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Immigration protests. In the u. K. After a spike in a legal crossing over the English Channel from its. Chiming in from across the globe are welcome to international my name as you know neal good to have your company. A group of russian doctors say they have offered to set up a joint commission with 3rd german counterpart over the not only case. When the Russian National medical chamber has addressed the German Medical Chamber a Similar Organization that unites german doctors with the request to create a joint commission to find out whether novell me was poisoned or not if it turns out he was poisoned then will initiate a criminal case today russia does not have such evidence the request by the russian doctors comes Hours International pressure continues against russia over the alleged nerve agent poisoning of a prominent opposition figure alexina valmy remains in a coma in berlin after falling severely ill on a flight in russia more than 2 weeks ago germany ses heads irrefutable novacek was used against them but moscow has again called on berlin to openly share its findings the us president also says he hasnt seen any proof. That i dont know exactly what happened i think its its tragic its terrible that shouldnt happen we havent had any proof yet but i will take a look there have been International Calls for transparency from russia in an investigation into what happened to alexina valmy the Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov has said moscow has nothing to hide when it comes to mist in the found me he says russia is still waiting though for requests for information to be answered. But its that we have already commented on this and said we have nothing to hide the soon as alex in the valley fell ill the plane was grounded and necessary measures taken is soon as he was transported to germany and those who were demanding information from russia went silent and did not demand anything from berlin this is all following the same old scenario we hear public accusations against russia in the fischel requests of berlin from our Prosecutors Office have so far gone unanswered we were promised today that we would soon receive response as soon as we get the. We will react accordingly this is all reminiscent of what happened with this group homes near tore secretarygeneral un stoltenberg has his mind made up though he says International Action it needs to be taken however he stopped short of saying what form that should take we strongly believe that this is blatant violation of International Law so it requires an International Response. But i will not speculate about exactly what kind of International Response what were seeing at the moment is warnings and demands flying backwards and forwards the french and German Foreign ministers issued a joint statement on friday evening in which they call and then an attack against mr novelli weve also heard from the German Federal president. He said being a family case has the potential to cause real problems in the relationship between pearlie in moscow and in vienna weve seen moscows representative summoned to the Foreign Ministry to discuss the novelli case i consider the demands russia conducts a quick open and comprehensive investigation in appropriate in the absence of any information facts or specific data from germany or any response to the russian prosecutor generals request made on the 27th of august. Its over a week since moscow requested information from lynn regarding the tests that were carried out on alexina volley on friday the German Government confirmed that they had received that request however getting that information over to russia might not be as simple as all out in this league you can write a request was forwarded by the minister of justice to the Justice Department in berlin today in the morning as usual we cant comment on any cooperation regards an internal matters of the investigation so what does that mean russia has not received anything from the ministry of justice or any other responsible oath already as they have already just sad the federal government has approved their westphalen you told legal assistance. Or speaking in plain language no other information has been given is that right i regenerate what i have just said moscow has requested this information because the tests that were carried out in the russian hospital where lex in the valley was 1st treated showed no trace of any toxin in his system and tests for poisons all came back negative effect to investigative measure assure being carried out and if the information about the presence of a poisonous substance from the patients biological samples is confirmed then of course we will open the jury investigation its 2 weeks since Alexei Navalny has been here in berlin being treated the shot a tape hospital physicians say there is no were cute risks to his life at the moment however there is the potential for long term effects from this illness. Additionally the Russian Foreign ministry has pointed out if a novacek nerve agent was used it didnt mean it had to come from russia. In connection with the dogmatic assertions that toxic near be known in the west as know the child were developing our country it is necessary to remind people of the following for a number of years specialists from many western countries and specialized need to structures have worked on it compounds included in this extensive group of cameco and you was for example developers of their military applications have officially obtain more than a 100 in 50 p. Tins. Last month russia became the 1st nation to register a corona virus vaccine criticism from the west soon followed with planes that corners must have being cut but its ready to move ahead with more widespread testing on the scientists behind it have not published their 1st findings into the job showing it does produce an body response picking up the story for us ramon calls for it. Back on the 11th of august russia became the 1st country to register a vaccine against 19 now more data became available just last friday that show that sputnik the vaccine pretty successfully produced antibodies in all 76 participants in early stage trials now other trials discovered that all patients not only develop the antibodies but also none of the participants showed any side effects whatsoever now a study was also published in the lancet which is one of the most respected medical journals in the world and a Russian Direct Investment Fund c. E. O. Says that that study and says many questions that have a listen the concept is a part of the Clinical Trial results of this put make the vaccine published in lancet the worlds leading medical journal shows to russia is leading the way in developing a corona virus vaccine and it answers a lot of questions from western critics specifically the journal report concluded that there were no siri. Its adverse consequences among volunteers to develop and there was a very strong in time in response due to the development of the antibodies it found that a vaccinated person produces 1. 00 times more n. T. Body stay in an average person infected with karuna virus the head of moscows censor thats the center who developed the vaccine says that the antibodies that will remain in the patient for a period of years now some of russias top officials have already been inoculated with the sputnik of the vaccine people like moscow mayor sergey sabean the lead defense minister sergei should go and even have let him of putins own daughter was inoculated as well but that happens much earlier now when speaking to let amir putin moscow mayor said that the only side effect that he experienced was sue our headache and that he is fine and now this is of course all in contrast very much in contrast with the concerns that were voiced earlier that russia is really whoring there is creation of this vaccine in order to be the 1st in the world in the fight against a 19 well the way things are now according to the Health Ministry a rush is ready for max vaccination as soon as november or december and so far 3 clinics in moscow have received the vaccine for 3rd stage trials and they are now ready to welcome of volunteers now once the United Nation a process begins here at home russia will be ready to send a vaccine abroad as well so for many foreign governments have already expressed interest in this food and the vaccine and according to officials there are now over when c. Requests for hundreds of millions of doses. Well im happy to say we can cross live in the program to professor dimitri coolish from the school cafe institute of science and technology for his take pleasure to see you. There was much skepticism in the west when russia 1st claimed it had a fax saying citing a lack of any information but following the article in the lancet professor do you think those concerns have been addressed. The council or spermaceti. They have for us our psychological down the factual nature therefore or. I dont think that i as a scientist i can comment on those concerns what i can confirm is that yesterday publication is a great breakthrough from the point of view of science and pharmacology pharmacology a great own data. Before as a publication we do not have any data we have play until the data and this data is confirmed by digital board of one of the best journals of the world and by Peer Review Panel this is for certain how these great factual in finance the psychological mature and reactions of many people around the world at that youth and study and reach i would not comment do you think that any of the criticism surrounding the russian vaccine has been justified. And i ok. Then it almost painful decision really to the rest of us see him used to seize on to a religious target for public years based on the limit to date we all agree is a day that is limited trial is small and usually in normal circumstances you would have great until the end of the big trials its just hard to tolerating however in the case of around and pandemic that is destroying the entire world. I as support the decision to ridge is true. The only that factual criticism comes to this decision isnt too early or not. Yeah ok thats the best answer of the church how close then are we to seeing the vaccine getting widespread approval and then rule doc do you think. 3rd phase Clinical Trial is quite a long. Process the enrollment of patients you started to increase troop and internal take 2 maybe 3 mobs to enroll several. Several times some thousands of frissons in the end of this in rome and you already know that quite important preliminary data from the 3rd face i believe that will happen in just somewhere at the same time when all honorable since all around the world has the same point of financial in the roller but that is not a real being quite a long period of time for Data Management Data Processing and patient times or. The spirit i cannot comment on usually it goes between one and 2 heroes in our case you may be impressed but i cannot comment on how geopolitical depressed ok well it is a story we will be watching with very close interest here in the program and thank you very much professor dimitri coolish from the Skolkovo Institute of science on technology here in moscow thank you. Now after a Record Number of Asylum Seekers cross the English Channel this year on to the immigration protests are held in the u. K. Port of dover that story and more after this. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see if that. Is your media a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Aura maybe in the shallowness. Again most immigration activists have clashed with police in the u. K. Support of dover that comes after more than 400. 00 migrants cross the English Channel from france in a single day. I. A believe the protestors walk the main routes in the knowledge of the port but where soon confronted by police several arrests were made a pro migrant contra demonstration is also held in the times the home office estimates around 5600. 00 refugees have made the parlous crossing over the channel in small boats this year meanwhile a new damning row. Poor it has been published into the Home Office Strategy for dealing with the influx label a hostile environment paper the initial aim of the program adopted in 2012 was the fight ilLegal Immigration make staying in the u. K. As difficult as possible for those without any right to remain it was hoped they would then voluntarily leave but the report suggests that policies ings not only failed but also had a quote poisonous impact on society. We find that the hostile environment has contributed to forcing many people into destitution has helped to foster racism and discrimination yet there is little evidence that even on its own terms the hostile environment has been effective in its stated goal to reduce the population of people in the u. K. Without a Legal Immigration status. Or less cross live now or 2 bit day an associate Professor University in london also an expert in ethnic migrant culture welcome what has led to the scenes this spike of people crossing the channel on provoking a mind to protest what that weve seen over the past number of days. Versus the crises we actually emanates from. That i sometimes. By divorce and. Crisis the same time the crisis in syria you must be going. To the front. But on the other hand the european nations are not quite a number of countries are. Right. And. What you can see been asked in. A complete and gradual shift towards a right really in terms of. Social. By government. Support and so that theyre harder to migrant. And thats why. Theres so much of it. In so. Much. Migration. It appears it appears there is a lot of frustration in there because at the moment as you say partial ensigns in charge youve got a conservative government which has historically been tough on ilLegal Immigration with a huge majority in the house of. Parliament and eve got people who perhaps voted for them on this issue seeing Record Numbers of people crossing to their country who they dont know who they are theyve got no registration hence that frustration is that not a major issue you know. The frustration is there but we have to understand the microphone still needs as well and that it is quite disappointing to see that the government and the media and launched mean enough and. Awareness about mike and we are saving the lights and it is the. For all the growing more and Climate Change related issues in areas. So for instance the. Same goes for syria so we can just. Dissolve. In the. Scenes that were seeing you expect anti american sentiment to rise further than a country of about 30 seconds if you want to just touch and. Just because the reason the country or the. Sentiment is increasing thats not only because theres migration but also because the Political Leadership in this country every sort. So you are right. We dont know whose mind i mean. All right that is the courts a bit day but its an associate professor at university in london thank you. Tech giant google does find itself in the spotlight again over concerns about police requests for its data to help pinpoint suspects near crime scenes lets go through what is known about this it happened after 2 federal judges in chicago this week rejected police requests for socalled geo fence warrants and questioned whether they violated the 4th amendment geophones warrants are relatively new but are being increasingly used by forces to identify suspects generally speaking police asked google or other Tech Companies about any devices in the area of a crime within a specified time frame as the method has previously provoked concerns the judges on expected ruling was welcomed by privacy campaigners. This is for once a great ruling your food is still a cold but now core functionality of how cellphones work cannot be used by the government do on mass track citizens in an area new federal courts rulings find your friends warrants unconstitutional these warrant applications are most often submitted before there is even a defendant in the case who are its recent denials of geo offense warrants present a victory in the fight against government overreach and the invasion of citizens previously well google has reported a must have surge in geo fence warrants the company saw 1500 percent jump in requests in 28 in compared to the year before with the numbers continuing to rise last year it was reported the Company Received as many as 180 requests in a single week. Well for more on this im happy to say we can welcome back on to the Program Privacy activist Technology Expert bill muse bill your overall thinking on this 1st if police get such data is it too much simply over information being handed over or is some of it worth it to fight crime. Well we have a 4th amendment elm the u. S. Constitution which is designed to prevent fishing expeditions where peoples privacy is in invaded on faulty broader basis if you can be very specific about exactly what youre looking for and what the item will person you are seeking to gain a warrant for then the availability of warrants has been there all up. Legal enforcement has ations to be used for many decades but this protection has been in existence for our couple 100 years obviously its only since 961 that its been applied both the state and federal level but still the all the amendment is there for a very good reason and this. Controversy around the sort of g. A. O. Warrants comes at a time when theres a lot of focus on the amount of data that google is collecting especially a lot of its location data and when theres recently been a finding that the u. S. Government has been doing a massive amount of. Intrusion in any case when he was found guilty of having. Done so when snowden revelations came out and the actions that snowden exposed to been found to be illegal so they timings not great here for the u. S. Government and some sort of limitations needs to be good all the amount of data in the extent in which theyre going to be invading our privacy you know theres 2 issues here isnt there with tech giant had to how much they actually take of your information and hoard it and then with this story its how much the share or in this case not at all whats your take on google stance in the lottery the fierce criticism for standing in the way of the police trying to do a difficult job should there be a more nuanced approach to such information being shared with law enforced. And instead of it being categorized as a black and white issue. What i think we need to do is to actually have a proper review on how mutant knowledge easer applied to Law Enforcement everything from facial recognition to Artificial Intelligence to the sort of geo Location Tracking based on location identifiers that are collected from our devices that we use we need to to be absolutely specific about what is acceptable and what isnt and we need to build that into statutes in every country around the world based on what those particular society says acceptable we shouldnt just be turning a blind eye either to the amount of data that is deliberately collected some of it without permission and some of it without all the amount that is handed over to the police some in accordance with the 4th amendment and some not 5 for i think actually a massive review about how these technologies used what is in the interest of societies and what isnt is absolutely necessary after the court ruling geo fence warrants violate the 4th amendment is not a bill game over will it mean an end to such requests not. It wont put an end to things for now but there is necessarily going to be a review of this when certain bills come before congress and its possibly for the elected members to decide where we go with some of these technologies whats easy acceptable to each Different Society based on the elected members deciding that for europe for America Forever for wherever there are societies such as the chinese where this this sort of surveillance and the access to the data or is acceptable to a large amount of the population is a given but many of the societies in the west such as europe and america have provisions to. Protect our privacy and we need to see how the adoption of these technologies is contravening this. Is just a point that continually i hear from guests when im speaking to they speak about the risk of innocent people being framed with such privacy concerns is this a growing issue or is it being dealt with do you think as regards this story and one of the issues that we have here is when the congress in the us decided to adopt the 4th amendment it was being very much because they wanted to prevent the level of intrusion and. Violence were now at the endanger of seeing on a very broad basis we should be more worried even more worried than we come people were back then because the technology is capable of doing so much more surveilling us but there have been examples where the wrong people have been identified because devices were handed from one person to another and possibly still had somebody elses google account running in its all. Misappropriation of devices that have been stolen or were being used without some of these knowledge so you cant absolutely identify somebody by device and we need to be really careful about the way that were tracking people because if we have a group of protesters and somebody uses a warrant to collect information about everyone in a particular location we just need to be a little bit careful about how that information is used subsequently and it could be used against those protesters and we dont want to have that sort of level of intrusion nor so islands bill always good to have you on the program thank you for sharing your thoughts privacy activist and Technology Expert in u. Well if youre not doing so already why not done load up and get your news on the go and rapidly changing time stay a step ahead. Because theres the Survival Guide book stacie just a moment to start simply reading all the suits. Are you sure its not there are you going to get it back. Oh heck no it says a repatriation scheme will get the rest in 7 years. Bill of the separate parts guys report. This is the blue bus the one business show you cant afford to miss some brits are born in washington coming up as tensions between the United States and china continue to rise the agent superpower is looking to cut back on its holding of u. S. Debt now straight ahead were going to break down the significance of this potential move and how the u. S. Is responding and late and after equities slipped on thursday markets

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