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Happen right now on capitol hill 4 of the most powerful men in the u. S. Tech industry are being questioned on whether their platforms have violated antitrust laws in recent years as theyve risen to dominate the internet Rachel Blevins is joining us now to discuss the latest developments there as a ritual who is testifying today and what led us to this point where this hearing comes after more than a year of Research Conducted by the house judiciary subcommittee and which available to 4 of the Top Tech Companies here in the u. S. To ask questions about whether they are unfairly stifling their much smaller competitors now of course were still dealing with the corona virus pandemic so this hearing was carried out virtually and the testimonies included this. Apple and google. Facebook and amazon now all of these companies have been accused of manipulating their search results to promote their own products and interest so this hearing is still going on right now as we speak what have been some of the highlights so far well in the last hour one of the biggest questions that was asked was of google because as we know any time we look up a product on google the 1st results are always those advertisements that they are promoting so there were questions asked about whether google is reaping a little bit too much when it comes of those benefits take a listen to that exchange. Now we dont have that at the moment but another question that was asked look specifically at facebook because as we know facebook recently acquired instagram and they do believe after Mark Zuckerberg was quoted as saying that instagram was a rival so there were questions asked of him looking out whether that acquisition violated the antitrust laws specifically try to stop that now another thing that we heard there when it came to facebook and zuckerberg was him talking about the rise of tik tok and noting its ties to china and all of the privacy concerns that weve heard there is a key essentially said that he wanted to make sure that the u. S. Government didnt do too much to stifle these big Tech Companies here in the u. S. Warning that china could come up with just as Many Companies that could take them over absolutely and what about the timing of this hearing is there any significance as to why its happening at this moment there is you know were still dealing with a lockdown from the coronavirus pandemic and as the chairman from the subcommittee you noted he pointed out that this lockdown as you really hit Small Businesses the hardest here and as a result of that these big Tech Companies that theyre talking about today have almost gotten even more powerful take a listen. Actually the couvade 900 demick these corporations already stood out as titans in our economy and we concluded 9 where theyre likely to emerge stronger and more powerful than ever before as American Family shifted more of their work. Shopping and communication on line these giant stand to profit. Businesses mean mom and pop stores on main street face an economic crisis unlike any in recent history. Now another one of the privacy concerns that is expected to be discussed during todays hearing is all about all of that user information that these big Tech Companies gather specifically from their users what they do with it and what the oversight should be there these Tech Companies there those 4 probably know more about you and i any of our significant others are families. Blevins thank you for that update thank you. Another hearing on capitol hill this one has to do with the Sexual Assault in the military and the death of fort hood soldier vanessa the 20 Year Old Army specialist was murdered just back in april by her alleged abuser who is also a fort hood soldier now a movement in a bill aimed to help Service Members report sexual allegations with out the fear of retribution. Is joining us with more on this and parent President Trump is actually set to meet with mr ganns family i hear yeah thats right manila so now there are some conflicting reports as to when exactly vanessa gans family would meet with President Trump but the familys Attorney Says that this morning they were to have a private meeting at the white house before trump is expected to voice his support for the i am god s. Again bill being introduced to Congress Thursday now also this morning a caravan of the no Mosque Movement started their 22 hour drive from dns hometown of houston to washington d. C. Where they plan to be on the steps of the capitol when her bill is introduced now 2 months after again what missing 20 year old soldiers remains were found in a shallow grave just outside of fort hood family says she was sexually harassed which led to calls for a congressional investigation against sr says that nasa had spoken with her mother about experiencing Sexual Harassment by another soldier telling her that he walked into the womans locker room and watched or take. Shower sister says from text conversations she believes her sister was afraid to report the incident to her sapir ears at fort hood and that she feared for her life or that too was. My sister one is it wasnt she was. Not the one. Who was supposed to believe me. Because it was but one. Of the suspects involved in gangs death a soldier Aaron Robinson who agents said took his own life after ganz remains were found along with his a strange wife civilian sesame aguilar she is in custody charged with helping ganz body now against death has sparked a me too movement within the military with many women coming forward which prompted the House Armed Services committee to investigate this issue wednesday a colonel in the army who investigated kens death was grilled by lawmakers listen here. You start it july no june 23rd. July 27th. We arrive and begin work june 29th that for june 29th now thats not really in a hurry is it because she went missing april 22nd i sent a letter of being corey may 23rd i visited fort hood june 23rd but yet 4 months later is when you started your inquiry. Now the army has a Sexual Harassment Assault Response Prevention Program specifically designed to help soldiers report sex crimes however the report usually goes to a soldiers direct superior which in many cases these superiors are the known abusers but the new i am the nice again bill will allow soldiers to go to an outside party to report their case now President Trump is headed for home state of texas where he will tour the Double Energy oil rig and talk with those in the oil and gas industry that took a tough hit during the cold 19 pandemic reporting in the newsroom there and fronsac are. Now over to the latest kobe 900 numbers worldwide cases now over 16700000 with about 661000 reported deaths the top 3 countries with the most cases the u. S. Continuing to lead the way followed by india back here stateside cases topping 4300000 with about 149000 reported deaths then down over in florida coast in 1000 related deaths in prisons are rising the month of july has been the deadliest now at 22. 00 deaths there in total 46. 00 inmates have died because of the virus. And Vice President mike pence is traveling to North Carolina in his bid to encourage more schools to reopen pence will join a roundtable discussion focusing on how one private school has worked to safely resume in Person Instruction with about 300 students this comes as President Trump has threatened to withhold funding to Public Schools that dont allow all of their students to return to classrooms this fall. And elsewhere around the world a plane carrying more than 100 vietnamese coded 1000 workers from africa landed back home in one way the plane was specially equipped with ventilators and doctors prepared for that 27 hour flight if patients in protective gear chanted thank you vietnam for bringing us home they are all in stable condition and were immediately transferred to a hospital for treatment. And hodge 2020 has begun but its a hard like never before as participation is restricted this here to curb the spread of coronavirus muslim pilgrims have to wear face masks and move in small groups after days and i thought ration before arriving in mecca and rather than standing and praying shoulder to shoulder this year programs have to adhere to social distancing rules keeping a distance of at least by peter and prayers. And as coping 1000 continues to dominate headlines day after day theres at least one medical story thats starting to get some well deserved attention new Research Shows that a simple blood test could soon be used to diagnose alzheimers disease in fact lab tests have proven to be 98 percent accurate so far so heres our tease trinity chobits with this incredible new discovery. Scientists as we did as university of london have developed a way to detect all simers with a simple blood test a promising breakthrough that could make the diagnosis process simple affordable and widely available all simers the most common form of dementia affects more than 50000000 people worldwide and according to the World Health Organization that number will likely triple by 2050 approach of course kohlmann both a lot of people weve all service used to not get diagnosed and thereby original to get the symptomatic treatment they should but now scientists have developed an experiment a blood test that was able to detect also murs 98 percent of the time the lead author of the study has already carried out the test in more than 1400 people enrolled in dementia studies in sweden arizona and columbia the findings published in the journal of the American Medical Association indicates that a blood test can detect the tell protein one of the hallmarks of all simers. Sports a good sport so show higher concentration on the lower. Lower coconspirators the blood test which was. Just as accurate as more invasive methods including m. R. I. Brain scans c. T. Scans and spinal taps provides a much simpler and more affordable way to diagnose whether people with cognitive problems were experiencing all simers as opposed to another type of dementia sparking new hope for patients they get the ball is then a thought thats very good instead of taking spinal fluid you can just have a simple blood test it means you can learn about the condition before it gets worse and have support and help from people so you can live a socalled normal life even so normal day but now the researchers say that the blood test was also able to identify symptoms of alzheimers 20 years before the patient was expected to start experiencing thinking and memory problems however they do without that more testing is needed and it could be years before this kind of test is available to the public however they do say these results are promising reporting in new york trinity each of us r. T. And the u. S. President ial election is less than 100 days away can you believe it will the Party Conventions ever actually take place what about those debates our very own scott email hughes is going to get us up to speed on all of that and then over in sports were going to ham is going to bring us the winner of an award that most surfers dont actually want to win and remember to keep up with all the latest news and anything you might have missed make sure you download the brand new free app portable t. V. You can watch us there 247 well be right back to take. Something for you your sports h. Q. Oh you go. Late. They come by. An ocean of stories even the news worth knowing can overwhelm you. You can even your way i know you want it all so let me bring you the best. Its easy just. Play. Me your questions birth new question. Number as stars and endless as the sun and bring you all inside just to death and. Lift your arm to the remains in question. Im a journalist its all i know being a truth teller people say i make among come from good news is like a jackhammer good drill down and they find the truth Nugent Rick Sanchez because its time to do news again and question more. Like it was only hosts ask a question for the guests and then actually listens to the guests answer and then react to that answer a folks Dennis Miller here ive got a new show. Anyone who has tried to plan a party in the last few months since the state home restrictions have been lifted we all know nothing can really be set in stone and the same is true for those trying to plan the biggest political events of this Election Year as well so to get us up to speed on all the changes regarding the Party Conventions as well as the president ial debates lets get our friend scott to know he was host of news news he was in here scottie whats the deal with the r n c is are the republicans having their big party is that on is it off or are we at. What we know right now republican delegates who were elected or appointed by President Trump over the last year are trying to decide if they need to polish their shoes or maybe just fluff their bunny slippers and stay at home now as of now as youve heard the commission has moved from charlotte to jacksonville now to online and on the air theres always been a could be jamila that was going to be and shows me the very beginning of it and the president as of 2 days ago said that he doesnt plan to be a part of the pared down proceedings that start in charlotte on august 24th but just like Everything Else with the president to it whether it be 24 hours or 24 minutes things change and in exchange that just happened with reporters as the president was boarding a marine one on his way to texas the reporter asked him you know are you going to do your acceptance speech in charlotte are you going to do it in the oval office the president said we dont know yet maybe we might will tell you soon so now the speculation is that the president might make the historical acceptance speech of his president ial nomination from at the Oval Office Time will tell manila that you really never know anything when it comes to president travel but you know its got to be fair it is not just the republicans the Democratic National convention they are also. Syrian thing some difficulties even though theyve been planning for weeks if not months that they were going to have their convention online. Thats right mil and the democrats decided months ago that they were going to go on and pull their convention in milwaukee online and this week they actually announce that theyre going to actually just do 2 hours of prime time broadcast in some of these might even be from remote areas from 9. 00 to 11. 00 every single night during their convention which starts august 17th biden however has announced that he will be in milwaukee to make his speech but has not said if its actually going to be on the floor of the main center that was originally planned for but heres where things are getting a little bit challenging for democrats 100 Law Enforcement agencies from around the area have pulled out now granted theres not going to be the conventions however theyre still expected to be people who are going to attend both in charlotte and milwaukee 100. 00 Law Enforcement agents who had originally volunteered to help be a part and courage security for not only those attending but also the media and for the v. I. P. s or b. To have said you know what thanks to the milwaukee sheriff chief announcer no longer being able to use tear gas or pepper spray we dont think its safe for our officers to help guarantee the security of the d. N. C. Were out that present a Religious School problem for those planning on attending ok so theres kind of smaller parties it sounds like that will happen in milwaukee and in charlotte still. Smaller parties yes the question is who gets to attend who doesnt and then obviously you see the v. I. P. s of democrats are saying they dont want any elected officials to be attending in milwaukee well see if they can stay away i mean cmon who doesnt love a good party even if you have to stay 6 feet away and keep your mask on the whole time some would say thats the way you should party because then i kind of stay away from the big crowds at parties thats got it as what about the debates those are drawing near i mean people were saying maybe itll happen maybe it wont people are looking forward obviously to hearing joe biden versus donald trump itll be like the match up of the center. Re should people start getting their popcorn is it really going to go down. I mean its like the reality show that weve all been waiting for expect is if we dont have sports right now to watch an amazing tale the debate is supposed to be still happening its been moved time and time again people have canceled back out this want to see on september 29th hosted by the Cleveland Clinic and the Case Western Reserve University theres a Cleveland Clinic is monument is because theyve been the main clinic advising President Trump on his coven 1000 or sponsor now theres other theres other university in other debates that are planned october 15th and miami october 22nd especially the last one here in nashville but also Vice President ial debates have theyre supposed to happen however like we have seen it just kind of depends on where this virus goes in the response what we do know is it will not be the large presence that weve seen in the past debates youre going to hopefully just have to present themselves but the president ial candidates on the stage obviously they will definitely want to be more than 6 feet apart from each other not together covered but just because they dont like each other and there might actually be good for both of their health and safety but youre going to you know this will be a very well watched of and so obviously the question is what networks get to carry it because now that youre not going to be able to have people in there and other media reporting on it whos going to be those Great Networks that get to be able to carry it i vote r. T. America i think we should actually were a good common equalizing ground fair to all you know im just going to put it out there scottie neither one of those candidates have the guts to appear on this network so im just going to say that and secondly why dont they just do an online debate if theyre going to keep claiming coronavirus fears just do an online debate and the whole world can tune in. Old manila dont give them that idea i mean come on now you have to admit theres nothing that is going to be better than seeing the 2 of them being able in the body language will become from both of them being in the same room even if it is 20 feet apart on a stage that right there i think is what the American People would need to see because youre going to get all the handlers youre going to get and youre going to. Just you know raul candidates themselves reacting to stuff and i think thats right now what the American People need in order to build some sort of trust back into either of the men that are running you know thats true because if we do have like a zoom debate i can only imagine on the other side of the camera theres going to be people like cue cards and giving people him now lets just keep it a real fight keep it clean lets see what happens come september. Host of news views hughes thank you very much. Other news making headlines today the u. S. Will begin to redeploy troops stationed in germany just within 2 weeks according to defense secretary mark asked for some troops will be stationed in European Countries like italy now earlier today he told reporters that around 6400 troops will return to the u. S. And about 5600 others will redeploy to other nato countries now in addition the pentagon will also move its headquarters from germany stuttgart to belgium. And other news across the nation a bridge over a lake in arizona partially collapsed after a Freight Train derailed and caught fire this all happened around 6 30 am local time in tempe just east of Phoenix Police and fire crews from maine on the scene. And more news from around the world tensions between india and china have simmer down but could soon ask late again this after india received its 1st batch of fighter jets from france 5 new jets landed at a military base in Northern City in india those fighter jets are a part of an 8000000000. 00 deal signed with france back in 2016. And over in japan today a court recognized people exposed to radioactive black rain which fell after a nuclear bomb was dropped on hiroshima decades ago the Hiroshima District Court judge said all 84 plaintiffs who are ages ranging now from their seventys to ninetys who were. Outside of the government that zone also develops radiation induced illnesses and should also be certified as a bomb victims now this landmark ruling comes a week before the city marks its 75th anniversary of the u. S. Atomic bombing. And then over in mexico the pemex quo corruption trial is underway the Oil Companies former head and merely a lawyer is accused of receiving 4000000. 00 in bribes from a Brazilian Construction Company and then allegedly using it towards the 2012 president ial campaign of the form of president and make a pena nieto on the. Original ham is over the sports h. Q. And regina surfing handed out a special ward but this winner was not happy about getting it no and i wouldnt be either but surfing like most sports around the globe found itself canceled by the current virus pandemic but award season did go on and one why is are found herself as the winner of not necessarily the best category hell yeah like kennelly was the recipient of the red bull 20 twentieths big way the word for wife out of the year the 41 year old won her category for her crash and burn at the jaws event in july back in february surfers are nominated for the title and he olive found herself nominate alongside sleepy sarah sarah zano jerome so you and tori meister and francisco for chela times lie about one of the biggest of the year and the heaviest multiple injuries to show for it as the winner she does take home 5000. 00 and the videographer who captured that wipeout well they get a cool 3 grand awards were held online as opposed to the big gala due to the coronavirus panda. It was a wild night for 2 games in the m. L. S. Is back torment round of 16 playing in regulation though didnt cut it in the case of the Columbus Crew and Minnesota United penalties were needed to pick a winner columbus came into the game of the favorites to win percentage minute quarter for minnesotas michael box on jose ah. Has it passed volatile round robin love follows up loons draw 1st blood at one mil 2nd half action though in the 77 minute county given right here to columbus afterwards aha is fouled in the penalty area with a late challenge columbus jazzie zardoz would have his shot at taking that penalty and it is safe but put back in the rebound to tie things all up that one which means we get to go to a penalty shoot out well begin in minnesota those volatile alonso convert to go and down the middle to start things off columbus theyre going to respond with a bottom right corner shot from forts and then dont id and were all tied up at once now columbus looking to keep their hopes alive and lucas theyll ryan with a stutter step and sends it past lose goalkeeper tyler though priscilla all hopes for minnesota rest on the left bank chase jasper and he has a right to put a shot right here punches it seems to get to the quarterfinals. You see successfully pulled off their fight island events over in the u. A. E. And dana white though decided to give fans now the gift theyve been waiting for with the announcement of a massive fight arena you have the lightweight champion habibs naroda made off of getting back in the octagon in october for the long awaited ballad interim champ justin gayety the fight is likely going to be one of the biggest in u. F. C. History with a unified title on the line hasnt gotten september 29th teens and u. S. C. To 42 where he beat dustin for a by submission in 3 rounds the 31 year old has been dealing with the loss of his father and coach on july 3rd amalgamate off at 20 a no holds a long as active in the streak and then has defended his title only 2822 and to present a tough challenge as hes known for it being a world class grappler and is actually a former one division one wrestler the know its really interesting we love him in iraq made off here on this network we love watching her big fight it will be really hard we can imagine that his dad will be there with him this time i know what is. Sad tragic story i mean he raised him to fight and he got to this level and now you know hes gone for the 1st time to be without him ringside it is and has been a big proponent because of this to wear a mask you know to be protective of your family members of anybody around you and just you know be safe social distance and you know i think that comes from a real place of concern and were glad that we have him on prevention now you know and im really excited to see who wins my battle you know thats what i hope i didnt really hit home at u. S. C. And its right there with thank you for that regina will have a lot more news coming up at 5 oclock 1st despite tensions between the worlds 2 largest economies china is growing its presence in foreign markets were going to tell you about that plus and well be spend marland season through the weekend amid a coded 1900 outbreak is americas favorite pastime now in jeopardy were going to discuss all right keep up with all the latest news and anything you might have missed by downloading our brainy preamp portable t. V. Im going to chance. Every crisis in america has been packaged as a bond and sold into the junk bond market with a longer maturity at a slightly lower coupon rate and theyve been doing this now for 40 years to the point where america is in debt at this says. Engineers to the point of extinction of. Many countries as low. Greetings and sell you. Its boy it was a celebration of political grandstanding partisan hackery and outright lying to the public it was on full display in full swing this week from both democrats and republicans as everybodys favorite befuddled looking president ial bootlicking yes man u. S. Attorney general william barr took the stand in front of the u. S. House Judiciary Committee to answer for a wide range of questionable and possibly political motivated decisions coming out of his Office Decisions like using chemical weapons to clear out protesters in Lafayette Square for Trumps Campaign buyable photo op here in d. C. Or sending them to u. S. Cities to provoke protesters and claim hostilities to bolster the president s Campaign Theme of law and order you know those kind of all american Decision Making is to come out of an attorney general but while a. G. Barr on the politicians questioning him are definitely wearing their political beliefs an agenda on their sleeves it appears that many u. S. Citizens are actually rolling up their sleeves and never to hide their political opinions according to the Cato Institute a new National Survey about 2000 u. S. Citizens has found that selfcensorship is on the rise in the United States and that nearly 2 thirds 62 percent of americans say the Political Climate these days prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive Digging Deeper into the institutes findings one discovers that these fears may actually Cross Party Lines with 52 percent of democrats 59 percent of independents and a whopping 77 percent of republicans all agreeing that they are afraid to share in public some of their but most basic political opinions in fact

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