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Any money back. Those are your headlines done for the day but kevin on hell be heard about an hours time with a full look at your news right now stay with us this is our international. But im dead a kaiser report summer solution series im max kaiser here Stacy Herbert you know in a month in which we were meant to have the 2 Party Conventions officially nominated donald trump for the republican and joe biden for the democrats the pen demick has thrown the election into even more chaos than usual so joining us is greg palast journalist author of many books including as the latest out now skyrocketing up all the bestseller lists its called how trope stole 2020 stacie the title itself greg palast how trump stole 2020 not sound too good for anybody who is hoping that biden when all the polls at the moment anyway suggest that biden is indeed going to win so how are you saying that from i still holds moles ok yes well of course Hillary Clinton was wiping the floor with donald trump in the polls in july of 2016 in fact if i remember the day before the election the morning of the election in this n. B. C. Saying no way no pass to 270 for donald trump whos in the white house president clinton. Oh not president cliff ok. Forget the polls stole the election now my book is not a prediction its a warning and it has been storm at sea that im an Investigative Reporter remember. So its all about the facts. Theyve already removed 17000000 people from the voter rolls thats federal government numbers for the past 2 years a record 17000000 voters who are going to be shocked that they dont get their mail in ballot and guess what max here is something that hasnt been figured out at least in the media if you dont get your ballot you cant mail it in so 17000000 people are not going to get their ballots at least in some states theyre coming up with other reasons not to send you the ballot this is the new one of the new tricks and its all it you know i just wrote how trounced stole 2020 usually you write a book a year in advance is actually just literally finished as the few weeks ago and i gotta tell you its has been stolen through the massive purge of voter rolls and through other trickery and through changes in election law that that are going to take effect this year look out but they can be stolen back thats what im doing is kind of a warning how to get it back but so forget the polls also and i got to read dont dont forget this i dont care how many votes trump wins in california new york it doesnt matter were talking you dont steal votes by stealing every vote in the nation we dont have a popular vote. In wisconsin it was 22000 its mission 10000 in how to install 2020 i showed you how trim stole those 2 states became president so you dont need to win all the steal all the votes all the time you dont need to to steal the election or that its right absolutely palace you know ive been watching president ial elections for a long time and you know its like a guessing game how which candidate while trying to steal the election in what way going on my back to nixon may have before that of course tricky dick we had the watergate scandal was based on trying to stay on election and stealing the election so this is all was really politics as usual in america so with trump now the incumbent so he is the primary way you think is the voter or role trot that looks like its being cooked up and as an afficionado of Election Hacking and election rigging ive seen in america now for 5060 years what other checks will be used and the usual tricks are some new tricks krag theres brand new tricks in 2018 the Supreme Court handed a new weapon to the vote the purge in general in june of 2800 they said they can use a new trick to remove voters our wonderful new Supreme Court which is to say that if if you miss a couple of elections. That means youre inactive voter by the inactive doesnt mean youre sitting around on the couch potato chips it means you skip the cow collections they say skip a couple actions and then you dont answer postcard guess what they say they say well obviously you wooed so missing an election not returning a piece of junk mail that means youve moved they target these these these letters at africanamerican voters Asian American voters let latin x. Voters and young people and so went once when the Supreme Court said you can now begin wiping out voters using this new gimmick they took it for a test drive in georgia in november of 2018 i was there when stacy was the 1st black woman to run for governor of any american state last but stay seems said something unusual said i i didnt lose i won but i wont be inaugurated because of jim crow tricks trickery and she specifically cited the investigation by that you see in my book from the palace of us. In which one 3rd of a 1000000 voters in georgia were wiped out illegally once in fact 340134 how do i know that i hired the guys from amazon and e bay who know where you are max know what youre doing last thursday we have 240 databases we can tell you or anyone is at any moment in america thats just how it is and i tested their list of people who supposedly left georgia all where the moving trucks of all these people left georgia and we found that 340134. Never moved anywhere now they took this there is so they were wiped out illegally including by the way Martin Luther kings 92 year old cousin whos never moved from her house is lived in almost a century in one place they said she moved they took away Martin Luther kings cousins vote i was there at the polling station when they threw her behind out youll get to see youll see that photo by the way in still 2020 so its a brand new gimmick thats wiping out not just thousands literally millions a 3rd of a 1000000 in georgia 800000 in the swing state of ohio and theyre trying to remove to force the state 3150000 voters in wisconsin the swing state a swing states so this is a brand new hit on the voter rolls brand new hit theres some other gimmicks too but wow thats thats the big one i want to go kind of into that actual theme of the voter rolls disappearing because this is something across parties as well obviously you can clearly see that the republicans mostly do this they do this through florida they do this through anywhere there are a lot of black folk and latino across a californian stuff theyre starting to warn about that in texas but in 2016 didnt we also Say Something similar in brooklyn during i think it was the primaries between bernie and hillary thats like hundreds of thousands of people in brooklyn went missing from the voter also what is so this seems part of the system you are correct in brooklyn they basically wiped out 125000 voters in brooklyn this is this is bernie a turf right and in california i have a chapter in how trump still 2020 call california reman which is about how the democratic. Establishment stole and i mean just straight up stole 553000 votes from Bernie Sanders in the primary this year in 2020. And and more than that in 2016 in 2020 it was enough to deny him a lot enough delegates to just end his Campaign Even though he won the state and so whats happened is yeah democrats do it too in new esau in new york but especially in california where the the worst in fact i have to say that the some most vicious vote suppression. That occurs occurs in california and a and created by the Democratic Party establishment but always against other democrats see democrats disenfranchise each other. And they go after the same voters they wipe out the same voters at the that the republicans do i saw in new mexico the attack on the poor bloke voters the american native voters i saw the attack on the arm the poor. Mexicano voters and also by the poor white voters so yeah you see that in democratic states in fact to the point where a state which is. A white minority state a republican minority state republicans do very well new mexico because democrats are always wiping each other out so i wont say democrats never do it but the democrats tend to go after the same people the republicans do that when i say the democrats i mean the establishment democrats they go after the young voters and voters of color and you know ive been tracking this for years and thank goodness for that you know your books really get into this amazing lack of democratic rights here in america now can you comment on kind of historically hair back in the caucuses in iowa the app that career the chaos right thats another twist in the story right i mean what happened there and has that been fixed are we going to say more that points while action well you know one thing that happens in these elections where established parties raise billions of dollars youve got these consultants basically the beltway bandits and that was true in that what happened in iowa basically as far as i see its just. Paying off your buddies by giving them contracts unfortunately shouldnt give your buddies contracts to do things that they dont know how to do if you just want to you know grease their palms theres other ways im sure but that i think that was the big problem is that when you have these big campaigns with literally a 1000000000 dollar campaigns i think that was the biggest single problem there. It wasnt an attempt necessarily. To shaft people to jeju you know who is the guy that got that got shafted because they didnt even have the u. S. Isnt declared winner in time to really affect his campaign but you know the democrats you think playing on their stuff is so small compared to what the g. O. P. Is doing entered because obviously if you know wipe out black voters who is echo to help latino. Next voters and by the way one thing i saw in georgia was which is what i call the rise of kim crow that is the attack the new attack on the Asian American voters who used to vote in the majority republican most Muslim Americans voted republican for until 2000 and so the new attack on the Asian American voters because theyre voting about 75 percent democratic and they are very very vulnerable to getting their names purged off own rules for tricks like oh mr park youre registered 28. 00 other states well about you know a 10th of the korean population is named park and thats the trickery that theyre using it is ugly and even worse in. Georgia they actually attempted to arrest korean american vote registrars to stop you know they were using the old tricks of the sea fiftys and sixtys against Asian American voters at these against africanamerican voters decades ago while passing i think about a break and then we come back were going to talk more about this and your latest book. How trump stole 2040 dont go away or get right back. Same wrong. Roll just dont call. Me. Yet to say power is they become educated and in gains from an equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Illustrates but its hard to believe that someone missed it up but the style of. Which never. Eat eat eat. First year march. Quarter. Is that. You push too much that its uncommon for some. Welcome back to kaiser report Summer Solutions were talked about greg palast hes got a new book out its awesome like all of his books is called how trump stole 2020 you can get it right now its a matter of fact while youre listening to buy the book at the same time thats what i suggest you do all right greg lets continue so all right youre talking about how trump stole 2020 the voter fraud the voter roll roll fraud the tricks and the history of america see the democrats and say the republicans you know in america we have a system of checks and balances thats what makes it work for so many years and we also have thing called the Electoral College which is how you dont get power concentrated in the west and east coast you know you get the folks the middle get a chance to get some representation and there and its all based on this american system to avoid what happens in other countries like bolivia for example and other countries where are there is coups. It seems like america is slipping into a situation where were going to see it an actual coup in one in 2016 when comp took over we now now looking back it appeared as the force a coup attempt it out of states and theres been a couple in the past f. D. R. Faced a coup attempt and his administration have probably done some work on that and i believe there is one even going back further than that but greg what youre describing here sounds like america is slipping into what we jokingly refer to in other countries as banana republics but i would if i were heading greg. Yeah well the has already been peeled because in 2016 as i point out trump didnt win. The Electoral College as i say the beginning of the book youre not guilty america you have to hide your hands in shame that you that you elected a kind of orange stain poor scene bloviating bigot. No in for his quickly in in michigan 75000 vet ballots were not counted in detroit machines broke down suppose he won by 10000 audi how do you win the state if you dont count 75000 ballots and you win by 10 excuse me who won that state wisconsin they knocked out over 100000 students 2 weeks before you election by changing the idea rules making using student id illegal to vote so you lost 100000 students and 50000 africanamericans according the university was constant so trump didnt win 2016 and when you are ruled by someone you didnt pick your slaves ok so weve had accrued 8 onwards lays now now im talking about how to install 2020 as a warning im hoping to check off a slave revolt where we let the voters pick the president how about effort change and youre right weve had this history in america and will it happen and now do we have another chance at that. There will be Something Like a an obvious today tie at in november and heres how it could run and it can be a constitutional and you know so im using air fingers air quotes is a constitutional duty the way it goes is that there will be complete mayhem over email and balloting which is going to cause absolute chaos an implosion at the post office. Counting those ballots is going to implode and you add to that civil unrest fomented by the. By the trump vigilante force. And you know a bunch of you know 50000 guys in a line shirts creating mayhem youve got federal police on the street which are going to provoke. Incidents so what happens youre going to have michigan wisconsin florida where you have right wing legislatures could well say hey it too much chaos we cant certify the vote so you know biden everyone knows bines won by the exit polls theyre not going to certify those states when that happens you dont have 270. 00 votes for anyone in the Electoral College it goes under the 12th amendment to the constitution youre writing is there a total amendment to the constitution says when it goes the house every state gets one vote california wyoming same vote trump is reelected constitutionally under the 12th amendment in that situation. Are you ready for it greg yeah i get it on film and youre laying out the case here you know youre youre bringing in the historical precedents here youre kind of spit balling how it might work out goes into the house the constitution and im seeing whats whats whats brewing here is that this election is complete failure and trump clings to power use and power a stance in play and the crowd and the countries and a huge crisis doesnt have to be that way thats the point max the point of how term stole 2020 is you can steal it back i wouldnt bother writing a book of a lot it was all over with i just go to the beach and forget it. I slate is somewhere on the top of a mountain but no you can still bust the burglar we can steal it back thats why at the back of book i have something called the ballot condom greg and teds new improved no you dont you know put around about what you do is you follow the rules number one they were wiped out literally millions of voters off the voter rolls so reregister check if youre still registered i did by the way max. I looked up my marriage trace in california is there no such voter greg palast ok so i reregistered online go to go to either vote dot org or youre even better your state secretary of state or your county board of elections make sure that you are listed that youre listed as active your for your in act if you contact them and say here i am im an active voter simply that calling your Voting Office will make you turn you from inactive to active under the law is post so this lots of things you can do to make sure you protect your vote and your loved ones and make sure that your mailing ballot counts number one youre not going mailing if you dont get it so you have to be registered you have to be active 2nd if you dont get it in time you better call your office say wheres my ballot ok thats very very important because. You see all those people in those lines in milwaukee and in atlanta in those primaries those are people we talked to the people in those lines overwhelmingly the vast majority are people who never got their mail in ballot so they were stuck waiting in lines worrying that theyre going to get a deadly virus dont let that happen you make sure getting the bow and then when you get it fill it out like youre taking the s. A. T. Dont leave a skip a line dont leave an extra mark dont use a red pen and when i was in michigan looking at the ballot recount which was stopped by trump by the way by his lawyers. You know the republicans are challenging every every single hillary ballot if it was done in red pen this is the wrong color peno they use an x. Instead of filling in the bubble im not making this up theyre going to challenge every vote to be so careful with how you get to vote and make sure by the way to sign on the outside the i hope that youre correct name make sure that you use proper poses 100000 people max lost their right to vote for postage due on their mail and ballot and can you imagine whats coming up and in law and 6 states you have to have a witness in 3 states like alabama you have to have a notary public sign off on your ballot notarize your ballot its crazy stuff protect your vote so that they can steal it from you you know you get it look they can only my book has a whole calculation quite careful that about 2000000. 00 voters were blocked at the toner of own rules minimum and 165800000. 00 that ballots were disqualified thats an official official figure 5800000 ballots disqualified. But that means that they can only steal about 78000000. 00 votes at a time maybe 10 this this year out of 160000000. 00 that i expect they can see all of the total time we can overcome the steel obama did that the heat he was cheated by my calculation when i wrote for Rolling Stone we calculated 15900000 votes stolen from obama he just overwhelmed thats all the whole game is about persuasion and persuading people to get out and vote get out the vote thats the game youve got to get the numbers and during a pandemic where were not seeing any rallies were not seeing you know the Party Conventions in 2016 we met this young woman from 4 chan who you know very attractive very multiracial young woman she was only 17 at the time so she couldnt vote but she said she knew trump was going to win because there were no means about hillary and i thought that was really interesting because me more fair was part of the 2016 game Hillary Clinton herself mentioned by the frog she also talked about that buff bernie mean having somehow help you know made it difficult for her to win the primaries so what about is it just that you know all these millennialism generations e especially generation see are kind of like all that traditional that huge apparatus that was built up around all the friends of the d. N. C. All the friends of our n. C. Who get all these contracts make all these ads do all the calls do out the get out the vote like its hard to i dont know how to communicate to generations yet or know where they are theyre on these weird form boards meaning each other so i said just like how do you get to them well its its always hard to reach young voters but they reach themselves i think theyre more activated this time than last time. Because you there was no excitement people did not see trump as a threat when you. You have basically. Dapo kind of pro death squads going out grabbing people on streets i think its motivating young people i think the death of george floyd we have to worry about as a young people now are also the targets of massive disenfranchisement the fancy word for screwing you out of your vote like i say you have to have a special i. D. To vote madison to vote in wisconsin not just a regular student id i mean that some 100000 students who dont have the right i. D. To vote they are trying very hard to make it isnt very very difficult to vote there wiping people off the voter rolls and things like having to find i. D. And it was cost you ready for this you have to prove you are in rolled in Good Standing in your school you cant just have the student proper soon i. D. F. Them a piece of paper which you put in the avalos when you send in your vote anybody put an extra stamp this is the difficulty theyre trying to run students through hell to vote and of course and by the way even things like. 67 percent of africanamerican men are asked for their id when they go to vote and that includes states where asking id is illegal so you already have impediments put in front of young voters so we have to have to do is listen to young voters with how they want to communicate and make sure that they understand that just because they put a lot of piece of paper to rally doesnt mean that theyre actually registered so this is the big issue we have to educate people on how your vote is being stolen way from you and how you can steal it back i mean thats the only thing we can do it where do you draw the line because i dont see any difference between the 2 corporate parties theyre both of well in the pocket of big money that is on my of my job to even draw the line or try to figure out how theyre different im not even by the way im not even against donald trump being reelected if thats what the people want it i have no problem with democracy what i worry about is i think one thing when you see you know the basically i say the pro death squads in the street that happens because you have an unelected president. Who knows he cant be reelected by the public so theyve got to use all these tactics to create madness mayhem even bloodshed because to simply let the voters vote is impossible so you know i would never say that the parties are the same but ill leave it to you know the viewers to make that determination which party they think is is more to their liking what theyre you know how they want to vote i just want to tell you you better vote because if you dont pick your leaders you are a slave so dont enslave yourself and make sure that you understand that they are going after your vote and you can do something about it and thats why i wrote the damn books and act great thanks so much for being on kaiser report Summer Solutions youre very welcome all right and thats going to do it for this edition of is report Summer Solutions of may max keiser and Stacy Everett want to thank our guest greg palast who wrote this great now but how trump style 2020 available in spanish and if you want to catch us on twitter earth kaiser report until next time by. The. When you have been listening i believe obama made. Me. Think that if. It is taken on a cd if. We are getting an example like live. In this particular one ill be your wife pounding on

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