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Election descended into name calling and interruptions and the 2nd round is now in doubt after donald trump contracts coronavirus. And environmental groups warn of a pollution disaster in russias far east as a probe is launched into toxic chemicals killing sea life. Or broadcasting live from our studios in moscow recapping the weeks top stories with our Weekly Program this is international or now we start with the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan which has entered a 2nd week in the disputed region of not go to know is it being relentlessly shelled these are some of the latest pictures from the local capital showing the burning cars residential buildings have been hit across the city as well the number of casualties is so far unclear earlier in the week a hospital was hit in an airstrike several resident. Buildings were also badly damaged hostilities are now expanding beyond the disputed territory with several towns in azerbaijan bombed the city of ganja came under fire earlier on sunday john that claims that one person was killed and 32 wounded on friday the town of todd was also attacked baku claims thousands of shells were used in that raid since the start of the conflict by john says 24 civilians have been killed and over 100 people injured but i have has the story behind those figures. Well were seeing unfortunately events down a path that was feared by many but few thought that we would get here many people thought that things would deescalate especially with such tremendous International Diplomatic pressure on both sides calling them to deescalate put that hasnt happened we have seen now for several days unprecedented terrifying bombardment of step on like at the biggest settlement the biggest doubt in the war zone and during that bombardment at some point authorities came out looking at forgeries and said look if as if by john doesnt stop targeting us with with shells multiple rocket launchers with an ash strikes we will respond in an equally powerful manner and apparently now they have responded by striking at the city of ganja they have confirmed this the city of ganja the 2nd biggest city in a city by john they have confirmed this the head of the Golden Ticket about said that he gave the order to strike and he also gave the order to stop these missile strikes this was a warning a message to the u. S. And by johnnies he said were warning you to stop to deescalate to come to your senses and to stop before things get out of control before we reach a point from which there is no going back as it about john itself says that what was targeted in the city of ganja wasnt a military airfield is the Golden Corral box said but Populated Areas civilian areas turkey has come out very strongly against this kind of bus strike on ganja theyre blaming this on armenians and saying that this was essentially a crowd which is peace and defeat and theres a budge on it to reduce the design couponing start getting civilian residential areas in the 2nd largest city of his or by john donne john why do done so many of violate so principles of human its a rule including the Geneva Convention armenia itself has. Come out though and said that it wasnt the god. Of that expanded the war zone the Geographic Area along which combat was happening but it was i see it about drug and turkey which targeted which targeted military and civilian targets inside armenia and itself not inside the golden it got a box it was easy to budge on the previously expanded the combat zone by shelling the territory of armenia look more than that armenia says that it will respond in a powerful magnet to any provocation from any side so if anything is targeted in armenia proper it will respond i said about john also escalating into this every response to an escalation seems to be another escalation as ever john coming out and saying that it will now target any military installations or targets inside armenia profit if it believes that that military target fired upon Populated Areas inside is it about drought all in all these seas a very significant escalation because obviously armenia itself has a defense pact with russia so if i mean it is attacked it will have cause to trigger its defensive pact with russia and cool for help from abroad turkey letting it be known that if i said about john is struck they had said so themselves before any attack by armenia and azerbaijan would be construed as an attack on turkey itself so it would be standing by it will certainly ceased whether with military force or with support it will assist as it a budget so indeed events are developing along a very worrying trajectory. The conflict reignited last sunday but it has roots stretching back over 3 decades young clave broke away from us or by john in 1988 but the area has not been widely recognized as a sovereign state. On my day regime we have only one condition that armenia leaves our lands completely and immediately. If the armenian government complies with this the fighting will stop there will be no bloodshed there will be peace peace will come to a region. Well i believe the Armenian Army can secure country and the selfdefense forces of the Golden Corral box are successfully protecting their region from a political standpoint i believe its very important for us that International Partners know how and who started this military action. Another of our correspondents has been in the conflict zone throughout the week with his report on fridays shelling of the capital heres our teasing. It has come under probably the heaviest shelling since we arrived here 2 massive explosions in the very center of the city usually what we could hear was we could see the smoke from the explosions which were on the outskirts in the suburbs this is the very city center and moreover this is the building of the ministry of emergencies so it has been obliterated i mean look look at this everything is gone windows are gone the whole wall theres a hole in the whole wall and its not just this building theres a whole complex its a large its a large complex and its everywhere like this obliterated not raise to the ground but its gone i dont see any way how it can be fixed all renovated we dont know what we dont know what exactly caused the explosion but we didnt hear any sirens and sirens so probably wasnt a drone but some really heavy artillery and with a very long range as well but we have to go they are telling us its not safe because sometimes as the azerbaijanis are using these socalled double tap so that they not only they destroy the building but also the kill soldiers who arrived here weve arrived here with the soldiers as well so we have to go this is the crater that was made by one of the rockets and this is a piece from its head the military here is telling me that this is a 250 caliber 250 millimeter caliber so it is a massive rocket they dont know exactly what it is theyre telling me these these are not laws but that this one is also israeli made. In the armenian capital there has been an outpouring of support for those trapped in the conflict zone people are collecting donations of food clothes and other supplies to send to the region in habited almost entirely by armenians and many have been left homeless by the ongoing military bombardment we talked to some of the volunteers and yet of on. This is a pew with the bill and Initiative People are donating supplies nonstop he everything is sorted and sent to the warehouse every person in armenia wants to be involved and help in whatever way they can oh well that was devoted to the spirit of 5 people can now be broken you know its everyone because the personal grievances against the government in the one else behind them journalists and i got to know are getting caught in the crossfire as well 4 were injured in a shell strike on wednesday including 2 french reporters they were airlifted to yet of on for treatment and are now back in france and on thursday a camera man from an armenian t. V. Channel was severely injured during shelling these are pictures of his car earlier my colleague spoke to. A journalist from an johnny t. V. Channel he described the damage on the side of the border. We have seen destroyed houses destroyed ambulances destroyed infrastructures. People from their civil population people that have nothing to do with their military actions refused to leave their house refused to leave their region armenians are accusing your version of targeting civilians we know civilians have lost their lives in this conflict is that what is happening if theyre talking about armenian side thats a complete nonsense the military command over there but clear that Azerbaijan Army does not target civilian people as well as the really interesting infrastructure that targets of the Azerbaijan Army are firing positions. We know what their infrastructure is in the local quiet as are legend 5 doesnt fight against civilians azerbaijan is fighting for liberation of its all territories. Donald trump is in the hospital for a 3rd day after contract a covert 19 aside from Health Concerns the u. S. President s condition has put election plans into disarray including the 2nd round debate with rival joe biden this week 1st a clash was a chaotic affair marred by interruptions and insults arties john quarter comments. Listen respectfully to each others opinions im not here to call out his lies Everybody Knows hes a liar will never use the word smart with me ever use that word give me because you know what theres nothing smart about you joe what do you. Excuse the one who so you are number 2 hes putins puppy i get my time back fewer interruptions im appealing to you sir to do that and him too well frankly youve been doing more interrupting that sort of but he does plenty well less than. Us for a minute but why do you do it over again in the last 25 years not because im going to do it because you are president things up you are a senator and the worst were as always america is ever. To get any word with this clown directly then you know now that were done were done sir the American People had big hopes for this debate after all its happening on the backdrop of a Global Pandemic and a serious economic crisis but based on how both biden and trump conducted themselves i would say most people probably thought they were watching some sort of circus. You should get out of your bunker and get out of the sand trap and get in your golf course and fund what needs to be done now to save lives and he wants to shut down this country and i want to keep it open. But i had it close to greatest economy of the history of our country we handed him a booming economy he blew it was it evil who. He is usually the crime bill 1904 where you call the super predators africanamericans the super predators while during the debate the moderator was able to get in a lot of questions that the American People really want answers to how the next administration is going to handle Coronavirus Relief Racism Police brutality the social unrest but the most important thing of all is how biden or trump actually respond to these questions and voters didnt seem to think that they did a very good job honestly as. Very painful response and i dont think either the one this is just terrible all around this is very upsetting to watch that this is the best representation for our country right now i dont think i can say that even if you were one i think it was a twister it was a wild ride it went right it went left there was a lot going on there was a lot of interruption it was crazy. To me that i dont think either one of them respected none of the other. And the economy seems to agree with those voters as well because right after the close of this chaotic debate we saw u. S. Stock futures take a plunge and while both political camps have already started making political memes as if theyre their guy won the debate every day voters are really kind of taking a sort of id rather laugh than cry approach. We asked former republican state senator john loudon and International Affairs expert Sophia Mclennan for their thoughts on the 1st debate. Theres little doubt that trump lost his composure as he was repeatedly interrupting and. Seemed overly emotional and somewhat hysterical i was disappointed to see it in decide to sort of stoop to that kind of behavior he tends to be very dismissive and goalie and in fact to name call its certainly not president ial its not the kind of behavior that you really want to see any candidate im not sure anybody watching had their minds changed except that i do i do see that i think bidens going to have some cleanup to do with the left flank its inappropriate he just dismissed the president as a liar i hate to see the count and how many times he said the president just lies without backing up and being specific about what was dishonest but american politics can be pretty contentious and i think American People sadly are kind of used to it. Surfers and the beach goers in russias far east report hundreds of dead Sea Creatures washed ashore sparking fears of an environmental disaster well delve into that after a short break this is the weekly on our 2 international. Join me every 1st week on the alex song im sure and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics. Im sure ill see you then. Welcome back to the weekly on our international now russias environmental regulators are investigating a spike in sea pollution in the countrys far east the problem was detected off the coast of the editor in chief of the russia beyond online magazine visited the area and spoke to us. So im currently in the past im just a couple of them just to reach there isnt that the logical disasters have yet to see between just reading the one person away from the sea i spent 4 hours on the collectivists the beach and i didnt see any water or feel collar and i didnt smell any pleasant water but at the same time some of my friends were closer to the area off keep my meat and they come through that they felt some unpleasant odor and it had all the left weekly ive seen some death fish on the floor and some dead shellfish but not in the amounts like youve probably seen on some user of the dios i like they were a little bit scattered around the beach theyre real like selected that fish there but not like files that sea lion stuff like that idea see any big sea and. Ive talked to some surfers bulls locals and visitors and they confirmed that its soft and wasnt good water and it hurt their eyes and some of them he wouldnt have liked chemical burns of their eyes and they had to consult a doctor and it started 3 weeks ago so definitely softened happened here but we dont know when it started we dont know the scale of the disaster and we dont know what has caused the local authorities confirmed that the samples that the 2 back on september 29. Exceeded the norms for females 2 times and norms for products 4 times in the water so soft and definitely happen come child because governor is overseeing of the probe and samples are being sent to moscow for analysis he warns that any officials who neglected the issue will face consequences. Were currently analyzing what possible harm the incident may have caused my main aim right now is to ensure that whats happened isnt touched up i dont want to fishes to try and downplay. Significance a thorough and objective analysis will be provided by the relevant organizations we will collect additional samples of water sea floor sediments and sand and of dead animals i can tell you right away that if it turns out local officials downplayed this incident or tried to hide it they will be immediately fired and if any federal officials are guilty of the same i will demand similar punitive measures. There is no sign of a let up in the postelection unrest sweeping belarus crowds gathered in minsk throughout sunday 8 weeks after president look a shadow was reelected in a disputed ballots at least 40 people were arrested at one point riot police used a water cannon truck to target the demonstrators who fought back damaging the vehicle there was a heavy security presence throughout the capital and 8 subway stations were shut down for several hours the march went ahead without official permission it follows almost 2 months of public calls for a look at shango to resign earlier this week the European Union passed sanctions on 40 by the russian officials over claims of election rigging and violence against protesters responded by blacklisting european officials. The f. B. I. Has released a short film demonstrating the dangers of chinese intelligence recruitment however the propaganda style video reminded many of the methods used by the us and the u. S. S. R. During the cold war came up and comments. Its the latest hollywood thriller complete with a catchy soundtrack and a script that keeps you on edge however its meant to be informative its not a feature film this half hour movie was created by the f. B. I. More knew about chinese intelligence and its efforts to recruit this is someone targeted on raven who may have sent classified information to chinese intelligence. Like many blockbusters its based on a true story a former cia officer was sentenced to 20 years in prison for passing along information to the chinese and the f. B. I. Says that this video is meant to educate the public and alert them about the threat of foreign intelligence recruitment as this movie highlights Foreign Intelligence Services are posing as head hunters and consultants and professional networking sites to aggressively target americans we believe its critically important to educate the public in order to need to us this threat from Foreign Intelligence Services well weve seen all those old newsreels talking about the red menace it looks like the propagandists are still in business years later trying. To buy im going to. Play russia had occupied many New Territories bringing additional millions of people under communist control. For example but really makes. Bridge american really road worker makes 10. 00 a day more times more the whos to say the chinese cant strike back theyve got hollywood scenes of their own the. Really awful what happens when. The little one of them out on the campus is on the line to do the literal truth of them. Just listen to yourself and either the usa nor china has actually declared a new cold war but everyone is buzzing about it and the issue of our cold war is the foreign minister suggested its not just our writings saying that is this a new cold war weve heard for example u. K. Officials are china and the United States headed for a new cold war or is it going to be a hot war the un is even getting in on the hysteria or should we call it in a style just we must do every scene for the new cold war. We are moving in a very dangerous light action own world cannot afford the future lead to too much as the economy is split the globe in a great fraction each with its own freedoms financial rules and the internet and not official intelligence capacities yes many of us heard stories from our parents about hiding under their desks in school during Civil Defense drills the cold war has a special place in American History and now with dueling propaganda films and talk of a red menace from china it seems that the cold war is back the good old days well perhaps weve forgotten how potentially dangerous it is. R. T. New york we spoke to politics Professor Joseph Gregory Mahoney who says a u. S. China cold war is already upon us. If we if we follow reports of majority opinions among Business Leaders and policy makers that there will be likely a war between china and us within the next 10 years so i think that again this is part of the negative messaging that we see with trump but there is also some credibility that it is an issue that the u. S. Wants to check ahead of future conflict we already see many people agree a cold war and tech a cold war growing in frictions between us and china and other countries and International Organizations as the u. S. Turns against multilateralism some people a lot of people in the d. C. Area believe that were already in a hot cyber war all right that does for me this ill be back in about 33 and a half minutes with another full look at your weekly this is R T International glad to have you with us. As the u. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. You can work 40 hours d in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up to the reality of the. Financial ecology and the lack of Affordable Housing for a living minimum wage give many people no choice but know thats been a problem with the city voters turn over to told me stay away i dont hold this. Because of the fires the source the most vulnerable and abandoned on the streets to become invisible cops. The world is driven by shaped by. The dares thinks. We dare to ask. Welcome to the United States of america we call this the free but this country is home to largest prison population in the world you have more people in prisons. More than we have colleges and universities one 3rd of all incarcerated females globally. Are locked up here in the United States put that in perspective imagine all of los angeles and all of new york combined arrested every year. On. The even if. You. Can not read between the. Stuff. And. The truck. As an american citizen you dont have to be a murderer or a rapist or a thief to be arrested. If you call the police in an emergency and find yourself arrested just because the officer doesnt like you. My strongest memory my mom is she was very into teaching sharing. Loved each other how to put my own life on the line to try to just say my moms had i known anything like this was going to happen. And it was a day just like any other day. I went over to my parents house normally when i went over my mom went right on the on the front porch to greet me. She didnt come to the door i was able to see her on the floor and she had been stabbed him beaten and left for dead. Knows freaking out. Right now i am there are you know i was hysterical and i was yelling and screaming at the paramedics to hurry up and get her to the hospital so the doctors could do something to save her life. The police choke hold of me and him comfort me and put me in the car for my own safety a sense of when you call the authorities when something goes wrong you call for help and you put your full face on them i was telling the police i want to go to the last

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