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To come a brief break before the next 24 hours at work all of them parts of one team the team goes put off Emergency Medical Care station. The life and soul of the party is. A 61 year old pediatric specialist hes healthy and energetic but in less than a couple of months that will change drastically there are several doctors in various pushed off Emergency Medical Care substations who will get to the i. C. U. Will be among them he has saved childrens lives for more than 30 years for most of his life. And his colleagues founded the 1st i. C. U. For newborn children in your local doctors didnt have the experience up to 250 little patients were treated every year. So you need to meet with the most people who claim you know what is your new theory is would you just dump its in the mail. Or ill give. You the rest but its an. Internship its a movie no one will be smiling to me its nice to know we do need. To place a shipment. If you want to keep you as mentioned when you just used as a was no need journey with this photo leaves one for you to move on with only with this new show its even up to the moment you a school believe you were just label. Your wish and more get agrees to eat well look this way you must go get a girlie. In 2016 moved from your house level to moscow he got a job as a childrens intensive cast question list but the emergency medical station. Was when the only question. Of the delta that was also they will. Talk. About their immigration. She was to get all of those a very short order im going to go to all that was. It wasnt. Going to be a good. Idea bunker. Was there. So yes ill go out all. Of the train you want a well. Is all it could just stand there all of us well. There you go at it. Thats not so pretty let us take us all a stake interest in him. Goes a long way to. Measuring in the sky. Will watching film sustain any lost all tell all of us generals while the old girl also certain of it a little bit well the. 8 days mr libby death was on a ventilator but the doctor couldnt be saved he was buried according to new rules set during the pandemic in a closed casket like everyone else who died of the covert 19 virus jokes rather it. Was just. A little. Girl still. So theres a little circular. Logic in this one what was it. That was good just that. Youre sure most of us are worse roosters. Or surrogates for. Your local. Service. Or he came to america mainly why does this owner and me. My aunts are my mom she was the assurance agent there style was doro after sisters and 2 brothers to marry and i. Thought they have very good job in their milk means the poor weak in america. Its a completely different country different culture and different languages so my parents had to settle for what they can get or that many my mom she sighed as a cashier in a Grocery Store when she went to Nursing School my mother should never have finished or on because she at the daycare was the mom and make that you start working in a hospital is for the transport patient and hes a transporter in a hospital orderly they just been how care worker theyve been working here for 18 years. My dad is my hero his 68 years old and even have chosen to stay home and read our receding from my mother to retire and she told me in peace waiting for my mom to retire why would he just said home if he could still work and very Strong Enough to go to work we were completely right a week before he got sick we were good normal family have. He you know laughing. My parents are from miners. Actually the 1st doubt will deal with the patient or to even the doctor with it with. My father i know he got this virus in the hospital because. The week before he got sick he mentioned that he transported a suspect aids. Patient and in america and he said suspected in the day how cold it is just dont say. When he told us what happened i asked is the nurse not other transporters and or orderly again transport this patient thats my shangri dont you but i know my father maybe to his coworkers say they dont want to transfer despite my father would never say no to any. 5 days later he started showing symptoms. My mom she works at a nursing home just with elderly her job was not letting and where earlier in march this virus is very new so nobody knows how it progresses so the hospitals and Nursing Homes there are very much protective with their patients wearing a mask create a scared. They even sent an email to dell or hospital that theyre not allowed to wear a mask unless its hospital required or given by the hospital. Within one week of each other that went to the hospital. The last conversation my mom and i. Know is there. Is leg everythings going to be ok were going to be ok. And my mom said you are going to be a. Nurse the last. 100 station you had before made that when a cardiac arrest. His body was in i. C. U. That im. Had called it as well and when we went to the hospital. I have an elevated temperature so we went all out to go in there and the nurse that was scary for her were saying that she can show it to me that my dad and. Hes that. That patient actually is a big shot him now as the day he passed away. My dad. Did everything but thats always been. Fighting for us for his family at all costs and. The day that he passed away he went on i have cardiac arrest i ready. To love this person for 44 years i never know how to love someone for not long. Bands inseparable. Very late love birds where one goes the other one go i started you know make scene down and know what love is. There actually died 4 days apart. My mom. Passed away. The same day as my father actually. Had to interview her to save her life that shows up what i now know as one heart i was against her will actually. The last time i spoke to her she told me that she doesnt want any tubes on her though and the doctors said that if they removed it so she will also go. I cannot make that decision mark and. I feel like if i would have said to him that i believe i killed are. We going to let her go that. May die just as a way to morning and so those 20 east that wasnt too. Good told her in trevors mom if you really want to go with that youre going to have to find a way. We can do this to. Put this decision on us. We love you we want you to fight for us. She passed away. Of course we were very hurt and sad but we ran right to say they said they separable and. We were very very close family. Weve never imagined what our parents and their last days in their lives here on are it suggests watch a car. You know ring them took the majority place. Together in one. In the beginning when they actually received their and i was. I was very devastated because i was caring for them the whole time. They were sick and i remember i was telling one of them they im going to bring you guys back. Every piece going to be ok to god is so good. Going to go back home im going to make lobster im going to cook for us i was like now in all this. Rot and. We havent had any. Ceremony up here in iraq for example yet because and that they want to be put in the philippines thats why where we decide it so bring them back home inseparable and we killed them we we know that. Theyre not just sickly here but theyre still here with us. Every day. We go to work so straight home for. Young people for a while you know its up them to make it in their own image you know the miles and jancee combover you know hiring. For your 15 Year Experience at United States coast. Land they. Make stock markets theyre out of work they my life because of that and that you know so its up about the side whats great make it great and good luck with. My one years in miami. One of. The vows of it and that. Was it as if it than that was. More than. One way or the. Scene that im going to fit in but im before. Him but i. Think about that now im by the imam. Half the man. Who. In march 2020 italy had the highest number of corona virus infections in the world and then of the victims who succumb to it. This is some are soon job the general practitioner in venetia province unique. My big. Every days my walk will show you sure beijing my mom give. Me. My. Summer was 62 she was born in syria but studied medicine in. Her future husband was also a doctor italy became their adopted home and the children rafi and done your followed in their footsteps. A real medical dentist they had about 1600 patients between them theres one thing that theyre very interesting about my mother and about my father we dont have a better. Organization only one. That is was active every day every night when the 4 hour day by day she was very worried this disease was where the civil war because there are a lot of asian and they always say. Deal dont know holidays when the beijing is in. Treaty and she was asleep working every day and also with the disease on the in the day 6 of march we went to call she one thing where to go was thinking that. This disease goes not fever not she told me i cant breathe very well remain this is can and when she. Was covered. In the last war and she told me was please dont say anything. Im coming back if you lose and come. You must. Not be made because normal or check. Now we use the facemask the as the tool or the x. 3 in the 1st period we use the nice simple mask to work so. That we need only be smashed this 2nd round. Really when my mother was. So much sin job work to the end even after she was in hospital as long as she could hold a phone. When she went to the i. C. U. In the doctor or give me her phone. When i checked the nasty messages on. Was. For 10 minutes she went. In and was a message to a patient. That was in. All her drugs. I dont see. The girl with. Her 31 the. Night of. The. Vision or maybe could it should. Be more medical. Dispersed time i met michael as in christmas. And mike was serving. Time and then by meeting. And then knowing each had their personality the ceiling changed and girl into the well you die we are and i mean who am i to this and yet say i dont like it all yet. I wasnt. Designer and then. Right as adults are the yeah. For mine and. You know who again and. Then. And now and now im going to i was never home when youre out you knew the endless i was lying my mom is on well. I mean you mean. Anybody on our planet i love grow up real well our are on our yeah im with you and then me as i am now even yeah i didnt follow the last. I mean so now youre going to see. In your movie and think its a price book. And im the oniony and. Im mobile up and cleaning well for a new concept that still doesnt the love who arent there accurately need to desolate. But im a highly young. Woman have never. Known im going to who i must. Own. And i mean you know who you are now i know you will receive the yes. I care for me and im not just on this and i need we decided to bust one to 11 september changed 20. Might you do just about us on. This. Morning were not even a shout. Since it isnt quite as a lot there and then. Once i am. I being. It is the by the. Number of arrows. And that is that each day has a monopoly. Even recommended but i dont like any. Idea. What that. Might mean you understand me point you were not i must. Go glass. And then and yet link. I am now in my. Will i was not long enough and i love being nice young. You know. When its a muscle mike i know well you nest myra well you know my ex an. Artist i am a law. Firm young are using your might makes right yeah i need you yes yes im ok well i mean im loud you land real well who will i miss that you might. Hear me yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And im done for now. And dont go out has. A mind then i know that. The logic of love and so you know what. Done. Examined every. Time i thought of and every office one thing. Was a. Lease on and off but he threw another. So i took about a months leave you. The bus here. Recently underwent a hora believe it or so. What are you going to define. Us not. What if you. Dont have. That. Was the. Leader must. Go. Oh i dont. Know what. Was. I am all. Yeah. Yeah laughs. Im not. Really. Oh im glad. Ethan might be. One number 2 dont marry mary has. Risen well. Get. Lucky. And might. Not know. That youve left a woman or. Young my. Now my. You know no i missed. Getting in here. What are you doing here and i am what you mean they say oh i dont mean youre nice i am. And the i love you so moment i love you so much miss or well me ill be. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. I mean. Me lungs i am. You know when you know. I dont. Really have. To say i never never had to step on you didnt know where the 1st minimal was yet and you didnt look you know i mean so you can buy. That and mike you know and you. Get. A little beyond. The end. Or. I mean aloud oh but. When i. Am i. Am. But i must get up. And. In my. Own will say that our eyes. And see any one from andrea. And say and yes means i am the one i love you say i am. Going to. Gain you some of my new insight i love. And yes then you. Who. Here is. Ringback her. E. D. T. Me. Are well i knew her. Some rumors assumes a. Search is going to be known christmas. You may. Remember if you just came up with if you feel that oh. Im talking is a very international community. Meeting you through the room if. You just go home because the slow slow slow you say you. Are the pollution of the world use the look of the brazils for a better new cool script. To go use everything for if you are still believe you will live in one procedure with all the above be. Affected but i decided not to take physics life. With my get you there. So we have inherited a brain that was constantly comparing itself to others. For a monkey we just bit of food it compares itself to others and if it seems that its weaker then it doesnt reach for the banana because its afraid of getting bitten if it sees that its stronger sara tone is released and it goes for it and it feels good so we build patterns when were young of comparing ourselves to others and making decisions about when we feel one are any when we feel one down and its easy to feel one down all the time if youre into alternated to think that way and then you end up with these orders all the time and absolutely to cry. Oxfam warns that code red 19 could cause mass hunger across the globe and killed 12000 people a day. Developing in an otherwise middle income of the country the money is flowing to the Big Companies and its really not getting to the people that need it. Paul finds mixed feelings in the e. U. On welcoming u. K. Tourists without self isolation as brits get the green light to travel of 59 different countries. I think they will be regarded somewhat with suspicion 1st of all we need to make sure that they do not have the various that they have had to turn. And then then they have the right to enjoy themselves

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