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Production shut down but this is not just about entertainment for you and i as hollywood supports more than 2000000 jobs and 400000 american businesses well i have a little sympathy for those multimillionaires who from the lounges of their own well landscaped side bar waiting on their chef to finish lunch lectured us to stay home for the past few months hollywood is just like any other industry in America Today it is made up of small contractors and production staff who are just trying to figure out how theyre going to pay next months rent so on this weeks news views here 360. 00 view we look at 2 industries and ask when do we get to make america open again. Thanks for joining us i am scotty now hughes and as the school year approaches and ministrations it will soon decide on. Whether to resume classes and person or turn to Remote Learning arctic are striving to toss this we start this off with more on why as so many different opinions exist. But the boss the master right around the corner are some universities are still trying to figure out whether or not to have in person classes or have them remotely and while the opinions of experts remains divided many agree that children may benefit the most from having a traditional learning environment universities and hard hit states have some tough decisions to make allow students to come back to school with social distancing guidelines or hold Classes Online while the university of Southern California had previously planned to have in person classes resume in august after surge of coronavirus cases in the Golden State University has announced it will be holding nearly all of its undergraduate Classes Online in a letter to Students School officials said while not what we hoped we are recommending all undergraduates take their courses online u. S. C. Will also limit on Campus Housing to about half of its capacity with one student 2 bedroom u. C. L. A. Announced only 15 to 20 percent of its classes will be held in person including a lot of troop work and performing arts next on the list is a florida in terms of cases but the university of florida is taking a much different approach University Says they will lead nationally in safely reopening New York University announced it will provide a combination of in person classes and remote coursework requiring a crown of iris testing tray scene and masks but when it comes to local School Districts new york is getting pushback from principals and Teachers Unions about reopening in fact only or this week the president of the American Federation of teachers considered the most powerful Teachers Union in the country told its 1700000 members it would support safety strikes if Health Precautions are not met amid this pandemic Governor Andrew Cuomo is expected to make a decision on the. 1st week of august for schools across the states and whether or not they can reopen opening up our schools again is the best thing for our kids Vice President mike pence echoing the trump ministration stance on reopening schools expression for children the risk of the coronavirus to healthy children is very low. Its also important to remember that there are real costs. Far beyond academics the 2 are kids if theyre not in school the center for Disease Control and prevention supporting those claims a green death rates among School Age Children are much lower than among adults it goes on to say the harms attributed to close schools on the social emotional and Behavioral Health economic wellbeing and academic achievement of children and both the short and long term are well known and significant the c. D. C. Also notes when in school kids are more likely to get the physical activity and nutrition they need the Human Rights Watch even pointing out that children at home for longer periods of time are more prone to child abuse child labor and even exceptional exploitation reporting and Los Angeles Natasha suites are key. Joining us now to discuss the various options and the empath on students and their education sandra lee author of dear donald letters from a loving deplorable and dr dean hart expert in microbiology and published author on the transmission of viruses and disease thank you so much for joining us. Welcome. And wonderful well you know right now i know in my own household were starting to get our School Supplies and gather and make that decision on whether to send our kids back in person were going to do a hybrid type of system here in tennessee dr hart i want to start with you you know those in the medical field right now seem to be just as full of opinions as kind of the parents and what is the healthiest way for students to kind of return to learning have we handled this right not only last spring but right now and battling coronavirus in regards to returning back to school. Well in science we want to look at data and make their conclusions from research because this is not hope its only been around and being studied so so maybe march they started to do any Significant Research so the question of sending kids back Vice President pence was absolutely right the children will not die the big problem is adults to die and as you get older you have to worry theres so many millions of horrible americans do we take away from the children and give to the press generation and thats a bioethical conundrum for the politicians i guess. Well and thats also i think what every parents dealing with i mean a real as you know theres an event not made that many deaths in healthy children but they do possibly carry it home to their grandparents and their neighbors and thats where i think a lot of us are kind of scratching our head going what the decision is but i want to stick with the physical health of students dr and teachers you know how concerned should we be about students returning to school and this virus about as it is right now you know ive been told opening schools is kind of like a death wish for teachers especially and students in fact the Teachers Unions are staging funerals and die ends and protest around the country is this a death wish if we decide to break send our students back to the classroom. For a teacher thats 69 years old and has cardiovascular problems with the obesity they have a very distinct chance of mortality being an outcome from being a teacher if the teachers 30 years old and on the top of their health with comorbidities the risk is not very high so theyre absolutely right on the one hand but how do you maybe part the older teachers comorbidity should be doing it by just on the internet and the healthy young ones are on premises. Well and that brings as a point on a case you know obviously mental help as well physical nutrition as well as you know escaping from possibly a bad situation at home is a reason why students themselves are advocating a lot of them to go back to school you know i want to go as a former teacher sandra you know what position has this put educators in i mean obviously they went into this field because they love to teach kids. They more than lets retire they are called by god produce this is a very holy Mission Teachers are wonderful people Teachers Unions have been wonderful i think now they are moving in a very. Hostile direction and im very concerned about that i think a lot of Teachers Want to go back to the classroom of course we have to careful of course will be careful and will consider every. Situation individually and as a group and will make wise decisions but these children live on their friends by their relationship with their teachers or a brick from home the arabs will. Ask cant were they and women and men are working today dads and moms and grandparents you know records are not either and word lidl and more like they are jobs you cant stay home and watch the carriage so the kids need to be in. Most of our schools are men if theyre absolutely magnificent and theyre run by people who really care. And the kids love the Sports Betting attrition theyre learning in ways not what my grandchildren are trying to do this on mine thank most teachers are not equipped to do that im a great teacher i cant teach him 1000000 courses to an 8 year old the 10 year old the 11 year old 15 year old its just not doable we need to get at the kids and im very concerned each is. Using this issue in a way to punish content that i think is unhealthy and lacks a spiritual comer. When i see things that are this has been made political unfortunately in this case but you know you brought up a good point here a grandmother but youre also a trained teacher and you had a hard time i will tell you last spring i cannot guarantee my children learned anything with online teaching as me and as the teacher even on days in class it was quite chaotic im very much concerned about our studio now its falling behind not only here in the u. S. But the globe if you cant do it in your train im a mother i tried my best im very worried about that but you know i am here in this argument and im hearing a lot mainly on social media that from friends who are nurses and they work a Grocery Store and theyve never been able to take a day off and theyre actually a little bit of 2nd wait a minute why are teachers being given this option i was never given that option are there wives more important than mine because ive had to go to work every day even if we get this pandemic what do you say to that what do you say to that argument the fact that teachers and these Teachers Unions are saying no they should stay at home but yet lots of other people in america are being required to go to work. Well 1st of all i dont see it as a sin and will see it as a blessing and i dont see it as an opportunity if youre a teacher and youre staying home the blessing and the opportunity to work you know many things a healthy young. Ambitious 65 and older were going to worry about that and take proper precautions but most young men in. Addition i think because they love the work and you cant get stuck in the house on time dont tell your middle no your physical health your spiritual house he education children your Economic Health its a terrible decision no children are not a risk we need to get them back to school no matter what the school is Charter Schools schools Catholic Schools lou just schools. To school. Well you know im sticking with that health for our being a doctor hard on this case because in many cases when youre talking about serious and dealing with it here and the students are being tested because theyre mandatory theyre playing a sport theyre going to college and theyre going to test back and theyre positive theyre asymptomatic so i have to ask you you know when were talking about these no symptoms if someone who is testing positive for proto virus but a symptomatic as a child are they just as contagious as they would be if they were having symptoms. Well theoretically they would be contagious the worship or sugar you become for a while more viral particles you will expel when you cough sneeze so children can be highly contagious but they will not suffer the outcome of all rules fragile elderly person thats a big conundrum is not the question which is better for the child because is not thats a no brainer we know theyve got to get to school and socialize well or learn something for a change because or whatever this product is it doesnt work teachers are dont have the skill set to make it work they and weve got to get them on campus if you will only from the perspective of the child its not a big antimicrobial spread what the big threat is that it perpetuates the germs into the vulnerable populations and you know nursing home is a camp right well and thats what we have found in the word a lot of cases expected the desk have been sandra. Whole whore. Whole world has opened up the banks the french israel us trillion. So it shouldnt then much no our way just pension im going to go on and on then all of us and since i had been very few travel its job. To do we need to Work Together i am so tired of democrats and republicans fighting with one another what are we teaching our children the American Dream is that we Work Together and get things done and. This issue is a cruel and unhealthy thing. Ritual thats a mental way bigger bigger right and dr who i want to bring you in on this our last few minutes the last med that we have the argument parents have right now is obviously you know the flu that something that is actually killed children it hurts our children what is more dangerous that right now you know what is more dangerous in this age group the flu which we are going to be heading into flu season pretty soon or the krona virus which one should parents be a little bit more worried about starting the school year off if they choose to send their kids to school oh the data supports the flu is more dangerous but consider what happened in sweden with a pin and too much of a lockdown and they have the kids go to school what happen is the elderly suffered and died a higher rate the more spirit when we have to have another the other this one. You know weve learned here and thats what we are under the pet project the other way we can just. We do that with you know the data has not. Well and i do into something though i just get how how can you do that what is the best way what do you tell those parents and say you know what it where my kids and i for kids to school is that mean theyre not to be able to see their grandparents for weeks. Every place the family has a heart is right youre good that they have to consider and works through this requires intelligence creativity patience open mindedness and absolutely purpose driven culture its just its better for the kids to be in school its better for the economy to get well and then for us not to do this we cant do it its complicated but its doable and so lets do it. Well dr hart last last comment to you on this side have we handled this virus correctly in your opinion journal expert in spreading and contagious diseases have we handled this from the beginning as you pointed out you know does herd immunity exist if we all come back home and lock ourselves back down does that mean that when we all come back out its just going to rock again like weve seen round to be. Heading towards start immunity if we dont do it slower less vulnerable elderly people die disadvantages to the young because clearly the republicans or democrats Neither Group have i found to be very skilled at handling this pandemic i couldnt agree more with mike. Friends are absolutely dr hart kind of like you are all hosted by playwrights and you know what were all just as they are that spirit which is not cooperated its not our American Dream and i think we all need to go out and encourage our side of the aisle to work in concert with the opposite end of the aisle and stop playing politics well at this point only time will tell what the right answer is and if we chose that sandra dr hart thank you so much for joining us. And when we return after the break if you are like my family we have watched and even we watched every thing possibly we could on demand and streaming but how long are we going to have to wait until we see the next episode shot down i will join us next. Hour read out read i turn on the t. V. On the about the world of whats happening around me i see shells on the screens begin last every day because the fake news near it sits by the state see it too may be cooling its going to last a little bit enough christmas with mom at the bar brick by brick school is the make you smile how flinty off that in this war but i found a network that question sorry hes great is that space civil strife Climate Change sample will be cool simply lists all that mainstream wants to do was keep us clear you watch the right you cant keep a silenced critical point says cold perspective question inside directly if we dont take sides we walk the walk artsy america means real talk. My. You cannot be both with the yeah you like. Im holland cook i invite you to climb with me post the Mainstream Media and from that higher vantage to glimpse the big picture question more. I. Welcome back well hollywood has a reputation for that glitz and glamour and over the last few years its become very political however almost everything has come to a halt as the pandemic has happened in the content pipeline as sentiments closed and production was halted now some countries have opened up again and many have adapted like other businesses a to add to remote work home protocols however the day when dealing kind of confidence in physical venues as well as when new content can be created again has that hollywood and a state of uncertainty and to give us a little bit of an inside view as to the state of the industry both in the short as well as in the long term we bring in filmmaker and author sean stone john thanks for joining us during these times that youve got its a pleasure. You know i want to start with whats going on right now and the president and not really the known names but more importantly those behind the scenes that people kind of see when theyre scrolling through at the very end of a movie what is the current environment you feel like of the industry right now. Well the environment for the whole industry is to recognize is turmoil and it doesnt it goes from the top to the bottom obviously people that are more hard hit are the laborers the people that are supply supplemental to the film business because everything is shut down but i have to point out that right now in hollywood right now in hollywood sense are all right in the physical hollywood not just the idea of hollywood theres protests going on around child lives matter and people you know were protesting against in this that with this hash tag save the children protesting against pedophilia and in in the industry theres a lot of awareness coming out now thanks to the jeffrey epstein. Revelations that you sell maxwell arrest theres a lot of strangeness lets say thats coming out into the airwaves here and i think there is something that has to be addressed in hollywood so a protest like this today thats happening right now has to be recognized as the 1st step towards making amends with the dark side of hollywood because its not just glitz and glamour there has been pedophilia in hollywood theres been child abuse in hollywood and it is most people turn a blind eye to it and we covered it in my documentary hollywood d. C. Right here on our t. V. This new documentary out of shadows came out this few months ago also pushing this question further so i think this is something has to be addressed and it hasnt been so there is turmoil in hollywood and uncertainty from the top right down to the bottom. And in a rare very good point right now theres a lot of different aspects right now that hollywood has to deal with and youre right this is a big big specially considering all these redacted names have come out and there are a lot that are in hollywood and a lot of actors and actresses that were named in the documents last night so you know the timing is right that the problem that i have to worry about is this going to be something thats just for the time being because there is so much turmoil that theres so many things everybody is focused on china do you think theres actually something as important right now as extinguishing these sex trafficking rings that exist for that hollywood do you think that thats going to get the attention it needs because were there also dealing with oh pandemic Racial Injustice theres and most importantly most people are unemployed right now and not getting a paycheck so im a Little Island very optimistic and hope that this akin to shed light yes exactly i believe that because because things are shut down theres also more time to spend online to research these things to watch these documentaries to watch or to learn in a form ourselves and so i dont think this is going away we know we did hollywood d. C. For our t. V. A couple years ago and we talked about epstein and child sex abuse and trafficking that was going on and its only been more exposed in the last few years right to the place where it is maxwells now in print in prison awaiting her trial whats going to come out as long as shes alive my goodness my gosh we could see some tremendous revelations coming here so i dont think this is going away i think hollywood has to address this and this is part of why hollywood is so freaked out and you have to you know look at the different layers of whats really happening here because you know there is one level of the shutdown which is pandemic related but you know youre talking about other countries previously in the show i heard other countries are opening up its true other countries are california still locked down theres a lot more happening it seems to me in california than people realize. And i think youre right about that theres a lot of different aspects in our country to come together and figure out how theyre going to Work Together a lot more turmoil than we think you know i want to talk about the idea to moving forward from this you know the change anything happened offspring as youre talking about but also on screen do you think theres going to be a change in the content were going to see when hollywood opened back up what type of movie the type of weapon with the themes are going to be moving forward now that we have all of these issues getting to come to the surface you know its going to be interesting because at one level people still say that they want to make films for the trickle im still hearing that from distributors there is virtual marketplaces going on there are still buying films that count those that are still of it you know that have been previously made for example right but as far as new production goes production can be going on in australia it will shift to canada it wont happen in california they sing it saying im going to open up and start shooting in a month i dont know if thats really going to happen considering that were still in lockdown here it doesnt seem feasible and so what kind of content will be made i think there still will be a drive to make those big tent pole you know shows and movies that weve gotten used to but ive also heard that there is more interest in going back to it because theres been a deal struck between amc and universal on streaming theres supposed to be actually more content that can be created by the studios that is not a still a big big tent pole that they can take more risks again and hopefully do those those good movies that we grew up on in the eightys and ninetys and we havent seen as much because theyve been focused on the temple apparently theyre still the studios are now going to go back towards those smaller budget dramas and horror films and comedies and things that we dont really see from the studios these days well and thats kind of what i wonder on the thought of and once we start caring up you know this both as a writer as well the filmmakers have whats that and how long will we have before we do open back out and we actually got to get to see the next episode of the things that weve been watching for the last 5 months. Well i would say 50 plus in the old. So the old movies you know you know the old. I dont know exactly when but i think production is starting soon in australia canada and other countries so that means itll come down the pipeline next year for you to see well as i want to say thank you for continue to have it but going on in hollywood and hopefully the headlines right now will continue kind of a shock today not many news outlets are covering the ads thena the new actually i redacted documents we hear on our t. V. Absolutely are going to continue to have the spotlight on it thank you so much for joining us thank you. So whether you are a School Teacher or a parent a small part actor or Production Assistant youre having to decide if its smart to start back to that life you used to live or someone you love might actually pay the ultimate price if you do now the fear is as real as the risk and the people you trust are the experts to give you the best advice but ultimately you hope you can have the decision on whether to stay home or return to the real world i do find it sad that we live at a time when politicians have so much power over our daily lives even sadder those in politics are even abiding from the same rules they are forcing their constituents to follow talk about a plot which we thought could only be found in a movie script where the ending is actually probably already written and we the people are expected to follow the directions given without any deviation or question. And thats it for now and thats it for now i want you follow me on twitter at scotty and he used to use the hash tag team and b. H. And for this show and all content here on our team erica make sure you download the portable dock to the apps for your apple or your Android Device thanks very much. Let. Me get going to. Get the lead. To. Let. You get. The at. The at. Getting. If there was competition or free Market Competition in drugs in america the price would be low thats the beauty of free market capitalism the fact that you dont have free market capitalism for drug prices in america shows you have an entrenched. Or monopoly and they gouge its price gouging and hes right to try to dismantle that but without that kind of premium for these drugs for these companies that however i dont see how theyre going to command the multiples they do on the stock market so hes hes got it hes saying hes either going to take a 50 percent hit on the stock market or is going to lose a lot of people that the drugs. Show seemed wrong. But old rules just dont hold. Any new world yet to shape out these days become active. And engaged equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground

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