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Live around the clock or across the world this is. From the team myself you know neal hello and welcome to the program. The u. N. Security council is calling for an immediate end to fighting between armenia and azerbaijan after 4 days of hostilities the 2 nations are once again vying for control over the long disputed border region of the. R. T. If they so International Media are granted access to the region. Spoke to me earlier from their. Well were in the city of stop on the capital of the disputed nagornokarabakh region and well you can see how dark it is around me well its not because were in a forest or somewhere in the middle of nowhere no in were in the middle of a city a big pretty big bustling city normally shining with the lights but this is not the case right now because all the street lights have been switched off people are trying not to light the lights in their homes just because just to make it more difficult the job more difficult to those who are bombing this town what has become regular here raid sirens that sort of a tour of terrifying soundtrack to this war i should say this city of step on a cat is pretty far from the front line about 60 kilometers probably but regularly every day were hearing dozens of raid sirens and we hear it were hearing explosions as the Missile Defense systems as ed found systems i should say shooting down these drones that the Azerbaijani Army is sending in sending in here now when it comes to the latest as to whats going on on the frontlines well i wish i could tell you that it is getting more timid but well it isnt at all the fighting is intensifying from what im seeing this is the conclusion that i can make so far the infantry arent at each others throats on going into hand to hand combat so far the conflict in the staging of artillery shelling and bombings the drone bombings especially so the 2 the 2 sides are firing at each other relented. The ruthlessly when it comes to casualties both armenia and azerbaijan to giving contradicting figures and each says for instance armenia for example is saying that more than 100. 00 people were killed they could have they killed more than 100 as they are by johnny soldiers as they are by john denies that and says that it was them who killed hundreds of armenians soldiers and i mean turn denies that so it is difficult to find any and plausible and real its difficult to tell which figures are realistic indeed now when it comes to the bigger developments armenia today the Foreign Ministry accused by john of giving up all operations offensive operations bombings control to the Turkish Military so essentially theyve said that now everything that is going on every bombing is something that turkey has ordered something that has been ordered from by you the Turkish Military now ankara of quds has adamantly denied that saying that they are not involved in this conflict militarily armenia has promised to show some proof but hasnt done so so far now as to what we have seen we travel to and to a frontline town basically in an hour that we spent there filming we witnessed everything artillery artillery fire from both sides a drone came and flew into buzzing the armenian soldiers shot at us didnt they missed the drone bomb those those who shot at it and flew away and then artillery work to get all that in a span of just an hour now i will be standing by here reporting from the frontlines and from and report giving you bringing you personal stories alike so stay tuned for that. Meanwhile azerbaijani media published a video allegedly showing a drone strike on armenians sorters dozens of civilian and military casualties have been reported on both sides heres how it people in azerbaijan and armenia view the ongoing crisis. For the can also known as a by john is not providing any opportunity to resolve this conflict to negotiations it has been decided that the conflict must be resolved through force and we already fought before but it must be understood that if this happens there will be severe loss of life and every loss is a tragedy or we do not want to be addressed in this way. Meets our position it is serious to march of glee and from their point of view we are to blame as an armenian i do not want to talk about who is right or wrong but i would like the issue to be resolved through negotiations not force. I dont like what is happening many people i know are not going to the front we dont want blood to be sure we want everything to end peacefully but i am afraid there is no chance to talk about peace at the moment we must reclaim our labs. For devotion in the north. Of course what is happening in the conflict zone is bad who would want to handle anyone see people dying to tell the hand was forced by the armenians. So far. Have rejected International Calls for peace talks their Senior Correspondent brought goes the it has more now on the standoff. The violence 5 didnt stop with the onset of the night now what were hearing is that about johnny forces claim that armenians shelled the civilian settlements overnight its that they had been damaged the civilian infrastructure civilian casualties people wounded we also have heard as about john came to have destroyed. An s. 380. 00 air Defense Missile complex that was stationed apparently they say near the front lines down paranoid or of this coming just hours of the u. N. Security council came out and condemned in strong words the violence they called it both sides did d. C. S. To deescalate and didnt negotiate with each other to Start Talking to each other unfortunately as they are by john and armine were also given a voice during the discussion the only thing that they agreed on is that they completely disagree with each other on forces who are media subjected to causations of the armed forces was of course john along the front line and adjacent Populated Areas in my country to use an intensifier you know due to the aggression on force and so forth as well john have under treat consolations in the exercise of the right of selfdefense the businesses of majority statement to speak to conceal its responsibility who preplanned norsk you move through aggression a greased people no good economy the aggression. In your Reference Point the use of a journey so its cool milledge concert is not really deceptive barbash been an International Outcry calling for both sides to pull back for a cease fire conditional cease fire to be put in place and nations have picked sides one of them of course is turkey which is backed as it by john firmly weve heard statements such as i said by john in turkey one People Living in 2 different states weve also heard a senior turkish official come out and say that any meaning an attack on and thereby jogging settlement outside the conflict zone should be and would be construed as an attack on turkish soil perhaps an invitation to get involved. Militarily we stand by as if on the field and on the table now we want to solve this problem completely turkeys role in all of this has been a point of contention much debate in argument especially between armenia and azerbaijan we will of course heard yesterday that armenia cames take issue f. 16 fighter of shooting down one of its jets accusing turkish advisers of being in the field and directing is that about joining forces all of this i said about jarl it self has denied. That we have information that turkey is seeking a reason for a wider involvement in this conflict some have 16 jets have been taking part in the fighting its easy to prove that it is just another provocation by in the east through 3 turkish Warfare Instructors and high ranking personnel currently at command posts in azerbaijan turkey is also recruiting mercenaries in syria and taking them to azerbaijan to fight in a war against nagornokarabakh and armenia. Turkey is giving us moral support and we are grateful to the turkish government and turkish people for solidarity in standing by resigning there is no other role turkeys taking to the conflict the passions here overwhelming and the fear is that things will spiral even further out of control than they already are the race is on according to many leaders in a bid to end this conflict and this conflict before it can get even worse. Meanwhile theres a new twist to the current conflict the russian Foreign Ministry ses intelligence suggesting extremist militants are being brought in from the middle east to fight in the conflict zone. According to the information we have received militants from illegal armed groups have been transferred to the nagornokarabakh conflict zone from syria in libya to take part in the hostilities we call on the leaders of the countries involved to take active measures to prevent the deployment of Foreign Terrorists in mesmerism the conflict and to ensure their immediate withdrawal from the region. Im joined live in the studio by political analysts for off side good to see you just 1st aspect what do you make of that statement from the Foreign Ministry who could be bringing foreign mercenaries including terrorists into this called place there are Many Organizations not to believe i dont think it is real will be paid bodies me the dorcy me their oath as written by gen or even to me that it is mainly im i suppose the initiative belongs to certain financial. Financial firms related to the muslim presence in that of the meaning of the. Walking that they even dont have a nationality to emotional baby for me because he is not the. Most by these mo but with tarp to show a little bit generate these working with the muslims and they are going to have such a big dont forget the look of muslims from Different Countries coming to fight against the government of syria to see that they could be new to it and then he could lots of them brought from the former soviet union including because of the included northern composite including mike nations. Everybody and if they happened to be in that sort of budget it would seems natural so. They made peters because they know. People for growth in food and most you know the former medicine orders for terrorists. You know youve become to a sort of budget and they cant. Hold themselves as fighting. Against christians so you dont think theres any states involvement because i want to say about the armenian Prime Minister has stated turkey might be sending syrian mercenaries to azerbaijan to fight in this conflict could this information of any. Lines of truth in it well its good because you need to cross the borders you need to get customs clearance when you come into country and of course the to push government feel relaxed when the militants who are in practical meaning under took control getting out of the country and they could much less problems because when they go to get out to other place and get the game and thats the feeling that the former soviet union have something in common and when these people who live in for arabs for syrians when big come back to the former soviet union. These kind of go for it lets say should so i think they knew about it and they could put it away and but they didnt but there is no any official decisions that sent has a. Government sponsored troops that sponsored by the clones sucked in piper for slum it forms its absolutely different from the like but from general stuff but made for them to give another claim by armenia was one of its planes was shot down by a turkish fighter jet strenuously deny it but weve seen over the last number of days some statements of support from for azerbaijan how far do you think turkey is willing to go to help its ally well you should understand the situation be thrown the chair of the gun the shaken out too many forces inside or you wouldnt looting of a gun but a tea party now wanting to replace him and hes fighting for the place so if the media put a fortune would be on those who are by johnny side at the gun would get the glory. Conquer over their demands for like stuff like a mullet that you were was a big greek conqueror so if military force sure i wanted to buy johnnys but if it means we have begun to lose nothing. Because bt but its a little bit generous we have noted relations but think its a sort of pledge and we didnt get there were you can smash their position you can we next the mix and he would change over the action so that is the question then not get the one too in walgett and wall to wall is that these but they want to. Mean to use this opportunity for internal question the idea that we should not lies this war through the International Politics no in total but politics you know participants even remain in gordon going to sort of budget and then talk over the countrys issue for internal politics within it so in that sort of budget and then there may need to use the question of break between the Public Opinion and the real opinion of the people people want peace while Public Opinion stands on war i mean what propaganda in both countries both sides because there is a problem afraid hes refused politically active and big have nothing to lose and they really want to regain something through war and the determining the Public Opinion both countries can and that is a big problem yet just another issue about. This understeer seems to be a lot of different angles because we know that russia staying neutral but if there are foreign mercenaries getting involved exacerbating what is already a deadly situation how long do you think moscow is going to uphold that you try lety while moscow is going to be neutral over that period of time actually let this be open we used was mentioned that is to at least we used to but there is also another type of people which military instructors meet to read why is that and there are questions and wisers and both sides because when you sell military equipment you need to so to train the people you need to do it at once and in reality. In the real world usually we cannot the war but the c. P. T. War despite all the orders for a most coup but that would do it but the practical life if you mean train people and they get to war but russian officers normally called that moment. And in such cases russia go specifying that reaching stopping the war because. It is really what the people know if you speak to normal simple not politically active i mean you know budgets they say we want peace we want to make good relations with that one neighborhood we want to see for the future and then see looking for and seeking for political solution instead of military thank you very much for coming in and sharing your thoughts with us we will see how it plays out over the next number of days political analyst saeed got for all thank you. For watching or to International Still to New York Times readers are up in arms over the papers for last nights debates we go further into that story in about 90 seconds time. Please. Lets talk about. The london bridge. Just coming up to 20 minutes into the Program Welcome back donald trump and joe biden have locked horns in the 1st u. S. Election debate of 202030 or my colleagues down the hawkins quarter discuss the president ial class which was a chaotic affair with no shortage of insults interruptions. Listen respectfully to each others opinions im not here to call out his lies Everybody Knows hes a liar never use the word smart with me ever use that word because you know what theres nothing smart about you joe what do you she was excuse the one who so you are number 2 know hes putins puppy i get my time back if you are interruptions i am appealing to you sir to do that will get him to well frankly youve been doing more interrupting there to get out but he does plenty well less than you will hes just shush for a minute why do you do it over again in the last 25 years i because im going to do it because you are president things up you are a senator and the worst were as always america is ever. Going. To get any word with this clown directly matters that you know now that were done were done sir while then the American People had big hopes for this debate after all its happening on the backdrop of a Global Pandemic and a serious economic crisis but based on how both biden and trump conducted themselves i would say most people probably thought they were watching some sort of circus. You should get out of your bunker and get out of the sand trap and get in your golf course and fund what needs to be done now to save lives he wants to shut down this country and i want to keep it open. I had it close to the greatest economy in the history of our country we handed him a booming economy he blew it was it a loon. He races you say the crime bill 1904 where you call the super predators africanamericans the super predators and the moderator was barely able to hold this discourse together to stop it from completely devolving into insults and unsurprisingly we saw the Mainstream Media pretty quickly send out already headlines blaming trump entirely for derailing the debate but as we just saw in that clip it takes 2 to tango and biden didnt exactly live up to his promise to bring dignity to politics we. Do all that we need to do to make this country grow to restore doing we need to restore the integrity of the presidency of the office of presidency and humans to the American Public had high hopes for this debate whats been the reaction so far while during the debate the moderator was able to get in a lot of questions that the American People really want answers to how the next administration is going to handle Coronavirus Relief Racism Police brutality of the social unrest but the most important thing of all is how biden or trump actually respond to these questions and voters didnt seem to think that they did a very good job honestly is a very painful response i dont think either them one this is terrible all around this is very upsetting to watch that this is the best representation for our country right now i dont think i can say that even if you were one i think that it was a twister it was a wild ride it went right it went left there was a lot going on there was a lot of interruption it was crazy. To me that i dont think either one of them respected none of the other. And the economy seems to agree with those voters as well because right after the close of this chaotic debate we saw u. S. Stock futures take a plunge and while both political camps have already started making political memes as if theyre their guy won the debate everyday voters are really kind of taking a sort of id rather laugh than cry approach. I got merkel her surge shes planning to meets with the bell russian Opposition Leader so it limits are going to sky is currently. Being flown her country after the disputed president ial election last month and the german chancellor shares her view that the vote was rigged. It can be both one thing we do not recognize the legitimacy of this presidency him to engage in dialogue with his people without interference from east or west we can down whats going on the on a daily basis specifically the derailment of democratic processes and the violence perpetrated against the opposition german chancellor Angela Merkel has added her voice to calls from french president emmanuel back on for Alexander Lukashenko to step down as president of belarus micron had met with svetlana taken over sky the woman who ran against Lucas Schenker in august disputed election just earlier this week that meeting took place between the french president and mistaken following that meeting that crown said that he was willing to act as a mediator to get to the bottom of the impasse that followed that vote however there has been some questions over the fitness of mr micron to act as a mediator in a dispute hes already very publicly taken aside in or speaking or wednesday the german chancellor Angela Merkel said that she will also be holding her own meeting with svetlana taken off in a meeting of the need. I will meet with their positions to one offs can have one we see brief women taking to the streets calling for corruption free life i cannot but it mire that. With 2 of the keep power brokers in france and germany either having met with or agreeing to meet with svetlana ticket its hard to see how that sits alongside previous statements by emanuel must go on and angle merkel saying that there should be no outside interference in the future dollars and says. Absolutely clear the most must find its way by itself and there must be no involvement from abroad the people of belarus know what they want and it was good for them and we want the dialogue to take place among the russians themselves with the European Union is ready to take part if thats what belorussians wants russia should also be included as part of that dialogue with moscow is unequivocal on this and says that these meetings are direct outside interference on the future of belarus Vladimir Putins Spokes Person to me to the press corp saying that there was tremendous external pressure on minsk and on Alexander Lukashenko right now we consider these decisions to be an arts with International Law they clearly feel to facilitate dialogue and in effect amount to meddling in internal affairs expect you bellerose talk coming this week on thursday and friday theres a special you Council Summit taking place during that summit we can expect the future of sanctions on belarus and all Alexander Lukashenko and those close to him to be discussed you bring you all the latest on that as it happens. Just go back to last night choose the unites us president ial debates the New York Times is under fire from its own readers over its coverage of that the paper tweeted this screen shots of its Fact Checking piece now it shows a quote from joe biden claiming we left trump a booming economy and he calls the recession the New York Times flag burt and his faults and its mostly liberal readers were all impressed. And this is the image you choose to include cancelling my subscription tomorrow im done with the this is ridiculous ludicrous shameful. Ok after decades of being a subscriber im going to have to cancel my subscription because the New York Times continues to enable trumps fascism. So glad i cancelled my subscription to rag cannot believe you would choose a biden quote tough to trump just lied for 90 minutes what were seeing now is this some of the New York Times which the claims that sob so fervently to be the paper of record and to be the authoritative voice the news america theyve really gone so far up in just really wont even pretend to be to be biased already pretend to give the other side a fair shake the readers are a bit so poisoned by the rhetoric of the last 4 years that that the opposition president is the incarnates of evil right that that nothing else mattered but getting rid of this guy they poison the reader so much that this rhetoric as soon as it is the one of these Media Companies just dipping their toe in the water of Fact Checking joe biden then its all out backlash and they think that suddenly these papers are on the side of some dark side tannic force its a chicken or egg question with this relationship that these far lefties have with their media but theyre locked into each other now and its an absolute echo chamber live from our news h. Q. Here in moscow this is Art International i will be back in around 30 with all your latest updates off for some more great programs which get going and moments hope youll join me then. Seemed wrong wrong just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out just they cant educate and gain from it because the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. As the u. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. You can work 40 hours d in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up to the reality of the were not financially equality and the lack of Affordable Housing for a living minimum wage gave many people no choice. Just been a problem with the city knows turn to bitch and told me stay away almost. 2 sins of the food that there is no answer because yes the requires at least once the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible cops

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