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Think about it the white house is openly collaborating with a Us Company Microsoft to buy part of ticktock which we have banned so if its so bad that it has to be banned why are we buying it or did we ban it so we could buy it. Seems to defy the very free market principles that we tend to stand for and of which we often accuse china just saying. But im not going to go there im going to go there i want to tell you about Something Else Something Else that is taking place as we speak that the media world tends to not be reporting on. You know were always hearing about how Chinese Companies are stealing this and stealing bad and stealing our Technology Well i want you to listen to this hey siri. Call and. You know you can. There you go and siri you know it right its a technology thats become part of our new normal anywhere in the world. And guess what. It may not be an american invention. A chinese Artificial Intelligence Company Named chow why his father a lawsuit against apple for stealing it they say they patented this Voice Recognition technology back in 2012 the one that we now know as siri that little thing i just did that you all do everybody does it i guess it goes back to 2012 but now alas the Chinese Supreme Court has ruled on the case and they say that the challenge patent was indeed valid they say its valid so once again heres the question is it possible that apple has violated the free market principles that we portend to uphold and has it blatantly done what we accuse china of doing ok its a question an important question on that were going to drill down on as we kick things off right here in the news with rick sanchez where we believe simply time to do news again. Ok here we go with a list of the questions we think youll be asking tomorrow china asking whos stealing technology from whom new documents on this what was bill clue what was bill clinton doing on epsteins private island. And then why is iran accusing a u. S. Citizen other u. S. Group of International Terrorism. Lets get right to it with a somewhat counterintuitive report about a lawsuit where a Chinese Company is saying that a u. S. Company stole its technology and not just any technology again its siri a virtual and global household name if you will can you imagine what this must be worth this siri thing lets ask our panel joining us now chrystia boom bust George Galloway who joins us from the u. K. As a former member of parliament i dont know christine what would you say i mean if you have to put a number on it what would you say that Syria Technology would be worth i mean this is a voice right were talking about Voice Recognition patterns so this is everything from like theory to even Microsofts Cortana and this isnt the 1st lawsuit that apple has faced apple has faced several multibillion dollar lawsuits in the past from everyone with qualcomm all the way to cal tech so its not a stretch to think that apple had indeed in french on this patent because it could be a Large Corporation such as apple such as google they are now increasingly engaged in what were calling efficient and frenchmen and which they choose to actively infringe on other peoples patents because it costs less they will pay less money in a Court Order Judgment and then improperly negotiated license agreement so this is interesting George Galloway for years weve heard that the Chinese Tech Companies were stealing our secrets and now were hearing that they kind of goes both ways do you believe it does. Well the bible wrong about this 2000 years ago when the book of the man who is constantly referring to the the mood. d of his brother was that the beam in his or. The reality is these things. Both ways. Trade wars and sanctions and. Our swords with 2 edges and it might just be the opposite feels the edge know all the chinese side all the my overwhelming feeling is that its a pit bulls just couldnt get along making money and spreading the knowledge is across the world which is of course the traditional boss of the United States and as you just pointed out in your introduction and by the way i just joined today the book they tried to buy and own was schools to the top of the bestseller lists but the idea of the white house microsoft and now collaborating to buy a company they themselves have done well not takes the biscuit im going to sit right proving once again that you george and certainly christy are both much more cool than i am you already have a tic toc a fountain account and yet ive failed to do so yet christi how about this lets move to the conversation i know i said i dont want to talk about it too much but it does seem curious doesnt it but the an added states or the white house in cooperation with microsoft would seemingly ban a company and then have microsoft come in and buy it is a protectionist and is very protectionist and i think that this was the only way that the that they were able they were able to issue this ban on tech because when china decided to ban facebook they did that also under the guise of National Security and it was also a very protectionist move but they banned facebook early on before facebook was able to gain any traction with in china so by banning facebook there wasnt a huge uproar from the community banning take talk in the u. S. At this current day and age when everybody is joining at calvery just joining it already when so many people are already on the pop and their Revenue Streams to all of these end of each. Ones who are take talk leaders that is here taking away and income source to all of these creators so this is the only way that theyre able to band under the guise of National Security of course and also be able to buy it by having and not a u. S. Company control it im sitting here as a citizen of the United States in america or a citizen of a Great Britain and every time i turn on the news whether its the b. B. C. Or c. N. N. Or one of these folks theyre always telling me how bad china is and that china is always stealing and that theyre not a real economy and that they dont believe in free market principles like we do but you know we keep seeing these stories that seem to allude to the fact that were violating the same free market principles that we accuse them of so george how do we as citizens of these great democracies unlike china as were told understand this and put it in perspective. When im sold rick i can remember when exactly the same accusations were made against japan believe me my father going to rest his soul would never buy anything japanese and always said theyd stolen all from us and we just have to go with the flow get with the Program China manufacture so on the gargantuan level the biggest manufacture are in the world and that isnt going to change much more sinister by the way it would be if the u. S. Bound to talk in order to drive the price down so that the microsoft could buy more without would be piracy break in great not capitalism and i think thats the feeling that many people in the world will have we cant tell the waves to go by the waves that china is a major manufacturing power is innovative howard walking with a vast internal market and the biggest exports in the world isnt going to change my feeling better get along with them rather of than try to fight them. Along with every word of. Every one. Will. Believe you know kristie you and i have had conversations and youve shared with me that you still have some family members that talk to your family members here in the states as a chinese american can you make us try to understand the other side of the question i just asked george how do try there are cheaters in our lives in this case absolutely because this is actually the 1st time that you have a chinese social media platform grow and outpace Us Technology social media such as twitter Instagram Facebook and thats a scary thing for the u. S. Because that means that they have fallen behind in payments they have fallen behind in the car to currency wars they fall behind in 5 g. As weve spoken so much before and social media was one of the biggest high growth avenues in tech because social media is now a part of our daily lives it controls news Media Shopping images Information News that we share how we communicate to each other its a plethora of information thats why facebooks data harvesting is so valuable and now take talk is growing the same way and faster than facebook so this cell in the u. S. Is finding themselves in a very uncomfortable situation which is why they kind of have to kind of steal take talkback to america and that is the way that a lot of Chinese People are viewing this one that theyre viewing it as the u. S. Is stealing technology that is homegrown and idea that was made in china but also on the flip side of it a lot of chinese locals are also very angry at the c. E. O. For now bowing to the u. S. And by under pressure so we are feeling him as a traitor. Its always fascinating to be able to look at stories in a different way and by different i mean by looking at through perhaps another persons eyes and thats why were so glad we had this conversation George Galloway christiane remarkable great talk pretty sure that both of you thank you the world wants to know what is in the hundreds of documents that are now finally being released in the case of child rapist and sex trafficker. Jeffrey have stated the reason the documents are being released is because there are going to be necessary to prosecute his fix or delay in maxwell so what are we learning so far heres our to correspondent john hardy. Orgies with european models by the pool sexual encounters and escapades under beachside could banas on Jeffrey Epsteins private island just some of the stories to come out in a trove of newly released documents unsealed by the court they stem from a defamation suit by for junior roberts who frey against giving maxwell in 2016 and settled for an undisclosed sum of money in 2017 who freys testimony in 2016 describes abstain and maxwell as a toxic team that repeatedly exploited and abused her would do for a saying maxwell quote brought me in for the purpose of being trafficked since then the allegations of abuse manipulation and sex trafficking of roberts who frey and dozens of other young women and underage girls have been well publicized the latest document dump just adds to the cd and sordid story with a described me a constant rotation of young women and girls coming through abstains various properties including his infamous pedophile island there a coup for a describes a collection of young european looking models who she says write a russian or checklist of hockey and judging by their language and flown in by epstein having sex with maxwell by the pool side and under beach ca ban is on his private beach to fray also claims some of epsteins rich and powerful friends spent time with him and his collection of girls on the island including Prince Andrew who frey says she spent 2 days alone with at epsteins new mexico ranch saying quote my job was to entertain him and leslie whether that meant taking him horseback riding or giving him sexual massages andrew has denied any wrongdoing the documents also included emails. Between epstein and maxwell in january 2015 contradicting maxwells claims she hadnt had contact with epstein in a decade with that scene writing to maxwell and one that she had quote done nothing wrong urging her to start acting like it go outside head high not as an escape in convict but maxwell remains locked up an 8 by 10 foot jail cell under 24 hour supervision at the maximum security metropolitan Detention Center in brooklyn she was denied bail and roll remained there through her trial next year while so much about maxwell and epsteins life has already been made public maxwell did win one small victory though with the judge agreeing for now anyway to keep details about her sex life unsealed though so much is already known and has already been said and alleged still knox was lawyer argues the potentially embarrassing details could make it difficult if not impossible to find an impartial jury one difficult job along with perhaps the most important right now keeping goalie maxwell alive long enough to face that jury for the news with Rick Sanchez John hardy oh good stuff really comprehensive story well done john hardy says the news of rick sanchez youre watching our special coverage when we come back this is an interesting counterintuitive story coming out of iran where the iranians are accusing the u. S. Group of International Terrorism you heard right go look into that well be right back dont go away. I like it when the hosts ask the question for the guests and then actually listens to the guests answer and then react to that answer a folks Dennis Miller here ive got a new show. Im a journalist its all i know being a truth teller people say i make among come from good news is like a jackhammer good drill down and they find the truth Newt Gingrich because its time to do news again and question more. Glisten stumbling online algorithms dictate what you get to want to go to portable dot tv slash download to get killer television its completely separate im talking Award Winning comedy awesome Sports Coverage inside so fresh still tastes like raspberries on a spring day take so hot theyll burn your face off thousands of videos more added by the hour did i mention 3 its a yes 3 go go get it portable t. V. Be your questions birth new question. Number its as stars and endless as the sea and bring you all in Sight Distance death and. If drive all that remains in question. On larry king question by listening learning you know ive always said i never learned anything when i was talking its important to listen. Questioning more. Hey welcome back im rick sanchez heres another counterintuitive story this one is a coming out of iraq the country that the United States has perennially referred to as the axis of evil and the instigator of International Terrorism is now accusing a u. S. Group of International Terrorism inside of iraq so whats the charge and who are they accusing heres arties. With the details. It was a terrorist attack that shook he ran in 2814 people were killed and over 200 wounded when a bomb went off at a mosque in the south need city of shiraz the group blamed for the terrorist attack is known as thunder a u. S. Backed organization that he ran says was involved in several attacks on its territory including the assassination of a Nuclear Scientist tom dart is a pro markets group that wants to topple the current government in iran their goal is to restore a ransom monarchy which ended in 1989 to me just before the Islamic Revolution people commonly blamed on the u. S. And british meddling according to radian officials tunde are is the most of violence prone of a number of pro markets groups that now youre reading Officials Say they have captured the leader of the Terror Organization should share maad although it is not known exactly where or how he was arrested the iranians say it came as a surprise to the u. S. And its key ally in the middle east according to irans intelligence minister mahmoud a lobby the reason why they 1st denied his arrest was that they knew he was strongly supported by american and Israeli Services and they considered it unlikely for Irans Intelligence Ministry to be able to penetrate their umbrella of support and operates. Inside the Islamic Republic of iran to a complicated operation. Also known as the Kingdom Assembly of iran is based in Los Angeles California and many believe its budget is supported by the u. S. Government while the u. S. And its allies are quick to point out he ran for being a state sponsor of terrorism the west is known to back similar groups to push forward its own agenda when it comes to iran but aside from tony it is well known that america has put its support behind that militant group mek also known as the peoples Mujahedeen Organization of the rand the group which has killed american citizens is deemed a terrorist organization in iran and iraq while garnering the support of u. S. Officials ranging from mike pompei o 2 Rudy Giuliani to john bolton in fact the group often described as a terror cult was taken off the u. S. State departments terror group list in 2012 by none other than Hillary Clinton and this is not the 1st time a terror group that was once an enemy to the u. S. Was later embraced as an ally the corsa Liberation Army described by president clinton special envoy to the balkans Robert Gilbert as without any questions a terrorist group was taken off the list in 1908 by clinton himself the organization has been linked to everyone from bin laden to International Drug cartels then of course there is isis and al qaida both who many argue were brought to life and nurtured by the u. S. And allies at different times echoing the u. S. Call for he ran to take responsibility for its involvement with terrorist organizations now he ran is making a similar request in Irans Foreign Ministry spokesman slammed the u. S. For hosting and its leader sharm odd saying washington must be responsible for supporting terrorist groups which are inside of this country and carry out and lead terrorist acts against the radiant people so far d. C. Has not replied for news with rick sanchez im alex my love it certainly gives you a different perspective on things doesnt it if nothing else. So theres this a prison riot in georgia to tell you about this one seems to be ripped from the script of a made for hollywood blockbuster over the weekend guards were stabbed one prisoners near waycross georgia were attacking authorities there lets go to a ben swan hes joining us now from atlanta with some details on the so whats the deal ben what do we know about this thing yes we know the prison itself which is in south georgia houses about 1500 inmates it has 15 guards at a time monitoring them we dont know how this thing started but we do know that as you mentioned 2 guards were stabbed a golf cart was set on fire windows were broken and apparently it was put down with guards coming in and using rubber bullets so 3 in they were injured during that nobody was seriously injured through all of this but right now even right now that prison is on lockdown rick down in south georgia you know its funny weve been seeing a lot of reports about the situation with prisons since the covert 19 situation developed i think a lot of it having to do with the fear factor added to already the fear factor of being inside of a prison do we have any sense that this might very well be related to the. So there is talk that it is a couple of interesting things here so about 3 weeks ago there was an inmate who was murdered in that prison as a result of that the entire prison went into lockdown its been in lockdown for about 3 weeks now during that time we know that at least 20 of the supporting to the prison 22 prisoners have come down with corona virus coated 19 and apparently tensions are very high over that now we dont know that thats the cause of this but we do know that tensions were high as a result and because there is a lot of cell phone video from inside the prison during the riot because prisoners were using Facebook Live to stream essentially what was happening really and hear people talking of lives matter theyre talking about the fact that inmates are being injured theres a video that includes a man being carried away by 2 other inmates as hes bleeding there is a video of a man one of the inmates who is recording everything talking to his family and saying in case something happens to me i just want you to know that i love you they are facebook there was a Facebook Live of about 5 or 6 different videos being taken from inside the prison as it happened you know its interesting but it kind of makes sense right because the rest of us are told look we cant go to small gatherings or we cant go to gatherings where people are in a confined space a building of churches and cool all of these things and the way to deal with it is just not to do it you know stay at home or you know go to the park or something but in a prison it seems to be a very appear to me of what were not supposed to do a bunch of people all housed in one place and its not like you just let them all go. Now its not like you can let them all go and the reality is that the situation in terms of clearly innocence out of a prison is very low so in a lot of prisons there are shortages of of hand so for instance there wont be any hand soap available even though were told the council they wash their hands you cant give everyone face masks because obviously those can be used as weapons. Theres a theres a lot of issues here about how do you keep people distance from each other away from each other and keep them safe theres a lack of medicine theres a lack of medical supplies in prisons so its not as if you know as we would see on t. V. Its an easy situation to control its not easy at all as we said 22 inmates so far have been confirmed with that and we dont even know how many others might have to be asymptomatic you know how do you keep people away from each other in a place thats designed to confine people close to each other thats right thats right i think thats thats kind of the primary issue here we do know you know throughout the country weve seen different prisons who have released nonviolent offenders during this time but you know thats an obviously not happening in this case and certainly when you have a situation for instance where a prisoner is murdered in the prison then you even heightened security even more at that point whether or not that helps or hurts the situation much or probably doesnt know probably doesnt help. Great stuff man thanks for bringing us up to date on this really interesting the story appreciate it space x. As historic flight with astronauts on board is finally complete with a successful landing in the gulf of mexico the world of private space flight is on with astronauts bob behnken and dog hurley arriving back on earth after 2 months in orbit how they doing what they do heres arties trinity job is. That the landmark test flight was held a success after 2 nasa astronauts returned to earth on sunday making it the 1st commercially built and operated spacecraft to carry humans to and from orbit as. You can see on your screen we have visual confirmation 1st but less than a day after departing from the International Space station and 2 months after blasting off from florida test pilots doug hurley and bob behnken rode the space tracking capsule back to earth dragon and ever has returned home bob and doug completed over 110 hours of science Utilization Research Technology Development work that will help this Great Laboratory that we have their capsule parachuting into the calm d waters of the gulf of mexico the 1st class down by u. S. Astronauts in 45 years it was just a Beautiful Day lots of people out maybe boating fishing and then saw the capsule and kind of came in and we have some work to do with space x. And i will Work Together to do a better job for the next splashdown going to be unprecedented test flight also making history as the 1st commercially built and operated spacecraft to carry people to and from orbit the successful launch now paving the way for another space x. Crew launch and potential tour flights next year but we certainly feel comfortable that were on the right path to carry commercial passengers not too long from now now nasa is commercial crew Program Directors so that its had not a full mile area was cleared with the help of the u. S. Coast guard prior to landing but this is thats a return of the astronauts really paved the way for another attempt at the space x. Crew launch as early as next month reporting the news from rick sanchez trinity each other as our team. So heres what were going to be doing throughout the course of the day 1st of all my colleague larry king is going to be joining us later on today what were going to do is look at the history of protests in the United States doing so by side comparison if you will of what happened in america during the 1960 s. And whats happening in america right now with the protests like the ones that weve seen in Portland Oregon with reports out of Portland Oregon as well so were going to have all d that for you right here as we continue our coverage throughout the day we. I want to tell you that you should keep watching because we hear all the rich after a show like this i strive to go. Join me every thursday on the all excitement and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Thinking of getting a new book the ones weve got in our shelves no problem was he didnt know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired how much we dont need a crate with him he will just. Freaking out and she will want to spray him anywhere near and thousands of breeding dogs are caged in in human conditions on puppy farm i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. To take care of you. Know its ok. Across the u. S. Cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows on pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in parts stores even joined a Group Businesses are involved like ogling mom santa there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs dont buy dog on o. T. They folks next up. Big thrill for me as a film nerd Malcolm Mcdowell hes got a new project that on all the streaming platforms called the big ugly i think its a little bit of a british craig type character doing some Money Laundering and apple ashes are maybe like ozark so thats where the river thames meets the lake of the ozarks well talk to him out of course well talk well talk clockwork orange well talk about a war lucky man if all the earliest work with the great Malcolm Mcdowell right after this on Dennis Miller plus one. Folks welcome to Dennis Miller plus one and this is a throw from a ive always admired this mans acting from mick travel sana Malcolm Mcdowell on the show today malcolm known for his rolls in

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