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Discusses the difficult choice facing American Voters with philosopher and political activist cornell west. An architect. Of just mass incarceration system in the modern world but. Its. Going to disaster. The social media giants go on a purge of counting think. Its Conspiracy Theory and a move critics say will only bolster its supporters by confirming that fear. Thanks for joining us this is our teens and. Well start with lebanon whose company trying to get back on its feet after the devastating explosion there on tuesday the number of people killed. The massive blast is where isnt the 154 with thousands more injured search and rescue teams are still clearing rubble in the hope of finding more survivors with scores of people remaining missing explosion shock wave wreaked havoc across the city destroying buildings businesses and homes in its wake United Nations has warned of a humanitarian crisis some 300000 people in need of aid and shelter to correspond i think is done ive spoke to one family whove been left without a roof over their head. This bus station used to be one of the routes main public transport hubs it was far from an anonymous depo know thousands of people used it to travel all around the country before the coronavirus. Amid all havoc you can still pinpoint the telltale signs of peoples panic of their rush to leave the area as they were caught up in the blast there are documents left behind on car seats there are luggage bags all over the place and in cars with everything still inside hence the heavy Army Presence we had to get through a number of military checkpoints on the way here they are warning of marauders and looters but as people ran hundreds of thousands found out they may have no longer a place to call home the son who lives a few 100 metres from the pool it felt something was wrong before the main lost says this never again. Is that. You hear that. Their work or the story goes forward only if. There was a good month. For me because these dams are covered. There. You flew as you say. To that. You have no gas now in oregon. Nothing nothing at all its all for the. Coming because this isnt going to cause this is you guys son and his wife with no means to mend their apartment by themselves are telling me they are ready to leave the ruins of no help comes and they are among the lucky ones the actually have someplace else to strive for a better life lebanon already home to syrian and Palestinian Refugee camps now may need a camp for its own people with over 300000 displaced by the blast because donna from beirut in lebanon. For some locals the day was meant to be a big event for a very different reason heres the moment a wedding photo shoot was suddenly turned to cayle spot a blast. And that the World Health Organization is warning the beiruts Health Care System has been badly compromised and are already being put under severe pressure by the covert 1000. 00 pandemic on top of that the destructive explosion and choose they put 3 hospitals out of action medics are working round the clock to save the lives of those seriously injured in the tragedy here is one heroic nurses story. When the explosion went off the ground shook beneath the blast held me into another room i opened my eyes and found myself covered with rubble i found my colleagues and friends line here on the ground covered in blood. In. The Neonatal Intensive Care Units were covered in rubble as well i started pulling me going south of the units i was terrified because i thought the babies might be crushed under the rubble but thank god they were ok then i took them for this corridor and down 4 flights of stairs. I carried the babies and i was determined to take them to another hospital the only way less than 2 kilograms they had nothing on them except died people on the street give me the t. Shirts and clothes so i could read him you simply didnt hear the cons to buy he on t. V. I was holding the 3 babies and i didnt know if i was going to be able to rescue them nor the times counting the heads on my chest to make sure they were still there. Meanwhile the leaders a lebanese political or military Group Hezbollah has made his 1st public appearance since explosion in beirut hassan nostra la called the incident an exceptional event in lebanons modern history and rejected any claims of hezbollahs involvement. But this move that by obama was an accident or was something launched deliberately no one no local and arab Media Outlets as well as people in social media have started talking for knowing anything directly about what happened he only wanted to highlight one end of this was the fault of hezbollah and pass the message to be root and all in a release people we respect Public Opinion and i can declare that we had nothing to do with this and our struggle was not at all eluding and this is interesting the more that levanon is once again full of all kind of conspiracy theorists out fortunately and you see all kinds of claims and need your etc which i dont share at all because. There are there is no reasoning at all why there should be and in all meant so it is very interesting that. Speech rejecting of the even silencing kinds of rumors and conspiracies this is a good sign. No matter who wins the next us president ial election the hurrican National Counterintelligence Security Center apparently knows already which external actor is to blame if trump wins thank the russians if biden the chinese or the iranians both the latest statement by the centers director says that there are many foreign actors that quote have a preference over the Election Results the same and warns us voters that china views trump as unpredictable and doesnt want him to win as for russia according to the press releases deploying various tools against joe biden and iran could undermine the whole of american democracy going underground talk to american philosopher and political activist cornell west about the upcoming real election and also the movement is a pretty. Ive got to say angela davis on this show endorsed endorsed joe biden in november no im chomsky has endorsed joe biden do you think that joe biden will save us from another Nuclear Conflagration as we commemorate the dead of hiroshima where you know my dear brother wanted the ginger use it did mon go because. Were all of course now weve got it down to military units round were russia and china to get 3030. 00 weve got 4800. 00 military units in the whole world including the United States are there more senior legacy is one in which we have to take very seriously the real issue into poverty and all that militarism at home and abroad i can never endorsed an architect of the largest mass incarceration system in the modern world will target poor people disproportionate black brown poor people i had a choice between a deal liberal disaster that you know asked yes i would go to the older will disaster thats about me americans are sick impact is a spiteful impact its a most unpleasant empire weve got another wonderful human being on the inside weve got some movement on the inside weve got a magnificent courageous and visionary citizen on the inside but we are losing. We are losing were resisting but were still losing the greed the hatred wall street pentagon is they are in control of the empire and. What is different about these uprisings since whats in los angeles united 65 and before and after the beautiful thing is that you have. Coming together and making the connection between not just police power and Police Murder but the tweet police least murder wall street car wall street crimes and pentagon power and pentagon crimes once you make those connections and connect to the most cheap make them out the mix made another big make the family look rabbi abraham dos were. Able to make. Greatest intellectual alone with no chance and been making for most of his intellectual life will once every day people begin to make those connections then were on to something those can actually be made more now than they were before. Facebook has become the latest social media platform to crack down on q. R. Non conspiracy content after deleting group with some 200000 members for violating the platforms guidelines believers of the fringe of foreign Conspiracy Theory have been voicing their support for President Donald Trump head of novembers election result a stunnel quarter explains the movement has only grown despite being snubbed by the political and media elites. In the world of q. And a not labeled by the u. S. Government as one of the most dangerous conspiracy theories of all time humanity is at war and President Trump is here to save it he went on which essentially believes the entirety of the Democratic Party are conspiring and running an underground pedophile sex trafficking ring pacifically would cue in on is a free nation in which many baseless conspiracy theories are discussed on the internet the synergy of interest in q one comes as the u. S. Skews a predilection a few years ago it was a fringe theory and tomorrow the headlines will be massive protests a few is a bunch of people there on the inside to the good guys and they know the real story whats going on and its all about in the deep state its not in the spirit of fact donald trump was picked by military leaders to run for president as a way to kind of bring down the deep state its still on the f. B. I. s list of domestic terror threats but as of late its been entering into the mainstream even made an appearance on americas most watched Television Network q. Can do some crazy stuff with the pizza stuff and the way for stuff but theyve also uncovered a lot of great stuff when it comes to epstein and it comes with a deep state 2020 has been a year like no other and when big events happen people look for explanations so it should come as little surprise that politicians are looking to capitalize on that sentiment around 70 former and current congressional candidates have already given their public approval would you consider yourself a follower of you and on what does that mean. Well i think what we need to recognize and actually most people do know a lot about it is that there is a deep state that exists its not clear whether these people really believe in q. A. Non or theyre just trying to win some political points but whatever the case queuing on has some seriously high profile supporters and the media is raising the alarm over it but for many q. A nons rise in popularity is the result of that media went on is this just in a mall the mace you know all of the greatest conspiracy theories thrown into one big elite ive only been actively posting it say for the past couple of months but the response is insane constantly focusing airtime on attacking the president could very well have pushed Trump Supporters to more radical ideas and a ministration defined by ignorance of the world so thats partly him playing to their base and playing to their audience you know the credulous boomer rube demo that backs on all trolled combine that with the violence many people are facing in the us and you have yourself a very alley and dating situation if you have a group of people who say that there are insidious forces working against them to keep the word of trump from being disseminated and their band yes that fuel that that shows them your right when you are being overwhelmed right now by everything that is so not just left wing but radically left wing the only response that people can have the only rational response that many many people can add to that is a pendulum swing to the rate which might be which might lead to a some case an over exuberant. To robust embrace of war law and order and rules and regulations in policing and that may be fine for some people. But. Point must be made that you were going to be encouraging people and recruiting more americans or more voters to take on positions that a few years ago they might not positions that many many people today would be considering the right way or even ultra right or fringe right whatever that means. Next thing with Us International this morning more news coming your way after this short break. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. A short time ago and american way up the war on hiroshima. Standing up kind any. Girl can stand. On there and you know you. Can its. Like most americans growing up after the war the bombs were a great thing they ended the war they say hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides and thats what my grandfather always said was his reason for the decision. Truman was hoping for a dual strategy one was to drop the bombs and hope that japan would surrender and number 2 the americans were trying to send a message to the soviet union there was american poor planning in october 1045 chosen 20 targets in russia. Welcome back the question of language discrimination is being raised in germany after a 9 Year Old Girl was punished for speaking her native turkish language in the School Playground the parents are now planning to sue the school over the incident and your correspondent peter oliver has the story. Theres a rout brewing in southwest germany over the languages spoken in school its after a 9 Year Old Girl was given this punishment essay to write to speak turkish the children speak German School in germany a definition language is german you want us to speak german the schools are german if we speak turkish the children wont understand us were not allowed to speak our mother 10 so we can speak german thats all i know the local School Authority told r. T. That the german only policy is in place so that everyone students and teachers all speak a common language 43 percent of children are from migrant backgrounds so its important for everyone to speak the same language so the school can fulfill its Educational Mission the rule we all speak german is also part of the class rules a school which drawn up jointly by all pupils and explained at parents evenings it was agreed that in the event of a violation of this rule an essay on the topic why we speak german at school must be written thats not good enough for the family all their lawyer he says that this rule targets the turkish language in particular it was didnt we. The school bring this talking for example through english or who in french of whom chinese or through latin i cannot believe that it would say this is what weve been. Dont do this every teacher would say and show this person as an example or. The family or want to know if there was an on equal treatment or. You can not so be it. In your Mother Tongue you know and this of course affects all your purse no or your identity and also. Its human rights of you. And constitutional law there was not such a general rule to solve only in a german language in the School Building and also this issue which happen was. One by one situation between 2 students with chills issue origin and such a situation i think it was not lawful to give a async jim like this school and also the government was the president of this and so now they are not replying our a p u n a leftist and be the next logical step if they dont. Respond to all of those. The legal action underlying this situation leaves everything in a very messy place stuck between a German Schools insistence on german being spoken and respect for the languages of the many different groups that make up modern day germany peter all of our r. T. Early. In the day now on the passenger jet disaster in india have fishes confirmed 8 people were killed after the plane skidded off the runway as it tried to land in the Southern State of 127 people were injured among the dead are both the pilots India Express jet was returning from dubai carrying 190 passengers home after they were left stranded overseas by the coronavirus pandemic the boeing 737 broke into 2 pieces after it left the runway at high speed officials suspect the tragedy was caused by heavy rain and Poor Visibility though a further investigation is yet to be carried out indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sent his condolences to the families of the victims. Chinese video showing out tick tock says that it could go to court over u. S. Sanctions on trump issued 2 executive orders thursday banning all transactions with the owners of tick tock and we chat those restrictions will take effect next month r. T. Americas boom bust looks into the conflicts. As you know that will have major competent consequences for companies u. S. Companies especially apple even though apple is not owned by tens and but apple will be the most affected because if we is removed from the Apple App Store no chinese citizen will be by another apple i phone because it is integral to everyday life style of virtually everybody in china and ironically as apple sales decline the biggest winner and biggest benefactor would actually be while way the chinese saying they want to be fair if so goody goody lets be fair they can open up their market to c. N. N. B. B. C. Washington post New York Times wall street journal and i could go on theyre not they dont allow us to skype and they dont allow Google Search so lets go back and say you want to be fair this is how we can be said christie made a very good point about the fact that the irony of it is actually while weigh them will become stronger in china but the thing is its the chinese also that are scared of the chinese are so scared thats why they banned even facebook on top of all the things i mentioned so whats important here so look at fairness the chinese have never been fair thats not my personal opinion thats just the simple fact they can open up their markets and open up ours i think john was one of the 1st president s to actually say wait a 2nd were not going to do this here if we cant do that there thats what hes been saying whether its the e. U. Or whether its china lets be fair open up china and have a different discussion but theyre not going to do that this ban is coming from the same place as the ban on the hallway its a place of fear that the u. S. Is no longer the global dominant tech innovate of the world the u. S. Has led Tech Innovation for the last couple of decades but recently ever since the rise of the rise of 5 g. That growth in the u. S. Has dominance on communications with the rise of tik tok that there in the u. S. Is dominance and social media and eroded on its influence and finally we chat and the u. S. Is dominant in the area of Digital Payments and then tech so Everybody Knows that the future is tech and whoever dominates tech will be the next superpower. Amid the Global Pandemic the family of one russian girl has been struggling to obtain the medicine she needs its unavailable as International Flights have been cancelled and one of the Russian Health ministry now says the drug can be sent by charter flight next tuesday. The woman you saw and has already undergone to operations to remove the tumor and 2 rounds of camera therapy the growth of the tumor was stopped but it was not completely removed. Raised 1000000 roubles in record time the whole region took part in the collection in april she was ready for hospitalization she was expected at a federal clinic for therapy. Due to the lockdown it was impossible to deliver the drug and it is still impossible because there are no flights. Carriages either today thanks for joining us here are not international but by with more than half an hour. As the u. S. Economy was booming doing numbers of people when they need hum. You can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of it is were not financially equality and the lack of Affordable Housing for a living minimum wage gave many people new choice you know theres been a problem with the city knows turn limits and told me stay away almost. 2 sins of the food the food is nowhere because yes the requires resource the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become invisible cops. Show seemed wrong why dont we all just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out these days become active. And engaged because the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. I. This is us the one business show you cant afford to miss friendship or in washington coming up u. S. President general trying to sign an executive order to crack down on other chinese apps marking a new turn of the tech war between the u. S. And china straight ahead we take a deep dive into the move and what it means for geo political relations plus as so much of our lives have moved online because of the covert 1000 pandemic could we see the term internet celebrity taken to a new level well well find out we have a packed show today so lets dive right in and we lead the program with the latest on the back and forth between the u. S. Government and chinese social media apps u. S. President donald trump signed a pair of executive orders thursday that would impose new limits on tick tock and we checked the orders will ban people in the u. S. Or subject to the laws of the United States from transacting with the china based owners of these apps taking effect 45. 00 days from the signing now the order involving tech talk makes official the president s calls for a u. S. Tech company to buy the social media app or it will be banned from operating in the us take tax Parent Company by day its said the action was done without due process process adding that legal action would be taken if the company did not get fair treatment from u. S. Officials the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also weighed in on the situation friday morning. Just cause enjoys abundant support until she can find little support to put its own enters the market for International Rules and will conduct future manipulation and your detriment of. American users and companies who only lead to moral. Klein emitting tarnishing and International Trust that it will eventually face the consequences which is itself there which aspect is a new bring cold to the ongoing tensions between the u. S. And china now the messaging app is owned by one of chinas Largest Tech Companies 10 cent and boasts one

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