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And i just remember one day i was i was working on the boss come up to me and says thats where were going home. I thought were going home early why because were close to. The closed doors on us or. I dont know what to say. Because its a crying shame really is. I was a long time democrat. But this last election before it came along and i switch parties i switch parties on the republican now and. I think mr trump is doing a great job for us i think hes trying youre going to help the country you work for and i think you try to do that to really build. The. But. Having little to no job in a neighborhood causes plenty of strains are part of peoples emotional state will peoples physical state. If you cant feed your family if you cant pay your bills as soon as you into a major state of depression. When the steel mills said dahlia thats a major part of the city away this was a a wedding awaiting davids bridal. This is 722. 00 steals 3 we have acquired this property from the bottle only county lead bank for 1000. 00 house is pretty lets you know just the bad northeast a lot of theres a lot of fields that although nothing else so a lot out but itll still have to go. You know we just have to clear a lot of the furnishings that was left over whoever was living here they werent here long maybe about a year 18 months max and and then they were god i didnt run across a suicide note that was left i guess either by the hose been or the father of the house he stated that he you know he was up in a bad position in his life right now and he was sorry for everything he had. And whoever was reading the note if they were actually reading the note they would find him hanging in a garage. I mean if i came on was seen a note like that it probably was scared the heck out of me i would he would want to see what was in the garage i would just be getting up out here which seems like thats what the family did because they left everything behind clothing tollways bedding furniture you know whatever whatever was here. Was a was left. Organs companies you know foreclosed properties areas got bad you know drug infested you know drugs you know just pretty much saturated the city which caused a lot of people to pretty much flee to. The corporate coup detat it was begun in the early 1970 s. Lewis powell in his 971. 00 memo which he wrote when he was an attorney for the chamber of commerce he later became the Supreme Court justice talked about what he called the assault on the Free Enterprise system. And he called on corporations to use their power and in particular their money to build counter institutions and to take over and destroy liberal institutions. Institutions that traditionally gave a voice to the working class and cared about the rights and needs of the citizenry. But i dropped later charges that applied Car Companies with running risks that countered them but do. Quote perhaps the single most effective antagonist of American Business is ralph nader so if they do it to help new york city it will be to help the banks. Who thanks largely to the media has become a legend in his own time and an idol of millions of americans. And on are justified in any way to getting us to matter i dont want to have a climate in this country where i want to ask the avonex aesthetic. Exist and steely determination in order to speak truthfully and candidly critically of american industry the coal memoranda it was a combination of delusion and paranoia. He basically said to the Business Community youre going to hire a lot more lobbyist swarming over congress youve got a poor a lot more money into the their campaigns both parties republican democrat youve got to get out on the campuses and get right wing speakers. Progressive speakers he had the whole 180 degree. Constitutional. Do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States. People like reagan in the early form of modern optimism switching everything back to if you like to pretend it roosevelt period i found americans in recent days all of us have been swamped by a sea of Economic Statistics some good some bad and some just plain confusing you see that red line represents the rate of unemployment from the 1968 through the present congress should act on Regulatory Reform to help make government more economical and efficient and the private sector more productive tax reform and budget control our economy will be free to expand to its full potential thats our Economic Program for the next 4 years were going to turn the bull loose. Thank you very much. What youve done for me is better than. Things were starting to happen in italy and. You could already see the cracks opening up so that gaps between rich and poor began growing. And trying to tell you there is no program or promise that a president can bake the federal government going in come in that you want to do this the only voice you heard was this. Voice of the inevitability of the marketplace i hear you and millions of other men and women alike you stand for the bad news of hard work thrift commitment to family and the love of god that made this country so great and will make us great again. We saw the rise of what i would call the phone liberal class ah spoken the traditional feel your pain language of liberalism and yet the situ asli carried out an assault against the citizenry on behalf of Corporate Power today as i sat on the north American Free trade agreement into law we are ready to compete and we can win. So its under clinton that you get nafta. Nafta allowed manufacturers particularly auto manufacturers in canada in the United States to move their production to mexico it was deliberate they moved their production their companies there because they had such low wages in mexico which did not help the mexican workers by the way this is false to say that mexico won it was a lose lose lose for the people on a win win win for the corporations down the hall to the white house east room he came with 3 of his predecessors in cairo but the real effort by mr president with the stated doubters that hes prepared to fight for the treaty this is happened all over the world particularly in the United States that the radical decline of the Labor Movement and unions which were a Political Force even more importantly it and they were on the shop floor the United States always had weak unions to to come to countervail against the corporations and the peak there were 34 percent of the labor force but they are now down to 11 percent total and only 6 percent in the private sector so essentially the countervailing power base and institutional power base is gone and part of that was an all out attack by organized corporations and went after them today we are taking on this. Story chance to make welfare what it was meant to be a 2nd chance not a way of life its under clinton and you get the destruction of welfare and originally 70 percent of the recipients of our Welfare Program were children. Its under clinton that you get the 1904 army was crime bill crime has been a hot political issue years too often to divide us while the system makes excuses for not punishing criminals and doing the job because the democrats were taking back the issue of law and order from the republicans. Laws to incarcerate double double triple sentences 3 strikes youre out laws so that people could go to prison for life for nonviolent crimes. So there was an explosion in the prison industry. Which of course is a form of social control for de industrialized pockets they are often the kinds of kids that are called super predatory has no conscience no empathy and they used all the coded words super predators law in order. As the pillage was being carried out the white majority was being indoctrinated with this idea that marginal usually poor people of color were responsible for the destruction of the country the assault on their national identity. Card. John youre also. Ok 321 twice over the past 8 months i traveled to the midwest to a city thats become a metaphor for many for jobs lost factories closed. And the disappearance of the 9. 00 to 5. 00 middle class 40 year the down the coming candidate marks the beginning of the end of the field dominated youngstown area of economy there are no longer smoke stacks and much of it is covered by vegetation act i had on our uterus and its depressing again down here to be honest with you your cant talk about the Mountain Valley and not talk about the steel and manufacturing. Them smokes the region like the arms again. I used to wake up in the morning to the noise of the Blast Furnace rumbling no i wake up to them tearing the facility down. We go to work so you straight home. A duck industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells abilities on the streets many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of the daily challenge no if youre going to exploit a child here in los angeles they were going to come out you would see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customer has to fight the 6 trade. Unions 10 districts more just steel mills would be shut down by friday to. Try and recover from that they passed nafta in new york nafta is great wall street good stuff nafta and on the west coast nafta is great because you got home port of los angeles you have the ocean and thats coming from china and mexico and. All that stuff so all those free traders theyre making millions but the people here theyre hurting their jobs are gone their jobs are. We gave. Full it can be hard to go buy that plant now and know that bells and used to work there g. M. Employees learn friday afternoon that up to 1500 of them would be laid off when the 2nd shift is eliminated in the county since your old American Finance network the property the county Treasurers Office has been trying to collect taxes for 5 years and is in the foreclosure process. This is truly a metaphor or wrong with both Americas Health care system which through mergers and corporate ization take the community away from their own health care and from their own facility they did not need. It this is another example being able to walk away from your responsibility and then putting it back on the community thats already desperate. Its here in the youngstown area where i found. I dont like to live in a trailer park i mean its not that its a bad park but its not who i am its not just me theres 1100 still workers about the mention all the other facilities of 100 it supported the mill and a lot of people lost their livelihood what role do you think politicians play at all but i think theyve been bought by Corporate America and their puppets every single one doesnt matter if youre a democrat or republican theyre all corporate loans i dont think they can think for themselves i think they just do as are told so you wonder who was it who are the people who voted for donald trump quite a few were people who voted twice for barack obama and for Bernie Sanders that was even more astounding that maybe. Say theres no way i can simply sit here and guess what folks are thinking i need to understand whats going on in peoples minds and why this situation is far more complex than what we give it credit. And they actually brought up workers from mexico and the workers here how to train those workers that they knew were going to take their shops and then they had the workers. Pack up the machines and ship them down to mexico. There you. Go not anymore. This valley has a very rich democratic tradition. They voted democrat almost always until President Trump came along and upset the applecart when i saw Hillary Clinton really struggling with trade issues and nafta and i sent a 4 page memo. I predicted in that memo that shes bleeding badly blue collar voters. And those are the voters in pennsylvania michigan wisconsin that could have turned the election and her standing on a stage in columbus i mean i dont mean to beat her up because i really do love the woman and i work for her but she stood on a stage in Columbus Ohio and looked out and said were going to put a lot of call miners and Call Companies out of business you got a blue collar job. Thats what they heard her say he never came around and said hey were going to put people out of work he said hey im going to put you back to work. When people are thirsty theyre going to drink any water they dont care the water is dirty ready ready. If it is in. Your hand oh oh there you go you got to see. As you go out oh are you ok. I dont say so here i heard about you sorry we got snow that yeah thats good thats. Why i asked him i saw you. Which you know the weather was a lot better of course and theres been this this tax cut most of course which went to corporations but some which went to middle class working class people are you seeing any difference in your own feature about 20. 00. Went right out and what do you do with those 1220. 00 what can you do with 20. 00 its gas you know it might help build it what about the tariffs i dont lead on to you or your you cross the border to to work into a prince of a you know search and because that head in the impact so far to your knowledge well i mean 1st of all i want to applaud the president for still cares we need to do years ago but ironically now this company that a man you know most of the mills like the 2 mills i put down you just cant find slabs made america our company has to go to russia to get. Donald trump is basically use the issue of steel and the conditions of Steel Workers those whove been laid off the us from austin jobs. And some talking point oh and now he. Says and seems to have many people believe. Then he is leading the charge to bring steel back to the United States and to youngstown in order to bring steel back to this area you have to have somebody thats willing to invest in building new Blast Furnace as new electric. And put it in. Youll never see 12021500 people working in a facility and a skilled. Radio show. Good afternoon 3 o 7 this week get underway here today all right i think it takes courage to do what President Trump is doing i think it takes courage as i said he is a president s that doesnt view us as a market place as a nation not speculating on whats going to happen im looking at whats taking place right here and right now when it when it comes to trying and im looking at whats happening in this community you know once thats thats where im at on it was is what i want to say about him is his policies contrary to what you believe have not benefited Middle America thats what i want to talk to the voters about lets look at as opposed to david i just said these guys we have people getting bonuses and raises noting locally as a result of that tax cut it has benefit members of this community hold that thought well come on whatever happened to you worry about the deficit always said its not to be more than happy to talk about that because its as if we can get 4 to 5 percent growth guess what a lot of novels are soft fighting broke out overnight between Companies Really called product in the are reversed is not a regulation thats going to create one jobs ok it is a regulation designed to take care of his billionaire but. That when i come back in a minute. Kerry and. His 85 percent over the last 8 years as george bush took office. Its been 16 years. There is that should say we should give more and more to millionaires and billionaires and prosperity trickles down everybody. In response to president obamas 2008 election there was a counterrevolution billionaires and powerful corporate interests were terrified that obama and democrats in congress would tax the wealthy that they would redistribute wealth in this country but they would enact overreaching Health Care Reform and in response to that the corporate interests and billionaires they funded hate groups and front groups to oppose the obama agenda and to whip up hate in society to divide americans on race and class and religion. Centrists muslims build mosques where they won military victors we want to build a mosque at ground 0 or islamic terrorists killed 3000 americans just like the japanese pearl harbor. They placed advertisements on television scapegoating muslims claiming that promote Justice Reform will put dangerous criminals on the streets showing pictures of africanamericans and and conjuring racial fear maybe we have a case of. Jesus i think. It was. This was not because billionaires and major corporations necessarily believed in these messages. But they wanted to undermine Political Support for economic reform. The Supreme Court today handed down a landmark ruling on Campaign Finance laws in a 5 to 4 decision the court overturned struction some corporations from using their funds to. Advocate for a specific candidate the majority opinion affirms corporations have 1st amendment rights and that the government cant eliminate their political speech. They have done things like allowed unlimited infusions of Corporate Cash as the right to petition the government or a form of free speech its a complete inversion so youre a Constitutional Rights are still exist on paper but have been reinterpreted to essentially bolster Corporate Power and that has left us utterly defenseless as a person youre worried all that theres too much money in politics if you believe that we ought to go back to murder key that the people are such sheep but they just swallow whatever whatever they see on television or reading the newspapers shafted us misfires. How much is enough for. The richest one percent of this country owns half our countrys wealth 5 trillion dollars i create nothing. I. Make the rules out a new war a span of evil a price to pay for clips weve picked out a rabbit out of a hat wire but its out there want to know how they did it. Youre not naive enough to think were living in a democracy are you buddy. I would argue that. In the arc of cutting our own ardor. Whether its throat or the wrists. Its largely because weve allowed ourselves to be convinced by our own elites as a democratic system is a product of the free market. And even the people in youngstown who voted for obama said there was a real turning point that we can get a. Black president and that would set everything in motion that we didnt recognize that change was sold happening in spectacles in the white house. And you see news in the system were always there and they think obama knew how to play them very well but he was also playing to an audience. And i think that once that audience started to catch on bet their lives werent changing and we were dated back to not only what does he know year but what is almost paper familiar and that has been the fierce were back to the right. The thing is that when you have be out money printers in charge the act of printing all that paper money to hang around eyes themselves really fills their head with dreams of its fiats of primacy thats the ultimate form of supremacy is i print therefore i am and if you can pull the levers of political power with their fear of money if you can acquire assets with their feet out money it gives you that god complex that we have so much over around the world and countries and big corporations and now its all going to come crashing down. Gandhian by north and some of the people because they copied him. That even such a bad copy sending. Im not hill to climb it would be a big. Deal to find the next guy. Done the unfelt something good luck she went on panty of. The deflection board the c. E. O. She has a deflection board how could you say. That is going to be better than i got out from idiots are. You. Going to write about. That that you can bank on you get nothing like a. Long long while running. On the bottom is a bonus which alone can choke a lot older. Than to a new person and to me 100. 00 gandhi a new low in gun. Run the series cross the river ignore you then do mock you then they will join you. Wasnt under make no certainly no borders just blind to nationalities. As a muddle to which we dont look like seem. To be a good. Judge of. Commentary prices that is listened to in modern times we can do better we should. Everyone is contributing its your own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges crayfish the response has been much so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. Because every case in spain is travel plans take a shit as the number of nations impose restrictions but as the walls Health Organization warns the content make is worsening. And he raises them on west continues to grip cities across america with less than a 100 days to go before the president ial election. Cons the worlds most dangerous man the government recommended website in britain aimed at children paints an evil picture of russia and its leader. Was just gone 8 am here in the russian capital those are the headlines on r. T. International and you can stay on top of those stories and more at r. T. Dot com well be back with a full rundown of the latest world

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