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Under huge public demand Testing Centers. For watching R T International this friday afternoon thanks for joining us for a live news update this hour. Russias un envoy says berlin has yet to provide grounds for an investigation into the alleged poisoning a russian opposition figure head of ali citing the lack of information shared with moscow and it was responding to calls by western powers for a wide ranging probe he also suggested there may be more to the claims than there seems. The zulu system can look up race questions well some folk play being staged we hear what statements formal and what measures are being mentioned discussed or in. These leaders leads us to unlimited will reply nicol question legion lost in such situations we want you to see if we post who used to benefit from the one that one if you demand exclusions will defer explain the pavement and well compare notes one issued with rusty lesions im going to believe you but you have a goods even though this is as you see the un but reasonable. Berlin and moscow are both demanding answers over the activist alleged poisoning germany says its handed over all its data on the case to the Global Chemical weapons watchdog although russia which is a member of the open c. W. Says nothings been received yet not by me fell ill on a flight to moscow to last month his plane made an Emergency Landing in siberia where he was initially treated doctors there attributed his illness to him about a metabolic disorder of only it was eventually airlifted to berlin for treatment germany and on sea had been poisoned with a chemical nerve agent from the know which group of substances the opposition figure has now recovered from the coma meanwhile senior politicians in berlin are piling pressure on the government to pull out of the nord stream to project over the number of the case a major gas pipeline connecting russia to germany is due to be ready by the end of the year the head of the german Parliaments Energy Committee believes that abandoning it now would be a disaster. From north stream to is not putins project it involves a large number of European Companies and its designed to ensure the security if europes gas supply to question this project now is to shoot ourselves in the 1st it is certainly not in the interests of germany or europe if there is a decision to end the project companies will be able to sue those who made the decision in this case the German Government and of course it will affect gas prices it must be clearly understood that this is not a game that the pressure coming from the us is already enough in my view so we are strongly resisting the american sanctions that have been imposed on companies and individuals involved in the pipeline construction this is against International Law and we dont accept it i can see that many people who might not have fully understood this story thinking now will show them but i think its completely wrong 1st of all we need to establish what really happened because i dont think germany knows i think we should respond appropriately to the russians request for Legal Assistance we obviously received such a request but according to the russians it is so for going on says. Berlin is now defending the involvement of an entire military alliance in the incident after nato demanded an International Response to the question. How does this all apply to nato. Maybe we should address this question their motivation to need to itself we have always said that as a violation of the convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons this case concerns all the e. U. And us nato as well. For more on this were now bringing in live John Loughlin political expert now what do you make of germany going straight to the o. P. C. W and not sharing any data with russia where of course the mali is actually for. Well i cant really comment on whether or not germany has shared data with russia russia claims that germany hasnt but i certainly cant comment on your 1st question what do i think about germany going to the organization for the protection for the prevention of chemical weapons this shows that germany has already reached a conclusion about what happened if the german narrative is true then. Never really was the victim of a private crime committed in russia the o. P. C. W. The prevent the organization for the prevention of chemical weapons is a body that deals with arms control we are dealing with a body that has absolutely no responsibility and no competence at all for investigating a private crime this is not a war if somebody is poisoned this is a private crime its it doesnt involve International Organizations possibly interpol but certainly not an organization that was set up to ensure disarmament of chemical weapons between states so for germany to put it straight in the hands of the organization for the prevention of chemical chemical weapons shows that germany just like britain in 2018 with the script. Has immediately and theyre out conclusions in what should be a criminal investigation if indeed it is believed that a crime was committed as chancellor merkel said the day after no other dana delany arrived and not to put it in the geopolitical context of the o. P. C. W or of nato and the o. P. C. W by the way as im sure your viewers know has already been criticized for its very politicized handling of other investigations in syria so this shows the completely fantastical nature of the German Governments reaction it immediately and then once that russia was responsible as a state it immediately announced that a military grade nerve agent was used when the alleged victim hasnt even die. I mean what kind of unnerve a military grade agent is it where people dont dont dont i mean what do they think military weapons are for theyre for killing people and the whole thing is a cock and bull story from beginning to end im sorry to express myself in that rather familiar language but i find it absolutely amazing that people can take this kind of stuff seriously well and along those lines and you mention and nato there what do you make of them rushing to demand an International Response before an investigation has been carried out. Well its what i said just now about it being just like the way the british reacted the British Government reacted in 2018 when. Script helen his daughter were found in salzburg by immediately saying that russia was responsible and what i said mediately i mean immediately within a matter of hours and then of course the argument dragged on and britain kept repeating its claim that he had been the victim of an assassination attempt and that this big shock was used by the way its interesting im sure your viewers have noticed that no they dont use the word not to talk in the singular which allegedly then 2 years ago was absolute proof of russian state involvement now they say now we learn that not the truck is a family of chemicals so there are different families of this not a child im not a chemist so i cant comment on that but apart from that difference the German Government seems to be copying what the British Government did 2 years ago. Because 2 years ago it worked the british and International Public opinion seems to have believed the scriptural story which i never believed but the International Opinion seems to have believed it and it led as Everybody Knows to mess expulsions of Russian Diplomats from western capitals the germans are just copying exactly what the british did in other words alleging an assassination attempt by the state alleging the use of a chemical weapon and immediately not just alleging that stating as fact russian state responsibility because if the russian state were not responsible then there was absolutely no sense in involving as i say nato or the o. P. C. W. If there was if this was a private crime it would be a matter for the police. And who would benefit from this incident as the russian envoy has put it. Well we know who would benefit i said this in an interview i gave for r. T. A few days ago when another on the arrived in berlin its immediately been joined with the north stream 2 gas pipeline project the germans who previously the german Political Class has previously supported the completion of the gas pipeline very strongly not least because germany doesnt have any other Energy Source and now major cracks are appearing in what was a consensus so the fact that the north stream 2 gas pipeline has been again immediately put into the equation into what i repeat should be a private Police Investigation shows who would benefit the answer is the american exporters of liquid natural gas and all those in europe who are determined and have been for many years and decades to drive a wedge between europe and russia the north stream gas to the not stream to gas pipeline is not just a symbol although its a very powerful one it is also a reality of bridging the divide between russia and europe and that is what the russian people in western Europe Central Europe Eastern Europe and in the United States do not want and thats why than a valley business is being immediately joined with not stream to by the way novell me as i can im sure your viewers know is far more famous as a politician in in the west than he is in russia he doesnt have a great deal of support in russia he has some to be sure but he does not represent a political threat there are many other people who have Party Structures and higher public profiles than he does hes a campaigner so you know lets just be serious about this these these tales that are being spun are simply not credible weve been speaking with political expert on life and thank you for finding the time to join us on the program today thank you. Around 13000. 00 migrants have been left without shelter after europes biggest refugee camp on the greek island of lesbos burned to the ground the facility was notoriously overcrowded hosting 6 times more residents than its capacity that added to an already catastrophic situation as the camp had been on lockdown after almost 40 covert cases there the greek government warns those displaced by the blaze will not be allowed on the mainland or locals also dont want the camp rebuilt they will rally to block heavy machinery from even entering the site as well as trying to stop former camp residents from reaching the islands capital Rights Groups warn they were also prevented from delivering aid to the migrants it also comes as some doubt the e. U. Is ability to provide any Real Solutions to the crisis as our europe correspondent peter although explains. Sounds left without shelter described as a humanitarian disaster by politicians when it comes to who is responsible for the fly at the morea refugee camp the greek government is blaming the refugees got the introduction im going to eat everything points to the fact that the fire was started as a result of the dissatisfaction of some guests of the morea sensor due to the necessary isolation however those who have been watching the situation on less forced a 2 year 8 say it in calculates the state of the migration policy. The european idea has gone up in flames European Values of a community of solidarity standing for peace and human rights and meant to fight against National Editor ism racism and hatred of others the blaze in moria has focused the attention of the e. U. Leaders back onto the plight of migrants stranded on the greek islands with many pledging to help asons which is sent ships of its own so how does the displaced top priority has to be immediate and collective. Shares to provide shelter to those who need it and then to restore as soon as possible public order in the island of the. Contacts with e. U. Member states have led him countries participating in the transfer of unaccompanied minors most of these 400 miners will be taken in by germany and france. People in moria need help immediately the german Civil Protection service is travelling to greece the 1st delivery with aid will include tents and can baths to attend to the neediest the foreign ministries initially allocating 3000000 euro talk of solidarity is all well and good but its the same message weve heard since 2050 its time to say some for action. Stop looking the other way the lives of 13000 people are in danger due to the fire that destroyed the refugee camp in moria the e. U. Must act now to relocate people that need protection lets put into practice the solidarity that we preach here in germany theres been a chorus of voices calling for more help for the thousands of people seemingly abandoned in the camps. By me. And. There have been attempts to make the situation better cash is being slowed at the problem and also has to take some migrants to all the Member States in the e. U. Have been welcomed but its not enough to make a real difference so the e. U. States want to see an overhaul of the system to make it mandatory that those seeking asylum in the e. U. Be shared among e. U. Nations however thats face stiff opposition from poland and hungary that want him to tame the idea the focus of attention is back on asylum applicants and the contradictions in which they live because of this fire in moria whether docked attention turns into genuine action all only goes as far as calls for solidarity thats down to e. U. Leaders all over r. T. The global migration and displacement lead at the red cross says the e. U. Definitely must step in to avert a humanitarian crisis. Weve been calling on on on all actors all stakeholders and including of course it leaves your Member States or 2 to support reason in funding a solution to what is in reality a problem that has been going on for far too long what were asking is that you are allowed to have to do my laundry and i know how to. Accommodate in a safe location as much as possible and that particularly the most vulnerable such as the high number of an economy and b. What we would like to see is that european states Member States from the e. U. They are providing more solidarity and support to the greek authorities and explore in opportunities and for a relocation of the. Large headline is coming your way after this short break. The to. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. In this president ial election cycle both democrats and republicans claim to be tough on china but does that actually need instead what does the American Public really know about the china of day on this edition of the program the attempt to separate this reality. I refuse to be on the side of people who want to take our guns and kill each other i want to stay intellectual should always and i think are the shits theyre all wrong no to violence no to bloodshed yes to think. Less. More like. Welcome back but the way he has passed a bill urging world powers to recognize a bellerose Opposition Leader as the rightful president after a month of violent unrest in the country following i was on a look at a contested election victory. The Lithuanian Parliament calls on the International Community to support the demand from Straight Line and 2nd of the leader elected by the belorussian people and from the Coordination Council established at her invitation as the only legitimate representatives of the belorussian people for holding new transparent and democratic president ial and parliamentary elections we call on the International Community to consider any domestic or Foreign Policy action by the illegitimate leader of belly or use Alexander Lukashenko aimed at leat just mice in his power and concluding new agreements with russia which restrict the sovereignty of the by the russian people to be a crime against his people but the way he becomes the 1st country to recognize that long article of sky as a leader she fled her homeland for lithuania after the august election and she has made several video appeals to the International Community to help force look out and set up democracy and deloris the who has now slapped sanctions on the countrys officials over alleged Election Fraud as well as violence against protesters brussels added that it did not recognize the outcome of the elections. We do not recognize him as the legitimate president nor do we recognize Nicolas Maduro from this point of view and in exactly the same situation we do not recognize that they have been legitimately chosen however whether we like it or not they control the government and we have to continue dealing with them despite not recognizing their democratic legitimacy. Mass rallies against local shango are continuing and belarus for a 4th week since the disputed vote violence broke out after the count was announced on august the 9th with a long time president Alexander Lukashenko was handed another 5 years and Office Although initially marred by clashes and Police Brutality the demonstrations are now largely peaceful. Geo political analysts runner up 1st no its definitely india would not have made its declaration of support. Without the backing of larger powers. Its a signal that is being shown to look i think go. Show that there are forces major forces Political Forces behind lithuania because you know wouldnt take such a measure which is illegitimate according to International Law if there was no support by the European Union or who knows. And i see this. Not too intelligent step by at least to blunt because it shows clearly that the situation in. Belarus is not only divided one side is also in danger of being taken over by external interests therefore i see it in political terms and not in terms of elections in minsk. France has set a shocking coronavirus Daily Record Health authorities reported 9843 new confirmed coded 1000 cases on thursday the most since the start of the outbreak 20 new diagnostic centers are open in the paris region as soaring public demand for tests but huge pressure on Health Facilities charlotte devinsky reports from the french capital. I mean the scramble to get ahead of the curve the french government promised 1000000 tests would take place weekly by september and by hook or by crook it has succeeded in doing just that this is just one facility but people can get tested for coping 19 so much so you get 20 new Testing Centers for the virus to open here in the paris region but the clamor for covert testing has caused other problems Testing Centers are apparently struggling to deal with the volume of people wanting to find out if they happen it there are delays in getting access to the board treating choose it as in paris and elsewhere right now is taking an average of 3 and a half days to get tested the French Health minister hitting on quite a Crucial Point to kill you is like this which are not uncommon could contain some people who are infected and indeed contagious the person the symptoms and who move been in contact with an infected individual has to be tested urgently they must not be turned away from a laboratory because there is no the ability we have to work for months because its not acceptable to options today to get tested wait 7 days for an appointment in a lab or wait for hours in centrally on standing under the hot sun i tried the 2nd option but with a 39 degree fever i did not last long i called the labs of raw no places for 7 days plus 5 days to get the results or wait in line for 2 hours while sick and with no Energy Question is a test still relevant if done 7 days after symptoms start while standing in a queue for hours may be frustrating whats perhaps frustrating people even more are the delays in getting their results people are threatening to sue us because they missed their plane because of the delays in the tests we work like crazy. Everyone is on happy delays could also mean that even if you tested negative for 19 while waiting for the result you could have contract it but this is not just a problem here in france across the English Channel they are also struggling the Health Minister very though has pointed the finger of blame on people who are symptomatic. Unless you. Actually. Get a test. On the flip side some are suggesting the volume of test taking place in countries like france even more than a 1000000 a week still isnt enough they are doing 1000000. 00 per week thats not so much for a country of 67000000 people and also well they are doing it personally so theres no logic theres no strategy and thats not good but if the abortion results already under the cosh wouldnt 10 times the number of tests cause. Of headache there is a way around this though Rapid Testing delivered in that than half an hour which is available at some pharmacies for a fee problem is these new tests a scene is being less reliable leaving some even more confused about what to do than ever so much even risky r. T. Paris. Theres been shock at tech giant amazons decision to appoint to its board the former head of the n. S. A. A spy agency slammed for illegal mass surveillance of americans was a blower Edward Snowden who exposed the unlawful bulk collection of americans phone records is raising the alarm over the appointment of Keith Alexander. It turns out hey alexy is short for hey Keith Alexander yes the Keith Alexander personally responsible for the mass surveillance programs the caused global scandal and Amazon Web Services has 6 percent of all web sites alexander was n. S. A. Director in 2013 when snowden leaked thousands of documents exposing the illegal wiretapping and Data Collection programs alexander became notorious for his phrase collect and tag it all meaning collect monitor and store all forms of human communication for the u. S. Spy Agency Human Rights lawyer dan kadlec says amazon wants his knowledge on how to snoop on and influence peoples of voting decisions through the alexa Virtual Assistant and many peoples homes i would assume they picked him for his expertise and that is his ability to gather. Intelligence from people in this case presumably through you know amazons. Mechanism you know its a lash up box if you have one of those alexa devices in your house that came and listen in to conversations this is the basis of those conversations devise what types of products it believes you want and youll receive advertising for those products maybe amazon wants to gather information on peoples political inclinations and what could move them to vote in a certain way sure sadly i dont see it provoking outrage amongst most people again i think most people in america are used to the idea that theyre being spied on in different ways i think theyre used to it and not particularly upset or rich which is troubling but that is my sense of things. 10 people have died and hundreds were wounded at riots over the Police Killing in the colombian capital of bogota footage has emerged of 46 year old javier or dunya is being taste multiple times by officers following the incident his family claiming he was further assaulted at a Police Station or doing is died at a medical facility soon afterwards the officers who detain the victim have been suspended police say the man was arrested for violating social distancing. The death toll from the unprecedented wildfires on the west coast of the us has reportedly risen to 15 dozens more are still missing and hundreds of homes have been destroyed in the fires firefighters from around the country have been called in to help more than 4000000 acres of land has now been torched president approved an emergency disaster declaration for oregon and the states of washington and california are also badly affected. Has been our breakdown of the days top headlines for now for more on all those stories head to our website r. T. E. Dot com. A look forward to talking to you all. That technology should work for people. Must obey the orders given to human beings except where such orders would conflict with the 1st law just that we should be very careful about official religion at the point of use the. Trance. Like theories to do with Artificial Intelligence recently. Must protect its own existence was excessive. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Away. What is true what is faith. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. A new gold rush is underway in ghana thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich heres a good. Day oh part of that

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