Transcripts For RT The News With Rick Sanchez 20240712

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You know there is something odd coming out of ukraine today that mandates us to ask questions about our involvement there to find out if where our country our state department is assisting in ukraine or orchestrating is a big difference between those 2 let me 1st say this the Foreign Policy of our country has directed us from time to time to step in legitimately where wrongdoing is taking place in some other part of the world be it an internal civil war where atrocities are being committed or where a large country is picking on a small country we get that right now lets plug in ukraine into that equation where our state department. Asserts that we are simply there to assist the Ukrainian Government with advisors and resources and military hardware but not to orchestrate or to interfere with the will of the people of ukraine well today we are learning that a Ukrainian Military medical died and that u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei oh thought so much of the incident he actually commented on it saying how he regrets in this situation that this Ukrainian Military medic has died and he condemns his killing those are the words of. Heres the problem upon the mans death we have now learned that the deceased was neither ukrainian nor a medic and a further investigation reveals he was working directly with 3 american citizens inside ukraine. The obvious question if not the insinuation here is that the 4 men were there secretively as a part of a. Clandestine operation to try and foment more division inside ukraine possibly to favor the United States or pro western control of the country. Is there a precedent for that is there some kind of precedent where this kind of thing has happened in the past well and in steps in canadian professor even. From the university of ottawa he says that his investigation has revealed that the made on massacre which by the way you may know this or not but its what led to the coup which kicked out the countrys former president for a more nationalistic pro western leader was actually fomented by outside forces how did they do it well youre netsky in his investigation detailed by studying tapes and documents says that the killing there was orchestrated by snipers who killed protesters to make it look bad to foment dissent and the roni asli blamed the pro russian government for doing so. Heres how he describes it take a look. Because were escorted to the places it was planned for them to be killed and still. Is investigation that was based on scientifically organized analysis of all available video and audio recording. You reached a conclusion. In my gun. And a plan and an ongoing coup detat and killings were planned. A coup detat was a struggle for hurts now ukrainian justice has never determined who actually shot the protesters who were the snipers but now leaders like stony as foreign minister or pyatt have come forward and said they believe he believes the snipers were actually plants. So what really is happening inside ukraine we simply helping a country being bullied are we responding to division or are we causing it we prepared a special report were also going to be joined by former british m. P. George galloway to tackle these questions here on the news rick sanchez where we believe its simply time to do news again. And here we go with our list this monday of the questions we think youll be asking to morrow after watching our newscast today. Is the United States presents a new crane there to unify or divide does glane maxwell think that Geoffrey Epstein was murdered. And who should have jurisdiction over protesters in portland the locals or the feds secretly. Ok we begin today with a mysterious new developments in ukraine which makes us ask the obvious question about what exactly our government our state departments objective is in that country are we there to bring about peace or are we there to foment division and if so why lets begin today with r. T. Correspondent igor of. Ukraine Army Soldier Dies in combat is called grabs a squad of brothers in arms and ventures out on a Recovery Mission but in a firmer ground. With the effort underway. You can only refer to this video would become his last though and he key of rebel forces recovered the camera from the body of nicola after his life was ended by a landmine. And unfortunate death unlucky even he wasnt shot in combat he wasnt even a target he simply ran at the wrong time in the wrong direction and too fast in his own demise but well soldiers die its just the gruesome nature of the ukrainian war zone the fighting between the state and forces loyal to the selfproclaimed dinette skin glue gun screw publics has been going on for years yet this death quote the gaze of the United States i want to express deep sadness at the reporter killed yesterday every korean and military medic who joined the people of you created condemning the improve the aggression of russia the forces in the us and pay tribute to ukrainians killed and wounded fighting for their democracy well. Got it all wrong because ellen was and is still me and citizen. Not a ukrainian he was also a mercenary and had a badge reading medic his commander straight up blyde claiming that he and his squad had been dressed in white vests and helmets the footage from ellens body can clearly shows they were indistinguishable from regular combat hands heres a photo we got from the rebels its a black and white and even to a color blind person the vest of the medic here is not white again this green on green chevron was the only medic designation discovered on the body alongside munition a rifle and a heap of grenades and according to a conversation allegedly found in his phone dylan didnt exactly come to ukraine to save lives he listened to me there is a herd of ukrainian pigs which need to be put in the stable they are degenerates they do need a white master we will bring them to heal and then screw we weve got things to do blacks should be faced down it seems the only white thing about this medic was his racism but there could be more than simple lack of Research Behind condemnation of the killing the us secretary of state could be concerned of american guns for hire also fighting on the frontlines in ukraine in the same unit as the medic here is shown a proud texan an iraq war veteran and squad mate who even used to be presumed dead by the forces until verse video. Still alive here its virgil a 17. Sean fuller from texas syria hard and Damien Gonzalez from new york justin from florida these are just some photos discovered on the phone of this stone ian ukraines front line hes apparently got. By the foreign legion 2. 0 and the u. S. State department is known to do more than just track american mercs back into an 11 for instance its reach went so far beyond that it was on the verge of commanding a force made up of the likes of full and co so no wonder really illinois death god on washingtons raiders so quickly and stirred such concern not because hes a medic but because an american might be next and thats not all because elin wasnt some stray soldier of fortune and fighters discovered official Ukrainian Army papers on this story and was even eligible for benefits from the Ukrainian Government as a thank you for his service after all guns arent hired for free and with american mercs officially enlisted in the Ukrainian Army the United States might expect some security guarantees from the commander in chief from self president vladimir selenski now its not just him and his friends in washington who know about foreign guns doing ukraines bidding in the war and both kiev and the us would want to keep ukraines own little foreign legion and become of large. Wow what a blockbuster story that is. If 110th of what he just reported is true george you and i as citizens of the world i as an american and certainly as a journalist cant help but be troubled by that right. Well as the close drains contact are in casablanca said when he discovered there was gambling going on in ricks cafe im shocked shocked i tell you this ukrainian imbroglio has been a foreign sponsor. From the very beginning sponsored the orange revolution which was designed to help the people of the grain but to cause troubles for russia to move nato close our ever closer to the borders of russia just in case any actual conflict between the superpowers should break out we knew for at least 12 months that these mysterious snipers on the roof firing into the may down had nothing whatsoever to do with the former regime in ukraine they were foreign mercenaries and these foreign mercenaries now on mosque by your brilliant report just now sure that this is still going on thats one of the reasons why not a great deal of attention is paid to this conflict were happy for it to go on under the radar because weve got other fish to fry against china against venezuela against iran theyre keeping the ukraine front on a on a low gas at the moment but they can turn nagasaki anytime and that requires people like these mercenaries including the one who lost his life today should still be in action up front and people like you and me to speak. Truths where we see them but often times were told how dare you criticize our Foreign Policy you are being unamerican or on british what do you say when people bring those that conversation that argument up george. Well you know i have all my life been ranged against conspiracy theorists the conspiracy theorists think i am part of the conspiracy on 911 and so many other things because i dont go in for Conspiracy Theory but if youd broadcast this story last week before this evidence was produced you would have been called a conspiracy theorist a know it turns out the truth is stranger than fiction and thats why i question more. Money to take nothing at face value nothing is true until its been officially denied as the great journalist claude cobar once put it theres few there are a few things more honorable but a journalist or a citizen can do then legitimately question his own government which is i think what we assert to do in cases like this always a pleasure george thank you for the conversation and your insight. This is the news with rick sanchez and youre watching our special coverage as we uncover more information to share with you and when we come back a special report on the protests in Portland Oregon also does lane maxwell believe that shes about to die. You cant be both with the yeah you like. Im chris hedges the corporate coup detat has destroyed our Democratic Institutions the commercial media has been less part of the reality show president s expose the trivia lives seen on contact question more. Seen the horrors that arise with money and evil. Corporate criminals who trash calculus lives to add just one more dollar to their millions. They threaten they bribe theyll do anything to keep their crimes in the dark but the people theyve heard are demanding justice their stories need to be told on americas lawyer. Year thank you for finally. Understand youre tired of networks. You know me d im famous for my views. Yours truly scotty d now. Im holland cook i invite you to climb with me of the Mainstream Media and from that higher vantage to glimpse the big picture question more. Hey welcome back im rick sanchez there are some major developments in the story of accused rapists madame de lay maxwell reports now indicate that shes convinced that her longtime associate Jeffrey Epstein was actually murdered maxwell also says she fears that she is next but she too will be murdered also her secret husband who was up to now not revealed the Sun Newspaper says they found here. Wow r t correspondent john harvey has more on the story for. You in maxwells trial is scheduled for july 12th 2021 sure man locked up in federal detention until then after a judge denied her bail last week the question now among many others will she survive the pretrial detention or meet the same fate as her former boyfriend and alleged partner in crime jeffrey abstain the british tabloid the sun reports that max will believes abstain was murdered while being held in jail and fears shell meet the same fate the sun owned by news corp and Rupert Murdoch which also owns fox news quoted an unnamed family friend saying maxwell fears she will be quote bumped off inside the brutal new york jail which wardens described as a hellhole its called the metropolitan Detention Center in brooklyn or m. D. C. Brooklyn regaling no maxwell is inmate number 02879 dash 509 abstain was held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Lower Manhattan where m. C. C. Before his lifeless body was found in his jail cell last august the official coroner ruling was suicide by hanging but there have been plenty of theories and even private autopsy reports by the family contending he was murdered why the potential dirt he had on the various rich and powerful friends who may have been involved with his sordid and perverted life of sexually abusing and trafficking young women and teenage girls maxwell is accused of being the person who essentially ran epstein sex trafficking operation recruiting girls as young as 14 to be sexually abused by both she and abstain and then lend out to his powerful friends among the names being tied to epstein and maxwell Prince Andrew the duke of york former new mexico governor Bill Richardson former president bill Clinton Former maine senator George Mitchell famed attorney Alan Dershowitz and many others all of them denying any involvement with epsteins crimes. Maxwell reportedly feared for her life so much before even being arrested that she hired a private security detail to basically stand guard and keep watch at her secluded mansion in New Hampshire and speaking of which she reportedly body using an alias with her purported husband whom prosecutors say she has refused to name all national has been linked to tech company c. E. O. Scott borgerson who according to various reports left his wife several years ago for maxwell and had been living with her at a manchester by the sea state of massachusetts as recently as last year before epsteins arrest and ultimate death for the news with Rick Sanchez John Heidi good stuff john thanks so much now but something very questionable is suddenly taking place in Portland Oregon while everyone agrees that the protests in the safe zone there or whatever it is we want to call it have become too violent and need to be quelled there is disagreement on how best to do this and now there are reports that the u. S. Government has sent men camouflaged federal officers with identification badge as part of me without identification badges making arrests and whisking people away protestors and unmarked cars so heres the question should the handling of the situation in portland be left to local officials as is customary or can the 3rd come in and take the matter into their own hands uninvited were going to debate this question but we begin with r t correspondent 1st heres alex my heart of it. It was an explosive violence after weeks of protests against Police Brutality and systematic racism in the u. S. Unrest reached a new level on the streets of Portland Oregon a crackdown by u. S. Federal officers deployed by the department of Homeland Security increased tensions the feds who arrived in unmarked cars dressed in military style gear with identification brought things to new heights when protesters knocked down sections of a larger. Fence around the courthouse this weekend federal agents reacted with flash bangs followed by tear gas according to Portland Police and they did not engage the protesters some say the local police force has now been sandwiched between the demonstrators on one side. And federal Law Enforcement on the other at the government level the rift between local and state and the feds has become just as pronounced portlands mayor has demanded that the federal agents leave he told c. N. N. That their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism. Ted wheeler is being flanked by the state organs Governor Brown asked the federal government to remove its troops nearly a week ago and the states attorney general has filed a lawsuit against the federal government accusing it of unlawfully detaining protesters meanwhile President Donald Trump has defended the deployment saying democrat run cities have lost control of the races and demonstrations in addition bolstered the power of federal Law Enforcement officers with new executive orders protecting monuments adding to the chaos seen from top to bottom protesters are also experiencing a divide while continuing to support the movement some are criticizing the methods right were going to stop all of that all the responsibility are going to come down here take back our streets make you want to measure the state tell you right get this movement back on track while the protesters about to stay on the streets the feds say they are not pulling back for anyone making some fear that the growing divides could lead to more trouble not only among protesters but also between Different Levels of Law Enforcement for news with rick sanchez im alex mileage all right lets debate this now with 2 guests who have contrasting points of view on this the host of meet the press here on r. T. America steve walz burgundy watkins who is the editor at large for salon de let me begin with you the question being raised is whether its constitutional or correct for the federal government to send in essentially troops or police or whatever you want to call them based on the fact that theyre an unmarked cars and theyre not identified belonging to any particular jurisdiction whats the problem here. So the problem is when you had a feds come in and you expect them to come in with the strategy but way you could try to bridge that gap between the protests there are going to very stiff them that theyre fighting to get you dont have. Them to come in what kind of applause mark because it takes people way its like imagine if you know you were. Having dinner with your family and i just walked into the restaurant with a piece on it and that if you. Read but im bad enough and im not telling you why you know youre going to be freaked out and youre going to get upset and youll probably say you know because now theyre forked out youre going to take with me that at me as you should because i probably seem like a crazy person so i think if the feds are going to come in the nation they should come in what is what a strategy to bring peace they should be in by having you know these people who are already obvious we see how this is different from countries that weve heard of sized in the past for having. Federal troops come in and do this type of thing especially in the cases but as is being reported today in the Washington Post some of the people theyve arrested were simply Peaceful Protesters not the ones that were burning things or looting pigs. Well when youre mixed up with people who are burning and looting and you know theyre doing it and you stick around there and you know there are federal troops there that youre looking for trouble i mean i wouldnt be in a place like that and nobodys been arrested nobodys coming into restaurants these people have been burning and looting and rioting for now 52 straight nights the president finally said about a week ago a nuffin off because the local authorities refused to do anything and once they started attacking a federal courthouse and putting graffiti all over it in breaking windows and knocking down the fence that was it so the Homeland Department said Department Homeland security put together a force with u. S. Marshals and customs and Border Patrol agents made up this force to go protect federal buildings and federal landmarks in that city with them and thats what they were doing and they have every right to do it but the mayor and the god its too bad dont want them there and its their. Jurisdiction. But theyre also talking said troops into baltimore that the constitution i think it is their jurisdiction that the feds cant come in until theyre invited in thats why the constitution says. Well then barack obama you know the constitution when he sent the troops into what we have where when im talking about barack obama were talking about these troops who you got to put it in perspective here is the match and youve got to put it in perspective one of the go ahead. Were now talking about what happened with barack obama and bottle was after it was had to poorly it was a great job so you know even trying to make it political like a republican versus democrat thing is not really going to work because it didnt work and bottom all it was still a terrible idea to stab the going to come in they should be invited if they are going to come and theyre going to snatch people away they should identify themselves you cant just grab people went after people because everybody hes not going to build that everybody is not up to block the protests important have been peaceful theres been some wild and crazy stuff well no but the bulk of them have been people who you can just snatch people because you think they did it or because you dont live there well thats a fallacy of pride steve people are being snatched off the streets who are peaceful ive heard the police make the announcement were going to start arresting people if you just side to state please leave the ones who stay are leaving themselves wide open for arrest and they know it but dont you think still they have a right to be what they want to be but the free country you should be they want to be with rioters they get to get arrested. But are you saying everyone who goes out there and protest is a riot or. Wake. Well rick i know thats what hes saying hes saying when the night. And the violence starts and the burning starts and the looting starts in the police say oh my. If you choose to stay you know darn well youre risking arrest and if you dont you need to head examined by dieback but he read out of what were down to 20 seconds. And at the end if they dont people want to streets of portland theyre going to be looked at like heroes look at the revolutionary war look at the civil war a lot of people thought it was crazy to fight to get away free and to start a country apart but sometimes you have to do do you think to actually make it better you agree but the moment that history and when you look beautiful the job that you probably do then you should think you should make those people and well leave with that historic reference my thanks to both of you for the spirited conversation thank you very much to both of you im rick sanchez actually being with us well see you again soon when its time to. Go to work so you stay home for. Drugs 10. 00 come from unscrupulous dealers the from pharmacies to in every state in the United States weve seen very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids and invited america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but this of trying to wean him off though she just goes at their dose after dose if your dose and really became his drug dealer so whos to blame patients doctors manufacturer was altogether. Ah no team no crowd. No shots. Patches belts because. Nobodys track no 1st. Points your thirst for action. Stuff which. Ive just turned 60

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