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Industry so this is what coronaviruses done is created this Prison Planet type of situation certainly and the workers in the netherlands 80 percent of them are racked are basically part of organized labor they have collective bargaining so this is what theyre fighting over is 2. 02 euros a day for toilet paper that they now have to buy a home that they used to use at the office and this is apparently considered a right across the rest of europe we see spain has obliged employers to pay for home office meat and some equipment germany is debating a bill in trying to Remote Workers rights francis passed a law shielding them from after hours email of course while britain has hinted that it may relax the rules on Tax Deductions for work related equipment purchased during the pandemic of course we just passed a tax bill a huge one last year here in america and that got rid of that Tax Deduction if for things you have to buy from home for work that is not reimbursed from your office like in as an employee so if were seeing that in america with a lot of teachers the. I have to buy equipment for their izumi tings and thats no longer tax deductible because their offices their job is not buying it for them they have to buy it but they cant deduct it from their taxes right you know this is a never going back to the way business was you know people are now just totally shifting their entire outlook and approach to work and their relationship with the company or the institution whether its the School Working remotely or working at home people are building their home studios their home offices and theyre using online media and were not going to go back i mean this is the beginning of a new era and this is something that were going to look to stall to flee to the era of the Office Water Cooler and having lunch with your friends at work and all of it thats all apparently never come to come back i dont think no its over and thats why theyre in trying these rights in europe right now their workers there are like on top of things i think mediately see their life is changing and theyre making sure they get rights here we dont know its hard to count anything or anybody we dont know what is here and we are seeing some of the signs like for example weve covered the fact that savings rate is at an all time high Household Wealth is allegedly at an all time high in america and yet you read a headline like this 10 percent of adults did not have enough to eat in the previous 7 days Census Bureau stats show an increasing number of people are struggling with rent food and job losses due to kovan so this was the Census Bureau household poll survey and they i guess they looked at 249200000 American Adults and they found that 134200000 had enough food of the right type 63800000 had enough food not necessarily the right type 17300000 sometimes to not have enough to eat 4900000. 00 often did not have enough to eat and 29000000. 00 did not report the grail arity of just trying to have minimum calorie intake per capita to keep workers alive to click on. From their casino gulag hobbles of which they may or may not have to pay for their own toilet paper the corporation of course has Artificial Intelligence tools and data big data as its called to maximize their yield the average consumer is the on the other end of the Artificial Intelligence theyre the rats in the cage theyre the mice and the experiment the ai is observing to develop how to get greatest yield from them without killing the mice or the people and that trend is exacerbating of course we see it quite strenuously being deployed in asia but its coming to america and canada and all these other countries are in europe as well its also the difference youre seeing between the u. S. And america where the u. S. America europe and america where in europe theyre essentially on a Dollar Standard right they cant print the dollars but there are no dollars down because most world trade is in the reserve currency so they dont have a reserve currency they have a semi reserve currency but they have to like nickel and dime they have to count down to the nearest penny so thats why theyre looking at sheets of toilet paper how much you use per day and how much you get reimbursed for it whereas here we just spray the entire economy with cash like free money for all were bailing out european banks latin american economies and stuff like that so we could do that but theres no the distribution itself because our infrastructure so rickety especially the banking infrastructure is just really rickety here and so its not getting to these people and im assuming that some of them are undocumented and so they cant access some of the free money spewing all over the place so were going to look at where it is like actually doing ok for small and Medium Sized Enterprises versus Large Enterprises and that is this headline from wall street dot com twisted bailout economy chapter 11 bankruptcy surged but commercial chapter 13 bankruptcy has plunged 420000. All businesses close quietly highest rate ever so the chapter 11 bankruptcy which are like restructuring youre going to continue as an entity those are the from the larger multinational do it the bigger corporations and those surged whereas the chapter 13 which are smaller businesses those have hit an all time low i mean its a chart is Pretty Amazing on that and chapter 13 bankruptcy filings plunged to the low 2006 levels and then we have also the chapter 7 bankruptcy so those are plunging because theyve got 550000000000. 00 with the p. P. P. The payment protection purchasing act whatever you know the 1. 00 that spewed 550000000000. 00 a lot when to Fraudulent Companies and youre seeing people get arrested for that but it did help some of those but youre seeing the increase in bankruptcies of the chapter 11 like all those Fracking Companies and all the Retail Companies the system is broken and in america they round up to there is trillion remember during the 2000 a crisis they originally they were going to ask for chilean dollars from congress but the wisdom of hank paulson at the time said that psychologically that sounded big so they when they asked for 800000000000 so 1000000000 here or there you know thankfully heads up and its real money right but so this reserve currency is literally sprayed around like out of a fire hydrant and trillions and trillions of it and whether its chapter 13 chapter 7 or chapter 11 now there doesnt seem to be any end to the chapters of the story of money printing its the never ending. Novella of print more there are signs that it is actually getting to small or Medium Sized Enterprises versus the big guns versus the the people with access to the fed and the feds free money and so you are seeing signs that it is getting to some of the smaller groups of people there in fact the consumer bankruptcies are down 30 sick. Percent in september on last year and like so well it took to what extent are these small to Medium Sized Enterprises now becoming Zombie Companies whether it is that companies that get huge problem in the s. And p. 500 the Banking Industry they live on bailouts and they in fact dont have a viable underlying business so theyre taking that boston model and theyre applying it to Small Medium Sized Enterprises so every dry cleaner and falafel shop in america not canada is going to be living on p p e loans coming from the government out of the money printer go brer and he got a nation of zombies thats why pop culture has given us all the zombie films and zombie t. V. Shows to prepare us for the Zombie Apocalypse there is indeed a bit of a trickle down zombie for cation that could be happening here and everybody gets to be a zombie but it does show as well the data shows that weve also seen a record closing not bankruptcys of small and Medium Sized Enterprises so these are people that chose to just close their business and not apply for these p. P. P. Loans or maybe they didnt get one of these p. P. P. Loans because remember j. P. Morgan and the big banks got most of the money and they gave it to their favorite cousin they couldnt compete with the spell ill be getting the zombie getting the free money chats with its not so zombies take over obviously a very slow moving yes so you think you could. Outrun them and beat them but thats not the way zombie succeed they succeed through cash infusions from the government yes so thats what im saying all this data showing a very varied picture and it gets blurred by the amount of spew of paper dollars being sprayed at the economy and it doesnt necessarily rescue the bits of the economy that you want rescued notes malinvestment thats what we would say and lets say the Austrian School for example that when you just willy nilly money printer go burner and you give it to the best. Zombies you could end up with a dysfunctional Zombie Apocalypse doesnt seem to have stopped the spread of covert as like its the entire white house has coopted 1000 now and you know its like for what like all of this entire look at it i dont believe you know shows they dont look healthy and i thought all got eyeballs poured out of their heads and skin popping off in the midst of an arm or a leg or whatever right thats thats coded so thats what they say was an h. L. Mencken who said Something Like you always get the president you just serve in a democracy youre darn tootin. I mean ive been saying this for 4 years america is as american as apple pie hotdogs baseball and roid rage and. You know lawsuits cheat with we sorted that out quick well we got to take a break and let me come back to speak in a small to Medium Sized Enterprises the most charming successful taking shop and middle eastern food in canada dont go away. As the u. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. You can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up to the reality of it were not financially equality and the lack of Affordable Housing for a living minimum wage gave many people neutral its. Just been a problem with the city and always turn every child cold or stay away almost. Because the requires the source the most vulnerable or abandoned on the streets to become the invisible comes. Welcome back to 3 part time not to go to ali how mom he is the founder of tea he needs restaurants a chain of self described quote best middle eastern restaurants in the world out of london Ontario Canada hes got a varied 6 dorie about inflation wealth confiscation through currency devaluation and bitcoin this is got a its a great story and great food ali welcome to the kaiser report thank you max thank you for having me its an honor youve got an interesting story so lets start with you fleeing egypt after the socalled arab spring that kaiser report was there just 2 or 3 weeks after they were barack was overthrown we did some shows in cairo so lay out the seeds for those too young to remember what happened tell us how the wealth confiscation happened we grew up in egypt and my father was working in saudi arabia professor and we were kind of back and forth between both countries but i got my Higher Education from egypt and then 2000 live in came and we witnessed gyptian revolution and it was a spectacular events. We were like we were honored to be a part of a part of the revolution and we saw we saw you know the whole country sit stand out against the current president back then and we overthrew him and then the same year we decided to leave egypt and move to canada because thats where my father recently got his ph d. So were all dual citizens. And we decided to move. We were faced with a big problem of my father moving his well from egypt to canada and the banks pretty much froze. Coming capital coming out of the country and you can only move like a 1000. 00 per month or something ridiculous like that. So which forced my father to work an extra 6 years in saudi to kind of fund his Retirement Fund his new home that they have here in canada and yeah we were faced with with strict capital controls on on their money and it was a wake up call. During that time from 2012 to 2017. Where things got a little bit easier to move money around we all witnessed the egyptian pound drop 65 percent against the us dollar. Which was devastating we saw it happening year over year and spend 5 years my parents saw a lot of their well just evaporate into thin air sorry call and as mentioned kaiser report was an cairo shortly there after the socalled arab spring and the revolution i remember at the time the feeling was euphoric and also this idea they call that the Facebook Revolution because through social media the generation in particular women and whole thanks to kicked off with the protests the womens protest against some Police Brutality i believe and this was at that one hand it was your forte and it was socially media and as we outsmarted mubarak and we took over with in a very short order of time they. The euphoria faded and a harder reality came in and you became sensitized to banks you know a currency devaluation and. Everything that a lot of people all over the world are experienced saying and we see similar events in the lebannon argentina venezuela do you think that westerners in places like europe town or in the u. S. Are too lackadaisical about thinking that Something Like that could happen here its not there are the same countries. Like the western countries and countries in the middle east and asians who were but. We know where that road leads were not saying its going to happen tomorrow or next year or whatever but eventually with the same Monetary System in place we know what that looks like and thats not something that i would be comfortable. Taking my family through and we want to tell people about that and we want to tell people they theres another option you know and bitcoin provides step option because it gives you that freedom to say you know what i dont care what happens to countries what happens to currencies im safe my familys safe i can focus on our health you know our job our careers and so on so i have peace of mind in that and yes as much as the dictionary evolution was something euphoric. When we were we were part of that i can tell you max like youve seen it you seen how. Like when youre in the streets you look to your right you can see people as far as your eye can see you look to your left and its the same thing. And its all nice and dandy but. When it comes to your well that is getting affected by those type of events i remember a time square it was crazy sometimes mob scenes but what was interesting is that my observation was that the police for effectively not on the street the place where nowhere to be same but you have people all came together and they functioned in a chaotic way but they still managed to find a consensus if you will amongst the people who are clinging to this newfound freedom and it was working as a way i remember at the hotel socking somebody who sat here for the 1st time in a life as a jeff and felt the sense in his heart. Of being free and he could just tell he was completely elated and it just seems that youve carried the torch of this freedom with your bit coy and what the way you carry bitcoin and your restaurant chain was really a trendsetter and did something remarkable some might say is that you put a big portion of your cast into big coin as a safe haven as as a reserve currency and something that Michael Saylor over at micro strategies got a lot of attention for i believe you actually made this move ahead of Michael Saylor correct actually you know we did it right after Michael Saylor announce it right before we were all because winners in the company and we already had a few meetings about being the companys reserves into big going and soon as we saw Michael Saylor announced we were like that was just so over the edge and we realized ok game on this is going to be a recent accumulation. We think that all corporations are eventually going to be acquiring bitcoin at some point and we just said hey were going to do it 1st right so that was the kind of the spark that that got you guys off the fence and its like i are going to put our portion of our reserves of the pic you know i get asked if i watch your videos on you tube every day right from to his restaurant where youre preparing middle eastern whats i love and you know i got to tell you you seem to be doing very well these days and terms of keeping the Company Going keeping the spirit going up and up the franchise and i see that with cove it around the world this is not always the case what whats whats your secret our secret in our business is Just Good Food and Good Customer Service and that when it comes down to that we really focus on making the best middle eastern food out there and we have meetings every day and every week on how we can make it even better so i think. You know our focus on quality is kind of the secret recipe behind our Business Model and also our profitability profitability. Which gave a reason for all these franchisees to come join us and open a nice franchisees themselves now do you communicate customers about decline to take brick or as their pick my message in the restaurant area on that level so not really we we made it public through our twitter account and our franchisees and our customers can see that as well. But we we made it clear that you know we did go on a bit quite standard. But we will continue doing our transactions and and purchases in fear because its s. Just the efficient way to do it thats what most people do it. And we dont think like i personally dont think that because it is a Payments Technology i think we have Better Things to do that. Its a savings technology right and thats what what i think people should view it as source is we now so we got all these like messages like 80 point payments lining payments like guys do i spend your big quinn. Has a. Queen with it. I dont think its made to be spent that way well you know the customer is always right after customers demanding that they can pay a breakpoint you know youve got a listener customer thats your customer centric enterprise thats what made you the greatest middle eastern food in the world and you know driving this whole movement in canada is Customer Appreciation so i also Drone Technology i see amazon these other companies are getting into drone when will i kick back order a falafel by drone. Max i told you this before if you ever want to take a nice meal let me know i will like show next it to you any time you want you dont have to worry about that oh now were talking thats what i thats kind of thing i like so its because im its middle eastern cuisine youre in canada a tad is a little different climate than egypt a little colder and have you become an eye socket fan not really actually ive tried to watch it and i can never keep my eye on the puck so. I know canadians are going to get upset about that but. Oh ill stick with making food and focusing on that and. Yeah accuse not for me though its sam just up a coin resonates with you on a much deeper. Level is that fro yes max so i actually want to send a message to everybody thats watching your show. And i want to tell them that. Our move into bitcoin wasnt just an investment it was our savings policy ok and we struggle and i think a lot of communities struggle with this around the world where. Im also going to speak for like a Muslim Community for example. I dont know if you knew this about the Muslim Community max but in our religious teachings were not its against our religion teachings to use interest and to live in a debt economy. But were faced with that our whole lives because thats what the whole world runs on. So we also have a situation where you have inflation at a rate of 10 to 20 percent its not the 2 percent that everybody talks about its actually 10 to 20 percent and for people to really understand that they need to understand that their retirement is running away from them at a 10 to 20 percent per year which means if you want to keep up you need to earn an extra 20 percent every year just to retire so whatever peoples offs option number one is. Stick with their principles and try to save in cash and be poor for the rest of their lives thats not a good option option over to is embrace forget your principles embrace or embrace the debt economy. Load up on debt. And then spend the rest of your life paying off these debts and then still not have enough to retire at the end ok so thats thats not a good option an option 3 is somehow figure out the stock market become a financial like expert and buy all the apples and amazons and the googles right when they start and try to get it all right good luck with that right its not going to happen all right got to cut off their thanksgiving icons are part of genies restaurant thanks for having me well thats going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and Stacy Herbert like to thank our guests mom of 2 heaneys restaurant up there account of if youd like to get in touch with us please just its all next on. American citizen he didnt want to talk. About an attack on the other. And. I would vote for the republican i would vote for anyone who is not evil and has half a brain. If you get. Our 2nd wife. She can handle. She and i divorce because our trouble is what the president and i floated for him and she crouched. Down when the most important election. In our history. List of the months to go before the next president ial election is the atmosphere in the u. S. Now. What are the highest priority problems will be. Vote which they do next. Just some of the questions we feel to be americas. Dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if youre going to exploit our child here in los angeles there were going to come out of the offices going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the 6 trades. The world is driven by shaped by phone person. The dares thinks. We dare to ask. One else seemed wrong all all just all. In the world is yet to shape out just they become adults. And engagement equals betrayal. Once on a find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Possible peace in the making a ceasefire in the disputed new corner karabakh region comes into force in armenia and azerbaijan struck a deal after more than 10 hours of talks here in moscow. A cease fire is announced from 12 to be a more time for the 2 books with humanitarian purposes. Preelection chaos the 2nd us president ial debate is cancelled after donald trump refuses to participate on the line claiming hes cured of covert 19 democrats though claim his health makes him unfit for office. Lots frustration boils over new restrictions because of covert 19 months protests in many countries and the Global Health officials

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