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Tuesdays port blasts plaguing years of corruption. And facing facts in paris the french capital enforces mandatory face coverings both indoors and on the streets now sparking a mixed reaction from sweltering parisians of covert cases. It is indeed difficult its uncomfortable it makes it even more see there are many people with chronic virus so its important to wear a mask. Just have to say im here good morning live from art internationals world view center of moscow my names kevin 0 in here for the next half hour with our latest headlines for you starting with this then theres been a further night of disturbances in better roofs in the wake of president looking shown code claiming another landslide election when the result has been disputes. By the opposition at the scene sporadic skirmishes on the street and riot Police Deployed to that unrest has now turned deadly as well we can report one protester was confirmed killed overnight becoming the 1st casualty of a crisis that is unlikely to fade anytime soon. Just take in people that are doing i think you. Will guess your years have come out but i want to leave in a peaceful calm but who is that if you. Will watch the whole march of this mass that is going on can you take i dont understand were told. Its the worst civil unrest has seen since the country emerged from the soviet union nearly 30 years ago one instant side to all this that was filmed seoul riot police try to march a man on to a vehicle but look closely after a little confusion turns out it was just a regular bus much the museum of onlookers when its no laughing matter of course though for the countries watching all this unfold from a far including the u. S. State department chipping in now becoming the latest to criticize whats happening in belarus. The u. S. Is deeply concerned about the conduct of the election which was not free and fair severe restrictions on violence access for candidates intimidation tactics against opposition candidates and detentions of Peaceful Protesters and journalists marred the process along the way to talk about the 30 iran 25. 00 Police Officers have been injured legs hands broken they would deliberately his it so they responded why are you crying the response will be adequate and we will not allow you to tear the country apart. Theres been a number of low level protests from by the russian citizens living abroad here in moscow there was a gathering outside the embassy and it is experts call for change back home a number of russians gathered to demanding the release of russian journalists have been detained him and get latest on that if the trunk is outside said Embassy Warning not the level of whats been seen in belarus of course but do take us through what happened last evening when. Kevin hello there again wall imagine the following situation in a post soviet republic russias western neighbor bellerose on the on one hand the opposition day the gearing up for nationwide protests against a president who is a covert dissident and who has been in power for 25 years and on the other hand the very same man Alexander Lukashenko pretty much saying that he is victorious in a landslide poll where he allowed no International Observers pretty much because of covert now that is ironic and also warning that he wont tolerate anything even close to the my down protests in neighboring ukraine now in these kind of circumstances when the officers seem to have received orders to get hold of pretty much anyone who comes out in the street to voice their discontent journalists probably become the next Vulnerable People after protesters and on monday we got proof of that several journalists were detained some of them violent thief and r t washington correspondent constantine pretty bailo had to spend several hours in up police van heres what he told us about that. Yes but i still thumping i was riot Police Officers whether the road was blocked and they said but no its no come with us they twisted my hands and pushed me into their vehicle 200 or something to them what i thought i should say they didnt beat me hes not they behaved relatively well i was going to run please come and they went to school they put a plastic tonico my hands and that didnt touch me too much it was difficult to breathe so i didnt have enough force to climb on to the vehicle was just thrown into a beating yes kind of. Well a total of more than 20 journalists have been detained so far now i. You have to say that with some of the connection has been lost for more than a day and constantine luckily enough he didnt spend that much time in detention but that is unlike some of my other colleagues and he didnt. Receive that many injuries but we saw one of my colleagues who was an experienced war journalist being carried away seemingly unconscious after being severely beat his name was seen on the big of and i can tell you kevin that right now it is home outside the bell Russian Embassy but on monday night there were russian t. V. Journalists who gathered here to send a strong message to the belorussian authorities that journalists wherever theyre from and whatever theyre doing should be untouched. When it was with me and im renting simeone pigs fly out before going to minsk he texted me if something happens to me send money to my wife yesterday mind i was monitoring events and sorra photo of a being dragged by his hands looks like simul him but not his clothes so i forgot about it and on monday it turns out it was him see one of the dish reception ones that are known and others in the long list of journalists no matter russian are not were being used violence against journalists is not acceptable the are in producer prince and the bands there are observers covering them. While it looks like the opposition has no intention of giving up their protests i can tell you that the telegram channels through which the word was spread only a few days ago some of them were only followed by. 100 or 1000 people now this number has gone up to hundreds of thousands so this is a sign for you on the other hand with these rubber bullets and water can it. Looks like the police tolerate any of that so potentially theres more trouble to come for the people who come out on the streets in belarus and unfortunately for the drawing this is well heres the war on all sides of course is that well keep an eye on it for a significantly more of feedback as well about what happened last night what might be happening later on today let us know if. There was them to see in central moscow what weve been discussing to the developments with a number of analysts is what they told us they thought about the significance of the protests and where it might go now. When you look at pictures coming out. They really look quite spontaneous rather disorganized not really something which is being centrally controlled it is slightly surprising that it got so violent so so quickly if you compare this for instance the crane and the might down protests it a while for the violence to ramp up as this seems to have started on a more violent basis but it seems this time the protests have some legs to them that they have some validity thats not to say that. Could not achieve a total credit go if you wish but at what cost the people in the roots are seeing the examples of protest around the world certainly taking heart from this shingle is blaming outside your stalking protests now hes blaming the polish the czechs the british i mean the signal white view on who is supposed to be meddling in this country if anybody knows been a rooster thats been there its very very time country normally its not known for protests this is out of character for better russians theyre not violent people they certainly would only protest what they would see as something of last resort. Truck in this snakes the lebanese government and the Prime Minister there have resigned after mounting public anger following last choose the devastating chemical explosion the number of deaths is no thought to be over 200 and hundreds of thousands are homeless over it the days of protests as you know is local squarely blame the government citing years of endemic corruption next our middle east correspondent paula reporting from near to one of those overnight disturbances. Situation here is becoming more and more unruly behind you you see Lebanese Police theyve managed to push protesters all the way back from the Parliament Building were now in one of the side streets but there is tear gas and were going to move forward a little bit because rocks are being thrown in our direction by the protesters now the protesters are still out on the streets despite the fact that earlier the lebanese Prime Minister resigned he resigned along with his cabinet but what the protesters here are telling me is that theyre not going to stop taking to the streets until the whole parliament itself resigns so its possible that scenes like this will continue weve witnessed people being wounded again weve witnessed ambulances fearing them to and from the scene so a lot of the same scenes unfolding as weve witnessed over the past 2 days this is violence that started on saturday night more than 700 people have been injured one policeman so far has been killed are no we getting tear gas ok at our break for a moment while i put on my mask and well show you what the last few days of violence have looked like. It. Was. Now people here are calling this a revolution ive been talking to protesters and they say that this revolution is not going to be over as i mentioned until the parliament itself resigns beirut really hasnt witnessed scenes like this in many many years weve had lots of tear gas on the streets there but the camera man was injured at the same time the police are being accused of using Excessive Force and they have it. To using both tear gas and live bullets were going to move forward again because the tear gas are coming in this direction and to some even towards us but as i say the situation in baby to a lot of anger a lot of frustration not only about the explosion at the port but also the whole mismanagement of the government and its failure to take accountability and responsibility this is actually the 2nd governor whos had to resign much of whats. Really a government resign engine or job last year and then really remained was captured if that wasnt you want so it may well be that person you know remains in power as a church of Prime Minister for another 2 so your 4 months serve justice will not be you have to resign they want independent people who have some kind of reputation credibility and accountability so thats once in seconds and as i said earlier was that it seems that people want new parliamentary elections in the hope that new candidates will emerge while the same old problem is the past 30 years and you get a new session you can strongly terrible scenes the theres almost nothing left of the site where nearly 3000. 00 tons of Ammonium Nitrate exploded but the repercussions are being felt across the city and the bigger country the already stretched Health Services found itself overwhelmed with the thousands of injured victims and with thousands of homes and businesses now destroyed its left of incalculable toll on families and their livelihoods like this newlywed couple trying to film the happiest day of their lives as it should have been and indeed who did luckily at least survive what went on around them. Ringback suddenly. On the 9th. All of those little. Upside. Down on live. Shot. Dead be. Out of a hole. Or the other. Must be year. But its what i love here. Joe was all of us in the couldnt have been. That much of the. Play with these filthy joke. But. I did. Like i should be. And hard why i take my home sleep selfwill. Thats what it looks on the time under sail knowledge a lot of. Men dont know. You. Dont haul no fish on. A song because it was. The cause of those sorrow no way every time you see the shock it isnt it but now the investigation needs to establish why it was stalled dangerously for several years and whose responsibility the. Ultimately was the chemicals had been on a cargo ship called the motor vessel but was seized 7 years ago by beirut told officials when that vessel was deemed and see what i think the captain of the ross has talked to through what happened back there. Coming through the routes we notified the ports about the name of the cargo and its classification then we were granted permission to enter a pilot led us to the ports and we talked later we were asked by some people how we had been allowed to enter the port with such a cargo this is prohibited and i was like how could i know we filed all the papers the port control knew where we had been going to and from was what kind of cargo the port knew that the ship was loaded with such a cargo and posed a danger when they found out the owners wish to get the vessel back they seized it if i were them i would give him 100000. 00 just to get rid of that dangerous thing. Because all the stories today for you bring you so much more as well this is coming up after the break the mayor of chicago vows to get tough on sunday nights rioters and looters following a black lives matter protest just one of the stories with me kevin 0 in spent 90 seconds from that. Financial survival today was all about Money Laundering 1st to visit this cash into 3 different. Is a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something over the Cayman Islands or do we know all these banks are complicit in the club doctor so you just have to give him a call and say hey im ready to do some serious Money Laundering ok lets see how we did while we got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacey all beautiful jewelry and how about. Bill again from back to you know what Money Laundering is highly illegal thank you so much. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond short and ill be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you there. I gave her a good morning from russia now as of now in paris Wearing Masks is mandatory both inside and out on the streets its a sweltering summer in the french capital but residents and visitors alike must now adhere to the strict new rules to combat the spread of coronavirus theres been a post looked on record in the daily infections rate there with more than 2000 logged on friday penskes in paris for us. The french capital has become the latest city to make wearing a face mask a bleak a tree doors now in certain parts of paris and its suburbs its no longer only shops and enclosed public spaces where youll need one of these meaning on this street i can walk freely without a mask but as i turn here i am compelled to mask. Areas indicated on this map in red show where the new rules will be enforced the aim is to slow down there is im sure of the covered 1000 a 2nd wave is expected there is an urgent need to strengthen prevention measures if we do not want a new lockdown as well as Outdoor Markets and the busy streets wearing the mask is now a bleak victory for anyone walking here along the banks of the sen some are room ready ignoring it with paris in the grip of a heat wave some have questioned the logic behind that decision so. Especially here yesterday i think it was 40 degrees so the mosque is home to tell you it is indeed difficult to swear its uncomfortable it makes it even more sikh what i dont invest in the decision because we already work only this mosque but to street we are not in contact with other people. Know the people who is coronavirus suicide boards and to wear a mask good health i see that on the streets a lot of people dont wear masks i dont think the. Checks will be carried out to ensure compliance but in other french cities more extreme measures are being taken. For. Your vehicle here in nice cameras. Equipped with the loud speaker being used in a bid to remind people that masks must be worn so much have questioned the scientists behind the mask wiring in an open environment so far no cluster originating from an open environment has been revealed in france while a recent japanese study estimated that you are almost 20 times less likely to contract the virus outside civic to the best because it is true that Wearing Masks is important as they protect others and ourselves so what is difficult to accept is that masks are bigger in some places where we are not in danger and where we wouldnt put others in danger we jurists might find it confusing when they come here and there monitored by cameras obliged to wear masks and kyrillos just remind everybody that just and i know it is annoying but i wear a mask even 30 degrees i because that just janet home to not be the worst i can think mosques are effective in crowded places public transport on main street or in shopping. Even the French Health minister has conceded that masks often told to the transmission of. The. Advice is to stand from need to hang on the french need to. Have seen the increase in the circulation of the virus in france in europe and in the world and japan for example is facing a resumption of the circulation of the virus despite the wearing of mosques including in the outside. But a sprawling struggles to administer enough tests to keep up with the demand and the countrys top scientific body warning that the battle could be the last moment to control the spread of the virus its possible that politicians feel the need to be seen doing something even if that something in this case wearing a mosque outdoors leaves many doubt to show that. All. See paris. The mayor of chicago says shes coming for looters and riots is the ravage the city on sunday night its something of a turnaround then for laura like food previously opposed president trumps tough measures to americas treat each of us has got this report for you. Today many waking up to shock and devastation chaos erupting in the streets of chicago overnight hundreds of looters descending on the citys upscale magnificent mile and other shopping areas smashing windows and clearing out high end stores and what appeared to be orchestrated attacks these individuals in case we can only be described as brazen and extensive criminal looting and destruction and to be clear this had nothing to do with will determine protected 1st amendment expression the destruction on folding just hours after a suspect fired at a Police Officer who then shot him authorities arresting more than 100 people while at least 13 officers were injured Chicago Police superintendent david brown calling the acts peer criminality criminal took to the street with the confidence that there will be no cause for confidence consequences for their actions. And i want to refuse to allow these cowardly acts to hold our city hostage. Will not stand by heres our beautiful downtown become some place that people fear meantime over to Portland Oregon that city declared yet another right on sunday while protesters blocked roads is that dumpster fires as they march to the Police Union Building where a fire was started in one of the offices and i earlier. Several people seen lighting fires and throwing objects at officers the clashes occurring not even 2 weeks after federal officers left the city following weeks of violent clashes between them and protesters local leaders hope the withdrawal would content is between Law Enforcement and demonstrators. 6 gold hours including saudi arabia have bucked extending an arms embargo on iran in a letter to the u. N. A u. S. Resolution said to be put to the vote later this week but its widely expected to hit a veto hoodlum the Security Council meantime starting work as Washington Special envoy for iran is a veteran diplomat with quite a track record as dont quarter explain. I mean washingtons friendly new envoy to iran mr Elliott Abrams who once had this to say a military strike at Irans Nuclear facilities should be viewed as a realistic option hes anything but the new kid on the block though in fact hes got a very long record of being not exactly diplomatic. You might have heard about his most recent exploits in venezuela where he was appointed on boy just weeks before the failed coup against president Nicolas Maduro no dictatorship lasts for going on the sanctions there are plans to reinforce the effort the purpose of the effort is to diminish the Resources Available to the regime its very hard i would say for me to see. A dictator such as from the girl can really have a role to play in the building of a democratic venezuela. But venezuela wasnt elliots only latin american adventure back in the 1980 s. He played an enterable part in trying to overthrow the governments of el salvador and nicaragua im quite amala for Ronald Reagans administration. It appears to be an incident which is at least being significantly misused at the very best by the guerrillas. Last but definitely not least a twist the iran contra affair when the Us Government facilitated the sale of weapons to iran and hoped to use the profits to fund drug smuggling concert rebels fighting the socialist government in nicaragua although the Reagan Administration was able to skirt the borders of legality abrams admittedly guilty. To lying to congress about it and was given a free pass by president george h. W. Bush i fail to understand why members of this committee or the American People should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful washington says abrams is its new envoy but for turan its anything but new no difference between john bolton and brian hooker abrams when it comes to the us iran policy american officials have bitten off more than they could chew same applies to my pump a 0 donald trump and successes in addition to promising to suffocate iran with maximum pressure sanctions trump still hasnt provided a Better Nuclear Deal than the one he took the us out of 2 years ago but who knows given another 4 years and maybe itll get done if and when we will. We will make deals with the rand very quickly washingtons been flopping sanctions that embargoes on iran for decades and you know what the countrys still kicking but dont worry throwing another war hawk at iran will work this time washington promises. And all. Official intelligence is becoming more and more ubiquitous in riverdale you might think then that. Likely exempt at least from my positions of racial bias but it seems not the case a British University Study Suggests machines are not immune to prejudice. The presentations of advantage and machines and all of future of them are defrosted for the white racial frame their white his a proxy for color curse uses tattoos and potential. Landing suggested well but quite clearly i was hoping to see you again pick a fingerpicking as your friend to drop over. And get in the cell to censure you city for i just feel you. Can. Do. You mind if i ask you a personal 1st thank you please wait as your operating system is initiated. Hello im here. First series youre the best fakes mr big and beautiful. In cases where this is true suresh honest its wide and it could have dangerous consequences for human the tend not to perceive the whiteness of a guy and you dont make it one difficult for people of color to advance in the field

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