The. Influences but i mean life but i see on. The brain disease. Would you. People. Say. Yes to. This american over 30 but i think its the mental i think there are 15 and i was a 10254 period bears he. Kind of got a little hard on for that there are 300 of your thoughts were taken literally hundreds of miles reputably you take apart the argument oh im older and. He was. There for surgery i had to carry it around a body and to get him out of. Your leg what i produce had to laugh but it would last i can be an impasse stuff but i dont know devices got back and i must get ya must give me a good story give me the muslim faith and others like you know. That i jennifer 100 last night i was im a very good lover he won last t. V. s i got the name of the person muskrat to. Knock it on him that i had and i still know. Who denies it with or has already won ask a. Deal of behavior of his background and not by name which is a serious criminal matter but. Not that idea for mr forecast or any of your most of chemical crackers only occurred to me. From 31 of the. Secret of what you could remember different and will feel im not the man i am appalled by John Mcdermott you think will receive a skill nestorianism simply by jumping over to being a little is the good idea of perfect im going to throw you are going on here if you. Remember theres been enough of that i see on the under every rock on the up against the internet for any group it appears america has crossed. The borders of russia to. Now for the can understand the math of. The pandemic no certainly no borders to tease. The summary. Commentary says. We can do better we should. Everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis go on forever the challenges create the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. A dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells their bodies on the street many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if youre going to exploit a child here in los angeles there were going to come out you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the 6 trades. The world is driven by shaped by phone person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. There was a guy. In less pirates. Is he got to. Eat just almost. See him in from us all on to the hair would have he it will be on that theres enough lumpy to combine this with stuff from. Good news i do youre right im not. In this are you. From medias thing going to make i mean most days i think that he was the steam to be called theoretical. Is a window of a point in the Nuclear Related corner. Into the godless i used just i mean yes. You do dont. Need to do it but i cannot bring uncle. Music down most of us one after more or less here would have here colombiana. In listowel school favored by sort of music was so rude on a look to see that except. The jawbone i meant they mostly have always been you know if. They want to give them a nasty kidney and so is put as well as today but i wanted to push on that was the one to. Go because i didnt list i think on the name wasnt in the a. C. F. And yes i just placed the call a homophobe either. Side by libya. Theyre not the most special enough. What does that go. On out of one of my posts. Yes poses as one of the lines on the sink when to put it down when taken on the edges there when the. Years for sally say that gets the idea jesse at the end no as a kid i feel of course though i just i guess you have of course the beloved but they. Are no saga this body goes on like in a killer in the same that they are a laugh what did i say i was going to name the poet das a lot shit ways to go in they have settled on the amplitude of the end not difficulty someone pay legal intros just because they got the ball does it im not sure i am puzzled does he quite that all of it does this please dont they just know when a troll on your place going to develop the idea only had. The opportunity up but. When it is someone who produces way past they dont knows they stand you know seeing in my band a loneliness will see at least one in political money temple they get it yet even last year none. Of us will see ellis by kasey what the person us as i see now is in their own fantasy what is one of the new thought on the process wave files for a bit on the damage from 2 journalists with deals with those as enough of their leaders will see ellis he knows a lot of whatever we call in his present them in a school feels like this i dont want to know then its almost im pro lemme eat but i just get that it put on my eyes i see nando knows im in a sunday it is pleasant on the initial set with. The new mountain of the middle you know meet up with kid i. Will no more use our children moving in we both see because he has no will of the miracles have shown could get to you most simply one do. They give you the most you know link up with and pretty in pink with Movie Theater with the school beloved by loud for more than. It will only in between a. Couple 1000000 like i dont know a lot of scum when you know its come face even a year in between nothing. He intended all clear how little disposal movies own in a moment. And then this one if you. Look at it if you take a good look at a guest and look they dont know. What it is still mostly to be known given as youve done most of the employees with the name of good go to be not in the. Key. But in the see. In theater it in the us a little bit in guys who know that i wanted a cue to be most goes. To school until he put up those. Sort of maybe. It would be one thing to do it i mean being part of the oh. Yeah yeah. Comedy but i dont come out and come up. I think im going to go you have no keys really are most of your place you and i can see i do is economic thats. Good thats all because of all of that i mean it seems to. Go back and i hope. It doesnt i would give my mouth. And i would be much then i think that im ok in this company. I think that they need to. Make. A most manos they wanted to you. Because theyre afraid theyre going to that it will. Be anyway yes youll be dual 1st and then a. Catalyst code even if. You dont come out and make out a promise they never. Are missing 30000000 so this thing but a look at those you got a 70 but the one i lost him is. Better in coverage i dont know where i am is if you dont know them what are the. Pros who do. These. Beautiful miss the new no no i do not see him broke walkietalkie. Since he was out. There and there is no. Playbook and then what im going to commit as a kind of much. For your cause but where do we see on the surface what is there not a citizen working on a plane. Because were seeing. Young. People most of the. Time we have musharraf. Is not familiar. With the will. Go you know why do i once im not going to put on what is the best for the job is the field is up but its. Just a matter of one of another but you know when i start on that note does this in a moment will you know theyve completely ended up at a bit past that getting. Caught i would always was complaining does that mean you have. In most. The same principle mislead. I married a trust concert thats going to sound similar to. This one always. Momentum to live by my dear god lesson stands and i see me just accept it or bust im corey one n. T. Im. A. See im. A case one of course if you cant explain c. By main. You seem to care you can believe me im just a. Little less i mean. I called you i call. Put a little bit a little in love the idea is. They. Dont. Seem a little dull but i still need to know when youre much. To legal construct them. I kind of the feel of it will. Not be lost but im going to have to be able to see and look at least. A bit so then well see you more. Than a lot of people going. Out of. Key in this busy period glancing at us your lies down dont put out the meat that. Is. Your style a heresy the will is still. The hospitals. And not only did. They give. You. Your. But hey i was. Just. Going moment. Puts a look inside your penguin new home in your a. Porch one use. Simply keep. The can mean youll leave. It all when we. Get home but mom was crazy. About it but ill. Be in. Full. But i can use kagan. Naughtiest the most this you. See im going to. Give most of you it was a 1000000 in a long while im at the local when i was. Just 1000000. Is with 2 let me see your example with your. Own local companies you know if you. Give. Me that. Noise you will not plant your models. And also numbers going up fast. My day one. Of the seals. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Spearing Dramatic Development only personally im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and. Just. Look at what. Clearly. But there are also friends that the us are still. To do something. For. The simple dollar. But the moment that you know. How to. When you look you know its its been 153 years since emancipation when you look at its been 400 years right since black people have been in the u. S. In extracting their labor for the construction of the country and then you think that black people are about 2 percent of us wealth and are disproportionately high as category in almost everything thats negative. I just dont say that i dont see how anybody anywhere it defined that has as a will. The world is driven by a dream shaped by those great. Military thinks. We dare to ask. Standing in one of the craters left by the bombardment its about 8 pieces in diameter correspond to reports from the war torn that go in a car bomb for egypt where shelling has intensified despite a cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan. Also been attacks outside the disputed territory with civilian casualties reported in raids on his every city. Another news terror returns to france where a teacher is being beheaded after reportedly showing his class cartoons of the prophet muhammad. Before it is an expose of russias content the region say the recent must destroy

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