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Law enforcement gets tough on a protest against Police Brutality. During weeks of antigovernment on rather. A very good morning wednesday the 24th of july live here and out International World news center its kevin owen with you for this update this hour thanks for your company to 1st then hours after donald trump threatened to send in more federal troops to the stricken city of portland in oregon leaders there pleading for a cease fire the u. S. President s cracking down on the occasionally violent protests which have been simmering there for months but paul and city Officials Say that trump has gone too far right well these are the pictures in just but just from last hour i think one. In the morning the now wednesday morning in portland among the protest groups is wall of mums the part of a lawsuit which is suing the government for using violence against peaceful demonstrators as of now 74 people have been arrested in the face federal charges or a House Judiciary Committee hearing laid bare the Political Division and how the nationwide protests see. Violent rioters an anarchist that hijacked legitimate protests to wreak senseless havoc and destruction on innocent victims weve seen mothers and weve seen veterans who were peacefully protesting not threatening the federal courthouse beaten against people arent showing up because the troops are there shame on you mr gore can i just say mr iemma you can i just in time is expired. A little cold to next to looking at how the worlds policeman is struggling to keep the peace on its own streets. Politics a catalyst for social unrest on both sides of the barricades especially in portland protesters have armed themselves and attacked federal agents in turn Trumps Administration has deployed heavily armed soldiers to put a lid on the situation now the citys mayor is calling for a truce. Commissioner Joanne Hardesty and i are calling for an immediate meeting with department of Homeland Security leadership on the ground in portland and with acting secretary of the department she had to both to discuss a cease fire and removal of heightened federal forces from portland a cease fire with its own citizens is the u. S. Crossing over the line from social unrest to something more serious judge for yourself. Some are calling this trumps electoral battlefield and he is calling in reinforcements perhaps to maintain his persona as a law and order president as the violence continues to snowball today im announcing a surge of federal Law Enforcement in 2 American Communities plagued by Violent Crime will work every single day to restore Public Safety protect our nations children and bring violent perpetrators to justice but seattles liberal mayor is blaming trump for the mayhem and in fact i think the president s actions said directly escalated and worst responsible for what happened this weekend was just talking to a number of mayors throughout the country who saw a similar thing that people wanting to act out against the president and his administration coming to the streets and other mayors from across america are also calling out trump to congress this is ministrations egregious use of federal force and city jackson forward to this should never happen. Who knows if democrats and republicans will ever see eye to eye on whats happening if you listen to what both sides are saying about the unrest its like theyre talking about 2 different events violent rioters and anarchists have hijacked legitimate protests to wreak senseless havoc in destruction on innocent victims federal agents dressed in military fatigues and toting military gear have gassed peaceful protest is made unlawful arrest without probable cools and otherwise used violence in an effort to stamp out peaceful and constitutionally protected protests washington is quick to flag social unrest in other countries and the socalled antidemocratic crackdowns that follow when the same thing happens on u. S. Soil well americans get their democracy dont quarter reporting that italy has a long struggle to handle waves of migrants crossing the mediterranean and the covert crisis is really intensified the problem is now so what so the government is planning to send troops to sicily after scores of refugees escaped quarantine and fled the detention center. And on top of it a sorry son of the times the big concern is the risk to Public Health in case anyones carrying coded the Italian Foreign minister now saying incidents like these do risk efforts to contain the pandemic local leaders are also angry. Down to the last secret i said that security and Peoples Health of the most important things and must be supported by everybody we didnt understand why a porter empathetically is the main all the only italian courts for disembarking migrants i was alerted about migrants fleeing and when i came to check i saw a mother with her child being taken away by an ambulance a centerline this of a strictly temporary nature and placed a simple quick transfer cannot be used for longer accommodation. Differently now this is were still facing cove that 19 people are so scared when they see my girl walking in the street to becoming a public issue this is proven by the fact that i am receiving constant calls every time the Migrant Centers food somebody escapes. So the travel restrictions designed to keep covert it pay are of course not much use when it comes to policing the illegal crossings that so often happen from north africa but when boats the seas the refugees are put into quarantine for 14 days the problem with that though the Detention Centers are getting crowded and social distancing in them is all but impossible opposition leaders want to go further now too and stop those boats from docking in the telly imports altogether so the telling government recently approved funds to help libyas coast guard but that in turn designed with n. G. O. S and human Rights Groups protesting in rome who accuse them of complicity in people smuggling and torture. When called the cost are guarding the libyan. Takes us some of them they are abroad to where. In what you are not not frankly speaking but theyre terrible. Now the older. Brother now theyre the proof still there that they are normally tortured raped literally a congress that italy. This decision on the libyan cause god is repeated for the. Violations of the fundamental rights of people and is repeated of human beings and contributing to. It isnt just their only pulsar theyve done in government as well as so far that you dont plan governments use only to stalk the waves of migration without really addressing the conditions and the human rights of the people who want to call it the president of the italian think tank future nation told us the e. U. Needs to do more to help here. This is an issue for our government itself and especially in the ceaseless is a last drop is not only a problem for our county but. For all the European Union so folks that mean more loss of the union to try to stop the flow. And also we need that to some agreement with the north africa and the European Union must help us in this situation where the regular meetings are a bit heller. Says the European Union and economic problems because we need to spend a lot of money to try to contrast the irregular media and in this specific moment we need money to help they tell us because a lot of industry that its all because of. This is next all in with it among the many troubling consequences of the pandemic is that millions more children are going hungry a study by the british medical journal now the lancet estimating that by the end of the year an extra 6700000. 00 children under the age of 5 risk malnourishment thousands are predicted to die from hunger the u. N. Then flagging up an urgent call right now for action. More children are becoming malnourished due to economic shocks created by the pandemic in low income and middle Income Countries as leaders of 4 u. N. Agencies we are issuing a call for action to protect childrens right to nutrition the report also highlights a vicious circle that the mother trisha puts families and their children at greater risk of contracting and dying from covert help struggling to get through to lock downs of seriously hampered humanitarian organizations and Food Supply Chains and getting to those critical places the worst affected regions are children living in Subsaharan Africa and latin america maybe no big surprise there but the numbers reveal a really bleak picture of well you can see for yourself the coded global slowdown is likely to see child deaths from malnutrition rise by an extra 10000. 00 per month more than half a 1000000 children again per month will be struck by the life threatening condition called wasting where dire hunger weakens their bodies to sometimes lethal levels of tackling the problem wont come cheap the u. N. Says 2400000000. 00 is needed right now to deal with it or lets talk directors saskia to pay whos the Senior Technical Advisor for you trish in the United Nations World Food Program hey there folks so make it a time to be with us much appreciated. Take us a bit more detail about about this report and how important it is. Thank you very much a good morning and yeah the report shows that the consequences of. Child protection. From what we know now are the laws that report says child based can increase by 40 percent leading to an extra 6300000 children waste and that is really just top of the iceberg shocking isnt it only 5 actions listed to protect childrens rights to nutrition and of course the pandemics really brought home and there. Are these 5 things going to be sorted out at the time so yeah those priorities really help us identify how best to protect children attrition and families nutrition and health at this time we know that their excess is affected income loss and. By mobility constrains its both a matter of able to physically excess and comically excess. And that can have severe consequences in order magician today also for growth and development in the future must protect the vulnerable now to save the future of generations and to cite. The course the permit having huge affects run the world but particularly in low and middle Income Countries the really open vulnerable at the moment. They very much are they were already very profitable for this crisis hit and this crisis really shows us we are and we. Are and maybe i can just give an example or i could curfew for night transport. For any movement at night really affect in trends or fresh markets for example you can transform your art after transport that night and you are friends that far from happening affecting. Markets. And on top of all this the report also mentions Food Logistics disruption talking about the forcing there for millions of people to try and look for other ways to feed themselves but the nutrient poor old turnitin so what theyre actually trying to feed themselves with is doing them damage yet its basically decreasing diversion of their diets and focusing on foods that are on perishable which are of lower nutritional value. But how are you going to everyone sort of deal with a pandemic roy everyones kind of looking to their own front door if you like in countries around the world youre really up against it here trying to convince various governments to give a bigger global picture if you like and be charitable youve got a huge job on your hands here at the moment when theres a say everyones looking to their own front door. I didnt write it im president and of president it for families is unprecedented for a country to some friends and for that humanitarian exercise like ourselves. We are really looking at where the critical point arent trying to mitigate preempt. Situation. And i can talk about our supply chain for example i really want to make sure that you are fortified and beings vitamins and minerals to to rise flour to want that then the east and europe the premix for doing so because they already have married and can still reach. Another point this prepositioning school close to where it requires. Everything youve highlighted in the in this report the huge amount of money thats going to cost as well 2400000000. 00 needed to put the children most in need is your voice going to be heard this is report going to make any difference end of the day because Everything Else thats going on thats a subsidy the world at the moment coronavirus yes and then the report this accompanied by a call to action from the 4 heads of the u. N. Agencies of the World Health Organization of unicef of the food and Agriculture Organization and of the World Food Program really for you will provide the best for you except the priority. And have that all their funding which should come from many different. From donors but also. Through a prayer if they staged it. Really. That protect you and your generation. Finally even if this started now youve got everything you wished for with everyone on board around the world and the money you needed how soon would it take to make a real difference you know is it is going to be years to try and tackle this would you make a big difference very quickly then francis can be it can be made quickly however we should also realize that mel nutrition thats right and in itself and the effects taste prior to progress and we amplify. So we can mitigate even better 6 of. Better or better systems. But its been a huge. Its been very well received around the world what youre trying to do the best of luck to you all of us here sask it appears the a Senior Technical Advisor for nutrition at the United Nations World Food Program thanks for your time well let you get on with your busy day that thing very much of a good work its 18 minutes past 11 here in moscow thank you for watching richard around the world on the way the Russian Orthodox monk with a checkered past hes dealing with more than a few days when its a long way from covert conspiracy theories to taking on the government another child with his hands full by the sounds of it we got his story after this break. Join me every 1st week on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see that. Company. By good morning a protest against Police Brutality in israel outside the Public Security ministers home has descended into violence between officers and demonstrators covering that middle east correspondent. Was the was was was was was. Was her through well these protests which i sense an antigovernment protests thats how they began has been ongoing for the better part of a month now increasingly theyve been gaining momentum and also weve been seeing scenes of violence in the latest protests it happened on tuesday evening the police dispersed and 2 government protesters from many of the main votes in tel aviv and also the main highway known as i am on they were police on horseback who were pushing the cloth bath protesters were demonstrating against the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu scoville action charges and at the same time the way hes been handling the whole covered 19 pandemic which they say is far from efficient the demonstration started outside the house of the minister of Public Security who has been calling for tougher police measures. We came here and we will shout and we wont use violence as the police do despite everything thats thing that hurts me most is what the police are doing they are People Like Us with families but they dont understand the damage they are doing i came to protest as i have nothing to lose i was injured in the army i have my own business that was shut down they closed the Entertainment Industry they closed peoples businesses there was just nothing to lose and earlier this month and i tell ya introduce an aid package that he says he believes will bring economic safety to the people of israel affected by it call it 19 at least for the next here on the issue. His corruption charges he continues to maintain his innocence but the mood is such on the ground here that were likely to see demonstrations like this continuing at least into the near future. And admitted murderer turned influential priest to conspiracy theorist and religious cult leader well its all makings of a sinister thriller but it is all playing out for real in the serena setting of a convent in the russian urals stay with me here with more on the story. Ever heard of operation hail storm from heaven alert it may sound like a soft nickname for a nato drill but actually it was this man who came up with that a 65 year old russian abbot cold he had to eat from a certain angle he may appear to you like your regular peaceful preacher while the hail storm from heaven i. E. Violent resistance is what see it again promised to anyone who try to take over his new realm a common just outside one of russias biggest cities catron borg he has pretty much barricaded himself inside the compound with his followers and has garnered support from kosek forces having ranted at a whole bunch of people. More really deprived. From the head of the Russian Orthodox church to Vladimir Putin who the clerk blamed for forcing everyone into a satanic electronic concentration camp journalists who tried to dig into the story of the sect have been attacked this is a military program as well as that i would say which. I am pleased to have rights with im cmdr as im right you might see why the oh its. Easier. To use an easy. Answers in hell is he one simply is axioms in the little law. School is let me know however somehow for years city was building an impressive religious career even though back in the soviet times he was jailed for taking part in robbery and murder anyway thanks to the coronavirus his preaching caught deserved attention of the authorities when in spring the Russian Orthodox church werent believers to stay away from public prayers said he decided to go to war with the clergy with their guard everyone who tries to encroach to close the churches will be cursed he knew his kind out a bonus of bill gates chipping. 5 g. Conspiracy theories to the mix or forgot to mention accusations of child abuse and you get a hell of a freak character at the same time some believers including a few celebrities praise the man for his missionary work and spiritual principles but the word of truth is heard only here thanks. Anyway how did we get to pretty much a state of siege and remember the hail storm from heaven threat the church decided to punish abbott said again step by step 1st it was just a temporary ban on holding any kind of service but any move against him only made the abbot step up the fight taking over the common and setting up a cossack guard may have been an act of last resort last week the patriarch finally defrocked the cops have been after him as well according to the church its now up to the police to further deal with the rebel monk it seems though he couldnt care less which only makes us wonder just how far he can go. With the story. Google has school to cool with in germany over the socalled right to be forgotten even rules allow people to request information to be taken off if they are concerned about their privacy but now germanys highest court says no not if its weighed by Public Interest reporting on europe correspondent peter all of a next. The German Federal court of justice the Supreme Court here has sided with google in a landmark case when it comes to a persons right to be forgotten versus the publics right to know what it means is essentially this ruling is that a person can request Internet Companies remove articles about them from internet searches but the company is under no obligation to do so there is no presumption of a priority for the protection of the interests of the person concerned but the conflicting fundamental rights not to be weighed up equally good person responsible for Search Engine does not have to take action until he becomes aware of an obvious and at 1st glance clearly recognizable violation of the law or the person concerned back in 24 t. The European Court of justice the e c j rule to say citizen has the right to have inaccurate inadequate irrelevant or excessive search results linked to their name removed from Search Engines what that doesnt mean is that things would be removed from the internet they just wouldnt show up when you searched for them it was. The operator of the Search Engine is obliged to remove links to web pages published by 3rd parties and containing information relating to an individual even when its publication is lawful those rights of right not only the economic interest of the operator of the Search Engine but also the interest of the general public in finding that information. In 28. 00 c. In the e. U. Brought in sweeping rights for the individual when it came to having data removed from the online sphere an example of a successful application involves a teacher that requested that a misdemeanor conviction for 10 years previously be stricken from the record when his name was searched and unsuccessful application involved a priest that was at the center of a sexual. Buf scandal in that case google said it was in the Public Interest as that investigation was content uing but this hasnt been without controversy just last november the Constitutional Court here in germany ruled that a man convicted of murder back in 1982 have the right to be forgotten essentially what were seeing though is this is going to continue because one of the plaintiffs there was to that this ruling earlier this week related to is going to see their case referred to the European Court of justice theyre going to make another ruling on this as europe tries to essentially find privacy laws that are fit for purpose in todays information age. Controversial peter covering up for their worst when things look at the newsroom so far this cross any breaking news and if it may come up heard r. T. Dot com or various social media throughout the day so for now review watching around the world thanks checking out our program was appreciated here in moscow kevin o. Reporting and have a great wednesday. Conservative media tell us the political left in the United States has become radicalized selebi joe biden well sure in an era of socialism profoundly changing the country on the other hand biden in many in his or big claimed nothing would fundamentally change so quickly is it or is it as always just because. Og know to no crowd. No shots. Actually helps because. While its track no one. Points your thirst for action. A dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if youre going to exploit for a child here in los angeles oh there were going to come out you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the 6 trades

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