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Send them over 3. 1000. U. S. Troops. To the world this is r. T. International pleasure to have your company you know neal with you this news our. Berlin house called on moscow to clarify how a military grade nerve agent was reportedly used on russian soil referring to the case of opposition activists alexina volney russia in turn urged the west to stop politicizing his condition in a message relayed by the countrys top diplomat to his german counterpart with more in the elements heres. Well at least a phone conversation between the 2 ministers is. Better than nothing because at one point the talks got canceled altogether when the surrogate chose not to fly to berlin after the russian side realized that high cost decided to cut down the planned time for their conversation to one and a half hours an update on the Russian Foreign Ministry Website shows that the chat wasnt easy at all so here are moscows key points russian officials are and will be open to all d kinds of cooperation with germany and European Countries on this very difficult incident that of alexei no volleying now russia is still a very keen to get all of that medical data of the tests that are to get to the bottom of this and finally law School Officials keep repeating if you refuse to share the findings that will be taken as a straight forward signal to moscow especially given the fact that some of that data has been shared with other European Countries and for the nation from satisfying the stated requests will be perceived as a lack of desire on the part of our partners to help establish the truth in the framework of move jet save and comprehensive investigation of what happened. So berlin has been trying to force the russian side to deal with all this through the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons that is an International Body that germany says has all the findings but the russian top diplomat told his german colleague that this shouldnt stop the russian and the german governments from talking to each other bilaterally in or outside the o. P. C. W. Now moving on to how the issue is being treated by the European Union i can tell you that on tuesday the and the volley Health Incident thats only being described as nava chalk poisoning by either countries has made all the way inside the walls of the European Parliament but just as an example of how Russian Diplomats are trying to knock on all kinds of doors in europe i can tell you that just before the m. E. Peas began debating the matter russias mission to the European Union came up with 9 blocks of questions flagging and consistencies and how berlin sees this matter some of them include what is the law or the rationale behind the kremlin or the russian authorities alleged plan or scheme to poison the like saying a volley with novacek or a substance of a similar type or why is it being stated by european officials that military grade nerve agent nava chalk was only developed in the soviet union or later russia while extensive work on it was carried out by nato countries as well now heres another part of that statement by moscows mission to the e. U. Not claiming to be experts in toxicology we still consider it necessary to draw your attention to multiple inconsistency is regarding this case claims that whatever evidence may be transmitted to russia only with the patients consent im not compatible with numerous political level statements made in germany whoa he was still comatose. Despite these concerns voiced by Russian Diplomats the vast majority of m e ps only had russia to blame without providing any evidence and it all d went down to discussing the sanctions against moscow in the meantime the health of alec saying the volley has improved significantly thats the good news he doesnt need a ventilator anymore he can walk and hes even back on social media having posted a photo of him and his family inside the german hospital. Taking us through that no among a possible functions the scale in the e. U. Parliament was a bundling the nord stream to gas pipeline project which is now or a 90 percent completed it is intended to supply millions of europe in horse holes austria for its part has objected to any sanctions stressing its purely an Economic Venture and one that will benefit europe the European Commission president has weighed in as well warning against more cooperation with moscow and to those that advocates closer ties with russia. I say that the poisoning of Alexei Navalny with an advanced chemical agent is not a one off. We have seen the pattern angela in ukraine in syria and saulsbury and then election meddling around the world. And this pattern is not changing and no pipeline will change that she said this is a pattern all of the issues with nothing was cruel. Of course nothing to do with it not to do this is this is true to what you just said just months in the background lobby it from the us and poland who have vital interest in. Stopping the fire line because of the polish one to blackmail the European Union and especially the germans so that they can get all of the European Finance and the 2nd is the polish one that will pipeline from poland to denmark and the last 3 to 5 client work stuff so in the background there are many many long years working the juarez corrupt politicians to start this pipeline for germany it would be a nightmare it would be embarrassing like nothing else by now all politicians should know that all sachin didnt hurt russia they just are germany and the powers in between so the big winners of all the sanctions are the russians and the americans because the russians are forced to build their own industry and the americans have one competitor after so i think many people allow the science and the work out of their science and only harm themselves and i am not sure whether they get the necessary measures already for any further sanction and by the way is really stupid i mean we have Everybody Knows now that russia is the future market everybody has to be good darling was russia because there is the market of the future americans already try the french already try to and all the us will go one dry or just gives us. Swamped with rising demands the u. K. s corona Virus Testing program is said to be close to breaking point to the extent that frontline medics are among those having difficulty getting checked speaking to r. T. Already or Sophie Rowlands from the u. K. Doctors association explained why people have been forced to travel long distances just to get tested but i did it to be about just under 3 weeks a guy and you know i need to check straight to a i looked onto the website and the nearest text was sent to all white actually 60 miles and hes done it cripes i i still that doesnt mean he could not but i wasnt well enough to write that if students and so i checked again late seventies stages of threats of his testimony out of like tonight it just outside london that would be 860 mile round trip with very each way it was just that its not just the general public its trying to test it took his and from my house where because its well said our study was all almost 250 docs and we found that 10 percent were on a. Hill and some of the office to drive some 860 mile round trip was done well and to be able to get attached another dose is a having to make about lets try wait to see it comes up which that means that i. Well lets give you a sense of the situation as regards covert in the u. K. Currently in the past number of days dealy infections exceeded 3000 test availability thats another big issue running low in the countrys 10 worst hot spots due to the rising number of infections hospitals are canceling routine operations and turning away patients labs are also struggling to clear the backlog of tests will lead you case Health Secretary has admitted the Testing Programs facing an enormous challenge. Only those showing symptoms or told by their doctor to get checked should book a test he also stressed the need to prioritize the most vulnerable. Over the summer when demand is low we were able to meet all requirements for testing whether priorities or not but as demand has risen so were having to prioritise once again and i do not shirk from decisions about prioritization theyre not always comfortable but they are important so i mean i think its quite clear the government did not include it and we were now getting into all 2 and we knew that this is going to happen in schools that bad there are lots about that when to. Have a call from a separate separately that you know whether it is or whether its it was vitally important that. The testing trace system is up and running probably have passed and that doesnt seem. To be us where joe biden sending our mixed messages quite literally on the campaign trail the democratic president ial candidate was speaking in florida about his Health Care Plans for veterans unfortunately he failed to remember the name of the country they served in the spite in effect of a north arise personally the deadliest u. S. War there of the 21st century. U. S. Troops died in a room in afghanistan through parliament Irans Parliament voted to reject all americans and Coalition Forces from the country we tried to do in iraq is not working so now were going to try to meet in iran and. We try to ukraine i mean you know someone who has been injured or lost to america right. Now let me tell you something. We. Will apart from his memory lapse joe biden is being widely criticized for playing a key role in the north a rising war in iraq in 2002 at the time he chaired the u. S. Congress Foreign Relations committee and chose all 18 prowar witnesses in the Main Congress hearings on iraq it later turned out the iraqi leader Saddam Hussein neither had weapons of mass destruction or tallies to al qaeda by a conservative estimate more than 4500 u. S. Soldiers on the same number of contractors lost their lives in the conflict in the fight im. 7 not an army. You know our oh yes. The welcome live on to the program now scott ritter scott as a former u. S. Marine corps Intelligence Officer good to see you well this incident by joe biden i suppose the casual nature of his comments be taken as an insult by veterans such as yourself. Well 1st of all i forgive anybody a slip of the tongue i made them and i know bidens made them and everybodys made them so i cant harp on you know the fact that he and in a moment you know for you know mistook or for god or whatever you know one country for another thats that to me is just a nonstarter of an issue there be people make something of it theyll be tweets about it but its not a big deal what is a big deal is joe bidens vote for the iraq war and i take it personally because i briefed joe biden in person you know he insulted me when i testified for the United States senate in those september of 1988 about iraq and weapons of mass destruction he he belittled me as i did boy he said people. A grave are making this decision that cetera and then he met with me and apologized and said he you know you know a lot we should talk about this in 2002 in the lead up to the vote on the war he as you mentioned he hosted a hearing and i did my darndest to become a witness for that hearing he ignored me. And it was very rude the way he did so and as you said he brought in prowar witnesses he stacked the deck it was a Kangaroo Court because joe biden wanted to go to war hes always wanted to go to war anybody for that war thats what American Veterans are going to hold him to account for thats what i will hold me to account for this is a man who hasnt seen a war he doesnt like yet and im afraid that if you got elected as president american find themselves in more military misadventures not less joe biden im sure youre aware lashed out at donald trump for not being able to quote conceive the idea of Selfless Service or being part of a cause thats bigger than himself do you think thats how joe biden actually feels about the military in all sincerity. Know it look joe biden couldnt join the military he didnt he was a young man he was a center the age of 29 he could have gone in the military he opted not to now the military is not a litmus test for american patriotism. But you cant run around and pretend that you are mr ra ra google military when you opted out and now he lives via proxy on the memory of his son beau who did serve in the Army National guard and he tried to live on as the memory of his son Hunter Hunter still alive but you know he got hunter a direct commission the navy how to store go again. Nobody joe biden has served in the military and theres not a single non political combat veteran whos going to give joe biden a pass on this one joe biden has 0 credibility when it comes to talking about of the military talking about war while talking about sacrifice he literally has no credibility doesnt resonate in this particular case of us about Health Care Plans for veterans thats what he was speaking about in florida how much do you think he believes in not or is this in the build up to november really but winning over swing voters 1st and foremost. I dont think joe believes in anything hes a politician hes a consummate politicians been a politician for nearly 50 years he does what is necessary to get him so votes on the issue of Veterans Health care you know even a liberal person such as jon stewart the comedian has come out and said 8 donald trump has done a heck of a job when it comes to the v. A. Veterans administration to when it comes to health care and improving the benefits for veterans so joe biden knows this is an issue that you know he is vulnerable on in this is why hes speaking about it not because he gives darn about the veterans because he recognizes that this is this is a political weakness and he needs to go on record about it it doesnt resonate no ones buying it at least nobody who is undecided or you know is thinking about you know who to vote for theyre theyre not going to vote for joe biden because he suddenly came out and spoke about his care for Veterans Health care scott appreciate you coming the program and sharing your furious with us scott ritter former u. S. Marine corps Intelligence Officer life and art international. While washington is struggling to end another of its called flicks in the war on terror peace talks. Get underway but not everyone seems to be invited to the negotiating table breakout story don after the break. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you. Hello again after months of delays and disagreements peace talks finally got on the way over the weekend with no major breakthroughs to report as yet the u. S. President is owned or pressured to fulfill promises made 4 years ago quarter picks up the story. The clock is ticking on the next u. S. President ial election and Donald Trumps looking to score political points with a peace deal that promises to end americas longest ever war in afghanistan washingtons very optimistic about the talks already being held with the taliban in qatar they are truly in a momentous occasion. And afghans. At long last chosen to sit together and chart a new course for your country. This is a moment do. We must dare to hope but on pales optimism doesnt seem to match with political reality. Washington knows its got to deliver a deal to the war weary u. S. Public at any cost so it conveniently neglected to consult afghanistans government when drafting the agreement until this issue. There was a consensus on that is a nice but not on the cost of even us officials arent exactly thrilled about it were not happy about the release of some prisoners but hey times almost up for trump and the president s got to fulfill his promises hes already had 4 years to take care of this one the longest war in American History by far even close will be over within 1000 years. And i think thats enough we will not dictate to the Afghan People how to live or how to govern their own complex Society Better late than never sure but Trumps Administration is only promising full withdrawal by 2021 if there is not another setback of course who knows if that will be too little too late for americans fed up with the war or for the afghanis who are possibly even more unhappy about their countrys military occupation. The americans must leave now what have they done staying here for so long was did they bring for us on the base i think even before the us arrived in afghanistan we had our own government in the uk i think of them americans leave now there wont be too many changes in terms of security on the earth but its better if the americans leave a country a leader must take action if he makes a good decision it will be beneficial for us we can provide for ourselves but if the us stays we cannot. We will never need to beg we can be rich and build our country and being americas longest war has proven to be easier said than done for many years but now that it might serve the Current Administration as a boost to secure another term who knows what could happen the United States invaded afghanistan in order d to. Get Osama Bin Laden was stated to be the mastermind behind the 911 terrorist attacks bin ladan and she wasnt by istanbul United States killed him and it was 2011 so thats almost 10 years ago so theres a real question what. On earth was the United States doing all the time in afghanistan when of course it was in the business of nation building which successive Us Administration says oh no no we will never do that and were not going to get involved in nation building well because thats what he was involved in whether it will result in the lasting peace in afghanistan thats of course anybodys guess but whats important is the final withdrawal of the United States and all International Forces were going to start because they really werent doing anything useful there and were essentially just making things worse. Lets bring you a quick look now at other stories making headlines today and environmental emergency has been declared in the brazilian state of michoacan also where wildfires have destroyed vast areas of wetlands the region suffering its worst drought in 47 years with manmade fires also being blamed an area the size of belgium has been reduced to. Hurricane sali is continuing to batter parts of the u. S. Its no strengthened and has made landfall in southern alabama lashing sideways rain has brought down power lines causing block its because of its slow moving trajectory its feared the hurricane could cause historic and life threatening levels of flooding. To greece which is urgently building a new camp for around 12000 migrants on the island of lesbos the previous facility which was europes largest was destroyed in a suspected arson attack last week police have arrested 5 migrants on suspicion of involvement. It was supposed to be a campaign to support the us military but a recently released by the Trump Administration has been drawing attention for well quite different reasons. Because the image had been brought thousands of times already its been used all over the place so if this was the work of designers it and they obviously didnt check their work very thorough early as with many stock images my friend and i collaborate he does the 3 d. Models like the airplanes and i take photographs i take pictures of people and composite them with other images whats funny about this one is that it features landscapes from many Different Countries the ground is from france the skies from russia and the mountains from greece upon closer inspection any experienced person i could instantly tell this is a compass it this is a stock image its not something high quality if the trim campaign had come directly to me i would create something far better somebody should be hired check these sorts of things especially is that on just russian soldiers and this image of a german soldiers and pretty much every soldier in the image is from a different country of course you have to know these things but even if you cant identify the make of plane you can definitely recognize the a rifle. That wraps up our news for more great programs though get going in moments then im back again and just over 30 delving into the stories affecting your world today. The world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. That the believe hes near the city really can show you. Thank you just because suitably. Stood. With that i suppose you noticed us they have something. You know none of this trip in a bowl episodes didnt go to see you youre the. Slayer doing your force where you could be me and my stuff mister with no thoughts about spirits i put it was emotional 6 put him in 10 you know. If de gea clue. Shows to a special school schulmans for you to post. To move will those of us a little story listen they will but what is. If. The. Sound of some slippage is not an emotional moment for me. As going to. Make. Money. If you dont have money to move someplace that. Had a good about what i know the old. Believe about the. Trick it is more easy to get. Any 5 things you. Dont make cost. Money even afford. Well buy the top of the minerals so. Its making big. Plays

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