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Experience on monday night football i tell you it was the crews all but i always dug it because to me. In know people always say well whats life i thought you know theres real life troubles and then theres me in the masterman but no doubt football is just circus maximus you come to tad everybodys got an opinion but i dug it what are your memories of a jeff on you know its an i just got ousted from the show so you and i have been a small little fraternity regular havent manes not had a fun 2 years i had a fun couple years doing it you know i remember jason witten saying saying to me when we were about halfway through youre number one he goes man i just played in the n. F. L. For 15 years for the Dallas Cowboys basically im trying time every week there is a new ridiculous scrutiny quite like monday night football and i know theres a very small group of us that understand that and im with you dan its like i just sat back enjoyed the ride you work hard you have gone your honor to be in that booth that iconic booth. But i put things in perspective broke like my mom came here in a boat and couldnt speak english my grandfather had 9 dollars like you know weve had this you know i come from skin back to the new york white weve overcome a lot more life weve had hardships youve had this if you cant laugh along and enjoy the passion tensity of calling monday night football and forget what the twitter verse says or what the critics say you know somethings wrong so i love football to no end i love what i do for a living i cant believe that now you know were having a successful right doing extreme mini golf thats thats been fun but im with you at the same mindset if i reflect on my money my football years. Well get the show is called holy moly its got regal and steph curry who can stuff must play dough at 3 handicapper some good hes got ratings golfer will get to that a 2nd its on his 2nd season an a. B. C. Moment to talk a little about how joe listen to get hired to do the booth on monday night football that is a long search this trip to get there and you have to hit the ball hard i guess you start out of Boston College who was flying in the rock back then was a glenn folly was he there for you was. Going to have a great ride there in that you know that last year was and i had left and then he had one more year of eligibility he was really good friend of mine and that was the year they upset number one notre dame when notre dame a just beat Florida State and they had the miraculous last minute comeback with that helicopter of a field goal cover of Sports Illustrated so those were a fun last couple years there with coach coffee and on those that was a pretty good b. C. Team that year. But yeah that was going fully back then of course then went on so the n. F. L. Was new with the jets when he thought he was going to have a long road there is a starter. I love coth when he sent me honestly that i interviewed confluence when i was doing monday night football and a couple weeks later i get an autographed picture from it says dennis thanks for cutting through all the bullshit. I still. Going on that i didnt even notice for a producer who is so funny to a sometimes those buttoned down guys joe i dont know when you had coaches meetings like bela check was funny these guys dont want to open up at the podium because then they have to open up every week you know they go to that reluctantly theyre just football coaches i think guys who are under par cells like bella check in conflict then everyone know this sort of game so they just go out and they are monotone and they are flat and they give you the least they can because they know the week they go out and they try to be charming or funny its every week so i learned something in my 2 years there about coaches that you cant judge a book by its cover. Yeah and coffins got a great heart you know i miss is a guy that still to this day runs that jay finds down in Jacksonville Florida with you know the efforts with the Childrens Cancer Research Research and i agree with you you know its funny you hang with bella check and you talk anything other than football hes a great dude if you remember her 2 years ago getting caught in about a half an hour conversation with him on squash and you know a couple coaches we knew from the new England Boarding School d scene and how he would could apply squash strategy to his n. F. L. Philosophy you talk music with the guy you talk across with the guy hes a wonderful hank just dont talk an awful football because just do that which. Tests are and lets talk a little bit about holy moly its a revenge i think supersize golf its like the opposite of miniature golf i think its massive and 2 i love regel tell me about reg and stuff very telling about the show 1st you know what he were arming the show is like its dennis you know its one of those shows its really hard to put into a box and you know thank god we got through year one where you sort of find your identity a bit and i think the producers do as well you know the one thing you cant fake is real when somebodys really make show laugh and wriggle makes me break legacy and i just find it would be so smart and so funny and then you put them in that setting where we didnt know what we were in store for you know ive ive. Done other a. B. C. Prime competitive show a few years ago the remake well the Network Stars and you get into those kind of shows and you know you step off the ledge a little bit you see how far you can push it and we realize night one 0 no we can push this thing like this things an alternate universe like this thing is so out of its mind absurd like were going to take over a ranch in super size mini golf and make extrusion mini golf and. Then get into this willy wonka wonderland that you get to step into were where its part anchorman part competition show part reality and we went all the way in and you know i dont know about you but i grew up really appreciating the classic straight man comedy like i grew up on abbott and costello on sunday mornings like you know new york sunday morning the old abbott and costello waking up to that and they said to me hate try to do your job the way you would and i apologize for being all suited up here but call a flight from vegas tonight on e. S. P. N. Try to do your job the way you would if you were ringside calling a championship fight or if you get radio a major bowl game or monday night football some like our right man ill do that so i prepped that way i prepped me golf like it was the masters and then we got on the set and i realize all right man this thing you know wriggles going to take this in anchorman direction light on ron burgundy coming out and it was showing easy just to tease him up in that direction let him hit homer after homer and now this year i think we gone down the rabbit hole even more mortgage you know sillier ins and stupider and just laughing our off nonstop so thankfully people enjoy it and well see how long of a ride we can take here. Listen anytime you get to a 2nd season and anything than thats all you can do in showbiz receive push it down the hill what one stage at a time so you get picked up for the 2nd shows great congrats i sense sometimes honest to god when it goes to you the energy is so professional i almost sense that regel is about the laughing that youre able to keep its a yeah theyre in a you know its its a funny energy if he goes to you and youre trying to score too it gets miss bessie thats right racquetball when he well acts it and your wall is solid it makes me laugh so hard well i appreciate you saying that coming from you because you know youre one of my all Time Favorites and have been for many many years i just appreciate your vibe your style and your ability to make people laugh and make smart humor you know we think weve got a little bit of that but she show good with the nuance deal like so im trying to you know were coming on a 2 shot and im welcoming everybody back to holy moley but the presentation of the content that i have to deliver up introducing these holes and he can just give me one little glance at this and he knows i see it too he knows i see it is going to ruin me but you know like this year theyve done things this year now dennis where they must have been sitting back just parting right these Producers Center what is the one thing a. B. C. Will absolutely not approve i know lets have a space themed whole d title of your anus and every 2nd tests or has a talk hes got to talk about putting up your anus and the pressure around your anus it all comes down to your anus and of course miller on night number one of filming your anus ball gets stuck in the chute and wriggles got to describe the. I couldnt i mean this is this is where it went this is where it went. Now the 3rd guy died 10 in the tray out of his staff car a. 3 tell staff that if they should a commercial for this they had to have him near the Craft Service table crushing up a dixie cup and trying to drop it in trash can a 3 constantly misses that would be the funniest commercial to me if he just keeps clanging it off the river current good clay that hes a serious golfer rags who comes in with a little bit expertise yeah hes hes a really good you know scratch golfer i mean you know hes one of these guys that we all grew up with that guy who it didnt matter what were doing he was going to win i dont care if youre playing pop a shot or like air hockey in the basement or ping pong youre playing varsity basketball or football he was a guys going to win that steph curry you know youre one were filming the thing dennis and you know he gets out there he gets out there with a pitching wedge issues playing around and its just chip after chip going over the water onto a green like hes autopilot and you know and then you sit there and you realize why hes so good from the free throw line but. You know the one thing i appreciate about about steph is hes not just showing up to put his name on it. Cares about the show like really invested really cares about a puts in the time so you know hes been great to be with. Well these guys have all seen like irvin moves on and all of a sudden irvins close to a billionaire magic you are on he wants to do it now you can see steph when you have that brand there i know folks when youre making 3540000000. 00 a year you think well thats my top ott its like buzz aldrin what i mean and do when i get back from the moon but the fact is with that brand the International Brand of an n. B. A. Player if they use their head they can open up even a bigger treasure trove apper a career so i can see you know the cats are smart enough to do that thats why cares youve got to get your name out there that you care as much about your show as you do about your stroke were talking to joe testa to our the show is holy moley he hosts it with rob riggle and steph curry its in its 2nd season on a. B. C. Before we go to the break joe where do they see whats what unit i think you started in near seasons underway already right where yes we did were we started mid may and we were in the 9 oclock slot come down to 8 oclock on thursday as an a. B. C. And you know knock on wood things have been really solid with the ratings and demos so were going to take this thing right through end of august with it without championship or take our 12 champions that are going to somebody is going to have to make a push for a quarter 1000000 dollars thats the finale. Well any time your handicap drops 9 date in a few weeks the shows been on the air youre heading in the right direction with a golf shell will be right back on shelves Wonderful World of golf i favored when i was a kid joe testa toure right after this well talk some more sports on Dennis Miller plus what. We go to work you straight home. Seemed wrong. Wolf just dont call. Me. Yet to see how this thing comes to educate and in gaming equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Remember the honest people can disagree this concept has essentially been the bedrock of western civilization since the in line its also before agents of the america 1st Amendment Council culture is putting all this in question we now. Welcome back to Dennis Miller plus one were joined by joe testa to our great guy you know him for monday night football he also hosts a show on a. B. C. Called holy moley with rob riggle and steph curry fun golf show its in his 2nd season on a. B. C. Cook keep your eye out for joe and talk a little bit about football you know how funny feeling i know they caught a break time wise here but. I dont like the film back i just have a funny feeling that i just dont see how it works with these cases arising not granted the death counsellor and these are healthy young guys id probably push them chips in and go with it but i think goodells in the same hood business i dont know that there is going to be a season at this point what do you think i think thats a Fair Assessment i think my answer would have been different 4 weeks ago i think my answer is very different if youre assessing Major College football compared to the n. F. L. My son plays for Boston College so he plays you know a. C. C. Football and so thats a situation we monitor every day and i think its been money is on the other side of this cease all right dennis and we all know that we all know you know what the end goal is here and why everybody wants to play and how critical it is both on t. V. Side is on the University Side it is on the n. F. L. Owner side. I dont think things are track in the right direction you know ive been in this studio here in e. S. P. N. For this going to week 5 now of doing remote broadcasting flights from vegas where theyve created this coded safety bubble at the m. G. M. Grand were leaders come in the support staff comes in peace tested you say on one single floor they get you to a boxing ring we put life lights on e. S. P. N. And there has not been a show in those are the strictest standards procedures protocols you can have done a series not in one single show that hasnt been disrupted where theres not a positive test that this person so that person and then with the Contact Tracing about gets eliminated one football if everybody big on a friday afternoon for college or a saturday morning for the n. F. L. If everybody gets their sums up or thumbs down before they get on the team bus to go to the team hotel and it often civili human test positive will now the contact racing eliminates that entire offensive line so youre not just going to have removed one fight we move everything up on the on the m. M. A. Order of the or the boxing bow shoot order its going to be we cancel a game so i think youre going to have a season even if they do attempt to play it thats constant pick ups constant interruption and on the College Level i dont think its tracking well at all right now and on the n. F. L. Level i think theyre going to see some of the difficulties when they get everybody together. But the way joes son is a kicker for Boston College like father like son i guess and stevie cellists you know you know how to be a good just good memory my friend as yes as the antecedent or turns out to be a rock cat there and being torn yeah they think that must mean you have cared for in college yes steve came out of the stands he was a Soccer Player my son is on is right now a full time punter up there which means that for most of the corn team dennis i was dragged out to his Old High School field and i had a under against snap about 100 times a day so i was facing down my shoulder and some very very good sports trivia to drop a a stevie a out of the stands for b. C. Well his opinion if he was the pink and your sons the punter i missed the drop that i buried the lead there but at least i did a Little Research on whos been good you know so i. Just start joe when you get out i guess sports you know i talked to the great al michaels and you know it even been a whole raw you know along with get out in summer you know these guys are that sure rushmore quite frankly but even when he gets out hes got to go out to the islands and call baseball you know i mean to. Tell me about your circuitous route you know i went you know i had a i had a horrible football injury and there was there was a good brother who was a mentor of mine in the life and you know 3 reconstructive surgeries the whole deal size men asked you know taken off the field ambulance and he took me by the back of the neck and he said you should go into public speaking i wasnt that kind of shit i just was and it was the best thing that ever happened to me and it allowed me to gain some confidence in speaking and stay attached to the sport that i love so that turned into doing College Radio but i was in the School Management you know everybody i went to school with Boston College has gone on to great careers in finance and. Remember actually being in the back of professor keyes class with Chris Odonnell so Chris Odonnell and i were sitting in the back of class prep we were listening up as we didnt go into business. So internships College Radio internships a little t. V. Tax a s in dallas texas was a huge opportunity for me i was able to go drive down there during spring breaks and summer breaks and worn the business and that typical local t. V. Deal you know weekends anchoring weekday reporting. And at an early age an opportunity come down sick connecticut and work for what was then the powerhouse c. B. S. Local news i was on the air remember gayle king was the news anchor to my left and did the sports at 2324 years old and. Spent. A few good years there doing the hartford whalers and u. Conn basketball in the 6 11 oclock news and you know its an e. S. P. N. Backyard so 2001 got a phone call from e. S. P. N. Started doing live events in winter of 2002 and have a look back. Were talking to joe tessa tar and his t. V. Show right now with rob riggle and steph curry is on a. B. C. Holy moley fun golf game huge huge course even i could it even i could putt like brad faxon on this course and thats in a 2nd sleeper not an a. B. C. I think the 1st time you came on my radar i jealous i remember i dug s. E. C. Football so i remember why a show with you in teams and find it was sort of a thats the 1st time i clocked you know that this had sharp tell me but im a huge fat lie here as it were those were interesting years from timmy when when timmy retired we have we have the same broadcast agent and i got a phone call and it was just before all burmese get right play for the state met National Championship and they said tim is ready to make the move to t. V. And they got us together and it was basically all right lets teach him t. V. As quickly as we can and he such a naturally such a great communicator and you know hes such a natural. And his football i. Q. Is obviously off the charts so we threw him in we threw him into the fire i remember for that game at the rose bowl and then that whole offseason we spent a lot of time together and it was when the s. E. C. Network was started and they wanted it to be the signature show their answer its game day so you know were really proud of the work we did with s. E. C. Nation but you know you sit there with a fine bomb on one end of the same set and then you sit there with tivo on the other and in s. C. C. Country and its almost like having good and evil on your shoulders dentist right way to find a surround i mean hes stirring every pot there is in the s. E. C. And then everybodys kneeling down to tim whos you know walking day down there but i love s. C. C. Football i mean i have a listen i roll saying well here heres my deal in life. I like passion and intensity i dont care what it is i dont care if im sitting there you know with a master to keyless almost yea if hes passionate intense about what hes dismissing everything in the s. C. C. Is about passion intensity and you know that slogan they have it just means what it does it means more it in almost all of these states that Football Team is their identity so when youre sitting there on saturday afternoon or saturday night and you can feel 800000 people under your feet shaking you broadcast differently you just do so now i love sitting ringside for the fights as you know youve seen me there i love broadcasting title fights i love my years i grew up as a railbird at the search of a racetrack i love the intensity of horse racing putting on the line gambling on the ponies and i love s. C. C. Football thats just how im wired youve got to get yourself to it now i mean you know you and i share that matt he loves the bonis you member when you go to do a green bay game on monday night and theyd keep you out of the plays that at a casino where you could watch the phoneys race at albion i would say that was when i knew we were at some place that ended o. T. B. Parlor because during the drive usually go to one i would hear from out of nowhere we have is. There watch in hialeah. He always does not have a lot of money its i honestly dennis i swear its how ive learned math as a kid was because youre calculating odds at the track with all my inveterate on poles who are dragging me to o. T. B. And then railbirds up at saratoga and you know trips down the belmont i can remember my sons a really good kid hes going to kill me for putting this out there but i can remember he mustve been in 2nd grade 3rd grade and we were turned back to school and the day before was the hopeful states for 2 year olds up at saratoga i want to get one more day at the track and it comes back and it was you know the parents are in there and its what everybody do on your summer vacation. And he comes out with Something Like i hammered the 6 in the 7th i got im a late double with a chalk and its like i want to have fun out here when im at it you cant youve got to you can. Have this teachers would be like one are you what kind of father are you and im some thinking of you know the father of a son is going to be pretty good at fractions my baby the tile right there will receive. Certain times the air around the center of the universe that its as good as a good little river going to drive us into our in the shell hes got is called the holy moly its rob riggle stuff curry gull show fun 2nd season on a. B. C. Look for joe and we said you were coming on we got a lot of social Media Questions mind of querrey you on a few of these that yes. John straus asked do you think social messaging will benefit the n. B. A. In the mid longer i dont like that as well your thoughts joe. You know i think i dont have an i dont have a strong appetite for any of it to be honest with you dennis. I can understand where people get turned off i can understand work where a lot of people step into these potholes and twist and turn and theres damage done if you look through maestro szell media feed which has huge gaps im an activity then ill know about celebrating people im all about you know ill promote some of the stuff im doing if i think its pretty good but i just dont step a lot of these places and i also think and one of the things i marvel with and maybe its generational and i want to be the curmudgeon but i didnt grow up thinking that everybody music youre my opinion on it or everything i just needed i just i wanted to know nor do i nor do i feel welcome and hes you know were doing going out of my life. Yeah me growing up my favorite form of short short form communication was johnny most for the celtics one day the big bang would corner up and hit the detroit at all jody most had reduced to 2 as they bagged. Salad slater no burger cigarette doesnt fall and lighters pants on fire. Good to talk to you joe joe tess its our folks give a show watch over there with rego steph curry holy molly its 8 oclock what night again joe sorry thursday nights on a. B. C. At 8 oclock and we think were going to have some fun stuff coming up you know in the course of the next couple months so we appreciate everybody i really appreciate you for even inviting me on dennis i was very very generous of you i really do know what you want to spend more time you know the right away i know you do it i know you do and i have about tonight and boxing but. Massive a dial. Are you kidding me yeah but an island they better have a tanker doubter its going to float often but it. Means youre back in a mad fight it may go right into the sea between u. S. C. And top rank you know its funny because all the other pro sports are struggling to get back to anything consistent and normal and u. F. C. And top rank are like the truce the combat sports are the ones churning it out right now so if youre a have fan of any sorts its good to live in right now. And i was watching brandon de shambo the other day that thought my god hes Jack Reynolds the backer for. The old grabs i dont know what happened there anyway to test it so our monday night football holy moley good to talk to you joseph have a good fight tonight brother ok thank you dennis i appreciate that. Thats right weve answered. Still longer recession to get the recession. Or depression this will last a few years. We are segregated only by social class lower middle class people also in poverty 1st. If youre born into a 4 family if youre born into a minority family if youre born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people die on average 15 years old if youre born into generational poverty. Its a tough fight every day so you meet your needs and the needs of your family. Live from the World Headquarters of the r t america in our Nations Capital this is the news with rick sanchez. And im rick sanchez and i want to welcome all of you watching us from all over the world im quoting those of you who are watching on your mobile phones using the portable t. V. Up it may very well be that while the rest of the world especially the United States snoozes china is moving along with its plans to create the future of money and what is the future of money what is china doing that we here in america for example are not well get this it is now testing a new Digital Currency so here is what we know chinas central bag is confirmed

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