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A venue says now obligatory in france that the doctors there pleaded with the government to bring forward the measure amid a spike in corona virus cases in some regions. And water cannon deployed in israel where the public history strikes it but the governments response to the pandemic as well as the Corruption Scandal involving the Prime Minister. Welcome just go on for pm here in moscow youre watching r. T. International now will begin with the u. S. City of portland which has seen protesters against Police Brutality and racial inequality set fire to the Police Association building trumps accused local authorities of failing to contain the rest. Of the president s decision to deploy federal agents to the city. Has been looking at the big picture surrounding the recent escalation. For 15 nights protests and riots have raged in the city of portland what began as a stand against racism is morphing into Something Else into wellness the scale version of the civil war except this time it is that their north against the south these top its the right versus the left. And for a certain someone currently in the white house had keen to stay there that could play right into his allegedly small hands over the past decade that american president s have fancied military jools wars to drum up support for reelection bush with iraq a bomber with libya but trump current caddy he campaigned promising to end foreign wars foreign wars so why not imitate one at home or 3rd tarion governments not democratic republic send unmocked of thirtys after protesters these trumped ban tactics designed to eliminate any accountability absolutely unacceptable in america and must stand the senator had a point this is like something out of iraq that again trump did threaten to use the military to stamp out these protests hes already used the national god. Trump has an election to win and Trumps Campaign plan doesnt seem to involve getting in his knees he will be hot he will be hosh thats what his voters expect and the authorities in portland fear that trump has begun an invasion this is an attack on our democracy President Trump has used our city as a staging ground to further his political agenda igniting his base to cause further divisiveness lets be clear this is not political theater this is far more dangerous than not we have federal officers on our streets further escalating tensions and causing harm to portlanders right now dog trump the president of the sec i mean the right has an exact he kept his plans a secret his speech and now on to russia with the one with military jets flying overhead that was almost a textbook declaration of war there is a new far left fascism that demands absolute allegiance if you do not speak its language perform its rituals reset its mantras and follow its commandments then you will be censored banished blacklists persecuted and punished its not going to happen to us. And as with any war you need a main bad guy so saddams dead gadhafi is gone bin ladens been well killed so what about that other fella what does they do biden. You want the super jumbos America Joe Biden would be nothing more than an auto pen president. The trojan horse for a radical agenda. So radical so all encompassing that it would transform this country. Into something utterly out recognisable it is ironic isnt it that the country that prides itself on being the freest in the world the only country with absolute free speech they tell us all day every day how those same people cant stand free speech when its coming from someone they dont like both are right in the left are guilty of this theres no new give no understanding no compromise in either of them its either their way or go to hell or. Democratic mayor in the us city of providence has promised he will seek to right the wrongs of the past through reparations process for minority communities the mayor says the process a major step forward and it will see meetings held over the story contentious issues and revealed to you of laws perceived to discriminate against black and indigenous communities and so low because everybody is in favor. One acknowledging that the liberal left agenda has failed black in minority communities in contemporary times by forcing their children to attend failed schools and by enacting policies that make it easy to become dependent on the government it would be an unprecedented and immoral act of government to seek reparations for the horrible wrongs that were committed generations ago reparations were also approved in the us it is vashti where money will be invested into poor black communities if there are things in both cities do you say the initiatives are just the beginning of why the changes. A lot of folks are going to jump straight to the reparations question how much what form for how long whos eligible those are all legitimate questions but theyre questions for another day and theyre questions that will be answered through the process its important to go step by step with this resolution is the 1st year in that it names that their list of. The. Weighted against the black community into this very day we discuss the controversy surrounding the reparations process with the 7 and author and political analyst and also with Anthony Bryan logan hes a political and social issues contact. Just kind of the same thing they always do during elections or any other time or some kind of so far no rise to give this is over going to do a study ruin to figure it out i mean how is he not figured out yet slavery ended 865 to 02020 what are we really going to study what are really going to try to figure out is trying to calculate i mean you should know about now never has the government ever taken one step towards understanding and calculating and studying the effects and the impact of slavery on africanamerican people now it allows people like a. B. L. To come in and make statements out oh its not necessary oh theres no need for this are going to do it right now whos going to pay for it are you go pay for a result of your own tax money how about me out of my own tax money because the government only makes money from us when there needed to be a 1200. 00 stimulus checks in doubt no one was saying oh well that comes from the taxpayer thats a refund we should do that now and so why is it that they could find money to come up with to pay 12. 00 trillions of dollars to come up with a payment for people who need food when and they couldnt come up with the same amount of money to restore africanamericans in this country who they actually affirmatively took actions to ha thats ridiculous to me so i appreciate why who is they who is right now the more there is who is there a does need to be more than lip service and right now at lanse asheville city is doing a resolution but heres the issue asheville needs to do more than a resolution they need to come up with an actual dollar figure how much they wont black people were harmed by their actual city who knows how much money going to need up because all bob johnson the former owner of the safe zone like 14 1000000. 00 i mean where is it going to come from the value is money was bad enough hes talking about 6. 00 to again and the reason why that was given to reeses point is because the government say that we came out work and we can go on here and make money the actual you know. Mechanism upon which the money will be delivered and who do see is not going to be defined nor will it ever be because all they ever done for to pay a 100. 00 or so years is say we promise you do this we promise you with no promises ever deliver you cant provide reparations by definition until you know what you need to repair there needs to be an assessment of what has been done what black people have suffered specifically and so thats why its not the solution it needs to be but we end we dont want organizations to keep or communities to start slapping reparations on top of every Community Redevelopment effort and calling it reparations if its not if it was going to happen it should have been. Identified as slave master in a slave fair transaction and now its only 20 it would be me pay me to be read and it makes no sense at all. Or to can and will you unleashed in the streets of jerusalem over the weekends police to try to disperse protests against the governments handling of the pandemic scuffles and clashes were also seen telling to you as frustration with the current israeli Prime Minister trying to face of getting infected. Wow. Ok well lets look back then and why people are so unhappy the protesters to condemn the governments handling of the Health Crisis generally and in particular the recent return of restrictions amid a spike in the infection rate they also say too that the Prime Minister and his cabinet have failed to manage the economic fallout of the pandemic then on top of all of that there is simmering anger over corruption charges against Benyamin Netanyahu the premiers corruption trial will resume in january with witness testimony he is accused of fraud breach of trust and also excepting bribes despite all of that and that the looming trial netanyahu does say he is focused on ending the covert crisis. What we have a common goal to stop the spread of the corona virus by various measures i remind ministers that by thursday i have requested each ministries plan for a safe exit from the coronavirus restrictions. At least 28 people were arrested as a result of the unrest in jerusalem and tel aviv political analyst. And also former advisor to the president s Office Station jason purdon shed their thoughts on the current tensions in israel. There was functioning and everything did seem under control until everything was back we celebrated too soon here and that and you know for all the good work that he did in the 1st wave really wasnt there the 2nd time around a large group of protesters are protesting that the Prime Minister is are up in the midst of a fraud trial and he should resign protesters that really are problematic for those that are out of work those that are from industries which are not picking up the Tourism Industry the Entertainment Industry there are people that are just out of work and economically are suffering so he needs to answer those people hes going to have to come out with what are really economic plan that is going to put israel back to a Strong Economy as we move through different stages both politically because we had a new government sworn in and in terms of the pandemic itself with new numbers emerge theres been a sort of imbalance between those 2 things and theres a genuine feeling on the street that we could be doing things differently and we could be doing things better now we have a working government theres a strong opposition and a strong opposition will voice its checks and balances on the on the Prime Minister and on his governments policies and thats expressed on the streets as well its pretty much part and parcel of the democratic debate around how to handle both economic sides of the pandemic and the medical side as well. Now in france the wearing of face masks has become the bigotry nor the public spaces where previously only compulsory on public transport and in some shops where the rule came into force today initially it was to be introduced only in august but french doctors did the government to bring it in. Starting this monday Wearing Masks will be mandatory in enclosed places as announced by Prime Minister john key sticks this includes shops public buildings covered markets banks protective measures and testing remain essential in tackling the virus effectively a correspondent in parish eleana been skanks plains ny the pros and cons of the new brew. Well whats really interesting is just a few months ago the french government was saying that masks were not essential in the fight against the transmission of 19 this is at a point 2 in france didnt have mass to go to and they were saying only needed to wear a mask if you were somebody who had been 19 or you were a Health Care Professional and dealing with people but now its deemed that wearing a mask is in this central tool in the fight against transmission of course france has plenty of masks at the moment but some newspapers have been talking about the cost here of wearing a mask and wearing them every day one calculate the cost for a family of 4. 00 individuals who have both the children being over the age of 11 it was saying if you buy masks that you can walk again this would be a cost of around 96 euros a month but if you decided to wear the single use masks that you discard after every use that would cost a family more like 228. 00 euros so quite a lot of money every month to find where those masks however this ruling has been welcomed by many. Lately ive been noticing a lot of people coming in without masks i dont want to be rude but the either see outside or they come in and i put their glasses on and then they go away but i dont actually get close at all so for me the mask is very important and its very good if necessary it should be put on we protect others and we protect ourselves and then there you are its enough for that we all have to make so we do it. Felix sometimes it has gone back to the weird was before people have kind of forgotten about it weve put in place a lot of procedures but its true that on the beach people feel much more at ease than in a restaurant but just like everywhere else not everyone is happy about this new record. Lation some people have been complaining that wearing a mask means its quite difficult to communicate you cant see friendly gestures from people and the reality is that sometimes when somebodys speaking with a mask on they do sound a little bit muffled now public transport here in france its already been compulsory to wear the mask for many many weeks with the risk of fine already there but despite that despite the fact that there have been security agents going through the metro stations and train stations handing out fines many people have not been wearing a mask on public transport its a very emotive subject not just here in france but in other countries too but it seems the issue of wearing a mask or not wearing a mask will remain divisive. Still to come the members are currently locking horns over just how much cash to hand out for a postcode recovery package but it does leave theres not much European Union on the issue just after the break. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond short and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im sure. Ill see you then. Again i europe is continuing to wrangle over the size of a package for the block and e. U. Summit on the issue is not dragged into a 4th day in brussels and the commissions president did strike an optimistic tone ahead of todays talks. I have the impression that if european leaders really want an agreement which they shoulda clear will to find a solution and we need a solution the european citizens need a solution the European Union needs a solution needs an agreement to overcome this crisis and to prepare europe for the future i am positive for today were not there yet but things are moving in the right direction the main stumbling block is the total amount of aid and how it should be given and italy in spain for instance want mostly grants but the netherlands austria sweden and denmark want loans which will have to be repaid on top of that the Prime Minister wants any help conditional on a countrys daryns to rule was something that hungary and poland playing is meant to target them. Tonight we had a long talk about the rule of war those discussions and we really need to push through to morrow want to get somewhere if there is a bridge because of them not because i dont like blame game but the dutchman is the real responsible man for foremost we are going through a phase of stalemate it looks like its very complicated more complicated than wed expected we clashed quite strongly with the likes of holland for example as well as with the socalled frugal countries which do not agree on the need for such a major response. When former foreign minister cardin can i still believe the siring of relations in recent years between the block members has led to this stalemate the fact that we have a tremendous fragmentation is in the European Union that fact that we use terms like renationalisation not only in Political Science and in academic debate but its a common term i mean this hasnt started because of the current bad law because of their extraordinary and demick situation we have. 5 to 7 member states. So which on various topics tz seemingly interesting apart direct. Perhaps the think tank the Bridal Center in brussels has recently its all about us the reality is here because countries on the receiving line might have to face there is conditions which they will consider as an infringement of their surrender and then we are in a completely different chapter and we have seen how. The e. U. Mechanisms dealt with greece i dont expect in a role to accept the same conditions that were imposed on greece about 10 years ago. This is a mortal regiment march in russia commemorating the heroes of the 2nd world war has been called off to the pandemic it had already been perspire own from its traditional victory day date in may 1 quarter has more details. It was on monday that the executive committee of the mortal regiment movement decided to make this decision the official statement cited the pandemic of course as the reason since there would be no way to keep the participants absolutely safe from infection their movements cochair stated that social distancing would create a situation thats completely contrary to the spirit of the march when people of all generations usually marched shoulder to shoulder to honor the countrys veterans now the immortal regiment march is an annual procession that takes place in cities all over the world to commemorate world war 2 veterans and in russia the parade is often associated with victory day on may 9th during which theres a big military procession on red square now that was also postpone this year but the organizers did manage to go through with the celebration on june 24th now as of now we dont have any concrete date for when a mortal regiment march will be next year but lets just hope that we want have a pandemic to deal with by that. Meanwhile that an opinion has sent the governor through the russian region of about all things sick with her gal was arrested last week amid allegations he had organized the murders of several Business People years ago but this detention did spark that rage in the region and also mass protests lets get more details on that down holkins he sent from moscow following the story 1st good afternoon dan just run through some more details that. Well the new acting governor of the come out of this region will be mikhail directed if hes been in the l d p r liberal Democratic Party member since 2005 and m. P. Since 2011 in a Video Conference phone call today mr putin appointed him as the acting governor of the region replacing gay football who has now been dismissed for lack of confidence or breach of confidence officially those are the 2 acts passed by the russian president today as the full goal of course was elected. The governor posts back in 2018 in a landslide election beating the united russia opposition candidate he won a reputation as the peoples man passing a raft of measures which were popular with the local population of about 4 of scarcity of around 600000 in russias far east quite a rosy picture which should change very drastically 10 days ago on the 9th of july when he was arrested by the f. S. B. By the russian and vesta committee and taken on a plane to moscow facing very serious charges indeed allegations that he was complicit in organizing at least 2 contract killings of rival businessmen between 20042005 prior to going into politics of course he was involved in business in recycling and timber and its thought that these allegations back to that time of his office time in business now that his arrest sparked protests in russias far east thousands of people coming out of the streets estimates ranging anything from 10000 to us was 304050000 though those numbers can be verified people are calling his arrest politically motivated and selective in the meantime he has been detained by a moscow court to stay in custody for 2 months while those trial is set to go ahead his defense have denied all the charges and are set to appeal this move by mr putin shows that this is likely to be a very lengthy process the election of a new permanent governor will take place in 2021 with the elections in russias far east as that trial. Is set to go ahead and is set to be really quite a long story. Ok thank you dan dan hawkins there with the legacy. I brings up that just come up how possible in the afternoon here in moscow about with moores usual. Problem drugs dont always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the United States we see me very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids it invaded america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer whos to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the governments. Now after a country were going underground is the United States Congress Reconvenes to consider its latest Coronavirus Relief package in a country that has so far suffered a 5th of the worlds coded 1000. 00 deaths despite only having 4. 25 percent of the worlds population coming up on the show is the on the reporting of the revelation that black and brown people make up 2 thirds of coronavirus deaths in the usa an issue of media representation we are iconic puerto rican character actor who is famous for his groundbreaking work with directors like Brian De Palma even thought about ridley scott and what is the true extent of the under representation of black and brown people at the u. S. President ial ballot box we investigate with voter disenfranchisement joy and greg last summer coming up in todays going underground but 1st around the world the coronavirus pandemic and black lives matter protests in the name of the Police Killing of george floyd have arguably laid bare the true extent of systemic inequality on the racial capitalism one of the areas its revealed itself in is the disproportionate coronavirus deaths of black in latin x people 2 thirds of all covert deaths in the United States so will this pandemic within a pandemic be tackled within the next Coronavirus Relief package being discussed today in congress or will it be swept under the rug joining me now from vermont his iconic puerto rican character actor luis guzman thank you luis for coming on amazing that have a legendary screen presence were going underground today during the month so you must have been keeping up to date with the failure of Bernie Sanders to win his primaries across the democratic nominations for the november elections where i do believe there are. Democratic national party. And. You know it was a shame because he was pretty much the front runner and they and they ganged up on him but in fairness to by. And Bernie Sanders accepted the result and said you know joe biden is going to be the candidate and joe biden is doing so well in the opinion polls well. You know i think i think you know you have no choice you have no choice but to follow the night just like everybody else will angela davis the former black panther said she was backing biden on this program created a bit of control of a sea back to coronavirus

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