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A very warm welcome youre watching R T International with me. Our top story this hour a decades old dispute off the caspian sea has seen one of its most serious flare up since the truce back in 1904 fines are up to between the nations of armenia and azerbaijan on sunday morning which both lay claims to the new goal no karabakh region clashes reportedly left more than 50 dead as the territorial and ethnic confrontation again turned bloody. His alter ego stalled off from the disputed nagornokarabakh region with the latest. This is the city of step on the capital of the disputed nagornokarabakh autonomy and well we are filming in infrared here because this is one of the darkest places on earth all street lights have been switched off residents people who are living here while also trying not to turn on any unnecessary lights it is a disguised tactic a smog blackout if i may say so and it is done to make bombing this place more difficult and it is being bombed all right for the 1st time since 1992 on our way here we actually tried counting all the ambulances that were rushing outside the city and while we lost count on 25 it was simply too many that as columns of military hardware were rolling into the city now according to military officials here more than 80 people alone today have been killed here jure in the clashes both. Leaders and the as there by john the leaders have been blaming each other for the escalation for instigating this conflict have a listen the armed forces are very menial have shelled our settlements as well as our military positions from several directions. At present the other by joining armies firing and the enemys military positions most of their equipment has been destroyed armenia is doing Everything Possible to disrupt the negotiation process and i can see that they have succeeded. Stick to tauriel regime has resumed hostilities it is a war imposed on the armenian people it is a war against our independence freedom and dignity we were prepared for the possibility of war because we realize that the armenia phobia and lutie and hatred with which the as it johnny dictatorship fed its people for many decades could not lead to any result other than war the warring parties here make no distinction if its the light of day or the darkness of night it seems the fighting doesnt stop for a minute and well we will be staying here bringing you all the latest including from the front lines like Many International media our own correspondent markdown c. F. Was among the journalists unable to reach azerbaijan hes currently in turkey. Well theres been a problem with gaining entry to as it were john weve made repeated requests to the authorities that the government in azerbaijan to grant us access entry to the country to cover the conflict unfortunately these requests hasnt been 2 a response whatsoever weve heard of in direct you to sort of excuses about them urgency that has been declared in azerbaijans and we may see a reversal a reversal it we are hoping for to be able to gain entry and gain a permit accreditation to work in azerbaijan otherwise there has been another day of escalation many more dead reported on both sides the latest as ever john has released a new video showing many soldiers of the god knickerbockers and. Apparently armenian soldiers killed in the action the days action there we will succeed of course many videos and photos and footage of vid destroyed vehicles and destroyed taxis really does seem like a tremendous escalation and weve got to say now it is very difficult at this stage to verify any of these videos that been reports of old reviews being posted many many fake news stories as well nevertheless theres been a growing chorus an International Chorus cooling of both sides a diplomatic course to cease hostilities of her suspicion of hostilities for a cease fire immediate cease fire to be implemented this is not a time for war the International Community is resoundingly say from from the u. N. Which is called for an immediate halt to violence from the European Union for the United States russia iran and neighboring iran has come out and said this is no good that both sides should stop and dialogue is the only option noticeably missing from from these this huge course is turkey where we are now president edouard has taken a very hard line on the conflict and he has thrown his support in behind the as that of a johnny side. John i once again condemn a media who attack tend to be shown the soil on sunday turkey will continue to stand by his friend and brother in azerbaijan by all means and with all its heart it is time to bring an end to the regional crisis started with the occupation of new goanna karabakh when some media immediately leaves the territory it is occupying the region will return to peace and harmony the president of a said about john live has said that the only way forward is to ease by the 1993 Un Resolution regarding the go to the car about which recognized many parts of it as occupied by me and forces and i live and said that there that is the only way for the armenian soldiers and the go to care about the breakaway states force us to to withdraw and to give up control over the area to 2 is headed by judd this is an ancient conflict that has been much blood spilled in this in these war and then in the flare ups that followed the not going to cut above war i was there in 2016 where there was another flare up another as collation of the hostilities fortunately its ended in a matter of days but but it was again brutal judging by what ive seen so far the footage of being seen the casualty lists reported by both sides this is even worse than what happened when we were there in 2016. Director of the Crisis Research institute believes public sentiment within both countries could have played a part in this sudden outbreak of hostilities well one big problem here is that on both sides popular opinion is highly mobile ised and so you have a situation that you have approximately a 1000000 people in azerbaijan who are refugees from armenia hundreds of thousands of people in armenia who fled from azerbaijan and so we have a situation where theres pressure from the public for standing up for the National Interest remember in the renewal of the conflict back in july when it started again there were big demonstrations and. President earlier for not being robust enough and on the other side of armenia the prime minister. Knows to talk to power by the street 2 years ago and he seemed not to be robust sticking up from your interests he can place protests too so we have a problem that its not simply politicians playing power games thats going on of course but its also that there is a an animosity between 2 groups of christian armenians muslims as there is with this history of conflict which is left bitter attacking islam and large numbers of displaced People Living relatively close to where they lived before the fighting began 30 years ago and still if you like i mean each other question. Coronavirus seems to be tightening its grip on europe with numerous countries now reporting record numbers of daily infections were strict since and other measures designed to stop the spread have returns to with more on that a solid. Well theres a warning that france faces months of 19 problems thats because the epidemic is apparently likely to overwhelm the Health System if no action is taken that is a warning from frances one of frances top doctors the 2nd wave is are running faster than we thought in 3. 00 to 4. 00 weeks if nothing changes france will for use a widespread outbreak across its whole territory for several autumn and winter months while his main concern is about the ability of medical staff to deal with this because he says theyre exhausted and there are not enough staff to plug any gaps as needed lets have a look now at some of the latest figures for code 9000 here in france in the 24 hours to saturday there were more than 14 and a half 1000 new cases in the last week around 4000 people were quiet hospital treatment and of those 760 around required intensive care treatment all of this comes as there are new restrictions coming into force in 11 parts of france from monday that includes here in paris where we will see bars not allowed to open later than 10 pm sporting facilities being closed and a ban on gatherings in public spaces of more than 10 people this would put in place 15 days but that could be extended in paris there was anger over the weekend over these new restrictions with people going out on protests saying its devastating their economy and that was also the case down in marsay which saw new scription is coming over the weekend many restaurant to cafe owners and bar owners say that theyve just had enough we dont know where they find their statistics in the end it is a bit unclear we dont know if theyre supposed to close tonight also maru we dont understand anything in these accusations goes Restaurant Owners have just gone theyve made it big. Sacrifices everything they needed to do. Im going to stay open i have the keys to my business its mine i paid for it as i said just far from the sky its my lifes even now theyre just taking it so im going to stay all going to have the keys and i dont want to this business now the majority of people in france to support the restrictions are being put in place by the government and by the local prefecture but a recent poll showed that 65 percent of people said they did not trust the executive to fight effectively against the epidemic here now lets have a look now its spain where there is also a heightened concern over 19 woodridge of course extended its many lockdown freud day but the Spanish Health minister says he wont even tighter restrictions because. The situation in madrid is complicated with the serious risks tough were sorting out of us and what must be done is to concentrate everyones severance to protect Peoples Health doubled this is not an ideological battle this is that if you do me a logical battle against a virus and we know how to do this because we didnt once before all efforts need to know you concentrated on that humans we need to listen to science so you can listen to the experts know most of the areas under restriction around the madrid and its suburbs are poor areas and that has led to a lot of anger there people describing whats happening as being class can find mint now lets move to the u. K. Where in some parts of the country up to a 3rd of areas and under lockdown and there have been protests held in london over the weekend against the code 19 restrictions clashes between the police and protesters with the police having to use battens to control the crowds. Was. All of this comes as the World Health Organization is predicting that deaths from covert going could reach 2000000 people across the world but this is a model and its saying that things could be even worse than that and less serious efforts are made to stymie the transmission of the virus we spoke to an Infectious Disease expert who believes another full lockdown would not be an effective solution was it known its just me isolating and avoiding the transmission of virus by avoiding contact between people is the medical position then theres the economic position is countries are free to continue living their lives the balance between both is hard to achieve i believe that the absence of a total lockdown fits this decision is not perfect for everyone be those on the medical or economic extremes its a difficult balance theres no need for another lockdown if people observed distancing measures if we were mask when there is a risk of infection theres no need to reintroduce a lockdown this is a last resort in case the population fails to comply with the measures in place but the global hopes of ending the covert crisis centrally resting on effective vaccines that russias own trap is now going into advanced stage 3 trials among those taken part our stuff from our teeth arabic and spanish channels. Thats easy to many try to dissuade me they said and its not been worth getting vaccinated is the risks are too high however for me to produce cars here people say that you shouldnt be defers to wait for the 16 to become a reliable and i considered all the possible scenarios that may occur after having the vaccine but decided to take part in its trial. I decided to get vaccinated because i see that the world has changed after the throne of virus antibodies will arise through the vaccine and only in this way will we be able to overcome the corona virus or. Is. It is necessary that there are people who conduct such experiments and their listeners so they will move forward towards obtaining the fixing that would be the most reliable for. Me so even for it is to take a course in Clinical Trials which is important to us because this is the 1st vaccine you test the vaccine to make sure its effective tool but. I fear maybe im a little nervous about it all too much noise due to the pandemic too many people getting sick if more people tell us the vaccine will no faster whether it works or not. That. Russia was the fascination of the world to approve its job ahead of the start of stage 3 mass trials ballots were accusations corners were cut a charge though not levelled at the other countries around the world speeding ahead in the quest to develop a potential cure but of course i looked at that our specs. Such a small vial that could save hundreds of thousands of lives countries around the world are racing to perfect their own coronavirus vaccines Russia Sputnik v. Was the 1st to be approved for production and the west was quick to criticize the state of his developments is being questions prove its effectiveness has not been presented a bag seen that has not been trying to a vaccine that has not been tested outside of russia americas top researchers say russias cutting corners to develop its coronavirus that same u. S. Regulators are resistant to the new coolness cut when it comes to testing and for many t. J. That is the key difference between what america is doing and what the russians have Just Announced its too early to tell if theres any merit to these fears but face 3 testing doesnt involve 40000 volunteers and those who have already taken part have yet to declare any serious side effects at the same time the World Health Organization seems optimistic about russias vaccine. Is a good reason. For that it would. Seem to be. Pretty. Pretty. Theres no reason that i see to be skeptical and the west big pharma is rushing to get emergency approval from regulators before the end of critical phase 3 Testing Companies like madonna and pfizer have even published their clinical protocols after public concerns that their vaccines werent exactly safe then astra zeneca did the same after 2 participants had spinal inflammation and testing had to come to a halt these companies are trying to hide the multibillion dollar contracts behind their thirst for faster than life approval but it is surprising there hasnt been more negative media reaction to that especially in comparison to the onslaught that russia received over sputnik the its always been politicized in various different ways and we need to get the politics out of medicine russian pharmaceutical Companies Legally cannot go to money to america. Elections while American Pharmaceutical Companies donated millions to american elections of course were going to be done to favor American Pharmaceutical Companies those people buy elections in america the only way to get politics out of medicine is to get government out of medicine and americans and american patient want to buy a vaccine from an American Company that should be between the company and the person if they want to buy a vaccine from an Indian Company or a Russian Company or a Canadian Company that should be between them and that company the f. D. A. And the federal government should have no involvement at all because when they get involved you see this kind of produce nonsense the effectiveness of any vaccine American European and russian no doubt needs to stand the test of time but when politics and profits get involved its not always easy to remember who needs to benefit from the serum in the 1st place. And advance propaganda infrastructure designed to promote support for the Syrian Opposition was allegedly created with the help of u. K. Government contractors thats the claim being made following a huge leak of secret documents obtained and published by the activists quit anonymous picks up the story. 2 blog posts with an impressively long list of links we cannot confirm the documents are real but im on a most is confident theyve exposed how british taxpayers cash was being splashed on dirty schemes for regime change in syria only small particles of information about covert operations of British Intelligence in syria have leaked into the media until today we have everything from criminal programs and tenders to bidders complete proposals so the leaks point to 10 programs or projects all logically put together inside government offices in london all united by a mission to nurture a trained and equipped moderate opposition with a polished image capable of overthrowing Bashar Al Assad nothing to do with the terrorists under each program come bettors and documents supposedly describing how they planned to do the job fascinating stuff there from military Training Camps to diagrams outlining the structure of the desired post Assad Government plus youll be amazed by the extent of the alleged p. R. Effort check out this bitch the reason i am an urgent need to provide a counterbalance to the regimes narrative to build trust and confidence in the Supreme Military Council and the Free Syrian Army within syria and among the International Community remember how at one point in the civil war the anti us that f. S. A. Clearly won the Media Attention pedestal the bike is trying to free syria from the grip of the us soldiers pledged to defend the Syrian People against the assad regime poorly armed exhausted but im bowed some of these men have spent more than a year on the run from the Syrian Regime sophisticated and ruthless Security Forces we cannot say if that was somehow thanks to what the bidders were up to but a number of projects claim to have been launched by the u. K. Foreign office were purely about information and. Ors dubai based a r k f c which among others lists the state department and the European Commission as its clients sought a contract with all such programs the firms claims to be pretty much unmatched when it comes to its propaganda resources connections with the most influential networks piece of cake a. R. K has provided regular branded and unbranded content to key syria focused satellite t. V. Channels such as aljazeera hour a beer b. B. C. Arabic aryans t. V. Aleppo today syria our god and syria shaab since 2012 a mission to turn a group that was once caught staging a rescue operation into International Social media darlings done the White Helmets are world famous ok created and continues to run a twitter feed and they Facebook Page on behalf of the Syrian Civil Defense teams posting photos and updates of their activities in english throughout the day bring up a battalion of activists turn reporters to deliver the right message roger that. More than 150 activists have been trained and equipped by ok on topics from the basics of camera handling lighting and sound to producing reports journalistic safety Online Security and ethical reporting a. R. K which boasted a wide president s in all 14 of syrias regions wasnt the only p. R. Prodigy listed the leaked docs show that virtually every aspect of the Syrian Opposition was cultivated and marketed by western government backed firms from political narratives to branding from what they said to where they said it but its all hard to believe right london and its allies would never stoop so low. About has been raging against huge wildfires in the row nash region of western russia and every the size of 300. 00 football pitches thats going up in flames with teams the firefighters struggling to contain the inferno. Those are the headlines on r. T. E. International this hour join us again in 30 minutes for all the latest. So you know back in 2008 when the have a Global Financial crisis and banks went on their Lehman Brothers bear stearns and some european banks are going to go under and that all those like meetings all the weekend long and the policy was not to reform banks but to give them a bigger credit line 1020 times bigger at the time we said you know what in 10 to 12 years so if they are going to happen but a lot bigger where we are 12 years later and. My name is stuck. On. This jack see it for didnt see its. Put it on you know if you. Know weve got to get it out. To cause you need to move. You know. Scoots and i used. To make it very very easy. To school on trucks used to people. Who. Know. Who people who comes who comes due to him hes trying to shift the. Music that. I love to jobs because he makes me copy i love he does because he meets me and copy point move to florida. And when he moved to. The us to spot off my ass im not in love too darn close. I know. This is boom but the one business show you cant afford to miss friendship or in washington is coming up next time cant beat another deadline to stay alive in the United States as a judge has blocked a measure to bar the video sharing it just ahead well dive into the ongoing saga and where the tech showdown stands and later we take you to london where goober has won its right to operate in the city yet again well break down how the companys stock is reacting and take a look at the overall state of World Markets with a packed show today so lets dive right in. And we lead the program with a big win for tic toc in the battle over whether the company will be allowed to remain on u. S. App stores now a ruling by judge carl nichols of the u. S. District court in washington d. C. Blocked the troop administrations attempt to ban take back downloads in the u. S. With the ruling coming less than 4 hours before the ban was officially set to take place now a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the judges decision early monday. We have taken note of the relevant reports china has always opposed the us as hegemonic practices of generalizing the concept of National Security abusing state power in unreasonably suppressing enterprises of other countries we hope that the us side will our knisley respect the principles of market economy and fair competition abide by the rules of International Trade and economy and provide a fair open and nondiscriminatory Business Environment for enterprises of various countries to invest and operate in the United States and of course this ruling is only temporary but it will provide ticktock more time to work out a deal with oracle and walmart to remain active in the United States the u. S. Congress department is now planning for a november 12th deadline to implement a full ban rendering the app unusable for u. S. Based users if a deal for ticktock is not completed by that date joining us now to discuss our cohost ben swan and christy i thank you both for being here now christy i want to start with you the truck administration really wants this ban to slow the growth of tik tok which continues to add nearly half a 1000000 users every single day does this ruling cripple that effort

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