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A museum with plaques and videos recounting history and stories of sleaze. Sue makes a point that i think the statue should remain in their places but placards of the truth should be placed beside them with the ugly truth thats behind them martin says i saw a surge of palmer speaking at the beer matches convention in 2090 hes such a great spirit laughing and smiling all the time with fascinating knowledge a brilliant guy with answers prof palmer enjoyed your interview interest says great show will humanity and genuine people i look forward to every thursday well thank you ian curtis bill says cheers serge a bunny bambi says excellent interview i will security professor jeff palmer everytime i partake of a beer Jacqueline Mcgee comments that she was moved by this interview and mike says just a legend university and across the world and finally cattle says my conclusion everyone in this world deserves a sense of belonging and have a chance to educate others. Only 4 months until the election and the democrat challenger has a clear lead in the polls but can President Trump tom that round for the answer i thought im forced to kill republican strategist ed martin and has served as chairman of the Missouri Republican party and as a a member of the Republican National committee in 2016 he coughed of the New York Times bestseller the conservative case for trump ed martin joins me from the Nations Capital washington d. C. Welcome to the alex salmon show great to be with you alex thank you ed lots of those 4 months to go until the president ial election the president seems to be behind in the the polls to his democratic challenger former Vice President joe biden the coronavirus situation seems not to be going well with 40000. 00 new cases a day how much trouble would you say President Trump is now in electorally its unprecedented you know that the coronavirus our pandemic is it american heart the economy which was really one of the great showing points of the president has been you know hit very hard its really tough race you know usually in america the incumbent president has has the Real Advantage because he has the stature of the office we tend to reelect presence in this case the man in charge is probably going to get some of the blame for whats gone wrong and i think the president has really tough race it is or it is going to be a very busy 17 weeks as i mentioned you are a coauthor of the conservative case for trump a bestseller and youre also president of the eagle forum the can serve the Interest Group but would you describe or donald trump as a traditional american conservative in the in the tradition of body goldwater or or Ronald Reagan or is his politics somewhat different. Well i think his history is very different from a conservative you know when he was in in his youth the he was pro abortion for example prochoice but he talked about that as a change he had about 10 years ago not look when i wrote that book a conservative case for trump as you know i were talking off the air i was addressing the slice of the Republican Coalition that are more conservative traditional family values traditional roles and i was trying to i knew there would be a political battle of the book came out on september 5th 2016 and i knew it would be necessary during those last 2 months when the politics really heat up donald trump has been talking about the threat of china in the question of immigration not for 2 years or 5 years but for 25 years so i think he fits into a a brand of conservative that the republicans used to embody and i think hes kind of shaking up the party though you know the Republican Party is in a transformation to or at least the battle over its future that can be said certainly but for some time the the presence of the easy relationship with the republican establishment people like george bush or mitt romney they also seemed more recently at the infuriated some of the milk cartons. Like the cookies been huffing with john bolton the fall of late. Is that a real problem for the president as a novel ing the base of republicanism as the beds for reelection i believe the president is changing the Republican Party back to what his conservative roots were weak we cannot and the people dont want it we dont want more wars we dont want the intervention we dont actually believe as the neo cons do that we can somehow magically go in and change everybodys a culture in their world and their nation and make it better so i was if you asked me a different question i was disappointed that john bolton was asked to serve in the administration i think the president sometimes likes to do to bring. People close sure they have different positions to try to keep everybody off balance that was a loser idea so i dont look back at one thing alex to tell you are the policies of the president had been conservatives thats a dramatic conservative shift in American Life that we have we know we will we will bear the fruit for many decades the president s under attack from the Democrat Party as being soft on russia soft on china if you look but to a republican candidate nobody have accused Barry Goldwater of being soft on the soviet union just the opposite the democratic attack and goldwater was that it was a war monger as though something very different as opposed to that line of tradition the you point to in the politics of donald trump. Well let me just make one observation i mean the soviet union that doesnt exist it said that what you see out of russia is a very different nation and i think the president recognizes that obviously russia is a major superpower both its its history as well as its Nuclear Power and so youve got to relate to them differently than others but i just think the president is right on that that theres thats not our enemy anymore in fact frankly watch the conduct between russia and america and you think why are these 2 nations allies and friends theyve got more in common than not as opposed to china you know which is what theyre going with their to communist china when theyre on the march the criticism in america is very lazy now its not a criticism about what the president s policies are its a its this slur russia hoax whether russia hoax was debunked its coming back again i mean at this a certain point you have to say one thing in america thats very disturbing for me alex and im sure you see this from your career and what you do now the media in america really has been shown to be partisan there against the president in a way that a critical media critical media is helpful but a media thats part of the the the process and in america right now the media is making americans under way now by lying about a lot of Different Things and its always against the president so weve got a real lot of tension in this country because we love our free speech and our freedom of press but its its very very poorly serving we the people right now ed wouldnt you say the polarized as opposed to all be against the pres the in the splenda themselves the commentate those of chile those for what donald trump of the not there American Media including fox has a vision thats in my mind is anti trump the the fox guys and murdochs its pretty well known theyre not conservative in their vision again is is more towards the open borders and to the globalist you know the world that the Global Markets so i look at i can criticize. Stocks too but i think with what were seeing from c. N. N. For example and from the other media is just broad distortions of whats happening i mean they even cant cover the fact that the protesters hundreds of thousands of protesters there of course theres been a growth in the coronavirus after that they wont cover that they literally wont cover it so its its a funny moment where the press is more of a partisan player and americans i think feel that on both sides to be honest lets lets come on to some of the covenant issues above all the pun demick sweeping the what old sefton lay but even the president s grant us that miles the light of pause to criticize what looks like a very unsafe from the han ling of the cut on a viable spy on them it in america we have the situation where the president who was you know taunted about being a strongman didnt move to sort of take over the whole nation he left different states handle it differently i think thats been a little bit mixed right in places where theres theres an easier time handling some of our more sparsely populated states its worked out but in new york and texas and florida its a challenge so i dont know you know once in a 100 year pandemic its not easy to see how to handle it and i think hes struggled with that so i think thats a fair criticism the question is whether the American People recognize a once in a 100 year pandemic and say well were doing the best we can or whether they say lets try somebody else i think thats whats going to happen in the fall at the citys. And how about that resolve didnt solve the blot lives motto movement again this does not seem to be something which the president has and that still empathy it might appear opportunities for a lot of tech a but but nonetheless that as a large body of opinion which points to something very wrong in there somewhere aspects of American Society of the needs tackling if theres a bad cop find prosecute them but our system of keeping people safe weve got to do it heres where i think the president struggling i think he wants to do what he did in d. C. When they tried to tear down monuments at Lafayette Square he got in the National Guard and he secured it stopped there making a political stand here not to stand about the future and what a way to tell is ask them what they want defunding the police is not a real request nobody saying you know nobody take down the statue of Frederick Douglass one of our more prominent africanamerican you know historic figures thats what happened over the weekend so when you have someone that doesnt tell you what they want what they really want to do is destabilize the country and this is a Political Movement its not a movement about people and i think that we have to be clear about it but its a very tough thing to do when youre president campbell. And finally at martin does the president s chances of the election the pend on really getting the focus away from the pandemic away from the the debate on black lives matter and back on to the economy and this is that going to be possible over a period of 4 months when they impact of the coronavirus pandemic makes economic recovery extremely problematic i tell you what ive said for a long time i dont think trump derangement syndrome you know with the russia hoax and all that stuff is how the democrats think they can win i think they are trying to do trump exhaustion syndrome where the public is saying themselves cash theres a lot going on maybe the other guy will be a little bit less dynamic and hes a little dopey but hes calm you know hes peaceful as opposed to the trump phenomenon i think thats more likely but were going to see in 70 weeks you know this is a battle a titanic battle about the direction of the country too so its not going to be dull and both candidates raised a record amount of money but a quarter of a 1000000000 dollars each in the last 3 months of their campaigning so were coming to this wild time and who knows what happens in 17 weeks well well get a popcorn and the and. A. Lot of from washington thank you very much for joining us from l. A. Simon show thank you alex its a great pleasure joining us after the break well im joined by the singular Legal Advisor to the trump reelection campaign. We go to work. Straight home. I know no crowd. No shots. Well expressed no 1st. Which your thirst for action. Welcome back im interviewing key republican strategists about the election process but surprise the donald j. Im not joined by jim ellis the senior Legal Advisor to the pain 2020 jamma joins me from them book called jenna welcome to the alex salmond show you some extra having me join you. Well as a Legal Advisor to President Trumps comp am that must be a pretty busy giving the amount of attacks hes been under yes absolutely and one of the biggest issues that the campaign is working on right now is Election Integrity we filed lawsuits in a wide variety of states to make sure that the protections and the safeguards around the ballot box are secured for every voter and so regardless of who any one person is supporting it is a son to mental protected a rate increase village in america to be able to cast a ballot for those who will represent us and so the Truck Campaign is making sure that the democrats are not removing the safeguards and are not allowing more opportunity for crime heading into november so thats one of the biggest issues that were working on we have a website dedicated to that its called protect the vote dot com where you can learn more about the lawsuits and about where were fighting and about Election Integrity gentilesse the 4 months to go until the election the president ial poll more stuff opinion polls show. Up between challenger joe biden and President Trump the coronavirus situation does not look like its under control how much trouble is the president from penn forgot to his election prospects. Well so we learned from the last election in 2016 that pulls can be very very biased survived a Fake News Media and by outlets that try to or twists them and try to manipulate them into showing President Trump that a disadvantage and so are internal polling at the campaign and now you know we care about actually seeing whats going on that the truth of the motivation behind the president so i think we can learn from 2016 that the polls are definitely biased but in terms of the coronavirus of you know the president at every step of the way hes been decisive provided recommendations support and resources to the states and in our system of federalism the several government provides those recommendations and resources for the nation and its up to the individual state governors to them implement those recommendations in the best way for their communities i think the American People are very confident if they look at the genuine saxe not the propagandists activists media that standing mystery there we and all of us are very confident that president tom trump has done such a great job leading us through this and i think he will build the economy weve looked at the jobs numbers over the last few months of course the Fake News Media was saying that that the jobs numbers are going to be terrible and after the past few months theyve been surprised and they had to actually report those that it was great to see that some of some of them had actually report that went out we could compare and contrast what they were saying before they use the Fake News Media and you know in yourself or your feisty performances on c. N. N. Into the lions den as it were but surely some of the networks are pretty favorable to president thump like fox for example and that are many conservative commentators so doesnt the president from ghana a pretty fair deal from some sites and some of the media im surely as more a question of the medias polarized as opposed to all be against the president. There are some that are more fair and there are definitely some journalists in washington that that i respect that ideal way often but theyre few and far between unfortunately and even on fox news in the present its been very outspoken on twitter that there are some incurs there and there are some particular shows that arent really share in terms of their editorializing some of their stories i mean its if theres a difference of course and you know this is journalists theres a difference between reporting sacks and then letting that you are society versus shaping the narrative and painting a picture in a way that leads a viewer to believe something that really isnt sure or trying to shape their opinion and so the Mainstream Media doesnt watch report fairly accurately on President Trump because they are they are buying into the joe biden last and thats unfortunate that media is no longer independent they are a tool of propaganda and activism like what you saw on that interview on c. N. N. But in terms of the subjects of the day the celebrations the 5 celebrations for and the pens day weekend whether they rather overshadowed by coronavirus case is still running at 40000. 00 new cases a day and while much of the handling of the epidemic is that state level as you rightly say still leave us a leadership role for the president of the United States should he for example be telling people the way a face that is at these rallies the including the one coming up in New Hampshire next weekend. Well so as President Trump has made very clear himself as well as through the c. D. C. That you know if americans want to wear masks and they want to have those recommendations then hes all for that in terms of his own event so i was at the mt rushmore event which was a celebration of our National Founding and our liberties and here at Mount Rushmore it was an open event outside and you know some masks were provided that were optional and im at the rally coming up in New Hampshire thats also going to be an outdoor event and masks will be optional as well because its outside but we always take safety precautions as well with a Hand Sanitizer steber checks and making sure that you know its a voluntary event so people can come and you know if they are part of that demographic that is more likely to get the virus or theyre more at risk for the virus then they can stay home and watch on television and say you know we live in a country rich have destroys isnt opportunities and so were taking on every reasonable safety precaution. You know adult a lawyer in Donald Trumps infamous and some democrats of argued the puppa so for all these legal suits a boat voting as a plan being hot by president from if hell last the the ballot to take me election into the house of representatives by state meaning they the Electoral College can you take this opportunity to say that there was no clue from that accusation whatsoever is not true popova a cunning plan being hottest in the white house. So President Trump he is always of holding our rule of law our constitution which provides the Electoral College system as our way to elect our United States president and these lawsuits are for the purpose to make sure that we preserve and protect the sanctity of the ballot and make sure that every eligible voter in the United States has access to the ballot votes once and that their vote is counted and thats the promise of america is that we the people with our government of the people by the people and for the people get to select and prefer who is in office or represent us and the problem here is that democrats want to manipulate the rules they know that they cant when tree lane sheerly so they have to try to reg the system and this using the current of virus pandemic as a pretext to then push through a nationwide mailing ballots thats where the democrats are trying to undermine our u. S. Constitution theyre trying to undermine the so we should all as americans be confident and secure in our free and Fair Elections and thats what President Trump is driving toward ok after generalists win when you look at the bolton boot well you look you go see a general infested ribeiro but do you have a more professional capacity as one of the president s Legal Advisors thinking about taking legal action against the. Well you know both honestly and so you know i was looking at it from the perspective of a reader to see you know is there any sort of your substance to this and also you know frankly as an attorney i used to be you know more of a Trial Attorney i used to be a prosecutor and actually here in the state of colorado you know when anyone puts forward a claim then you have to determine the credibility of the person offering that claim you have to look at what proof theyre offering and jumble is credibility on both sides democrats you know refused to confirm him because of his credibility issues hes had you know a wide variety of credibility issues and then for him to just offer his own opinion as proof and just say you know this is what i perceive you know thats not really substantive thats something that is an individual his his just his opinion and he can offer of that but that doesnt mean that its correct and that doesnt mean it substantive it doesnt mean its fact and so for the American People looking at this i think that his lack of credibility preceded him and although it was absolutely correct when an independent judge actually found that he had put his own personal interests and his own financial interests with the money that he received from from the book i had of National Security interest and the only reason that the judge in that case denied the department of justice is lawsuit to try to prevent that book from being distributed before it gone through a National Security proper vetting was because the book had already been late but that judges objective commentary i think speaks volumes when he said that john bolton was wrong. Finally gemma unless the person has also been criticized for a to kill a thing a rationale for for being given a 2nd by the medical people as one of his kid vices what would you say that that vision should be for the next 4 months of the campaign to make the argument for a a trump 2nd term. I think the president s put it very clearly especially in his not russian or speech in over the weekend and hes consistently said america 1st in any Civil Society you have to have laws and you have to have a mechanism to enforce them for them to be meaningful he understands that those are the duties of his office that any president should support and that is the Campaign Message is that either you are voting for america and screw them and liberty with President Trump or ears voting against liberty and for the chaos and the riots that weve seen in these democrat cities of the messages preserve and protect liberty and freedom keep america 1st and were going to keep track driving home that message of liner and President Trump is going to do a great job and we have 4 more months and were looking forward to a wonderful victory in on november 3rd genaro us from Denver Colorado thank you very much indeed thank you. Just 4 months ago President Trump wouldve been pretty confident about his reelection prospects the grueling impeachment bed had finally been fought off the economy seems fair for continued growth and the coalition which a leg to him was waiting to be reassembled now with 4 months to the election the clock is running down over this blown a hole in the economy and the cost of getting it moving again has been a renewed subj in the deadly virus even his greatest milos would hardly give president pos marks for his handling of the Coronavirus Crisis although this president would dearly love to mark his own homework trump is in trouble and the problem is not that the opinion poll gap is unbridgeable. The real problem is that the conditions which created it and unlikely to change before november so for me than myself and the rest of the crew is good bye for now stay safe well see you again next week. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation in the community. Are you going the right way or are you the next. Watch this space. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. Kind of financial for a long shot for the Money Laundering 1st to visit this castle just a different. Oh good this is a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up for something youre something in america something over the Cayman Island to do all these banks are complicit in their tough talk to suffer didnt call and say hey im ready to do some serious Money Laundering ok lets see how we did while weve got a nice laundry watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry how about. Luxury automobile again from that you know what Money Laundering is highly illegal. Watch because of course. The past 3 president ial election cycles demonstrate voters are against foreign wars and foreign nation building nonetheless both remain high priority for the elites why is this our voters being denied a say Foreign Policy and exactly why should the us and no one forces stay in ms. Welcoming our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is r. T. U. K. In the race to clear hospital plates Birmingham City council offered cash to take elderly patients quickly but some of the discharge may have had with 19 ill be talking to a care home manager from the area very shortly. Britains chancellor warns that in difficult times lie ahead despite a massive spending package to get the country out of the economic crisis we hear from an Economics Expert. The opposition call for a breakdown of the governments test and trace budgets after treasury documents reveal a 10000000000 pound allocation. And also this hour redevelopment expansion plans for the crowds from the basis of the big challenge of the British Parliament and the fears of more incidents like harry dunns fatal crash which took place near the site. As part of preparations for a wave of covert admissions Birmingham City council offered Cash Payments to cairns to take elderly patients but that wave never came and those discharge were in many cases never tested for the virus kiddos were given for the windows to tender for the scheme receiving a 1000 pounds cash as an incentive but winning bids needed to accept the patient within 24 hours even if they were diagnosed with covert 19 while many care homes didnt take up the offer of the council confirmed that 16 payments to be made since the scheme launched the new city council says the payments will for covert preparedness was in line with government guidelines. The 1000. 00 pound funding was provided to allow the care providers to purchase additional p. P. A. Pay additional staff and conduct additional cleansing to allow the positive residents to be isolated and discharged the council has worked closely with our Health Partners to ensure testing upon discharged from hospital as we very much recognise the importance of this in reducing the spread of covert 19 almost 500 patients were discharged from Birmingham Hospitals into care homes during march and april at a time when the virus grips the city but merely hauffe were released without tests for the virus before government advised changes in mid april the rush to empty hospital beds was later deemed necessary with the citys 7000 bed Nightingale Hospital repurpose for care for Cancer Patients after receiving no coded patients before unless some joined by the head of a care home who refuse the councils incentive far thanks for being with us so why did you reject the offer to take in patients with this 1000 pound incentive. It was detrimental to the homeowner and i would have lost a lot of residents. With a at the out bane of. Elderly residents and bicycling we would have been in boise. Almost a disease into the home that sits at home can play center coated 19 patient ended up in your care home that there was no way that you could have isolated them. Because it so strongly says a. Z. So strong its a crime and any seen on surface sees it in you carol and isnt has been around so maybe but. I think the amount of paper be a paper that he wouldnt be spending in hospital so having to put them in a small or in bali or mess where youve got over 60 follow leads they mention residents barry bonds will out the residents but of course the aim was for the cash not being so much as an incentive but to fund the cost to isolate the patient and buy extra p. P. And cleansing materials once they come back into your home. But no mines and moneys worth a lot like physics. And thats why i didnt and i had 3 and banks and i had 3 and 2 bad eyesight and until it was safe to have an admission where i could physically be text not south and then the paper could no be insightful way which is less the stress to the family is out of the residence change huge pressure of course on the n. H. S. At the time the Council Leader to free up hospital beds surely that was the right move particularly with the scenes coming out of italy at the start of the crisis and the government really wanted to avoid that and affected did. Are you voting and we lost chang yes on the sound when they have story yes or to the fact is though of course the n. H. S. Was under huge pressure to free up hospital beds yet well they say that they you know they never use they got hospitals that was just the whites that resource a lot of money went into the hospitals you know everybody was in iraq and a lot of money was raised to build they build these hospitals in you and why not you use them so that raises. The coby patients and but they didnt do that and that put them in care homes and Great National walid and weve lost thousands around the rest of the war tell me what you feel about those care homes where of course they were affected because they did accept patients under the scheme and consequently hit by the virus were they at fault do you think despite following the governments guidance. I think every home is individual to south and. The homes know their capabilities and competencies to be idle to dale with an infection regardless of what infection he sees. And it is just too extreme to be idle to be let remotely daws i would like to comment what other people would want to do but the social care is very. Tall ye clinic shes meet were not having enough money into social care nights and maybe me anywhere i. Think i use that as a way to. To accept people with their own hero that a financial guy which was wrong was such a guy sooner you havent had any covert cases out of did you do that then because obviously despite this incentive and obviously some people saying obviously those patients coming back into care homes are affecting others but a lot of it was pure bad luck the care homes were affected how did you cocoon your your stuff and and your patients that your residence bearing in mind i am right in saying you havent had any cases. I havent had any k. C. s at all are you must south we close the way to before the National Lockdown in the week before mother was because it was apparent it was in london and we have got sister honed in. And we was just looking at the figures in the day and it was quite frightening and so we my decision to close to busy. Contacting the family is that been very supportive and it is the best decision because we havent. Invited the body still 8 years youve been successful but just how much of a challenge is has it been for you this pandemic you and your home there. Well we know we have things in place we do in tempe just check in every day you know a lot of moments of a 3 year so you had a lot to do because but many people say of course that they were provided with enough help from the government of brazil the government came to protect the n. H. S. But many veal that the care home sector was neglected did you feel abandoned then in a way i did at 1st because we didnt have any contacts from anybody it was like the speed monster light saly you dont have to be going to jail will be and we will everybody to their own color and. Life out what holds that really my ability to deal with about the rest if he told me and then i would have sought out some Public Health england but didnt actually all my residence assigned for wow because of the decisions that im not just on a j what you make of the promises recent comments about saying that some care homes simply didnt follow the right advice when i think its a let down isnt the regular way a thing if mr johnson was in our shoes and even in our life every day then he would have a different approach and i must quickly ask you are you prepared for certain cases do you think the co sector now is prepared generally yes i think so i think its been a Lesson Learned and i think does not mean in our lifetime that spain apparent into the hames and thats you know thats cause the. Challenge even care was i think you know for us its been a quality of move and my staff are more skilled and i have more abilities to be idle to function on a higher demand rate thank you very much indeed for joining us live here on arctic a jane fonda. And here. The chancellor has warned that difficult times ny ahead despite a massive spending package to get the country out of the economic crisis thats as the institute for fiscal studies would have higher taxes to pay off the debt on these and he joins me now with more on this we saw the chancellor saying tough times lie ahead absolutely rashid warning about the Economic Impact still to come as a result of the fallout from the. During the corona virus pandemic and now this is despite mrs laying out 30000000000. 00 pounds of extra support that he says is going to be going out to the economy they include measures like offering companies a 1000 pounds to take back furloughed stuff the eat out to help out scheme which will give restaurants supportive people come in and they can offer them customers discounts and so on but still despite the support coming forth from the government already theyve spent up to 160000000000 pounds this is says he still worried about the future. As i said. 3 times very significant in the sense that if we did it is poised to protect as many businesses. With it it was. The president it was a business we did so when we heard the other side prices. And he said all that money but the government has faced a lot of criticism they have there are institutions which are of question perhaps what impact these measures by the government will take to support the economy the c. E. B. Are the central for economics and Business Research say that the economy wont recover to pre pandemic levels until 2024 thats even if we dont have a 2nd wave of coded 19 saying that g. D. P. Will fall by 11 percent but if there were another peak g. D. P. Would fall by 19 percent and that exports would fall by 23 percent now the institute for fiscal studies the theyve also been critical of the government for example that measure their announced to give companies a 1000 pounds to take back the stuff saying that the consequence of these types of measures will be higher taxes for many years to come. A lot probably a majority of the job or attention bonus money will go to respective jobs that would have be indeed already have been returned from furlough anyway much of the vaca on the stand you speak up will be that weight the missing 15000000000 for p. P. May be necessary but i think we can expect to pay quite a lot for the equipment that buys the time to pay for all this will come but not this year not next and mark a passage to do so will depend above all on how we economy recovers lets hold in the back of our minds that our reckoning in the form of higher taxes will come eventually now weve also been hearing from the labor leader care star and he too shares the analysis of the institute for fiscal studies when it comes to the countrys long Term Economic prospects. How could. He actually take it to the right place to the job for 10. Its a 5 fold job. And many of those jobs many of the people people like you have heard from are really at risk so we fake that if theres the total cost to the child if they weigh in on the board that would be the money we need to fight that those job. Training becomes. So long term fears about the economy remain but also again perhaps there are blind spots people who are on 0 hours contracts and so on and may feel that they too havent been supported as much as they could have been is have thank you very much indeed for that. Well for more on all of this now joined by senior when i will be a little later be joined by senior economist. For that sound joined by Economics Expert dr steve mccabe staved good to see. You all right thank you very much what do you make of the Government Spending plan. Well its the classical curates egg theres a few bits in it theyre good but by and large i dont think its going to do the job thats required which of course is to stem the flow of what increased the same who had the sort of the nuts would say from john lewis and most others a tsunami of job losses were going to face unemployment is probably going to be sort of 10 percent by christmas usually that and possibly even 50 percent but we are seeing the job protection bonus i mean that surely is good news and i think many people in that jobs i dont not im not particular convinced i think as you saw him sort of the pace of this is made clear those people are going to come back anyway the employees that they pocket this is of the 1000 pounds which is perfect for one wouldnt they and those that are going to go if theres no work for people to do you know theyre not going to be kept on for an extra 3 months just for this for the fans and bonus thats neither here nor there were in really difficult times so we could well be facing higher taxes for 3 years to come back but short its worth it to to push through this crisis well absolutely i mean of course you know that theres a danger in sort of criticizing what are sort of really sort of important measures in a sort of time of National Crisis when its international it faces a Global Pandemic this. Didnt come out of a Clear Blue Sky but nonetheless theres not an awful lot you can do about it for sure taxes may have to go up again no chance of the view of many of us against armor what we dont want to do of course is to tax the sort of the ever shrinking workforce what we need is to create so the jobs of the future may the jobs that will disappear they will never return that theres no way about that. Weve got to do is to invest in a sort of a greener and different economy that craig sort of genuine trying to cause what has to be i believe this is a much Fairer Society were going to try and get rid of the sort of the dreadful inequality that we have you know the worst in europe well with people getting jobs that means they can then spend some money in a moment that is urging people to spend lots of money now is that realistic because a lot of people dont have that money to spend well i mean one of the sort of the curious aspects of this of course is that people who are sort of home a spending less money so those who are lucky enough to be on furlough even on 80 percent there are those that arent so great and what people are going to do is become much more circumspect i mean its interesting isnt it sort of in the city that suggested that one of the big headline grabbing mass specs was the. Bill if you want to call it you know that the 500000000 pounds to a lot of people monday tuesday and wednesday and this is because in. It but it was a small sort of measure. A sort of technology fatality illustrate what it might help but of course it ends the end of august was split. I think we just stuck there for a 2nd hes still less the young going to go out there now in that sense that weve got great images in the hospitality sector where over 2000000 people who dont like that one because were sort of dramatically stopped when we all had to stay on the 23rd of march when davis many of them before how were going to sort of to get them back i do not know what my worry is that come the end of august when the sort of the that that measure runs out it. Will lay sort of lose their jobs and indeed you know the phillies game what will start to see is that employers are going to make Big Decisions need to keep these people on one sam to start paying extra money if they have not got the work this is really a sort of consumption problem paper a lot going on since spending because of course as was made clear in this is the provision for code is still so the circulating and if i may add weve also got sort of a world thats become very unfashionable sort of forgotten all this hard deal back and see if we dont get a free trade deal come the 1st of james reflects our sort of problems in one us kate thank you very much indeed for joining us live him. Youre welcome. Treasury documents reveal that 10000000000 pounds has been on occasion to the governments test and traced system much of it to private companies but scientists from the independent sage group not separate to the want to devise and the government of called the decision a shocking saying the money would be better spent in established Public Health bodies the common scheme has had several problems since it launched a maze of just technical difficulties full contact traces in the scrapping of the much lauded Government App while drive in Testing Centers many by private firms have been criticized for the handling of samples but labs receiving them mislabeled all him pull condition the government says that the foot of mine might not be spent bots the opposition has called for a full breakdown of the contracts to assess value for money. Still to come this. Base redevelopment plan is a set to be discussed in the house of commons due to fears of more incidents like the death of her who died in a collision near the base. The world is driven by shaped by one person if there is. No dares thinks. We dare to ask. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the. Forum a bit in the shallows. The family of hurry done who was killed in a collision with a former Intelligence Officer in it are crouton in northamptonshire is campaigning to stop redevelopment of the us air base over fears of more fatal crashes its been revealed that u. S. Spy chiefs of planning to expand the secretive base with 1500. 00 extra agents however the move is said to be challenging the house of commons in a debate prompted by the local m. P. For my cabinet minister andrea led some of the fears that it could lead to more accidents the fatal crash involved 19 year old harry don and a former intelligence agent and securitas who drove into harrys motorcycle while driving on the wrong side of the road outside the airbase last august secured us later claimed diplomatic immunity and fled to the us in an open letter the teenagers family claimed the redevelopment uses upset them and shows how little the u. S. Government thinks of harrys life whatever the British Government says the Development Plans will not lead to an increase in agents this is not an expansion of r e f krauts and will not increase the number of personnel based at the unit. To discuss this further ill be joined by a campaigner against u. S. Surveillance activity that will be later here on r. T. U. K. In france as anger on the streets of the capital over some newly appointed ministers who have rather questionable postes a protest staged by womens rights group took place on tuesday and is expected to continue on friday. Was. That was. The. Tee shot at dubin ski explains why changes at the heart of the french government have provoked such anger. President macron had hoped to reshuffle of the french government would give him a much needed boost languishing in the opinion polls and with less than 2 years before the next president ial election he needs to turn things around but as some of the names for some of the top jobs in french politics were announced mouths dropped in shock the new interior minister the man in charge of law and order she has done my no im dumbfounded many when we talk about the careers of men chanters by regulations are we talking about those appointed as ministers how can you imagine for a moment that the fight against sexist and Sexual Violence most forward with a rapist at the interior ministry. And a masculinist of the Justice Ministry to. This government is a disgrace its a tremendous slept that emanuel macron has launched in the face of all those who have mobilized against sexual and gender based violence dominance character has been plowed since rape allegations were made against him now a woman alleges that he forced himself on her during a meeting in 2009 domain and has always denied the accusations while the original proving to the claims was dropped just weeks before he was annoying to it into one of the most powerful jobs in france a court decided to reopen the probe many are now questioning my judgment saying its an insult to victims of Sexual Assault. Concerning he currently has a rape accusation against him and recently the Justice System relaunched the investigation into his case was posing a problem is that hes been nominated to become frances top cop meaning hell have under his orders people who are supposed to be investigating his case. We think nominating someone who has been abused. The freight as the head of the police when the old you dont take complaints seriously is generally speaking kind of its new to women who are victims of rape Sexual Assault who police refuse to listen to. It. For us and for all people who are victims of rape assault there is spitting in our face really because for months for years even weve been denouncing violence that were breaking the silence when it comes to rape cells Domestic Violence and we have the feeling that were hurt but they dont care at all about what we have to say outraged over this decision protests erupted. Oh oh oh oh. Oh oh despite the intensity of emotions boiling over it leaves a powerless little to offer after legal analysis the Relevant Service is assessed that there was no obstacle to dominos nomination domino nero wasnt the issue protesters took to it the newly appointed Justice Minister also riled the crowds hes the lawyer to pull the rhetoric hes previously defended high profile men who faced charges of rape hes also known to be a critic of the me too movement suggesting that some actresses sleep with men in power to get a leg up so to say calling it promotion the leader of one french feminist organization had this to say ladies and gentlemen our new Justice Minister i have to vomit on the streets of paris protesters were equally appalled to. See someone who has defended for a post office a firm assigned who must be defended in a court of law indeed but it came with a way of defending them by attacking the me too movement talking about the history. Ation of the debate in reference to women. Eric duple moretti as interior minister and Justice Minister is for us the fatal blow to this socalled great cause of the president ial it doesnt seem that this is about to grow were protests of being called across france on friday with many theory is that by making these appointments much. Mines ceremoniously gender equality an issue he had once described as a grand cause a big cause of his presidency so it seems artsy harris. The u. S. Now has more than 3000000. 00 coronavirus cases making it the worst affected country in the world thats according to Johns Hopkins university which connects worldwide data the us also takes place globally for the highest number of covert 900. 00 deaths with a total of more than 131000. 00 with the president ial election just under 4 months away some say the pandemic could jeopardize trumps chance of reelection recent polls suggest that trump is currently lagging behind democrat rival joe biden ortiz and excitement has been speaking to keep republican strategist ed martin above trumps campaign. America we have this situation where the president who was you know taunted about being a strongman didnt move to sort of take over the whole nation he let different states handle it differently i think thats been a little bit mixed right in places where theres theres an easier time handling some of our more sparsely populated states its worked out but in new york and texas and florida its a challenge so i dont know you know once in a 100 year pandemic its not easy to see how to handle it and i think hes struggled with that so i think thats a fair criticism the question is whether the American People recognize a once in a 100 year pandemic and say well were all doing the best we can or whether they say lets try somebody else i think thats whats going to happen in the fall at the city. More news at the top of the. If. We go to work. Straight home. Some rumors assume proceed through shes going to become chris mihm founder. You. Know him and those he just cant stand forever uploaded to get in here that oh. And how to cut is a very international community. Media use 3 the trick is you dont need conflict. You just gotta keep going so if it is the slow slow slow uses it needed. For the pollution im at the look fluid used to look at the brazil so their Nuclear Cooperation in 1000 go is everything produced polluted with it and from t. Do with the above 30. 5 i have leveled the fact of the day but i decided not to take this life with my god and the few that

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