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Test results on election of the Global Chemical weapons watchdog up to saying the russian opposition figures have been poisoned with russia have been pressuring him to share the data. The largest refugee camp in greece to the ground leaving hundreds without shelter raising fears over the spread of. Evening here in moscow welcome to your world news from the International Im calling break with the headlines stories were tracking for you this hour 1st continue to voice anger at last months disputed election the under fire president is warning that the whole country would collapse if hes forced out. His claim came in a lengthy interview to Russian Media including r. T. Someday i will leave my. But i will not allow the destruction of what we have created with people with generations i would not allow it to be destroyed this is how i live now and how this country has changed what keeps me very much in this situation and you probably know it too if collapses now the whole system would collapse and belarus would follow and everything would be put back years well maybe someone would have lent a hand but now it would be very hard and these guys from Police Special units and others those who are with me they would be blamed and they would be assaulted and torn apart. As they have been looking more closely at that interview along with the latest developments in belarus. They went on and legs a number of Prominent Russian journalist including arties editor in chief margaret assume and yahoo who were allowed to pitch the embattled russian president alex are the new shake of various questions and they went on ad megs about all manner of topics including the internal politics in belarus the you know the protests that have been going all the all the rage and all the you know what predictability surrounding the political crisis gripping bellaver said he also talked at length about foreign meddling talking a lot about how it is becoming glue belies internationalized out protests could be organized and run via telegram for example from from an entirely different country talk about poulan that the United States which he says very clearly picked sides in this internal struggle that is bella russian and yet all these protests telegraphed channels and groups are being won from from other countries he talked about the internet for example this is lucia talking about the internet a man who who forced the into that you to force that down. Into that shut down across belarus at the peak of protests trying to disorganize people trying to through the protesters off of their feet off their balance and he said ultimately it is all pointless and we know that he has certainly tried he says that if bellerose fulls if it falls that russia is next he said that Vladimir Putin who in dering you referred to as his elder brother should take note of what is happening because that is what is coming for russia he also talked about the protests of course you know better russia isnt a huge country a population that isnt even 10000000 and you have a certain. Points on the streets of belarus we saw more than a 100000 people sunday a traditional day of protests yet. Insisting on the fact that the majority is still with us of course for me it is very resentful and tragic if you like but this does not mean i gave up because i look at it philosophically well someday the lord will call me but i must protect whats been created by our hands protect those people who created it and those are the overwhelming majority the majority who voted for me although they watch me every day on every device you name it maybe they got poort but they supported me this is how i live now. He may have a poor better or worse is a country that is split divided and often you know add each others throats it is a situation where you have brother marching against brother the Security Services the military much of the government are indeed in side he doesnt do it a lot of support but the middle class for example the progressives the i. T. Workers the Service Industry the young they certainly arent on the side again we see putus of almost 100000 people marching gets. On sundays now a traditional day of protests and he talked about potentially leaving his post about potentially giving up you know hes nickname of europes last dictator but he said he was like course think of for example ukraine for the president and he had billions stashed away and sweets Bank Accounts then he could have left but that he doesnt well its all very well listening to. Me use about the protests and whos fired answered them but the fact is that it is better russians in the 10s of. Thousands who are out in the streets every week who proved testing risking you know their lives their livelihoods that their well being because there is a lot of violence the police are restraining themselves they are holding back and the field strength of the law is being leveled against some of these protests some of these protests that there is there is bad blood a lot of bad blood now in in the streets a lot of anger a lot of rage yesterday we should dozens of people detained that uprooted. Alleged detention of the Opposition Leader Maria Kolesnikov as you mentioned earlier you see this beam remarkable tendency. Among Opposition Leaders to out of the blue decide to leave the country often in the middle of the night now where this phenomenon is originating from. Who you us because if you ask the better our Security Services rule or the president well you know this is something that they had decided in themselves get in the middle of the night they decide to leave the country if you ask the opposition theyll give you an entirely different story theyll describe how Opposition Leaders are being pressured and bully or forced out of the country by the Security Services by the police Maria Kolesnik was saying that she had allies saying that she ripped up her passport on the border when she realized what was going on yet Alexander Lukashenko giving a very different version of events peaceful protests to centralise with no elitists applying tara to protest this is meaningless people are not afraid of the violence the government is using against them 1st of all the afraid of living in a low a state which will become a reality for them and their relatives its a situation does not change in this country and the rule of law and democracy is not restored. You may well be looking for way out but he insisted that he simply wont allow what he has built over the decades of his rule in belarus that to be destroyed to collapse like the protests that he says being to sponsor. From abroad by Foreign Countries from poland to from the United States yet weve got to look at this from the perspective of the hundreds of thousands of people who who go out to demonstrate who go out to protest every day for them there is only vote one viable option and that is for lucas who to reside or carried over an earlier heard from the president of the mice is a Scientific Research center in minsk who believes that contrary to his claims the nations already falling apart it is claimed that she is the only guy who can keep the country going is just can be interpreted in the quite the opposite meaning the question should and must the realize that this system has been building is about to collapse and is collapsing look at the numbers are wagers for each change or a barrel for nervousness or people trying to flee the country look at i. T. Sector there is a demand to leave the country. Because there isnt power but it does have supporters to support as have been out on the streets would you say thats just 3 percent all of you witness more than independently. Even with the administrative resawing that here applied he couldnt get more than 50000 people in the downtown mens guy in one of the sundays this is it so what here i visited some of the clips that really also claim people who are not there of their own accord you say were coerced into it some are exactly that it was the way to call words and to show solidarity we have with our groups of people but they are guarded by police because they are afraid to tell the truth and the police just the way that people are kidnapped in downtown is shows that the police are afraid to show their faces this is again lawlessness. For the 1st time since July Boris Johnson has addressed the british people over the fight against the coronavirus he also announced new restrictions i had for england. Im sorry about that and i wish that we did nor did i have to take this step but as your Prime Minister i must do what is necessary to store the spread of the virus and to save lives the whole point of them is to avoid a 2nd National Lockdown so what are the new measures well its all about the rule of 6 from monday the 14th of september the new regulation will be the new law in england is that you can have no longer have any gatherings larger than 6 there will be fines if you break these rules the 1st fine will be 100 pounds and then they can keep doubling up to a limit of 3200. 00 pounds also of course there are the exemptions secure events and households of 6 plus in the bubbles and also the gatherings for work and education theyre also exempt the Prime Minister is very keen that the nation still manages to go back to work the children scut still go back to school and of course the universities are returning as well so why is the need for these new measures its all about a rise a sharp rise in coronavirus cases there sharply on the rise while the governments chief medical advisor chris witty he was also on there with the Prime Minister as well he said that the cases that come up rapidly over the last few days even and the rates are going up in a certain age group as well its among the young people the 20 to 29 age group and 2nd most in the 30 to 39 age range and theres also been a particular rise among the young and that has been stately rising since the middle of august well earlier we had Prime Ministers questions as we do on a wednesday Opposition Leader he also had a few sharp words to say about the governments the you case test intray system and he said that it was on the verge of collapse what we are seeing now is stories over the past few days that is showing the regime is on the verge of collapse hard breaking stories from people who needed to been told no tests are available or the website is crashing or people are being. To go miles and miles for a test nobody can argue that this is Good Governance well this comes in due to the fact that the government would claim that theyre ramping up testing that its more widely available now than ever in fact more tests are being conducted in the u. K. Than across the whole of europe but at the same time as well theres also been a survey conducted amongst medics about how they feel about having to deal on the front line with coronavirus and all of those 69 percent say theyre more likely to quit from the pandemic and government treatment leaving 1143 planning to leave the n. H. S. At the end of it basically were looking at medics who think theyre on the edge of burnout well the scientific basis for all of these measures that was highlighted by the chief medical advisor so chris which he early on he is the example of spain amongst other European Countries he said that there had been a sharp rise there but if you implement measures to combat that then you can prevent a long theyve been anticipating a 2nd wave but to do that they have to implement a strong test and trade system as highlighted by the opposition theyve also as you heard from the survey got to keep the medics on side but more importantly theyve got to maintain the confidence and the diligence of the general public to ensure that they stick to these measures if they are to prevent that 2nd wave. Thanks germany has passed the results of its medical tests on alexina valmy on to the Global Chemical weapons watchdog the o. P. C. W. Across wednesdays developments peter all of the reports next from berlin. A spokesperson for the German Defense ministry here in berlin has confirmed that test results taken from alexina valmy have been passed on to the o. P. C. W. In the hague the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons moscow it asked that they be given that information however berlin has said that they wont give the details directly to moscow but russia is a part of the group the test results have been handed over to the organization for the perhaps mission of chemical weapons russia is a member of this organization or the diplomatic spot between perlin and moscow is heating up over what happened to alexina valmy the german ambassador to russia was summoned to the Foreign Ministry in moscow and what cheese heard how russia is far from happy and what it sees as accusations coming towards it about the alleged poisoning of alexian of a strong protest was made to the ambassador over the unfounded accusations presented by the government of the federal republic of germany against russia in the context of the illness and hospitalisation of russian citizen alexina valley and the obvious use of his situation by burleson as an excuse to discredit our country on the International Arena the g 7 leaders have also issued a joint statement in which they talk about the confident poisoning of alexian of ali the statement also calls up for action from moscow the russian Foreign Ministry not particularly happy with that they say that the main obstacle towards action being taken by moscow remains germany not sharing the information it says shows the next election of ali was poisoned with a nerve agent with russia this morning to all our requests berlin has not deemed it possible to respond swiftly and constructively a lack of information prevents the Laura Forstmann from using all the necessary procedural mechanisms to find out what happened. The rumbling this case is growing stronger moscow made those requests for information sharing back on the 27th of august and russia is unlikely to be very happy that this info is going to be passed to the o. P. C. W previously moscow it said that should the hague based group be involved in this it would amount to little more than an Information Campaign from the german government. Fire has destroyed greeces largest refugee camp which is a cage on the island of less boss has left hundreds of migrants without shelter same camp and already been the center of local concerns of the coronavirus china do bensky report. Dummer describing this is a time bomb that has finally exploded thousands fled the morea migrant camp on the greek island of lesbos in the early hours of wednesday after those fires broke out now firefighters spent hour tackling the blaze which is said to started in the field around the camp but also there are suggestions that there were fires started within the camp itself this is a camp that houses almost 13000. 00 migrants according to him for migrants 70 percent of those whove been living there are from afghanistan but there are people from around 70 other countries that have made this tourist camp their home for months or perhaps even years my living there were living it 4 times the capacity that the camp was set up to look after at the time now those who fled the camp this morning made their way on the highway towards the poor me to leni some was said to be suffering from the effects of smoke inhalation now it wasnt bad enough that they had to flee the camp as it was on fire this morning there are reports that some were attacked as they made their way to the port people escaping out of moriah weve created these people will have had enough trauma for tonight and 10 years here are getting reports of some local blocking people spare that into the nearby village where the marrow of the island has been talking on a local Radio Station on wednesday morning saying that thousands of migrants are now being guarded by police on the highway thats to keep them in one position one because of these reports of attacks by locals but also because of this issue with cove it 19 now last week one resident at the camp tested positive for 1000 subsequently 35 wrenched cases were found at the camp now it isnt known what caused this fire but the greek good. Ortiz are looking into reports that this could have possibly been asked another reason for that is that there are local reports by the greek media that those 35 protests cause it positive for coke 19 had refused to isolate with their families and that was causing tensions in a camp that is notorious for the problems weve seen over the last few years but we know on wednesday this camp looks like it has been largely destroyed and the problem now which will have to be dealt with immediately is how to look after protect and house the thousands of migrants who have been left without pretty much anything. Just automatically minutes past the hour youre with r. T. From moscow up next theres an oscars overhaul of the way to make the movie award more inclusive to under represented groups were going to ask whether its a blockbuster move for destined to flop after the break. Seems wrong. Just dont. Get to see. The consequences. And engage with equals betrayal. When some find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. And spearing dramatic. Only. Exists i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical. To sit down. Again a major plot twists on the way the also goes after years of criticism over a lack of diversity shake up will mean that any film hoping to bag the best picture going from 2024 is going to have to make a inclusion standards movies will need to meet at least 2 of the following categories to be considered one of the main characters or a significant supporting character has to be a person of color at least 30 percent of the cost have to be from an under represented group and at least 2. 00 off screen leadership positions and 30 percent of crew jobs must also go to underrepresented people also has to be similar representation of publicity marketing and distribution teams. Joining us to talk about it now is womens rights activists and i because Reese Addison also legal media analyst lionel both welcome to the program. First race even the most sympathetic to what this is trying to set out to achieve and that wealth of untapped under represented talent from 2024 dont those people in those jobs risk being called tokenistic. You know its not what you call these operate these positions its what they actually mean to the people that theyre being given to you when you decide that you take a look around the world and you realize that her the most part wells with africanamerican women lead minority lead are not given awards at the same rate and that only if people of color have received Academy Awards online or hispanic people have received can you words you realize that theres just a cultural bite that exists and so in order to correct that we have to come in and address the issue of what the represent solution is and so even if we have to mandate bells numbers its just whats necessary like a shaking your head at all that untapped under represented talented might actually stir things up a bit will get some films that are the same formulaic dirge no no no no no this is not about all that hurts the Supreme Court as far back as blackie i know this is an extra judicial situation this is this is so through polls solve monitored but there have been if you go through history a lot of things that have been under represented. Certainly people of ages shirt people of different looks in weeks for you to mandate whether selfimposed or my legislation but the mandate shirton require me a certain number of people based upon demographics is sheer on medicaid lunacy in an industry. That is right now crew billing youve got businesses shuttered theater shuttered youve got rod we were in right now absolutely dead 7 i knew you were going to add to this chaos a mandatory list of check that we have any early you know alsatians no that means that if im going to be a script writer it sort of coming up with the best possible script based on my particular worldview im gonna force im going to win clued people that i may not necessarily want this is lunacy this is this is this is we have completely absolutely finally last time i brace it does often get the criticism affirmative action like best that its the best people are overlooked for the job for the sake of fitting the quotas is that also a risk. Thats not even remotely close to being the truth and im so glad level brought up the word lunacy because heres the work heres the truth of the matter we continue to do what we always send will always get the same results weve got weve always gotten what do we know we know for a fact that the grammys im sorry he asked us and other you know cultural organizations have consistently shown year in year out that they do not have the knack for being inclusive they do not go without any type of coercion ringback or force whether its internal or external they do not consider people that dont look like them the organization is made up of as a recently exchange but prior to 2015 the organization was 80 percent white males and so what we know is that if we allow these organizations to continue on the path theyre on they will exclude people who dont look like them and so guess what in 2020 were deciding that we want to get a little crazy and were going to follow the path of looking and sue how we can include more people who have typically been on the outside thats not a negative thing got what a firm that has done. That is not for me to run it in an equality county and work. That is not the role of hollywood let me explain something to you if there is a good role with good especially today irrespective of sexual identification whether its color if its good its going to work for anybody to suggest that you are by legislation feel that selfimposed or otherwise youre going to change in this particular world the representation by forcing youre forcing people to say to to put in characters or plot lines is insanity and then we also Say Something heres something really novel if you dont have certain people represented and you could always say that throughout the history of hollywood theres always been for example we need of americans have been portrayed in that taliesyn jews but let the marketplace figure this out and if you dont have a number of people represented in hollywood so what who ever said that plays albums music has to represent everyone if there is a fundamental reason why it is not working on the commercial level if the markets dont you are going to mandate this this is not title 9 this is an education this isnt you cant force affirmative action against unless you want to an if you want to just say no lets see what can i ruin now or what can i ruined by forcing by for easting. Like a worse thing people to do this its a its a by the way the number of of russians lets look at the way russia and just for whatever reason have been portrayed in hollywood should i are deficient we say youre not ever going to have the diabolical russian character by imprimatur by by we roll its insane there are other ways its like a death bring race back into this Kirstie Alley at the. To tweet now but she said he would never ask picasso what to put in his painting and far be it from me to suggest the studios might be a bit cynical but theres no likelihood that in order to get these quotas to get on the oscar nominee list so youll end up with all those under represented groups behind the camera just to be able to hit the quotas. You know heres whats. Right down heres whats disturbing does adding one in a color just adding a minute person those that are marginalized community does that take away something from the creation of the film because film. Are not just the concepts of one persons market films are where we go to see the world around us whether were imagining the future where were looking at the past and heres the truth of the matter when you begin to recall or history or color of the future in only one way or even the present youre doing a great disservice to all of those who are being told this story and thats one of the issues that were time and time again seeing is that history has been subject to people more revision for the future is being imagined without people color and both of those are grand atrocities frankly still to stay thats it adds people who arent typically seen in these films of minorities not miracle minority things or lessons or somehow reduces the value of the art thats being created not what matters race the school itself thats racism on its face its not a adding people that are not typically shouting is somehow a negative. Sense until you are not just quickly. I want to change right now the n. B. A. Is predominately africanamerican the the hip hop world is but only africanamerican can you imagine if i would say you know what i think we need to have more of a representation so im going to force a bunch of people by virtue of their color into the n. B. A. Or or our hip hop because i want to see more of a balance oh theres no guarantee of equality in music thats the way it is so if its good its good and if its good you. Should have to leave it there because were out of time brought on race out of so i guess will the tell the difference or the next marathon the oscars ceremony and 2026 all months by the time its films make it for if another thanks very much. Ok thats your auto news for us for this hour on call a break from animals Good News Team thanks for watching ill update you again in about half an hour

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