Transcripts For RT Watching The Hawks 20240712

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Salyut ation. Who controls the past controls the future who controls the present controls the past wise and politically astute observation by the great prognosticator of us politics in the 20 percent of the one and only George Orwell as been ringing in american ears up to the president of the United States of america the brand name and cheap himself one and only donald trump stood in the hollowed echoing halls of the National Archives museum and declared the following. Way the twist web of lies in our school classroom. And teach our children the magnificent is about our country. We want our sons and daughters to know that they are this is the most exceptional nation. In the history of the world. The most exceptional nation in the history of the world he says greeks mayans chinese in can roam and egypt should all childs play compared to the dynamism the last 250 years the United States of america. But according to donald trump and many others that exceptionalism oh so hes under attack and black lives matter and are destroying our streets and our statues because the true patriotic history of the United States is no longer being taught in schools oh my goodness what will we do that is the reason that all hell is broken loose in 2020 yes instead of patriotism and being taught in our schools about it has been replaced by cancel culture Critical Race Theory and the New York Times 1619 project and the dreaded teachers of howard zinn and his dreaded peoples history of the United States but fear not because the great leader has a solution a pull prove answer to the great empty void of patriotism currently in us schools. The only path to national. Identity as americans that is why it is so urgent that we finally still Patriotic Education to our school. Under our leadership the National Endowment for the humanities is awarded a grant to support the development of a pro american curriculum. Yes enter the 1776 commission a president ial commission to promote a Patriotic Education brought to you by. Tick tock. Yes tick tock i mean seriously after giving his blessings to the purchase of tik tok by oracle the intelligence or reports the president demanded that the Companies Involved in the venture must pay the u. S. Government 5000000000 dollars to fund his new as they say or at their authoritarian late National Commission to support Patriotic Education as orwells the most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. And that my friends is why we must always study the past and continue watching the hawks. If you want to know whats going on a city street you want to see. Them so you. See the prices you always state ill see you. Mass graves suggests least systemic deception is still a show which. So brings up the joke as. Well that were going to watching the hawks i am tyrrel the entire time and its across and joining us today to discuss the 1776. 00 Commission President and trump president drums calls for pro america pro patriotism curriculum in Public Schools as author and professor of media studies at Georgetown University the one and only Chris Chambers chris thank you for coming on today. Thank you so chris 1st as a as a University Professor a teacher but also a father whose own child graduated from High School Just a few years ago do you find a staggering lack of patriotism an antiamerican sentiment in our Education System today was it in your sons History School books or. Well i mean to read well whats being taught now is 1776. There are a lot of rote memorize the region and its not without also the. Dates and names a lot of old kind of troops that even you know the most i would say. Conservative history departments in the biggest universities dont even follow anymore this is from the college level. Down to try to marry its not in there you know so i mean were. Already and its not helping a lot of kids who are going to college and are not getting indoctrinated. Why while the. Professors there get any. Older white male professors who were giving them what they should have been getting through the 1st place with just facts and you know studied you know. Borne out. Studies of what different peoples different trends awards. Economic policies lack of economic policies so i dont you know this is just the. Culture war red meat reaction and also a way of draining money from sort of to the. I think that youre absolutely correct in that i know that when i was in college i learned that rosa parks didnt you know not give up her seat because she was tired and you know herman k. 12 thats there by you told me and i was surely shocked and upset but i have a question for you in james loans famous critique of u. S. Public School History books lives my teacher told me he could teach the 12 most used American History textbooks famously wrote that they are an embarrassing blend of bland optimism blind nationalism and plain misinformation weighing in an average of 888 pages and almost 5 pounds professor chambers what do you feel are the biggest problems with how u. S. History is taught today. Will again its there or you know our model or with whom. Wonderful. Goal would also hold people back in a way because sometimes we try to jam tomorrow. To make everybody happy rather than trying to the far east and universal. Truth universal thats when they stood universal because the 1st. You know that. If we try to find out if we dont even that we dig that stuff up with no pain but with it it will be inclusive the interview thought is if factual is a reality notion of what this country is about and how it started and where its going we cant just sit back and say oh were going to try to satisfy everybody here. Thats the wrong way to do it the right way to do it if the dig up everything no matter how ugly piece it together put it together so people can look at it and then you will see everybodys story whole right now were not you know we were either trying to have one on one voice or talent points to before we even dig into the details thats a great point to bring up and i have to ask you know why is being honest about our nations past and present sins just as important as honoring the nations accomplishments and thats when we need to have both the good the bad why is that. Well i mean it would have been better any of you know different parties have a different narrative different political leaders have a different narrative you know best whats going on here this has nothing to do hood you know the 16 maintaining. Or time project really didnt start out of the curriculum or never really went with all of that way until people started. You know this is 13 especially africanamerican should look at but its really about slavery and. The wind in the family or with what would be an even the birth rate of colonies dear with their i dont understand why the fact that you dont come to her still on it you know thats a fact that. It you know its its its coming through that the rush to know what you do with their own that reality what you do with those facts. Well you know we need then the narrative thats followed but you know i mean thats the stuff that demagogues on the right. Its really sad at the end of it because i think were getting lost in all this is exactly what you said its like children and people growing up still need that base level of this is history is as we know what happened right now based on the evidence that weve accumulated based on the testimonies from the time based on all that business was your history of you can whitewash it in one sense and make it all golly gee great patriot and exceptional and at the same time you all you know you have to show the reality of that and its i think its dangerous when we get into that world where were ignoring one over the other. Very good and evil the good. The merrier. And the trials and all. That is wonderful what were doing right there may be the wrong law one orange is the journey. We are you know i think why. The. Situation. There. And also. What he may want. All of them there. And they all have any opinion of why the war started what happened in reconstruction. As they were by their friend. In south carolina. When i didnt think that what he was doing was. What. I mean that youre morally right there it truly is i mean look at the end of the day you cannot mandate pages and the government should never mandate patriotism a government has to earn patriotism chris thank you so much for coming on a magic 8 in our audience today and keep up the great work out there. Thank you. Previously we covered the Police Shooting of Lyndon Cameron a 13 year old unarmed white autistic child just outside his home in Salt Lake City utah well this week the body can put age of the salt lake Salt Lake City Police Officers involved in the shooting have been released and the answers they provide just creates even more questions r. T. Americas natasha sweet has the story and a warning the video youre about to see may be disturbing. A 13 year old autistic teen is fighting for his life as Salt Lake City is now working to improve its police force according to the mother it all started after her son desperately need of help for his mental state of mind having seen the passion automatically thank you laurie a barton says she called police to assist her with getting her 13 year old son lind into the hospital as he suffers from Mental Illness thanks. Sensory disorder. Which is like anything but instead when he ran away from officers one opened fire shooting lyndon leaving him seriously injured. Only. The family attorney for lyndon said hes lucky to be alive after suffering pierced organs and shattered bones ago foamy page has been set up for lindens medical expenses bartlett said her son had threatened to shoot her male coworker and possibly had a b. B. Gun but wasnt Certain Police chief mike brown responding to the incident Say Mental Health is a. Crisis in this country and too often officers are called to deal with difficult problems that are not criminal in nature i am very saddened by this tragic situation. The 13 year old boy was shot. And as a father of 3 young sons this is have a big impact on me personally the mayor saying their city is at the beginning of an evolution of change in the way they address Public Safety as a member of this community and as the mother of a 14 year old boy. I am profoundly heartbroken and i am frustrated its not the only time officers have acted quickly during a Mental Health circumstance earlier this year daniel prude was killed by Rochester New York Police he was experiencing a Mental Health incident after ingesting p. C. P. Officers restrained him and put a spit hood over his head after he began spitting it reportedly held pruett face down for 2 minutes 15 seconds and he stopped breathing this week subpoenas have been issued for the City Councils independent investigation and you may recall in 2017 in miami officer was acquitted after shooting an unarmed caretaker of an artistic man the caretaker Charles Kingsley was even seen on the ground with his arms in the air while the Salt Lake City officers who arrived on scene did have some Mental Health training but were not considered to be specialists and Authorities Say that there was no indication to believe the boy had a weapon other than the mothers concerns reporting for watching the hawks in hostile suites. And they wonder why we want to be from the police as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on the mandriva brand new portable t. V. Which is available on all platforms you have no excuse not to download it and start watching coming up legal journalist molly barros joins us to discuss the latest on the Great Supreme Court political square dance currently taking place in washington d. C. Surrounding the Bader Ginsburg on the. Ballbreaker to see their stateroom to watch. Lets talk about tea and crumpets and scoundrels and London Bridge and the kremlin oh. Childs seemed wrong but all roles just dont call. Me old yet to shape out these days comes to educate and in gauge equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. That are owed to the birds or head. Or behind or the field or the so up out of our group. Of it is the people its. Just it should be the human if you didnt. Do so much as move. The lemonade to fish you know must go from home in israel the meat. They are left has. Been a godsend. To a man i dont need. Me the lady of. The skin or news concerning. The learning. System definition in. Miniature than the news of. The showdown for the u. S. Supreme Court Vacancy left by justice ruth Bader Ginsburg is one set for the record books democrats last lifeline to stall the vote is over theres no hope left for republican senators to shut down a call for the vote senators Grassley Romney and gardner all support trump and leader Mcconnell Spurgeon seen in selecting a Supreme Court justice in advance of the 2020 president ial election even though the options will start for democrats in protecting ginsburg legacy but also bad of obamacare gay marriage rights roe v wade and womens reproductive rights there might still be time for a last minute hail mary if truck pushes through justice but loses the president ial election democrats will be in a private position to go nuclear and with tight senate races and democrats boys to pick up seats there are a couple possibilities to salvage the Supreme Court democrats are having talks of expanding the court by adding more seats which is perfectly constitutional democrats could also push for statehood for puerto rico and washington d. C. Providing for more democratic representation in congress and lastly they could add a rule change that would in the filibuster but all of these options are contingent on the results of the 2020 alexion in november democrats dont only need the presidency they need the senate as well. Both President Trump and joe biden are very aware of this trump is using the Supreme Court nomination cloth to his advantage hes ramping up a base bloodthirsty to in womens right to choose hes speaking directly to the religious right appealing to racists by fervently against civil rights and using fear tactics to drive up turnout providing hes laying trump lies bare from covert 19 to the economic recovery biden is also working to mitigate what looks like a crisis mode for democrats with a ship in the Supreme Court threatens everything hes running on the stakes they couldnt be higher for the Supreme Court the future of america and the republic for which it stands. Here to break it all down for us is legal analyst molly barrows welcome ali. Hi. Well molly its a sad day depending on who you ask in America Today mark but and of hopes for democrats and getting to for republicans to shoot down a boat on the next Supreme Court justice Many Democrats cynically assume that mitt romney will be the dissenting voice and he wasnt what does this mean in the grand scheme. Of the grand scheme i think it all that ensures that whoever nominee is going to get confirmed and its going to happen quickly given every indication they dont want to wait on this to happen and they want to get it done as quickly as possible and know whats going to be interesting now is that it snows for when they can get things accomplished when they really want to you know its certainly a stark contrast to the and then president obama tried to nominate Merrick Garland theyre like oh no wait its 9 months before an Election Year we cant have him in there. With the next president to you know no such qualms this time around thats for sure of these republicans but that republicans you know used to move on at the end of the election was and i think thats going to draw some are what youre seeing now some democrats are the greeting shows that you get it done when they want to get a big you brought up a great point there its amazing that congress has the ability especially the sun up to do things because normally they just kind of dome especially under mcconnell or just it just doesnt really do much trump as options here are arguably the most options so you can choose to call the senate vote within the next few days which it probably is what hell do is going to make the announcement very friday or saturday or he could do this during the lame duck session what are your thoughts on not only the timing of all of this you know kind of a hollow bellew over the scope of somebody and how will the potential tilt the court and essentially affect standing laws like roe v wade or that weve seen them rule on like regarding obamacare or things like that like how will his nomination affect the court. If its you in so many ways. I mean especially the fact that you know r b g did not want this by all accounts even though theyre trying to say that her family was wrong when they said she didnt pick the nominee so you know youve got that youve got the fact that she was that republicans about what they did to death and thats what theyre doing now thats galvanizing voters it depends on who trope picked i think that the overall goal it would indicate is that theyre trying to move as quickly as possible i would think theres probably a lot of Market Research being done right now by both democrat and Republican Leaders basically determining whats going to galvanize voters the most do they want to pick a nominee that will roll Republican Voters so much theyre just going to turn out waves in the polls if they arent already in the same for democrats they want to pick one that i going to be so polarizing to democrats that theyre going to be like heck no were just going to organize and well vote were going to stop to this or do you get your nominee and were going to do everything we can to change the makeup and add more seats for this that the other so i think that theres. You know a lot for them to consider and thats certainly what it talks to talk about with roe v wade you know some of the nominees that President Trump has put out there not the top enders but youve got like cruz the in tom cotton and theyve you know said that its it doesnt 16 if he got a chance he was going to pick judges that were prolife as you well and certainly cruz and tom cotton and said that they would overturn roe v wade in a heartbeat so thats galvanizing voters already in it in another its much its now and i think that if republicans are smart which it seems like theyre trying to go this path of just getting it done with as little parts really as possible with its already so controversial theyve got to pick a nominee and its going to be more middle of the road i would think to try to fix the money thats going to recap create a lot of controversy and slow down the nominating process and molly do you believe there is a valid argument to be made for Going Nuclear we talk about this a little bit but democrats have the option of expanding the size of the Supreme Court or adding puerto rico and d. C. To increase their leverage in congress do you think that that is something theyre actually really interested in doing and also. These arguments have come across every few years i think that right now were watching them kind of take up just because of whats being faced by the Supreme Court but to areas like the thing in puerto rico that have been trying to get representation for decades now do you actually think that were going to be closer to that. You know thats a great question and im not entirely sure about puerto rico and d. C. If that would actually push their agenda forward because this is certainly an opportunity if theyve got lobbyist in high places they need to be working those things right now but you know certainly when it comes to that theres no question that theres democratic outrage and theyve got to use whatever leverage theyve got to try to you know push it towards their agenda but biden is already dead in previous you know times that he is not going to back the court that he doesnt want to for tat that you know if he does add more judges posing he does win the presidency his focus is going to be on stopping Donald Trumps nomination and if he doesnt land and certainly democrats have that option try to you know more states and. Add more states in order to swing it but you know biden our president cant if the democratic side is basically said i dont want to support that because i feel like if we move that direction its just going to create this animosity in the next time the republicans have the white house theyre going to back with their favor as well that it will just keep going on and on forever but i think that theres a lot of press that is in Democratic Leaders who feel like adding those making those to you know they also adding you know stacking working a lot of hearts the is a way to retaliate and show that we do have some power because i think theres this big feeling that this is just the big this play of the republicans flexing their muscle its just a big power play that theyre in control and theyre in charge and i think thats whats frustrating no matter who they pick no matter what nominee its going to be frustrating to people who are looking for a balanced approach that hey you guys can get it done when you want to but youre not getting it done unless that is your agenda and that agenda doesnt seem to be the American People it seems to be staying in power and does that benefit the American People and thats what i worry about with voters are. Really educated enough or Critical Thinking enough to realize the complexities of what this vision could mean and just the you know you talk about bright lines but youve got immigration where youre that grating families are darkest no i dont but you 3 only are like mine theyre the werent very prolife when theyre at the border. Its you bring up so many great points and so much more to get into and i wish that america wasnt purposely dumbed down the way it is by our leaders to where they could ask those Great Questions and be educated by those things that you brought up and say we want this sort of justice thank you so much once again legal analyst molly barr as always a pleasure having you on. Oh thank you know. Already that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are definitely not told we love to tell you all i love you i robot and im amazed to keep on watching all those hawks out there in our great day and night ever but. Its election day approaches there are growing concerns whether the outcome will be contested whether the election will be the judgment were told this election matters were always told this however this time around theres a different feel theres an extension just like how many voters will say not my president after. My name is. On the. Scene. But. We. Can move. So you know these kids and i use does he make any babies you know food trucks used to people. Who knew before School Clothes groups during his childhood he said its the. Music that. Makes me happy. He does because he makes me coffee plain food. And when he. Was in love with her. You know. I doubt. That. Armenia and azerbaijan continue their deadly standoff over the disputed territory of. R t is the only media outlet granted access to the conflict zone. Concerns over foreign fighters including extremists are being sent into the cut about the battle zone are raised by moscow which is urging all sides to prevent external involvement also ahead. Im not here to call out his lies Everybody Knows hes a liar theres nothing smart about you job or you should. Know your number you know president ial debate decorum exit stage left as round one between donald trump and joe biden descends into name calling and

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