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Of very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r t h q and moscow thanks for joining us this hour. Fears of a 2nd wave of the pandemic have seen parts of europe tightening restrictions again spikes in cases have been reported in france germany and a number of other countries on the continent earlier my colleague neil harvey spoke with our correspondent in paris and berlin. Francis seymour towns and cities announce where or when wearing a mask will be obligatory in public as it aims to take in the cases or could new virus that it be wanted to hear from monday the city of neil even though the cost of fronts has said that wearing a mask is going to make it free now in the citys pedestrian areas and also in the citys cogs that follows decisions for example in new orleans which has decided that if you go to the open air market in that city you will have to wear a mask and into worst sports such as be a hit and some olive theyve said that within the city you will have to wear a mask if you are over the age of 11 and not follows an announcement by the French Health minister he said that the decision could be taken locally to limit the circulation of caveat 19 the prefectures canal by decree extend the obligation to wear masks to open Public Places these decision can be made locally depending on the spread of the epidemic in each territory fronts is being seeing an upsurge in the number of positive could be 19 cases being announced most worryingly Health Experts say that the uptake is between those aged 20. 30 with a 54 percent increase now meanwhile there is work underway to create it could be 90 vaccine all the pressure to create one fast many countries saying that they will have some things that they could grow ranked by to 2020 but the key new is actually warning that even if there is a group that 90 vaccine that is ready if there are many hurdles to face because its members face an issue with the lack of so. Certain that he is that it is needed to rule out that vaccine that includes a lack of sling just like masks and old so. A lot of white. Who read 9000 vaccines once developed may come without syringe is and other items and there could be shortages of those Member States who were asked to comment on their preparedness regarding the availability of supplies for immunization for example syringes alcohol wipes people now all of this comes as the latest figures show that across europe more than 210000 people said to have died with their deaths being linked to cope at 19. From france over to germany now our correspondent peter oliver is in berlin and peters understand the been even the demonstrations against measures that have been brought in to in theory tackle the virus tell us more on such as a around 15. 00 to 20000. 00 people were out on the streets of berlin protesting against them on the tree wearing of masks and of the coronavirus prevention measures theyre also sort of amongst the crowd who were denying the existence of all of the covert 19 virus no masks worn at these demonstrations no social distancing it here too and Health Officials here in germany a furious record numbers of new covert 1000 infections worldwide it is crazy to demonstrate against hygiene rules at such a time the deliberate violation of distance rules and mask wearing is not only administrative offense but poses a danger to the health and life of others or the protesters saying they have a right to free speech and a right to demonstrate the German Government sound city officials in berlin say they have a right also to be responsible in these times. Yes demonstrations must be possible during the pandemic but not like these distance hygiene rules and masks so if to protect us all this demonstration was held against having to follow safety requirements which evidently were not followed so that shouldnt have been held 15220000 isnt representative of the whole of the population of germany but it is a significant number and certainly significant enough to warrant comment from some of germanys closest european partners. Today the us to be free of masks in the idea of freedom does not make people laugh skeery well over 130 protesters were detained by Police Dozens of officers reported being injured with 3 of those requiring hospital attention theres also a number of reports of journalists who were there being threatened by protesters who clearly didnt want anybody there reporting on or covering this demonstration ultimately though this isnt a good look for a country that has scored pretty much choice not top of the class world wide when it comes to dealing with the initial impact of covert 19. Amid concerns about President Donald Trump handling of the Coronavirus Crisis some u. S. Voters are turning to his democratic rival joe biden polling suggests the 2 candidates are now neck and neck in 2 key states North Carolina and georgia archive kilmartin looks at a new Online Campaign aimed at uniting opposition to trump ahead of novembers president ial election. If your man for the white house lacks a little bit of that x. Factor and has been playing it safe hiding in his bunker for months then perhaps what you need to spark his bid for the presidency is a catchy slogan something to stir up the emotions of the undecided something to rally the troops how about settle for biden sounds like a job right settle for biden dot org they describe themselves as a Grassroots Group of former allies with warren and Bernie Sanders supporters who recognize joe bidens flaws but now our nation will out survive former years and so maybe its not the most dynamic of slogans but can you blame those who came up with it when they admit they are not the biggest fans of their candidate they just prefer him over another 4 years of turbulence and they think they might be on to winner and theres merchandise who would have ever thought that settle for would be Popular Campaign terminology introducing the settle for biden teacher this 100 percent cotton t. Shirt will let people know that youll vote for an old out of touch democrat in november but you wont be happy about settle for biden because it could be worse it could be better but could be worse now of course republicans have jumped in on this to make satire but joe biden does not seem to get the joke and most importantly. I. Am not sure who. Now that is unlike all the voters all over twitter seem to be admitting that they are voting for joe biden out of necessity not enthusiasm was running errands in my settled for biden show today will he out of a store a guy said to mate joe biden i shrugged and said yeah i agree and then walked away there was much to argue but hes better than trump get in a loser. Were going to enact some middling reforms to quash social unrest while continuing to perpetuate a racist and classist system that disproportionately benefits and protects the wealthy. Settle for biden but jokes aside the only thing you need to know about this Joe Biden Campaign is that his own motto seems to go against this very concept this is the United States of america we dont settle we as fire lets get to work the United States presents itself as the democratic ideals of the world where free and Fair Elections reflected the popular will however nowadays it seems that voting isnt so much about backing the candidate who we york. Chadwick more a journalist and commentator agrees the upcoming election is about voting for or against trump no one wants to vote for this but of course they will its the its a true book youve got this is zombie candidate joe biden and heres a zombie candidate whos just sort of walk into the presumptive nomination and theyre going to hope that he doesnt debate were going to hope that they can hide him away his base with as much as possible theyre going to show about the v. P. As much as they can hopefully she will be able to get some excitement but as of now they are so we provide 20 point again pain and its strictly a chord with a lot of the liberals because its so true so its very irritating its making them so angry because they all realize that yes we are merely settling for. And its the anyone but trump vote and this is who the overlords of the d. N. C. Would like well then theyre just going to bite the bullet sort of speak and vote for. India is on its way to abolishing primary schools teaching in english Prime Minister Narendra Modis cabinet has approved reforms which urge schools to teach and local native languages. The changes that weve brought in the education policy we develop in these languages will increase the knowledge. Of english was 1st introduced to india in the 17th century as a result of trade with britain it remained a 2nd official language along with hindi and many years after its colonial past been widely used in business and Politics Today about 11 percent of the indian population speaks english the Opposition Congress party as well as people online expressed their concern over the change however arguing it will put a strain on lower class communities who wont be able to afford private tutors for english as well as robbing children of a chance to find work in other parts of india as well as Higher Education abroad but supporters of the move argue it will bring unity and by erasing colonial ties to the past we spoke to dr vanessa day for the president of the Indian Council for cultural relations and a member of parliament he says its time to promote regional languages. People who speak english and people who post cannot speak english they did serve some dont fear. Of word discrimination between them and we would like to destroy that reputation and but its defunding yet let me guess we didnt equate well english is important everybody should be able to speak good english because english is something which is widely spoken all over the world but that doesnt mean that it should happen and of course from the devil it meant defeat in the language just after all we do the languages are to bother to fight it it beats you flew dont be our division will that nobody else is going but we are doing in the shia for example there are several languages but people speak in that here im depressed but it does speak in the russian or in france to prefer to speak in french similarly want is wrong if in india you prefer to speak out of each of the languages we would like to reduce our dependence on english any moves it cannot be illegal definitely would like to stand on all legs and the devil up i want to read in the language to speak is that i ate in the spirit of. Wallowing in the modern world. Making zinga the lockdown in london could result in a spike of Violent Crimes in the capital thats the concern voiced by maer city khan who has demanded more support for local police and Youth Services and former Police Officer told us that some officers are currently refusing to stop and search teenagers for fear of losing their jobs. For a Police Officer to be inquisitive or to being nosy actually is only individuals unkind we dont need to judge them their own. Weve got a problem here in the u. K. That because Police Officers are even complained against certain elements of what we call the media the activists and i got to this and some quality issue this is close in new york has to be very worried about us in terms of complaints against him so there are many individual Police Officers who are making the decision if they see something suspicious being done by use theyre actually sorry not to gun store and in fact. The net result of this is more is unlikely to be starved and more on not treated daryn. Meanwhile the former chairman of britains a qualitys watchdog has stressed that gangs and not the police are the main threat to young black people in the u. K. And while Trevor Phillips did it met to problems with the government stop and search policy he added its means purpose is to prevent black on black crimes according to the u. K. s office of National Statistics 97 black people were victims of homicide between 20182019 thats 14 percent of all cases half of the black victims were aged 16. 00 to 24. 00 and the majority of victims both black and white were the same race as their murderers social activists leave jasper told us the main cause of gang related violence is long term poverty. The poorer a community and the more socially economically private community is the more likely they are to be engaged in biden crime and dysfunctional behavior thats not true of african and caribbean communities its actually true of all communities regardless of race and so for instance whilst we dont see night crime prevalent in White Communities we do see Domestic Violence murders prevalent in White Communities we do see vicious violence taking place in pubs you your listeners may not know book and smashing a glass into somebodies face is one of the most common Violent Crimes committed by white people in this country but a black community in the United Kingdom has had above average unemployment and long term poverty provide 3540 years and particularly in the areas like london where there is a Massive Underground drug seat. Globin is at day continues after this. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports im showbusiness ill see you then. This is r t welcome back to the program a hostage crisis has just ended in kiev after Security Forces stormed a bank a suspect had threatened to bomb the place if the media didnt interview him a live t. V. Broadcast with journalists was in fact initiated just before the building was stormed no one was harmed in the incident now ukraine saw a similar situation unfold last month in the city of lutes where a man hijacked a bus and took 13 passengers hostage he demanded that the president post a video of himself in support of Animal Rights because she lost a 10 hours before the man 3 of the people and was arrested. An attack on a prison in afghanistan has left 29. 00 dead and 50 wounded thats according to local officials the talks started with a car bomb exploding at the entrance of the prison it was followed by several gunman opening fire a Terror Group Islamic state says it was behind the deadly raid which has reportedly resulted in a mass jailbreak it came hours before a 3 day ceasefire between the taliban and Government Forces has expired. And the space x. Crew dragon spacecraft carrying 2 astronauts has successfully returned to earth after a 2 Month Mission the capsule made a parachute landing near the coast of florida the crew dragon was launched to the International Space station in may becoming the 1st commercially developed spacecraft to take people into orbit it was also the 1st group space flight launch from the u. S. Since 2011. First. A trove of recently undisclosed court papers has revealed that a rogue British Special forces unit may. Been responsible for the murder of more than 33 civilians in afghanistan back in 2011 now a judge is demanding that the u. K. s defense secretary testify as to why this evidence was not used earlier and High Court Proceedings are. The details. Well im here at the high court in london while the trial is set to continue into allegations of crimes against humanity committed by a rogue s. A. s unit of the british army in the occupation of afghanistan theyre accused of executing innocent civilians now according to the folks accused sions accusations around 33. 00 civilians were killed 11 at Night Missions in afghanistans villages its being described as assassinations against innocent civilians by Afghan Special forces and all of this information has been revealed by a cache of secret documents that came to light and were obtained by the sunday times its all part of a wider case from this group isis for a yahoo is bringing this fight to try and get an independent investigation into the killings of his relatives. Goo. Goo. Goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo. Goo goo goo goo goo in 24 t. In the allegations of this quadruple murder was passed on to the specialist investigation into the branch of the Royal Military police but at the time it wasnt deemed serious or important enough to investigate further despite the s. S. Soldiers involved claimed this collective amnesia that could also be interpreted as a agreement to a pact of silence and even at the time the s. A. s soldiers they pull this information forward and those higher up in the ranks the commanders raise eyebrows about this socalled evidence that people that were 8 killed were in possession of a k 47 and even grenades. It was not necessarily about degrees of restraint but rather a deliberate policy among the current s. A. s unit to engage and kill fighting aged males on target even when they did not pose a threat given those and come on so that they did not pose a threat nor were they are engaging in conduct of activity nor were they in possession of these weapons that they were described as being as such nor of this has a pattern of clearly having impossible odds according to these documents and so all of that brings into question allegations of now war crimes of course the United Nations definition of war crimes based on the geneva conventions and International Humanitarian law describes intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities now the former director of the prosecutions hes even said that there is a case now to be answered for when it comes to walk crimes it is bad enough for systematically murdering civilians but this is compounded. And government officials deliberately fail to investigate suspected were crimes and then try to conceal the evidence now for years the ministry of defense here in britain refused to comment on these allegations but now in light of this cache of secret documents coming to light theyre now saying that there is potentially a case to be repeated. This is not new evidence and this is story cases already been independently investigated by the rule military police these documents who consider despite of the independent investigations which concluded there was insufficient evidence to refer the case for prosecution well very interestingly this evidence has been withheld from the Legal Proceedings prior to the one that continues but prompting the judge to even demand that theres a full explanation from ben wallace who is the defense secretary here in the United Kingdom but unsurprisingly then given this cache. Secret documents all raises questions about whether or not there is a case of war crimes that they are set for doing the occupation in afghanistan. Peace campaigner russell wedding says global peacemaking efforts need to do better than the u. K. And afghanistan we were told on a legitimate exercise in afghanistan for our protection and that was the message we keep hearing was never ruled those many many years of occupation and now we hear actually they could have been systematically murdering civilians now that would be absolutely terrible but to then find out that our own government perhaps knew about it perhaps was covering it up is just absolutely unforgivable and is just the latest in a stream of disasters that occurred in the occupation of afghanistan i hope what it will bring to the publics attention is the fact that there are still british troops in afghanistan we still dont really know what theyre doing we still dont really know why theyre there and its about time that we look at different ways of making peace around the world you dont make peace by invading by occupying them by bombing you make peace by dialogue and by building cooperation together. Russias doors have been firmly closed for the past 4 months due to the pen demick but thats slowly changing from august the 1st flights resume to some countries including britain and turkey although the European Union remains off limits for now but while people have been unable to get out a russia there are also those whove struggled to get back in journalist. And his crew have been speaking to some of those who face an uphill battle just to get home heres a short preview of that project. When she asks how clean i was half slump what a task is a create a product in the real estate a good thing is what if. Youve already said they didnt i was the bill of rights and will be the countys 3 you meet the cost of a meal of which. Ever way by little creature look at all of the cash will receive actual work and then is there more. Of. Them or is this the carousel i met at work we are in Dar Es Salaam a Gathering Place for russian citizens that moscow is trying to bring home from Africa Tomorrow is the last flight from the local airport it will then stop off in jordan to pick up some more passengers from their. Russia repatriated almost 50000. 00 people within a few months of the coronavirus pandemic. Or were you looking to these people and you see that they will be waiting for help and that help is a relief from their home country the as the. By your theyve even been. d 6 told be how much was the ticket for one person from uganda for example 0 roubles 0 roubles its absolutely normal and logical that business decided to get involved so they helped. You out the. Day just of we who say that you brought back an immense number of fellow citizens from abroad at the same time people have been complaining that they had to wait for you for months and had been left stranded without any and from. Nation of the thats thats that was or wasnt it when you say we abandoned people thats news to me ive not heard about this before there were problems but these were to be expected no one around the globe had a plan for how to act in this unprecedented situation during the 1st few weeks we analyzed how things worked in the various Foreign Countries and tried to find the best approach and to be honest there wasnt a one size fits all approach. What. Would you. Think i. Mean i. Think if. You. Watch the show what they. Are what the question. Was thats our global news wrap up for this hour for details on all those stories and more head to our website r. T. Dot com. Explain. Chose seemed wrong roles just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out this day comes to educate and in detroit equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart when shes to look for common ground. I know no crowd. No shots. Actually felt. Well strap no arrests. Points your thirst for action. Easy. How can you explain love. Ive been to 82 countries ive given to all that i came here and on those 3 days i just hope. I love cold weather i like the culture i like the history i like everything about it does i should i was question that. Thought i was i know that i share the. People listening to this again its a bit of a paradox because already im a big cuckoo and im thinking like russian but the place gets you. Some musical. I made my decision to come here because i felt i could build a new life here on little feet get them out

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