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Victorian era why do i mention him right here at the start of this newscast because well because he is credited with coming up with this phrase are you ready adversity makes strange bedfellows i want you to keep that quote in mind as i share with you what is happening right now between china and iran 2 countries presently being targeted economically and militarily by our government here in the United States so here we go this morning the New York Times is pending a piece about a leak that describes how china and iran are signing a 25 year military and Economic Partnership agreement the peace and titled when china met iran seems to suggest that washington is kind of freaked out by this that it has quote the United States in a geo political storm. So what is this deal between the us is biggest adversary in the middle east and the us is the most predominant economic competitor on the entire world stage well its described as an agreement that is going to provide iran with all the tech and Economic Development that china can offer in exchange for massively discounted oil all that iran can offer this is amazing isnt it so just how important is this deal is it happening because our Foreign Policy here in the states has literally pushed these 2 countries into each others embrace has our adversarial relationship with each of them somehow ended up bringing them together ironically. Charles dickens one of the worlds greatest writers and social commentators of all time if he were alive today would probably say of asked that question that the answer is yes today our focus is iran were going to drill down on whats happening there and weve invited irans ambassador to the United Nations to join us here live on the news with rick sanchez where we believe its time to do news again. Our list of the questions we think youll be asking tomorrow after watching our newscast today what is iran up to both militarily and economically also why is japan asking its companies to leave china. And our Small Business is in california reacting to a new lockdown. We are moments away though from speaking with irans ambassador to the United Nations right here exclusively but before we do so we thought it would be good to set the table regarding iran and all the news and accusations back and forth from tehran to washington here now is veteran middle east correspondent paula sawyer whos covered iran and can bring us up to date on whats going on there now possibility. Of the weeks that have been a series of explosions a. Number of sites it could be a nuclear since he ate. And medical clinic. On a number of the raising of such shows that sometimes its at play and they say pointing fingers at the israelis and the americans particularly being attacked in a. City is an attack that has the. Nominees are concerned that this could take that full mobilizing its been on. And to this and they have increased the number of strikes of the. Infrastructure their. Policy or reporting to us on the very latest thats going on right now there in iran thank you so much paul of for that report we want to follow to try and shut the table for what was going on as a bridge to what were going to do now joining us now is ron cheney he is the Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations and hes cut enough to spend some time with us talking about whats going on with his country right now mr ambassador thank you so much sir for joining us lets start with this china i mentioned that there is a deal in the works between. In your country and china which seems extremely significant i mentioned that part of the reason this is happening many believe here in the states is because you are both adversaries much more so within the last 3 and a half years even than in the past. What can you tell us about this deal with china sir. Youre not going to get very much. Look at it in asia. We have a. Relationship. Its not you can. Go to. Many should. Be minting between you know im not im not. Sure we all are. I dont know the media musician. Even if it is not how. Im such an agreement oh i did. Something. But let me ask you the question this way remember most of our audience is in the United States and heres what i think they would want to know do you feel like you are doing this deal with china because you cant do a deal with the United States because the u. S. In that sense has pushed you away. You know we are not here not to go to bed but im being from the United States. You know and china are 2 national. And the girls eyes are on the strategy because i have. Got a lot happening underground is not going to get us because i said you don and i try not to suggestions for how many years but mr bassett we cannot minimize the horrible relations between the United States and iran its as bad as i think its ever been. How much of this do you think is your fault what could you have done differently with the Trump Administration to makes the situation the relationship more amenable. You know just to chat about what has been happening there last thursday don and im going to be in. The 5 plus one i did on which is call the tontine if you know any of us ive been in and im going to continue i really thought. Im going to ask them what on the subject matter. To get to the was the donkey of the United States and not in a 2000 even so it is not a dog who left the negotiating table its funny how i can remember jason. And. Old action on you dont need you to do it you know to all of us who are going to see us change that were going in ordered them. Not to change. Would i hadnt ought or ought to mean target u. S. Actions against the young i mention if indeed mr biden becomes president of the United States and he was the Vice President while obama was president when that nuclear deal was made well you seek out the white houses guidance and rheostat. Wishing that no bill. You have said that i had the last year because the. I got to be normal strategy. A national of the insured they can join the other members of. The. Normal. Senator but they would. Be full as much on the side. Let me ask you some tough questions about the accusations that have been hurled against your country lets start with the tanker attacks in the persian gulf with which the United States and others including the brits say they have evidence that you have done this what would be your response to that sir. You have not seen engine at all that isnt to be provided to you donna or to anybody else you were actually patient each have been. You know rejected by you know on and on. And you had a good. Thing going on to cause a lot. Prior to even after the assassination of general salim mahdi the United States says that he personally including your country as well was full mending terrorism in the region and were in fact responsible for many attacks that had taken place in places like iraq how do you how do you respond to that charge sir is your country indeed fomenting a terrorism in the region. Not all these are all accusations against you know im being generous im not and im not going to continue region and beyond. The nominees and they. Want to get. Im honestly not me. You know if im going to stand around and im. Going to. So you know the nation going. To dodge another. Mark because they knew. He was 5. Miles to the size of a nation saw me go to the United Nations. Printed off isnt that on a he had had a number of good meeting to honor of a job and set off on you know i dont enjoy additional if you want to but i was in the. She was trying to serve the school you know age and even teaching on an island off vera some reports that seem to indicate that sola money may have been trying to bring about a secret deal a truce if you will with saudi arabia which is no friend at least diplomatically to your country can you confirm or officially deny that. When i joined and you alluded that he had already gotten with you know jonathan i mean years. Ago i think 40. 00 i got it and i had to go to you know United Nations General Assembly and loni introduced an idea before the. Body and he initiated. The whole. Peace and. An architecture for the rejection for the you know. To the scottish and he sure is of interest including the economy of china and i mean many and on and on security and so on easy. You. Get a shot at me but i think you would be i thought im going to. You know. Why. Didnt you know. I notice you didnt say anything about israel i have to ask you then while were down to 30 seconds do you see any possibility that any time in the future your country will have a friendly relationship or to be able to consider israel an ally. You know im not. Sure if you dont think. We need an occupier a new. Leader to me now do you. Need a congressional. Leaders responsible or are you going on in our. Own and i you know i actually look i think and im going to do the not. Touch rubber sheet is the ambassador to the United Nations representing iran he is also head negotiator for iran during the Nuclear Talks with the United States and we thank him very much so for taking time to join us here and take us through this we hope to be able to have another conversation again soon mr ambassador thank you again. And this is that is with rick sanchez and youre watching our special coverage and when we come back japan japan versus china all of a sudden were this come from what exactly is japan doing against china were going to explain stay right there dont go away. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics theres the. Im show business ill see you then. Dawn. You cannot be lonely with the yeah you like girl. A reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. You good right away. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the debt. Or remain in the shallowness. That welcome back im rick sanchez im so glad that you all are there watching us from all over the world every day were accumulating hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people who say that they like what were doing and were so grateful tonight its japan versus china thats right get this so japan is apparently tired of seeing even its own companies producing and manufacturing its products abroad mostly in china is what a broad means by the way because. There it is done more efficiently and more cheaper i suppose most people would say who follow these trends so japan doesnt like that so what are they doing theyre using one of the tried and true measures that is completely against all the principles of a fair market they will do what other countries have done when they cant win fairly against another country or another business or another competitor theyre going to tax their citizens in other words what your plan is doing is theyre going to use subsidies and theyre going to pay their own companies more than 536000000. 00 of taxpayer money to produce their products more expensive lee. So the story for christiane is jordi she needs. Ok did i overstate somehow what theyre doing or was that a reasonably fair description that was a very good description japan as offering subsidies up to 2000000000 dollars in order to help its Multinational Companies leave china and this is very significant because china has been japans largest trading partner by far for decades but recently this year imports from china slump by almost 50 percent back in february because many of the factories were closed so these closures meant that japanese manufacturers had no place to go for supply so yes and one part yes manufacturing will become manufacturing and Consumer Products will become more expensive for japan but this is also another way for them to diversify their supply chain and become less reliant on china because this entire pandemic showed japan showed the world showed to europe as well that they are completely dependent on china to be the manufacturing hub of the world now of the world there are 10 large trading ports and 7 of them are located in china and china was essentially the defacto manufacturing hub of the world and this entire coronavirus pandemic if you remember back in february and march everybody was stocking up on goods and there was a shortage on goods especially equipment as well as toilet paper and paper towels all of those supplies and hand sanitizers and now countries are realizing that as much as they have evolved to become more of a Service Based economy a more advanced Service Based economy they also need some sort of manufacturing at home as well heres the irony in all of this kristie heres the irony you have countries like the United States and japan who are free market capitalist democratic systems constantly criticizing countries like china for not being that way for not being fair market that essentially trying to will essentially feed its own theres no difference between the Chinese Government and their companies this is exactly what they were. Theyre subsidizing companies thats of communist as you get. Exactly and the other thing its like when youre competing against already the largest manufacturing the manufacturer in the game the only way that your country stands a chance a source saying or pulling any company out is to pay them less subsidies so it is the only way so the socialist system being used by countries that are criticizing the other socialist system its the tool theyre using against the their tool got it while always good to have you kristie good to see you thanks. To this Small Businesses are taking action and fighting back against that executive order by a california governor demanding that they shut their doors once again the move comes after a major uptick in co but 19 infections the State Government there has offered Business Owners several quote modifications to help them remain open but many say no its not enough for more on this now lets go to our teams natasha sweet reporting d out of los d angeles. After neil and hair salons were asked to shut down for a 2nd time governor Gavin Newsome is now allowing the services to operate outside but some Business Owners question if this is relative and if theyll be able to make the same kind of revenue. Certain sectors of the state we are now requiring they close their indoor operations due to the spread of the virus governor Gavin Newsome allowing the modification for the Beauty Industry to move outdoors. Where where do we wash their hair where do we plug into electricity are we even allowed to operate outside or in our you know as our landlord even going to give us an option its great that the governor says that we can do some of those things but honestly its just not feasible Berkeley Cameron co owner of salon along with his wife kate says moving their salon outdoors is not ideal for even see a lot of the services that we do. Require a certain temperature because the color we use and things like that they actually you know liquid kind of melt when youre in high temperatures he says this in fact will have a direct impact on their earnings expressions after already been shut down for 75. 00 days during the initial stay at home order the cameras have been facing extreme harassment both in person and on line for offering a 10 Percent Discount to new customers and a 5 additional percent to those who choose to not wear a mask and you would not believe the harassment that weve had going into stores im going to the bank we were attacked with a tire iron weve been attacked personally professionally weve even had people come into our business. Well stylists have been Wearing Masks including k 2 says her Health Condition makes it extremely difficult to breathe with a mask that cameron say theyre allowing their customers to choose expression after the World Health Organization came out saying that theyre following asymptomatic cases theyre following contacts and theyre not finding secondary transmission on what is very rare and that not much of that is not published in the in the literature but its not only the Beauty Industry getting hit while restaurants can still utilize their outdoor patio and take out services some Restaurant Owners say its simply wont cut it i dont. Know of any more because i have or maybe 25 to colorado or some other resort it was great for both. Cameron and the owner of slaters 5050. 00 restaurant agree its not only about their costs but the well being of their employees. Dont think of all these things but they have also. Found governor here some is said these restrictions are expected to last 3 weeks off angeles mayor Eric Garcetti so. On the brink of war stand home restrictions. On the number and bases for the news with a mark sanchez and just weeks artsy its tough when youre on the ground when youre running a business and somebody says you have to shut it down how do you do it its tough i know we understand thats why were going to keep reporting on this lets talk sports if we can now. There was a time in the n. F. L. The National Football league or the no fun league when there were 6 practice games 6 exhibition games as theyre called then they went down to 4 exhibition games recently they announced it would be 2 exhibition games and now i think drum roll please were going to have a big goose egg for exhibition games or is that right that is what its looking like rick it looks like there will be no preseason but in the past 48 hours has been a lot of sporting events major ones canceled another wave now where when leagues and events are realizing they cant actually go on with them so heres a list for you in the past between yesterday and today the blondie or is canceled its the 1st time since 1956 will not be given out now this is the most prestigious individual ward in the sport of soccer or football or internationally its given to the best footballer in the world that we got and thats out for the 1st time i dont give you the set of facts that we got mens t 20 cricket were held till next year it was supposed to be in australia but its a California High School sports postponed until at least december or january it will probably be gone yeah eventually Texas High School football postponed at least a month itll probably eventually be world certainly completely cancelled no surfing city open tennis this is a big one the a. T. P. Was supposed to come back with this event in d. C. Completely cancel can i do it i just did so that you know return of the people that also puts the u. S. Open in threat as we talked about and then this last one ill leave it up to if you want to or not n. F. L. Offers to cancel the preseason the n. F. L. Has yet to accept it but oh. For kid mad turkey shes call it stun yeah theres no way that theyre going to or you know were going to play the game youre not going to do you are not going to put the n. F. L. Player has not officially you get to the bank right now right here i agree i think by the end of tonight or to. Are they will fish they know its no n. F. L. Preseason but its looking like there will be 0 preseason has really come out lets be honest theres really a question whether theres going to be a season for exactly exactly this is just its a trickle effect as weve seen throughout this pandemic where they they start slowly you know fans you know here and there and this is canceled thats can sort of postpone and then eventually it all just becomes canceled so theres runners on base and there you strike out in the games over or you hit a home and its called knock off its called a walk off walks all the walk im going to show you one right now actually the k. B. Oh Korean Baseball League this guy right here now its part of the 999 i think it is too right crush is that his name you know rojas jr he puts it to the with l. G. 2 in the way to play and now the twins were up by 8 runs and then they came all the way back to the team but that walk off homer and its israel this is in south korea yes they have a team in south korea 21. 00 to the south and a whiz yes yes similar to l. G. Twins theyre called but the wiz took it there but it and his team mates away that we havent seen that in so long its great to see but hes probably dominican he is actually a fellow hoss junior right and only great Baseball Players in the world are all the medicare right they used to be Puerto Ricans on cuban the dominican just took over that started in the world thats true dominican take over and speaking of baseball by the way so thursday night here that was in south korea but here the end will be Major League Baseball going to start and you know who start out the 1st pitch doctor for dr anthony felt she got the honor for the nats yankees game the nationals officially announced that so he will be honored as a true American Hero a champion during this kobe 1000 panda he doesnt look like hes got a very good fast pace where hell surprise me. Of being with this remember portable t. V. Take us with you but its in your pocket where everything go im rick sanchez do you want to have the name. L. Look forward to talking to you all. That technology should work for people. I robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders to conflict with the 1st law show your identification for should be very careful about Artificial Intelligence and the point is to create trust and shia. Areas with Artificial Intelligence where some of the. Must protect its own existence as. If. Syria has been engulfed in civil war through almost 10 years its cost hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced a 1000000 small no one foresaw the peaceful protests of 20 of them is collating into a complex conflict between various amis geopolitical interests rebel groups just. How they are needed on this. But if you tell us if you say that in the hague because the. Best look cool. You know deep down to look. At them on the field day and i was. An ordinary i sat that i. Never start them as the mother they. Then the shame that i dont understand hey get a shot to hear. It. Welcome to on contact today we discussed Police Reform with philip mackerras the writer activists and ph d. Candidate in sociology and africanamerican studies at Yale University this entire system has to be under this

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