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The United States and good luck to them right now when you watch whats happening with big coing now on the rise again headed back towards 12000. 00 and probably from there so i think its going to be an interesting kind of process to watch this happen but theres a 2 to 3 years thats an eternity in the lifespan of Digital Currency that gives a bit quaint a chance to go even higher but kristie you 2 have been very critical of this idea as government backed Digital Currencies are not the same thing as crypto currencies are you weary of this move by the. Extremely this is very very concerning because the entire point of crypto currency was to have Financial Freedom and bypassed the central bank as a whole so now its c. B. C. s us centrally or something going to counter the exact same problems that we currently have with the us youre going to be subject to the manipulations by the central bank whether or not they want to tighten or loosen their Monetary Policy theyre going to be subject to any of the intermediaries when it comes to transferring and making payments its going to be the exact same thing except even worse because every single action every single payment is now. To be monitored and scrutinized and traced so this goes against everything that could the current the currently stands for because banks will have full control over every single penny that you own and have block any transaction for any reason at all so access to your money can be blocked with the click of a button when and if banks need clarification from you which will take weeks thousands of questions and thousands of passwords so essentially the government will decide what you can or cannot purchase so like how many of us have bought out the whole under age if we were to be honest probably all of us at this point so thats just one very harmless example but expand that and just imagine the freedom that would be stripped away once every single transaction once every action is being monitored and being okayed or denied so that is the reality of the c. D. C. Ok break this down for us because ive also heard then that youre going to get some money this Digital Currency the basically the Federal Reserve would give you money essentially to spend and control even what sectors that money is going to could that be a risk. That could be a very big risk because that means that money that they give you its going to be deemed appropriate or not appropriate for every single action so you do not have any control or freedom are what you want to purchase so thats basically someone telling you hey this is money but you can only spend it for these items whether its for food or entertainment or whatever but you cant spend money that you earn for any other reason other than the reason that they provide you with so this is essential a coming from here your bank account filling to your bank account but youre still looking or might be told are controlled where where you can take your money essentially spend your money as a consumer exactly which is a violation of every single kind of freedom that we currently enjoy right whatever happened to the free market then but lets go ahead i was going to say but keep in mind too so thats and i agree with everything because the same thats the negative side of it right but whats the Positive Side of all this with the Positive Side if there is one is that where did big come from it came birthed out of a rebellion to the Banking System the Banking System that said well control how much money you have where you place it the value in return will control what kind of transactions take place where its to what parts of the world get your money and so the controls that were created through the Banking System birthed the idea of big point right which was lets remove the banks and go to a peer to peer system so well i think christie is absolutely right that this is what government wants to do with their Digital Currencies out of that births even more rebellion if you will on the financial front the economic front of people saying so what are the systems where we can opt out and get away from that greater control the tighter government squeezes is always going to have more people who now slip through your fingers because they dont want that kind of control and heres one more positive that i could think of right now during the pandemic the sectors that are struggling and suffering where that money is said you should spend it here or there to help the sectors that are hurting most right. Now i disagree. You know listen thats a great you say it in a very noble way yes but freedom means that i make that choice you dont know dont dictate it to me you dont see me in that direction im with you here i understand but then what what would this movie actually mean for the existing crypto currencies like that coin or even if the area well i think number one its going to give more credence to big coin theory and its going to give more credence to all crypto currency because what its saying is that you are in fact ahead of the curve if you get into this space because now governments around the world are chase scene youre theyre chasing where youve been and those actions the problem is going to be when government decides it doesnt want competition because theres nothing government hates more than competition and so what theyre going to want to do is is a limit access to these other crypto but i think its there were too far down the road to that is this what it becomes as an economic revolution do you go back and now say all crypto currencies are deal with generalized except for the ones that we create with your group those are just digital or deal with generalized and so i think what happens is maybe even as a rebellion to that comes about some form of cash back into society that people use in order to trade because that becomes less traceable right i cant imagine a world where the cash was to society and to be honest kristie how does this move a fact iris policy theyre refusing to recognize crypto currencies as currencies when the fed is attempting to create the very same thing and then calling it money themselves well its really not the same thing because crypto currency is what threatens the existence and the 1st place so of course they are as in effect of course they will not acknowledge cryptocurrency as that is quite a theory of any type of all quite as legitimate legal tender their competitors this new Digital Currency that the fed wants to develop that while it utilizes watching technology it is nothing more than just a digital representation of the dollar its the actual antithesis of what it currently means to be a corrupt a currency as it is a centrally backed unit of exchange essentially basically a digital representation of the dollar thats out. Really no different than the current alley bucks system which is a reward that you get on alley pay right now well very interesting conversation here thank you so much for breaking it down for us it might take 2 to 3 years but im sure this conversation will continue to keep going boom was cohost and so on and christie i think serving with us. The pandemic has hit nearly every single sector in the economy but there is one that no ones really talking about lumber thats causing prices to skyrocket on some pretty high demand which means your home remodel may take longer than expected arties john hardy takes a deeper look. The coded 1000 pandemic has impacted everything from cruise lines to construction and its hitting americas lumber industry hard as well while Single Family home demand has actually jumped during the pandemic with new Single Family home sales rising 14 percent in june and new home sales up 3 percent in the 1st half of 2020 the average cost of lumber is skyrocketing according to the National Association of Home Builders average lumber prices because of lumber shortages due to the pandemic have surged 80 percent since mid april 2020 from a low of 348. 00 per 1000 board feet to 627. 00 per 1000 board feet as of july 31st and that could ultimately push the cost of the new home even higher construction has remained an essential service in the u. S. And homeowners have renewed Home Improvement jobs during the pandemic lock down according to Industry Research thats the good news the bad news is the n h p says the sharp increases in lumber and home prices are unsustainable this home depot in miami is pretty well stocked with lumber but i am also seeing that some of the shelves are empty. While the home depot and lowes reported an increase in revenue during the pandemic the lumber shortage is now reportedly resulting in empty shelves in many parts of the u. S. And in august 7th letter to President Trump and a h. P. C. E. O. Gerald howard asked the president for help in urging domestic lumber producers to increase output while negotiating a new lumber trade agreement with canada writing quote housings potential for growth and to lead the economy forward is limited as long as lumber remains expensive in scarce and the ramifications for job growth are significant housing can do its part to create jobs and lead the economy forward but in order to do so we need to address skyrocketing lumber prices and chronic shortages all this leading to a question is this the. Construction boom before the bust for boom bust john hardy. In russia the molex is up for the week after the nation pushed out its covert 19 vaccine but also Russian Oil Exports to the United States actually doubled in the 1st half of 2020 this was despite demand issues due to the pandemic lets move to asian markets where were seeing more green arrows the shanghai composite finished the week just above consumer shares lead gains at the end of the week even though chinas retail sales for july they actually fell slightly from the prior year missing analyst expectations in hong kong the hong saying rebounded after 4 straight weeks of losses Chinese Industrial output jumped 4. 8 percent which helped that push banking real estate and airlines also helped with some of those gains in japan the nikkei is also up pushing a 6 month highs this week real estate railway and bus shares will they all saw some pretty strong gains and we see our 1st rather arrow of the week in india where the sensex actually fell over one percent on friday alone auto and financials dragged down by index now in australia the a. S. X. Is up for the week the country reported a 22 year high Unemployment Rate of 7. 5 percent now the index actually went up on friday on hopes of that u. S. Stimulus in south africa the all shares also up this week it was actually closed on monday for a National Holiday but an increase in gold did push the sector up and the Mining Sector even higher but we perform and banking pushed the index down on friday and lets move over to europe and the americas where were seeing some pretty similar trends here we have 3 green arrow. Those in europe were the footsie is up on the week despite the u. K. s plunge in g. D. P. By 20. 4 percent for the 2nd quarter of 2020 tourism is down as the country added france and the netherlands to its quarantine list the german dax and the cows following similar trends here both with a slightly positive week but failing actually are falling on weak Economic Data from both the u. K. And china and brazil the evo best buy is actually in the red for. 1. 5 percent earlier in the week as the Services Sector saw some gains in june this was the 1st time in 5 months now lets move north where the b. M. V. In mexico also another green arrow the bank of mexico key Interest Rate for the 5th time this year to 4. 5 percent its hitting 4 year lows though in the u. S. The s. And p. And the dow are actually in the green where the nasdaq is actually in the red this comes as wall makers theyre stalling on the next Coronavirus Relief packages well new unemployment claims fell below 1000000 last week this actually helped bolster the market a little bit and finally in canada where the t. S. A. Is down for the week Energy Stocks really helped push that index up on friday but it still wasnt enough to make up for those losses that they saw earlier in the week now Canadian Housing starts actually rose by 15 percent in july pointing to that positive recovery and as weve seen for the last few weeks down markets theyre going to continue to keep an eye on the latest u. S. Coronavirus relief package and even more Vaccine Development news and that is a Global Market walk. Time now for a quick break but when we return michigan unveiled its plan for the future of the auto sector but how long before we actually see the plans come to fruition well talk to lauren fix the car coach in just a moment as we go to break here the numbers of the. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Already made in the shallows. The us economy was booming gaining numbers of people when they need us. You can work 40 hours d in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the winner of the reality of the were not financially equality and the lack of Affordable Housing for a living minimum wage gave many people new choice. Just been a problem with the city and always turn the return of the cold who stay away oh miss. The food that there is no answer because yes that requires at least the most vulnerable or abandoned on the streets to become invisible comes. Automakers like bokes wagon General Motors and even ford well theyre racing to develop the most cutting edge self driving cars but in fords latest push to market itself as a leader in the autonomy as Car Development the company is unveiling its plan for a road to the future arties turn a travers has more. Just by the global slowdown Driverless Cars are gaining speed and automakers are betting billions that its harmless vehicle is what we need to get moving again one company is even taking steps on educating the community about the future of transportation. It looks like the state of michigan is getting a make over well 40 miles of it at least thats because the state along with some private partners are paving the way by assigning dedicated lanes for Automated Vehicles on a 40 mile stretch of highway between where else but the motor city and ann arbor the vehicles would be linked to a central Computer System and would share data from sensors along the roadway and other vehicles coordinating their speeds and allowing them to travel faster than regular traffic making travel faster safer and more accessible the project is being led by cab new and infrastructure startup along with the support of ford General Motors as well as out of its driverless car subsidiary we moved there set to begin with a 2 year study to figure out whether existing lanes or shoulders could be used or new lanes need to be built as well as how to handle wild life for humans in train the dedicated lanes Companies Like microsoft amazon and argo ai are already enlisted to help create next level Driverless Cars but their vans been so deployed fully self driving cars have fallen short some Industry Experts believe the Ambitious Initiative in michigan would be the next practical step in making self driving vehicles a reality and because that reality might be happening sooner than later the Michigan Science Center is taking steps to educate the public about autonomy Vehicle Technology the institution announcing its partnership with ford motors to create the centers 1st autonomy vehicle exhibit that allows people to sit and learn about the technology through interactive displays and simulation while Chinese Media has reported on a similar project on a new freeway in china and others have proposed similar ventures in the u. S. Industry experts say the michigan project would be the 1st in the u. S. Reporting for boom bust Trinity Chavez r. T. For more on the Auto Industry lets bring in the car coach lauren fix lauren good to see you now we just heard trying to report on michigans plan to assigning dedicate the lanes to these a thomas vehicles is the u. S. Ready for this. Well i do know how the traffic goes between ann arbor and detroit and its always backed up so taking away one of the regular traffic lanes to go just Autonomous Vehicles could be very frustrating to consumers because obviously youre forcing them to be backed up but i think that what ford has been doing and this is a lot of people know this is theyve had their own autonomous campus where theyve been testing things for years and so have other manufacturers and so they now own argo a b. And because of that they are trying to utilize that company to get to market quicker than anyone else there are still 5 hurdles before youre going to see them as cars hit the market we may never see them because the biggest hurdle is the weather and that can happen any time as we all know but the other one that is an issue is hackers and there is no fire wall today that any manufacturers been able to put together even the consortium of them in germany to block these potential hackers plus youve got government regulations and Insurance Regulations well and officials are saying that this wouldnt be for a few couple of years several years actually you mentioned a little bit about the hocking is a Technology Even say for this. Well that they can produce self driving cars they have since 2009 ive actually been in a self driving car and gone from. The west coast to las vegas for a trade show but the only problem that i see is one consumers have to be ready for it and thats a big hurdle and i know they can produce these cars today they can absolutely produced self driving cars but our consumer do Consumers Want it and can we clear all those government regulations and that is a big issue well lets turn to to michigan whos seen a long history of this leading innovation and the Auto Industry specifically just like the various other sectors the Auto Industry its been flan by the pandemic and the 2nd quarter of this year and actually revenue fell by by half at General Motors ford and auto suppliers like. Cooper standard is this new version of 4. Is this part of this innovation to try to help. Where you ford and all the other manufacturers are all working together to try and get Autonomous Cars again the biggest problem with coated the impact to the Auto Industry at least in the u. S. That well mostly globally was getting parts out of china because you cant produce a car thats only 99 Percent Complete on top of that theyre still trying to ramp in back up to get product to market so its going to take them a while to catch up i think by the fall youll see the 4th quarter for auto sales will start to improve and globally youre starting to watch that happen as well. Obviously comes a pretty hefty price tag were talking about a lot of money thats supposed to go into this with these the auto sector already struggling and be hit by the pandemic whos in a position to actually fund these projects were going to see funding coming from from literally everywhere youre in the auto manufacturers Investment Groups i know china has invested a lot of that for their country as well but theres going to be a lot of investors because who doesnt want to miss that next potentially big thing once we clear at least the bulk of these hurdles i think you will see a lot of these type of shuttles happening on College Campuses and places where we can guarantee that theres less traffic and a safer way to travel and big tac to see them cooperating as well. Absolutely because theres a lot of money to be had here because if all these Big Companies are getting involved youve got bell helicopters involved boeings involved everybody is investing in this because who doesnt want to be 1st to market everybody wants to be 1st to market absolutely especially with such Innovative Technology lets turn it over to china where they actually saw a pickup in sales in the month of july will the country reported an increase of 7. 7 percent on that month thats from a year earlier thats a huge increase for them how important is this to chinas overall economy. Oh its very important the Auto Industry number one industry for china across the globe as far as automotive is china outsell the u. S. Marketplace and when covert hit obviously they were purchasing vehicles but now theyre getting ramping back up and youre watching people purchase vehicles there was a shortage on electric vehicles that people werent buying them because they reduce the incentive and when the government wasnt involved in assisting in the purchase consumers went back to looking at gasoline or diesel powered vehicles but it looks like eveys are starting to pick up there is a problem with getting enough infrastructure so theyre Building Nuclear power plants in china and that is jobs which means people have money to buy cars so i think its starting to ramp back up and china will probably get back to more normal numbers before other countries do this could be part of their be shaped recovery that were seeing the auto sector we know in the United States employs and makes up a huge number of the g. D. P. As it does in several other countries around the world and that definitely being been hit pretty hard by it by the pandemic with all these sales though that were starting to possibly see a little bit of an increase in the auto sector and needs all the help it can get lauren fix the car coach thank you again for being with us and breaking all this down. Think you. Can be a sense of calm for it when were having a bad day or just trying to get through the Global Pandemic well good news because this air b. N. B. May feel like a time machine back to the ninetys with a last blockbuster is being rented out with a living room set get this its full of snacks a pull out how much and even a v. C. R. With enough ninetys movies to keep you up through the night well the listing says that youll have the entire space to yourself so turn up the volume as you crawl up in your pajamas or puffy starter jacket the only catch is you have to be a resident of bend urged to shoot county in oregon its not clear if it will be open to the rest of us later on. Thats it for this time catch with us on demand on the brand new portable t. V. Which is available on smartphones and tablets through google play and the Apple App Store by searching portable t. V. Horrible t. V. Can also be downloaded on newer models of Samsung Smart t. V. s as well as roku devices or simply check it out at portable dot t. V. Well see you next time. The jail especially the spaceport that messed up not just get up but the style of. Which not. Eat eat eat food 1st year march or im going to. Put up. A very good. Deal. Will. Be pushed to much they get more so. The sudden fullest and illegal takeover of a government by a small group. Rather than revolutionaries all soldiers could have small group the corporations when you have a tiny group of people who have all the power you have to have some means to make sure the rest of us dont get together and take it back. These are sacrificed some. Places that capitalism exploited and destroyed for profit and left behind misery poverty environmental devastation and so you see things like Voter Suppression building more prisons you seem gerrymandering all sorts of undemocratic practices for wealth in that world for well into the 1st world and theres no question that the. Mass guys are fine. Liquid those that you can convert quite easily. To keep in mind no as if im into a place. Or. Illustrations but its a ploy to. Just. Keep. The. March. Quarter. But it will. Be pushed too much that its time for some. Of the morning the 15th of august in the headlines the german state of bavaria apologizes after failing toward 900 people but they tested positive for corona virus countries across europe registers spikes in the infections. Thousands of u. K. Tourists a few areas having to race back home from france to londons slap the country on its quarantine list with only 24 hours warning creating chaos them for travelers. To try both on and of course but soon as. There was no way any money back. On the e. U. Post

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