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Hear from a woman who lost her husband in the tragedy. I promised my son that i me and his that are going to be on his birthday and i broke this promise. They welcome the latest news and a look back at stories 2 of the last 7 days youre watching weekly here on r. T. International matter right now in the center of the by the russian capital minsk both pro and antigovernment rallies are taking place just meat is a part opposition protests is a holding a march for freedom through the city similar marches being held throughout the country as for the rally in support of president because the man at the center of the still made an appearance himself found that there would not be read run of the disputed election youll say from the crack. Of the december quarter thats. The kind of. Ok well a protest is also being held outside be abetter Russian Embassy in moscow atis roaming costs that have his 1st cut off an inch again rome and these rallies are being held having my throughout the whole week pretty much. Oh yes indeed to the rally in support of the protesters has been happening for over a week here outside of the countrys embassy in moscow Peaceful Demonstrations continue in as well where earlier prolife shango supporters turned out a large number of local official figures say about 65000 came out in support of the president now the president spoke to his supporters he thanked them for their to dick ation and among other things he warned that so theres a build up of they are forces here the countrys borders now our correspondent is working in minsk as well and he was able to speak with us some of the a politician to supporters and this is what they had to say. All right im going to get a son i support Alexander Lukashenko even when i wasnt forced to come here this is my personal choice. Ive heard so many threats but they wont break me i bought the student should with my own money no one paid me nothing really really. I suppose discipline whats happening now reminds me of ukraine in 2014 everything started it was that people the same way the young people with flowers now just die understand what was happening here in 1900 perhaps they want to return to 117 when people toppled the russian empire in a similar way and civil war is here but we want peace. Now in angelica shanker rally is also taking place in minsk at the moment and our correspondent reports that there are over a 100000. 00 people that say came out to protest against the Election Results people. Had been protesting for over a week in a minsk and on saturday the protest evolved from of Violence Police brutality and massive sanctions and the work of strikes as well moved to solidarity lines and in some cases the parents a unity between protesters and Law Enforcement now. Once again our correspondent is a working on the scene in minsk and he was able to speak with some of the protesters against that example the shankill lets have a listen. To this person has been in power for 26 years hes clung to eat with his teeth and doesnt want to let go and. We are against violence were defending our vote were doing this for the future of our contrary i want my children not to live in a country which has violence where there is no voice and no freedom of speech the restrictions that i cant agree with whats happening in the country one person is trying to hold on to power by force im trying to show everyone that im against it and thats why im here. And protest so once again continue people standing in solidarity with the protesters in minsk i will show you a better picture next hour but we will be here outside of the embassy and bring you any more updates as they become available to us. Show ok thank you man i was arties there on cost arrival we can get some analysis now acting from the independent journalist martin summers who joins us good evening to you martin herring today that pro and antigovernment protests in the streets are you concerned that this could sort of descend into clashes between basic groups. Would not last that everything is gone peacefully chabot storage the days of positive. The theres been you know this is a disputed election people go. Strong views. And i think the fact that everything are looking at the pictures now for the fact that everybody used to be in a peaceful fashion is is so to be applauded really what do you make of the pro shanker rallies that are paid today its taken a while hasnt it and are not sure of the numbers tell you but you said would you think it be more coming in to support him well its hard to tell from outside what the exact line of the land is in terms of whos got what support puts the you know theres been a continued you know theres going to be different views on this clearly has been in power for a long time the Younger Generation a bit unhappy with the urban older generation of kept him in power for 26 years and thats not to say that the government is entirely blameless so hasnt made mistakes and so on but the idea in the west that hes only there because hes a hes a dictator is simply wrong but on the other hand as we know from many countries in the world in the west in the east governments are not always popular with everybody and you know whats really important here is that everybody of acts in a constitutional and sensible fashion has the real danger is a tragedy like that we saw in ukraine in 2014 which led to so much bloodshed and suffering if you dont i mean you mention that but that has also been a lot of bloodshed and suffering if you listen to the witness accounts of people that have been detained is there any way back from this for given whats happened. Well i think the whole point of playing to the bloodshed and brutality towards the protests is or is up slightly counterproductive by doing that even in enraged your opposition so thats a but thats a very poor move and of course at the same time its quite right that there are western forces it works who are trying to remove him. You know we saw the the the provocation by the russian mercenaries being tricked to come to. Minsk and then it turned out that there were there were there were basically a. Being part of the provocation by the Ukrainian Security forces so in other words this clearly the case that the outsiders are trying to steer their the outcome here but i think its in the interests of everybody supporters of the government in opposition to the government for everybody to behave in a sensible constitutional fashion and also ultimately of course to negotiate about what might be a reasonable solution that everybody can live with and we dont really want right fighting between different groups of Political Forces in a in a in a democratic country that shouldnt be necessary at this stage martin it doesnt look like theres any obvious nation because if you look at the opposition they say we want to rerun of the election if you listen to me today no we wont. Well i mean thats the thats the position of the 2 sides i mean what would happen in many countries if you if youve won the election you dont have to rerun it provided that you put you through the fulfilled all the ill the necessary criteria that maybe those who wants to rerun the election will have to come forward with specific allegations about vote total fraud but i think even if they were all a pelt you wouldnt massively increased seconal scholars 10 percent of the vote it might be up to 30 percent but its not going to change the election result and of course by you know the danger here is that neither side will back down and then and then we get into a can of the confrontational situation and we can see you know this this could. In many countries weve seen confrontational demonstrations in a lot of states of america going on for several months it doesnt mean that the governments going to fall put on the other hand it doesnt mean we have to replace officers beating the protesters or protesters throwing things at Police Offices i mean we need to develop a global understanding of the. Everybody involved in these International Disputes because they are they are International Boy boy default these days and lets lets try and develop a critical audience in the whole world just disapproves of Police Brutality or protest or provocation like im still looking at the pictures now and i can see that everybodys having quite a good time and nobody seems to be getting hurt and thats the thats a positive thing that. Certainly analysts we spoke in teacher in the way some have feared this could descend into another ukraine do you have the same concerns i do yes and we know what happened in the modern square in 2040 lots of protests was shot down the socalled holy 100 court cases in kiev since then but you showed clearly that this but the protesters were not shot shot down by the coach regime but by elements connected to the new regime i wonder how many of the and solution could protests on protesters on the street in minsk are aware of these facts. The real the real way to deal with that is show professionalism by the police they should have got they should have got on top of that and they didnt admit it in. Yet but i think we can learn from history theres no reason why anything like that should happen here it is an extremely fragile situation isnt it in bellary and when you hear that has been speaking with that image in there has been some element of support shown. Me what can russia day here logically potentially could make things a lot worse its a very difficult situation for them and i said. Its also for the you say whos obviously being lobbied by the opposition. Well i think its less of a problem for the theyve got problems of their own its certainly a problem for the russian government if the situation in deloris becomes unstable but i think what the what would be good for example what might be sensible is if taken off scale low putin or putin phoned her to discuss about what could be the future for belarus its you know ukraine used to be quite successfully governed from the center and was actually quite a useful bridge between east and west before the 2014 debacle and i can imagine bill reese could be a similar you know what finland used to be with the soviet union in the past they western country which was not regarded as a threat by russia and belarus could be you know a place where both sides could meet and discuss in an open fashion but of course the real problem is the geo political situation elsewhere is actually incredibly tense there is no real will on the pulse of the western powers to negotiate seriously with russia about many issues and they often look at the events like this as an opportunity to create trouble rather than as an opportunity for door lot ok martin good to told you will leave it there weve run out of town as martin summers are independent journalists thanks a lot thank you. Ok well as we were saying in looking at pictures today things to appear to have calmed down in minsk although at the beginning of the way care there was a lot of violence. I was. Just taking in people that are doing i think. d i swallowed yesterday years ago have come out but i wanted to leave in a free and a peaceful come up with mr king. How much of this mass that is going on can you take the time to try. Out the not so sure that. It was that it was. But it was. The batteries authorities have also been criticised for failing to protect journalists 64 were detained during this week among them reporters working for video agency but police who spend days behind bars in the 7000 protesters were tamed across the country this week the government began releasing them though on thursday night promising that everybody would be released by friday although it is unclear whether that is actually happened doctors were among those help. What kind of doctors are you youre not doctors i dont know what you are werewolves thats the sort of thing they shouted and a lot of swear words that i dont want to repeat they were also saying this when you were 1st held on the street everyone driving by was shocked doctors in white robes on their knees with a machine gun to the head. Well there are 2 narratives being spun around what is a play embarrass of the moment. Breaks them that. Right now the world is being reminded that one man Alexander Lukashenko has ruled belarus for a long 26 years and he intends to add another 5 claiming 80 percent of all the ballots from sundays president ial election have a tick next to his name but thats not something a considerable amount of belorussians believe taking their frustrations onto the streets it started off with a peaceful protests mass of groups coming out and shining flashlights but the tear gas and rubber bullets started flying and chaos has taken hold. But. There are 2 realities and deloris right now and the 1st there is location go calling the vote a celebration but one that people are trying to spoil by inciting aggression and spreading misinformation foreign powers media and social Media Channels are to be blamed as well so look at shingles the reality is that the protestors are bad and the special forces have no choice but to act like this d. But on the move. Around 25 Police Officers have been injured legs broken they were deliberately hit so they responded by you crying now no response will be adequate we will not allow you to tear the country apart the 2nd reality though is that of the protesters hundreds of thousands flooding the streets of the country calling for the president to step down and contending authoritarian rule but also posting instructions on how to make multiple cocktails on social media accounts which is literally playing with fire with tensions so high and while we cant ignore the videos of Police Beating people on the streets we can ignore this clip showing a car ramming into troops in the capital either we havent judging either of the realities but the International Community is condemning the election as neither free nor fair not that they were invited to observe it so where does that leave go hes a man largely without friends the west still dubbed him europes last dictator while hes slowly pushed away his closest ally russia but nevertheless hes still claiming victory and his political rivals have either been put in jail or fled the country including his opponent in the election so it. Is. I took a very difficult decision i did that by myself my Friends Family colleagues and husband did not influence me many will understand me many will judge many will start to hate everyone is that fring and its not clear who will win if anyone. Not russia this week claimed a world 1st saying it has a covert vaccine that is ready for mass production name sputnik 5 the authorities confirmed that work was now underway to produce it however huge concerns have been expressed around the world over the speed of the Development Amid fears russia has cut corners in the race against the corona virus by mass testing has yet been carried out and no details published about the vaccines effectiveness. I hope of the russians have actually definitively proven that the vaccine is safe and effective i seriously doubt that theyve done that it is not about being 1st it is about having a tried tested and see vaccine which will be given thats the important part to hundreds of millions maybe even billions of people the problem is that we know very little because the russian authorities are not being very transparent and so i am very skeptical about whats happening in russia. Because that would be. Our foreign colleagues who probably want a kind of competitive advantage over the russians axiom or offering judgments that are to our minds completely groundless in fact many countries have taken excel already decisions in their vaccine studies but the russian vaccine has already seen a distinct Clinical Trials and evidence. Where the vaccine was developed at moscows gamma layer institute a medical workers teachers and those considered to be in other high risk groups will be among the 1st to receive it are released to the general public is set for some time in the new year the developers do say to around 2000 people will get the new job shortly as the trial continues now. Well than 1000000000 of the russian vaccine have already been requested from Different Countries around the globe or dismissed in coming from asia and also the middle east can were dimitri at the head of the russians so vermeil Fund Investing in the countrys research outlined details about the japanese. Welcome the russians people as a wall the very body or tools a virus a very tired of the restrictions of very tired old the refused to come homage to those of fags one of the contras is approved in which we believe this very state very active Great Multitude of. The whole people now have about the hope to resume a normal life as a vaccination. Well im confident enough that the injected legacy myself my wife my of and your 4 year old parents and i think its very important that we understand the Science Behind civics so russia great story knowledge which you can get my Interest Groups has developed very successful all over the scene and more sexy and then basically theyre not virus just proved to be very similar to mars so we could great science and will like that there is a bit of care has been done really applied locally it was a fight were not hiring you tend to chill for auction because. Everything will be fobbed almost ive seen to date i know that 100 percent all visit cheers elop very strong immune response or significant side effects of 100 percent protection of animals forest where is the level of immunity. It will produce stronger in your is always Going Forward but we believe we are all the ones who counsels 2 different of the number i respect there is a used bill it was a big scene and that means that our big scene response will last longer hopefully it will be more than a year all scientists believe that years but of course for this effect. Will be needed to really understand the duration of the vaccination. And ever since people are starting to recede from asian about how were seeing it more and more interest but frank a lot of western Media Outlets a lot access to our information so i think now we have break ins through this information bear is it exists and the more people understand what we can do they go because theres a website to learn about the exchange more countries become interested even today with major bondsmen by israel serbia in the us of brazil who are interested who or the russian books you know work with us on. Now between following mounting anger from the public lebanons government collapsed in the wake of the devastating explosion in the city earlier this month the entire cabinet quit over the tragedy protesters had accused the authorities of incompetence over the blast which killed more than 200 people. I. Put a huge stockpile of chemicals exploded on that fateful day leveling the port area thousands were injured in this explosion overwhelming the citys Health Care System around 300000 people have also been left homeless the tragedy has only added to the grief to have one couple already dealing with their daughters cancer they were in hospital when the blast struck the father didnt survive is the story. Forgive me if i did anything for me to carry or if i hurt you forgive me i love you i know of you i love you i love you for 2 hours i used to tell him i love you oh you know you are you know i love you i love you these summer months have always been synonymous with joy and celebration for sue his family the birthdays of the children and husband the anniversary of their wedding all of which falls during the sonny season but this year trouble started to loom on the horizon early when her daughter was diagnosed with cancer they called me in the morning they confirmed that its classical heart i knew that it wasnt informed by that time gemmas immune system had been shot to pieces but Hodgkin Lymphoma is not a sentence for children its curable and doctors have been reassuring sue her husband jihad was called by the news abroad in nigeria but couldnt stay away in a crisis like this so several dozen covert tests later he came to lebanon to be with his family we slept in the hospital the same bed the same everything me her and her gemmas hospital room was where the port explosion called the 3 of them the windows of the buildings in front of me crashing and then one by the like this. Like this i didnt see if fair i didnt see my daughter i didnt see and anything but i wanted to put his head like this i felt that all smashed all all smudged i was not sure that he was alive i saw his soul leaving his body i saw it but i have a sensor and i want to move on to another hospital jihad died right before his daughters eyes at only 6 gemma faces 2 battles most adults would struggle to win cancer and coping with her fathers death she drew for me and around. Its circle she she color that was red i knew its her bed. And it was full of blood sue his heart breaks when she blames herself for letting her daughter witness all that and letting down her son by promising that his father would be at his birthday which is this week i promised my son that are me and his theyre going to be on his birthday and i broke this promise and everyones going with happy birthday for my son its his birthday on the 30th of august. So. I ask sue her if she wants to take a break from the interview she refuses adamantly theres just so much she feels she didnt tell her husband enough suhas biggest concern now is her daughter processing their loss gemma seems to be protecting her mother by not sharing her feelings. She told them here was listening they heard her and i prefer can i not im not im not able to give details because they are killing me from inside me so can you imagine. Herself. Can you imagine the images in her a passing whenever she closes her eyes. Suah finds redemption and believe in family pictures now as she relives the fondest of memories this is how we used to sleep playing our head on each other because you know whenever i put my head on his saw that i feel secured even when hes around i dont go so far marcus i dont do anything for the house to fix care of Everything Everything heres a think a lot of clothes from my shoulder. This is the last photo of their family together she shows it to me as im sitting on the very couch where it was taken this story has been gaining traction across me jean the arabic world and we were the 1st she so kindly let in as she struggles to deal with the pain of the loss in the home she herself can face yet how am i able to come back to this house through. Her. Oh am i supposed to put my ribs on this you know and this little and dont know is forever is about a 1. 000 thing for him just to put to hard for me to put his arms to feel secure. What im going to. This gives and then 3rd when they smell his clothes theres some mean for not removing his clothes from the house im not going to remove them but suha realizes that her life is not over she tells me its whole life mission now to eliminate the shortage of cancer medicine for lebanese children even with her mask on i can see her smiling when she talks about her children those she ordered them of prose and as our. Unicorn because a lot about this one is very special i told her you see this is my hair because when youre going to take this medication your hair is going to fall down youre going to lose your hair so what i can do or this is my hair im going to give it to you or so you would wear decatur on im going to make her happy i would do whatever she wants the business my link her and her brother. It is dawn of reporting from lebanon r. T. This just approaching our last 5 meet me here in moscow youve been watching the weekly become think about more stories at the top of the. Odd note no crow. No shots no. Factionalism belts because. No 1st. Point ch your thirst for action. Childs seemed wrong wrong why dont we all just all. The world that is yet to shape out just to become educated and engaged equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground

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