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Police. And fled into the forest. Floor of breaking. All of the whole of europe for the weekend. You are the. Headlines in a bit more detail. Being claimed for the past 5 years the British Government security. Another interception equipment more than a dozen countries that are considered repressive regimes. The British Government has a reputation for prioritizing profits over human rights this time its been revealed that the United Kingdom has sold millions of pounds worth of interception equipment to dozens of Countries Worldwide the present itself even if you use this repressive now there are calls for the government to explain itself yet again the government needs to show how those risks were assessed in these cases and how this equipment was ultimately used the exports include wiretaps spyware and other telecommunication interception equipment that could be used to spy on socalled dissidents and it doesnt come cheap in fact the u. K. Has signed off more than 75000000 pounds worth of good to have to list of countries the u. K. Even appears to be breaching its own rules here as the u. K. Has banned the so security codes to countries that might use them for internal repression and among the list of countries even the u. K. Itself has accused of Human Rights Violations including saudi arabia the u. A. E. And china. Make good on my pledge bringing to force the United Kingdoms 1st thomas human rights sanctions regime which gives us the power to impose sanctions on those involved in the very worst human rights abuses right around the world. One of the days and try to again tell the truth to the to the interrogators their reaction was to make me stand today. If you feel that you were being tortured. Psychologically. Kurt. The people of hong kong do support. Speak up to. Every inch. Even though many countries on the list are officially rated not free the government claims that any export licenses issues are in accordance with the highest and strict criteria but many human Rights Groups are simply not buying it its not clear what the issues are making any effort to track the equipment is used in 12 or 3 years time these figures yet another reminder of why we need a complete overhaul of the. Security equipment export control system comes as the United Kingdom prepares to resume the sale of arms to saudi arabia that could be used in the yemen conflict the west man made humanitarian crisis in the world according to the United Nations and a breakthrough moment just over a year ago the court of appeal ruled that the arms trade was unlawful because the government had not adequately addressed the risk of civilian casualties in these Bombing Missions but the government simply says that they were just isolated incidents and are now upping the ante the government will now begin the process of clearing the backlog of license implications for saudi arabia and its Coalition Partners that has built up since 20 as of june last year considering the u. K. s sold 15000000000 pounds worth of bombs to the gulf kingdom in the past 5 years it seems that the profits britain breakin over weapons and now intercepts of equipment are too great to give even at the cost of human lives to. Stories from a part of the u. K. To wear a mask in shops and supermarkets in england will be compulsory from july the 24th people who dont cover up risk a 100 pounds fine but not everyone is clear on what exactly they should be. Doing thats because Prime Minister Boris Johnson the governments been accused of lacking clarity over it for instance cabinet minister michael gove previously described Wearing Masks in shops as showing good manners and then just a few days ago say the didnt think it would become mandatory but it all changed again Public Opinion on whether it is the right thing to do or not is proving divisive as we discussed with Infectious Disease expert carrier and also journalist fraser myers from spiked online. People have got the message somehow that they are. Against the disease or they protect other people the the evidence is actually quite weak around this certainly what the government has published whilst the masks may not be 100 percent protective we have to think this from 1st principles so that in fact i think those comes from drug blitz released from somebodies mouths if they are infectious and when you can and not a lawyer youre a social distancing from them you have to have an additional mitigating measure now id have no problem with people Wearing Masks i wear a mask myself sometimes but i dont think that it should be compulsory is specially when the evidence is not a particularly strong we need to have a strong messages and the United Kingdom has got a lot of debts we need to bring this down we dont want a single extra death we need to do everything we can encouraging this good compulsion is. I think that you know it may not seem like much to have to wear masks that we have to remember that this comes in addition to all of the other infringements on our Civil Liberties that people have experienced over the past few months theres never been so much you know reduction in freedoms ever in any democrats you either measure it on the scales with your Civil Liberties or do you wish to continue to have a number of cases and number of deaths which one would you like to have the case number. I have come down not because the virus has gone on holiday but because of the lockdown measures we took so come on think about it you are in a perfect drain cheek by jowl close proximity within 6 inches sometimes 8 inches a foot of each other you need to wear a mask yes lets have mask wearing in confined spaces but not in general not for all shots not so every time you leave the house or every time you want to go into a building. Well still with covert florida is taking on the mantle of the United States coronavirus redzone new infections broke National Daily records over the weekend outstripping the whole europes combined single day rate they did dip a little on monday but still top 12000 it seem the state governor heckled than at a News Conference in miami over his handling of the outbreak. You know where you are. Youre going to get. Every day you got paid like oh youre coming you got me you know public floridas kovac numbers continue to surge demand for kovan 1000 tests has been so high theres been numerous reports of people waiting for hours in line stretching at least a mile long and test results in some cases taking several weeks in Miami Dade County where the number of cases is now close to 68000 the highest in florida one in 3 people who reportedly took over 1000 last week tested positive the census has argued that local municipalities and not the state should decide for themselves if stricter levels of protection are needed adding to the debate and consternation about floridas kovan surge disney world reopened some of its parks in orlando over the weekend raising concerns of the place where dreams come true who quickly descend into a nightmare and stand as guests don their mickey mouse ears and face masks despite the Trump Administration insisting that the show will go on and there are now serious concerns being raised among g. O. P. Officials about whether the Republican National convention will go on to ask edgel in august in jacksonville or whether or not it will shift to an entirely Virtual Event instead for our t. V. John honey. The pandemics proved to be no obstacle for electioneering though theres not a day to be wasted for americas president ial kind of this to try to win over the hearts and minds of votes is so well Donald Trumps up against it with his handling of the Health Crisis of the moment meantime his democratic rival joe bidens mobilizing his family to the job assess the reports. Youll remember joe bidens wife knew her very sure very. Very. Well jills back this time not as a husbands sister but as cool thought over a Childrens Book about joes life which almost 70 years fills a full 27 pages well i gave it a read obviously the reviews in joey thats what they all cool to have randy sounds like a little round good guy a wizardly ability to catch a ball just words not mine standing up to bullies president of his freshman class really his only weakness and he himself admits it is talking was sometimes really difficult but you know what i think we can all agree he grew out of that lets not even bring it up to our own source. Recovered. From the beginning its clear that joe was really close with his parents and his siblings he often said quote the absolute most important thing is your family but didnt he also fought for the defense of marriage act back in the ninetys you know the one that said that a marriage is only between a man and a woman and that really became the reason that many same sex married couples never got the same rights all the same privileges as petras sexual couples where is the opposite actually oh you know what never mind because its since been brought up by john ellis and joe gave a really convincing defense in 1906 you voted for the defense of marriage act. And a lovely person i am then there are a couple of pages about his college is where they are quote he spent one summer as the only white lifeguard at a pool and in black neighborhood the reward thing to point out isnt it well but partly it was then that joe learned foster about the struggles. Of black america you know i wonder if it was so in those years that he comes he decided he wasnt big on the whole integration of races in schools saying that the farm controlled they could cause real problems unless we do something about this my children are going to grow up in a jungle the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions bills are high that is going to explode at some point but when he does that mocks up he did offer to roll defender of black last may when he was refused service in a joint hit they off you think this this is what really counts not using your power as a u. S. Senate such trial and segregation possibly the biggest Racial Injustice in modern history anyway moving on hold up heres a a cute picture of him with the little guy commuting to washington while some things never change. As a politician joe wanted to quote make peoples lives better you know i think thats what the real motivation was behind his backing of the iraq invasion saddam is dangerous the world would be a better place without him and of course the welfare of nippy and was at the forefront of his mind when he said a ok to bombing not homeland can give the people of libya for the 1st chance in 4 decades to actually put together their own government have a little bit afraid of the upturn but hung on not chop dismissiveness whoa how strange oh but this is my favorite my favorite part of the entire book and its this treasure trove of uncle joes most famous catchphrases so called fighting as i say you can be inspired to go around saying things like your kids are just as bernie just as challenge work use ha ha ones nor hear well how. We choose truth over facts also not included ok well but definitely you cannot go through your little work when. You dont worship what you do not know they possible not want to swallow ok final chance this what your lying dog for his pony shows you know well maybe that keeping it for the sequel which fingers crossed will face off in the New York Times bestseller list of fiction with a book written by men on your trump telling a story of a young tommy who only have a drug but of reaching out and tearing down walls. Of theyre taking a bit of time out with the latest read its called past midday moscow time on the way spains rest of country lonia region is again it all adds with madrid this time for forcing local lockdowns to control a covert close that despite whats being said the Catalan Leader is pressing on what a judge has ruled its a legal well tell you more soon as well. We go to work some straight home. Seemed wrong why dont we all just dont all. Get to shape our disdain become active. And engaged equals betrayal. When some many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. On. Something happening right now German Police are on the hunt for an armed man who held up 4 officers before running into the forest with their weapons or your correspondent peter all of his own it. Hes been dubbed the black forest rambo but in reality it is a Major Police Operation involving special forces and thermal imaging cameras thats being deployed across that vast region right now. The man at the center of this manhunt has been named as eve a 31 year old man has been described as being in an unstable mental state by a former landlord who had evicted him after he hadnt paid his rent we also know that he has 4 weapons that he took from the police with around 62. 00 rounds of ammunition that were taken from those guns on top of whatever he had to start with so authorities are concerned that there could be some kind of major shootout should he be cornered. What were seeing from local authorities though is them taking this incredibly seriously in fact a huge lockdown of the area the whole area around where he was last seen has been put in place this is what the local mayor have to say the fire service is working here at the site the red cross is here and also our foresters weve closed schools and kindergartens as well as swimming pools simply due to security reasons large gatherings of children are supervised now but local people are being very disciplined and are remaining at home this isnt going to be an easy catch for thora ts the area which theyre looking makes this whole operation incredibly difficult were talking around 6000 hectares thats around 14000. His forest hes dressed in camouflage if he seems to have been living there for a while seems to know the area this may prove quite difficult to track him down its ongoing at the moment. Will keep you posted now big day for france today celebrating its national day this july the 14th bastille day is usually marked with showcase events and the military parade because different this year and things have to scale back because the risk of spreading coronavirus a shallow dubin ski reports next than from paris. Bastille day like no other that frances see normally we get this huge parade of military might down the seans aileys a really is as you can see from previous is a feast for the eyes it is in europes normally oldest and Largest Military display with the a soldiers the army the navy taking center stage. The Different National holiday this 2020 with the backdrop of the 19 pandemic of this years best day comes against a very difficult political backdrop we have seen protests called for today protests against president not calling and also against his government many of those recalled by Health Workers who for months and months have been demanding higher wages be looking for more stuff to be recruited and a massive injection in cash into the Health System itself and that follows weeks of demonstrations. Was. Well there has been a review of the Health System taking place and thats been fraught with tough negotiations between unions and the government but on monday a deal was finally greenlit by. The unions and signed it means that there will be some 8000000000 euros for increasing salaries of Health Workers to give you an example of what thats going to mean for a hospital nurse it will be around 2 118. 00 a month net for hospital dr that will be about 256. 00 euros in net so that means of all tax or all social contributions have been taken out they will see that money in their pocket much corn has hailed the deal. I was committed to reevaluate salaries we have just done its the careers own salaries of our Health Workers who gave so much during the crisis have been a evaluate also what will be different this best day for president mackarness fact he is going to give a president ial address something he has refused to do in years gone by many say that this is an attempt by him to gain some brownie points. Difficult opinion polls that have shown him since trailing away in those for many months and it also comes as far as his facing a recession that many have likened to being the worst since the end of what will toward 2 we know thousands and thousands of jobs are expected to be culled now the government has pledged to try and minimize the impact of the 19 pandemic and as a result of that it has created stimulus packages of billions and billions of euros but the reality is nobody knows just how wide and how deep this economic recession could be and many is saying that as maclin is pledging to plow ahead with quantrill herschel reforms such as the pension reform the next 2 years of his presidency could be even more explosive than the 1st 3 years and that would be saying something. Spains catalonia regions in legal trouble with madrid again after imposing local lockdowns this time 160000 households because of a covert spike a judge says it wasnt humble properly but nonetheless the president has a bone to defy the ruling and go ahead anyway to prevent corona virus from spreading further which would have many of us not going to let us know what we do not agree with this decision we will not accept it i will freeze the consequences of this refusal because i cannot put the health of people in danger or anywhere else in catalonia. Tougher sanctions were imposed earlier this month the air has been largely sealed off with Police Checkpoints in place of residence have also been ordered to stay at home unless theyre essential workers or indeed they need to visit a doctor or buy groceries as well as call the rule that the home confinement order was disproportionate as they put it and did not go through the proper channels local residents are unsure either which way which decisions right. I think the cattle and government is right because theres a lack of control when it comes to Seasonal Workers Street Vendors bring fruit from barcelona without any medical unsanitary control without anything and in fact the region we need trash Big Decisions our shop is open but its true that sounded 5 percent of stores are closed so were waiting to be informed whats going on on the one hand i think it is necessary decision for the government because the situation is severe on the other hand i dont know that jess should be making this decision. Well catalonia at the moment accounts for a quarter of spains coronavirus cases and is the countrys 2nd worst hit region but the capital and spokesperson for the European Partnership for independence who spoke to us believes that just like everywhere else at the moment catalonia is simply trying to do its best to protect the people there and contain the virus. Its not the 1st time. That is happening i dont know we already had. Nice one nation out of 4 of some no cities before the shoot here is not if. The president of the time go over man is defying the Spanish State because they said today they do have the power and the competence to do so she always the he she is speaking for years to seem that catalonia kind of ruled they own territory so its a question of saving lives and what were talking about t. X. And i. D. s were awarded for and now governments are trying to to do that to find a better way to stop the barriers to expand. Thats just a snapshot of what were talking about today check it out to dot com or do those social media but from the news room so far this tuesday reporting from moscow im kevin 0 in thanks for taking the time to watch and obviously pretty. Off. No crowd. No shots. Actually well to be. No place to. Which your thirst for action. We are segregated and where i saw. Last fall fast people are also in poverty 1st place if youre born into a poor family youre born into a minority family if youre born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances. People die on average 15 years old a point into generational poverty. Its a tough tough fight every day so you meet your needs and the needs of your family. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being that. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. The 1st suasion of the tick tock users is pretty high because they have a huge mass right so its about damps right and so Work Together to make them create incredible structures goes a totally coordinated and so thats ants in this case are have the ability to i say change election outcomes. The president s press conference from the new state Department Auditorium march 23rd 1961. I want to make a brief statement about laos. It is i think important d for all americans. To understand this difficult and potentially dangerous problem. These 3 maps show the area of effective communist domination as it was last august and from december 20th to the present day the end of march the communist control a much wider section of the country. The position of this administration has been carefully considered. And we have sought to make it just as clear as we know how to the governments concern 1st we strongly and undeservedly support the goals of a neutral and independent layo. To no outside. Group of powers threatening no one and free from any domination. By fellow americans they are far away from america but the world and. The security of Southeast Asia will be endangered if laos loses its neutral independence i want to make it clear to the American People and all the world that all we want in layoffs. And

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