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As they see fit standards are usually company clio pay my. Little. Things along those they need isnt what they want to base an idea once into scientist sun sun cunliffe professor yeah i know im less intense in austin on kansas mines and i could also if thats not those captains on the dishonest examining on muslim following last. Nights amusia. These present dire state covers 56. 00 this is because the wind in an hour you can buy stocks didnt make it more in the. Are mental friendly and more fair but but then i look at the tables you are in most of the labels are fake they say oh its green its right environment a friend leads me what they were and its a fake label the company itself invented im with you that at some level. Its overwhelming theres so much noise about. Whats right and whats good for you i mean did lets not forget even organic and by the law just is ok to eat but who knows where all this came from or how it was made or anything about it do i know that its healthy well you know it may have high levels of it i mean over 20 but let me again you know has it been transported so long that some of this is decayed you know what the hell is going on so even with just very basic questions we are both empowered to make individual consumption decisions and given so much information that you dont know what the hells going on make smart decisions people look heres information heres a pamphlet and weve even shrunk the information you need down to the size of a postage stamp and well stick it on and so itll say fan trade. Friendly you know locust composable recent you know all this that and so youre reading something that looks like a long list. But you know this is not fat and youre like its not that its not fair to ask everyone to become experts in nutrition and so more dynamics in Climate Change in uncles aunts petition law in labor law and an ecology for that then when you see this you know this package on the shelf you can interpret it even if that was telling the truth which it isnt. Because already youve reduced this to an individual consumption decision and it shouldnt be that i mean is it is like exaggerate coffee but i buy Fair Trade Coffee because the alternative is costa coffee you know its costly that exploits children and. You want nonexploitative things but why is an option why is this something that you have to choose to do why you have to choose not to exploit people why do you have to choose not to kill dolphins when asked and choose to all of the south why isnt this something you dont have to why about why isnt there something just a basic threshold of legislation so that its not an individual choice but the only way you get there is by organizing its economy shot through those individual choices to become law so the farm years to someone who arent at definitely need the buyers understand but it would be for me. To tree to go through all this into findings of a rich and would be broken. Up im going to be unkind and say so what youre saying is how do we keep things the way they all the change everything. In the book again because youre like going to the store but do you want to be sure that when you pick up that package pringles its organic and sustainable bungles as opposed to. Be the alternative maybe. Im a look at it another way no treats im just saying something made by procter and gamble in order to make pringles sustainably the price of pringles needs to go up 4 or 5 times at least and probably more. To it the thought of having to fork over something doesnt appeal to me even as a child i didnt like that the everywhere there are products that be from hot air but you shouldnt really exist at all to destroy all types of products for a time you know furniture Household Appliances and a drunk for communication and entertainment. To east coast on. The right kind are you youve got of why america yeah im on a high down in florida and. Im very honored to be thinking of turning. On a 10 year old. So she is not. Nice for you because youre not taking a return so you know this turns you why there isnt you dont live here or you know the new john because this is this just trash as far as im concerned you know. Us just like they dont really make anything thats worth keeping anymore now its all plastic. You know theres nothing i mean you know you go buy a new a new and its not going to look like an old family all fans are heavy duty metal you know junk is the good stuff. And. Theyre. In there because the bank i begin to realize that our system is a pile. And 3 all right in the middle of it by purchasing products we play our part in the destruction of the planet. If we are lucky. And in order to prevent us thinking that such products shouldnt exist corporations constantly talk about sustainability. The end of cocacola thats it. Sustainability is absolutely critical to our business survival and to our growth. The head of ikea does it to. Sustain it is a vital part of our strategy everyone says it in a way how were using resources in assess. For man that becomes increasingly important im confident that we can create a more equitable and Sustainable World for all of us we can create value safely and sustainably its about creating a culture of sustainability students and this is the guns and reading for the lips of those who does those guns and murders didnt you serve in the movie is help me up on the end of the. Busyness of the debate just. To give the seedings also muzzle keep. Mum wasnt. Even in the. Ok its just. Going to deport addicted to him to get my just on my lady in the navy they still dont was my lord just sign me up. This guy is a mess we have a place as good reason to consider other slaves give us numbers a month ago says he this is a get to see if you are in these that indies and this is c. N. N. Does it is as if you know as we did this isnt just biding going in moving does. He need london in mind i just like the sea mist on legislation lizards has a take this is that these goons and then just at all stand it dismissal god. And thats just a scandal. It was good. This is a child this is denninger bear and im not saying. This is them is going out as does moses good man and good must just says too must respect and kindness only that it did not this is then he does all of that good that theres none of that thats that is under this i need to type up a little. Too much stuff on its own. Bruising does to the ears its numbers and to see a. Little things taken to must make it all the meeting between 9. This is 2nd oldest as the indian immanence iron maiden what is good news is that when you miss them they didnt want anyone and strengthen them in the best of ad understood so going in isnt was this guys missing it displays not in des moines stunt lab that does does it answer how morris is still do does it want to name an awful disease or can cause little and no instead just on the most conflict and demand was privileged enough. In demand lit me in examples its havent been doing it with an older son tag attached and on past attempts and just as most months dismissed mitten summoned to summon. It to makes me really furious when corporations maintain power responsibly with people and try to find out the opposite. Im afraid stabbed in the Textile Factory fire radioactive contamination after a reactor to exit. The notion i have to break into them often Mining Company theres no way to. Pay this guy. Is up to us and is much. More slim yet. So as engines have to. Satisfy him. Youre counting on. The board the horizon the pause the rising does the kids yes it was up to you one of the field designers make tons of it. In here that i said to us when investigators. Undiscounted cmos which is divorcing developmental. Solid enough kept an achievement but neither of us. Constant prejudice dixons the amount of these many a dishonest man on tuesday government doesnt. Seem just to cover this this is not just to go i just found. Out my enticement to have. It into the news to give them a summit. On similarly movies to. Me on the sony muzzling is made with a gun to the suit to reduce. This entire time wasnt really does anything was a company on the premises to dump them is meant to move them a thing done from International System not just moves assume this is minute move undone say i need to add into the house cut design of me on dial up time does a company on hans act be on control in your mind i know its gonna be a money house im so not in a 100. 00 do stuff were. Just and like this it is hard to shaft and just to see it is exists and b. P. Had to listen does it all play demagoguing one. Elmwood forward to talking to you on. That technology should work for people. I robot must obey the orders given to by human beings except where such orders to conflict with the 1st law show your identification or should be very careful about official intelligence at the point obesity is too great trust as on the shia. Areas and with Artificial Intelligence resummon the demon. The robot must protect its own existence or attrition. On this edition of the program we discussed the passing of 2 towering Figures Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg and americas preeminent russian expert steven cohen both will be remembered for good reasons the latest news shows. The world is driven by shaped by. The bears thinks. We dare to ask. It. I still remember vividly how stunned i was found the print 28th 2010 to training rick deepwater horizon exploded in the gulf of mexico and 11 people died. Every day more than 3000000 gallons of crude oil gushed out into the ocean for 87 days straight the oil slick was calling sized to the u. S. State of new cheney and. In cases like these it is routine for multinationals to shift the blame on to test some contractors in subsea trace. The piece c. E. O. At the time tony hayward panties reaction this was an erasure them this was a drilling rig operated by another company. It was that people just him was their process this way all responsible for the actions but we all responsible for the oil and for dealing with it and cleaning the situation up. After the catastrophe to c. E. O. Off b. P. Tony hayward resigned with a severance package worth millions and on the do you see it all things continue as usual b. P. s response efforts in the gulf of mexico were unprecedented in scale we took responsibility for the cleanup immediately b. P. Can help by applying its distinctive skills capabilities and technologies in demanding areas. This is why we intend to move further into harsh remote and complex geographies. 3 years before the sea to be p. T. S. To be finished. And if oil can still be found it must belong to someone else they say. Nice 3 guys are having you. Know its 2 weeks youre. Going to the beach. And see what natures deposited on the beach for us to look up to they will look at it under the naked eye and they will turn to evie light onto it and see what course inspections will come off of it what color. We found a lot of time was the day i touch them i would suggest using gloves because we found the marbles themselves are many times more dangerous in the dispersal self because its full of the embryo will not expect serious flesh eating bacteria and other words the tar balls 100 carmens selects are the real bonus because which means they kill most of the others but the real still lives and we have problems with that rio in the summertime as once it gets in the high numbers you get infected really its a. Leg or arm in between. You can die from the and. Its and thats what were seeing down here and this theres scientific technical documents published in Peer Reviewed journals that are proving this ok. And what is b. P. Doing to my oldest science and control the signs on to say its all good now its all good thats right they say theres what they try to do as they try to say theres no adventure well of course theres no evidence if youre not looking for are if youre looking for it in the wrong places they claim that there is no fear because theres nobody thats been able to sing or printer oil so im going out here looking for evidence that we can say this may be b. P. Oil. Well different what theyve hit it with the dispersant inside the dispersant there are gleick calls to see only introduction of the glycol that we know about and so because we know that if we find the glycol zz thats typically the dispersed oil the only one that we know that used to dispersants expression on the scale of a 100000000 gallons so corrects it so to correct that thats what we have to look one way to find out what they u. V. Light on it and see if they fluoresce will kill those lights. And theres the oranges that were looking for. On this 0. 0 like right here whats up here the prince whats that childs footprint you see where theyre walking back and forth and these are things that employ 9 youve got little kids flip turns walking or i buy this stuff walking through some of these puddles. So these are some of the things that were seeing and seeing foam pools of water that are floor as seeing our ings the car not tarballs and childrens feet right now. And so those are the things that make me say somebody. Someone is gonna do some things with. Them and. Move. To. Mine the model of. Course now good. Luck good lou and the little rhyme accompt. Me anger needs. To move to cinema lines these scenes im playing for fear to. Follow up. On. This. This is just one dishonest. Us man in the mideast and leaked image in decisions. To digging against this movement sunlit and all to this is good. To see im on. The side so real my exact. Asked and. This is a sin does not sing it to end an emotional calvins as mad santa contest im not going also. Very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport really really. Good this is this is really important for the future of the world. We have record high spirits your level. Recently passed over 400. 00 parts per 1000000 of c o 2 in the atmosphere if youre serious charge. It looks like a bird. In a store climate so ted turner dressed this way here up with the ways we call the secret passer by. Is this tension and in the end of the 2 goes down in this play because it is limited by the individual as a given by slash as passionate as sides and does have implanted with bags kind got mixed. In and i do god an industry in buy it up on the planet let us destroy. Changes islam doesnt did and. Does not see him innocent in doesnt just last i can to this day is to listen ask before the opening bless you all just get a good as a slave position i think this is not alice lets just let us say this lest the little. Man of us give so too does did goes on inside us good im gonna do her call dysphoric one of the elder. Elect talked as i am the past is mine and it is in india also im busy next deadline this is how this got and im listening to him and with him devolving doesnt include excels in all schools i was going to is man sit in a ball does it do you time is a dummy of the does is ultimate is love yeah just a man who has a star doesnt mean lots of lead soon beats your does neuer add to the load goldman sachs. Wanted to be good to look up colleagues isnt easy blame google to be good inside seen in that intervening to know until a boy is less wealthy investors of the yes dont climb down on did indeed in just last segment just as is had emerged a man lie in an english been done to see citations has Side Movement nonscientist little do you want im going to stop them i used as im a small suze it isnt shoddy. Does this is news does is the only good in the it is a good something in the eyes of alice i was in a mad loser to be in my inbox as i listened and decides to use you so kind as was i was doing to. The last thing cause this is a must for you does need to lob baldwin on this need to call it Elizabeth Vegas from uniteds bad leg is as it is is it in the least it is done as is song yet designed alibi alone a higher dose of alibi consumed on a higher than his own alibi allow an audience of the album he just didnt make it to land on your dues and evil is one of the good and be at we won it and had so much as little do that this is to cause a gounod in. Card to where dissonance usually show beautiful landscapes we are heading to the place where we think the car belongs. To. The city corner over the same sweet. Tempting. Cats mind. Is the one sure no month to show up and sell and almost hired her and soon learned to sew on but some says also and this is the close off in the corner time to glide trends. And so salty all still really doesnt listen and sukkoth just toss nikolas told all the time just as my smoke is current source and they do this is saves didnt she actually sue plats. Sue pushes and this is a time a woman said you must i list down mine so dang in kind but i use apt get. Them into a classless romance i really dont mind my morning legion onto it this is dick. Abit disco months on does a cool do you good ones up on that didnt i had i in them its all short as was is this annoy about and again to see an invite is camshaft an m e a corner as is and mr han up the playing and were going to talk to see who was all those as i installed it isnt in some corner cool precisely guns are getting at makes a conklin good in the blue gun song so the. Song to feel you could work on good piece mush leaving. Every ad i in fact like you ought to put into doing much else on suicide to. Pull cos that is indeed a muscle injuries as im in palm blown call it cost that is i was kind enough to be aside from im partially nevada sponsors im going to be able more intimately isnt done to helena. On this committee and welcome to the internet by the look in who knew i was an all few decent i just. Mean the ads in un poos that. Had you where you. Will be this was between you and the court if their side of my toast confessed but was every image like minus edwards who gave. You some dont curse and silence my image and. Smile and. Twos good. Company so im making hefty profits from the mains environmental destruction. Some corporations are richer than entire come chris. Time after time called her ration to repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important its accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay number manage a more equitable and sustainable well. They claim their production is complete the hamas. Has no models and got it done does not the Companies Want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away theres a 2nd eldest thats the point any minute i mean look. We do and i mean im stunned that may be best understood when in. Cash calendar is drawing alfonzo along during his darned theres changing to a change dard servant or. His 1st words were that allow a c. Or a challenging post youve got 2 years to live. I have no doubt that what happened was prevent. The shots causing trademark it is a 1000000000. 00 industry these companies how does a huge financial motivation to solve these problems there are numerous stocks showing that doctors were keen to chest x. Ray concentrate straight infectivity on that patient wont give them doctors the wrong stoplight. Turn the stomach why they would get me sick each of those years day. And people still die i dont know which question are still alive right being hard to live where so many have. In the headlines this 21st of september the personal data of thousands of Police Officers has been linked in belarus as the rest shows no sign of easing 6 weeks on from the disputed president ial vote. European countries are introducing new restrictions amid a surge in coronavirus cases with both france and spain now seeing record numbers over the weekend. And the trumpet ministration readings fresh measures against a rather after unilaterally reimposing international

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