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Handling of the opposition activists cases politicized with russia yet to receive any evidence. Coronavirus case is rising rapidly in Northern England with hospitals preparing for the worst the u. K. Governments contradictory antivirus measures are so in confusion still. Sunday the 11th of october very good morning for me kevin 0 in over half of the rest of the team here this is the weekly on r. T. International a roundup of the big stories as reported by us over the last 7 days 1st the news that dominated a lot of our coverage the last few days and weeks the ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan came into force in the going to come back on saturday but almost straight away accusations started flying too from both sides about violations of the truce. Claims fire. People died in shelling in ganja city in the early hours of sunday a rocket reportedly hit a residential building there leaving around 30 injured as well armenia for its part denies involvement in that attack then earlier on saturday with moscow serving as a broker the 2 sides managed to seal a truce including an exchange of prisoners and war dead the deal paves the way for further talks to be mediated by the o. S. C. E. Minsk group heres what some of what we saw from the key players yesterday of your particular issue in your opinion a ceasefire is announced from 12 pm on the 10th of a target for humanitarian purposes but if we are committed to peaceful settlement of the conflict and are ready to resume the Peace Process the massacres that are not with it but if you have if the armenian side is committed to the truce regime the phase for a political settlement will come and the phase for pressured negotiations will end our goal remains the same to restore the integrity of azerbaijan. Despite the ceasefire the capital of the contested region of a go in a car about salsa scene alert sirens late on saturday 11 hours after the guns were supposed to fall silent but his correspondent on the ground said there were several explosions the capitals been under fire since the conflict escalated in the region several weeks ago the shelling has led to civilian casualties he goes down of this report from the area right after the truce came into effect. The city of step on the kurds is a sorry sight i cant see it has been razed to the ground but it has been battered by so many bombs of so many calibers sizes and types this street got the full wrath of a Cluster Munition all the hallmarks i hear burn down because shattered glass and if you look closely at the walls and windows here along this whole street they have pierced with tiny tiny holes this is the deadly power of a cluster bomb and other aspects of using one is that when a rocket shoots dozens of little bombs of little grenades many of them dont explode so we were being told not to go down that street because thats where locals gathered those grenades that didnt explode and there detonating them on purpose theyre doing so because each unexploded grenade like this poses a grave threat to especially to children because they look harmlessly look innocent so a kid picks up such or such a bomb starts playing with it and it explodes in their hands now its been just hours into this tentative cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan but everyone who ive been talking to and counting on it was that. Since midday no truce has been observed the war continues there is absolutely no change you can. Sounds frightens me after silence there is usually a bombardment i do not know what will happen whether they will strike again. The lead they will shoot will make compromises but they do your chesty view beauty media no i kind of believe in the truth but we cant relax we know what our enemy is like you can see their handwriting and we need to stay on guard apart from civilians being caught up in the violence journalists have been hit on thursday a bombing devastated in the story cathedral of nagornokarabakh which was struck twice 3 russian journalists were injured there were nearby one severely he was in a coma and on a ventilator but the latest we hear is hes now improving. The fighting erupted in the going to care about layton september with armenia and azerbaijan blame on each other for the escalation the region populated mainly by Ethnic Armenians broke away from us by back in the 1990 s. After a bloody war the latest conflict has spilled beyond the disputed territory to a day before the tentative cease fire people in this area villages took refuge in a School Building which has been transformed into a temporary shelter several dozen families are living in classrooms at the moment while waiting to return to their homes whats left of them in some cases but despite the severe dangers many as a bridge on these believe their country should continue the war. Got a lot of logic with gods help everything will be fine because i believe in our victory we will achieve victory either in a peaceful or military way we believe in our Supreme Commander in chief. We need to go further we should press on with the war and take back our territories we dont want a cease fire there must leave our land they must leave and let our people leave there in normal conditions thats all you want we have nothing to do with that they should stay away from us. We heard from the director of britains Crisis Research institute he thinks the 2 sides will be unable to make any Real Progress without broad public support. Shaky partly because youre all about mineral city on both sides not just between so despite your both sides Public Opinion and for instance we must be afraid that was a risk that already had but the some dissenting voices saying that why are we stopping the war when we as a result we winning so theres a danger that governments who made the improvement could be pressed by Public Opinion to new that will particularly only as interest on the other problem is that the agreement is essentially a very short one it says that its to enable the wounded to be recovered and also for christians to be exchanged and the us felt the top story she found a way a mechanism for bringing about a long term ceasefire and even peace well i think russia is the key player because it enjoys a considerable degree of trust and a little contact with those of our german and armenia and its next door. And so it has its own interests in in a peaceful solution and if the problem is perhaps other players further away. Interests that they dont have any risks rushnell the state stands to lose if theres a conflict in its backyard. In other news russia dismissed the findings of a Global Chemical weapons watched of the o. P. C. W. They claimed on choose day that another choke type nerve agent was used to poison high profile kremlin critic alexina valmy but in paris in the meantime vowed to punish moscow over its alleged role in the case. We considered that the reason though are the plausible explanations for mr live on this board singing the new russian warm and responsibility growing vanessa are conclusions from these facts france and germany will share with the European Partners proposals for additional sanctions until youre given documents materials samples material evidence we will consider all that surrounds this incident and unbridled Propaganda Campaign of lies or simply put a low grade provocation its purpose is obvious denigrate russia with unsubstantiated accusations and thereby create a far fetched reason for introducing another tranche of sanctions against our country the o. P. C. W. Says tests have confirmed quote the presence of a nerve agent in the valleys blood and urine samples which is structurally similar say to 2 substances from the group banned in 2019 the organization further described the findings as a matter of grave concern russias not buying it though lets look at some of moscows criticisms of the way the case has been handled so far moscow says germany never shared novelle these test results or the samples of his bio materials used to date russia also has no access to any files on the politician held by Berlin Charity hospital where he was treated moscow insists that intel it received any of those theres little it can do to help the investigation as much as it wants to saying it will not take western lab results of face value Russian Military expert egan a cooling told us proceedings of the valley case have been lacking in transparency. Well. First of all we still dont know the exact substance used no one told us about it unfortunately curly mr rays inhibitors come in a wide range of substances all nerve agents have them as well as some medication a substance from the group and the chemical weapon called are 2 Different Things the substance can be mildly toxic is toxic gas dye cool voice that we use in daily life to kill insects and thats the difference there is for example a cocktail of alcohol that can be ignited and then there is a molotov cocktail they can even set tanks on fire the 2 are the same but quite different. I think the results could have been falsified we dont know who did was with the bottle it is possible the bottle had been substituted we dont know that and there is no proof reminds me of the fake stories like with White Helmets in syria when some bottles samples with socalled proof from the crime scenes and later it is found out they were collected someplace else. Covert 19 cases in Northern England a spiraling out of control hospitals across the country preparing for the worst its adding to the British Government already under fire over its response to the Health Crisis critics say the authorities have done nothing but so the sedes of confusion along the way. To reports from london and considering the u. K. Governments response ok but 19 pretty and probably wouldnt be the words on the tips of most peoples tongues over the course of the year the u. K. Has seen thousands of people dying in care homes tests and tracing deadlines set and missed the u. K. Topping the death toll across europe plus of course britain being on the verge of a round 2 and while most people think the governments response needs to be completely written off it seems as though not everyone agrees its been a beta i think it will be like the lympics thats when its all over and we look back and reflect we will actually be extremely proud of ourselves something. I think a wooden spoon is more appropriate than a shiny metal especially considering the latest news that 16000 positive tests for private 19 have been lost meaning that super spreaders blindly unaware theyre still spreading thousands of people blissfully unaware that theyve been exposed. Potentially spreading this deadly virus a time when hospital admissions are increasing and were in the 2nd wave blunder after blunder critics say the governments not learning from its mistakes but as the country hurdles towards a 2nd wave of the virus private confusion is still lingering in the again with mixed messages coming from the power. As i understand it. Apologies i misspoke today in the northeast new rules mean you cannot meet people from different households in social settings indoors including in pubs restaurants and your home you should also avoid socialising with other households outside go to work but stay at home eat out to help out but dont socialize kick start the economy but stay in your bubble its no wonder the country is confused especially considering the man telling the u. K. What to do is accused of being a tad confused to one of the major problems is widespread confusion about the local restrictions people feel very let down a very frustrated very forgotten can we pin all the primal Boris Johnson off to rule these all around precedented times far to go back to all that no Prime Minister has ever fought before and after months of economic paralysis Boris Johnson began to im not the look down even though parts of the u. K. Was still plagued with the virus and so the north south divide found its latest partition the timing of the lifting of National Lockdown was london centric please remember this the next time you see politicians pointing fingers at our people on the eve of a 2nd wave many might think the government would know what it was doing by now especially considering its how to round 6 months to prepare but when carrot has been replaced with confusion can the government really expect people to for the rules when it doesnt seem to know them itself to address the artsy lunches. And coming out with more of the covert calamity the spanish capital sued the National Government there over the last hour the courts ruled over cities favor all about the rest of the news we brought you this week to this. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race off and spearing Dramatic Development only closely im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very. Time to sit down and talk. Seemed wrong. Rules just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out these days to come out ahead and engage with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Is called pass the arc of warning next quarter madrid has rejected new coronavirus log measures imposed by the Central Government ruling they violate peoples freedoms the lockdown order had come amid a significant surge in covert cases in the spanish capital however opponents of the restrictions claim the decision was taken way too quickly without consent and ignore the fundamental rights of millions of locals. Internationally it was the here in the superior court of justice of madrid has refused to ratify the measures restricting peoples inability which were imposed by recent Central Government order the community of madrid saw those measures as he still nonconsensual and effecting the fundamental rights of millions of citizens i mean that the courts have unanimously seen eye to eye with us on this and so im going to rules that would have meant they couldnt leave their own city local opposition to the locked i was strong. Army and seek him out it seems that the measures are only intended to annoy madrid because there are many provinces in spain which are going through the same thing as us and they dont have to do the same so i am not at all in favor of what the government is doing as me thus i think the measures that were taking were good but it is true that economically it will be very bad for us that. We have to move on we have to continue with our lives and i think that we can have a normal life if we are careful. But it is. In the wake of madrid told us the focus has shifted away from fighting the virus. Out of this that bin sander instead of thinking about a real fix for the problem and a common effort to fight the virus from which everyone would benefit the Central Government and the regional authorities are constantly criticizing each other and looking for some new strategies all this leads to chaos from which we the ordinary citizens suffer. The more the news the way donald trump is physician said the president is no longer contagious with covert 19 therefore allowing him to resume campaigning across the country but its unlikely to change the fact that the 2nd president ial debate was officially canceled anyway meantime the Vice President ial debates faced off this week all eyes on their expected star stole the show for all of 2 minutes in the spotlight. The Vice President ial debate went quite differently compared to the earlier biden showdown both of my parents mostly refraining from interruptions and cross talking unlike of course their respective running mates the pandemic took center stage pushing more substantive measures to the wayside on the night. The very 1st day President Donald Trump has put the health of america 1st whatever the Vice President is claiming the administration has done and clearly it hasnt worked if the Trump Administration approves a vaccine before or after the election should americans take it and would you take it and Donald Trump Tells us i said to him that weve taken im not taking the fact that you continue to undermine Public Confidence in a vaccine if the vaccine emerges during the trumpet ministration i think is is unconscionable theres a lot missing here in terms of substance i think there was a lot that was lacking in this debate look at the political issue that is the centerpiece of the debates coronavirus the current virus is an important issue but its not a legitimate political issue because not 2 sides to it theres not a pro coronavirus thought in an anti krone virus side but there are legitimate political issues prochoice 1st prolife views on gun control drug legalization should america be the worlds police anymore these are legitimate political issues that are not being discussed because again were letting the media as one debates in a most politically relevant is part of the problem the format of the debate or they try to cover too many issues would it be better served to have one or 2 things that they talk about the whole night and really go at those issues and quite candidly why do we even have Vice President or have these debates in the 1st place they dont create policy were all very interested in policy and the Technical Details you know but a lot of people thats not the way that they make their decisions about voting and most people are trying to vote on. What they you know with their friends and family like theyre making decisions about ideas that theyve heard about but they dont really know the deep. Hales i mean we cant expect regular americans to be knowledgeable that all these different vast policy areas even the politicians themselves dont really know all the details of these different policy areas i dont think its true that the American People are unable to understand the issues i think that the issues are intentionally obfuscated in a way to make sure that the average american cannot weigh in on them perhaps the different format where you have maybe 3 or 4 broad categories that allow for the debaters to get into into the those categories might be important was there a winner who won this debate. Well i dont know if there is a winner or not i tend to agree that you know a lot of these questions are really not areas of substantive discussion i think we really cant expect them to get into the details of any kind of particular policies and that theyre really not trying to that neither one of the candidates really inspired a lot of confidence if we had to choose a winner i would have to say that have to be maybe. Only because its his way to the point i dont think that either debate changed any single voters opinion whatsoever i think that the voters had already made up their mind before the debate i think tonights debate did absolutely nothing and the reason for that again is that the poll opinions were kept out this was a rigged debate. And under a state of emergency after a week of violent protests over the countrys parliamentary election results. It. Was. Well protests began on monday after the outcome of the vote was announced angry crowds cut children torched the countrys main government building the Election Commission has declared the disputed returns null and void but protests have continued throughout the week nonetheless demonstrators also went to the Security Council building demanding the release of the countrys expresident. Some but 1 if he was released but then later detained again for going to have more protests. This was a worry in the wake thousands of dead Sea Creatures have washed ashore in russias far east theyd spot concerns maybe of an ecological disaster off the coast of kamchatka samples of water sun the marine life have shown high levels of oil products up to 4 times normal other toxic compounds to an investigation into the cause is still under way is more of the unfolding crisis. Lashing the petition for the past few weeks on the surface at the beach we went into the water were experiencing night problems i face wouldnt be too much attention to their symptoms we nationally put it down to the great sound and strong winds but when the problems persisted on cloudy days too we became worried him since he started showing other symptoms noisy fatigue and fever to see not quite dangerous in the slideshow of some of the 1st sign was some of the service spiel. Sick we thought it was a root of virus something to do with the drinking and then people started complaining about i retain a sore throats in general it would seem. To. Change. The post just this sometimes happens after storms sea urchins new starfish often washed up on the shore in large numbers but we havent seen octopus is washed up before that strange. Some of the local surface of the animals have been behaving strangely in particular the ring seals would swim with us they usually only come up for spending most of the time on the water now when they break the surface they stop why do while. Swimming pool she has adopted honestly receive test results from the water all 3 samples we took showed Oil Based Products were 4 times over the limit and final was twice the limit. On luggage and it was. All the possible causes for the disaster are all. Local mildew reactions make it all for the present commercial tanker or some problems at the local chemicals route which is what did it because the us people got them all far from here. Sorry psychos know they get the to the bottom or if they do we find that will let you know whats going on there but 7 days recap one of the big stories of the week has reported by us to you here in moscow kevin owen reporting from am the whole team want to do to help make this program happen. Thank you for watching and have a great rest of the week. The world is driven by a dream shaped by our own person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. Those silly law about the vilest of all the ill just. Keep on the one mic i want to quiet while you know im going to. Be. Clear we hope will be but there are here are some friends that the us are still slow but the soul hoping to do something to see. Which. They value about them has the article simple alan ball and i was able to put them on the back of a look at the. Bar. A lot of welcome to well there are people who like to say that and that piskies that or that it would work but its almost never a laughing as the latest flare about violence in this out process shows pleasingly conflict 1000 make it easier to solve and later more even less deadly as a result of this effort and bill lajoie their readiness to fight until the last pending soldier should International Media interest once again try to put this war on ice well to discuss this im now joined by ambassador kerry cabin all form a quote chair of the oyster mens group and thats the great classic read on air for me to talk to you thank you very much for making the time. To be with you today. Now we are now i rounding out the 2nd week of islands with several 100. That on both sides and that is to add to almost 30000 dad that accumulated over almost 30 years of this conflict and while International Mediators keep calling for an immediate cease fire i dont think anyone is listening who all want can possibly stop this war right now i believe fortunately in the last few days weve seen so promising signs theres a procedure you know the president is being said to get back to a cease fire and very hard. With i would say. The addition to your local income that may be serious number of casualties that is much higher than is obliquely that is that this morning as are birds on the authority the new announcement is researchers will gs

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