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My name is brian fields im 47 years old im from washington d. C. And i will come to the Grocery Store you comparing whatever is going on right now in the country with a dish. What would you call it and what other greetings take. Not nothing edible thats not edible whatever it is its nothing that we that that we want to eat will defeat come true with a few of them theres no real choice. Definitely as he was one of my least favorite of all the candidates but. And before covert i thought he was one of the least electable but actually now hes. Now i go i think i think by thats going to win i think the country is just had it like wait theres people who voted for trump but they know hes a moron. Bad which was fine until the world fell apart but theres enough of the electorate who who are are on board with with trunks but not now in the middle of a pandemic when hes telling people to you know inhalable each shouldnt and i suppose it is just clear that he is a war ive always been a fan a troll i knew who he was when i was 13 or 14 years old and wanted to be photographed next to his building we back then well i dont have any clear competitive options there is there is no one that has a campaign anywhere close to his energy level i mean biden no way by new ideas old man hes doesnt have the energy of a trump and can barely string his sentences together. Our governments ability to respond effectively has been undermined for hollowing out our agencies and disparagement of science and our ability to drive a Global Response to dramatically dramatic are going to crush by the damage trump has done to our credibility and our relationships around the world. And he was Valerie Durham i am a conference or actor for. The conference out in las vegas that happens every year and im also a dancer. I live outside of washington d. C. Talking about the election just saying its been years now since i felt like the 4th of july dependents Day Celebration is actually a celebration of. I prefer to wear black and stick instead of red white and blue because i feel like weve gotten off track from. Where we are need to be in terms of freedom. So when im looking at this years president ial the 2 main president ial choices and frankly quite horrified and. I feel like what is wrong with us as american citizens and i hate to be blunt about the spy we have a quick grabber and a pedophile we have a bombastic wind bag and a bumbling fool who has lied and plagiarized prison tire career and someone else who has bankrupted and corrupted his entire career cheated that theyre both liars and cheats theyre both old white men who are just about them selfs. And i think thats really cathartic that the one of the 2 of them thats going to be president. Fosters 0 inspiration to me in the future of this country its terrifying yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah people are pretty quick to be judging the days they only hear people and you sit there unfair and but the block and you know especially on social media ive lost friends because i support and try to help people and friends break up with. Relationships i was in. My 2nd wife. She can handle it. She and i divorced because donald trump split a lot of the president and i voted for him and she couldnt stand for. I would vote for a republican i would vote for anyone who is not evil and has half a brain. I feel like the 2 party system is incredibly detrimental to the health of our democracy personally im a libertarian identifies a libertarian im a member of Maryland Libertarian Party and i see how the 2 parties have become so rancorous and so power hungry equally on both sides they just want power and you see our leaders not doing not working together not trying to find solutions because they just want power so they want to blame the other side and try to get political clouds. And i think this is a huge problem and they actually feed into each other but over the week the democrats filled the darkest. Convention in American History they added to that how we have a Corporate Culture that has superseded the idea of true free market capitalism and its become crony corporatism where these large corporations. Tap into the growth of power that we have seen in government our government supposed to be a limited government based on Constitutional Rights and limited powers and we have only seen the burgeoning of governmental power and as a result you have businesses corporations that feel like they have to lobby in order to get favor with these government officials leaders politicians bureaucrats who have so much power that freedom of all americans so under attack regardless of race religion or creed. Being on the right through all of. So it gets a little thick through here the 1st perjury i watch for briars and stuff. Theres. A few fist American Flag here to remind myself that these gun rights are an american right and firing ranges open guns has been one of my more recent hobbies i got my handgun permit from the state of maryland at the beginning of 2020. So yeah it was like january permanent february 1st. March 2nd. 3rd may 4th so im just taking advantage of the one gun a month law well when i lost my job in june and so there was no june. I think if the police get defunded too much it will have an adverse consequence on crime and crime and very well. Thats the reason i have a gun from what i understand these gun sales are at record high right now. After these riots and. The virus shut. People are feeling insecure and me when i take their security into their own hands and thats what getting a firearm fritters through personal defense means. That i believe that freedom of speech is energetic i believe our freedom by. I believe our freedom to peacefully assemble is under attack our freedom to move about with our Civil Liberties is under attack i mean we can go through the whole list ever since 911 in the name of counterterrorism the liberty of all people has been under attack. I think that my great great great great great great great great grandfather benjamin franklin. Would be. Very discouraged 5 the state of the country at this point i feel like we are victims of our own success and we feel entitled to a lot of things and willing to give up the rights that we have. You know. My ancestors did trainings my bacon proud to have probably so that they can deal with all the things that were being savage while i do my job training looks like the only difference was we sent back 22 projects im really honored we could not use violence and yet thats exactly what you all her parents do for black lives matter and is therefore in going to have an effect on. The outcome of the election whether that helps or hurts donald trump is why we have elections weve got to go through the process and find out you know polls are inaccurate people are always forthright with their answers you have to go through the election the find out. I lot of people are concerned about lawlessness and taking out these bad shoes without the proper procedure and legal means you know people are sometimes getting hurt when the statue falls over you know thats not the right way to take a statue people see a general atmosphere of lawlessness if thats happening all over the country in every major town that could very well help the donald thanks i dont know. L. Look forward to talking to you all. That technology should work for people. I really must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders that conflict with the 1st law show your identification for should be very careful about official intelligence and the point obesity is to make a trance. Like. State with Artificial Intelligence will somebody. Must protect its own existence which exists. As the us economy was blue. Gaining numbers of people were made homeless. You can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of it were not financially equality and the lack of Affordable Housing for a living minimum wage gave many people no choice. Just been a problem with the city knows turn a bitch and told me stay away almost. 2 sins of conservatives if there is no answer because yes that requires resources the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become invisible cops. Show seemed wrong but all wrong just dont call. Me old yet to shape out just they become educated and in gains from it because of the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. I will often apologize for the fact that i will never understand the black experience in this country i will not i cant better the fact he. Writes im sorry thats just the fear of what i could say im trying to understand the black experience in this country im trying to spread that i understand. That some people are not you are a catalyst to change your people so we need your support because. We need you to tell your kids that when they were kids we need to do that so their kids they have kids if youre still here you dont need to tell their kids to. Please their kids so their kids and the kid go up and so we will have done you know i was growing up in the in the eightys we had gone through the Civil Rights Era and it was being the normalize like youre not youre should not be racist and you know back in the fiftys there was crazy stuff with normalized korbel stuff so just as just as aggression towards towards nonwhites was being sort of the you normalized in the last few decades aggression towards whites has been normalize so people some people on the left or right especially people who sort of support this you know will try to make it like some sort of like historical balance like wow you know you cant compare you know you know some they to aggression nowadays versus hundreds of years of of imperialism and rape and murder and torture no of course you can thats not thats not the point of point is we want to move forward and we want to live in a society where everyone is valued as a human being and. This sort of anti white tribalism which is normalized its not moving us forward towards that and its creating a backlash. Racist can be any color theres black racists theres white races there is. Race and i went to a mostly black high school and i remember getting stones thrown at my head for a very says its things happen like its not just one thing racism these will take someones heart turns it against their own and then. Theres a lot of chaos and conflict and theres whatever there was a cohesion way back in time even if it was of. A cohesion that had. Evil inside of it and now its all blown apart and were trying to find a way to come together. The 2 things i think are the most important things to fix are making education fully subsidized and ending the drug war. Supposedly every year theres 100000000000. 00 underground economy for people born in the poverty a lot of them look to that 100000000000. 00 economy as their way to make money that needs to in those people need to be given an opportunity to see a future for themselves in the above board economy and in be able to get education and training to be part of that. But the problem with Student Loans is that they make them very easy to get at all so you couple that with this push that Everyone Needs to get a College Degree you finish high school and you automatically go to college that white collar you know training this is the only worthwhile career ok thats hogwash and people should be going to Vocational School and you know different conservatories are just going off and working and pursuing their own ambitions but when you push people to go to college and then you give them this mechanism to take on massive amounts of debt this is why weve seen this dramatic rise in tuition costs because as soon as you disincentive eyes your concern about costs then that incentivizes these academic institutions to raise their rates theres no pressure because youre not actually paying youre just taking on the step with its expectation that youre going to pay it back over time i think that would probably be. A good use of facts care payer money from scholarships. And ability but you dont want to. Send good money after a bad problem when its just not going to help not everyone can benefit from a College Education not everyones cut out for that kind of school and we shouldnt send people that arent ready for college i dont think everyone deserves a College Education for free thats me and my dad and my mom and my sister were on a camping trip. Heres a picture from. My grandmother on my. My fathers mother. And the idea of the American Dream for a while now is really that anyone. For you know any family or any place. They work hard. Their parents have a. Stable home and raise a family and accumulate. Wealth you know what i mean well feel just enough to be stable on their own home and. If they dont if their children sheeple i hear on t. V. Or on the internet who studies which claim that this generation is the 1st american generation in the us how long that is going to be economically worse off than their parents for which i guess modern American History is not the case. You know its interesting how i was raised by parents started with nothing. Backgrounds where they didnt have a lot to begin with except their own brain and they really have. Started a business. They were able my dad went to graduate school my mom went to graduate school they have. Really succeeded and i feel like their generation was the last generation where that was more ubiquitous that people. Really come from nothing and i feel like folks who are born in america now its much more difficult to live that American Dream because the expectations are so much higher going to college is incredibly expensive and its not its almost not optional its like you have to go to college and you have to amass this none of this massive amount of debt. I think housing is so much more expensive so if you buy a house the property taxes are super high all of the liabilities that are involved the costs that are involved the idea of being able to take care of yourself. On especially on a one person income its just not possible anymore so everybodys working having to work over time this picture was taken before youngest sister was born but as you can see we were. Nuclear family or the country. The same or a little diminished. From. And francis on family values you know its like now you choose your family you know you your friends or your family and your real family is like you know people you argue politics with and you dont really care about it theyre like the enemy. People people. Get a strange from their family their family values are down who are right now. I should put you know good at it havent. You how did you do you do it or i do those well. Whats the 3rd part 3rd part. Of my back my backyard. My backyard my backyard full my back here mom thats very true you know we have a debt problem in this country. I dont even think we have a Strong Enough word for the level of immorality that our leaders have gotten us into this mess and we are so in debt to other countries in this world were so in debt to ourselves and if we have any kind of find significant financial crisis and weve gotten there close with the 20008 i will and a few of these other things that we cannot keep this boat afloat and i think this great empire that we have created because of this massive amount of debt is. One crisis away just one set of domino effects away from a scene of depression that weve never seen before. So i started thinking about food in the. After september 11th. 2001 terrorism attacks on our country. And a lot of people are people sick is now the go dude 19 thing thats another good reason things just seem very uncertain these days you know the traditions of the past are no longer allowed. For a huge number of americans are flocking to the this insane can spirity theory whether its like or whether its q anon which claims that the world is run by say 10 eyck pedophiles who drink the blood of children to get a drug called adrenal. And that these say tannic pedophiles i happen to be hollywood elites and democratic politicians and that somehow they have so much power. That the combined forces of the Us Government and the f. B. I. And the army cant touch that. Were added impossible point ive never ive been following politics since i was a child and now lives in cities like this has gotten to a point where people are so divided in their camps that they are more willing to believe insanity about say to panic reptilian pedophiles with a moon base then they are trying to compromise when they try to listen to their opponents and light understand where other people are coming from. Figure to 24 the reptilians manipulate humanity from the mood and also have underground bases on earth in mars. Its right there. Do your research. As i mentioned before the American People have become used to success and they dont really want to give anything up to what it really requires is for all of us to really challenge our beliefs of whats essential and whats not essential who defines what century. And are you willing to say foreign aid is no longer essential are you willing to say welfare is no longer essentially you willing to say Social Security is no longer essential how much are you willing to go down to the bone in order to fix the fact that we just said lets just print money lets just borrow money. Pushing that rock that day of reckoning down the road how much are we really willing to understand the danger and i dont think people really want to think about that you know. They want to. Really concentrate on the real message of life. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy for indication let it be an arms race is on all fronts very Dramatic Development the only place really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Nuclear become a battleground in the us. People of demanding the shut down of a local plant from yankee is right now my focus because its a very dangerous oh no care power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limits this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on wheres the power in this country wheres it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is your power line with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in very real ways. That the vilest of all the. Only one because i want to know. All of the. People prove it but there are also friends that the us are still slow but the still beautiful thing to do something. This is. A report. Correspondent. It has been. Said by. Chemical weapons watchdog. Group

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