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Broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is R T International im john thomas certainly glad to have you with us. You know the e. U. Foreign policy chief has condemned the alleged poisoning of calling it an assassination attempt the russian of opposition figure is in a medically induced coma and on a ventilator in a berlin hospital 2 weeks after being airlifted from russia berlin said on wednesday he had been poisoned with nerve agent russia is calling for dialogue stating it is still not received any data from germany on the findings reporting on the International Fallout from the alleged poisoning of alexina volunteers arties puter. Well im glad merkel speaking here in berlin alongside the swedish Prime Minister stefan loven briefly touching on alexei in a vile me and saying how germany would respond to russia depended on russia right now and how it responds to those allegations that came out on wednesday as it stands moscow is far from happy with berlin at the moment in the way that that announcement on wednesday was made what weve heard from the head of the fact that a press conference was called before the Russian Ambassador had been summoned to the Foreign Office before. Being told that this was going to be this announcement was going to be made so to. Have the Russian Ambassador said that once he was summoned to the the Foreign Ministry he wasnt given any facts about the allegations being made now the kremlin spokesperson to me to the press golf has said on thursday essentially they cant comment on what they havent seen in relation to the the evidence to back up the claims that Alexei Navalny was poisoned using a novacek nerve agent while the Foreign Ministry in moscow has accused berlin of what it called make a phone diplomacy. I would be very cautious when talking about any accusations against russia in this case after all there is no valid reason to make any we hope that we will be able to determine what happened and why we are interested in that we want it and we need the information from germany for that. If there was any dealer we would work with that there is no data there are only statements amounting to megaphone diplomacy we. Have Foreign Ministry attacks many were waiting to hear what the doctors had to see the doctors in syria theres conclusions with the Public Employee wide of facts and data thats not something we see here is the why of why wouldnt be poison has been raising a lot of questions in russia weve heard from. The heads of Russias Foreign Intelligence Service who said that the situation regarding the family raises more questions than it does and says the statements coming out of raising more questions than they do answers he also said that the tests carried out in russia were there as far as he was gone sir and the kremlin spokesperson 3 to the press corps of also saying that hes far from sure who would benefit it all from poisoning alexina valley. I cant answer the question of who would benefit from the poisoning i dont think anybody would benefit from it the tool. The German Foreign minister heiko muss on wednesday said that they at demanding answers and theyre looking to russia for those answers its still true that informant soon it is over there is that one of the leading opposition figures in russia has been poisoned as specialized laborde 3 of the armed forces came to a clear conclusion that alex enough money was poisoned with a substance from the north beach a group hes the victim for crime someone tried to shut him up the aisle for doing a book to sleep with him on an investigation into the poisoning of aleksey now while we condemn this boys name and in the near future will hold consultations and how you can adequately respond to it it will also depend on russias response to the case chancellor merkel has said that the eyes of the world are looking at the Alexei Navalny case right now weve also heard on thursday from the senior spokesperson for the of e. U. Foreign affairs thats. What he said that the readiness of moscow to cooperate have pleased the a you Foreign Office so far also said that an investigation should be conducted by moscow during that press briefing he wrapped up we did ask the question about spatial sanctions against russia from the European Union over the election of on the case he said that any sanctions were down the line from now that they needed to be an investigation 1st it was up to moscow to carry out that investigation and then anything further would be discussed once they had those results. We asked people in berlin where mr avali is being treated for their thoughts on the poisoning story. It was good to bring him here but i dont know the details this is bishan is that he was poisoned and that his political opponents want to shut him down but on a diplomatic level of course its complicated. We know what we read in the news but if its like theyre seen certainly poisoned Charity Hospital has who knows the background. I think they should apply pressure to clarify the case thats for sure but i would say they need to open a new look at the details rather than just decided on the culprit they should investigate who was really involved. The Global Chemical weapons watchdog the o. P. C. W. Has said the alleged poisoning of alexina volley is of grave concern and its monitoring the situation thats after several western politicians called for sanctions against russia our correspondent digs deeper into the allegations. No we talk again they say the north koreas talks and that is heaped infamy on russia over trucks a group of toxins by the way with slightly different variations of liquid gas powder one of the deadliest substances known to man rebel solves bre the huge operation launched there hundreds of people in full hazmat gear everyone afraid of exposure and here is apparently exposed to this new variation which by the way can evaporate and become airborne at Room Temperature and is flying on a jet where he feels sick scores of people crammed together and no one doubts reports feeling the thing including the people he was with. Trig sam and alex in the counties biological fluids the study was carried out with an american aspect trimeter which contains 240000. 00 standard sets of substances that correspond to the electronic database of the u. S. National institute of standards and technology no liquids organic phosphorus compounds would drugs that inhibit colonists were detected and no traces of other unknown substances were found. Or going to force 1st compounds are highly toxic substances and as a rule its impossible to use them just to poison a Single Person if there had been any interaction with this substance on the eve of the flight or during the flight then any accompanying persons were certainly have shown symptoms of poisoning that did not happen if the germans had got clear evidence of. Something like perhaps being used they should give that information over to the russians and the russians. That didnt happen with the scruples and were sold and i doubt whether or happen again and theres many questions like you know he was on the airplane then it landed why isnt anybody else i mean again another echo of this ripple case as far as i can say we need some transparency here. Before we start escalating this into any kind of sanctions trade war or gods help or any kind of military conflict there are a lot of questions now speculation and rumors and thinks this is a time to wait to let investigators collect the facts unless you want to use the moment the confusion the hysteria the anger to tear up russian german ties to stop a pipeline for example putins regime is inhuman as the case of novell me and the support for a game show whats required is a clear and tough response that putin understands north stream too must be put up for debate anything less would only be a confirmation for him. The obvious murder attempt by the mafia like structures of the kremlin can no longer just worry us it must have real consequences that is why a very clear answer is needed here north stream 2 is nothing that we can promote together with russia hope for the north stream to pipeline to hold the russians accountable germany says it will share its lab results and findings with e. U. Nations and get this nato new response to russias offers of a Legal Assistance and medical corp russia will learn that the value they have been poisoned not from the German Government but from the news if the aim is to justify some previously prepared response measures that have already been agreed on it becomes clear why theyre deploying megaphone diplomacy substituting normal corporation with an Information Campaign public appeals to the e. U. And they too and reference to the c. W. Whenever such a thing which started diplomatic reaching the hazards they always have to us. Who is benefiting who does something was benefiting and we have as we have already heard this equation that there are heavy forces would god want a closer relationship between russia and germany specially according to north korea to project but where also that the that you have to ask what could the russian government benefit of such a thing with this whole and politicians there was no danger for the russian government that it would be an election theyre already talking about sanctions guilty by default which is remarkable given the circumstances so the russian government out of the blue decides to poison an opposition politician who has been after the kremlin for years using one of the worlds deadliest. Substances which russia has said repeatedly it doesnt have so they do this improbable and highly stupid thing and these survives it he goes to a russian hospital where the doctors do everything to save his life get him stable and they succeed the russian government which just apparently tried to kill this fellow greenlights a private jet to said him to one of europes best clinics to get help his body apparently the evidence locker treaty banned substances so far that their best version. The trumpet ministration has said the u. S. Will redirect funds it previously owed to the World Health Organization to other Health Programs this comes 2 months after washington pulled out of the w. H. O. Accusing it of being controlled by china meanwhile the u. S. Has ruled out taking part in a global effort to develop a crown a virus vaccine as arties kilmartin reports. The United States will not be joining International Efforts to produce a vaccine due to political concern so many see this as yet another blow to Health Diplomacy the United States will continue to engage our International Partners to ensure we defeat this virus but we will not be constrained by multilateral organizations influenced by the corrupt while total can is ation and china the Global Vaccine Initiative known as kovacs is colead by the World Health Organization 170 Different Countries are participating the goal is to get Global Distribution for several different vaccines after theyve been licensed and approved by the end of 2021 the World Health Organization has repeatedly warned about the dangers of global disunity and yet a pandemic they are warning about the need to oppose vaccine nationalism and above all national unity. And Global Solidarity are essential. This virus thrives when we are divided when we are united we can defeat to win a successful new vaccine is found there will be greater demand then there is supply. Because the mind and competition hes already creating bucks in nationalism and risk of price gouging relations between the United States and the World Health Organization have been strained for quite some time by his praise for the organization at the beginning of the pandemic donald trump made. And pulled the United States out of the global watch dark because they have failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms we will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving urgent Global Public health needs latest decision United States should not participate in global efforts for a vaccine have raised a storm of criticism for ologists and politicians have spoken out saying that the United States is essentially shooting itself in the court. Trumps go it alone strategy has already given us the highest death toll in the world at his inaugural he spoke of american carnage and now seems to term and to make it a reality. America 1st doesnt apply to condemn excess viruses dont observe National Borders if anyone is at risk we all are refusing to cooperate with other countries on vaccines will kill people this latest decision from the United States pull out of local vaccine efforts may be seen as just the latest example of Donald Trumps ambitious americas 1st policies and whenever i come to a situation like this it might not be wise to put friden politics over your population it would martin our new york. Police body cam video has been released of a black man who died of his fixation after his arrest in the us the incident happened back in march in new york state Governor Andrew Cuomo initiated an investigation into the officers involved and in a very recent development they have been suspended but of a warning the following images are disturbing 41 year old daniel prude was detained after his brother called 911 saying that he was behaving erratically due to Mental Illness mr prude had run out onto the street naked he stopped breathing after police used a special hood to prevent him from spitting and knelt on him while he was handcuffed pruett was taken off life support after a week in the hospital following the release of the prude video a rally was held in support of the deceased a wave of protests and violence has followed a number of fatal incidents involving u. S. Police largely triggered by the death of george floyd back in may. Still ahead government advisers in the u. K. Are calling for tougher punishments for those who leak official secrets that after a short break. Anyone who is a real careful this will say well we have made it possible to have the best output and growth in the world. Yes but it hasnt been shared with a bully and the answer is no the rich get richer the workers state of the world at the old pay and the poor no one is taking care of so capitalism deserves criticism. Basically on the inherent inequity of the sharing of the gains. What about this is R T International now a u. S. Court has ruled that the National Agency for security broke the law with its mass harvesting of americans phone records scheme was exposed by n. S. A. Whistleblower Edward Snowden and he has welcomed the ruling 7 years ago as the news declared i was being charged as a criminal for speaking the truth i never imagined that i would live to see our courts condemned the National Security agencys activities as unlawful and in the same ruling credit me for exposing them back in june 2013 snowden who worked as a contractor for the Intelligence Agency released thousands of classified documents they shine a light on the n. S. A. s dragnet surveillance practices targeting millions of americans as well as foreign citizens snowden was charged with espionage and fled to russia where he was granted asylum after the phone surveillance scheme was uncovered it continued to run until 2015 officials then claimed it was helpful in intercepting terrorist communications they cited the case of 4 men who were caught funding extremists in somalia and convicted but the court of appeals for the 9th circuit ruled that the program played only a minor role in that case and that it was a violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act former cia officer ray mcgovern believes that despite the ruling is likely that no officials will be held to account. It takes our courts several years often check to catch up with illegal activities and finally here after how many years now theyve said oh yeah yeah its illegal people and were talking about big fish ok and they proceeded with the feeling that they were immune to being held accountable for violating the law and the constitution and i hope theyll be proven wrong but i suspect that this will wither away and no one no one important will be held accountable for this grievous grievous violation of what in our country was the 4th amendment which prohibits explicitly this kind of thing. The u. K. Is looking to update its official secrets act the Law Commission that advises the government says there needs to be tougher sentences for those who leak data and there are plenty of other changes on the way as well as arties Saskia Taylor breaks down for us. Drops to christian Double Agents the cold war might be over but espionage is still plotting in the shadows and to keep that state secrets close to its chest do you guys looking into amending its official secrets act partly because some of the language could do with being brought into the 21st century data not secrets for example but with a whiff of deja vu also to defend itself against the red menace the urgency of this reform was most recently and extensively articulated in the report on russia the intelligence and Security Committee of parliament which was laid before parliament on the 21st of july 2020 the notoriously where a lot of us Russian Hackers and madness pushed london to increase the act which hasnt seen a single tape since 989 despite the Prime Minister himself boasting just how vigilant he is to present bugs and saying that not getting what you want doesnt actually make russia guilty this is about pressure from the is going to remain who seized on this on this report i did try to give the impression that the russian the russian interfering to somehow responsible for this is because thats what this is this is what the people of this take this country didnt vote to leave the e. U. Because of pressure from russia the russian intervention but it appears that your commission disagreed and pushed forward with its proposed changes starting with the beginning of the very wide at me. Having identified deficiencies with the term enemy we suggested that the definition of foreign power as adopted by the United States espionage statutes modernization bill might provide a more suitable basis for a modern espionage offense so who or what qualifies as a foreign power well really anything any company 7 any entity any possible directed controlled by a Foreign Government so how will how far they must be directed isnt specified according to this vague definition that charities even partially funded by Foreign Governments could be enemies who are way would be an enemy and if they want already anyone whos ever been to russia or even was walked along the private walls but the little Commission Wants to widen the net even further the territorial am bits of the offenses should be expanded so that they can be committed irrespective of the individuals nationality the test should be whether there is a significant link between the individuals behavior and the interests of the United Kingdom so one of the official secrets act as it exists now if you are not a British National and you do something hostile to the u. K. While out of the country it doesnt count but thats up for negotiation now and if that does change time means that someone like Julian Assange anja for example of a Foreign National i mean revelations according to the u. K. Threaten the countrys National Security could find himself in legally an enemy as would anyone who passes on classified information are brought even though many argue the such leaks remain interests of the public not hostile to them but perhaps most sinister of all the u. K. Parliament wouldnt even need to justify its decisions we recommend that the offenses that carney recross the proof of damage should no longer do so this avoids the difficulties inherent in proving damage without disclosing further confidential information in other words the very. I think that makes the government accountable to the public to the people who elected it is unnecessary or part of it has to do with so that the person was sufficiently culpable so if youre not killed youre rather someone still is up guilty youve done it no proof necessary just so you know as its highly likely with such changes on the table one could ask how much safer when id really be. Russias far east has been marking the 75 years since the final chapter of world war 2. On wednesday in a bend in lighthouse was lit for the 1st time in 14 years the 31 metre high structure is on the southern tip of an island just a short distance from japan and was built by the Japanese Military during the war it was led by a through z. Is to climb to the top of the lighthouse and display the russian flag the southern half of sucking was ceded by japan to the soviet union under the surrender agreement that ended the war in 1045 prior to 905 the island had also been a russian territory. Of a dozen for mailbags more news in lets say 34 minutes this is our international. Sex guys are financial survival guide. Customers go by youre disappointed. In elf well reducing lower. Thats undercutting but whats good for markets its not good for the global economy. Theres a war of. The most amazing sure there. Is a need for lists. Of the few so. Those are the focus of. The point was to be used to move the book with the discussion of those that would he was a business of by. Using the media of course. Throughout its history jon just with the selfproclaimed Islamic State terrorist group ever cruising up to 30000 foreigners from all over the world to find. One purpose in. Sounds of russian citizens left their country to join the terrorists often bringing wives and children with them. The as and you could know. All i knew to the moon hundreds of children and widows were held captive all disappeared. I was in black oh my pap doesnt consider writing in games. Like in russia those childrens families wait. Says hes trying to make sure that the book at the bottom of. The world must. Stop the show so you can see that it is the case that is hes a cia which. You. See thats not what you see in the states youre going in there or to shit. Or to go to the source of your bias your bonus for c. B. S. Its a mistake so its a quarter until let them sort of spilled over theres this interview where you put these to teach the student actually to listen to the phone call or should. Just let them speak. Greetings and salutations. You know things are things are looking mighty grim here in the land of milk and honey the bright shining city on the hill is no longer bright it certainly has lost its shine and that hill was looking less like a mountain and more like a knoll this is things directly to Climate Change in our lack of respect for the damage we have wrought on mother earth i mean california is burning the gulf coast is once again decimated by unprecedented and by unprecedented in their size hurricanes city after city across this United States are seeing streets neighborhoods up ended stores looted and buildings burned trigger happy thoughts with badgers are shooting down or kneeling on the mix of one are men and women because they live in fear of anyone with a skin tone darker than white. Americans now all more than 21000000000 in unpaid rent while mr amazon themselves jeff bezos is worth more than 200000000000 alone. Cope with 19 is now claiming to close 2180000 lives and is infected

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