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On june 30th on the french right we lead a Marine Le Pen takes saying that the countrys Pandemic Response accuses the government of serious failings and i write this. And i welcome you watching r. T. International this friday afternoon 1 oclock am. Person trump is threatening to deploy the National Guard if the rest against Racial Injustice continues into the weekend in the city of portland in oregon the mayor had played for cease fire earlier this week which then saw the trump ministration agree to withdraw federal militia from the city however it doesnt mean they are packing up just yet in fact trump is keeping his options open. Our people are staying there to see whether or not they could do it today and tomorrow and if they dont do it we will send in the National Guard and well take care of a lot of very tough people and these are not people that just have to guard the courthouse and save it these are people that are allowed to go forward and do what they have to do the nation wide arm rests in the wake of the death of george floyd has stretched into a 3rd month protests important the poskim flying to by the presence of federal militia a marin creasy use of force President Trump has been accused of abusing his power by sending them in well heres just some of whats been happening important he thought maybe. I was up to our. 6 great. 6 nation why protest against Police Brutality and Racial Injustice rage on. Just hours after organs governor announced a phased withdrawal of federal officers from portland this is a gradual withdrawal from portland dozens of officers filled city streets in the largest visible response by the federal government to downtown demonstrators. Chaotic confrontations caught on Camera Department of Homeland Security and c. B. P. Officers seen firing tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters gathered near the federal courthouse i still are wearing one demonstrator seen here bleeding from injuries in both of his legs and theres shock. Therapy going on want razor megs or others facing off with demonstrators at several points throughout the night stand offs in the state unfolding every night since the death of george floyd in may unrest only intensifying since. Agents were deployed by the trumpet ministration to protect the downtown courthouse the president taking aim at the governor tweeting kate brown governor of oregon isnt doing her job she must clear out and in some cases arrest the n. R. Kists and agitators in portland if she cant do it the federal government will do it for her we will not be leaving until there is safety this while federal prosecutors in milwaukee work to dispel concerns that federal agents a part of President Trumps operation legend are heading to their cities to disperse demonstrations as seen in portland in milwaukee no personnel from the department of Homeland Security will participate in Operation Lodge and meantime demonstrations in seattle are growing increasingly Violent Police declaring the protest a riot saying demonstrators were throwing bottles and explosives toward officers and in new york city outrage is mounting over a controversial arrest of a demonstrator a. Video captures the moment plainclothes and y. P. Officers grab an 18 year old transgendered woman now identified as nikki stone and forced her inside of an unmarked van some witnesses say that it looked like a kidnapping Governor Andrew Cuomo criticizing the arrest saying im surprised that especially at this time the n. Y. P. D. Would take such an im not action it was wholly insensitive to everything that has gone on now the n. Y. P. D. Says that stone was initially wanted for Damaging Police cameras repeating property however she has since been released with a desk appearance ticket that means she has to appear before a new york criminal judge after leader days meantime lawmakers are calling for an investigation into the incident saying that it mirrors the kind of arrests that are being made in portland by federal ages are warning of the york trinity jobbers r. T. Meanwhile in new york this is whats been happening there scuffles between police and activists on wednesday officers were deployed near Madison Square park to try and block protesters elsewhere in the u. S. In springfield illinois its reported at least 2 protesters there were arrested at a rally Police Officers were seen to using security barriers to stop demonstrators from advancing. Or from the protest of the pandemic its lining up to be quite a turbulent president ial election in just a few months time and donald trump is kicking up a storm too by suggesting that novembers vote should be delayed he says the surge in applications for postal ballots will make it the most fraudulent election in history well have a look at this in more detail a bit later on in the program. Monna daughters tribute to her late father who died last month from kovi it has spurred a campaign for change in Americas Health system in the betray she calls out politicians for a lack of leadership and keys in them of jeopardizing lives especially among people of color who are more likely to die from the virus now shes collecting the stories of similarly affected families to push for change im a chief stands i get work i woke up june 11th with cough and a few ver and just wasnt feeling well he had really bad exhaustion unlike youve ever had before and my mom called me to tell me why it was going on and i told her mom i sounds like he has coronavirus pts at least the symptoms are so we worked to get him scheduled for a task the next day which he got that test but we never got those test results back because he had to be taken to the hospital because his condition got worse before his test results were back and then when he was admitted into the hospital is when we officially learned that he was tested positive for coronavirus luckily when he 1st got to the hospital though you know he was responding. Well to the treatment oxygen had a couple of convalescent plasma treatments. Early on and was on antibiotics you know he was in a normal room for about 10 days before he suddenly took a turn for the worse and had to be taken to the i. C. U. And put on a ventilator and shortly thereafter he passed away the doctors were. You know completely shocked that he had just do to reread it so quickly you know it was a shock obviously to me as well especially given my dads attitude in that just a few days before he had been saying you know im excited to come home on monday and that would have been 29 june and he actually ended up passing away on june 30th or while we were talking to kristen there the United States to record 1465. 00 deaths is the highest 1000000 crease since late may in total coronaviruses claimed more than 150000 american lives and that means that roughly every minute another person does die from covert 19 in the United States plus for the state of arizona where kristen and her late father a from on thursday it recorded 172 new coronavirus deaths thats a single day record there the state governor though is convinced that everything is heading in the right direction and that Emergency Rooms are seeing a downward trend in patients with overt symptoms but for kristen focus on the statistics is part of the problem. The trumpet ministration has been downplaying the severity of the price crisis since day one they havent been doing their jobs who have a quarter needed response to minimize risk while still preserving the economy theyve been driving home thats also a narrative that you have to pick one or the other and thats simply not true oh its you know morally you know not correct at all. Just you know forget that there are real people behind that number its you know i was thinking about this yesterday as i was reflecting upon the numbers and today marks the one month anniversary of my fathers passing in king about theres 149999 there people families out there that are feeling what i feel and we are currently in a situation where countless others are about to feel the way that i feel. While the French Foreign made a Marine Le Pen has written a searing indictment of the governments handling of the coronavirus their lines what she says of the failings of president macron and his government and accuses him of deliberately lying to the public his own powers correspondent sean of the big scale. Emmanuel mark cohen adding the french government to our again pressure this time its over the initial response to the code 19 crisis the backlash has already seen several more seats and even a column in treating fiery now the leader of the National Rally marking the pen has waded in to the debate you might guess what i realize that the new government isnt promises of repeating more or less the same mistakes as the previous one even though dozens of other countries are seeing a substantial increase in coronavirus cases and the 2 New Territories hospitals are putting in terms of kid missions for people coming over turning from abroad in this book the karuna virus book from fiasco to a place the party claims president back on and his government misled the public during the pandemic many issues have been raised 1st theres the wearing of face mosques it points out the when the look down was announced stocks of mosques were taken by the government with policies but for the selling them to the general public now of course wearing a face mask is obligatory in enclosed public spaces. The tragedy of this crisis is that were in a country with the highest taxation in the world with a fiscal bill is the highest in the plays and were at the same time weve lacked fabric mix newsy many french people have not understood this so it is a question of where the money is going where the fringe peoples money is going the book jumps on the european leaders for allowing Free Movement in the floor to keep seeing you just by the fact that they were moving signs the National Body also takes a swipe at issues such as those in suburban areas in france and he says the Justice System here you think she lacks because it released prisoners. During the crisis there are a whole series of statements made by the government ministers that. Frankly were just nonsense and they were doing western governments so. Just saying what suited the moment in order to get over a difficulty it is you know to. Look around our politicians who criticize the government because the womans has been well theyre not the only ones i mean if you look at the British Government and better than the french actually i have to say from my observation internationally are probably people who are worse than anybody official data suggests that more than 30000. 00 people he tested positive for the 19 has so far died in total more than 185000. 00 cases of the pirates have been read just did the french government has been battling against kopechne seeing it launched a Strict Lockdown the last did need 2 months constructed of military hospitals to deal with patient overflow and did injected billions of euros into aiding businesses and those who found themselves out of work as a result of the pandemic but despite its efforts opinion polls have not been favorable there were even claims that Frontline Health workers were not given enough protective equipment we are very very angry because theres been a shortage of staff for years already and this pandemic has created an even bigger problem promises were made but in fact they havent been capped we still have a lack of beds and not its just getting worse i think that we want ready for this we havent been protected enough we have a shortage of equipment and thats why we failed those who got infected nothing is clearly staking her claim to run in frances next president ial election in 2022 however many of the accusations in the complaint in this book. Do you reflect real concerns that i felt by the French Public so what do you think ski nazi. So to come another noisy night in jerusalem in renewed pride test side siding is ready Prime Ministers home well have a look at that some to tell you about a provocative 2 that has got netanyahu complaining that hes in very bad taste still to come. Join me every thursday on the elec simon short and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport thats less im show business ill see you then. You can be both with me yeah you will. Its definitely something before the bar too small. To trigger this may want to get vaccinated and protect. If you want to overcome. Travel restrictions economy restrictions then we have to. Follow again nowadays the video sharing at that house means hooked around the world and unleashed a wave of generations creativity all tightly woven into 15 2nd clips enjoy it while you can though because us in a distinct suspect there is more to take talk the meets the eye and the band is on the cards needing little encouragement has been scrabbling 3. That out one. All nice in fact favorite. Well be using the power of the federal government to protect every american from being poked at their president ial rallies by a tictac teens dont internet to be there and in the us no they cant be they wouldnt do that twice were greatly concerned that the Chinese Communist party could use its control of it to dont to distort or manipulate these conversations to sow discord among americans and to achieve its preferred political outcome i cant believe it all these years i think the only thing dangerous up to talk was that it wasted my time in ways you know now it turns out that beijing has been using me for political gain thats the group of republican senators to try to bash intelligence the f. B. I. And those here are 5 percent so so it must be true its not like us politicians are previously battens free play to country the meddling in its democratic processes and it all turned out to be a witch hunt and you know what looking back now there were so many signs all these videos of people talking politics. And of course you got the trunk. And then next year you get the bad. Google or win the election in 2021. Season most people go crazy but the winner of the present counteraction on 2020 will be donald trump the coronavirus doesnt kill every one person no worse so im voting for. Them and it gets worse to just not just interfering in elections its also spying. What do you recommend that people download that up on their phones tonight tomorrow any time currently oh yeah if you want your private information in the hands of the Chinese Government as part of the communist party. So my double chin when i opened up the front kalra how embarrassing but also how to ferry us here i thought take up was just the bored teenagers doing synchronized on say American Companies would never do Something Like that right facebook thank god we are getting rid of that chinese virus amp tech top you know facebook does the same thing right no way oh he says city doesnt understand that i didnt get a face for use not privately to feel good enough job times to top the bad just like mark said facebook is a public good you should be more concerned about tech talk thrown by china to talk collects personal impose that consent has been used to spread fake news and as a National Security threat you know what we dont even need to talk and wait facebook came up with a post sorry version of lasso all by itself so that take it down because its so bad but teething problems the 2nd version will be much better but i still cant get over how the out of the blue the sword is why did china do this to people who only have the want to democracy and peace in the world so all that great war and closing of the seal to it ok fine make a vision of the china virus and yeah im going to try and tell them what to do with their own territory and shoulda been grinding down the hallway off holes in everyone around the globe to do the same but its not like that targeted or anything china drew them to it look at naughty behavior it just never listens and now its making up some lame excuse for why take tops not wanted on us shuls lets focus our energies on fair and open competition in service of our consumers rather than maligning attacks by our competitor namely facebook disguised as patriotism and designed to put an end to our very presence in the us. I mean thats just ridiculous i mean do you also healthy competition thats like forced everyone to say no way to walk away so we can go there 1st the fire then i think we need to take a moment to remember the real victims in all of this so you guys have a dilemma ok and hearing that to talk maybe beyond in america and this is the problem i just started becoming famous and i only have 100 people wheres. My gosh guys look old mars is why its your job that you have like 15000000 followers or tics are one of the more the benefits are to youre going to get a regular job well the cuts taking no time to waste so take took you know to talk its a hit yeah it is but we didnt come up with that i know you didnt yeah thats going to be a problem why you youre not free markets the schools we do if we pay enough and what would you say a ban is on the table. One last im listening oh i dont know yet how does out in november. Tick tock tick tock i dont have all day of the pandemic to fight the civil unrest. I used to so your band probably by the way how great that. Ask. Ask you to. Look at other news today noisy process against the israeli Prime Minister and the government regime dont thursday night outside his residence in jerusalem about a 1000 gathered demanding that Benjamin Netanyahu is resignation over the pandemic and his indictment for corruption his supporters also nearby were arrested after attacking 2 news photographers and a palestinian bus driver sleepless nights for his neighbors as well they did ask the Supreme Court to ban protests after 11 pm but their request was thrown out. Now meanwhile the embattled Prime Minister has been immortalized in art in television but he was normal too happy at the need to take on one of the old masters is paul a slip has been discovered. Divin shes a last supper when a song masterpiece thats iconic revered and a symbol of tasted loyalties and devotion but a 2020 interpretation here in tel aviv takes on a very different symbolism it depicts Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu alone at a table adorned by cigars champagne and cognac sculpted iti is a lot explains whats behind us we have the Prime Minister of israel benjamin. He is the only one was eating the whole food and i was in the end of the meal of this kings 1st. And hes now beating the cake grabbing the center of the cake with his hands and ripping off the heart out. And hes like god is in the place of jesus. Symbolizes the. Special. Place we have in Israeli Society people that treat him seem as a king someone who is beyond everyone else is like the savior. But in the same time we have more than a 1000000 unemployed is Unemployed People that. Having difficulty bringing food to them there is why hes having these things 1st its been a tough year for netanyahu of weighty israelis are increasingly furious over his handling of the coverage 900. 00 pandemic on top of that there are corruption charges regarding ford breach of trust and bribery and on yahoo he insists hes done nothing wrong but while theres an ebbing of public support this artwork has touched a raw nerve among people. Think its a too much showoff and its not necessary im for a freedom of speech saw anyone. Show his feelings and express them in any way they want except. That i think it is appropriate to do things like this it was not the last supper for b. B. It was not the last supper for us we will carry on and be as always it taste time and everything will be fine they are not the only ones left with a sour taste netanyahu says the statue is tantamount to a death threat there is no room for incitement and threats of murder explicit and implicit against me in my family including the shameful threat of crucifixion today. Just statues since been dismantled but protests against the Prime Minister continue apace fervor of voting any notion netanyahu might have had of being israels rene sonce man policy r t tel aviv. And muslims worldwide are celebrating the holiest event in the islamic calendar the hard pilgrimage is the focus but this years id. Also has eyes on the stumble thats where the festival is being celebrated in the world and i had highest of fear which has reverted to being a mosque for the 1st time in over a decade the turkish president repurpose the us go list of museum early this month much to the consternation of christian orthodox nations such as greece it had also been a church in a previous incarnation but was turned into a mosque during the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the mid 15th century it. Doesnt take much for donald trump to fire up internet indignation a tweet usually does it and on thursday he did float the idea that the november president ial election should be delayed he is worried about postal votes in which he claims without much evidence will lead to fraudulent results his critics say its because the system means that he will lose a president can actually delay the election in practice the data is enshrined in the constitution and congress would have to have the final say. We must take President Trumps attempt to undermine the faith and our republic seriously this is what authoritarians do if democrats lose the 2020 election trump will not allow a free and Fair Election again over the past 20 years theres been a point 00006 percent cases of fraud in all mail and ballots cast in president ial elections from wants to delay the election because he knows he has a point 00006 percent chance of winning donald trump doesnt have the authority to do this but that doesnt make what hes doing any less dangerous its clear he will stop at nothing to spread misinformation and so division to distract from the mass hes great in this is what were up against. To date no u. S. President ial election has ever been cancelled perspire only even during the civil war and the 2nd world war as opposed to voting which trump claims is flawed the coronavirus pandemic is expected to say a Record Number of americans turn to voting by mail so they can a deity social distancing its proponents to say its no more susceptible to fraud than any other voting method american journalist analysts are a thinks the upcoming election is bang to see allegations of fraud from both sides of the political divide. Seems clear that is trying to deal with jeremiahs the elections and thats really important trump has already and hes already said he will not commit to abiding by the results and he regards the mail in ballots as fraudulent which could allow him to now to challenge. Our actions are held with a vote count and stories so there d will probably probably be a very loose chaos out of action and for weeks after the democrats the republicans are going to try are going to cry fraud and the democrats are going to blame russia if they lose. That republicans were. To blame the democrats and fraudulent voting so this is not going to be a normal action the american electoral process is for on the part. Finally be iconic toy doll barbies moving on from fashion ponies and also pink soft tops shes actually getting political tinker toy makers mattel have launched a new range including an election candidate a Campaign Manager and a voter in the hope that they will inspire young girls to aim high for high office. For kids are just as great just as challenge week use when the wind stops blowing thats the end of your electric lights harry i die i die. Is the wind blowing today id like to watch television darling i. Thank you. For. Understanding the role we play in empowering our downturn this is the 1st step by getting them excited today we are giving them the confidence to raise their voices and run for office tomorrow

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