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And better received a 3rd night of antigovernment protests following the disputed election despite calls from the opposition candidate now to stop after shes fled the country. There live from arts internationals world news h. Q. Moscow is kevin 0 in here with a half hour update every state with me move for the next 30 minutes is to take you through all those stories and more in detail starting with this the new russia says its received orders know for about a 1000000000 doses of its corona virus vaccine from 20 nations theres been cautious welcome from scientists around the world revealed on choose day that. Assured given the worlds 1st Regulatory Approval to a covert treatment. As we can use using the sewer as far as i know the 1st vaccine for the corona virus in the world was registered but i already know that its working effectively and forming a tough immunity. I hope that the russians have actually definitively proven that the vaccine is safe and effective i seriously doubt that theyve done that. Well this vaccine itself is being developed in moscow as a gamma layer institute initial Clinical Trials are said to have been successful in mass production expected to begin in september medical workers teachers and those considered to be other high risk groups will receive it 1st then theres hope to be released the general public a little later on in the year maybe early next year the developers expect to run 2000 people to be vaccinated shortly as the research progresses more than a 1000000000 doses of just said russian vaccine of already been requested from Different Countries abroad nonetheless there are a few skeptics too about it all the concern is whether enough conclusive testing has been carried out at this stage donal court has been to visit the facility where sputnik 5 as its called is being produced. Its off to be a game changer in the fight against the corona virus and while many questions remain unanswered about russias new vaccine the authorities are confident enough to go forward with mass production and we were lucky enough to get an exclusive look into how its done. The drug is nicknamed scrutiny 5 and hundreds of thousands of units will be produced here the sheer speed at which russian scientists have been able to develop this vaccine has raised a lot of eyebrows across the world especially since russias Health Ministry approved it before the end of the 3rd phase of testing still all the initial testing phases were done without any problems and the management of this factory seems to have a very positive outlook. Its absolutely accurate that specific antibodies protective and sea bodies are being formed as an instance of vaccination we can also say that for the time volunteers have been injected with this vaccine the number of antibodies has been sufficient and remain circulating in the blood protecting them heres where the final stage of the production process takes place where the vaccine itself is inspected for the purpose of Quality Control if the units passon specs in there are labeled and prepared for packaging the factory said mechanic was able to tell us a bit more about what exactly takes place here. So generally we can pack up to 120000 vials a day those ready to go into production are loaded onto a conveyor and after that a special marking machine then they go to the box im getting packed. With. The factory began vaccine production so quickly after moscow gave its approval that workers are still in the process of creating a packaging facility for the end products it just goes to show how eager russia is to get this vaccine into the hands of those who need it most dominant quarter archie. Kill dimitri is the head of the Russian Sovereign Wealth Fund thats investing in the countrys research he talked to us about this new vaccine in some more detail than. Welcome the russians people as a wall the very body or tools a virus a very tired of the restrictions a very tired old the refused to come on. Those are fags one of the contras is approved in which we believe this very state very active raid was it if a month of all people now have a better hope to resume a normal life as a vaccination. Well im confident enough that the injected legacy myself my wife my of and your 4 year old parents and i think its very important that we understand the science defines a vaccine so russia great historic knowledge of which you can get my Interest Groups has developed very successful in all of it seeing and mercy and then basically current virus just proved to be very similar the merce so we could great science and will likely that there is a good have been done really applied very closely it was a fight theyre not hiring you tend to chill for russian because. Everything will be fall almost ive seen to date i know that 100 percent all visit cheers elop very strong immune response or significant side effects of 100 percent protection of animals forest where is the level of immunity. It will produce a stronger immune response Going Forward but we believe we as all the ones who counsels do it for and of the number i respect there is a used the lid was a vaccine and that means that our vaccine response will last longer hopefully it will be in more than a year while scientists believe that years but of course for this effect. Will be needed to really understand the duration of the vaccination. And ever since people are starting to receive permission about how were seeing it more and more interest but frank a lot of western Media Outlets locked access go information so i think now we have break ins through this information barrios it exists and the more people understand what we can do they go because theres a website to learn about the exchange more countries become interested even today with major advancements by israel serbia elude us brazil who are interested who or the russian because you dont work with us on the. Dont ship you dismiss professor of tropical epidemiology at the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine spoke to us to tell us that this covert crisis has really meant the vaccine trials have had to be exhilarated much more than normal. A significant in the sense that there are about 150 different back scenes that are being developed none of them to my knowledge has yet been licensed so in that sense it sat in Court Announced that its this is the 1st nice since faxing unfortunately what we dont know at the moment is what the data were that actually was the basis for the license sure and it sounds as though recipe small numbers of people who have so far received a spec scene in which case its very difficult i would say almost impossible to assess whether the paxson is actually efficacious or one would have some reservations about knowing that the safety of the vaccine generally new vaccines are not the least until they been in trials a year or 2 years possibly even 5 years because of the exceptional situation with the suspect a co the 19 pandemic vaccine trials are being accelerated. Now i want to bring you the latest from beirut where citizens are wracked with rage and grief turned against and angry protests exactly a week of the devastating explosions killed more than 200 dead and laid waste to parts of the city huge demonstrations against sorties have been held daily over the whole middle east correspondent polis loosely a source some of the latest overnight disturbances. But this is the 4th consecutive night that we witnessed protests here in front of the Parliament Building the situation remains as tense as it has been for the last few days as you can see behind me the protesters have started a fire and theyre throwing rocks and bits of pavement at the Police Officers and the army on the other side now the army has been responding with tear gas at which point the crowd this side surges back what people here are telling me is that theyre not satisfied with just the way as a nation of the lebanese Prime Minister they want to hold hanumant to preside at the same time make one point independent investigation into what happened at the very last they say its not enough for an internal they have an easy investigation but the government here says that thats what they want to show you what ill issue of sovereignty now the mood is quite volatile it doesnt seem that with the passing of days be protesters here are in any way becoming satisfied if you just look around you can see that they still a lot of anger they still relatively large numbers showing out on the streets essentially the situation in beirut continues to remain extremely tense and this comes as the numbers of missing stanley turns into. Some meat and ive sung tens of people dead were not hearing sounds of tear gas so the crowd is starting to move backwards the fear is that any moment the situation here and i can i can actually smell to get the situation is becoming increasingly fault with d danger. Right behind me is the army theres a lot of tear gas in the air theyve managed to push the protesters so they were away from the Parliament Building and down the streets so weve taken a position just behind the army the 38 hero is the rocks and stones at the protesters are throwing and there is the least oh the smell of tear gas in the air as you can see the riot police and the army are in full gear theyre taking this seriously there has been accused of Excessive Force and theyve admitted that they have used live ammunition and tear gas in the past well lets go live right now again to the scene the port of beirut that grain silo or whats left of it. And the work to clear up im not sure if this were blown up from the huge crater or whether its grain or maybe a mix of it all but where do you start 1st with that kind of thing because a large fire broke out there and where i was 12 close by and then it all went up with such renders consequences the cause of these explosions wasnt immediately determined state media thing that could have been a fireworks where was the one of the 1st of the said the storage plants could have been people using a blowtorch but either which way look at the mess there will of course thoughts with the people that got there 1st whats happened to them so many people perished as well as the civilian casualties from last weeks blast theres also anxiety and grief for the families of those firefighters there in the very early stages they were among the 1st responders to the blaze that broke out before the blast paul there also has been hearing them to their families the anguish theyre facing right now as they still wait for answers. Well will it has a bearing the loved ones killed in last weeks blast one family can only wish for that and as the hours slowly tick on they praise are fading tony terrans son grandson and cousin on missing all members of the same firefighting unit that was the 1st to respond now from a group of 10 fighters 4 bodies have been found and 6 on missing the 1st 2 days we were hoping they were live but now were on the 8th day and now we lost hope now we are hoping that they can bring a nail from their fingers 40 kilometers from the scene of the blast its impact is still being felt this sign says race to peace are here as of carter and posed as pin point the way to the familys home. Was father of 2 daughters the oldest is just 2 and a half years old and keeps asking for her daddy he phoned her on the way to the blast instead hell call back later but that phone call never came here are there i told my daughter the 3 of them are praying from up above. I dont and she can also pray to them before they can hear her and hopefully when she grows up she can all go to carmel where they only roast and then she will know what happened to him. She will not even fire i remember them. Was not supposed to go to the fire he volunteered because the driver didnt know the way and he said lets get there even one minute only because maybe we can save his soul has to do a sort of shows him in the bottom left hand corner almost out of the fray calling for backup on the plates of the 2nd explosion erupted followed by did the silence at a tourist who are waiting for all of them to come and sit with us and continue our life and then we said that maybe one of them can come home even if hes deformed even if hes burnt anything added least one of them can come home toss any one of them not all of them but this is too much they didnt find anything szabo he idolized his uncle and wanted to serve in the same firefighting unit as him at just 20 years old he was his familys bread when i. Was only 26 and preparing to get engaged what should i hope god help me i dont know how to live any more i cant imagine how can i live now because i only have one son whatever a term here or there i find something from is belongings how could i live without my son the family says they wont hold a funeral until there is someone or something to bury but their way that might not happen or else god that no one feels what we are feeling people cannot tell us rest in peace because there is no one to rest in peace we have been found as we finish the interview tony says to me god bless you and your family had something i wish better for him to be sold policia r. T. They would. Find all in the law in the future. This is o. T. International high this wednesday coming up this from rival to running mate will profile democrat joe bidens pick for Vice President among the stories ahead with me kevin. Sommer solutions thats right we solve all the World Problems bringing in the biggest geniuses we know ever been on the show. Were going to. A very scary d. Word and that of course is. Joining us former entrepreneur jeff good hes the author of the price of tomorrow why deflation is the key to an abundant future this book has caught fire amongst the community the community all communities its really a fantastic book. Seems wrong. To me but yet to shape out the answer. And indeed equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Again theres been a 3rd night of unrest on the streets of by the roots following the weekends disputed election that handed the countrys longtime leader a 6th term in office 51 people have been hospitalized so far in the last 24 hours according to officials and the son of his main opposition rival meantime has fled to neighboring lithuania now as sporadic crowds increasingly angry at the vote result faced off with riot police using stun grenades and rubber bullets. The turkey. Some protesters tried building barricades only for the police to dismantle them overnight then there was this immense this video apparently of an apartment blocks at a residence trying to stop what appeared to be Police Beating up a protester by throwing a door at them then his claim officers began shooting up at the windows in response and in other developments the internet in belarus fired back up early wednesday morning after being blacked out for days sites might still be cut off again later though depending on the severity of any protests expected again as dusk falls Jacqueline Vogel next takes a look at the restive postelection belarus. Right now the world is being reminded that one man Alexander Lukashenko has ruled belarus for a long 26 years and he intends to add another 5 claiming 80 percent of all the ballots from sundays president ial election have a tick next to his name but thats not something a considerable amount of belorussians believe taking their frustrations onto the streets it started off with a peaceful protests mass of groups coming out and shining flashlights but the tear gas and rubber bullets started flying and chaos has taken hold. There are 2 realities and deloris right now and the 1st there is look shango calling the vote a celebration but one that people are trying to spoil by inciting aggression and spreading misinformation foreign powers media and social Media Channels are to be blamed as well for example theres been claims of russias interference with online posts about Russian Special forces supposedly spotted attacking people on the streets of minsk. Yes. Oh yes just about all that information was later corrected to saying it couldnt be confirmed they were russian once its out there theres no taking it back so look at shingles the reality is that the protestors are bad and the special forces have no choice but to act like this. But only about. 25. 00 Police Officers have been injured legs broken they would deliberately his it so they responded why are you crying you know the response will be adequate so we will not allow you to tear the country apart which is the 2nd reality though is that of the protesters hundreds of thousands flooding the streets of the country calling for the president to step down and contending authoritarian rule but also posting instructions on how to make cocktails on social media accounts were. Just literally playing with fire with tensions so high and while we cant ignore the videos of Police Beating people on the streets we can ignore this clip showing a car ramming into troops in the capital either we havent judging either of the realities but the International Community is condemning the election as neither free nor fair not that they were invited to observe it and theyve also expressed concern over the treatment of journalists trying to cover the unrest. You know really if. You will not leave. So where does that leave go hes a man largely without friends the west still dubbed him europes last dictator while hes slowly pushed away his closest ally russia but nevertheless hes still claiming victory and his political rivals have either been put in jail or fled the country including his opponent in the election so. I took a very difficult decision i did that by myself my Friends Family colleagues and husband did not influence me many will understand me many will judge many will start to hate at this point nothing but chaos reigns in the country nightly protests continue to descend into violence all the president continues to turn the screws on his own citizens everyone is suffering and its not clear who will win if anyone jaclyn very good reporting Political Science professor choke from Moscow State University things both sides are equally guilty at the moment of their own willingness to talk to each other he says. Because it is escalating that means that both sides are short sided hair a lack of Strategic Vision of the situation of. Governmental side it would be wise to ask the opposition to the least of their interests so why they are so keen to get to read off the ball for president lucas and go to the opposition should also try to find a way to be integrated into into own 2 legal political process drive to suggest something that is acceptable to the government but if they Just Exchange an acceptable ideas with a child the inacceptable demands and exaggerated those demands its pretty clear that this imagine with a lot to be accepted by any side big news that even of the Us Democratic partys candidate for President Joe Biden has now picked his running mate camelot harris had been bidens rival for the nomination before dropping and then backing him caleb maupin profiles the woman hoping to be the next v. P. After much anticipation joe biden has finally announced his Vice President ial running mate it will be the california senator kaamelott harris who has a long record in california politics as a prosecutor and an attorney general in the state before rising to the rank of u. S. Senator now whats quite interesting is that she was one of joe bidens opponents for the democratic nomination and on the debate stage among other Democratic Candidates she had some rather harsh words for joe biden she called him out on his record supporting School Segregation and she invoked her own Life Experience to criticize him for it this is what kamel harris said to joe biden you know there was a little girl in california who was part of the fekkai class to integrate her Public Schools and she was bused to School Every Day and that little girl was away now kamel harris is known for playing up the idea that there is some kind of russian conspiracy against her she claims that russian bots were targeting her on the internet that russia was out to get hurt cetera probably the most controversial thing about Camila Harris is her record as a prosecutor in california comma harris locked up the parents of the children things who are truant from school she also jailed thousands of people for the crime of smoking marijuana and then in a recent interview joked about the fact that she smoked marijuana in her south of now Tulsi Gabbert the democratic candidate and u. S. Congresswoman from hawaii called out kamel harris at a debate and significantly hurt her in the polls by highlighting her record as a criminal prosecutor now donald trump has already reacted to the fact that kamel harris was selected as joe bidens running mate heres what he said to me why number one draft pick and well see how she works out she did very very poorly in the. Primaries as you know he was expected to do well. And she. He was right around 2 percent. A lot of money killed a lot of things happening and so i was a little surprised that he picked her so thats donald trump saying that hes pretty surprised in thinking that its not a very strategic choice now whats also interesting to point out is that kamel harris has quite a record when it comes to issues like Police Brutality and mass incarceration she is very much not the favorite candidate of the black lives Matter Movement her record as a prosecutor is all over twitter right now being highly scrutinized she could excite the black vote during the primaries she can excite anybody during the primaries the left of the party the progressives have a lot of ammunition to use against her theyre not happy when she was attorney general and a law enforcer a prosecutor in california they say she was too tough on criminals she was too easy on cops shes a walking contradiction and i think theres going to be a lot of just not excitement for her and that the prospect that she could be president if something happened to biden i think its going to scare a lot of people. More than 5000 files have been recorded in the brazilian amazon since the beginning of august but these are no naturally occurring phenomenon the deliberate deforestation and despite the destruction being globally condemned and largely illegal at the same time the president continues to turn a blind. Eye. To the. First day of finally happened on north of the 10th and 11th last year where social media group coordinates and phone was to burn both pasture and forest areas demonstrate their approval of the anti Environmental Policies that government has been implementing needs or isnt. Back to me to turn to but i learned has the power to record the regenerate other biomes and other eco systems however whats being done today by this fire cannot be estimated at this far has a huge impact especially during the time that were going through a very severe says and with very strong winds in the metaphor so when land specifically exposing small fausto into large ones that postlaunch every aside as many had tests have burned so its a criminal fast. Well thats it for this update reporting from moscow kevin owen here thank you so watching and have a great day. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person with those words. Thinks. We dare to ask

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