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Described as a messy and chaotic encounter between donald trump and joe biden. Live from moscow just on 6 pm here in the capital youre watching our team. Welcome to the program. At the u. N. Security council has called for an immediate cessation of hostilities between armenia and azerbaijan fighting between the 2 sides is now into its 4th day as the belligerents once again vying for control of the long disputed border region. And also you crews on the ground there and filmed this exclusive video shows the wreckage of a drone. That all media has allowed to enter the conflict zone. This report filmed with a vision camera right now were between the positions of the Armenian Army which is over there. And the as there by joining forces which are stationed right over this hill and here is the debris of a massive unmanned drone that was shot down by the Armenian Air Defense this is the main piece but not the only one in fact theres still a distinctive stench of burning up in the air which means it was shot down literally hours before we arrived here in fact where the 1st International News crew allowed here by the Armenian Forces that here is school and everybody has to walk over a huge pieces of metal like this and well this marks yet another day of deadly clashes between armenia and the disputed region of nagornokarabakh and as there by john not by turkey in fact amenia accused as a by john of attacking its soil today which means that probably conflict spilled over the borders of this disputed region but were being told that we have to hurry we have to rush it is not safe here so we have to wrap up i will be bringing you more of this as we go more of this as a stay here im done of reporting from the disputed region of nagornokarabakh r. T. Meanwhile as above johnny media have published a video allegedly of a drone attack on me and soldiers both nations are reporting a growing number of civilian and military casualties aunties mark as the if has more on the situation. With the violence students stop with the onset of the night now what were hearing is that about johnny forces claim that armenians shelled civilian settlements over nice that they had been damaged the civilian infrastructure civilian casualties are dubber of people wounded we also have heard as there by john claim to have destroyed an s 300 anti air Defense Missile complex that was stationed apparently they say near the front lines down paranoid or of this coming just hours of the u. N. Security council came out and condemned in strong words the violence they called it both sides did d. C. S. To deescalate and didnt negotiate with each other to Start Talking to each other unfortunately as they are by john and armine were also given a voice during the discussion the only thing that they agreed on is that they completely disagree with each other on forces of armenia subjected to conditions of the armed forces who was of course john along the front line and adjacent Populated Areas in my country to use an intensifier you know to repulse the aggression on forces who forces marjon have under treat consolations in the exercise of the right of selfdefense the businesses of majority statement this to consume its responsibility who preplanned marched you move through aggression a greased people no good economy the aggression. You Reference Point the use of a journey so to milledge concert is not really deceptive while there has been an International Outcry calling for both sides to. Pullback for a cease fire an unconditional cease fire to be put in place in certain nations to have picked sides one of them of course is turkey which is packed as it is by john firmly weve heard statements such as i said by john in turkey are one People Living in 2 different states weve also heard a senior turkish official come out and say that any meaning an attack on and thereby jordan settlement outside the conflict zone should be and would be construed as an attack on turkish soil perhaps an invitation to get involved militarily. We stand by. On the field and on the table now we want to solve this problem completely turkeys role in all of this has been a point of contention much debate an argument especially between armenia and azerbaijan we will of course heard yesterday that armenia kings take issue f. 16 fighter of shooting down one of its jets accusing turkish advisers of being in the field and directing is that about joining forces all of this i said about jollity self has denied. We have information that turkey is seeking a reason for a wider involvement in this conflict some look the turkish have 16 jets have been taking part in the fighting its easy to prove that it is just another provocation by in the through 3 turkish Warfare Instructors and high ranking personnel are currently at command posts in azerbaijan turkey is also recruiting mercenaries in syria and taking them to azerbaijan to fight in a war against nagornokarabakh and armenia. Turkey is giving us moral support and we are grateful to the turkish government turkish people for solidarity in standing by resigning there is no other role turkeys taking in the conflict the passions here are overwhelming 1 and the fear is that things will spiral even further out of control than they already are the race is on according to many leaders in a bid to end this conflict and this conflict before it can get even worse. Is one of several border disputes remaining from the collapse of the soviet union the republic seceded from is about john over 30 years ago and itself independent however its not widely recognized as an independent state with more of the backstory here. A region nestled in the Caucasus Mountains caught between armenia and azerbaijan is now in the global spotlight how did new corner karabakh to get to this troubled point the disputed territory has a rich history having lived under many rulers and kingdoms before seeing out the final days of the russian empire 917 came the empire collapsed 918 came as a big john and armenia became independent historically armenian nagornokarabakh royalties were clear but as a big john tried again and again to take back control armenia and azerbaijan independence was short lived in 1920 they were incorporated into the soviet union. Nagornokarabakh wanted a referendum to join all media but Joseph Stalin had other plans based on the need for National Peace between muslims and damini and the economic ties of the upper and lower karabakh its permanent ties with as regime leave nagornokarabakh within the as was shown soviet socialist republic for more than 6 decades armenia tried to repeal the decision with no success then in the late eightys the people of nagornokarabakh started their own campaign to unite with armenia after a vote they declared their allegiance to in 1988 which was rejected by both moscow and because. Millions protested in both countries buildings were torched businesses were attacked military conflict started in the disputed area but nothing changed moscow had made its decision 3 years later in 1009 to one the u. S. S. R. Collapsed but still nothing changed. Then started the bloodiest clash the regions of a scene and total an estimated 30000. 00 were killed and 1000000. 00 what displaced finally in 1904 a fraud Russian Troops came into effect. Since then military clashes have periodic reflagged up and subsided International Players regularly mediate but with armenia now considering recognizing nagornokarabakh to dependence and as a page on unwilling to even discuss it finding Common Ground is increasingly difficult historically when it comes to religion. An ethnicity when 2 sides are so convinced of their right nurse when generations have been involved in the fight long lasting peace is allusive no doubt many are hoping nagornokarabakh proves to be the exception. Donald trump and joe biden a face off in the 1st Election Debate before novembers vote on tuesday of course when i discussed the president ial clash which was of the affair with plenty of interruptions and insults. Listen respectfully to each others opinions im not here to call out his lies Everybody Knows hes a liar dont ever use the word smart with me ever use that word because you know what theres nothing smart about you joe what do you she was an excuse the one who saw your number to know hes putins puppy i get my time back fewer interruptions im appealing to you sir to do that and him too well frankly youve been doing more interrupting than about but he does plenty well less than hes just shush for a minute why do you do it over again in the last 25 years i because im going to do it because you are president things up you are a senator and the worst were as high as americas ever had. To get any word with this clown directly matters that you know now that were done were done sir while then the American People had big hopes for this debate after all its happening on the backdrop of a Global Pandemic and a serious economic crisis but based on how both biden and trump conducted themselves i would say most people probably thought they were watching some sort of circus. You should get out of your bunker and get out of the sand trap and get in your golf course and fund what needs to be done now to save lives he wants to shut down this country and i want to keep it open. I had it close to the greatest economy in the history of our country we handed him a booming economy he blew it was it a loon. He says she say the crime bill 1904 where you call the super predators africanamericans the super predators and the moderator was barely able to hold this discourse together to stop it from completely devolving into insults and unsurprisingly we saw the Mainstream Media pretty quickly send out already headlines blaming trump entirely for derailing the debate but as we just saw in that clip it takes 2 to tango and biden didnt exactly live up to his promise to bring dignity to politics we. Do all that we need to do to make grown to restore doing we need to restore the integrity of the presidency of the office of presidency and humans to the American Public had high hopes for this debate whats been the reaction so far while during the debate the moderator was able to get in a lot of questions that the American People really want answers to how the next administration is going to handle Coronavirus Relief Racism Police brutality of the social unrest but the most important thing of all is how biden or trump actually respond to these questions and voters didnt seem to think that they did a very good job honestly is a very painful response i dont think either them one this is terrible all around this is very upsetting to watch that this is the best representation for our country right now i dont think i can say that either you will and i think that is the twister was a wild ride right when left there was a lot going on there was a lot of interruption it was crazy. To me that i dont think either one of them respected none of the other. And the economy seems to agree with those voters as well because right after the close of this chaotic debate we saw u. S. Stock futures take a plunge and while both political camps have already started making political memes as if theyre their guy won the debate everyday voters are really kind of taking a sort of id rather laugh than cry approach. We are the International Affairs expert Sophia Mcclellan and for republican senator john allowed to share their views on the 1st debate theres little doubt that trump lost his composure or he was repeatedly interrupting and. Seemed overly emotional and somewhat hysterical i was disappointed to see it in decide to sort out stoop to that kind of behavior he tends to be very dismissive and to bully and in fact name call its certainly not president ial its not the kind of behavior that you really want to see in a candidate match or anybody watching had their minds changed except that i do i do see that i think biden is going to have some cleanup to do with the left flank its inappropriate he just dismissed the president as a liar i would hate to see the count on how many times he said the president just lies without backing up and being specific about what was dishonest but american politics can be pretty contentious and i think American People sadly are kind of used to it. Going to work or so she will meet the by the russian Opposition Leader so i dont think an oscar is currently in selfimposed exile in lithuania having fled her home country after the disputed president ial election in august the german chancellor appears to show her view that the election was rigged. In the bios on the didnt we do not recognize the legitimacy of this presidency him to engage in dialogue with his people without interference from east or west we condemned whats going on there on a daily basis specifically the derailment of democratic processes and the violence perpetrated against the opposition. German chancellor Angela Merkel has added her voice to calls from french president emmanuel back on for Alexander Lukashenko to step down as president of belarus micron had met with svetlana ticking off the woman who ran against Lucas Schenker in august disputed election just earlier this week that meeting took place between the french president and a mistake and following that meeting that crown said that he was willing to act as a mediator to get to the bottom of the impasse that followed that vote however there has been some questions over the fitness of mr micron to act as a mediator in a dispute hes already very publicly taken aside in or speaking on wednesday the german chancellor Angela Merkel said that she will also be holding her own meeting with svetlana ticket in a meeting of the need. I will meet with their positions to her north korea what we see brief women taking to the streets calling for corruption free life i cannot but it my are that. With 2 of the keep power brokers in france and germany either having met with or agreeing to meet with svetlana ticket its hard to see how that sits alongside previous statements by Emmanuel Marco on and Angela Merkel saying that there should be no outside interference in the future dollars. From class for us absolutely clear must find its way by itself and there must be no involvement from abroad the people of belarus know what they want and it was good for them and we want the dialogue to take place among belorussians themselves with the European Union is ready to take part if thats what belorussians want russia should also be included as part of that dialogue. Moscow is unequivocal on this and says that these meetings are direct outside interference on the future of deloris Vladimir Putins Spokes Person to me to the press corp saying that there was tremendous external pressure on minsk and on Alexander Lukashenko right now we consider these decisions to be an arts with International Law the clearly field to facilitate dialogue and in fact amount to meddling in internal affairs they expect more you bellerose talk coming this week on thursday and friday theres a special e. U. Council summit taking place during that summit we can expect the future of sanctions on belarus and all Alexander Lukashenko and those close to him to be discussed you bring you all the latest on that as it happens. With the threat of sanctions is being dangled over russia once again france and germany are warning moscow of consequences if it doesnt do more to shed light on marriage the poisoning of russian opposition figure alexei navalny. One of our i call on russia to do more to investigate this case a case such as this must have consequences the therefore reserves the right to impose sanctions on. The. Taker and not there was very clearly an assault and an assassination attempt that was made on russian soil against a russian opponent with a chemical agent on the business related in russia. And therefore it is on russia to give indispensable clarification that we will have to draw from the information that russia provides the consequences all its refusal to provide clarification on. What despite the German Foreign minister tough words chancellor Angela Merkel has just said shell wait and see what the chemical weapons watchdog concludes before deciding how to proceed meanwhile russia in particular to someone else and a 3rd request to seek any evidence they need to formally open a case that previous requests were ignored we consider it an attempt to politicize the matter everything that is going on indicates that it is not about seeking the truth our prosecutors have said a 3rd request to germany but there has only been one of response and that was from the media that the request had been received and the valley was transported to berlin after falling a lot of domestic flight in siberia he was recently discharged from hospital political analyst bill but dr of the west is deliberately piling the pressure on moscow. I think this is a talking point. That i think we have to look at must a statement from the statement and not growing in the context of what i see is it wrong. On russia going on today from a military from an informational political spent one cannot expand on to bring in the lords fear into question the west is now on gays in their pressure on russia and the army is is only one of us it is a lever against was working as they in their view. Want to you maintain it that way because if there were to be a proper investigation the absurdity of the claims made against russian. Oil or that oil is limitless warm will be completely here. And while face masks and gloves are designed to stop the spread of the corona virus it seems they could be doing the opposite when thrown away thats the warning from local authorities in england which claim careless disposal of p. B. Could pose a Health Hazard not only does this blight local areas but it also briskly spreading infection facemasks gloves and other forms of personal protective equipment designed to protect people from infection but poor disposal risks doing the opposite. Earlier the World Health Organization also spoke out saying a proper disposal could lead to a surge in transmission and its not just Health Concerns about p. P. Either financing but also environmental ones or port by British Research as claimed the daily use of a face mask by every u. K. Citizen and 70 to 70000 tonnes of Plastic Waste professor Lawrence Young from the university of warrick and his reusable p. P. Is the only solution. Disposal of face models in other p. P. C. Essential to avoid any increase in transmission and so its really important that people take responsibility to dispose of their face masks gloves etc in appropriate waste bins and do not litter the streets and other Public Places with potentially contaminated face masks and gloves and also highlights the important use perhaps of cloth for a small slow washable because washable face mass will be much more easier to deal with they would washing will destroy the virus and its a much more environmentally friendly approach in your own home you can dispose of these in your normal black bag and the local councils certainly in the United Kingdom are happy to take those away in and deal with them really if youre out and about disposing old facemask in little bins is perfectly ok but if they do happen to fall off or you decide rob the irresponsibly just to ditch them in a road or in a public place and that is a really really socially irresponsible thing to do. Objects that article comment from a gripping testimony from inmates guards cops analysts and lawyers the survivors guide exposes the failed punishment model and examines the dramatic programs proven to work the team in our back after our latest headlines well see about that. Well lets talk about tea and crumpets and scoundrels in london bridge. As the u. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. You can work 40 hours d in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up to the reality of it were not financially equality and the lack of Affordable Housing for a living minimum wage gave many people new choice. Thats been a problem with the city knows turn to make sure and told me stay away i dont miss. The food if there is no answer because yes that requires resources the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible cops. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. High salacious community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Away. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. My name is such. As to see if its. A bit older you know if. You know. Who constitute. The movement you dont. See scoots and i used to tease me make it a very nice yeah i know foods new school on drugs used to people. Who people who come to clubs during his childhood to fit a new thing that. Makes me copy. Because he makes me copy playing. And when you go to. The. Cigar. I doubt. Its election day approaches there are growing concerns whether the oakum will be contested whether the election will be the gentleman we are told this election truly matters were always told this however this time around theres a different feel theres an x. Especially just election how many voters will say not my president after november. Welcome to the United States of america we call this the land of the free this country is home to largest prison population in the world we have more people in prisons. More than we have colleges and universities one 3rd of all incarcerated females globally. Are locked up here in the United States put that in perspective imagine all of los angeles and all of new york combined arrested every year. On. The even if. Not creepy. Stuff pretty. Much. As an american citizen you dont have to be a murderer or a rapist or a thief to be arrested. If you call the police in an emergency and find yourself arrested just because the officer doesnt like you. My strongest memory my mom is she was very into teaching sharing. Love to each other how to put my own life on the line to try to just say my moms had i known anything like this was going to happen. And it was a day just like any other day. I went over to my parents house normally when i went over my mom went right on the on the front porch to greet me. That they she didnt come to the door i was able to see her on the floor and she had been stabbed him beaten and left for dead. Nose freaking out a part of our car at. Our r r r r r you know i was hysterical and i was yelling and screaming at the paramedics to hurry up and get her to the hospital so the doctors could do something to save her life. The police choke hold of me in handcuffs me and put me in the car for my own safety a sense of when you call the authorities when something goes wrong and you call for help and you put your full face on them i was telling the police i want to go to the hospital to be with my mom screw

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