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Protesters are blasted with water cannon it means in israel as boils over at the governments handling of the pandemic and the alleged corruption of the prime minister. Well see you in 60 minutes with more headlines now get ready for a lot of the complex and the latest political shenanigans on with back to tonight. Well well mehrdad through the night this is the show where americans in america covering American News are called foreign agents and this is very frugal 1000002 over a dag oh well on hold on we spared no expense. 6 for exacted. For 300 weeks we have brought you the truth about what is going on in our world and for doing that weve been attacked in a 1000000 wonderful ways my facebook has suppressed our you tube is crushed ive had attack pieces done about me in the New York Times the Washington Post n. P. R. s Weekend Edition and home and Garden Police have monitored me and the other day the garbage man didnt pick up my trash and i think we all know why weve been attacked for bringing you the truth about Election Fraud the truth about corporate control of our government the reality about our endless wars and the fact that wall street is actually a ponzi scheme the 2120 1000000 dollars unaccounted for at the pentagon the real reasons julian us aand is persecuted in the 12 after it failed video the internet ad maybe im made up the last one. And while i cant say i love watching my social media platforms turn into a zombie town with survivors getting chased by the Atlantic Council members swing and pick axes i have to admit that if weve achieved that much hatred from the ruling elite and were doing something right so you down 300. 00 more good made to lets get started rendez of the year thats our savior right sounds like the name of a hobbit in middle earth but its a drug that everyone is acting like will save us from covert 19 and all will be well in the world with water parks and restaurants at random no holds barred make outs a world where when someone sneezes we dont all dive under our desks and all be magical theres only one problem the Big Pharma Company gillie ad that owns rem does a very theyve already announced their plans to profiteer from this pandemic drugmaker gillie ad says its doing you a favor by setting the price for its pending covert 19. 00 treatment run downs of air at more than 2000. 00 for Government Agencies and there are over 3000. 00 for private insurers how does the c. E. O. Of gilliatt daniel odea justify this discussed during practice he said there underpricing ram decimeters in normal circumstances we would price medicine according to the value it provides earlier hospital discharge would result in a hospital savings of approximately 12000. 00 per patient while makes a lot of sense. Oh wait no thats stupid the value it provides to that would mean if a doctor save someones life with heart surgery then that guy owes the doctor the entire worth of the rest of his life. Millions of dollars and maybe should just be the surgeons butler. My bill says butler well kids daddy owes his life to another family now good luck on childhood remember to wipe your front to back and never sleep with your interns never turns out well the value it provides so for do taking by agra who can now get it up you owe the makers of viagogo what sex with their wives or do you just show them 300 orgasms bend over pfizer wrap i need to give you the equivalent value your bother pills have given them a or do you owe them the child you were able to produce with the pills dear cialis im emailing to ask for a Mailing Address to send you robbie there is fair we want to give you the value of your goods just be careful he bites a lot and hes already totally racist not sure how he picked that up so young. But theres another catch to gilliatt price gouging faced man again they didnt create a rendez of their we did you and me hit gillie gaddis received at least 70500000. 00 from taxpayers according to the Advocacy Group Public Citizen which reviewed Regulatory Filings and the National Institutes of health ran the trial that led to rim does a variance from urgency use authorization and public funding is supporting Clinical Trials around the world today you and i paid for the creation and Research Behind rendez of it or there is absolutely no reason we should fill the pockets of gimli had incredibly rich c. E. O. And its board of ass. And i bet you knew this next part was coming but nearly all other developed countries limit how much pharmaceutical companies can charge for prescription meds the us doesnt operate like that we allow Drug Companies to charge as much as they please which is wise to cite just one example the cost of insulin has nearly tripled in recent years for people with diabetes. Other countries dont destroy peoples lives if they have the nerve to want to survive a life threatening illness that is so odd i wonder why they wonder why they dont do that oh is it is it because they have d the slightest little tiny bit of respect for the lives of their people could that be a not a lot of respect lets not get carried away its not like people in britain arent treated like shit by their government its just they get treated like softer. Like diluted kind of a kind of a watery like a more diluted looted. But this story gets crazier not only is it way overpriced were not even sure rendez of ear does much there are some studies showing it does almost nothing meanwhile according to the intercept another covert one Team Treatment has quietly been shown to be more effective although neither option appears to be the much needed cure for covert 19 a 3 drug regimen offered a greater reduction in the time it took patients to recover then rendez appear did people who took the combination of interferon beta one b. Low producer a very rich on a very and reiber vernon got better in 7 days as opposed to 12 days for those who didnt take it yet there is no mad rush to get those drugs why is that maybe its due at least in part to the fact that that treatment hasnt been the subject of a major Marketing Campaign no Marketing Campaign how are people supposed to irrationally demand your medicines if there arent least 80000 commercials telling them to do sell. By the way but that be a lesson to remember to ask your doctor for to interfere on low for regular never mind. So the drugs actually work better than rem does of beer and yet they dont have a Marketing Campaign. Each of the 3 drugs in the new combination is generic or no longer under patent which means that no Company Stands to profit significantly from its use right i ride ride ride ride or die dad why there is no Marketing Campaign only the insanely ridiculously profitable drugs are worth hyping the cheap ones and simply save lives those are garbage thats what i mean why why whats the point of saving a life if you cant make a bundle from it ive always said a life saved without extracting a lot of money from it is a life were losing. I dont know that this last part needs saying but im going to do it anyway when you have a system built on profit run by a sociopath based on manipulation and lizard brain impulses then you will always end up in a race to the bottom with unfettered capitalism you will end up with the worst drugs priced at the highest amounts hoarded by those who need them the least. And thats youre talking about recreational Illegal Drugs those are better and cheaper than ever thank god for that company was it easy to build the bases to redact today. Welcome campanella take the news from behind the assault on the entire american working class continues not only are millions unemployed not knowing where theyll find their next meal or binge worthy netflix show but also millions more are seeing their wages slashed at least 4000000. 00 private Sector Workers have had their pay cut during the pandemic according to the university of chicagos backor Friedman Institute workers are twice as likely to get a pay cut now than they were during the Great Recession companies have also trimmed employee hours leaving many hourly wage workers with leaner paychecks as well basically Company Cross country have realized this pandemic is useful to them which so many people looking for work they can cut wages without fearing the workers will fight back they just say to them and say if you dont like the lower pay go ahead and quit i have a line right outside the door of eager underqualified symptomatic desperate people who would gladly do your job half as well for 2 thirds the money she or i might not love that theyre unintentionally torn jeans get caught in the coffee maker or that they have to bring their 5 children to work with them and store them in the employee refrigerator but its a small price to pay in order to pay. My workers a smaller price thats what theyre saying and in other countries the workers have more power they have strength and therefore the assault on workers in other countries right now is far less dramatic which i think we can all agree sounds most all reg that i dont know about you but i like excitement i like to shake it off i like a house of cards i want whole swaths of society built on top of a jenga game on top of a pogo stick i like to see entire industries collapse and then be rebuilt from scratch before everyone realizes the rebuilding was a scale im funded by the pensions of a lovely group of Alzheimer Patients in the shady grove retirement facility they wont miss the money that wall street socked away from them like Industrial Power lead gen how much could putting cups possibly cost point is these other countries as theyre known have work and they have workers debility resulting in decades if not generations of job security. Im asleep already and here in america for example United Airlines just warned it would be firing 36000 people half of its workforce how cool is that as 36000 americans that will soon be available to hang out drinking miller high life and competitively spending watermelon seeds in the middle of a tuesday because theyve got nowhere to go i think we all need to embrace this light economic downturn and not worry about the fact that a tiny number of incredibly rich people are getting incredibly richer while everyone else saves their popsicle sticks from their fund circles to use a splints the next time they break a finger because they cant afford the hospital. But just forget about those rich people exploiting your very existence like were going to invade them to the miller high life parties. Moving on i have to confess something i dont really want to say this but i used to be one of those average americans who pick up the Washington Post of the New York Times and actually. Read it. Not just read it but read it without laughing so hard i vomit and then keep reading and then bomb it again and then finish reading and then use the paper to clean up the vomit i used to think these legacy media were reliable but then i read something that turned my assumptions upside down and inside out like joe biden trying to explain how he supports black lives matter but none of the demands they have anyway i found out the New York Times and the Washington Post are not trustworthy by reading the New York Times and the Washington Post rainbow all exploded one last week we brought you the story of how the New York Times has now admitted that they ran with a horse story that helped create a right wing fascist coup in bolivia im not shocked they did it im shocked they admitted it 1st rule of being a propaganda rag is dont talk about being a propaganda rag i came into New York Times. And now the Washington Post has reported there are several high profile stories that have recently caused newsrooms to reflect upon their relationship with Law Enforcement especially reporters reliance on official Police Accounts in several of these cases cellphone video of the incident offer a dramatic contradiction of the 1st Police Accounts this is almost as shocking as when they told us last year that the entire Afghanistan War has been a lie they were only 20 years late on that one i myself surmised the war in afghanistan might not be with the government was telling us when we attacked the taliban for 911 something they. Called to do it for some odd reason that set off alarm bells in monogamy and a mere 2 decades later the Washington Post has stumbled upon that same story they put their best stumbles on that report and anyway now they have uncovered the shocking the jaw dropping the gob smacking the story then police are not to be trusted when theyre relying what happened in a Police Action i mean is your god not smacked my god is completely smacked to the point it has a red hand print on it like when you spank someone during sex my god is no one audie its a dirty dirty sausage. More from the Washington Post the police shoot somebody and right away the Mainstream Press reports the Police Version said mel reeves a Community Activist an editor at the minnesota spokesman recorder and a lot of the times its not accurate want an example in miami Police Arrested a guy in june who vandalized some Police Cruisers during a protest the miami herald reported he was part of the Violent Group called the southern slaves then senator and lego figurine marco rubio tweeted that it was more evidence of organized agitators from a variety of Extremist Groups only one problem the southern slaves not an Extremist Group the herald later found it was actually a group of aspiring rappers from the same miami neighborhood who frequent open mike nights fanatical extremists trying to destroy america or open mike rap group i get a message to come home put time and then result in my accidentally sending firearms to a guy named coach def and then challenging an Armed Paramilitary group to a dance off you just dont know you just dont know if that clock around flavor flavs neck part of an outfit or a timer for obama who can. But yes its true the police cannot be trusted and apparently reporters are suddenly coming to grips with that horrifying fact. That most people knew from roughly the time they turned 7 so merari summer urging a more radical step down playing routine Police Blotter stories altogether on the theory that they lean too heavily on the say so of police and thus amount to unverified information we have to go to a short break but if youre watching this on you tube go get our full episodes on the free streaming app portable t. V. We will still be putting all of the redacted out segments on you tube but the full episodes will only be at portable t. V. Ill be right back with a lot more. Of the greatest if not the greatest church in the history appreciative that will soon be converted into what is the importance of the 2 soviets and. Europes Energy Security its not you its its in the us. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond shill and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back im still leave camp the trumpet ministration is finding ways to charge protesters at the federal level as if they were terrorists to talk more about this lets bring in our emotional terrorist now we go vonnie naomi why are protesters being tried as foreign terrorists. Because nothing is more foreign to the u. S. Than powerful and vocal dissent is that one where do you think of me. Got the idea to burn cars from isis so i or i know its worse we learned it from the french didnt realize it was an import its like french fireworks but in the us it become it has become a felony thats why 2 new york protesters who set an empty cop car on fire are facing 45 years to life in prison do they really believe someones entire life is less valuable than a chevy impala while the impound lot does do well on miles to the gallon property crimes and even rioting are usually dealt with on the local level but now trumps d. O. J. Is giving out felonies like hes the oprah of law and order but federal law its about imagination its an art you have to appreciate it in the case of a man arrested for possession of a molotov cocktail authorities argued that because he used an imported bottle of the trone pineapple tequila to make the incendiary device the case fell under the federal governments regulation of foreign commerce those White Supremacy was willing to give torches should be nervous they have been booed is from thailand assume nothing at a luau is legal. So you said this wouldnt be a federal case of the guy made a mullet of coghill with a bottle of kentucky bourbon and stove yeah kentucky bourbon explosives are encouraged but they could also be a felony to new york lawyers facing 45 to life with no record were charged with interfering with interstate commerce by throwing a molotov cocktail into an empty already damaged police car according to authorities the police car is an instrument interstate commerce and their lawyers they should have known a property crime like arson could also be 7 felonies thats a stretch dont you think most federal crimes stretchy baby its sleuths its genesee its own about the crimes you didnt commit and its always been like this they make federal cases out of drugs and drug charges so we use the defendant cell phone ping in new jersey then its interstate baby i dont jazz musicians want to be associated with arbitrary felonies let me explain a san diego man with a molotov cocktail in his backpack is facing a felony because a special agent with a. T. F. Further confirmed the molotov cocktails were not registered in the National Firearms registration. Would you register a molotov cocktail well i assume you would walk into the d. M. V. With an empty wine bottles some kerosene and maybe there would be some kind of written test then you take an unflattering picture with it you can expect federal crimes to make sense lee theres a of theres a federal code that makes it illegal to sell jam made from a combination of more than 5 fruits and thats why i stick to granola what do you have for breakfast. I am not disclosing that to you the trouble ministration is trying to crackdown on dissent and paint the protesters as violent with overblown charges is that the yes exactly bill barr calls it a witchs brew of extremist leftist groups infiltrating protests. We know normally Peaceful Protesters who get violent are responding to Police Violence at the protest against Police Violence but sometimes they like to fantasize and believes like like bill barr that the last was were good night a magical happy place with the brain votes and president will be the day only durani everyone thank you so much and i mean you know ive got to talk about our other developing stories here with me as a dad who goes beyond Natalie Mcgill to lucy how are you doing now if so what do you have for yes so as most of us know theres still hasnt been any arrests in the death of Briana Taylor the mt who was shot and killed in that no knock warrant ambush this march in louisville louisville kentucky and now theres a lawsuit from taylors family alleging that the warrant served was all part of an overarching plan to oust suspected drug lords from the neighborhood because they stood in the way of this long planned revitalization project which is basically code for gentrification the city has been buying up homes on the street that brianas exboyfriend lived on for years and keep in mind this is not the guy that was in the house when she was shot was exboyfriend as well surrounding areas and there was pressure on the Louisville Metro Police department to serve warrants to these homes and basically clear them out so the city could buy up the property so most of already know the basis of the story that the cops basically just barged into our house in the middle of the night was shot her like 7 times or something 8 times shot 8 times and killed her and she had nothing to do with anything and so now were learning that these cops were doing this in several places to just kind of like clear out what the black folks from the neighborhood yeah well we were brianna comes in is that police claim that brianas x. Was sending packages of drugs to her apartment which is nearby but the u. S. Postal inspector told the local media that the louisville better Police Department never used his office to verify. That briannas x. Was sending the packages to her place so the circumstances of how they got the warrant already under scrutiny meanwhile according to the suit you have 8 homes on eliot avenue which is where her ex lives that were demolished by the citys contractor in a 3 week span earlier this year she was killed and more than i thought the story about the sailor was as disgusting as it could get so were like you know what lets just sprinkle on general yes just you know that in there if you like more of a sacrificial lamb then then we. Discussing sort of rush things but i want to get through the next stories your dreams were so there definitely have been taking us on an emotional rollercoaster of all their decisions lately. I think the big thing that people are talking about is the fact that the Southern District of new york can access this tax returns now but the one this isnt that hasnt gotten a lot of attention is there dismissal of a case involving federal row federal death row inmates who challenge the full injection of obviously theres no transparency around the people injection process there have been high profile cases where like injections have been botched right here and because this does was the cruel or unusual right thats the kind of the idea and now other countries wont even sell us the chemicals to do it or give us to give them because they because they know what were doing reflects exactly so now because of that were on the course they have the 1st federal executions of death row inmates and almost 2 decades in the 1st one scheduled next week apparently its one of the mysteries was also upset that they werent killing enough people overseas you know we have we have to deal with the federal Death Penalty endlessly every day via a bomb just not in the u. S. Just not a good sight to see that come home you know thing that would bring that home yeah its nice to have a home appreciate it and then i also saw another supreme court. Decision that they actually sided with the indigenous in oklahoma and like now half of oklahoma is supposed to belong to the creek nation. And if you really look up were going to get out in america might abide by some of our treaty to get up. How do you have the horrifying. Things on our vision thats our show but if youre watching this on you tube please take note we are no longer putting the full episodes on you tube instead full episodes are available on the free app portable t. V. Get a portable dot tv slash download will still be putting all the segments on youtube just not the full episodes also check out my free stand up comedy special right now at least camp american dot com until next time lets do another 300 goodnight and keep fighting. Syria has been engulfed in civil war almost 10 years its cost hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions small no 1. 00 foresaw the peaceful protests of 20 of these collating into a complex conflict between various amis geopolitical interests rebel groups not just. Me. On the dock on this. But if you tell us if you say you hate because of. The. Message look cool. You know deep complex. About them on the field day and i was. Just an ordinary guy sat down i. Never statham as the mother and then as she did what i did i miss that hey get a shot then you. Get. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area rush up. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really

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