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Want to group she can cause a hero and she will know what happened to him. She will know my father died from lisas. Starting international with me making erin our top story despite calls for calm the un rest and by the worst continues as a country enters a 4th day of protests police have already started dispersing crowds and arresting demonstrators in the council minsk. And he pushed the bushies to the pole not. A full time students might be some people who see getting. Worse on a small team but theres a sense of. This. Was. Raw a correspondent a man calls a reference been following developments. Well lets start off with the with whats happening here in a moscow were standing outside of the villa Russian Embassy right in the center of the russian capital where solidarity rallies are taking place. As of course of the protesters in the bill or it said the moment there are very few people here but little bit earlier there were hundreds of people and the police even had to disperse the crowd asking the people not to appear with the pedestrians according to officials at least 5 people were its a good thing meanwhile unsanctioned rallies or protests rather continue in for the 4th day in a row and police are using all kinds of crowd control equipment like stun grenades. Gas and others as well now protestors are now using a different tactic in mens theyre blocking this freeze trying to prevent the authorities from coming over and disperse and of course central subway stations in minsk have been closed off by the authorities as well once again to prevent people from gathering with no immediate arisen lucian to the conflict there neighboring countries such as the poland they have offered to become mediators in the internal conflict in the rayney of for example theyre calling for reelection and its Foreign Ministry are calling for sanctions against all those who are responsible for a human rights crimes now. And the Foreign Ministry theyve also added that the e. U. Foreign ministry are ready to convene as soon as august the 14th in order to discuss the measures. That can be taken against villa roosts and meanwhile bill a russian Law Enforcement contini is detaining people all over the country and i have just a few examples. Here just recently they did sainz a man who was on route to the capital and on him he had. Improvised explosive device he had fireworks he had knives we also had reports from elsewhere in bellews where an army old rammed a civilian car and was still dont know whether it was an accident or whether it was intentional but the result is a mother and a daughter are now in hospital and and little girl is now awaiting an operation weve also seen reports. About the journalists who have been detained now bill the Russian Interior Ministry are saying that so those journalists have a credit station that will work in there illegally if they were detained there were released right away meanwhile a couple of people from iraq the video agency told their fate is still unknown theyre still unaccounted for initially it was all 4 people from the agency but one of them. Got in contact with artsy and it was a woman actually and she said that she wasnt saying she was in prison she was in this cell for 6 people that contained a lot more than 20 people sold the the surroundings the circumstances were no the best if you will so this has been happening over the last still 4 days and that weve compiled a little bit of the footage of whats been happening in belarus lets take a look. It doesnt really matter. If not. By the time you get caught. Now weve also seen reports so from the roofs off a couple of Traffic Police officers who were run over by civilian cars and colleagues of the Traffic Police officer they said they have to use a live wire in order to did say no those people the wall one of those people has been detained the are the one that is they still at large and meanwhile in belarus all of the protests were violence actually earlier on wednesday we saw groups self a women going out onto the streets carrying flowers and said they joined their arms in the link and expressed their support for the protesters the passing cars they were honking also expressing their solidarity but as i spoke to one of our correspondents thought he russia who was in the thick of the protest he was detained at one point although later released he told us he seemed to Something Better versus never witnessed before. Here. The protesters have done something unimaginable nothing like this is ever happened in bella ruse to build barricades in minsk like those one seen in ukraine you couldnt even imagine but they barricaded some streets they made a really interesting strategic move they decided not to gather in one place because it would be easy if the Security Forces to slap them down when everybodys together so the puppet masters of the opposition all call them that they really do exist its just that i was skeptical about it but when i saw for myself that there are certain guys who coordinate the whole process when they write lets go to sport of a nice station and people go lets build barricades and they build barricades they give coordinates where the water and medical kits is stored because you know this is the 1st case when rubber bullets tear gas and Water Cannons were used against protesters but i wouldnt call them protest is in my opinion those who came out on sunday were actually ideological protesters who were actually against alexander look at shingo who didnt vote for it but on monday and yesterday those who just want to have a fight with the Security Forces k. This has got this further with our guest now you have any problem in the director of the Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations welcome to the program so were now into a 4th life of unrest where do you see things going in the coming days and weeks. Well this situation has us to a very very dangerous level and the reporting of just seeing seems to point to that and i think where soon approaching a critical point where its either going to be a kind of military or a state of emergency will be required and that will be the only way for the government to deal with the situation or the. New negotiations should begin so that the peaceful way are of resolving the situation or at least you know leaving as most critical points will be fallons. Coming to look i saying hes been tough the dictates a bit it has been fairly popular through his years in power what do you think changed in the last few months. Well 1st of all when someone has been in power for so long its always a possibility that at some point his previously released skyrocketing ratings would go down but i think what we have at the moment is partially the result of several really big mistakes his government government made over the last years but most particularly. The way the government trivia the Coronavirus Crisis and that also was reinforced by quite bad economic developments as a result of the kobe 900 but also in general so thats a mixture of all those factors in mind you that played out as i look i think a has claimed in the past that he wont be president for and then he will know when its time to go now many my say this is the most convenient time the perfect time for him to step down but do you think he will. Well we clearly see the prison Election Code decided to enter into this kalahari. Spiral and unfortunately i think the moment where he could make a real historic decisions as gone for the time being im not saying that you know. This is. Highway to just a tragedy but the way things have been developing in the last several days indicated possibility of such a tragedy and of course you that happens i doubt there will be any possibility that at some point in the future he will have a chance to step down like a national hero. We havent seen much of an International Response so far do the mass going to change in the coming days. Well its just a few days that have passed since the most horrible developments target but at the same time we have us serious the whole serious of harsh statements by old sorts of politicians and top level politicians in the e. U. In the United States and so in a couple of days the e. U. Is already scheduled to have a meeting which will be dedicated to the situation bolivar a so will have a clearer understanding where things are going but of course this is a difficult situation for everyone no one seems to be interested in a destabilized the roots and everyone in all Different Countries of the e. U. And the u. S. And russia have their own reasons to make sure that at least they do not repeat those multiple and horrible mistakes that happen to ukraine and in ukraine. Now of the many at journalists detained during the protests some have been released others havent what do you make of that. Well i mean. Quite a lot of people real lot of people thousands of people have been detained and d i dont think that the whole system which dealt with the detainees is able to sort of make very clear we decisions and distinguish between who is who and why are the detained and they always need to check whether people who say they are journalists are real journalists and that there are also those issues with accreditation so i think tactically takes a lot of time but i guess it also depends on you know the reactions of the media how quickly those reactions are received by the different people who made decisions seeing the system or the ministry of interior. Have any problem and director of Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations thank you for your time i get. More than 20 countries have placed orders for russias corona virus vaccine just a day all over the country came to be the worlds 1st with a jab however much of the Global Scientific Community has doubts about the supposed breakthrough. I hope that the russians have actually definitively proven that the vaccine is safe and effective i seriously doubt that theyve done that it is not about being 1st it is about having a try to estimate and say vaccine which will be given thats the important part to hundreds of millions maybe even billions of people the problem is that we know very little because the russian authorities are not being very transparent and so i am very skeptical about whats happening in russia. Our foreign colleagues who probably want to kind of competitive advantage over the russian vaccine or offering judgments that are to our minds completely groundless in fact many countries have taken accelerated decisions in their vaccine studies but the russian vaccine has already seen distinct Clinical Trials and evidence. More than 1000000000 doses of the russian vaccine have been requested around the world one brazilian state has also reached an agreement to locally produced and distribute the sputnik 5 vaccine donald caught a visit at the factory in moscow where the job is being produced its hoped to be a game changer in the fight against the corona virus and while many questions remain unanswered about russias new vaccine the authorities are confident enough to go forward with mass production and we were lucky enough to get an exclusive look into how its done. The drug is nicknamed 5 and hundreds of thousands of units will be produced here. For the moment our company but the army is the only producer of the vaccine apart from the gamelan institute the production of the vaccine has already been launched with a manufacturing capacity of about 1500000 doses a year we understand that it wont be enough thats why we continue to invest in boosting production the 1st batch of vaccine is ready to be delivered in the region the priority as i understand it is medical personnel because they are on the front line of this pandemic and they are at risk from the sheer speed at which russian scientists have been able to develop this vaccine has raised a lot of eyebrows across the world especially since russias Health Ministry approved it before the end of the 3rd phase of testing still all the initial testing phases were done without any problems and the management of this factory seems to have a very positive outlook. Its absolutely accurate that specific antibodies protective antibodies are being formed as an instance of vaccination we can also say that for the time volunteers have been injected with this vaccine the number of antibodies has been sufficient and remain circulating in their blood protecting them heres where the final stage of the production process takes place where the vaccine itself is inspected for the purpose of Quality Control if the units passon specs in there are labeled and prepared for packaging the factory said mechanic was able to tell us a bit more about what exactly takes place here. So generally we can pack up to 120000 vials a day those ready to go into production are loaded onto a conveyor and after that. A special marking machine then they go to the box and get parked. By. The factory began vaccine production so quickly after moscow gave its approval that workers are still in the process of creating a packaging facility for the products it just goes to show how eager russia is to get this vaccine into the hands of those who need it most donald quarter archie. Its exactly 20 years since disaster struck a Russian Nuclear submarine which sank in the barents sea killing all 118. 00 on board because the tragedy remains one of the worst maritime disasters in russias modern history the vessel had been taking part in drills when an explosion on board caused it to think 108 meters to the sea bed it took divers 9 days to reach the crew but by then all were lost a note was found on board saying 23 sailors had survived the initial blast memorials are held annually across russia and 20151 widow told us about the struggle of coming to terms with what happened. Here. For several days we were told that everything was fine with our boys they communicated by tapping were told that they were alive and received oxygen me and my husbands mother were really worried about whether they had food and we were convinced they had enough for 18 days so we were counting the days on the 21st of august we found out in the news the rescue work was finished and they were all declared dad i couldnt believe it i didnt even shed tears at the time maybe closed up or maybe because i just couldnt admit it until the last moment even when they were declared dad i waited for a year and i have and even when prosecutors called me to say that found my husband i still couldnt believe. Still ahead from rival to running mates we profile joe bidens pick for Vice President coming up after the break. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy on sunday should we let it be an arms race in this on off and spearing Dramatic Development the only really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Welcome back huge protests have continued in beirut however a week since much of the city was destroyed by a massive explosion meanwhile the families of some firefighters still have no news about their loved ones who were at the scene shortly before the explosion portis last spoke to some of them. While relatives are burying their loved ones killed in last weeks blast one family can only wish for that and as the hours slowly tick on their praise are fading tony to arm son grandson and cousin are missing all members of the same firefighting unit that was the 1st to respond now from a group of 10 fighters 4 bodies have been found and 6 on missing the 1st 2 days we were hoping they were live but now were on the 8th day and now we lost hope now we are hoping that they can bring a nail from their fingers 40 kilometers from the scene of the blast its impact is still being felt the sinuss rest in peace are heroes of carter bar and posters pinpoint the way to the familys home. Was father of 2 daughters the oldest is just 2 and a half years old and keeps asking for her daddy he phoned her on the way to the blast instead hell call back later but that phone call never came. I told my daughter the 3 of them are praying from up above. And she can also pray to them they can hear her and hopefully when she grows up she can know her father was a hero and she will know what happened to him. She will know her father died for a reason szabo cohen was not supposed to go to the fire he volunteered because the driver didnt know the way and he said lets get there even one minute only because maybe we can save a soul this video footage shows him in the bottom left hand corner almost out of the frame calling for backup a minute later the 2nd explosion erupted followed by deadly silence at 1st we were waiting for all of them to come and sit with us and continue our life and then we said that maybe one of them can come home even if hes deformed even if hes burnt anything but at least one of them can come home toss any one of them not all of them but this is too much they didnt find anything szabo he idolized his uncle and wanted to serve in the same firefighting unit as him at just 20 years old he was his familys breadwinner and i was only 26 and preparing to get engaged what should i hope god help me i dont know how to live any more i cant imagine how can i live now because i only have one son whatever attorney here or there i find something from his belongings how could i live without my son the family says they wont hold a funeral until there is someone or something to bury but their way that might not happen or else god that no one feels what we are feeling people cannot tell us rest in peace because there is no one to rest in peace they have been found as we finish the interview tony says to me god bless you and your family had something i wish best for him 3 fold policia r. T. They would. A passenger train has derailed in eastern scotland with the law 40 is declaring it a Major Incident police have confirmed the deaths of 3 people including the trains driver a number of others are said to be seriously injured overnight heavy storms are thought to have triggered a landslide smoke was seen billowing from the train after the engine caught fire. In peru and demand for better working conditions brought hundreds of Health Workers on to the Street Police used water cannon to disperse the rally the demo comes as the country braces itself for a 2nd coded wave the country has already had almost 500000 cases or more than 20000 deaths 7. In india and the overnight protest in bangalore by muslims over a Facebook Post deemed offensive to islamic left at least 3 people dead and more than 100 arrested demonstrators gathered near a Police Station and the house of a local politician who made the post Police Used Tear Gas and live ammunition of the crowd threw stones and torched vehicles. Joe biden has named kamler harris as his running mate as he bids for the white house she had been one of his rivals before dropping out and backing him kaleb orpen profiles the woman hoping to be the next Vice President. After much anticipation joe biden has finally announced his Vice President ial running mate it will be the california senator kaamelott harris who has a long record in california politics as a prosecutor and an attorney general in the state before rising to the rank of u. S. Senator now whats quite interesting is that she was one of joe bidens opponents for the democratic nomination and on the debate stage among other Democratic Candidates she had some rather harsh words for joe biden she called him out on his record supporting School Segregation and she invoked her own Life Experience to criticize him for it this is what kamel harris said to joe biden you know there was a little girl in california who was part of the feck in class to integrate her Public Schools and she was bused to School Every Day and that little girl was away now kamel harris is known for playing up the idea that there is some kind of russian conspiracy against her she claims that russian bots were targeting her on the internet that russia was out to get hurt cetera probably the most controversial thing about Camila Harris is her record as a prosecutor in california comma harris locked up the parents of children who were truant from school she also jailed thousands of people for the crime of smoking marijuana and then in a recent interview joked about the fact that she smoked marijuana at her south now Tulsi Gabbert the democratic candidate and u. S. Congresswoman from hawaii called out kamel harris at a debate and significantly hurt her in the polls by highlighting her record as a criminal prosecutor now donald trump has already reacted to the fact that kamel harris was selected as joe bidens running mate heres what he said to me is why number one draft pick and well see how she works out she did very very poorly in the. Primaries as you know he was expected to do well. And she. He was right around 2 percent. Spent a lot of money he had a lot of things happening and so i was a little surprised that he picked him so thats donald trump saying that hes pretty surprised in thinking that its not a very strategic choice now whats also interesting to point out is that kamel harris has quite a record when it comes to issues like Police Brutality and mass incarceration she is very much not the favorite candidate of the black lives Matter Movement her record as a prosecutor is all over twitter right now being highly scrutinized she could excite the black vote during the primaries she can excite anybody during the primaries the left of the party the progressives have a lot of ammunition to use against her theyre not happy when she was attorney general and a Law Enforcement prosecutor in california they say she was too tough on criminals she was too easy on cops shes a walking contradiction and i think theres going to be a lot of just not excitement for her and that the prospect that she could be president if something happened to biden i think its going to scare a lot of people thanks for joining us they are an anti international all the latest headlines coming your way in that a minute. Banks geysers financial survival they say money the balance. Close to this is a central plank support diatomic going to call them right now so you stop them. And youre sure your political much to the fortune your purchase was very good your search took up if you will face it just like a. Pro seriously for sure. No mosquito. Specimen is a risk you receive is a rescue service right to use. The day you. Thanks for the. Socialist. They knew it was ok but if you will open the bottle of. Oh. Oh oh. Only that some part of the boys all of us. You know doing so we would get some of you but we need some sort of things from. The found here

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