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A herdsman there has been infected with the quote bubonic plague yes that bubonic plague the one that you read about in history books that was referred to as the black death the one that killed more people than any other pandemic in the entire history of the world that herdsman he was hurting his animals and apparently he was infected by a bacteria that they were carrying or the fleas that surround them or are now if youre thinking well that sounds like a remote case an outlier if you will and then theres another mongolia now lets go there which is right next door 15 Year Old Girl has also been infected with the black plague how she apparently came in contact with a marmotte kind of like a big rodent that was hunted by her dog and heres Something Else but according to the c. D. C. Its going to surprise you every year in the United States 7 people are infected with the black plague. Who knew right so why does this matter you know why it matters it matters because it shows that plagues or pandemics are not pardon the pun here black and white they dont just go away they linger they mutate they evolve and governments have to have a go to plan to deal with this kind of thing why well because as weve learned in fact as were still learning here in america right now oh trying to come up with a plan once the pandemic is in full swing as it is right now and thats a fools errand. A look back at the black plague at our changing coronavirus busy plague right here on the news with where we believe always will by golly its time to do news again. Is the list of the questions we think youll be asking to morrow how is covert 19 evolving and what can we learn from the new black plague findings why is nordstrom so important to germany and why is the u. S. So against it dont you think yep them again and how water again this time over sloppy banking Jeffrey Epstein wow ok weve got some expanded Coverage Today of the latest developments on. Which is really important because the virus is not what we thought it was just a couple of months ago different but i want to begin with the latest on these new cases that seem to be ripped right out of our history books here is our team correspondent. Starting us off with more on the black plague. A deadly disease that killed 50000000 people in the 14th century has once again reared its ugly head this time in china and mongolia in chinas Inner Mongolia region are herdsmen has been diagnosed with the plague also known as the black death. A 15 year old was taken to hospital this past weekend with plague like symptoms this just one week after a 27 year old and his 17 year old brother were treated for the disease in me because a couple visiting mongolia died of the plague in its most common form known as bubonic the disease is spread to humans by fleas that bit an infected rodent which causes swelling in the lymph node the more deadly version is the pneumonic plague which can be transmitted between humans through coughing however most of the cases that. And seemed to have been caused by the consumption of raw marmot to meet the marmot being the heaviest member of the School Family the kazakhstan after eating raw marmot kidney the 15 year old ate a marmot that was hunted by a dog and the 2 brothers were eating a marmot shortly before they sought medical help for the chinese herdsman hes known to have visited the area where the plague exists and contracted the disease there either way like the corona virus which is thought to have come from penguins the pleat is classified as a zoo not a disease meaning it jumps from animals to humans according to the un if humans do not change their habits which include unsustainable agricultural practices and the consumption of wild animals these type of diseases become more common they are not unpredictable events like quakes or us to. Instead ever predict a book consequences of ever intensifying interaction among humans and humans and the Natural World although it has been largely eradicated the pleat continues to show its face around the world in the us alone there is an average of 7 human infections a year mostly in the west and southwest although the latest outbreak may be centered in asia it will take a worldwide effort to keep diseases like the black death under control for news with rick sanchez im alex mileage thanks so much alex showed us now is dr dean hart let me tell you something this is the perfect guest to talk to this topic here that he has expertise on microbiology and the transmission of viruses and diseases but lets start with something that we reported on yesterday because its been well covered in newspapers all over the world including the New York Times they seem to be suggesting or were learning now that covert 19 affects doctor the vascular system more than the respiratory system we used to think oh yeah this is a disease that goes to me a lot of it doesnt let you breathe in actuality what it seems to do is it creates blood clots all over. Your body and thats what causes a lot of people to die the reason i mention this is it doesnt seem like weve really nailed this thing down yet were learning more and more all the time why is that and should we be surprised. The nature of science is to learn more and we should not be surprised that bacteria and viruses are ubiquitous in nature because theyve always been around now with covert 19 it starts the respiratory problem since the beginning of the disease we knew people who cardiovascular diseases were more likely to have an outcome of with the covert 1000 that was not easily known within days of the pandemic that the cardiovascular was number one but whats happening is were understanding its a side of trying. Them just freaks out and it starts creating blood clots and the people that have the cardiovascular disease are most susceptible to lower oxygen levels which feeds upon itself and because the respiratory disease loads your oxygen. The people who carry over their skill disease suffer the most you know were also learning that. This disease this virus has at least the way its being described in some of the literature ive read already kind of mutated that there was the strain which was the one that was described as very lethal and now theyve come to call the 2nd strain i guess the european strain of the italian strain for lack of a better name and they say that one is not as lethal but more transmissible explain this to us. Well by the way the in theory of evolution of thing that doesnt kill you and then gets transmitted to the next poor guy if its not deadly that iris is going to procreate and reproduce more rapidly now every time of iris reproduces does mutations out the cause ot what happens with mutations are usually deadly but once in a while mutation lends itself to actuation of its race the iris and if its more contagious unless theres going to be more coke that virus so im wondering given this. How are we able to prepare for the future because we keep hearing from some people that well as soon as we have a vaccine were at this all going to go away and eventually were going to have a handle on this some people like the president even suggesting it will just go away by itself are they wrong and if so how much of what we need to know about this evolution of the virus. Well i dont like the cardiovascular that we were correct about from the beginning all the scientists were preaching that there was season only area in the summer it would go away and come back in the 4 were absolutely wrong about that this virus is not really a function of the season we dont want a lot of things back scenes are going to come out too soon but the biggest bioethical the one that is getting at children ready and the schools ready for school to start in september because we have a moral obligation to get these kids a future not welcome in the city or why is it that again according to the literature ive read it doesnt affect children the way it affects adults in fact children even if theyre even if they have it even if their carrier for some reason are not good transmitters of the disease why is that. Well you dont get too sick i mean system at 40 starts to head. So when youre 60 it less of a system its less accurate it doesnt make us go to cells theyre less cells of teeth the type will sorts of interactions that go down the tubes as he aged normally its natural life thats the beijing unfortunately child has a hyper immune system everyone saw oil eat a childs eyes because theyre all over react to the virus but every strong its different the flu got some of the this thing does not. Transmitted to the children and if youre not going to get a very sick thing out of the transmitted much of that 20 seconds left is this thing going to change us forever. Oh every day changes forever without the code but this is a doozy. Like you dr youre a different kind of scientist were going to certainly get you back back for being our guest you know im pretty sure you know. Thats an understatement dont you back back in the news today if theres one word the best describes dortch as banking practices based on all of the published reports that we have read over the last couple of years it is this floppy. Well most try to at least make the impression that theyre playing by the rules dont your bank seems to have been making up its own rules as it goes along their latest issue a 150000000 dollar farm tied to none of the. Jeffrey steam heroes are to correspondent john hardy. Deutsche bank agreeing to pay the state of new york a 150000000. 00 fine for sketchy Financial Transactions related to Jeffrey Epstein new York State Department of Financial Services superintendent Linda Lacewell saying in a statement quote Deutsche Bank failed to adequately monitor the activity of customers that the bank itself deemed to be high risk in the case of Geoffrey Epstein in particular despite knowing mr epsteins terrible criminal history the bank inexcusably failed to detect or prevent millions of dollars of suspicious transactions lacewell said the bank processed hundreds of transactions totaling millions of dollars that at the very least should have prompted additional scrutiny in light of epsteins history including payments to individuals publicly alleged to have been abstains coconspirators in sexually abusing young women settlement payments of more than 7000000. 00 and Legal Expenses of epstein and his coconspirators of more than 6000000. 00 payments to russian models hotel and rent expenses and consistent with public allegations of prior wrongdoing payments directly to numerous women with Eastern European surnames along with all that suspicious cash withdrawals of more than 800000. 00 over 4 years Deutsche Bank had a financial relationship with epstein from 2013 to 2018 and according to this Consent Order to assure bank was aware of suspicious cash activity throughout the relationship and the bank continued to maintain the relationship for years despite additional red flags the bank cut. As with epstein in 2018 after the miami herald published its investigative series about him sting sordid history and question of prosecution under the contentious 2008 plea deal the statement doesnt name any of em seems coconspirators f. B. I. Agents and n. Y. P. D. Detectives arrested gilling maxwell in New Hampshire july 2nd on charges of sex trafficking minors and perjury shes long been accused of helping to recruit and abuse the young women and girls epstein allegedly abused for many years some of them as young as 14 years of age maxwell is currently locked up at the metropolitan Detention Center in brooklyn on 24 hour suicide watch one of the Big Questions what incriminating evidence does she potentially have on epsteins rich and powerful friends who have also been accused of being involved with his nefarious behavior federal authorities are intent on keeping maxwell alive to answer that question and many others on like they are able to do with epstein for r t john heidi. Youre watching the news with rick sanchez where our coverage is down the middle and our reach is global when we come back why the United States is trying to keep germany. Economically and just how well its playing. No crowd. No shots. Actually. No. Points your thirst for action. Its seemed wrong. But old rules just dont. Let me. Get to shape out just to become educated and engaged with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Thanks guys just as a. Customer is going to buy your stuff. Thats undercutting whats good for markets its not good for the global economy. We want to go rick sanchez out to the pipeline that germany sorely wants and needs so that they can provide its population with fuel so the problem is the north stream pipeline one and 2 comes from russia and the United States doesnt like that but denmark on the other now and has said look were cool with it and in fact denmark has given the ok for it to go through the baltic sea the countries approval of the project is meant to go around the u. S. Sanctions which threaten to seriously delay or stop cancel the pipeline project the pipeline is a massive undertaking which involves laying Something Like 750 miles of pipe under the baltic sea from russia to northern germany that will allow germany to purchase up to 110000000000 cubic meters of natural gas directly from russia its a business deal right well now u. S. And its opposition to the pipeline bases solely on its sanctions against russia and its russia i or is that the case well yeah the answer would be yes but thats not all why else is the u. S. Wanting to stop thats the u. S. According to many experts hes concerned about how much of a powerhouse think about it germany could be if it is able to tap into an unlimited supply of cheap gas. See theres a lot riding on the. Latest here is our deep correspondent peter all of our reporting from berlin. It may be loath to buy politicians across the u. S. But denmark has given the green light to the north stream to gas pipeline project to come to new with all important. Playing vessels being put to work the Danish Energy agency has decided that nord stream to also may use pipe playing vessels with anchors in connection with the construction of the north stream to pipelines pipeline is a joint project between Russias Gazprom and 5 European Companies when its finished it will bring an extra 55000000000 cubic meters of gas directly from russia into germany and these particular danish ships are crucial to getting the job completed as we expected the da satisfied our request we will implement the project in accordance with the Building Permit and Environmental Impact assessment we continue to consider various options for its completion and in due time we will inform about our plans. The reason this specialized equipment is so important is that is being late in some particular. Thing to do to. Do with 50000 tons of chemical weapons that were dumped on the sea floor in the area during post world war 2 decommissioning the response from washington to the project has been equally toxic the United States says this pipeline will make europe overly reliant on russia for energy it will also lessened for us liquefied natural gas on a bipartisan bill was introduced into congress which could see u. S. Sanctions imposed on European Companies and individuals involved in north st 2 totally unacceptable. Says the gas lobby the adoption of such a tightened and ritual active sanctions law would be an unacceptable encroachment on the. An Energy Security of western europe the problem for the United States is that their product liquefied natural gas is more expensive on the European Market and washington wielding sanctions like a club with which to. Do is that its going to make friends and influence people in european capitals. In the news with rick sanchez. Understand this a little bit better but still were you know were left with a question joining me now is u. K. M. P. George galloway as i understand it and this story does get a little bit confusing george the russians are saying look this is a great thing the germans are saying we needed the americans are saying how dare you even think about putting a pipeline between your 2 countries rather than believe what any media in any of those countries i went to wikipedia i just did it would be the assortment to read you what beauty of the north stream it says quote i think we can put it up here it is north stream is opposed by the us because of concerns that it would increase russias influence in the region but us resistance to north stream is also influenced by the countrys increased production of gas which gives the u. S. Congress economic incentive to resist russias supply of gas in favor of us shale gas this is what george what does it tell you. Thats a pretty good summary the old saw if youre going to take a shot at the king youre better not miss germany is the king of the european economy. European union of the United States and of course russia is smiling too this is a very big for my particular. Whose exact enormous sway on this subject and these failed. Intimidated the danes are only 10 percent of the project 90 percent of the pipeline is already done but they could have scuppered the whole thing on the us to and main into dissuading denmark from the decision theyve just taken so its a very good day a red letter day you might say for russian european cooperation thats why the us doesnt like it theres also of course the interests of. The means that you are more expensive illiquid not. Being part of just in europe after all so you know the idea of taking gas thousands of miles across the ocean rather than through a pipeline from one part of europe to the next of europe never was have much logic to it only if the allies were going to do what the us told the money is less and less true it makes me wonder that whether all the news items we often hear about russia this country is bad bad countries bad more often than not is amount of alien play and is more based on some economic reason because this one is so clear it makes me wonder of all the others are just as clear. Absolutely and we ought to treat with a very large dose of salt. Given by states to the media which reports them i just how do you say the r t america news is right down the middle and its reaches global. Because its perfectly encapsulates the need for. People to question more. Thank you george i certainly appreciate you coming on. This is our unbelievable sports section that were about to present to you with my good friend steve christakis because its about 2 very famous unbelievable athletes both of which are on something well theyre both looking very huge they would definitely have access to a gym during quarantine both of them as were going to see i mean wolf 1st were talking about cam newton no no you know guys by the way this is going to be other where do you see this maybe you know this i think were on yeah i think this is your favorite video of for sure but both of them are cam newton is obviously working out hes getting ready to hes the new quarterback for the patriots now that tom brady is gone and obviously the panthers released him and hes out for revenge and i want you to look at this new workout video hes released and listen to what he has to say all right. We. Are. Tired of being humble and hes hes going to show i think is a lot to prove its not about money he says clearly his contract isnt that great about what hes about hes not going to. Go away. Those are called rushing twists is not funny when i vented. We all expected yes a zigzag i used to have on before 14 happens but yeah i know you can do those in your house apartment wherever you want to say yeah hes not been paid that much as hes only guaranteed 550 grand his base salary is just over a 1000000 but clearly a sum to prove any hes not happy i can understand here let me you know what this is a guy who is out of work he wanted to see as i work in a release from his team one time he was considered to be the most amazing athlete in the world superman they call him dont really call superman hes that great of an athlete yes and now hes about to replace tom brady. Greatest quarterback possibly who ever lived with this kind of everybodys talking about it and finally he said im going to Say Something now right so hes in the middle of a workout hes high on life yes Something Else i dont know and suddenly he put me on camera and this goes this goes going goes viral yes its global and makes us all want to get in the global of course to everybody people are criticizing him what other people are saying is good for him and so yeah hes got a lot of critics out there but another guy that youre excited about bryce indication but were going to go to golf now yes now this guy has gotten huge but check out this chart showing how the largest increase in a drive from last year to this season in yards per drive now look at hes 20 plus yards ahead of the next guy hes leading the p. G. A. With 323. 175 you know he hit 1330 that hole but check out so i want you to see the split screen so he just won the rock at morgans classic and the last time he won a year and a half ago on the right of your screen there that was him and now he put on 40 pounds of muscle so steroids maybe we dont know just be hes in the gym like him you have by the way whatever he does with his body is his business and this is true or does have testing so well see i dont know i guess we will see good stories love these videos thanks but no problem were out of time unfortunately im rick sanchez. And. The rest of charging. And. What about the timing and the specific indictments what kind of defense can be expected is a deal in the current. Justice. But there still is i also remember. When you take interest in finding interesting and. This goes a long way to traverse to near. A knowing that desires noxon are. Transported to suspect a great basin and in america and these are expected to meet their career she loved this person for 44 years. In minutes sure if you go yes you are and was a message he she read it was easy. She did drugs to be. A millionaire the one. That a company that i know i did it almost that thing is my look at others are killing me and im. Not meaning they say and i look in your knees i am. In the envious all month i know the song lets me know i know that when you know. Me like this. Geraldo rivera on his friendship would donald trump what he says about the russian bounty charges and how is he a friend of the president and hows the president handling Race Relations all on this edition politicking. While the politicking on larry king are all lower there are celebrating a half century in the News Business fox news correspondent at large and host of i am a rago 50 years now streaming on fox nation i only have one beat by 13 years as of my 63rd yeah rollos good to see you again you to larry youre the real veteran i feel like a young rocky next to you buddy. Ok lets get into it whats your take on the media reports that russian of the get stronger every day offering baldish to taliban fighters well i think a lot of things about it larry 1st of all it makes me furious makes me want to puke i get very angry if the charges are true you know when russia was in afghanistan the United States backed the mujahideen we called them in those days they were our allies they were Freedom Fighters and we did you know supply them with the r. P. G. As in the other targeted missiles that they used to shoot the

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