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And android its free to download and free to use and it also brings People Knowledge in regular weapon hours and articles from the best the best of the ok quest best minds in the been in right u. K. Market weve been at a time but best of luck with that as michael hart for the designer of that me wrap thank you. Thank you for watching just how far the market are back again just under 30. The United States economy resembles to a large degree the economies of countries that the United States typically makes fund you know the u. S. Or the United Nations will send aid and theyll send money to countries lets say in africa for example not to pick on africa but it does happen where the money never gets distributed it just ends up if he did leaders of that particular country and then they become fabulously wealthy. It remains unclear who will be the occupant of the white house this january what can be easily predicted is the state of the economy for tens of millions of citizens it appears what is called the recovery is permanently dividing the country and. This seems to be acceptable for those who are. Greetings and sell you take action all right just when you thought the 2020 reality show series couldnt pack any more twists and turns in steps this seasons big bad im talking of course cold 19 to slap the United States president Congressional Republicans and viewers like us right upside the head i mean i am and all the fallout from the brand name in chiefs ball with colbert is still yet to be determined the Government Run Health Care currently nursing our president and his covert stricken administration has apparently been bang on with even the president tweeting doctors nurses and all of the great Walter Reed Medical Center and others from likewise credible incredible institutions who have joined them are amazing tremendous progress has been made over the last. Months and fighting it this pled with their help i am feeling well. Which is rather a lariats coming from a man whose party in political platform states unequivocally the Government Run Health Care is about as diabolical as naked cactus climbing or as economist and former us secretary of labor robert rush tweets show dont tell the republicans but at walter reed they have socialized medicine oh my gosh with the donald and his associates are the only flag waving mega capitalists who dont seem to have a problem beating from the public trough when times get tough huff post is reporting that at least 5 companies with histories of violating environmental rules secured emergency government loans totaling as much as 32000000 to retain employees during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic these are companies that have collectively paid more than 52000000. 00 for it for in for in for environmental violation penalties in fact mal thanks to the Federal Reserves decision to buy Corporate Bonds for the 1st time in u. S. History in order to save wall street from essentially destroying itself earlier this year when covert hit Alexis Goldstein with truthout reports that we the public together with the fed now own over 315000000 in bonds of fossil fuel perms including those with a track record of environmental racism so with the great leader heading back to the white house after basking in thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of publicly funded health care and big oil and other corporate dream of staying alive through taxpayer backed Federal Reserve bailouts. Hows that 1200. 00 check they sent us back in spring feeling now guess its time to start watching the hawks. Was going on a city street. There so lets see the rises joyce state says. Graves suggests least systemic deception is the late show which. Brings up. A world where more than watching are saying im a robot and i will be surprised. Boy or boy image a pretty big news of my madonna looks like hes back and all all from Public Public health care and i get the Big Companies come find out the companies that threatened our environment they got fined for pollution theyre receiving Good Government money in the time work over bailing out big oil the feds steps in meanwhile americans are still waiting for that extra check to keep their lights on so its amazing to me how we continually to watch the American Government decide time and time again to bail out these big businesses when all it would take is an act in congress to actually have another round of checks to americans who are still highly unemployed going into the Holiday Season with no end in sight even for those who are currently working who are on the chopping block we just were in a very bad place economically and i dont think that our leaders have been taken that a seriously as they should yeah because i think that they live in their own kind of version of a covert bubble you know other big kind of live in this world the i dont think they i mean a lot of them you know i dont think that they really have any real experience with whats going on with people on a daily day to day basis i mean you worked alongside a lot of these government things is it really that big of a divide the only way we get out of obligation because the majority of them dont actually they visit their districts in very small amounts of time typically around on raising if were talking about senators before the most part theyre theyre getting bundled in bankrolled by large corporations and lobbyists so theres a very little connection between them in the places that they actually serve and the era that is often listen to the most or that you know that spoken to the most is that of the lobbyist in the special interest not that of the everyday american i think that we resolve this definitely at the crash of 08 which i do think that president Obamas Administration did as much as they could. Could there be more obviously i think there was a lot of haggling between Congress Members at that time as well but this is all around its extremely egregious and pressure rating because what we heard during the last round of checks was that the money was too much they felt that people got too much theres a disconnect between how much things cost today yes i think thats the biggest pressure in the rental cost for a one bedroom across this country have x. Astronomically risen over the past 5 years and with the original check money that was sent out it might have covered maybe 2 months of it thats not including any Health Care Costs or other things that people have and thats a bridge martyrs like youll suddenly hear politicians sit and talk about all day long how will giving you a little bit of money to help you through theres just too much 1200 dollars too much youll be youll be on welfare all the time youll never want to go back to work and all of these excuses they use when its our money at the end of the day what theyre handing you back is your own money money that you already worked hard for him gave them to fund the government for situations like this its absolutely yeah at least 41000000 in federal systems has been awarded the more than a dozen major donors the Battle Campaign tens of thousands of Small Businesses which found it very hard to get these emergency funds that were set aside to them these businesses however business is owned by members of congress they managed to land loans very quickly or by the family members of color there in avonlea of minors applies suddenly oh and theyre ok you know it defeats pressure and because we continue to see that there are different rules for people who have connections but also people who are wealthy a lot of the money that was given out wasnt necessarily to those that was struggling businesses many of those were businesses that existed that would even count to Small Business as we saw you know a steakhouse as you say existed in the mind of its a very fresh rating to the average american citizen when youre watching that happen it is i mean and then when you look at this Big Oil Bailout that the fed has no put put us into according to researchers 56. 00 oil and Gas Companies have issued 99300000000. 00 with the since the fed initiated its bailout of corporate debt marc. Its back in march which is the 1st time the fed has done Something Like this whether its just taking directly on that debt as of late august the central bank has purchased over 350000000 in fossil fuel bonds dan wegner the editor of bailout watch said quote this is prolonging the life of the fossil fuel industry at a time when it needs to be phased out for communities and the climate basically fossil fuel kind of stepped up and said hey were struggling right now even before coated they were struggling during cold with less people driving but now hey hey bail us out we need help like we would bail out the airlines at the exact same time that were hearing environmental activists around the globe including those here argue for reduction in the possible fields argue for us to look to alternative forms of energy yet we continue to plan money into something that on the back end we already know is causing major environmental problems. For the people. There were many shocking and cringe worthy moments at the 1st u. S. President ial debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President joe biden if you could get through the interruptions conspiracy theories and lies you might have found a few enlightening moments but that would have required you to get past the barrage of lies trump seems to not only to kill time and again but the types of lives that also put lives at risk during the debate in particular claimed his policies made insulin so cheap its like water but alternative facts dont seem to get in the way of trying to popularity on the issue a recent poll from the Kaiser Family foundation found that 46 percent of surveyed voters believe trump had a better plan to lower drug prices only 42 percent favored by plane. For most people the drugs like insulin cost the same as before if not more in reality insulin the popular diabetes drug cost roughly 300. 00 a bottle in the United States most diabetics the 2. 00 to 3. 00 bottles per month and those with advanced stages of the disease require a whole lot more jumpers campaigning on lowering drug prices but folks just havent seen that happen in the coburn 1000. 00 hits or they just keep coming. With 51000000 americans unemployed and health care being tied to their jobs even those who had access to insulin before dont have it now the cost of insulin has forced many patients to resort to drug rationing which causes blood sugar levels to rise to fatal levels. But rest assured when there is market turmoil like in all things in underground market emerges in the underground insulin market a network of people with diabetes share any extra insulin they have free of charge. But just last year colorado was the 1st of 12 states to implement a cap on copayments for insulin but with the pandemic ravaging america the demand for insulin has gone up and Insurance Companies are taking advantage of it. Though its illegal to share Prescription Medications it should also be illegal to price get out and allow the sick to die simply because they cannot afford medication i couldnt agree with you more the reason its illegal to share medications you dont want people exchanging drugs which we do to other than someone gets sick but at the same time making it so and godly expensive just for someone to be able to afford insulin something that absolutely positively without it in order to live is absolutely ridiculous no it is and i think that to put it into full context we have to recognize that the high price of Prescription Drugs is a talking point on both sides of the aisle whether were talking about donald trump or joe biden but the one differentiation we have to make here is that donald trump has been claiming for the past 2 and a half years that he has lowered Prescription Drug prices yet when people go to actually fill those prescriptions things havent changed for the most part there are some drugs like insulin that have actually gone up over the past couple of years and their cost in america as you know has the highest price for street Prescription Drugs of any nation on the globe and it doesnt really have the positive Health Care Outcomes that you would expect to come from it and cope at 19 has only proven to exacerbate the issues that we already have around radius around prejudices systemic failures and i Health Care System so this is just completely falling apart and it breaks my heart that theres an underground market out there i mean im glad that people are saying you know what the hell with the other share theres a bug out extra im sure a woman neighbor who also needs it like im happy that theyre doing that im happy that its free of charge but what does that say about the country when thats the case i mean when you especially when you look at the percentages of people who are having to ration their insulin because of the very cost of you know absolutely so studies and surveys that show that one in 4 people are actually rationing their insulin and it stinks because at the end of the day blacks hispanics native americans or the people in this country that typically have diabetes more than anyone else theyre also the ones who have bad medical reactions at higher levels than anyone else a lot of this is contribute to. Living in food deserts not having access to quality or healthy food but the other part is you have a lot of minorities who typically dont have access to Quality Health insurance either so theyre not able to readily you know have their Blood Pressure checked tabbies insulin checks when they need to so theyre really dependent on a system that has failed them time and time again it. Really should have people should be really angry about this whether you have know someone with it here in the us you probably do know someone with diabetes its pretty easy given the amount of sugar and corn syrup thats shoved down our throats every day its not its not a hard disease to suddenly get but people should be very upset about this because no one should have to choose between their their food on the table or the medicine they need and that is ridiculous when we try to claim to be theirs great country upon absolutely and that is literally the question before many people right now they are whether they pay their food whether they pay rent whether they pay their utility bills because insulin is actually very expensive on average the majority of people who are in that higher tier of having serious that issues theyre taking between 4. 00 to 6. 00 bottles a month so if youre talking 300. 00 to 400. 00 per bottle that is a lot of extra cash coming out and again with the unemployment levels being what they are right now even for those who had health care that covered it before they no longer have it because of the unemployment so it becomes very difficult you know it really hurts too because they always say the argument against like socialized medicine all that all that kills innovation and normal want to innovate because they cant make money on it you know to me its like are we really that horrible of a people that we cant say hey we can innovate in health care simply because we want to do good that we dont need to put a dollar value would touch to doing good in order to do it i mean come on lets step up and be the better angels of ourselves and fight back against this and get that for all the greed argument out of there and for all the money out of it and actually start passing laws do provide health care for people so these people dont have to go to the black market and choose between food and i like that you bring up the laws because according to the American Diabetes its. 36. 00 additional states have introduced insulin copay legislation but the pandemic stalled all progress on them by pandemic i also mean its an election cycle and pharmaceutical companies have paid certain campaigns insulin prices are high in the u. S. Because there are few if any limits that exist to regulate the pharmaceutical companies from jacking up the prices so this is one of those instances where regulation would really matter because it could make these drugs available to more people and were not going to see that regulation because theres too many people paid off in congress and local legislatures all by bird farmer to ever begin to dream of really regulate many exactly you know when the top 3 places. Politicians go after they leave congress thats not because theyre just really smart scientist and know a lot about. Getting people out they really do go below degree if you are right everybody as we go to break remember that you could also store water dogs on the merits of the brand new portable t. V. Which is now available on all platforms you have no excuse to pick it up coming up are to emerge as rachel bloodworms brings us the latest on the battle with cobra 219 in the controversy surrounding his new move back to the white house thanks to watch. This. American citizen today to want to. Turn to the other. And. I would. For a republican i would vote for anyone not you and thats how it would bring. The future. Of my 2nd wife. She can handle it will she and i divorce because trouble is what the president and i floated for her and she crashed the. Election. You know history. Of the months to go before the next president ial election is the history in the us. What are the highest priority thank you. They do. Just some of the questions we put in there. So far it appears that u. S. President donald trump yes the brand name in chief himself is on his way back to the white house after a few quick days of Walter Reed Hospital this replacing incredible controversy in scrutiny for leaving the hospital on sunday afternoon for a p. R. Stunt joyride show to showcase himself to all the fans were gathered outside the hospital arties weight blackburns joins us now live from walter reed with the details of this amazing weekend. Yeah thats right were out here where president is now saying that he feels better than he has in 20 years after just a few days of treatment at the Walter Reed Medical Center were standing out here and just on the other side of this fence theres a chopper. Waiting to take him back to the white house now here now is that he would be leaving on twitter where he also included in his message a statement to say that americans should not be afraid of covert 19 even as the death toll continues to increase here in the United States now what we have seen here outside of the hospital is a number of trauma supporters that have gathered every single day that he has been admitted now truck decided that he himself would take a break from the hospital on sunday and he was seen taking part in a motorcade parade of sorts where he was seen in the back seat of a car wearing a mask and waving at his supporters now that move was met with a lot of criticism from many who say that the secret Service Agents who were involved had their health but it risks that criticism included a message from a standing position out walter reed who took to twitter to write every Single Person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary president ial drive by just now has to be quarantined for 14 days they might get sick they may die for political theater commanded by trump to put their lives at risk for theatre this is insanity now so far we know the terms press secretary and multiple aides have tested positive for kobe 19 but the white house says it has no plans to release the exact numbers of Staff Members who have also contracted the virus meanwhile trump has been very vocal on twitter and in his latest video he said that he has learned a lot during his time in the hospital take a listen. So its been a very interesting journey i learned a lot about kovi i learned it by really going to school this is the real school this is in the lets read the book school and i get it and i understand it and its a very interesting thing going to be letting you know about it in the meantime we love the usa and we love whats happening. Were now just 29 days away from the election and clearly trump is trying to show strength in the face of this 19 diagnosis but that hasnt stopped the virus from having an impact on capital. Bill and just this week weve seen the region these senators tested positive for scene this includes 2 on the Senate Judiciary Committee Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell confirm the floor proceedings have been canceled until oct 19th but he says the hearings to confirm Supreme Court justice nominee. Are still expected to Begin Next Week on october 12th now the senate is also expected to take up a vote on the stimulus bill this week but its not clear yet if it will be can successful considering the fact that it includes provisions that democrats have accused republicans of using to try to do the bare minimum for the American People so as they are right now the 2 sides do remain on gridlock reporting from outside the Walter Reed Medical Center Rachel Blevins art scene. With trump to leave i mean i think you said sometime after 630 were sure as were doing this now live not a replay but a version of the im sure thats going to be any minute now what does it look like theres a group of crows getting excited is there any movement will happen. Well right now earlier we saw a lot of crowds right back here but since then police have blocked off the street and really kind of quieted everything down exactly where we are now we we are we are now weve seen supporters outside all day with american flags were turned 2025 and we did see some counter protesters bill a lot of them came through sort of in their cars when they were able to drive through here right they would yell back and forth at the protesters weve also seen a very heavy Media Presence weve seen dozens of reporters all across the street and they all seem to be here to see exactly what trumps next move is going to be and what its going to look like when he does leave the hospital the circus continues thank you so much for your reporting where do you. Think. The u. S. Airline industry is ramping up its 19 safety precautions airlines are considering testing passengers. In the hopes of breathing light. Back into the industry since the coronavirus emerged air travel has dropped by 70 percent in the u. S. And fumbling testing might help people gain the confidence to fly once again partys alex the feel of it as the story. With hundreds of planes grounded. U. S. Airlines are hoping to take off once again by implementing a new coronavirus strategy the industry is planning to make over 900. 00 tests available for passengers before they board Flights Airlines including united american alaskan and jet blue have announced programs which will offer mail in tests that will be sent to passengers homes or rapid tests at airports hopes are by implementing testing passengers would feel more confident to fly while lifting the need for travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines in the states many are seeing this as a possible lifeline for the Airline Industry which has been ravaged by the coronavirus september 30th was the last day of a 25000000000. 00 federal bailout package which assisted with payrolls in the industry and airlines were hoping to see a new pandemic plan take effect last week the republicans are blaming the democrats for the lack of action was just days ago because the fertile of more than 32000 jobs combined at united and American Airlines nancy pelosi has said numerous times that she would keep us here to get it done that was in july. She made his way all summer but who did she really make way Small Businesses that have now declared bankruptcy are those people that are employed by them there are now out of work or those at their unemployment the do not get the extra benefit or what about the airlines. Could she not see past politics for once politics aside it is estimated that the u. S. Airline industry supports approximately 10000000 jobs and accounts for 1. 7 trillion in u. S. G. D. P. While not necessarily a solution the idea of using covert 900 testing as a way to boost the Airline Industry is not new and has become commonplace in some countries for months france germany and iceland were among the 1st countries to announce covert 900 testing for passengers their airports in russia a diagnostic test is being offered at one of moscows Biggest International airports with results being returned within an hour and talking about russia that country and finland have kicked things up to another notch by introducing mans best friend into the mix. Finland has already deployed dogs in helsinkis International Airport to sniff out those with covert 1000. 00 in less than a minute at a 94 percent accuracy rate according to some studies while in russia dogs are still in training and we did propose that we have toes in 15 working dogs i believe will have the 1st result of the by december concurrently there is not a single test that offers 100 percent accuracy the rate at which the tests fail to detect the virus in a person who is actually infected known as a false negative rate ranges from 2 percent to 50 percent depending on the test never mind the concern for false positive results at the facts that people who are tested a few days in advance have time to catch the virus before flying and that testing is optional it is obvious that the danger of catching corona virus on a flight is not gone in addition the tests are pricey in the us they cost between 80. 00 and 250. 00 while some Health Experts hope that a quick and accurate test will be made available at airports in the future for now they believe that even if all passengers on a plane are tested masks and physical distance they should still be recommended the latter being quite difficult in a plane full of people for r t m alex mileage. Absolutely fascinating as i said there in that report you know that the extra cost of this is going to end up finding its way back to new but that the Ticket Holder thats the best the most pressure in part i think it will be great to have Rapid Testing it on the day all before people get on flights but the cost of it is going to be prohibitive for a lot of people would be awful all right everybody that is our show for you today remember in this world we are not told that were loved enough so i tell you all i love the you i am tyrrel been there oh and i dont miss a crop keep on watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and night everybody. The world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. Thinks. We dare to ask. Breaking news an r. T. The Global Chemical weapons watchdog confirms germanys findings that the prominent kremlin critic alexina found he was poisoned by the nerve agent. Also to come as the battle rages between armenia and azerbaijan russias intel chief claims that mercenaries from terrorist groups are travelling to the conflict with new golden oak outback and the former coronavirus hot spot new york citys infections again the restrictions are being rolled out starting with the shutdown of the citys schools and. Polling huge rise sounds Electoral Commission knows this weekends disputed parliamentary vote in the Central Asian state is there one day and 100

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