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Max kaiser this is the kaiser reporting no french philosopher voltaire said a lot of smart stuff like the value of all paper money eventually gets to its Intrinsic Value 0 smart guy right yet a lot of all the smart things to say right stacy well he does say those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities and to this max keiser responded to me on twitter when i tweeted that quote from voltaire he said voltaire was talking about cooking with this quote like if you believe you can serve red wine with fish then you will pour ketchup on a croissant now to demonstrate this i do not have a croissant nor do i have catchup at home nevertheless i do for a Spanish Speaking audience and there is a huge amounts of them i committed an atrocity on this plate here with a corn tortilla with munch a goat cheese and Peanut Butter you see that is a true atrocity. Oh my god yeah when you talk about trazodone hes an obscenity hes from the mouth of a french person it almost always refers to food and for example marrying fish and red wine i mean this can get you thrown out of the country and because they have their priorities correct but only are they the masters of self revolution against the tyrants of. Trold power but they have a good palate as well well lets talk about this putting ketchup on a croissant and use that as an analogy to look at the Global Financial monetary and political system how they all collide together now you and i in the last episode we talked about that the flag burning that happened in washington d. C. And this new ideas coming up this new revolutionary or counter revolutionary change where you know tom had said make America Great again Hillary Clinton had said america was is already great and now the young people are saying america was never great so into this mix what is happening i think is a good explanation for mattei you be year 0 on americas birthday celebrating the corporate sponsored revolution its the 4th of july and revolution is in the air only in america would it look like this an elite sponsored maoist revolt couched as a black Liberation Movement whose canonical texts are a corporate consultants white guilt selfhelp manual and a New York Times series rewriting history to explain an election they called wrong obviously they had called for hillary to win in a massive landslide 99. 9 percent certainty that she would win and she lost and since then weve had a breakdown as matt goes on to say in the ability to for the elite to message to to speak to the people right and you know you mentioned corporations there and the influence of corp. Actions and all this mess of political speech and you know like i never understood the skycap or american Football Player the quarterback you know adult he was all was basically working for nike and nike really orchestrated that whole take the neat thing and then he try to make a comeback and it was nike was sponsoring that and they had people making an ad during his comeback so hes hes a guy who works at nike its like George Plimpton George Plimpton was a famous writer back in the sixtys and seventys and he decided to try out for the Detroit Tigers and he wrote a book about it called paper lion and its a very literary exercise and George Plimpton was an excellent writer and editor of the paris review for a number of years speaking about french food and but people read that book because they were interested in his his work as a stylist and as a literary titan but im not sure capper nick just seems to be a lackey for nike im not sure what the output of what the point is really well hes just a symptom of a much larger story that were here talking about this is putting ketchup on a croissant he is just one of 340000000 americans who have lost the ability to understand who they are they didnt no longer know who they are and the New York Times is supposed to be the paper of record for example and matt taibbi in this amazing piece here is 0 remember years ago this is revolution or counter revolution what year 0 means is you wipe out the history that existed for hundreds of years thousands of years and wipe it out and that it didnt exist you memory hole it this is the classic orwellian thing read orwell and understand that the New York Times he said once the dictionary definition of unprovoked it suddenly reads like whole pots sayings of anbar so when. Cameras took over cambodia and the 3 and a half years of terror that the anger were these like secret Group Organization that you know brought to. All these crazy slogans and scary ones that people. You know were used to terrorize the population and indoctrinate them so we kind of have the same thing with this Council Culture as like to believe what i say say what i say do what i say and then you wont be counselled right at the New York Times is starting to smell like this cheese under the hot lights of this production stinky. I dont know again they seem to have abdicated the role of journalism they are in the business of provocative i guess is what you could say they they are filling that void left by alex jones i think matt comes up with the better explanation of what is actually happening here he says its tragic that this even needs saying but the southern reinvention and the press of modern america as a nazi apartheid state is as phony as the thousands of patriotic campaigns that occupy the news media previously were witnessing in an obscene malfunction of the elite messaging system the elite messaging system so remember what weve always said here on the kaiser report is because gold and money are messaging systems aristotle who basically is still the guy that you look to to define what money is said that money was the ultimate equalizer and that it was just as still it was a message of justice that was delivered so the fact that since 1971 we no longer have. An honest money on its converse you cant have honest conversation and you cant have understanding of value and then you cant have understanding of time meaning or anything and this is just 49 years of disintegration of being able to message because the value of the dollar and we see that in the money printing i dont think its any sort of coincidence that the elites have lost the the messaging system the malfunction of the elite messaging system goes hand in hand with money printer go by how well. Also true matts a New York Times a product merrick is. Harvard yale and princeton and they pursue theocracy of shambolic ism i guess you could say is their fanaticism. But being here 0 sure why not lets you know shake the etch a sketch and start all over again you know make a man must president lets just go just go for it the problem with starting at year 0 is who is in power to create ear one who gets to define what are acceptable terms what are the slogans and jargon that youre allowed to use as a member of this new you know society and economy past years 0 as he points out the people who run this country have run out of workable myths with which to distract the public and then a moment of extreme crisis have chosen to stoke civil war and defame the rest of us black and white rather than admit to a generation of corruption betrayal and mismanagement because i mean look there the answer that as he points out the New York Times driving a lot of this whole sort of a year is 0 and theyre also championing somebody like joe biden whos been around he was in power for 40 something years so how is how is that revolutionary. In your its nonsense man its a turn their publication and a giant nails on the chalkboard sound theyre right even just look at a giant Peanut Butter mench a good cheese sandwich yeah even looking at the masthead you know its just here that nails on the chalkboard sound that you know member. Judy forget her last name she went all in on the Conspiracy Theory leading up to the bombing of iraq. Judith Miller Judith miller i mean its the am house newsletter for the for though for the n. S. A. Essentially and they swap kind of tall tales with each other i dont know if anyone would read that they start to get information it seems ludicrous to me but so again lets go back to this elite messaging system because the elite message and system is malfunctioning as matt taibbi points out and as we have point out because of their dollar is they elite messaging system to not only the domestic audience but to the world so weve had this exorbitant privilege you know were all like of. You know this this focus on privilege i think is ultimately projecting their doubts whether their exorbitant privilege is going to survive whats about to happen and who knows whats going to unfold but you know heres the heres part of the messaging system what this system what the export of all the u. S. Jobs to china what all of this has done over the years because matt taibbi points out that he 1st saw the signs of the malfunction of the elite messaging system on 2016 when he was out on the campaign trail and he saw the like delusions of the New York Times sort of writers and journalists in the elite bubble sort of people who really believed that hillary was going to win and then he said unfortunately voters had other problems by 2016 americans have lived for a generation under an economic model dominated by huge Transnational Companies that sold weapons and the whole of cost of urban violence rejoiced in addiction to opiates or carcinogens as a revenue model bled virtually all the savings of the american middle class targeting minorities especially through a succession of speculative bubble schemes and relentlessly lobbied to be exempted from taxes and vironment to laws criminal penalties and even their own business errors through ballots approved by the politicians they sponsored and both parties. Well its brilliantly written you know its a good encapsulation. If there were 2 total chaos right but thats a good thing right i mean we get to reinvent ourselves and all the power elites will be covered over i mean his goodness i think its great news congratulations world so they reap what they are selling so that this is just coming back because you know theyve kept this going for 49 years and its falling apart but you know finally in terms of the messaging as i said that that aristotle had said that money was the ultimate equalizer and so you. At the margin you see the friends you see at the edges you see people going to big point but also to gold because the silent minority is wisely accumulating physical gold this on a story that a stunning 2 point 8000000. 00 ounces of gold was marked for delivery and last months contract equating 88. 00 tons worth 45000000000. 00 this has never happened in history that i think goes hand in hand with this failure and the elite messaging system that has caused all around you wherever you look in the economy and politics and geopolitics you see that ketchup poured on the croissant you see corn tortilla with manchego cheese and Peanut Butter that this is the equivalent this is their Financial System this is their Monetary System this is their political system everybody agrees this is disgusting and im not trust city im looking down loosely at that i think those lunch because it could be delicious were going to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way. We go to work. Straight home. No crow. No shots. Actually. No. Point should your thirst for action. I am for back what look whos back stage you see ya you know its incredible during that break i ran a marathon i did 47 pushups 8 kito diets i lost 5 pounds sexier and more intelligent i am richer that all happened during a break and stacy is still with us this is the most awesome day ever in the history of this show stacy whats up well i continue to be here because during the break while you were doing all that stuff an International Incident has arisen because of the 1st half of this show we have gone by role and not in a good way it seems that our men chico Peanut Butter tortilla wrap as cause an International Incident the people of space this thing i knew was discussed in the 2nd i saw it you cant put mature grown Peanut Butter in a taco that is in 2 d. It is. Well the people of france are also scandalized by the notion because the episode title is of course ketchup on a croissant so the people of spain are upset with the munch a go on this and the people of mexico are upset with the the tortilla and even jimmy carter and hes upset about the Peanut Butter weve cost the global astronomical scandal over Epic Proportions particularly in france where they take food seriously there as well they should because theyve got our priorities straight you know the way ticket to a frenchmans heart is through well cooked meal than a protest of some time to manifest asio even the cops when we were living in paris you know during the demonstrations or manifest c. E. O. They were certain their fans drink wine and have full 3 course lunches you know because they know what life is and they are the Exceptional People they are the. The indispensable nation france and. Wish i was. A a samoan raghad they be on the far triomphe assume many fi who are well you know what also breaking news is treasury on brink of 1st bailout of crypto of course in 2009 in the Genesis Block of queen we saw in the queen bates we saw the message chancellor on brink a 2nd bailout for banks that was regarding the u. K. Bailing out the banks in the United Kingdom during the financial crisis and this is one of the you know the reasons for big quine and here we have not big point but the crypto space although all kinds and this is just remarkable it is the equivalent of catch up on a croissant more than 75. 00 companies in the block chain and cryptocurrency industry collected at least 30000000. 00 and pay row loans from the u. S. Government now ive been in this space alone time when i noticed about bitcoin is that it makes the people a strong character of stronger characters the people the weak characters that exposes them as lilly livered sap suckers and like for example ive invested a lot of these people like crack and crack and the good guy you know jesse powell says then yes yes i was going to mixed up with jay powell. I dont know what act out that he Never Never Never returns my direct messages either even though i invested you know gave the seed money to start back and hes like im not going to talk to max ever thanks jesse really nice very friendly of you but nevertheless the people who are of weak character expose this exposes them as having a weak character not the ones of stock so that for me would be the stereo guys over a consensus joe lubin ok heres a guy who talks a big game but im very very disappointed in what he did here. Charles austin some praja. And shapeshifters on by our old friend im vested in this guy too i put the seed money in shapeshifting you and eric brace as always every single day on twitter saying why are people taking money from the government all those welfare bums oh im a libertarian old bridge or my sis richard roth bar and then the 2nd drops a skirt the 2nd best free money is available boom there it is the to do true character has been revealed and its shocking and because it will get rid of all these people joe lubin who by the way is worth between 1. 00 and 5000000000. 00 his Company Consensus received over a few over 5000000 dollars putting into context like the most of these people are very wealthy many of them are indeed startups krypto the Crypto Community is part of the they economy so they do have startups and there are companies striving to achieve you know goals within the Big Community nevertheless you know many of the people who receive these loans we see the same reflection and some reflection as that mobius strip its that the turtles all the way down a fraud the system. Were going to have to bost yet here when plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes that and a moral code that glorifies it thats from Frederick Foster yeah i know this most of the Crypto Community are retro bait and you know theyre really sad and the excuse given on so many of these twitter feeds and the market is like. The google groups could reduce through the movie yes or shoot. Ok these are Jeffrey Epsteins in the making you know this is a he got started its like well if these people are going to have to do crazy things on camera from a so i can blackmail them why should i write down the slippery slope of Geoffrey Rush to new people that will drive the lies or stolen money like i said its the plunder at the top and then everybody does it because this is the same excuse that everybody used the loans to blacks and startups are likely to be controversial among cryptocurrency users given the industrys roots in the libertarian leaning Cypherpunk Movement was distrust the governments and banks that so she nakamoto famously embedded a headline about Bank Bailouts into bequests Genesis Block however not taking in available subsidy arguably might have put any one company at a disadvantage to competitors that did regardless of what the recipient believes about the policies merits as one Industry Insider pointed out and this is the same exact argument that all of the banks and 2008 in 2009 used when they received all these bailouts and jamie dimon the Lloyd Blankfein member at the top of the pyramid of receiving these bailouts argued that they didnt really need the bailout but they had to take it because the fed forced them to take it and everybody else was taking it so we had to take it they became billionaires you know joining this crypto sort of wealth rankings of billionaire class receiving bailouts and here we have the same thing happening to every community so thats why you have to always trust but verify indeed you know all these projects are going to get their lunch eaten by bitcoin but cohen is the guts of hard money and all of the. These projects going to be eviscerated right im surprised charles haas incent and try to take this launch a go Peanut Butter taco public with a nice. Its a pure nonsense the shapes of people shame on you you know alt x. R. P. Is total garbage e. S. Is what the health of i said a bad word you know its like now now because its going to make its move its like because it has been playing like cat and mouse with these other projects to see whos whos right whos wrong its like that johnny cash song you know hes going to come down and see whos right whos wrong and theres a lot of thats going to go up 200000. 00 for a coin but its going to destroy everyone that gets in this way so all these all coin posers and government subsidy welfare bombs like Charles Hoskins saying or eric or hayes you know theyre going to get a vis aerated by the one true big and its about time this is the year 20202021 were going to see total of us ration of all these posers im glad to see it were no longer going to give them any slack and i could give them any more oxygen id give those people some air time i made these people so rich over the years i maybes people i made the breasts and im going to take away the max get it and max take it over right now its just a bit coy ok but thats the point of why big queen is immutable because. It plays on game theory and game theory is works on the notion that all people are greedy like this and all people abandon their principles when presented with free money and you know there was free money for the taking there and part of the reason why this all happened so badly and why this money was distributed to the wrong people was because our government which used to be a republic remember we used to be every public what they did is they distributed this money which should have been done through this Small Business association the Small Businesses administration sorry that was created during the Great Depression and the aftermath and to see if we did the similar situation treasury funds to Small Businesses to keep them afloat during the liquidity crisis well the same thing was supposed to happen here but we dont have a Small Business administration anymore we have like an office but its manned by nobody essentially didnt the Adam Smith Institute also took money yes and iran and iran if iran this is the fact is that the money instead because we dont have Institutional Knowledge anymore in our government we gave it to j. P. Morgan we gave it to citibank we gave it to bank of america wells fargo these huge banks and who are they naturally by game theory who are you going to go to if youre a banker and you depend on your christmas bonus every year like are you going to give this free money to your friends or to some rinky dink Small Business but there are banks engineered the crisis the banks engineered 0 percent Interest Rate the banks energy or the p. P. P. Loans the banks engineer their more melt multibillion dollar trillion dollar handout right i mean this is the whole farce between socalled libertarians who are always saying we hate the government we want markets but when they get what they dont want markets they want handouts they are the ultimate you know and i rant ended up living on welfare at the holy government handouts of total hypocrite all these people who took money or alternately hip. Dont listen ever to a word of Charles Hoskins and ever again hes a hypocrite so Eric Lawrence same thing with the eels people same thing with x r p same thing with ether joe little bit of a talent there for it to progress they dont even know what theyre talking about there even though ill pick coin works listen to him say it just cracked me up a coin works are like going to be able to give me good to give me what to give me what im free money im pretty what i see i see joe oh do you i do if i did if i did my one free money for everybody disgusting theyre going to pick. A stain on the floor and thats all thats going to be left so in the last few minutes i need to move on to the kicker to this story is that i dont really care about p. P. P. Shaming and dunking all that does is give people a laugh without changing anything i do care about business as unable to get loans more than a dollar in funding when theres 130000000000 still left in the kitty this is like 20082009 member occupy wall street reaction to the wall street bailouts one of the things that when we comment on what happened in london on occupy wall street there is some bankers some money and threw it at the protesters well this essentially happened with this system hundreds of billions given to the banks they get a cut remember for dispersing this program they give it to all their cronies and leave this is what they this is the what the program was supposed to help in california there were more than 2500. 00 Small Businesses many with multiple employees they received a loan for under 1000 dollars even more eyebrow raising 290. 00 of those businesses received less than 100. 00 with some receiving loans as little as 1. 00 so now im going to call everybody out now Going Forward no more free lunch for point that point you totally vision you know all these people are not you know that youve sown the chaos now reap the whirlwind reap the whirlwind youll see whats going to happen here nothing but a stain on the sidewalk. Wow so exciting looking forward to many more excitement and lunch a go and Peanut Butter tacos which were going to eat that for lunch to show you our allegiance to the true bitcoin ng in mexico city we love you your true youre down with the real thing. Real. We love you mexico city. I think weve got to say goodbye goodbye and have a wonderful life this is the kaiser report to catch us on twitter a kaiser report. Remember because. You cannot be bowled with yet you will have to time called her ration to repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important its accelerate the transition to a sustainable prize board sustainability span of a man or a more equitable and sustainable wealth. They claim their production is completely hamas followed to sneak the at. Least got got into compass number articles and got it done does not the present Companies Want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is like an elvis thats the point any minute i mean look. This is the mood stimulus and we didnt even and im stunned seemed to be based on that understood look who is going and. Welcoming of us from around the world live from Central London this is all to u. K. In the race to clear hospital beds Birmingham City council offered care homes cash to take elderly patients quickly but some of the discharge may have had couvade 19 ok the manager from the area told us the incentive exploits. A sector that strapped for cash. In not having enough money into social chaos its amazing to me to be anywhere right and being that i use that as a way. To make sets people with me during the fear of not financial gain. Britains chance of a warm as difficult times lie ahead despite a massive spending package to get the country out of the economic crisis but the center for economics and Business Research was the economy may not recover until 2024 to be talking to a finance expert short of. The opposition calls for a breakdown of the governments test and trace budget off to treasury documents reveal a 10000000000. 00 pound application but well be hearing from an expert in accounting on this. Redevelopment and expansion plans for the r. D. F. Crossing base are said to be challenged in the British Parliament amid fears of people creased u. S. Surveillance in the u. K. We hear from the campaign. As part of preparations for a wave of covert emissions Birmingham City council offered Cash Payments to him to take elderly patients but that wave never came and those discharge were in many cases never tested for the virus can homes were given for windows to tend to fool the scheme receiving 1000 pounds cash as an incentive but winning bids needed to accept the patient within 24 hours even if they were diagnosed with covert 19 while many care homes didnt take up the offer the council confirmed that 16 payments have been made since the scheme launched City Councils as the payments were for preparedness and was in line with government guidelines. The 1000. 00 pounds funding was provided to allow the capper vitus to purchase additional p. P. Pay additional staff and conduct additional cleansing to allow covert positive residents to be isolated and discharged the council has worked closely with our Health Partners to ensure testing upon discharged from hospital as we very much recognise the importance of this in reducing the spread of covert 19 almost 500 patients were discharged from Birmingham Hospitals into care homes during march and april at a time when the virus gripped the city but only hoff were released without tests for the virus before government advice changed in mid april the rush to empty hospital beds was later deemed unnecessary with the citys 7000 bed Nightingale Hospital repurpose for cancer care after receiving no covert patients are now spread to a local care home manager who refused the incentive changed far and she told me the scheme took unfair advantage of a sector increasingly strapped for cash no minds and moneys worth a lot. And thats why i didnt and i had 3 and. I had 3 and i stayed until it was safe to have an admission where i could physically not south and then people could maybe inside feel a. Less the stress to the families and to the residents change huge pressure of course on the n. H. S. At the time the council needed to free up hospital beds surely that was the right move particularly with the scenes coming out of italy at the start of the crisis i mean the government really wanted to avoid that and in effect it did. You know they never use they noting at hospitals that was just the whites that race or so a lot of money went into the hospitals you know everybody was around and a lot of money was rice to build they build these hospitals in use and why not use them so that razor for the coby patients and but they didnt do that and that put them in care homes and Great National walid and weve found the resident to tell me what you feel about those care homes where of course they were affected because they did accept patients under the scheme and consequently hit by the virus were their fault do you think despite following the governments guidance. I think every home is individual to south and. The homes know their capabilities and competencies to be able to dale with an infection regardless of what infection he sees. And it was just too extreme to be idle to be lecturing molly dawes i would like to come in to all of the people who dont want to do the social care very. Tall ye clinic shes meet were not having enough money into social care nights and made me anywhere i. Think i use that as a way to. To make sets people with their own heard of a financial guy. In addition to not taking up the Council Scheme father told me that her home was one of those that locked down the head of the nation my directive responding to Boris Johnsons comments that some care homes didnt follow the proper seizures she said she didnt understand the realities of the sector. We closed the wage before the National Lockdown in the week before my was because it was apparently known down and we have got 6 to honed in. And we just looked at the figures in the day and it was quite frightening and so we made a decision to close to busy and i contacted the families that have been very simple t. V. And it is the best decision what you make of the promises recent comments about saying that some care homes simply didnt follow the right advice when i think its a let down isnt the regular way i think if mr johnson was you know sherrys and even in our life every day then he would have a different approach. The chance in his will that difficult times lie ahead despite a massive spending package to get the country out of the economic crisis as his institute for fiscal studies warns of higher taxes to pay off the debt or hes and he joins me now in the studio with more on this only so the chancellor is saying tough times ahead absolutely rashidi so that the chancellor has taken a number of measures to intervene with the economy since the beginning of the cold 19 outbreak and the concomitant economic lockdown and weve already seen hundreds over 100000000000 pounds pumped in to support businesses and other individuals. The latest trying to of measures include 30000000000 pounds of support which include measures like paying companies a 1000 pounds to take back staff and offering incentives for people to go to eat at restaurants during the week all of this trying to spark the economy back to life once more but the farson act is concerned not every job can be saved and the economy will be didnt with the fall out for a while to come. As i said. Very very significant in the sense that its reacted to get its prices to protect its many businesses that did it right. And the rest of it its. Business we did so we have the other side right. And these are all the money and yet the government has faced a lot of criticism absolutely weve been seeing a number of analyses carried out by some Financial Institutions including the center for economics and Business Research who say that the economy wont recover to pre coded levels until 2024 and thats assuming that there isnt a 2nd wave of the virus no under that scenario g. D. P. Will fall by a massive 11 percent this year but if there was to be another peak g. D. P. Would fall by almost a 5th and the level of exports would fall by 23 percent weve also been seeing the i a fast institute for fiscal studies or from vero critique of next policies in particular the one mentioned previously regarding paying companies a 1000 pounds to take back followed stuff and the i 1st wondering what the long term impact of these measures will be. A lot probably a majority of the Job Retention bonus money will go respective jobs that would have be indeed already have been returned from furlough anyway much of the vaca on the stand you speak up will be that weight the missing 15000000000 for p. P. May be necessary but i think we can expect to pay quite a lot for the equipment that buys the time to pay for all this will come but not this year not next market passages to do so will depend above all on how the economy recovers lets hold in the back of our minds that our reckoning in the form of higher taxes will come eventually weve also been hearing from the leader of the labor party kiss starmer whom self has been sharing some of the concerns laid out by the i. F. s. Yeah i take it right they just pretend. Its a photo but. Many of those. People but. Some are really rich so we say. Theres a. Lot of. It that way in the book but its a funny way. That those jobs. Right. Now as we speak the government are conducting one of their day well previously daily briefings now only briefing the country when there is news to be shared and the opening of new businesses as well being laid out for a new sector that hadnt previously been reopened including from the 11th of this month outdoor pools from next monday the 13th there will include tanning salons and tots 2 parters and on the 25th of july will be seeing indoor places like gyms and pools also being allowed to open again all of them tend tentatively with a number of measures in place of course for social distancing and hygiene but that news there will be good news to all of the owners of institutions such as those he said thank you very much indeed for that update well for more on all of this im not joined by partner rothenberg nimish thank you very much indeed for joining us what do you make of the governments efforts to shore up the economy. Well it was a interesting set of measures announced by the translator yesterday generally it was all very positive news from him and he was under the main banner of his plans for jobs. And it really focused on employment does seem to be a real concern of the government. Believe that if a cataclysmic number of people who are unemployed in the months to come so they really wants to try and ask the good news out of the work force and then on the other side of things and that is cut out so it was cuts to stamp duty the 18 discount meals out trying to help. Those as this is the tourism Leisure Hospitality sector to get people spending again is that going to be enough to bring us back from the brink nel bearing in mind there is talk of possibly a 2nd wave so what could the economy look possibly like if we see another large scale lockdown. Well it doesnt really to think about really having machine candid about the tough times in her head as well and this is just the start story for the government and the chance that theyve got a tough few months that probably want to see what happens during the summer. With the measures that are some of the acceleration of the spending thats come through as well. Now we certainly want to avoid a 2nd wave of all costs as far as the economy is concerned the banta stock when you. Take stock of where the virus situation is the economy and the budget and you also who is really going to be a blockbuster x. And what is likely to be bad news is. Tax rises are probably quite probably quite likely now will the measures be enough to shore up those who are obviously looking into the future perhaps the self employed with a huge lack of confidence at the moment and have these measures been good for all aspects of the economy particular when it comes to jobs and livelihoods. Noel imagine they would bury much focused on the employed workforce and i think the selfemployed require graves that military writer artist whole situation and some of the Government Schemes that happened and she only been really afterthoughts in just a piece of that so the concerns of people who are largely less than yesterday and theres still a big job and its estimate and some 3000000 selfemployed workers will seek new support in the governments case they dont need to shes a selfemployed income schools those operators be limited companies and pay themselves dividends this is going a bit in general being from the government over the last. Theres a bit of a distain tool the selfemployed in. Back in march when the cell phone calls you. It couldnt be more news for the self employed. And the school of National Insurance line. And also cost you didnt tax rates but just briefly the mission why this perceived policy then against the selfemployed dont tax raises of course. I find it quite amusing and this is probably a misconception or possession. As much of the. Reality that saturated. Some time is a small differential but there are really important private Business Ecosystem and. Business is supported by handsomely. Selfemployed just. Image thank you for joining us live here not ek and the treasury documents reveal that 10000000000 pounds has been allocated to the governments test interest system much of it to private companies but scientists from the independence age group separate to the want to devise and the government have called the decision shocking saying the money would be better spent in established Public Health bodies the government scheme has had several problems since it launched the maze such as technical difficulties for contact traces and the scrapping of the much more did government tap while drivin Testing Centers managed by private firms have been criticized for their handling of samples with labs receiving them mislabeled or import condition the government says that the full amount might not be spent but the opposition has called for a full breakdown of the contract to assess value for money for more or less im joined by professor of accounting premise. Surely this much money is needed of course for the test and trade system its very important. Well and island the government backed up car somewhere 850000. 00 euros 1352. 00 whole 1000 euro is a year to operate it the german cost 20000000. 00 euros and the u. K. Government is suggesting it is going to be 10000000000 are love to see the detail here but costs maybe on your through your program are cut off from our Services Free to the government ill be happy to order the numbers for them but there is concern of course that this is going to be put into private hands and nothing wrong with that is that because it does make the system efficient and that 10000000000. 00 pounds which are of course are started by the amount will be well spent surely well that 10000000000 is hard bigger than the bugs are taught many Government Departments and the kind of outsourcers the government has used serco or g 4 s. And many others there are huge question marks against their ability to deliver value for money the government is simply just going to pass this kind of large amount to them are they what it also indicates is how badly the n. H. S. Is fragmented and the governments reliance upon the outsources and the fact that in 2012 the government decided no we can no even close or sell off some of the n. H. S. Laboratories that was really a bad decision and now were seeing what the price of that may be but perhaps we are seeing a very well funded test and trace system no call is car and with all the funding thats necessary. Ah believe it when our. Governments recent experience for example buying p. P. A. From turkey which is pretty useless you already mentioned the abandon our government a recent record that does not really inspire confidence and i would really love to see more details of how somebody is r. R. But theres 10000000000 where the germans can do it for 20000000 euros why on earth are you can needs 10000000000 would you be raise your eyebrows of 10000000000 went straight into the Public Sector. Oh i think it depends on my feeling is that we need to unify centralize all the n. H. S. Purchases it is no good having it fragmented and then going from peleg opposed to say i who can deliver something and i think certainly 10000000000 in the Public Sector would be most welcome it can create institutional structures which are durable and reliable and it can also. Provide institutional memory because these pandemics may not be a one off for a great start do you think of your time prime seca thank you. Still to come of this. Things reDevelopment Plans are said to be channelised in the house of commons we hear from a campaign. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being lead somewhere. Direct. What is true what is faith. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. For a mate in the shallowness. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Plans to expand the u. S. Air base are in northamptonshire have been revealed u. S. Spy chiefs are aiming to expand the secretive base with some 1500 extra agents the full details of who works there are kept secret but cia agents are among those stationed at the base over the movie set to be challenged in the house of commons the debate prompted by the local m. P. Former cabinet minister andrea led some over fears that it could lead to more accidents like the incident that killed a british teenager last year the fatal crash involved 19 year old harry don and a former intelligence agent and securitas who drove into harrys motorcycle while driving on the wrong side of the road outside the airbase back in august 2900 secured his later claim diplomatic immunity and fled to the us in an open letter the teenagers family claimed the redevelopment news has upset them and shows just how little the u. S. Government thinks of harrys life over the British Government says the Development Plans will not lead to an increase in agents this is not an expansion of r e f crouton and will not increase the number of personnel based at the unit a campaign against u. S. Surveillance activity at their base at menwith hill which is in yorkshire Martin Schweiger thinks that allowing such practices doesnt do much for britains reputation would be nice to think the special relationship was about building bridges building friendships but i think we have to accept that how doing using the surveillance many would feel and also beautiful ground allows us to conduct things like drone strikes in far away country is killing people extradited should judicial executions but we also have seen Collateral Damage how does that actually help the reputation of you know the United Kingdom. In frances anger on the streets of the capital of a some newly appointed ministers who have raul the questionable postes approach to stage by womens rights group took place on tuesday and is expected to continue on friday. That. They. Want to show the da vinci explains why it changes the heart of the french government have provoked such anger. President macron had hoped to reshuffle of the french government would give him a much needed boost languishing in the opinion polls and with less than 2 years before the next president ial election he needs to turn things around but as some of the names for some of the top jobs in french politics were announced mouths dropped in shock the new interior minister the man in charge of law and order she has done no no im dumbfounded many when we talk about the careers of men chanters bar and regulations are we talking about those appointed as ministers how can you imagine for a moment that the fight against sexist and Sexual Violence moves forward with a rapist at the interior ministry. And a masculinist of the Justice Ministry to. This government is a disgrace its a tremendous slept that emanuel macron has launched in the face of all those who have mobilized against sexual and gender based violence dominance character has been. Out since rape allegations were made against him now a woman alleges that he forced himself on her during a meeting in 2009 domain and has always denied the accusations while the original proving to the claims was dropped just weeks before he was annoying to into one of the most powerful jobs in france a court decided to reopen the probe many are now questioning my judgment saying its an insult to victims of Sexual Assault. Concerning. He currently has been against him and recently the Justice System relaunched the investigation into his case was posing a problem is that hes been nominated to become frances top cop meaning hell have under his orders people who are supposed to be investigating his case. To do minimum 18 sound one whos been accused. Straight as the head of the police when the older 2 dont take our complaints seriously is generally speaking kind of 2 women who are victims of rape Sexual Assault who police refuse to listen to. For us and for all people who are victims of rape assault there is spitting in our face really because for months for years even weve been denouncing violence that were breaking the silence when it comes to rape cells Domestic Violence and we have the feeling that were hurt but they dont care at all about what we have to say outraged over this decision protests erupted was. 00000000 despite the intensity of emotions boiling over it leaves a powerless little to offer after legal analysis the Relevant Services assessed that there was no obstacle to dominoes nomination domino new role wasnt the only issue protesters took umbrage with the newly appointed Justice Minister also riled the crowds hes the lawyer to pull the rhetoric hes previously defended high profile men who faced charges of rape hes also known to be a critic of the me too movement suggesting some actresses sleep with men in power to get a leg up so to say calling it promotion the leader of one french feminist organization had this to say ladies and gentlemen our new Justice Minister i have to vomit on the streets of paris protesters were equally appalled to. See someone who has defended for a post office a from a site who must be defended in a court of law indeed but it came with a way of defending them by attacking the me too movement talking about the histories. Of the debate in reference to women if you parents do pull moretti as interior minister and Justice Minister is for us the fatal blow to the socalled great cause of the president ial it doesnt seem that this is about to roll over the protests of being cooled across france on friday with many fear is that by making these appointments macron has in their minds unceremoniously dumped gender equality an issue he had once described as a little rand paul is a big cause of his presidency so its even ski aussie paris more news at the top of the. We go to work. Straight home. So rumors assumes he. Going to memphis mccomb to move. Him on those hes just going to stuff it up with a ticket in your show that oh. Im talking to is a very international community. Media used to the trick if youre going to fly. In a disco keep going to keep it as the study says it needs to ease. The pollution of the world to use the look of the brazil so there nuchal screen cooperation on top is everything produced polluted with it at one time t. Do with the above the. Flood they have evidence that to build a flood i decided not to take its life with my get bent out of cuba. 54 jobs and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base. In alaska where is that you say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area russia. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe

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