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Pray to dear god. In the pandemic expires despite a soaring. Were looking at just about the sins of thousands of families in households many for the 1st time in their lives and there has not been a response in terms of how we will address our courts open back up. This is anti international. The feud between the worlds 2 largest economies china the United States is ratcheting up in a cold war style standoff less than an hour after chinese officials had left their consulate in houston following Donald Trumps order to close up saluting u. S. Authorities and officials were seen forcibly entering the building. Often the group of man was probably trying to break into the facility using tools before the nannies to enter officials the scene trying 3 separate entrances without success and his consulate staff were departing the building on friday a crowd of anti beijing protesters gathered outside while cleaners were seen taking out the rubbish at the u. S. Consulate general in the chinese city of chengdu thought america to vacate those premises in a tit for tat measure. So comes as a chinese researcher is arrested by u. S. Authorities in beijings consulate in San Francisco shes accused of not disclosing military affiliations and a visa application is one for visiting researches who recently faced allegations of visa fraud aging strongly condemns the crackdown deserves the United States to stop harassing Chinese Students and researchers on the start of quarter looks at the recent escalation in tensions between the rivals and the latest cold war style rhetoric coming from u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei or. Since the 1970 s. U. S. Foreign policy has used more honey than vinegar and its dealings with beijing china has definitely changed as a result but not exactly the way washington wanted it to you know the world was much different than we imagine think you shouldnt which and it would produce a future with bright promise of comedy and cooperation. But today today were all still Wearing Masks and watching the pandemics body count rise because the c. C. P. Failed in its promises to the world if we want to have a free 21st century and not the chinese century of which dreams. The old paradigm of blinding gauge with china simply wont get it done speech seems to have a lot in common with that of Winston Churchills when he declared an iron curtain had descended across europe dividing it into soviet and western spheres it was the beginning of the cold war and with pump ails us against them rhetoric another cold war between the u. S. And china may be brewing this isnt about containment dont buy that. Its about a complex new challenge that weve never faced before. The u. S. S. R. Was closed off from the free world communist china is already within our borders washingtons hostile stance is no doubt part of a recent pitfall in sino u. S. Relations while waistband in the u. S. Accusations of tech that disputes in the South China Sea its all reminding experts of a warning the former president Richard Nixon made decades ago we must cultivate jointed during the next few decades want it is learning to develop its National Strength and potential otherwise we will one day be confronted with the most of the middle enemy that has ever existed in the history of the world unfortunately for washington nixon was right when he was president china was still an economically backwards country with its eyes on Rapid Development fast forward to the present and the communist parties accomplished much of what it set out to do its lifted millions out of abject poverty it led the country to what looks like a quick. Recovery from the covert 1000 pandemic it doesnt seem willing to stop in the face of washington statements. Remarks which ignore facts and often of ideological bias and cold war mentality are a hodgepodge of political lies intensively made recently by senior u. S. Officials accusations of human rights abuses authoritarian name calling pump alles even label china system a new tyranny it does all sound a bit crusade but then again its nothing new in americas Foreign Policy playbook the troika of tyranny in this hemisphere cuba venezuela and nicaragua has finally met its match pressers regimes and ideologies forces of oppression to tell a tear in ism and domination well despite the trumpet ministrations best efforts the socalled troika of tyranny is still around even where u. S. Backed regime change was successful its still no walk in the park in iraq the government is basically powerless to combat militias that see it as a us puppet and in countries where the u. S. Failed like venezuela its a huge waste of taxpayer money china though is a lot more powerful and with u. S. Allies unwilling to get behind this new strategy pelle might need to rethink his approach because. The work has already. Started and actually in my opinion the show corners code to work between china and america has now much talk during a positive because the United States has never spoke to you know we are thinking of cold war talk to wouldnt do thinking about it china who were very clear which country. Is more in the world into war definitely special extra decision to question for many people to understand i think the United States would be really need to and ruling in interference into other countries you are. Yes. Angry protests across greece have followed the reopening of higher severe as a mosque on friday the former museum held its inaugural muslim prayers and orthodox protesters burnt turkish flags turkey later rebuked the greek authorities for allowing the burning of the National Symbol demonstrators marched on the countrys consulate into saloniki and chanted anti ankara slogans condemning the reconversion is what some of them have to say. Maybe im not this is a totally barbaric an uncivilized move turning highest of fear into a mosque is that this act goes against all of the dogs people this is not right from the turkish because they have been your churches to create a dear god. By these muslim prayers to crowds of worshippers who filled the nearby square it is president for egypt i bedwyn was also in attendance surrounded by senior officials the turkish leader participated in the service and recited verses from the quran he then expressed his delight at the reconversion. Used to live in them. This is been a yearning since our youth we used to say let the chains break in high is the fear open as a mosque weve ended an 86 year period hyas of fear has now returned to its essence it was a mosque and its a mosque a game it has been some back and forth in the history of severe originally it was built by the roman empire is a cathedral that became a mosque after the ottoman conquest in 135. 00 it was converted into a museum but earlier this month turkey transformed it back into a mosque in a discreet and populous form a greek ambassador to canada is that the change into his status is a matter of turkish domestic policy. Well i think that he was doing it out maybe also for internal reasons because his popularity is is dropping now in that turkey because of the economic crisis and also my my impression is that he is trying to put down at that the founder of modern turkey so this is an attack also against the demolished regime in turkey so basically its an its an internal problem that has International Ramifications i dont think that he cares anything about statements being done the only thing that she might care would be if concrete measures were taken like the e. U. Taking sanctions against against turkey for violating International Law and violating that there are real integrity of 2 of its Member States which is greece and cyprus we must not forget that the e. U. Has taken sanctions against russia for reasons much less. And which which i personally dont dont agree with them and yet it refuses or the moment to take sanctions against turkey. England Face Coverings and mandatory in public spaces is however has raised the question if you should monitor compliance some shop owners are saying that they will not enforce the new rule when you can correspond to reports. Provide a its now mandatory for people in england to wear a face mask when they go to shop for the supermarket so they go to pick up a delivery now were going to go on to the streets of london to try to see what the public think they should done this before coronavirus point. The fact that its running one people 100 pounds. And probably money out of Peoples Health just that that makes a perfect picture of government. I think we should have been implemented from the beginning. I think its important to abide by these 3 was busy i think theres a lot of science that goes behind coming up with these rules most of the shops that i went into werent really forcing the rules those that were just said that they would recommending people to where mosques to cover their faces now many of those shop workers dont want to be enforcing those rules because they fear aggression and backlash from certain members of the public if they were to try to make people wear masks with hundreds of incidents of violence and abuse directed at retail stuff every day we welcome denouncement that in force meant to be left to their story to us rather than potentially put in hard working retail colleagues in harms way if. Someone refuses to wear a face mask probably we can kindly asked him to leave but as to enforcing it its not viable it will be certain people who would be upset about it. And indeed the most controlling boss for us also as well is a weekend in force if we dont always encourage people to have it but. God knows how weve done and sort of the government of said that those who refused to wear face masks when going into shops could be fined up to 100. 00 pounds should an individual without an exemption refuse to wear a Face Covering a shop can refuse them entry and can call the police if people refuse to comply the police have formal him. Compounds and can issue a fine and the police dont seem to be too keen either saying that making them in force it is both unrealistic and unfair policing the wearing of Face Coverings in shops cant be a priority because we simply dont have the resources to expect my colleagues to be policing the supermarket aisles looking for those shoppers not wearing a Face Covering is unrealistic and unfair the u. K. Has had one of the worst coronavirus death tolls of any country around the world there are some who say that these measures are better late than never but many others here feel that its far too little far through like easily off the london. People in the far eastern russian city of. Been protesting for a 3rd consecutive weekend in support of the former governor so ok for gul was arrested earlier this month on allegations of ordering murders 15 years ago to lie to give a correspondent whos following the story around the protests seem to show little sign of dying down explain to us please why the local so outraged. Well the outrage is still there 7 times the east of moscow inhabitants region which is near the Pacific Ocean there are plenty of people who still believe and still support. This is deposed governor the governor that was arrested in a very high profile case very publicly for or for legibly of the suspicion of organizing the kidnappings and murder of multiple entry printers and these are charges that have split i would say i could see to it in. This you know people all over the country all over russia because the one hand these are incredibly serious charges that you know how could you come out in support of a man that was. Charged with these that the that is suspected of organizing the killings of Business Partners and business rago yet on the other hand there are plenty of people lose still protesting that believe hes innocent that these charges are politically motivated live he was you know he was one of the best governess about it has ever had the numbers have gone down the initial protest attracted to the maximum numbers weve had up to 35000 people and those have gone down to about 20000. 00 nevertheless people are still coming out hillyard to the streets to to support it. I went out into the streets because i could not take it anymore im boiling over and such was support for girl we want justice to prevail and i dont like the political situation in the country i am dissatisfied with our government and officials it is a simple as that. Society has matured to the point of expressing its indignation about what is happening in the far east. For girl into a tremendous popularity he became known as a governor who cares always that had an ear open to listen to constituents of voters complaints citizens to be lazy like the publicly dressed down incompetent officials all officials over they showed he worked with the remote areas rule rural voters and people still support him as a tremendous well of support. For god his. Successor though says that he is there to follow in his 1st footsteps he is there to listen to voters that listen to constituents but people arent buying it that theyre angry with a man they say that he doesnt belong that he doesnt have any ties and links to their region and that he should go. You know its lets respect each other lets Work Together as ive been doing for food days in the Governors Office i came here all of your complaints are taken into account so that all government bodies work smoothly i will spend the weekend on a trip around. But the protesters and how the theory of the new temporary governor they are at loggerheads theres little understanding so far the protesters say he refuses to come out and meet them to meet the crowds and speak to them thats a sign of weakness of fear he on the other hand says that people should stop wasting their energy and enthusiasm of these needless protests and instead commit themselves to for example volunteer work with Public Service but he says that he will do his job and he will do it well. So hes frankenstein of reporting for us thank you. News an eviction ban brought in for the pandemic expires in the United States with many fearing that they will now be thrown out onto the streets bringing that story on to this after the break. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Welcome back another standoff between protesters and federal forces in the u. S. City of portland things got violent when people marched on the federal courthouse and they were switched to guess and rubber bullets. I. For forces were sent in early this week by president trying to quell anti racism protests the white house claims that the motor pool in the control of the city and residents and Business Owners complained their city has been turned into a war zone although those in the u. S. May as mostly democrats have voiced alarm over the federal crackdown that the u. N. Now voicing concern over the disproportionate use of force by the troops. Peaceful demonstrations that have been taking place and citizen the u. S. Such as portland really might be able to continue with that those positions beaten them and ill say the people reporting and the journalists risk an arbitrary address to detach and being subject to unnecessary disproportionate or discriminatory use of force or suffering other violations of the your rights. The Justice Department announced this week that it would look into the actions of federal Law Enforcement in portland 18 people have been arrested for their role in riots the federal charges include arson vandalism assault and failing to comply with lawful orders we heard from people important before the cart by the drum circle or even i was just really it was 30. 3rd through thunderbirds that. Would sit right with a rubber ball. Like. He. Was how. We. Recruit. The chief of the u. K. Arts charities accuse British Museums of being hypocritical in their support of the black lives Matter Movement and will francis says these institutions should 1st relinquish items in their collections taken by force from africa he explained his position to us. Youve got to clean up your own house before you Start Talking about other people thats the simple response to it its contradictory really to not have dealt with the whole issue. Colonial problem and also the lack of. The work force. Also and also support those matters that seem incompatible to me. The comments came after several high profile galleries and museums responded to the black lives Matter Movement with words of support the British Museums director wrote a blog post last month saying the museum stands in solidarity with the black community throughout the world but the British Museum itself been under pressure for years to return works of art looted from former colonies they include the been in bronze is taken by british soldiers from nigeria the greeks parthenon marbles and an Easter Island statue u. K. Legislation currently prevents National Institutions from returning looted items in their collections except in the case of art stolen during the nazi era but a British Museum spokesperson said the institution is working on changes when it comes to displaying objects and hes being open about the history of its collections is Errol Francis again he says museums need to change that role of new cms is being called into question and also the means by which they shouldnt have been assembled is being questioned theres quite a lot of documentation about how these objects came into the possession of the museum all we need to know is whether or not it was taken with consent when asking for a new kind of music that is more humanitarian and pose greater attention to human rights. In the United States an eviction ban meant to soften the blow the Coronavirus Crisis expires today putting millions of americans at risk of losing their homes becomes as the daily infection rate shows little sign of slowing down on the scale of morbid reports. With the United States hit harder than any other nation by the coronavirus things to be getting worse with Many Americans becoming a lot more vulnerable very soon after the eviction ban is lifted millions of americans who are renters who live in buildings with mortgages backed by the government could soon be out on the streets here in new york the record trends of folks that were applying for temporary housing in the. Shelter system more than what we had seen and many many missed a year and there has not been a response in terms of how we will address of course opening back up with people facing eviction so were looking at just about thousands tens of thousands of families in households facing homelessness many for the 1st time in their lives now aside from the huge social shock this is also a Public Health emergency all of those whove been turned out of their homes will huddle together with relatives or seek shelter when hope 19 was added. It was a fight to try to get our elected officials to understand that folks need to be isolated and wanted to keep them safe from covert 19 so we found that a lot of our homeless by this is. What actually avoid going into shelter knowing that they were overcrowded and cubase and for the spread of over 19 and they would have rather it stay on the street whether that been an income whether whether that would have been without the proper resources on the street the pandemic has brought the u. S. Economy to a standstill it appeared that the surge in job losses was subsiding but this past week job loss numbers have been rising once again many fear that the u. S. Economy is too weak to swiftly recover surgery 3000000. 00 americans are officially unemployed now the 600. 00 per week unemployment inhance meant is currently set to expire it could be extended if congress chooses to do that but it appears thats unlikely at the moment. Unfortunately by all accounts the Senate Republicans are drafting legislation that comes up short in a number of vital areas such as extending Unemployment Benefits or funding for rental assistance hazard premium pay for front line workers or investments in communities of color being ravaged by the virus and many other necessary provisions the u. S. Senate is currently deadlocked over the economic stimulus bill with many hoping that it will pass in august meanwhile the infection rates in a number of u. S. States are rising and as it appears that a number of americans are on the brink of losing their incomes and their homes the situation in the United States regarding the pandemic is starting to look pretty bleak cable martin artsy new york joining us here on Earth International this afternoon to stick around like Ali Jacqueline very good to have the latest on our top stories and often are. I know team no crowd. No shots no. Action just dont speak. Well its true no small. Point your thirst for action. Jackson the last of the baby boomers or speculating in the nightly nineties on the birth of companies that went public for the 1st time and they would have these pops and then there was this enormous crash where their millennialism jhansi are speculating on the death of companies and companies that are dying and declaring their dead companies and their supply ploughing their way to speculate on on the death of a company. Time Afshin Rattansi and were going underground on the one Year Anniversary of Boris Johnsons 1st full day as Prime Minister of premiership so far defined by the alienation of potential Global Trading partners accusations of dropping the ball on perceived foreign threats and having one of the worst because particular in a virus death rates in the world coming up on the show as some labor politicians in the u. K. Call for the closure of this t. V. Channel we investigate the stories not covered by Mainstream Media around the world from china. To syria to yemen with the gray zone smack to belittle and then does russia controlling peers in the house of lords of the u. K. Intelligence and Security Committee appears to allege we are the conservative piano a bell formerly of the Lords International Relations Committee how many of putin spies sit on the red ventures dont listen more coming up in todays going underground the 1st u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson claimed that this weeks you gain teligent in Security Committees so called russia report showed allegations of russian control of elections in britain was just froth it was left starmer under attack from members of his own body of a money and anti semitism to ramp up the cold war rhetoric and arguably call for the end of a free press in britain the report also highlights serious distortions in the coverage provided by russian state and International Broadcasters such as russia today the high court has ruled that russia today broadcasts actually a potential home just the Prime Minister agree with me that its time to look at good but the licensing for russia today to operate in the u. K. Johnson rebuked him for talk of defacto banning r. T. Television in britain referring to appearances by stars and predicts as a Jeremy Corbyn having appeared on this show but that hasnt stopped britains state mandated medias fixation with the russia report who else to turn to them for analysis but the grey zone smacks blumenthal author of the management of savagery joins me now by skype from washington d. C. Max thanks so much for coming back on so i guess 1st of all what do you make of this report the Expert Witnesses on russia where Christopher Steel and the Intelligence Services own institute for statecraft which are helps journalists get to the truth in the 1st ways it was really remarkable for me to see someone who is been fully discredited in the United States and Christopher Steele here as an Expert Witness just 2 days before we learned that steele had been an Expert Witness on this suppressed and overhyped report the senate. Judiciary committee revealed that several sources that steele used on his notorious dodgy dossier had called into question his credibility and said that they couldnt really attest to the legitimacy of the report that it was all over the place and then you have Chris Donnelly who is the head of a covert troll farm operating under the under cover as illegitimate institute for statecraft think tank that was actually the entail

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