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In the very troubled region because we feel it could be pong balls very resurgence and arrives in transmission. Of ignorance with. A very warm welcome to you youre watching r. T. International with me nicky aaron. A breakthrough and hope for a lasting peace a cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan has taken effect in a corner karabakh the 2 south caucasus nations reached an agreement after marathon talks on friday heron mosco russia does mediator it took 10 hours for the 2 sides to come to terms but because she asians were held behind closed doors and neither side spoke to the media afterwards it was rest it was russias foreign minister who read out the statement. Of your progression youre going youre a ceasefire is announced from 12 pm on the 10th of october for humanitarian purposes to exchange the prisoners of war another detained persons on the borders of the killed in line with red cross principles the specific parameters of the ceasefire will be agreed later the truth includes an exchange of prisoners and war dead although the final details have get to be finalized they still paves the way for further talks which will be mediated by the o. S. C. Minsk group which involved includes russia france and the u. S. But despite the apparent breakthrough there have been claims from both armenia and azerbaijan of truce violations with more on this and International Reaction has more on the air from istanbul. Weve had reports from armenia about Azerbaijan Forces attempting to carry out offensive operations in the south of calabar weve also heard from the years about johnny side which is accuse the armenians of looted artillery strikes so there 4 are mixed reports coming from both sides but i must say i have never seen a ceasefire take hold at the appointed me this appointed hour nevertheless we have positive messages from from the armenian and the as their budget inside regarding this ceasefire the latest has been from as a budget president a live who is said that the time for military escalation the military part of this conflict needs latest escalation is now over now is the tired. Also saying that it is hopeful that these negotiations will it at last lead to a to a breakthrough we have also heard from one of the key players in this crisis though not a belligerent itself turkey which had been which ease on the side of is it about job very firmly had been accused of egging is it about john all by frogs saying that its turkeys war like rhetoric was only pushing is it about john to to seek a military solution to this crisis as a by john gave a media its last chance to withdraw from the territories occupied the ceasefire is an important 1st step but will not replace a permanent solution as turkey has always said it will support any decision that has by john makes we continue to stand by as furthermore there has been reaction pouring in from around the world weve heard from georgia for example iran have come out of neighboring states saying that theyre there theyre happy that this is happening now is the time to read this latest. Austria has come out and said that they approve this latest cease fire. And also hope that it leads to a war lasting more permanent solution to this crisis and all this pressure that was levied on both sides didnt come just from governments from heads of states there were protests protests as far away as hollywood and los angeles all the way to paris with pro armenian protesters taking to the streets demanding more action in response to what they what they saw as i said about johnny aggression the reason now a breakthrough which you know just a few days ago was unthinkable both progress is certainly being market and there is a lot of optimism that now there is a way forward diplomatic. The karabakh conflict has been simmering for more than 3 decades and the latest flare ups started almost 2 weeks ago theres been conflicting reports of casualties on both sides on friday an armenian man living in the area described life under de bombardment im a lot more not a government the bombers every day 1520 times a day we cant leave our basements all shops are closed theres nothing to eat. The whole world should intervene russia and france america they must stop with their bridge on the whole citys been bombed our whole republic been destroyed both of my sons are on the frontline now one of them came yesterday and left he went back to the front line my neighbor was brought back wounded today a young man 22 years old the hospitals full of wounded people i dont know where my elder son is i havent heard from him for 10 days everyone ran away 2 year of one. The conflict has been spilling beyond the disputed territory in to azerbaijan people in nearby villages have taken refuge in a School Building which has been transformed into a temporary shelter as the by john has accused pro Armenian Forces of hitting civilians several dozen families are living in classrooms while waiting to return to their homes. On the 20th of september the bombed us shell fold near our house so we left and came here there was shooting near our village we were scared less afraid. We have children so we were forced to come here do we go back and forth we go to see our house even if they destroy it we will go back. Well as we mentioned russia served as a mediator in fridays peace talks anti terror expert and legal analyst jennifer demonstrably leaves any solution will have to involve moscow. Russias role in this particular conflict is incredibly important and notably because russia has a Good Relationship with both countries yes russia has a military alliance with armenia but russia has entered into agreements and engages with both advisor on in our media so lives are by john sears a closer relationship with Turkey Russia has been able to broker deals between both countries in and of course russia is. Definitely the most powerful country most influential country in the region and so thats why its important that russia is involved in this that moscows lead in these peace talks and especially the involvement of the minsk group of france United States and russia agreed to be involved in these talks in moscow i think is good it puts that pressure on it puts a person at least both sides. The 2nd u. S. President ial debate that was scheduled for this day is now officially counseled after the 2 candidates tames couldnt agree on any format the democratic side and the Debate Commission suggested the match up should be conducted online but trump to say is hes now cured of covert 19 refuse that option and have tried to reschedule the event or trump health is the latest Sticking Point for democrats in congress i think it may be grounds to remove the president can have all been explained. Nancy pelosi is known to be one of Donald Trumps biggest and most loyal fans shes on record telling us just how much she loves him and god bless her. Ilk well shes so concerned now about Donald Trumps health that shes introducing legislation if a president suffers a crippling theres a cold or mental problem and his on end of the man match on able to discharge the powers and duties of his office and transfers his powers the 25th amendment of the u. S. Constitution and abels the president to be kicked out of office if hes rendered to be mentally or physically incapable in order for that to happen the Vice President and most of the cabinet needs to meet and declare the president to be unfit to lead the democrats are now looking to set up a mechanism where as congress would have a more of a say when it comes to the president s health nancy pelosi maintains this is not about threat this is not about President Trump he will face the judgment of the voters but he shows the need for us to create a process for a future president the president s allies say that this is yet another attempt by the democrats to push trump out of office. I wouldnt put a post Speaker Pelosi to stage a coup shes already weaponized impeachment was to keep her from weaponized in the 25th amendment who can forget last years failed impeachment proceedings im announcing the house of representatives moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry and directing our 6 committees to proceed with their investigations under that umbrella of impeachment inquiry the president must be held accountable no one is above the law now nancy pelosi failed to remove donald trump in 2918 but apparently she has another plan up her sleeve she was sitting on it until just the right moment some of mention the possibility if they try to push through a nominee in a lame duck session that the jew in this the house could move to impeach were not ruling anything out of protecting our democracy requires us to use every arrow in our quest for nancy pelosi makes no bones about the fact that shes been trying to remove donald trump from office all along shes been looking for any potential opening all i hear from the press is that im moving so swiftly like a blur going by this is then a couple of years 2 and a half cynthia and michelle investigation and i what he says or whatever headline he wants to carry around here impeached ever so with the election in less than a month weve got democrats possibly using constitutional maneuvers to try and remove trump from office just in case he wins at the polls that does not sound like a position of confidence but then again with so much fear about contested results this november nothing in american politics seems normal these days what she proposes is a new legislation to set up a permanent 17 urson commission judge to try to evaluate whether or not residents will this is something that they are made. Of representatives before the election but it certainly is not going to pass in the senate and go away. Is president trouble going to say this so its a loss theyve tried Everything Else take it or try to remove this seems to Say Something to it you put it at a news site ok on friday last week and this to me is isnt dormice waste of Time Resources and energy so the stuff is being carried out at a time when the speaker refuses to engage in real negotiations about stimulus which is critically important to all of our. Demonstration have to send it into chaos in the South African town of thumb i call after thousands of predominantly white farmers surrounded the local courthouse demonstrators wanted it to suspect condit over to them his case was to be heard in court for 2 black men stand accused of brutally murdering a white farmer the crowd tried to force their way into the courthouse as police tried to hold back the clashes door a police van overturned and set on fire and a few stun grenades thrown the protesters accuse the government of inaction on fall murders in south africa. I think people are moving together and trying to make a statement to government to show that we will not take this anymore i think weve reached the point of no return and if government doesnt come to the party you know we wont take this anymore you feel alone you feel isolated you feel that you might be the next august you feel that nobody gave this not just about the pharmacist we all effected by this it creates a scenario we violence becomes the norm of the day. It all came to a head following the grisly murder of 21 year old farm manager Brendan Horner last friday 2 Council Thieves have been detained in connection with the case well they are suspected of torturing and then stopping the man to death is just the latest in a string of similar attacks both south africas minister of justice stressed horners murder was no excuse for attacking the court house he described the scenes as a narcotic violence and said there was no place for such behavior in a democracy just a clerk from the farm activist group the cynical safety is those the ation says the governments been turning a blind eye to the violence the problem is the pharmacist been ignored for so long that nothing is done with complaints nobody cares about us our president denies that for murders exists that its a problem its not just a murder its a god thats been tortured people being raped weve got are more nearly say weekly stops they still couldnt see us and its a huge problem for us and it does not get investigated properly weve got a huge problem on the rural areas we dont have the police close to us we are vulnerable from where we are living now just Diesel Systems stokely to slow in dealing with the problem so people thats got all cases going back to steam years doesnt get resolved those people get out and buy oil quickly and they perpetrate the same crimes over and over again for most want the measures to go out we cant be ignored any longer bridge on our government that our plight can be heard all over the world footbridge in our government to look after all of its citizens. Still to come this hour tough new containment measures are being rolled out in many countries often a spike in covert 19 caseys we look at the public response off the break. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics or business im sure business ill see you there. Welcome back a number of countries are bringing in new restrictions after surgery in covert cases they include the u. K. France sweden is holy and the us israel has now gone back to a nationwide lockdown down while in parts of europe new measures are being imposed on bars gyms and restaurants strict limits are in place on large gatherings and companies are being told to send many of their employees to work from home. Theres been a lot of anger over the containment measures with many lashing out in violent protests small squaring has been a particularly sore point when some people refuse others are driven to blows a warning some violent images coming up. The search. For. You. You know that it. Was so much focus on codes the World Health Organization is voicing along with the detrimental effect is having on other essential Health Services and medical access a survey shows 93 percent of Countries Worldwide have disrupted or halted mental Health Services is the 1st data showing the dreadful impact of covert 19 globally on Mental Health care and stresses the urgency of increased funding we discussed it with the regional director of the w. H. O. Rob butler. People as they grow. As they become fatigued or tired or weary they also under the measures that have been implemented by many Member States by many countries they become isolated they become alienates and they feel lonely in many situations so in that situation theyre more likely to feel a very high cost of the measures that theyre being asked to perform some not saying that family members for example not going to social gatherings do not have the usual behavior becomes a very high cost for them and so then less likely to actually go and where im asked to practice safe. Physical distance saying were very concerned about that see here the european region because we feel it could be contribution of course soon a resurgence into a rise in transmission of profit 19. Mans best friend is joining ranks against the Global Pandemic in russia train is it working with a special cross breed dog which is learning to think found kovac a thief leaving the virus now outside. John oliver seaters Pretty Simple there are 2 samples of noninfected and infected volunteers and the dogs are learning to identify called the interactions by smell. They have an outstanding sense of smell its not only very keen but they also possess an ability to switch from small consumed train stations to be funds and vice versa which is very difficult for many other dogs besides they are a small size which is convenient because they can squeeze through old easily to heaven inherent search ability to. Us as flops yet more sanctions on iran further isolating the country from the worlds Financial Systems washington claims the move is to stop iran sponsoring terror activities and developing Nuclear Weapons but to wrong says the restrictions will only hurt ordinary citizens. The maid covert 19 pandemic us regime was to blow up our remaining channels to pay for food and medicine iranians will survive this latest of cruelties but conspiring to starve a population is a crime against humanity culprits and enablers who block our money will face justice and iran knows that i live been put on notice of you around with us if you do something bad we are going to do things to you that have never been done before. Not very president ial language from donald trump there the new sanctions freeze the u. S. Assets of u. 18 iranian banks which hits almost all of the countrys Financial Institutions and also places secondary sanctions on firms that do business with those banks and although washington claims the restrictions dont apply when it comes to basic necessities critics say foreign banks will be scared off from getting involved in humanitarian aid European Countries have reacted against previous u. S. Sanctions and september the Foreign Ministers of france the u. K. And germany known as the ether theory agreed to resist u. S. Demands to restore u. N. Sanctions on iran wild Affairs Journalist Thomas Fassbender believes the sanctions are not just about targeting a wrong but sending out a wider message to the world. Even if there is some mechanism in place that would still allow medical human material aid get into even wrong. Any Foreign Company any friend bank that is dealing with the iran that is involved in such supplies they would have to apply they would have to wait for a full licenses for cruel its. From a practical point of view that can be no question that this will impede ate and support getting into the country it isnt political move by the us the us are gambling on the using their economic might their power over the Global Financial infrastructure to pacify any potential opponents from russia china iran venezuela even germany is served by us sanctions now and well see what this will lead to. But what i think we love to hear your thoughts on all of our stories so do get in touch by following us on things for media and leaving a comment for that and were back at the top of the hour with the length of. The lockdown has shifted the way relationships but their bosses and their companies and how to account for costs and a down to the granularity of toilet paper and the only industry i know where toilet paper costs are incorporated in the p. L. O. On a monthly or weekly basis is in the prison business like. Say hi john. The only one mechanics like it was not. The. Police hope to live but there are also friends that the us are still slow but the soul feel hoping to do something to see. Which. They value about them and doesnt look as if they are locked themselves or going to the most simple with a look that you know were going to. Show its seemed wrong. But old rules just dont hold. Any old belief yet to shape out these days becomes agitated and in games from it because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. As the u. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. You can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of it is that were not financially equality and the lack of Affordable Housing for a living minimum wage gave many people no choice. Just been a problem with the city and always turn their backs on an. Almost. Concerted effort. Because the requires resources the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible comes. To small class as american citizens need to blast off by. An attack on the other. Guy and i think. I would vote for a republican over trump i would vote for anyone who is not you and has half a brain. Dump truck. If you get. The wife. She can handle it. She and i divorce because our trouble is elected president and i floated for her and she crashed. The most important election. In our history list of the months to go before the next president ial election is the atmosphere in the us now. One of the highest priority problems how will they vote should they do next. Just some of the questions we feel to be americans. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation little community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. What is true of what is right. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or and maybe the shallows. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss im sorry mando in washington coming up bull markets are on hopes that the u. S. Will toss some sort of a drone a virus believe bill this comes as President Trump offered a broader 1. 00 trillion dollar package but well democrats counter committee consisting of global Central Banks is looking at possible guidelines for enforcing crypto laws but one major economy its not part of those talks we have a boom bust panel standing by we have a lot to get to so lets get started. We begin today with Global Markets reacting to the news that there may still be hope for another u. S. Stimulus package thats before the election starting in russia the market is down for the week as a ruble climbed to 2 week highs but still near recent lows concerns grew as france and germany they both push for e. U. Sanctions. Over the alleged poisoning of alexy of only over to asian markets the shanghai composite surged this week after an extended holiday chinas golden week chinas blue chips gained 2. 32 percent while the consumer staple sector added 2. 66 percent official data helped boost consumer for. Tourism actually Domestic Tourism rebounded in hong kong the hong saying also in the green this week the index rose after President Trump called off stimulus talks on tuesday it then slipped on thursday over washingtons ongoing efforts to 10 cent restrictions and at last point 3 percent amid a resurgence of covert 1000. 00 cases in japan the nikkei also falling similar trends in the green with some 7 month highs on her new hopes of stimulus from the u. S. Marine transportation iron and steel and security brokerage issues all led those gains in india the sense that rallied this week reclaiming the 40000. 00 or 40000. 00 mark i t

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