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Stick around the crystal. Blue and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered on putin about how is the issue of china playing out in the American Election cycle and by the trade themselves as being tough on beijing maybe they are at least rhetorically but in reality tells a very different story and its bipartisan the commanding heights of industry and finance have courted china for decades and have the riches to show for it is this china. To discuss this in. And more im joined by my guest sarah issue in knoxville she is a huge visiting scholar at Fudan University and in beijing we cross the jungle shes a professor at the university of International Business and economics are across it because in effect that means you can jump and we dont want and i was. Going to syria and not still im sorry what role is china playing in the American Election because i said in my introduction both biden trump want they like to if theyre shown these apps ok that ad versus ad very anti china obviously but i dont see it really making much of an impact on the electorate because there are so many other issues theres the pandemic there is an economic turndown and all the sudden its all chinas fault somehow believe me i understand what that feels like living in russia but its there yeah i think that you know thats certainly something that both candidates illiberal have afterward for us because china has been such a big part of president trumps whole you know policy agenda and so i think thats something that is really important on the list some experts think that its you know one of the top one or 2 or 3 issues d i dont know that as a certainly agree with that but its something that they have to address but i think you know both candidates Start Talking about china in a negative way blaney things on china certainly the coronavirus pandemic which you mentioned you know president trappist stated that its led to a mass worldwide killing and said that china covered it out and biden hasnt done much better to be honest about it and you know both candidates have talked about being tough on china you definitely seen president trumps track record in terms of the trade war weve heard yet it biden talk about the fact that he wished that prohibit u. S. Companies from abetting repression when it wont at supporting that. Chinese Surveillance States also talking about imposing economic sanctions on beijing and so these are this is something that definitely is in the air although right now i think the credit virus issue is on the top of the lets put it in here i mean yeah i think as i said i consider my introduction and its a lot of written rhetoric because the captains of industry in finance have done extremely well in their interactions with china over the last few decades i dont think they want to see that change one iota so im on the one hand i think its very rhetorical. And in the end it incites passions and emotions but i dont see the c. E. O. s of president s of companies doing very much about. Putting into play the rhetoric of either candidate and i think its real its actually quite hollow though it does seem designed nice some people. Well the problem is that the companies to complement the polock remark that has been benefiting from you know disco aint a trade or asians ships as well as investment ratios china dont get any sympathy from present trump and his folks i think this entire campaign in 2016 going to why house has been built on the series that china has be steering the jobs Market Companies go moving to china together we just shops and hes appealing to is Political Base that ive been pretty much you know perceived as the victims of that the move but. This is actually you know fundamentally as a comic some work but unfortunately you know his entire political pop 8 though is based on death theory so unfortunately you know compromise test benefit the message he found the china relationships the trade between the 2 countries amount to a 700000000000. 00 company marcus operation here in china the reach somewhere between 400. 00 to 500000000000. 00 of revenue. As a lot of money for america but the thing is that. Is political but it doesnt benefit or not from dad and he had to have any sympathy yet you did tax these people this Corporate Leaders of being you know operating again in china so so his entire mandate is to quit in my opinion of Corporate America out of china and his entire you know temporary on towers against china is based on a theory that you know should go to congress. But United States and china so ok i dont know if this actually benefits United States from economic one of you but unfortunately thats what he believes and you know we can debate about that after x. Off this trade. Theres no empirical evidence showing up in just a hook as a trial strategy doesnt matter to me is it is not a hallmark of 4 years about. That that. You know thats thats his sources coming from unfortunately he wanted to have china being a champaign issue in 2020 an actual problem is that today you know chinas entire intractable operation is less than one day sofa 4 in fashion United States this white you know the china issue is inevitably connected to this mismanagement and total fiasco in content of house and house this so this is not coming as forward on one side of us that were not the childish you im just on the other side it reminds of American People of the shah contrast between china and United States respect to the congo policy issue bob dont give the American Media that much credit and the American Public knows virtually nothing about china at the end of the day here sir im going to put you on the spot here can you name can you fit give me what a one job one shot that china stole from america and you think of one job because i know a lot of jobs that were taken out of america by americans and brought to china to give to Chinese Workers i think i hear this china stole just didnt steal one job its ok its the captains of industry and finance that moved their operations is that chinas all or is it their fault but its certainly an american can and i think thats thats really where the jeffrey is wrong here go ahead yeah i mean i read it really that. The rhetoric is incorrect it was you know politicians and also the captains of industry as you say who are in charge of moving jobs especially manufacturing jobs out of america manage to china and here the not mention mexico into all these other countries in the name of free trade and while i believe that free trade is a good thing because it helps us to buy lots of cheap stuff you know and raise our standard of living our low salaries can help to a more eroding salaries can help to to buy more stuff as a result of that but government has not put into place appropriate protections for american low income or middle income workers and you know thats really the big concern but notwithstanding all of that you know there really are some issues with china that i think that you know theyre trying to administration has not really guys and cheer its not about china causing coronavirus or stealing jobs or whatever or having a trade surplus with us none of that makes sense but it is true that china has and continues to steal and selectional property from the u. S. That is a major issue here is also that china continues to be to ramp up its aggression towards hong kong thats another piece of this long qantas part of china if im not mistaken correct it is but it was supposed to be governed separately one country 2 systems and yeah i really didnt want to go into the hong kong issue but if you want to so what should the u. S. Do i mean i mean what do you know beijing is watching whats going on in portland you know its a good time to Say Something about thats a china to punish america for whats going on in oregon i mean its just i mean double standard. Huge double standard errors it is i mean i dont think they you know i dont subscribe to the view that the u. S. Has to be the policemen of the world i think that is too much of a. You know a loaded role though for it than for us to take on but i do think you know that the u. S. Needs to respond and that the west somehow needs to respond to this type of promotion of authoritarian as a violation of human rights those are basic things that i think there should be some response year now why should the response be i dont know that it should be economic sanctions per se i think thats fairly me it seems to be watching after a year of these protests in hong kong as if these are the leaders of these groups that actually ended up with a net loss for all the people of hong kong ok so i think it was kind of a fools errand and now you have people like my campaign or talking about human rights are you kidding me the secretary of state is talking about human rights i mean gitmo is still open ok so i dont see any moral standing on the side of the United States to talk about chinas human rights record at all john you want to jump in on that go ahead well ask me 1st address this issue not stating to not your property as. So ross mansion i think this is 1st of all i think this is a. Gross country again a campaign coming from white house coming on this trump im afraid i mean lets talk about you know cyber theft of intellectual property now there are many going to have. Access from russia i have from the United States these are 1st of all i dont think in trying to try not to get a comment 2nd china has the largest population we have. People so natural republic the largest population of. Cyberspace you know you shipment this to a sort of space. You know hold of a nation approach to syria market its not 2 properties thats just crazy i mean give me a working example of one technological achievement as a result of you know american Auction Properties you know that get any advantage if you didnt have a lot of talk about this in the past in the media the last 2 years or so but if you dont show all of this this this profit and ill just acquisitions you get down to the details find one example that actually substantiated one i had earlier and i have i went through ally advisors session 30 report is 200 page report house im just talking about what it took to cut your properties after that kind of thing is i mean these are examples 1st of all i think your 2nd that morning 1020 years ago did not have a clear theres a kind of a middle ground on this is well is it is my understanding and im happy to be corrected if im wrong here but a lot of the joint ventures in American Companies Foreign Companies have in china it entailed Technology Transfers as part of the deal did you business there so i mean if you signed the dotted line you cant say you didnt know go ahead. There yeah i mean i would just say you know what i was saying is that there actually is evidence that there is state sponsored hacking of american firms and european firms and also Government Entities and you know im actually pretty pro choice that i that you know stealing intellectual property is is is not a good way to compete on the world stage and it doesnt create a good feeling or a sense of fair competition. Most recently their works you heard it on here i have to jump in here we have to go to a hard break and after that hard grateful to you more discussion on chinas role in the American Elections david art. When i was still seemed wrong. Well we just dont. Get to shape our disdain. And indeed. The trail. Went on many bind themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Welcome to cross up where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing chinas role in the u. S. Election. Oh it was go back to it now its all share a there right before we went to the break you try to make a point go right ahead so youre still most recently there were 2 half years who were indicted by the u. S. Shall you and don charger and they were accused of hacking not only you know for their own benefit but also hacking out of the how. The governments and their actual individuals from the governments one particular individual. Of the ministry of security who was identified as working with these hackers so the. Narrative about these hackers ins know and the types of attacks that they carried out is also known and they werent even stealing intellectual property from biotechnology firms for. Medical device engineering firms and from the military you know of course trying to not allow that china is responsible for 40 percent of global hack well he went a little bit earlier interest i think we need to be fair the way its reported by the u. S. Government in the media is that only countries that america doesnt like fax them ok hacking is going on all of the time its a very lucrative illegal profession for a lot of people and some people do it for governments no doubt about it but to single china how only it is doing that its like you know russia hacked the American Election well there were certainly individuals that were if your password was password you probably would get hacked ok mr podesta ok so what they were doing was also. Sorry i did not reach you they thats a lot. Less are you going to claim that i never claimed that the cia the n. S. A. Im not engaged in any of these activities i mean this is the biggest fairy tale if you tell me that right everybody does that so you know this is no surprise to me and also many refer to one part of the history that in our states was engaged a massive. Amount of flying national as far as i was one that was an 80 hunter and that sort of that was that you couldnt 900 why United States engage in that you know activities to steal. Attacks now technology is frank ring of Benjamin Franklin you know ambassador to paris was the. Response network of stealing textile technology. A castle a no gun. That was a wonderful time in history that you had states was pretty much you know simply just china right now be the United States so im going to this is something that has been done in the us i think you know about it you know. The government and the shock of hell activities like this but i think china is trying to do this i mean i think as part of the trade agreement. The 1st phase of the train agreement is something regarding that aspect that there is much on us and hes from the state governments a perspective is not going to you know a sponsor all as well as you know trying to tell the activities going up to those people trying to do these things for commercial benefit so these are issues that can be addressed not to. Try to get it illegally. I mean it is going to be very very broadly it and in one of the things thats really misunderstood about china at least from an American Point of view is that its very difficult for americans in the american political elites to see china as an equal peer because you know. States hasnt had one for 6 or so very long and and you know if we could go back to you people are talking about the new a new cold war with china thats i think thats true ok but you know during the original cold war in the United States versus the soviet union is that the soviet union had very specific high technologies in the military but not other places china has almost everything that you could imagine to be an american peer industry well for Technology Actually it has a unified people america is very very divided here as well thats one of the reasons why its hard for americans the tape china as a peer seriously would you agree with. I dont know yet i think that certainly people of your china as a had it or at least a competitor. Or worse but so is you know germany for example but i think that you know people see china as an increasing aggressor that is thats the major issue i think between the u. S. And china and you know these intellectual property issues have been going on for many years i should also point out that you know under obama his agreement with the president and because of their diplomatic strong diplomatic relations trying to stop attacking us or several years until trump was in office and so you know these are theories there are some things that can be worked out diplomatically but at the same time we see chinas increasing aggression in the South China Sea. You know you also see what American Interest is there in the South China Sea because if im not mistaken its called the South China Sea because its near china not to put that money in california it might be my problem i think the idea is that you know that the u. S. Needs your feels the need to and im not saying that you know this is necessarily right but the u. S. Feels the need to entertain what it views as an increasingly aggressive china and even under obama you know secretary has made it inside Hillary Clinton iraq trying to find aggression here what do you mean by. Well the countries china invaded recently. Well were talking about is increasing military activity certainly thats a side of aggression and also. The other there. You noted statements from the Pacific Islands larry can link i mean it dont you think it was maybe an opinion on the head john. I wouldnt say problem well. Speaking of progress aggression i mean 1 i dont know if you heard about them the dean principal Michael Ledeen used to work for the pentagon is a very famous saying abbot 10 years ago every 10 years also you know states need to pick up some crap in a new country just sort of has to walk to me we were to meet we took to Thomas Street in a war that we mean business i mean if you look back you history as not was every 10 years ago or so its like you know once every 3 or 4 years a whole you know law states pick up some crappy Little Country its the war against the war to show to understand that youre there to. Tell us also to just to say that you know china is a gross if i think its its makes a mockery of the word aggression you know and you know the South China Sea i want to make a point that you know. The trump ministration just a few days ago. Secretary of state on the opening east statement was that he chants United States traditional condition on the issue of honesty used to be mutual not just taking a side and its also championing a. Verdict a major bill that United States doesnt own a cell ok so you know i think this is behind us rhetorics. Hollow bunch of progressives indeed it was china i think the fact that the chinese are there can be a punch. Back off the United States just short of purity because something im not sure that United States has a lot of im not at all also i think very important is that the american response to to the pandemic has been is nothing less than a disaster ok theres comparisons you can have all around the world we dont have to use chinese the comparison to be dont want you can use europe is a very good example and i think thats projecting and i think its kind of sad and blaming china is a good that youre not to explain why the reason Single Payer Health care like everywhere else in the world ok i think thats unfair yes sarah i dont want to see a new cold war i dont want to see a conflict here is it just because were in the silly season of the american president ial election or is there is it is this real and if you could give maybe beijings perspective is the United States going to ratchet up the the rhetoric and me even more in the face of this rivalry go ahead well i think you know if we have a continue track theyre going to stray ship and we will and i definitely dont support. His rhetoric and im just you know saying that its out there and stating that there actually are some things that need to be worked out not through a trade war or sanctions or things like that but diplomatically we really need to improve diplomatic relations with china doesnt make sense to go to war or go to a cold war with china you know weve seen for many decades that its weve developed the u. S. Has developed close ties to try to end its benefit both countries so you know it honestly it doesnt really make any kind of sense economically for the 2 countries to be at odds to this extends with each other. And the world is big enough for both countries i wish i wish that the american political elite could understand that you know let me go back years or something i mean again im watching the media all the time and you know up and. Well i would think maybe up until february it was china and now since there is a communist china its the its the communist party pandemic i mean this goes over and over again and upon the mistake in the end of the communist country but nobody even notices be it now because it has that political order i mean it that this is it its really intentionally done to. To sway passions here and i think it doesnt really do serve any positive purpose. Then as there was a campaign guideline that was developed by you comes on company for the. Republican. Committee or how do you come to any basic you know its talking about how to make the use of the chinese. To be a Campaign Issue but the problem is that you know as i said as an trungpa seeing his losing this campaign hes trying. All of these. Swing states. Michigan hes losing big as a been a history big even in florida hes actually trying to put it back in those that is based on numbers in the white house now i am really concerned and he will do something drastic traumatic in the rest of this administration days you see today the news that hes already shown us house in office use them to quote you know i think its not entirely father wrote that he would do something drastic where were talking about the silent a strange ship is experiencing a freefall its actually more than a free for all i think hes trying to stir up something really great. Someday you really mean. That its. Going to get well what he was able to do and its not an operation isnt just have to be tried because theres plenty of it you know the pentagon looks at china and then sees a lot of money its Good Business you know a real enemy i mean we need to spend a lot more money as the country not the country is poor and theres no sign that theres no assistance for the middle class and i think thats what really should be the debate here i want to thank my guests not still and in beijing and i want to thank our viewers for watching as here are you see you next time remember. The world is driven by. A day or thinks. We dare to ask. The president s press conference from the new state Department Auditorium march 23rd 1961. I want to make a brief statement about laos. It is i think important for all americans. To understand this difficult and potentially dangerous problem. These 3 maps show the area of effective communist domination as it was last august and from december 20th to the present day the end of march the communist control a much wider section of the country. The position of this administration has been carefully considered. And we have sought to make it just as clear as we know how to the governments concern 1st we strongly. Have at least for the goal of a neutral and independent. To no outside. Group of powers threatening no one and free from any domination. By fellow americans. Far away from america

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